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Showing 27,726 through 27,750 of 27,875 results

Too Many Traitors (Hardy Boys Casefiles #14)

by Franklin W. Dixon

From the back of the book: Triple treat When Frank wins an all-expense-paid vacation to Spain's Costa del Sol, the brother detectives are set for some good times in the sunny paradise. But instead of flamenco music and bullfights, Frank and Joe find themselves running from the law. It seems their official tour guide has been murdered, and the evidence points directly at them. To make things worse, the Hardys are also being hunted as spies by the KGB-and as traitors by the Network. Trapped in very tight spots, Frank and Joe need every ounce of daring and keep from being shipped home in matching boxes. ================ From inside the book: DIRECT HIT An explosion in front of the Audi brought it to a halt and spattered it with dirt. The car half vanished in the gathering smoke. As Frank watched helplessly from the roadside, a third missile screamed down. Shock waves hurled him back as the car went up in a ball of fire. "Joe!" Frank called as he picked himself up off the ground. "Joe!" No sound came from the Audi except a steady crackling, and no movement but the dancing of the flames.

Blood Relations (Hardy Boys Casefiles #15)

by Franklin W. Dixon

From the back of the book: Family ties are deadly Frank and Joe Hardy are enjoying some time off when the two new boys in town, Greg and Mike Rawley, convince them to investigate their stepfather, Walter. Greg and Mike suspect him of plotting to kill their mother, Linda. But there's a hitch: Walter Rawley is one of Fenton Hardy's oldest friends and an upstanding citizen of Bayport. With the Rawley boys' help, the Hardy brothers check out the contents of Linda Rawley's safe, looking for the diary of Walter's first wife, which contains the murderous evidence. Then Linda is kidnapped. Using themselves as bait, the Hardy boys flush out the kidnappers -only to find that they are mere pawns in an elaborate scheme against their father's old friend. ================= From inside the book: DARK ALLEY DECEPTION Mr. Rawley and his stepsons turned toward the black car expectantly. But nobody expected what came next. Two men jumped out of the black car. They tore the briefcase out of Walter Rawley's hand and hustled Greg and Mike at gunpoint into the back seat of the car. Walter Rawley stood empty-handed and openmouthed as the car roared off. In the alley, Frank and Joe and the others stood openmouthed too. Linda Rawley found her voice first. "You were all wrong," she whispered. "Dead wrong!"

The Astral Fortress (Tom Swift III, Book #5)

by Victor Appleton

From the back of the book: Tom, Ben, Kate and Anita fight for their lives when they are captured by the evil industrialist, David Luna, and imprisoned in his massive space fortress. Luna is desperate for the secret of the stardrive that Tom has developed which makes it possible to travel from one galaxy to another in a matter of minutes. When Luna tries to force the stardrive into operation, an accident occurs--hurtling them deep into unknown space. They come upon a dark, swampy planet infested with strange and dangerous beasts. It's up to Tom to save them all from the planet and it's deadly inhabitants!

Leap Into Danger

by Leif Hamre

Seen from the air, the white-and-green beauty of the vast Norwegian forest hardly seemed a portrait of peril. Yet the moment the motor of their plane had failed, the two young Air Force pilots knew that the routine patrol had turned into a rendezvous with impending disaster. The parachute descent into the frozen wilderness below is merely a prologue. Then begins their struggle for survival while a blizzard rages, preventing search planes from making a rescue operation. Their ingenious plans to keep alive-a rough shelter of branches, fishlines rigged through the ice in a nearby lake, and snares set for ptarmigan -at first help to sustain them. But when-despite a roaring fire outside their flimsy shelter entrance-a pack of ravening wolves draws closer and closer, both men are filled with the chilling doubt that they will ever be found alive. Leif Hamre, a lieutenant-colonel in the Norwegian Air Force, has written from firsthand knowledge a taut, absorbing, and authentic story that takes the reader into the very heart of danger.

