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The Ice Wolves: Series 3, Book 1 With Bonus Extra Content! (Team Hero Ser. #9)

by Adam Blade

X-Men meets Beast Quest at the school for superheroes! An epic new adventure series from bestselling author Adam Blade - with amazing comic-book style illustrations. Follow Team Hero through a terrifying ice maze!The students of Hero Academy are visiting a rival training school. Tensions are high between the two groups - but they must work together to defeat a common, frosty enemy!There are FOUR thrilling adventures to collect in this series - don't miss out!


by Jennifer A. Nielsen

As disaster looms on the horizon, a young stowaway onboard the Titanic will need all her courage and wits to stay alive. A thrilling tale from New York Times bestselling author Jennifer A. Nielsen! <p><p>Hazel Rothbury is traveling all alone from her home in England aboard the celebrated ship Titanic. Following the untimely death of her father, Hazel’s mother is sending her to the US to work in a factory, so that she might send money back home to help her family make ends meet. <p><p>But Hazel harbors a secret dream: She wants to be a journalist, and she just knows that if she can write and sell a story about the Titanic's maiden voyage, she could earn enough money to support her family and not have to go to a sweatshop. When Hazel discovers that mother didn’t send her with enough money for a ticket, she decides she must stow away onboard the storied ship. <p><p>With the help of a porter named Charlie and a sweet first-class passenger named Sylvia, Hazel explores the opulent ship in secret, but a haunting mystery quickly finds her. The danger only intensifies when calamity strikes, and readers will be caught up in the terror and suspense alongside Hazel as she fights to save her friends and herself. <p><p>Bestselling author Jennifer A. Nielsen weaves an extraordinary tapestry of survival and disaster in this magnificent thriller. <p> <b>New York Times Bestseller</b>

Iceberg, Right Ahead!: The Tragedy of the Titanic (Single Titles Ser.)

by Stephanie Sammartino McPherson

"Iceberg, Right Ahead!" Only 160 minutes passed between the time a sailor on lookout duty uttered these chilling words and the moment when the mighty ocean liner Titanic totally disappeared into the cold, dark waters of the North Atlantic. This century-old tragedy, which took more than 1,500 lives, still captivates people in the twenty-first century. Seventy-three years separate the two major Titanic events—the 1912 sinking of the vessel and the dramatic 1985 discovery of the wreck by Robert Ballard. But additional stories about the victims, survivors, rescuers, reporters, investigators, and many others show the far-reaching effects this tragedy had on society. Award-winning author Stephanie Sammartino McPherson has collected numerous personal accounts of the event, including the knighted man who spent the rest of his life in seclusion because he was accused of dishonorable behavior in a lifeboat, the stewardess who survived two shipwrecks and a mid-ocean collision, and the New York Times executive who sent multiple reporters to meet the rescue ship, thus earning a national reputation for his newspaper. She also links the Titanic tragedy to changes in regulations worldwide. After a Senate Inquiry and a British trial attempted to assign blame for the disaster, new laws on ship safety were put in place. A group of nations also banded together to form an ice patrol, eventually leading to the formation of the U.S. Coast Guard. Even the most avid Titanic fans will learn something new as McPherson brings the reader up to date on the politics and intrigue still surrounding the wreck—including what modern science can reveal about what really happened to the ship and who was at fault. Prepare to follow the never-ending story of the Titanic into its second century.

Icebreaker (The Icebreaker Trilogy #1)

by Lian Tanner

<p>An enthralling adventure set in a strange world on the high seas. <p>Petrel is an outcast on the ancient ship, an icebreaker, that has been following the same course for 300 years. In that time, the ship's crew has forgotten its original purpose and broken into three warring tribes. Everyone has a tribe except Petrol. Nicknamed the Nothing Girl, Petrel has been ostracized ever since her parents were thrown overboard as punishment for a terrible crime. <p>But Petrel is a survivor. She lives in the ship's darkest corners, and trusts no one except two large gray rats - that is, until a mysterious boy is discovered barely alive on an iceberg, and brought onto the ship. He claims to have forgotten even his name. The tribes don't trust strangers, so Petrel hides the boy, hoping he will be her friend. What she doesn't know is that the ship guards a secret - a secret the boy has been sent to destroy.</p>


