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Showing 15,126 through 15,150 of 15,165 results

Zin! Zin! Zin! A Violin

by Lloyd Moss

Using evocative poetic language, the author describes ten instruments coming on stage and performing, to the delight of the audience. [This text is listed as an example that meets Common Core Standards in English language arts for K-1 at]

Arthur's TV Trouble

by Marc Brown

It all started while Arthur was watching The Bionic Bunny Show... When Arthur sees the commercial for the amazing doggy Treat Timer, he knows it's the perfect thing for his puppy, Pal. He can't get it out of his mind--in fact, every time he turns around, another ad is staring him in the face! Arthur's attempt to earn money just gets him into more trouble. Arthur's TV trouble gets worse before it gets better. Will Arthur and his family ever find a solution? Stay tuned.

Arthur's Underwear

by Marc Brown

No matter how much Buster reassures him, Arthur keeps having nightmares that he'll forget to put his pants on before going to school. So he and Buster devise a number of schemes to keep him from falling asleep. After all, he can't have bad dreams if he doesn't go to sleep! Or can he? This hilarious twenty-fifth Arthur Adventure is sue to strike a chord with adults and children alike.

Arthur's Teacher Moves In

by Marc Brown

Arthur is overcome with dread when he hears that his teacher is coming to stay at the Reads' house. But soon Arthur discovers that Mr. Ratburn wears casual clothes like everyone else, loves cartoons, and actually knows how to have fun. Arthur thinks his problems are over, until he gets an A on his next test and his friends call him a teacher's pet. In the end the joke's on them, as Arthur and Mr. Ratburn set the record straight once and for all. Here's another Arthur Adventure that will tickle the funny bones of Arthur fans old and new.

Calling Doctor Amelia Bedelia (I Can Read! #15)

by Herman Parish

Amelia Bedelia is helping out at Dr. Horton's bustling office. She may not have a medical degree, but her own special prescription of "un"common sense works like a charm every time.

Family Pictures / Cuadros de Familia

by Carmen Lomas Garza

<P>Family Pictures is the story of Carmen Lomas Garza's girlhood: celebrating birthdays, making tamales, finding a hammerhead shark on the beach, picking cactus, going to a fair in Mexico, and confiding to her sister her dreams of becoming an artist. <P>These day-to-day experiences are told through fourteen vignettes of art and a descriptive narrative, each focusing on a different aspect of traditional Mexican American culture. The English-Spanish text and vivid illustrations reflect the author's strong sense of family and community. For Mexican Americans, Carmen Lomas Garza offers a book that reflects their lives and traditions. For others, this work offers insights into a beautifully rich community. <P>[This text is listed as an example that meets Common Core Standards in English language arts for K-1 at]

Two Dog Biscuits

by Beverly Cleary

There are big dogs, little dogs, curly dogs, dogs that sniff, and dogs that wag their tails. But only one dog will get biscuits from twins Jimmy and Janet -- or will it? Maybe dog biscuits aren't just for dogs after all!

The Growing-Up Feet

by Beverly Cleary

Four-year-old twins Jimmy and Janet can't wait to grow up. So when they go off to get new shoes, they buy bright red boots that will s-t-r-e-t-c-h and grow along with them.

Janet's Thingamajigs

by Beverly Cleary

When twins Jimmy and Janet squabble over Janet's collection of "thingamajigs" their mom presents them with a "grown-up" surprise and Janet's collection becomes a thingamajig of the past.

The Real Hole

by Beverly Cleary

While his twin sister Janet likes make-believe things, four-year-old Jimmy likes real things. One day he tells his father that he wants to dig the biggest hole in the world. By the end of the day, Jimmy manages to dig a real hole... but how can his family use it?

Arthur's Mystery Babysitter

by Marc Brown

When Arthur's parents go out for the evening, they tell Arthur and D.W. that a mystery babysitter will take care of them.

Arthur's Tree House

by Marc Brown

Arthur tries to find a quiet place to read his new Bionic Bunny comic book. He ends up reading it in a tree!

D.W. Flips!

by Marc Brown

Arthur's little sister, D.W., has her doubts about the gymnastics class she's taking. She's pretty sure she's better than most of the kids in the class. But when it's time to learn how to do a forward roll, she learns how hard it can be and how much practice it takes to really become good at it. Worse yet, Emily is better at flips than is D.W., and Emily knows it.

Show Way

by Jacqueline Woodson

Soonie's great-grandma was just seven years old when she was sold to a big plantation without her ma and pa, and with only some fabric and needles to call her own. She pieced together bright patches with names like North Star and Crossroads, patches with secret meanings made into quilts called Show Ways -- maps for slaves to follow to freedom. When she grew up and had a little girl, she passed on this knowledge. And generations later, Soonie -- who was born free -- taught her own daughter how to sew beautiful quilts to be sold at market and how to read.<P><P> From slavery to freedom, through segregation, freedom marches and the fight for literacy, the tradition they called Show Way has been passed down by the women in Jacqueline Woodson's family as a way to remember the past and celebrate the possibilities of the future. Beautifully rendered in Hudson Talbott's luminous art, this moving, lyrical account pays tribute to women whose strength and knowledge illuminate their daughters' lives.<P><P> Newbery Medal Honor book

I Saw You in the Bathtub and Other Folk Rhymes (I Can Read! #Level 1)

by Alvin Schwartz

This book is filled with rhymes. They are silly and funny and scary. Nobody knows who made them up. But some of the poets were children. Their rhymes were passed from person to person. And now they have reached you. Maybe some day You will write a rhyme like one of these.