Not on a White Horse

by Nancy Springer

Something white moved, floating like the mist, and the Arabian stood there on the old mine road. White as an angel in the dark woods he stood, beneath the gray-green hemlocks, swan white against the black gravel of the road, so white he made Rhiannon's heart ache. And the proud lift of his head as he saw her, the flash of dark eyes and the flex of his fine neck, made her breath catch in her throat. She was so stunned when she saw him there that she didn't know what to do. Her bike hurtled toward him, and in the next instant he was gone like a wild bird. She caught a glimpse of long mane and flying tail, and then there was only the soft drumming of hooves somewhere beneath the trees. Then silence.

It All Came True

by Mary F. Leonard

Novel about a little girl at Christmas from 1904.

Moving Mama to Town

by Ronder Thomas Young

Freddy James Johnson becomes the man of the family when his daddy runs off. He knows he must keep his family, so they move to town. An International Reading Association award winner.

Full House: Way to Go, Chipmunk Cheeks

by Bonnie Worth

Based on the TV show, DJ has 3 weeks to become skinny as a model. How else can she show up in a swimsuit at Kimmy's birthday pool party?

Searching for Velociraptor

by Lowell Dingus Mark A. Norell

An account of the search for, recovery, preservation, and study of the fossilized remains of the dinosaur Velociraptor as narrated by 2 paleontologists who led the expedition to Mongolia.

Escape from Warsaw

by Ian Serraillier

Historical fiction. In Warsaw in 1942, the Balicki chidren watch in horror as Nazi Storm Troopers arrest their mother. With the war raging around them, they live in constant fear.

The Mystery at Maypenny's (Trixie Belden #31)

by Kathryn Kenny

Trixie put her finger over her lips, dropped to a crouch, and moved silently toward the clearing. As she turned around, an arm snaked around her and a hand was clamped over her mouth...

Prince William

by Terri Dougherty

Profiles the eldest son of Great Britain's Prince Charles and Princess Diana, from birth to his acceptance at the University of St. Andrews.

Rachel Carson (History Makers)

by Francene Sabin

Young Rachel Carson wants to prove that women can be scientists. Her determination pays off when she opens the world's eyes to the wonders of marine life and the dangers of pollution. History Makers takes you on a fascinating journey through the young lives of famous men and women. You'll discover how their childhood experiences led them to accomplish amazing feats."Young Rachel Carson wants to prove that women can be scientists. Her determination pays off when she opens the world's eyes to the wonders of marine life and the dangers of pollution. History Makers takes you on a fascinating journey through the young lives of famous men and women. You'll discover how their childhood experiences led them to accomplish amazing feats."From the book: Young Rachel Carson wants to prove that women can be scientists. Her determination pays off when she opens the world's eyes to the wonders of marine life and the dangers of pollution. History Makers takes you on a fascinating journey through the young lives of famous men and women. You'll discover how their childhood experiences led them to accomplish amazing feats. Other books in this series are available from Bookshare.

Snail Mail No More

by Paula Danziger Ann M. Martin

Sequel to PS Longer Letter Later, Elizabeth and Tara are still totally different. But they continue to correspond regularly through email now.

The Yellow Feather Mystery (Hardy Boys #33)

by Franklin W. Dixon

Frank and Joe are called upon to help a college student prove that his grandfather left a will leaving a private academy to him and not the deputy headmaster. The youths are perplexed by the sign of the yellow feather and are determined to seek out his identity. Can Frank, Joe, Chet and the other Hardy friends find the will before it can be destroyed? This is the original unrevised text of The Yellow Feather Mystery (1953).

The Andalite's Gift (Animorphs Megamorphs #1)

by K. A. Applegate

We never should have done it. But we needed a break, time off from the superhero stuff, a chance to act like normal kids. But now Rachel is missing and something's after us...

Toddy (Orphan Train West)

by Jane Peart

After her mother leaves six year old Toddie at the county children's home,she is chosen by a minister's wife to go west on the Orphan train and is taken in by a wealthy widow as a companion for her sickly granddaughter.

