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Romeo and Juliet (A Pacemaker Classics)

by William Shakespeare

With its high-interest adaptations of classic literature and plays, this series inspires reading success and further exploration for all students.These classics are skillfully adapted into concise, softcover books of 80-136 pages. Each retains the integrity and tone of the original book.

Burning Bright: A Play In Story Form

by John Steinbeck John Ditsky

Four scenes, four people: the husband who yearns for a son, ignorant of his own sterility; the wife who commits adultery to fulfill her husband’s wish; the father of the child; and the outsider whose actions will affect them all. In this turn on a medieval morality play, Nobel Prize winner John Steinbeck casts an unwavering light on these four intertwined lives, revealing in their finely drawn circumstances the universal contours of vulnerability and passion, desperation and desire. This edition features an introduction and notes for further reading by Steinbeck scholar John Ditsky.

Understanding Economics: A Case Study Approach

by Globe Fearon

Case studies help students relate to basic economic concepts and include topics such as understanding economics, economic systems, government, supply and demand, business, labor and wages, money and banking, investments, the global economy, and consumers and economic decision-making.

Famous Men of Ancient Times: By The Author Of Peter Parley's Tales (Classics To Go)

by Samuel Goodrich

Excerpt: "Confucius - From Famous Men of Ancient Times by S. G. Goodrich.... This greatest of Chinese philosophers was born in the petty kingdom of Lu, now the province of Shantung, in the year 549 B. C.-the same year that Cyrus became king of the Medes and Persians. The Chinese, in their embellishments of his history, tell us that his birth was attended with heavenly music, filling the air; that two dragons were seen winding over the roof; that five old men appeared at the door, and after consulting together, suddenly vanished; and that a unicorn brought to his mother a tablet in his mouth. It is also related that when he was born, five characters were seen on his breast, declaring him to be "the maker of a rule for settling the world." These and other marvels are a part of the established biography of the philosopher, as received by the Chinese...."

Far from the Madding Crowd: Revised Edition Of Original Version (Classics To Go)

by Thomas Hardy

Gabriel Oak is a young shepherd. With the savings of a frugal life, and a loan, he has leased and stocked a sheep-farm. He falls in love with a newcomer eight years his junior, Bathsheba Everdene, a proud beauty who arrives to live with her aunt, Mrs. Hurst. She comes to like him well enough, and even saves his life once, but when he makes her an unadorned offer of marriage, she refuses; she values her independence too much and him too little. Gabriel's blunt protestations only serve to drive her to haughtiness. After a few days, she moves to Weatherbury, a village some miles off. When next they meet, their circumstances have changed drastically. An inexperienced new sheep dog drives Gabriel's flock over a cliff, ruining him. After selling off everything of value, he manages to settle all his debts, but emerges penniless. He seeks employment at a work fair in the town of Casterbridge, (a fictionalised version of Dochester). When he finds none, he heads to another fair in Shottsford, a town about ten miles from Weatherbury. On the way, he happens upon a dangerous fire on a farm and leads the bystanders in putting it out. When the veiled owner comes to thank him, he asks if she needs a shepherd. She uncovers her face and reveals herself to be none other than Bathsheba. She has recently inherited the estate of her uncle and is now a wealthy woman. Though somewhat uncomfortable, she hires him. Meanwhile, Bathsheba has a new admirer: the lonely and repressed William Boldwood. Boldwood is a prosperous farmer of about forty whose ardour Bathsheba unwittingly awakens when – her curiosity piqued because he has never bestowed on her the customary admiring glance – she playfully sends him a valentine sealed with red wax on which she has embossed the words "Marry me". Boldwood, not realising the valentine was a jest, becomes obsessed with Bathsheba, and soon proposes marriage. Although she does not love him, she toys with the idea of accepting his offer; he is, after all, the most eligible bachelor in the district. However, she postpones giving him a definite answer. When Gabriel rebukes her for her thoughtlessness, she fires him. When her sheep begin dying from bloat, she discovers to her chagrin that Gabriel is the only man who knows how to cure them. Her pride delays the inevitable, but finally she is forced to beg him for help. Afterwards, she offers him back his job and their friendship is restored... (Excerpt from Wikipedia)

Fast in the Ice Adventures in the Polar Regions: Or Adventures In The Polar Regions (1870) (Classics To Go)

by R. M. Ballantyne

One day, many years ago, a brig cast off from her moorings, and sailed from a British port for the Polar Seas. That brig never came back. Many a hearty cheer was given, many a kind wish was uttered, many a handkerchief was waved, and many a tearful eye gazed that day as the vessel left Old England, and steered her course into the unknown regions of the far north. (Goodreads)