by Matthew J. Kirby

Matthew J. Kirby, author of THE CLOCKWORK THREE, deftly weaves a brand-new tale with chilling cleverness and subtle suspense that will leave readers racing breathlessly to the end. Trapped in a hidden fortress tucked between towering mountains and a frozen sea, Solveig, along with her brother the crown prince, their older sister, and an army of restless warriors, anxiously awaits news of her father's victory at battle. But as winter stretches on, and the unending ice refuses to break, terrible acts of treachery soon make it clear that a traitor lurks in their midst. A malevolent air begins to seep through the fortress walls, and a smothering claustrophobia slowly turns these prisoners of winter against one another. Those charged with protecting the king's children are all suspect, and the siblings must choose their allies wisely. But who can be trusted so far from their father's watchful eye? Can Solveig and her siblings survive the long winter months and expose the traitor before he succeeds in destroying a kingdom?

Icefire (Last Dragon Chronicles, The #2)

by Chris D'Lacey

The second in a series from bestselling author Chris d'Lacey. Full of adventure and suspense, this novel about dragons reveals the truth of the fire within. When David is assigned an essay on the history of dragons, there is only one thing he knows for sure---he wants to win the prize of a research trip to the Arctic. As David begins to dig deeper into the past, he finds himself drawn down a path from which there is no going back . . . to the very heart of the legend of dragons, and the mysterious, ancient secret of the icefire. . . .

The Icegate of Spyre: Book 4

by Allan Frewin Jones Gary Chalk

Was there ever in the whole of the Sundered Lands an island more extraordinary than Spyre? From the swampy, beast-infested jungles at the bottom to the snowy mountain monastery at the top, the place is full of wonders...and dreadful dangers. It is on the frozen peaks that Trundle, Esmeralda and Jack must search for the fourth lost crown of the Badger Lords of Old: the Crown of Ice. And as if this wasn't trouble enough, they also have to deal with their new companion - a wild and crazy hare by the name of Ishmael March!

Iceland (Enchantment Of The World Series)

by Barbara Somervill

Founded by Norwegian settlers over 1,000 years ago, the small island nation of Iceland is home to the world's oldest democracy. Readers will learn about the history and culture of this fascinating nation, from its earliest settlement to its economic growth and modernization during the 20th century. They will also discover what role Iceland plays in world events today and get an up-close look at its marvelous natural beauty.

The Icemark Chronicles #2: Blade of Fire (The Icemark Chronicl #2)

by Stuart Hill

Following THE CRY OF THE ICEMARK, a huge success in England and critically acclaimed in the U.S., the next epic adventure in The Icemark Chronicles. Many years have passed since Queen Thirrin and her allies defended the Icemark against a brutal invasion. But now General Bellorum is back, along with his bloodthirsty spawn--twin sons even more vicious than him. Thirrin and Oskan also have a family: two girls and three boys. But darkness lurks within the House of Lindenshield: Medea, the couple's cold-hearted fifteen-year-old daughter, is just coming into her magical powers, and she may be the downfall of the kingdom. It's up to her brother, Charlemagne, crippled by polio as a child, to return from exile and rescue the land he loves.

Icemark Chronicles #3: Last Battle of the Icemark (The Icemark Chronicles #3)

by Stuart Hill

Allied with Cronus, the embodiment of all evil, Medea has raised an army of the undead to invade her family's kingdom. Now in paperback, the thrilling conclusion to the acclaimed ICEMARK trilogy! Oskan and Thirrin thought their bad-seed daughter was gone for good -- burnt to a cinder and cast out onto the Spirit Plain. But banishment did not kill Medea: It made her stronger. Now, allied with Cronus, embodiment of all evil, the young sorceress is plotting revenge. Queen Thirrin is distracted by a new invader whose troops ride huge triceratops-like beasts into battle. But the warlock Oskan realizes the true threat to the kingdom is the demon army assembled by his daughter. To ensure the Icemark's eternal safety, he knows he must destroy her soul--even at the risk of his own.