The Amazing Secret

by Joni Eareckson Tada Steve Jensen

feeling hopeless,Darcy, a young paraplegic, rejects the friendship of Erik,a burn victim with a severely disfigured face, who ultimately teaches Darcy about forgiveness

Light in the Night: Ancient and Modern Lighthouses

by Pamela Graham

From the book: A lighthouse is a tower by the sea with a brilliant light at the top to guide ships through dangerous waters. Lighthouses are usually built on rocky coastlines, isolated reefs, and at the entrances to harbors and estuaries. They have to be tall, so they can be seen during the day, and so that their light can shine for a long distance out to sea at night. As well as guiding ships along the coast to their destinations, they give warning of underwater rocks. Each lighthouse has a distinctive shape or an identifying color that allows mariners to know which lighthouse they are looking at; they can then be sure of their exact location. In some places where fog is common, lighthouses also emit warning sounds to alert boats and ships that they are near danger. This book explores lighthouses and their history. A fascinating book.

Mom's Best Friend

by Sally Hobart Alexander

This book explains the impact on the family of someone getting a successor dog guide, and also many of the tools that blind people use.

The Adventures OF Ranald Bannerman

by George Macdonald

A son of a Scottish clergyman describes his childhood during the early 1900's. As an author, George MacDonald often wrote about himself, though he disguised his own thoughts and feelings and experiences by putting them into the lives of his fictional characters. Then he mixed in all sorts of made-up incidents in order to create a story, so you can hardly tell what actually happened to MacDonald and which things are pure fiction. This is an especially good example of what we might call "autobiographical fiction." Right from the first page MacDonald tells Ranald Bannerman's story through the voice of Ranald himself-in the first person. This adds to the sense the reader has throughout that the events recorded here are real. During this particular period of George MacDonald's life, when he was in his mid-forties and most of his eleven children were between five and nineteen years old, he did some of his finest writing for young people. I'm sure that's not by accident, for he was often thinking of his own sons and daughters, as well as his own boyhood, when telling stories on paper. Therefore, we can conclude that many of the incidents in this book, The Adventures of Ranald Bannerman, are things that probably happened. Not everything, of course-but much of it-because this is, after all, a story MacDonald told. And realizing this makes Ranald all the more a personal friend. Because in a way, he's a picture of young George MacDonald.

WEE Sir Gibbie of the Highlands

by George Macdonald

The only problem with McDonald's books, is that most of them have quite a few passages in the Scottish dialect. The Scots tongue, of course, is mostly English, but there are a lot of words and phrases from German and Norwegian and old Gaelic, too. I immediately went to the library in our town. I found three books by George MacDonald and checked them out. The first was called The Princess and the Goblin. It was a fairy tale, and I liked it. It reminded me of Narnia. The second was At the Back of the North Wind. I liked it too. It was part fairy tale, part real. But it was the third book I found that day that changed me forever. It was no fairy tale at all, but the story of a little boy who lived in the mountains of Scotland a century ago. The title of that book was Sir Gibbie. The boy called Gibbie grabbed my imagination and my heart just as strongly as had all the Narnian boys and girls and animals and places. But the interesting thing about Gibbie was that he lived in no fairy tale world, but in a real place. So while I found myself falling in love with the story about Gibbie, I also found myself falling in love with the mountainous region of Scotland too, that part of north-central Scotland called "the Highlands." Though it was a real country you could actually locate on a map, I found my imagination being drawn to Gibbie's homeland just as much as it had to the land of Narnia. But I also discovered that what I had heard about the Scottish dialect was right. It was difficult to understand at first! Besides being more than four hundred pages long (with small type!), the original of Sir Gibbie had some very odd-looking passages. But I loved Sir Gibbie so much that I wanted to share the story with everybody! And that's why I decided to edit and shorten the original, and "translate" the Scottish dialect into more understandable English. Now through this new edition, entitled Wee Sir Gibbie of the Highlands, many more people of all ages will be able once again to read this captivating tale that was lost to the reading public for so long. Michael Phillips

Heavens to Betsy

by Maud Hart Lovelace

Betsy is a Sophomore. She dreams of the boy with the red auto and scheems to catch him. But Betsy can't be anything but herself.

Collections for Young Scholars Volume Six Book Two

by The Editors at Open Court Publishing Company

California recommended proofread textbook. A collection of short stories suitable for sixth graders learning about a wide range of topics.

World of Language

by Silver Burdett

California recommended proofread textbook in the language arts.

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