Animal Stories: Heartwarming True Tales from the Animal Kingdom

by Jane Yolen Jui Ishida Adam Stemple Jason Stemple National Geographic Kids Staff

Amazing animal stories that span the centuries come to life in this beautifully written and illustrated book. Some are sweet, some funny, some surprising, but all are emotionally powerful - the Capitolene geese who saved the Roman empire, Balto the Alaskan sled dog, Smoky the Bear, the passenger pigeon of WWI Cher Ami, and the latest internet sensation Christian the lion. A collection such as this comes along only once in a generation, full of heart-warming tales that families will read, re-read, and remember.

The Mind Map Book: How to Use Radiant Thinking to Maximize Your Brain's Untapped Potential

by Tony Buzan; Barry Buzan

Mind Mapping and Radiant Thinking are groundbreaking methods of accessing intelligence, developed over many years by the author, and here he provides a complete operating manual for all who want to use their brains to their fullest potential. It is a process currently used with extraordinary success by multinational corporations, leading universities, champion athletes, and outstanding artists.

Running Red

by Jack Bates

A rebellious teenager face the perils of growing up—not to mention a zombie apocalypse—in this young adult fantasy adventure novel. Robin &“Robbie&” Willette has a less-than-perfect life. Her grades aren&’t the greatest. Her dad hates her boyfriend. And her mom put her on a short leash after her perfect older sister got pregnant. Growing up may take getting a job, ditching her dead-end relationship, and even running away to sleep on her sister&’s couch, but Robbie is finally getting her life together . . . just as the entire world starts to crumble around her. Literally. A plague is crawling across the planet, turning humans into blood-thirsty zombies that help spread a deadly fungus. It&’s not long before society as we know it is gone, and Robbie finds herself separated not only from her family but from all humanity. Hoping to reunite with her sister and niece, Robbie sets off with a yellow Labrador named Yuki. Facing deadly mutants, untrustworthy humans, and her personal fears, Robbie soon learns that the most precious commodity in the apocalypse is hope.

One Night

by Marsha Qualey

A teenage girl with a troubled past has a night of playing hooky with a real-life prince in this not-quite-fairytale young adult romance. Nineteen-year-old Kelly Ray has been drug-free for two years, thanks in part to her aunt and caretaker, Kit Carpenter—also known as the talk radio goddess of Dakota City, Minnesota. Kelly&’s regimented routine as Kit&’s assistant has helped her stay clean, but now Kelly faces a new kind of challenge: running damage control on a botched interview with pop singer Simone Sanchez. When Kelly fails to circumvent Simone&’s security, she lucks into meeting a very different kind of celebrity—Tomas Teronovich, heir to the throne of the war-torn country of Lakveria. Sure, Tomas is charming, gorgeous, and clearly attracted to Kelly, but what gets her heart racing is the thought of putting him on air with her aunt Kit. So begins one amazing night as Kelly tries to entertain Prince Tom while he hides from his guards and the politicians who want to control his every move, maintain the secret of her connection to the controversial host of Kit Chat . . . and keep herself from falling in love.

Crime and Punishment: Revised Edition Of Original Version (Classics To Go #394)

by Fyodor Dostoyevsky

Rodion Romanovich Raskolnikov, a former student, lives in a tiny garret on the top floor of a run-down apartment building in St. Petersburg. He is sickly, dressed in rags, short on money, and talks to himself, but he is also handsome, proud, and intelligent. He is contemplating committing an awful crime, but the nature of the crime is not yet clear. He goes to the apartment of an old pawnbroker, Alyona Ivanovna, to get money for a watch and to plan the crime. Afterward, he stops for a drink at a tavern, where he meets a man named Marmeladov, who, in a fit of drunkenness, has abandoned his job and proceeded on a five-day drinking binge, afraid to return home to his family. Marmeladov tells Raskolnikov about his sickly wife, Katerina Ivanovna, and his daughter, Sonya, who has been forced into prostitution to support the family. Raskolnikov walks with Marmeladov to Marmeladov’s apartment, where he meets Katerina and sees firsthand the squalid conditions in which they live.

