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Showing 23,726 through 23,750 of 29,359 results

Tuna Fish Thanksgiving

by C. S. Adler

[from inside dust jacket flaps] "Thirteen-year-old Gilda seems to be the only one who wants to keep her family together. Her parents are divorcing, and her mother is too interested in her new career and her father too involved with his new girlfriend. As the oldest child, Gilda feels it's up to her to look out for her dreamy younger brother, Avery, and kitten-crazy little sister, Bliss. She does so even if it means giving up fun times with Dave and her other friends in eighth grade. Because of the impending divorce, neither Mom nor Dad is willing or able to arrange a traditional family Thanksgiving dinner. Gilda is terribly upset until she convinces her grandmother in New York City to make dinner for her, Avery, and Bliss. But are traditions really what Gilda and everyone else want and need on this Thanksgiving--or is there a stronger glue to hold a family together?" The pressures kids face at home and at school are shown realistically in this Book for middle grades in which a teenager learns she can't stop family traditions from changing when her parents' divorce is causing her mother, father, sister and brother to adapt by moving in new directions. Bookshare has more books by C. S. Adler in the collection including Willie, the Frog Prince, One Unhappy Horse and More Than a Horse, with The Lump in the Middle and others on the way.

A Williamsburg Household

by Joan Anderson

What life was really like in eighteenth-century Williamsburg is demonstrated through narration and dialogue, as we see the interdependence of blacks and whites required to run a typical colonial household.

Mathematics: Structure and Method, Course 1

by Mary P. Dolciani Robert H. Sorgenfrey John A. Graham

Mathematics: Structure and Method, Course 1 is a resource book for students of Mathematics.

Mathematical Connections: A Bridge to Algebra and Geometry

by Francis J. Gardella Patricia R. Fraze Joanne E. Meldon Marvin S. Weingarden

Mathematical Connections is a bridge that will take you from where you are in your study of mathematics to algebra and geometry. Since topics in mathematics are connected, this course will also lead you to data analysis and probability.

Heroes and Villains

by Kenneth Grahame Ogden Nash Rudyard Kipling

This book contains three stories - Rikki-Tikki-Tavi, The Reluctant Dragon and The Tale of Custard the Dragon. In these stories, you will read about a brave hero, evil villains, deadly battles, a villain who is no villain at all, and a battle that isn't really a battle.

Angel in Charge

by Judy Delton Leslie Morrill

Ten-year-old Angel and her little brother Rags have to cope with an incompetent babysitter and several crises while their mother is away.

The Sign of the Beaver

by Elizabeth Speare

Although he faces responsibility bravely, thirteen-year-old Matt is more than a little apprehensive when his father leaves him alone to guard their new cabin in the wilderness. When a renegade white stranger steals his gun, Matt realizes he has no way to shoot game or to protect himself. When Matt meets Attean, a boy in the Beaver clan, he begins to better understand their way of life and their growing problem in adapting to the white man and the changing frontier. <p><p> Elizabeth George Speare’s Newbery Honor-winning survival story is filled with wonderful detail about living in the wilderness and the relationships that formed between settlers and natives in the 1700s. Now with an introduction by Joseph Bruchac.

Apple Is My Sign

by Mary Riskind

A 10-year-old boy returns to his parents' apple farm for the holidays after his first term at a school for the deaf in Philadelphia.

The Captive

by Scott O'Dell

As part of a Spanish expedition to the New World, a Jesuit seminarian witnesses the enslavement and exploitation of the Mayas and is seduced by greed and ambition.

America's Paul Revere

by Esther Hoskins Forbes

A vivid history of one of America's best-loved patriots.

The Tamarack Tree

by Betty Underwood Bea Holmes

In 1833 Bernadette come to Canterbury dreaming of a better education. She found herself in the middle of an uproar over girls of color being admitted to a female seminary in a time when education for white women was hard to come by.<P><P> Jane Addams Children’s Book Award Winner

Old Ramon

by Jack Schaefer

The story centers on the friendship of a wise old shepherd and a young boy. This relationship helps the young boy to learn various things -about animals, friendship, bravery and wisdom- in life.<P><P> Newbery Medal Honor book

Shuttered Windows

by Florence Crannell Means

Accustomed to the luxuries of a Minneapolis high school, Harriet Freeman, a sixteen-year-old Negro girl, goes to live with her mysterious great-grandmother on an enchanting island off the coast of South Carolina. Harriet is at first shocked and dismayed by the poverty-stricken, lethargic life on the island. Adjustment is difficult, but Granny helps, and so does Richard Corwin, an intelligent Negro boy studying to be an agricultural expert. It is an inspiring story, spliced with excitement, mystery, and romance.