Icing on the Cake (The Sharp Sisters #5)

by Stephanie Perry Moore

The Sharp sisters are bold, bright, sassy, stylin', and fierce. As the daughters of mayoral candidate Stanley Sharp, all eyes are on them as they attend high school. Every choice they make can make or break their father's campaign—and make or break their own chances for success. Desperate to measure up to her talented older sisters, Yuri Sharp wants to become a top pastry chef. But while learning the ropes at a local bake shop, Yuri discovers that corners are being cut, and people are getting sick. Speaking up has already landed her on the wrong side of a violent school gang. Will Yuri keep her silence this time, or will she be forced to speak up and accept whatever consequences may come?

Ick! Yuck? Eew!: Our Gross American History

by Lois Miner Huey

Kids study US history, but do they know what life long ago was really like? The past was full of yuckiness. The sounds, smells, filth, bugs, rats, poor hygiene, lack of dental and medical care, and bad food are not portrayed at today's historic sites, in movies, or in most books about US history. Yet this kind of stuff appeals greatly to kids.

The Ickabog

by J. K. Rowling

Once upon a time there was a tiny kingdom called Cornucopia, as rich in happiness as it was in gold, and famous for its food. From the delicate cream cheeses of Kurdsburg to the Hopes-of-Heaven pastries of Chouxville, each was so delicious that people wept with joy as they ate them. <p><p> But even in this happy kingdom, a monster lurks. Legend tells of a fearsome creature living far to the north in the Marshlands... the Ickabog. Some say it breathes fire, spits poison, and roars through the mist as it carries off wayward sheep and children alike. Some say it's just a myth...And when that myth takes on a life of its own, casting a shadow over the kingdom, two children - best friends Bert and Daisy - embark on a great adventure to untangle the truth and find out where the real monster lies, bringing hope and happiness to Cornucopia once more. <p> Featuring full color illustrations by children from across the United States and Canada, this original fairy tale from one of the world's most celebrated storytellers will captivate readers of all ages. <p> <b>A New York Times Bestseller</b>

El ickabog

by J.K. Rowling

Se acerca el ickabog... un monstruo legendario que amenaza un reino y que pondrá a prueba la valentía de dos chicos. Descubre una aventura sumamente original sobre el poder de la esperanza y la amistad y su triunfo contra todo pronóstico, obra de una de las mejores narradoras del mundo. El reino de Cornucopia era el más feliz del mundo. Tenía oro en abundancia, un rey con unos bigotes magníficos y un montón de carniceros, reposteros y queseros cuyos exquisitos productos hacían que la gente bailara de júbilo cuando los comía. Todo era perfecto, excepto Los Pantanos, la región del norte donde, según la leyenda, vivía el terrorífico ickabog. Sobre ese monstruo, cualquiera con un poco de cabeza sabía que no era más que una fábula que los padres utilizaban para que los niños se portaran bien. Aunque lo extraño de las fábulas es que a veces cobran vida propia...Pero ¿puede una leyenda derrocar a un rey amado por su pueblo y destruir un reino feliz? ¿Puede embarcar a dos chicos valientes en una aventura que no han buscado y ni siquiera imaginado? Si crees que tienes suficiente valor, adéntrate en las páginas de este libro para averiguarlo... Una preciosa edición ilustrada a todo color con los dibujos de los jóvenes ganadores del concurso de dibujo de El ickabog, perfecta para compartir y regalar.

Icky Squishy Science

by Sandra Markle

FOAM AT THE MOUTH ABOUT SCIENCE! Have you ever wondered why your breath smells bad or how far you can spit? Have you ever wanted to blow up marshmallows or catapult them across a room? Are you inquisitive enough to pet a worm but too queasy to eat one? You may be surprised what this book will get you to do in the name of science. Each experiment is clearly outlined and explained so that you'll not only know how to do something neat like shoot water without a squirt gun, but you'll know why it happens, too. So clear off your kitchen counter, gather a few sample materials, and get ready to roll up your sleeves, pinch your nose, and plunge into some of the slimiest science experiments around!

I'd Tell You I Love You, But Then I'd Have to Kill You (Gallagher Girls Ser. #1)

by Ally Carter

Cammie Morgan is a student at the Gallagher Academy for Exceptional Young Women, a fairly typical all-girls school-that is, if every school taught advanced martial arts in PE and the latest in chemical warfare in science, and students received extra credit for breaking CIA codes in computer class. The Gallagher Academy might claim to be a school for geniuses but it's really a school for spies.