Declaration Statesmanship: A Course In American Government

by Richard Ferrier Andrew Seeley

This course is unique. There is no other course like it available to the American high school student. It unites history, philosophy, and what we call 'civics' in a dynamic blend of narrative and argument. As much as possible it deploys original sources and fundamental texts, and the writing of the authors endeavors to match, as their capacities allowed, the thoughtfulness and elegance of the authors who inspired us. <p><p> Declaration Statesmanship has been designed as a one semester (14 week) course in American Government or Civics for eleventh or twelfth grade students. The authors have tried throughout the course to direct the students' attention to the writings and documents of the time, many of which are quoted at length in the textbook, while others are contained in the accompanying Book of Readings. A Teacher's Manual, with lesson plans, detailed teacher strategies, comments on the text, quizzes and tests, is also available. <p> The course has three principal parts. In the first, the text explores the ideals and principles that created this nation and are expressed in the Declaration. In doing this, we look at the philosophy and religious teaching that influenced the founders in their decision to break from Great Britain. Then we examine the Declaration in detail, and show how the Articles of Confederation and the Constitution established governments that attempted to fulfill its ideals. <p> America's founding documents call for statesmen who can lead us in living up to the ideals of the Declaration. The second part of the course looks to how some of our greatest statesman were guided by these ideals in dealing with the difficult questions of slavery and civil rights. From before the founding there was a conflict between ideas of liberty and the fact of slavery, between a dedication to equality and a practice of oppression. In this part, we first look at how the founding generation addressed the problem of slavery already existing in the nation. We then consider how Abraham Lincoln defended their principles in the midst of a nation torn over whether to continue their policies. Finally, we review Reconstruction, Jim Crow, and the Civil Rights movement. We look at the way neglect or attention to the principles of the Declaration influenced the course of American history through these struggles, and we discover the Declaration Statesmanship of Martin Luther King. <p> America needs great statesmen, but it also needs a people capable of living as free men. In the third part, we use Alexis de Tocqueville's Democracy in America to look at what was peculiar to America that made our experiment in democracy so successful, and what is needed to maintain the freedom and self-rule we have inherited. <p> The course presumes that the student has already completed a course in American history. Classroom discussions are very desirable with this material, but it can also be used in a home-school setting. <p> Although written with students in mind, the course is an excellent resource for teachers, and a fascinating read for anyone who wants to improve their understanding of America.

The Black Pearl

by Scott O'Dell

From the depths of a cave in the Vermilion Sea, Ramon Salazar has wrested a black pearl so lustrous and captivating that his father, an expert pearl dealer, is certain Ramon has found the legendary Pearl of Heaven. Such a treasure is sure to bring great joy to the villagers of their tiny coastal town, and even greater renown to the Salazar name. No diver, not even the swaggering Gaspar Ruiz, has ever found a pearl like this!<P><P> But is there a price to pay for a prize so great? When a terrible tragedy strikes the village, old Luzon’s warning about El Diablo returns to haunt Ramon. If El Diablo actually exists, it will take all Ramon’s courage to face the winged creature waiting for him offshore.<P> Newbery Honor book

Rogue: Talon Rogue Soldier Legion (The Talon Saga #2)

by Julie Kagawa

Ember Hill left the dragon organization Talon to take her chances with rebel dragon Cobalt and his crew of rogues. But Ember can't forget the sacrifice made for her by the human boy who could have killed her-Garret Xavier Sebastian, a soldier of the dragonslaying Order of St. George, the boy who saved her from a Talon assassin, knowing that by doing so, he'd signed his own death warrant. Determined to save Garret from execution, Ember must convince Cobalt to help her break into the Order's headquarters. With assassins after them and Ember's own brother helping Talon with the hunt, the rogues find an unexpected ally in Garret and a new perspective on the underground battle between Talon and St. George. A reckoning is brewing and the secrets hidden by both sides are shocking and deadly. Soon Ember must decide: Should she retreat to fight another day...or start an all-out war?the sacrifice made for her by the human boy who could have killed her-Garret Xavier Sebastian, a soldier of the dragonslaying Order of St. George, the boy who saved her from a Talon assassin, knowing that by doing so, he'd signed his own death warrant. Determined to save Garret from execution, Ember must convince Cobalt to help her break into the Order's headquarters. With assassins after them and Ember's own brother helping Talon with the hunt, the rogues find an unexpected ally in Garret and a new perspective on the underground battle between Talon and St. George. A reckoning is brewing and the secrets hidden by both sides are shocking and deadly. Soon Ember must decide: Should she retreat to fight another day...or start an all-out war?Ember Hill left the dragon organization Talon to take her chances with rebel dragon Cobalt and his crew of rogues. But Ember can't forget the sacrifice made for her by the human boy who could have killed her-Garret Xavier Sebastian, a soldier of the dragonslaying Order of St. George, the boy who saved her from a Talon assassin, knowing that by doing so, he'd signed his own death warrant. Determined to save Garret from execution, Ember must convince Cobalt to help her break into the Order's headquarters. With assassins after them and Ember's own brother helping Talon with the hunt, the rogues find an unexpected ally in Garret and a new perspective on the underground battle between Talon and St. George. A reckoning is brewing and the secrets hidden by both sides are shocking and deadly. Soon Ember must decide: Should she retreat to fight another day...or start an all-out war?