Hot Wheels (The 3 Investigators Crimebusters #1)

by William Arden

Jupiter Jones is in a hot spot. His visiting cousin Ty Cassey has been collared for car theft, and Jupiter has to clear Ty fast. He needs the car-smarts of his sidekick Pete Crenshaw and the show-biz savvy of the third member of the crimebusting trio, Bob Andrews, to help him do it. The hot-car trail leads to a swinging bamba band whose off-hours activities are suspiciously off-key. And the Three Investigators soon find themselves led on a not-so-merry chase where their first wrong step is sure to be their last. In the Crimebusters series The Three investigators are seventeen with girlfriends, jobs and their own cars. Stocky Jupe is still overweight and the brains of the outfit. Handsome, girl magnet Bob, who works with rock bands still keeps records and does much of the research, and between dates, athletic Pete is ready for action. Check out these sometimes funny, action driven, danger and adventure filled mysteries in the Bookshare collection including #2 Murder To Go, #3 Rough Stuff, #4 Funny Business, #5 An Ear for Danger, #6 Thriller Diller, #7 Reel Trouble, #8 Shoot the Works, #9 Foul Play #10 Long Shot, #11 Fatal Error and #12 Brain Wash. This series gets better and better! If you like mysteries with teen investigators don't miss the original 3 Investigators series, the complete 43 novel set in the Bookshare collection starting with #1. The Secret of Terror Castle, #2. The Mystery of the Stuttering Parrot and #3. The Mystery of the Whispering mummy, ending with the last 3 books, #41. The Mystery of the Creep-Show Crooks, #42 The Mystery of Wrecker's Rock and #43 The Mystery of the Cranky Collector.

Maudie and Me and the Dirty Book

by Betty Miles

Eleven-year-old Kate’s ordinary life in a small Massachusetts town becomes quite extraordinary when she becomes involved with Maudie Schmidt and an inter-school reading project. Presents a provoking portrait of censorship and its effects.

Encounter at Easton

by Avi

To young Elizabeth Mawes and Robert Linnly, runaway indentured servants, Easton Township means hope after a long and terrifying journey northward. With jobs, security, and freedom so near, Elizabeth is suffering from a fever caused by a festering arm wound. She can go no farther. She can't even keep her eyes open. Desperate to save her, Robert asks for help from a gentle but destitute mad hermit woman and seeks employment from a man he feels he can trust. Life is perilous for these children in mid 18th century Pennsylvania. Robert faces danger and hardship at every turn and he and those around him make moral choices which reflect American culture of 250 years ago. As usual the characters and action in Avi's gripping story make it impossible to put the book down until the end.

The Explorations of Pere Marquette

by Jim Kjelgaard

This book presents the adventures of a real hero, greater than those created by fiction.

Funny Business (The 3 Investigators, Crimebusters #4)

by William Mccay

[from the back cover] "Was it a bird? a plane? no, it was--??! Who was the mysterious caped figure who swooped down on the comic book convention? What happened to the rarest of rare Gray Phantom issues, plus the Three Investigators' own collection of choice comics? Jupiter Jones, Pete Crenshaw, and Bob Andrews hunt the answers in the weird world of comic book heroes and real life villains. With Jupiter distracted by a girl called Stellara Stargirl...and an artist of evil drawing them into deadly traps...they have to think fast and move faster to unmask the menace who threatens to make them go POWM!" In the Crimebusters series The Three investigators are seventeen with girlfriends, jobs and their own cars. Jupe is still stocky and the brains of the outfit. Handsome, girl magnet Bob, who works with rock bands still keeps records and does much of the research, and between dates, athletic Pete is ready for action. Check out these sometimes funny, action driven, danger and adventure filled mysteries in the Bookshare collection including #1 Hot Wheels, #2 Murder To Go, #3 Rough Stuff, #5 An Ear for Danger and #6 Thriller Diller. This series gets better and better! If you like mysteries with teen investigators don't miss the original complete 43 novel 3 Investigators series in the Bookshare collection starting with #1. The Secret of Terror Castle , #2. The Mystery of the Stuttering Parrot and #3. The Mystery of the Whispering mummy, all the way to the last 3 books, #41. The Mystery of the Creep-Show Crooks, #42 The Mystery of Wrecker's Rock and #43 The Mystery of the Cranky Collector.