Ida B: and Her Plans to Maximize Fun, Avoid Disaster, and (Possibly) Save the World

by Katherine Hannigan

Ida B. Applewood believes there is never enough time for fun.<P><P> That's why she's so happy to be homeschooled and to spend every free second outside with the trees and the brook. <P> Then some not-so-great things happen in her world. Ida B has to go back to that Place of Slow but Sure Body-Cramping, Mind-Numbing, Fun-Killing Torture-school. She feels her heart getting smaller and smaller and hardening into a sharp, black stone. <P> How can things go from righter than right to a million miles beyond wrong? Can Ida B put together a plan to get things back to just-about perfect again?

Ida Early Comes over the Mountain

by Robert Burch

Ida Early is as tall as the tales she tells, a gangly scarecrow who comes to the rural Georgia home of widower Mr. Sutton during the Depression years. Her offer to help out for a spell delights the four Sutton children and their father ... and life becomes a three-ring circus for the kids.

Idaho (America the Beautiful. Third Series)

by Deborah Kent

Surveys the history, geography, and economy of the Gem State, as well as the diverse ways of life of its people. Lexile Measure: 1050L

Idaho Past and Present

by John Stanley

History of Idaho

Identity Theft: Book Two in the Identity Mystery Trilogy

by Carolyn Keene

With George and Bess's help, I joined the online group BetterLife to unmask the identities of some nasty cyberbullies who were harassing a friend of Bess's sister online. Little did I know that my sleuthing would lead me into even more trouble! Now the cyberbullies are after me. Someone has hacked into my BetterLife account and manipulated my avatar to do things I would never do in real life. Now this case is personal. My friends and I need to do some major cybersleuthing to identify the bullies before it's too late!

Idols of K-Pop: Your Must-Have Guide to Who's Who

by Malcolm Mackenzie

Whether you’re new to K-Pop or a die-hard super stan, Idols of K-Pop is your essential guide to the current K-Pop scene. This unofficial guide features the biggest names in the Korean music genre, including BTS, Blackpink, Twice, Exo, and many more.This guide contains 64 full-color pages all about the world of K-Pop, with up-close photos of the idols, facts, personal info and gossip, candid commentary, and so much more!

Idols of Pop: Your Unofficial Guide to the Most Talked About Teen on the Planet (Idols of Pop)

by Amy Wills

Book three in the Idols of Pop series, Idols of Pop: Billie Eilish, is an essential fan-focused guide to the latest and greatest icon in pop music: Billie Eilish!This 64-page book features full-color candid and professional photos with the singer front and center. Packed with personal takes on life, love, music and more, Idols of Pop: Billie Eilish is your guide to one of the hottest pop stars in the world right now

Idun and the Apples of Youth: Freya And The Magic Jewel; Sif And The Dwarfs' Treasures; Idun And The Apples Of Youth; Skade And The Enchanted Snow (Thunder Girls #3)

by Joan Holub Suzanne Williams

From the authors of the Goddess Girls series comes the third book in a series steeped in Norse mythology, magic, adventure, and friendship.Twelve-year-old Idun is the goddess of youth, and her magical and deliciously sweet golden apples are what keep all of the academy’s gods and goddesses healthy and youthful. They grow year-round—even in winter snow—in one very special grove in Asgard. But when the mischievous Loki ends up making a bet that jeopardizes Idun—and her powerful apples—she must figure out a way to protect herself and her magical orchards from a giant who wants those apples all to himself! Can Idun save the apples—and the gods and goddesses who rely on them—from the two bad seeds at Asgard Academy?

If a Tree Falls: The Global Impact of Deforestation (Orca Footprints #18)

by Nikki Tate

Every day more of the world’s forests disappear. Trees are cleared for agriculture, lost in wildfires and harvested for the valuable products they supply. Called the lungs of the planet, forests play a critical role in climate moderation. What happens when they’re gone? Are replanting and afforestation efforts helping? In If A Tree Falls: The Global Impact of Deforestation, author Nikki Tate gives an accessible and balanced look at forest practices throughout history, the growth of industry and the fight for preservation. Global deforestation affects us all. Find out what you can do to protect forests today and keep them healthy for future generations.

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