Annie and the Old One

by Miska Miles

Annie is a young Navajo girl who refuses to believe that her grandmother, the Old One, will die. Sadly, Annie learns that she cannot change the course of life. <P><P> Newbery Medal Honor book

Frog and Toad Together

by Arnold Lobel

Frog and Toad are as funny as ever. Bravely they survive an attacking snake and a rock slide, then celebrate by hiding under the covers and in the closet. Toad starts out shouting at his seeds for not growing fast enough, then wears himself out singing for and reading to the seeds because he thinks he has frightened them. Toad finds problems everywhere and his best friend Frog finds solutions. They spend exciting, happy times together as different from each other as popsicles and hot dogs. This is an easy to read first chapter book. The pictures are described.<P><P> <b>Newbery Medal Honor book</b>

A Visit to William Blake's Inn: Poems for Innocent and Experienced Travelers

by Nancy Willard

Nancy Willard was inspired by William Blake's verbal and visual imagery as a child. She has now produced a book of poems that are not "in the style of" but more of an homage to Blake's poetry. The organizing principle is that Blake runs and inn and it is staffed and patronized by a variety of fanciful creatures and people. The rhyme schemes and words are mostly simple enough for children. The allusions and imagery extend the interest to older readers.<P><P> Newbery Medal Winner

Edward's Exploit and Other Thomas the Tank Engine Stories (Thomas & Friends)

by W. Awdry

Edward proves to Gordon and James that even though he's an old-fashioned engine, he can still "chug-chug" with the best of them. Other tales in the collection are "Donald and Douglas," "The Deputation," and "The Diseasal."

What Spot? (I Can Read #Level 1)

by Crosby Bonsall

When is a spot not a spot? It depends whom you listen to -the walrus or the puffin. This hilarious tale by the author of such popular I CAN READ Books as who's a pest? and tell me some more answers this perfectly logical question with wit, charm, and high good humor. It was the walrus who first saw the spot-a black spot in the white, white snow. He would have investigated it at once had not the puffin-a know-it-all bird of diminutive stature-insisted that it was nothing, nothing at all. And the walrus had great respect for the puffin's intellect-up to a point. In uproarious words and pictures, Mrs. Bonsall describes just what happens when nothing turns out to be a very definite something. Beginning readers, when they stop laughing long enough to read the words, will find this book utterly and completely satisfying. Picture descriptions are included when they help explain what's going on in the story.

Cat TV (Sabrina the Teenage Witch, Salem's Tails # #1)

by Mark Dubowski

Salem can't stand that awful Tobias the Tabby, and his commercials for Pretty Kitty Cat Food. He could do a better job of acting, for cat's sake! And now Salem has his chance! The Pretty Kitty Company needs a spokes-cat for its new food. Fame and fortune will finally be his!

Insectivores and Bats (World of Animals: Mammals #9)

by Pat Morris Amy-Jane Beer

This book describes the habitats, habits, physical descriptions, status and facts about a variety of insectivores from Hedgehogs and Shrews to Moles and Bats.

First Friends

by Lenore Blegvad

This rhyming book shows very young children as they begin to make friends. Picture descriptions are included.

If I Only Had A Horn: Young Louis Armstrong

by Roxane Orgill

From the book: There was a poor boy in New Orleans who was in love with music. And music was everywhere in his city -- dancing out of doorways, singing on street corners, best of all there was the great Joe Oliver's cornet crying wah-wah for all to hear. If I only had a horn, that boy thought, I too could sing, bring home pennies, and most of all tap happy feet blues till the sun rose. It wasn't going to be easy. Many things, not all of them good, had to happen before that boy got his horn. But when at last he did, his cornet would send music spiraling up into the New Orleans night sky like a spinning top gone crazy.

Aventuras y desventuras de casiperro del hambre

by Graciela Montes

La literatura latinoamericana se caracteriza por su capacidad para fundir elementos de diversas procedencias, a veces muy alejados entre sí, en formas nuevas y originales. En esta obra, Graciela Montes emplea la fuerza metafórica del realismo mágico para aludir a los hechos más recientes de la historia argentina, y los recursos de la picaresca para contar, no la progresiva degradación moral del pícaro sino la extraordinaria aventura del crecimiento. Este género de tendencia realista, se originó en el siglo XVI y es típico de la literatura en lengua española. El hambre, tal como ocurre en la picaresca, es el tema central que da unidad a la historia. Su protagonista, un perro vagabundo, vive, como el pícaro, varias aventuras que determinan el carácter episódico característico del género. Narra en primera persona y, aunque tiene algunos aspectos humanos, no es el animalito humanizado de ciertos cuentos infantiles ni el estereotipo de las fábulas. Con elementos tomados del estudio del comportamiento animal, la autora lo ha dotado de actitudes y, sobre todo, de un punto de vista que podríamos llamar "perruno". Los primeros meses de su vida transcurren duramente en la búsqueda del alimento. Siendo todavía cachorro, es adoptado como mascota y se convierte en víctima de las picardías de los niños y de las humillaciones de los adultos. La historia tiene un final feliz que no es, sin embargo, el de los cuentos de hadas. Casiperro y sus compañeros de aventuras encuentran la protección de un vagabundo que les asegurará el calor del fuego y compartirá con ellos su sencilla comida. Este personaje marginal, que podría ser el típico protagonista de la picaresca, es, por el contrario, el héroe que salvará a Casiperro y a sus compañeros del hambre y del frío, dándoles nombres que, si bien recuerdan las novelas de caballería, reflejan su identidad y sintetizan su historia.

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