An Ear for Danger (The Three Investigators Crimebusters #5)

by Marc Brandel

[from the back cover] "Sounds like a real blast! Jupiter Jones has just won a free stay at a Mexican ranch, and he's hearing warning bells. The contest he entered was just too easy. Unable to resist the sound of mystery, Jupe accepts the prize--never dreaming what trouble will flare up in Mexico for himself and his sidekicks Pete and Bob. For the beautiful ranch smolders with intrigue, and the Three Investigators get trapped in the middle of it. When a trail of treasure and treachery beckons them into the mountains, they don't dare say no. But can they talk their way out of danger before their dynamite vacation blows to bits? RL: 5.1" In the Crimebusters series The Three investigators are seventeen with girlfriends, jobs and their own cars. Stocky Jupe is still stocky and the brains of the outfit. Handsome, girl magnet Bob, who works with rock bands still keeps records and does much of the research, and between dates, athletic Pete is ready for action. Check out these sometimes funny, action driven, danger and adventure filled mysteries in the Bookshare collection including #1 Hot Wheels, #2 Murder To Go, #3 Rough Stuff, #4 Funny Business, #6 Thriller Diller, #7 Reel Trouble, #9 Foul Play, #10 Long Shot, #11 Fatal Error and #12 Brain Wash. This series gets better and better! If you like mysteries with teen investigators don't miss the original 3 Investigators series, the complete 43 novel set in the Bookshare collection starting with #1. The Secret of Terror Castle , #2. The Mystery of the Stuttering Parrot and #3. The Mystery of the Whispering mummy, ending with the last 3 books, #41. The Mystery of the Creep-Show Crooks, #42 The Mystery of Wrecker's Rock and #43 The Mystery of the Cranky Collector.

Our Independence and the Constitution

by Dorothy Canfield Fisher

The book portrays the writing of the Declaration of Inde­pendence and the formation of the Constitution through the eyes of one Philadelphia family.

The Mystery of the Cranky Collector (The Three Investigators #43)

by M. V. Carey

When an ornery book collector disappears, the Three Investigators break into his secret computer files in search of clues and gradually uncover his mysterious past. Complete Synopsis Who wants to harm Jeremy Pilcher? Who doesn't! The ornery book collector has more enemies than the Three Investigators can shake a stick at. So when the nasty old man is kidnapped, the detectives don't know whom to question first. The solution to the kidnapping is buried deep ... in Pilcher's vast collection of books, in his secret computer files, in his mysterious past. The Investigators must search through each in turn to find the missing man. But the more they learn about him, the surer they are of one thing--the cranky collector really asked for trouble! This is the last book in the action packed Three Investigators series about three boys whose headquarters is hidden in the middle of a junk yard where they unravel puzzling clues in mysteries which involve them in adventure and danger. Bob is the record keeper, Peter is always ready for action and Jupe does the planning and much of the deep thinking. Look for books 1 through 42 in the Bookshare collection. A list of all of the titles is on pages 183 and 184 of this book.

The Landmark History Of The American People: From Plymouth to the Moon

by Daniel J. Boorstin Ruth F. Boorstin

This is an in-depth portrait of a great people, from their fragile origins through their struggles for independence and nationhood, their heroic efforts and sacrifices to deal with the 'organic sin’ of slavery and the preservation of the Union to its explosive economic growth and emergence as a world power and its sole superpower. Johnson discusses such contemporary topics as the politics of racism, education, Vietnam, the power of the press, political correctness, the growth of litigation, and the rising influence of women. He sees Americans as a problem-solving people and the story of America as "essentially one of difficulties being overcome by intelligence and skill, by faith and strength of purpose, by courage and persistence... Looking back on its past, and forward to its future, the auguries are that it will not disappoint humanity." <p><p> This challenging narrative and interpretation of American history by the author of many distinguished historical works is sometimes controversial and always provocative. Johnson’s views of individuals, events, themes, and issues are original, critical, and admiring, for he is, above all, a strong believer in the history and the destiny of the American people.

My Father's Dragon

by Ruth Stiles Gannett

When Elmer Elevator hears about the plight of an overworked and underappreciated baby flying dragon, he stows away on a ship and travels to Wild Island to rescue the dragon.<P><P> A Newbery Honor book

The Slimy Book

by Babette Cole

A delightful romp through all things slimy!

The Mystery of the Rogues' Reunion (The Three Investigators Mystery #40)

by Marc Brandel

[from the back cover] "Jupiter Jones was once one of the Wee Rogues, a group of child movie stars. Now the Rogues are facing each other one last time—in a TV quiz show. And it really may be the last appearance for Jupiter—because someone is out to win at any price! Who is the desperate competitor? What's so important about the quiz show? The answers are buried in Jupiter's amazing show-business past. To find them, Jupe and his fellow Investigators must risk their lives and dig deep...into a frightening case of theft, kidnapping, and more!" This is the fortieth novel in the 43 book action packed mystery series, The Three Investigators. Bookshare has them all! In the middle of a junk yard the boys have hidden headquarters where they unravel puzzling clues in mysteries which often lead them to adventure and danger. Bob is the record keeper, Peter is always ready for action and Jupe does the planning and much of the deep thinking. Read them all beginning with #1 The Mystery of Terror Castle and ending with #43 The Mystery of the Cranky Collector. A complete list of the titles is provided at the end of this book.

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Showing 23,726 through 23,750 of 29,359 results