The Canterbury Tales, and Other Poems: With Other Poems Of Chaucer And Spenser; Edited For Popular Perusal, With Current Illustrative And Explanatory Notes (classic Reprint) (Classics To Go)

by Geoffrey Chaucer

The Canterbury Tales is a collection of 24 stories written in Middle English by Geoffrey Chaucer between 1387 and 1400. In 1386, Chaucer became Controller of Customs and Justice of Peace and, in 1389, Clerk of the King's work. It was during these years that Chaucer began working on his most famous text, The Canterbury Tales. The tales (mostly written in verse, although some are in prose) are presented as part of a story-telling contest by a group of pilgrims as they travel together from London to Canterbury to visit the shrine of Saint Thomas Becket at Canterbury Cathedral. The prize for this contest is a free meal at the Tabard Inn at Southwark on their return. (Wikipedia)

Childhood: Revised Edition Of Original Version (Classics To Go #306)

by Leo Tolstoy

"Childhood" is the first in a series of three novels and is followed by "Boyhood" and "Youth". Published when Tolstoy was just twenty-three years old, the book was an immediate success. "Childhood" is an exploration of the inner life of a young boy, Nikolenka, and one of the books in Russian writing to explore an expiressionistic style, mixing fact, fiction and emotions to render the moods and reactions of the narrator. (Excerpt from Wikipedia)

Story of Philosophy: The Lives And Opinions Of The Great Philosophers

by Will Durant

A brilliant and concise account of the lives and ideas of the great philosophers -- Plato, Aristotle, Bacon, Spinoza, Voltaire, Kant, Schopenhauer, Spencer, Nietzsche, Bergson, Croce, Russell, Santayana, James and Dewey -- The Story of Philosophy is one of the great books of our time. Few write for the nonspecialist as well as Will Durant, and this book is a splendid example of his eminently readable scholarship. Durant's insight and wit never cease to dazzle; The Story of Philosophy is a key book for any reader who wishes to survey the history and development of philosophical ideas in the Western world.yle. The Story of Philosophy opens vistas of intellectual adventure and growth to those who hunger for the total perspective that is philosophy. Within its pages, Durant seeks the wisest and most indestructible answers from the world's greatest philosophers to the persistent and fundamental questions about first and last things.

Scared Little Rabbits

by A. V. Geiger

We stand in a tight cluster, high above the lake. One-by-one, we made our way up the narrow trail from the edge of campus. Now, we wait shoulder to shoulder behind the police tape. Nineteen summer students. All but one. <P><P>When Nora gets accepted into her dream summer program at the prestigious Winthrop Academy, she jumps at the chance to put her coding skills to use. But then a fellow student goes missing-and the tech trail for the crime leads back to Nora. Running scared, Nora must race to clear her name and uncover the sordid truth...or she might be the next to disappear.

Just Don't Mention It

by Estelle Maskame

Can love heal all wounds?At seventeen, Tyler Bruce is hot — a hot mess. His girlfriend is a knockout, his reputation's untouchable, parties are nothing without him. Even his car is unreal. But inside Tyler is broken — and he'll stop at nothing to keep that a secret.Then one summer Eden comes to stay. She's upfront, sharp and far more enticing than a stepsister should be. She also sees straight through Tyler's bad boy façade to the vulnerable kid within. The quiet kid who took all the punches. As Eden draws Tyler in, his defenses start to crumble around him. In his past, vulnerability only brought him danger. But now, it might just bring him everything he needs...if it doesn't break him. As irresistible and dazzling as its Californian backdrop, Just Don't Mention It is a companion novel to the Did I Mention I Miss You trilogy that explores Tyler's story — his heart-stopping tale of past hurt, finding hope and figuring out who the hell he wants to be.

In Search of Lost Time (Vol. Vol. 2): In Search Of Lost Time, Volume 2

by Marcel Proust

Celebrated as a “literary gateway drug” to Proust’s masterpiece (NPR), the New York Times–best-selling graphic adaptation continues with this highly anticipated new volume. In what renowned translator Arthur Goldhammer called “a piano reduction of an orchestral score,” the first volume of Stéphane Heuet’s adaptation of In Search of Lost Time electrified the graphic community like no other—re-presenting the novel for anyone who has always dreamed of reading Proust but was put off by the sheer magnitude of the undertaking. Whereas the first volume described the narrator’s childhood in the pastoral town of Combray, the second volume portrays the narrator’s foray into adolescence, set in the opulent seaside resort of Balbec. Preserving Proust’s original dissection of the spontaneity of youth, translator Laura Marris captures the narrator’s infatuation with his playmates—his memories of their intoxicating afternoons together unfolding as if in a dream. Featuring some of Proust’s most memorable characters—from mysterious Charlus to beguiling young Albertine—this second volume becomes a necessary companion piece for any lover of modern literature.

Sanditon: Austen's Last Novel (Xist Classics Ser.)

by Another Lady Jane Austen

Jane Austen&’s last work, soon to be a PBS limited series adapted by acclaimed screenwriter Andrew Davies.Sanditon—an eleven-chapter fragment left at Jane Austen&’s death completed by an Austen devotee and novelist— is a charming addition to Austen&’s novels on England&’s privileged classes and the deception, snobbery, and unexpected romances that occur in their world. When Charlotte Heywood accepts an invitation to visit the newly fashionable seaside resort of Sanditon, she is introduced to a full range of polite society, from reigning local dowager Lady Denham to her impoverished ward Clara, and from the handsome, feckless Sidney Parker to his amusing, if hypochondriac, sisters. A heroine whose clear-sighted commens sense is often at war with romance, Charlotte cannot help observing around her both folly and passion in many guises. But can the levelheaded Charlotte herself resist the desires of the heart?

Socratic Methods in the Classroom: Encouraging Critical Thinking and Problem Solving Through Dialogue

by Erick Wilberding

Since the Renaissance, the Socratic Method has been adapted to teach diverse subjects, including medicine, law, and mathematics. Each discipline selects elements and emphases from the Socratic Method that are appropriate to teaching individuals or groups how to reason judiciously within that subject. By looking at some of the great practitioners of Socratic questioning in the past, "Socratic Methods in the Classroom" explains how teachers may use questioning, reasoning, and dialogue to encourage critical thinking, problem solving, and independent learning in the secondary classroom. Through a variety of problems, cases, and simulations, teachers will guide students through different variations of the Socratic Method, from question prompts to the case method. Students will learn to reason judiciously, gain an understanding of important issues, and develop the necessary skills to discuss these issues in their communities.

Hamlet (Pacemaker Classics)

by William Shakespeare

Pacemaker Classics: Hamlet Se 96c.

The Count of Monte Cristo: In English Translation (Classics To Go)

by Alexandre Dumas

The book is considered a literary classic today. According to Luc Sante, "The Count of Monte Cristo has become a fixture of Western civilisation's literature, as inescapable and immediately identifiable as Mickey Mouse, Noah's flood, and the story of Little Red Riding Hood. (Wikipedia)

Masks: Rise of Heroes (Yolks on You #1)

by Hayden Thorne

Strange things are happening in Vintage City, and sixteen-year-old Eric seems to be right in the middle of them. There’s a new villain in town, one with super powers, and he’s wreaking havoc everywhere and on Eric’s life. The new superhero who springs up to defend Vintage City is almost as bad, making Eric all hot and bothered, enough so that he almost misses the love that’s right under his nose.Peter is Eric’s best friend, and even if he does seem to be hiding something most of the time, he finds a way to show Eric how he feels in between attacks on trains, banks, and malls. The two boys decide to start dating, much to the chagrin of their other best buddy, Althea, who has a terrible crush on Peter and a secret or two of her own to keep.As the fight between the Devil’s Trill and Magnifiman picks up, Eric’s relationship with Peter almost ends before it begins when Eric finds out about Peter’s special talents, which might just rank Peter as a superhero in his own right. When the Trill takes an interest in Eric, Peter and Althea, along with Magnifiman and Eric’s normal, middle-class family, all have to work together to keep Eric and their city safe.

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