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الوصايا السبع

by جين مارشال

هناك أساليب عديدة لكسب المال في سوق الأسهم ولكن التشبث بالطريقة المعتادة أو المسماة الحكمة الموروثة ليست واحدة منها. ولهذا فإن الوصايا السبع الواردة في هذا الكتاب هي - بكل تأكيد - بعيدة كل البعد عن التفكير التقليدي حيث إنها تهدف إلى برمجة عقلك وتفكيرك لترى دوما سوق الأسهم على أنها سوق الفرص. ولا بد لهذه الوصايا السبع من أن تعمل على إنارة سبيلك وتخليصك من الأفكار النمطية القديمة المتعلقة بالسوق وتشجيعك على البحث عن الفرص الاستثمارية الخفية التي يمكن من خلالها كسب المال وصنع الثروة.

الأولاد المشاغبون

by سو كولي

حين تعرف كيف تتعامل مع سوء السلوك تصبح حياتك سهلة وتجد نفسك حرا للقيام بوظيفتك ألا وهي التدريس. في صف منضبط يعتبر التدريس من أروع المهن في العالم. فكل يوم يقد م لك تجربة جديدة ومختلفة: فرصة رؤية التلاميذ وهم يكتشفون مفاهيم جديدة ويتعل مون أشياء لم يعرفوها من قبل فرصة صنع اختلاف حقيقي في حياة التلاميذ. وكما يقال: لا أحد ينسى المعلم الجيد ولكن ماذا يعني المعلم الجيد بالضبط

المفتاح الكوني

by تشارلز ف هانل

يعالج الكتاب بشكل رئيسي مواضيع متعلقة باسلوب التفكير والتعامل مع العقل والذات "والمحيط" حيث يؤشر الكتاب الى ان واقع حياة الانسان ما هو الا ترجمة لنفسيته وشخصيته التي بنيت عبر انماط تفكيره السابقة وأن السبيل الى تحسين واقع الشخص لا يتأتى الا عبر تحسين انماط تفكيره. يرشد الكتاب القاريء الى كيفية تغيير انماط تفكيره عبر توضيح حقائق حول ما هو مفيد وما هو ضار من أشكال التفكير بالاضافة الى تمارين وتدريبات عقلية وذهنية.

فن الانتقاء

by شيينا أنغار مايا أرسلان

كل شيء يبدأ بقصة - جوزيف كامبل قبل شهر من أوان الولادة أبصرت النور في مدينة تورنتو في أثناء عاصفة ثلجية غطت المدينة بوشاح أبيض ولفتها بالسكون. فمفاجأة قدومي إلى العالم وصعوبة الرؤية التي واكبته كانتا بمثابة إنذارات لم يتم الاكتراث لها حينئذ .

كافئي نفسك

by دانيال ستيل جودي صفير

كان صباحا هادئا ومشمسا من شهر نوفمبر عندما أبعدت كارول باربر نظرها عن شاشة الكمبيوتر وحد قت إلى حديقة منزلها في بيل - آير. كان منزلا حجريا كبيرا عاشت فيه طوال خمس عشرة سنة. الغرفة الزجاجية المشمسة التي تستعملها بمثابة مكتب تطل على شجيرات الورود التي زرعتها والنافورة والبركة الصغيرة التي تعكس صورة السماء. المشهد هادئ والمنزل صامت. بالكاد تحركت يداها فوق لوحة مفاتيح الكمبيوتر خلال الساعة الأخيرة. الأمر محبط فعلا . فعلى الرغم من مسيرتها الطويلة والناجحة في الأفلام كانت تحاول تأليف كتابها الأول. لقد كتبت العديد من القصص القصيرة على مر السنوات لكنها لم تنشر أبدا أيا منها. لقد حاولت ذات مرة المشاركة في تأليف سيناريو فيلم. طوال فترة زواجها تحدثت هي وزوجها المرحوم شون عن إعداد فيلم سينمائي معا لكنهما لم يحققا أبدا ذلك. كانا مشغولين كثيرا في إنجاز أمور أخرى كل في مجال عمله الأساسي. كان شون منتجا ومخرجا بينما كانت هي ممثلة. لكنها لم تكن مجرد ممثلة عادية. كارول باربر نجمة كبيرة وقد حققت النجومية منذ كانت في الثامنة عشرة. أصبح عمرها الآن خمسين سنة واحتفلت بذكرى ميلادها منذ شهرين. وبمحض إرادتها لم تشارك في أي فيلم سينمائي منذ ثلاث سنوات. ففي عمرها وحتى مع جمالها الذي لا يزال مميزا أصبحت الأدوار الجيدة نادرة.

مخاطر العولمة

by روبرت إسحاق سعيد الحسنية

ظهر "الرجل العادي" في أوائل القرن العشرين بعقل عادي وكان شخصا راضيا بالرخاء المادي والكسل بدلا من الكفاح من أجل التفو ق أو امتلاك السلطة . أما في نهاية القرن العشرين المنصرم فقد تميزت بما يمكن تسميته بـ "ثورة الأثرياء" ضد هذه المفاهيم سواء كانت بالمفهوم البرجوازي أم الاشتراكي. رو جت هذه الردة المحافظة التي تزعمتها رئيسة الوزراء البريطانية مارغريت تاتشر والرئيس الأميركي رونالد ريغان في الثمانينيات مقولة أن الأسواق الرأسمالية الحرة هي مثال مجر د لأنها محر ك المرونة الفردية والحرية.

المعلومات والمال

by توم ليدون و جون إف. واسيك

الفصل الأول : فشل صناديق الاستثمار ونشأة الصناديق المتداولة في البورصة الفصل الثاني : فن التأشير باستخدام خطة كيف تجني المال من وراء المعلومات الفصل الثالث : الاستثمار في الأسهم المحلية: الصناديق المتداولة في البورصات الخاصة بالأسهم الأميركية الفصل الرابع : الاستثمار على الصعيد العالمي: الصناديق المتداولة في بورصات الأسهم الأجنبية الفصل الخامس : التقسيم والمغامرة: قطاعات الصناديق المتداولة في البورصة الفصل السادس : الذهب والفضة والبترول: الصناديق المتداولة في البورصة الخاصة بالسلع الفصل السابع : الاستثمار في ما لا يستحق: الصناديق المتداولة في البورصات الخاصة بالعملات الفصل الثامن : الحصول على قطع من سوق السندات: الصناديق المتداولة في البورصة الخاصة بالدخل الثابت الفصل التاسع : التقاعد: برنامج (e) 401 للتقاعد الفصل العاشر : التحوط لعملياتك: الصناديق المتداولة الدائنة والمكشوفة الفصل الحادي عشر : ماذا سيحدث مستقبلا مستقبل الصناديق المتداولة في البورصة الفصل الثاني عشر : محافظ الصناديق المتداولة في البورصة وفقا لفكر كيف تجني المال من وراء المعلومات

The Devil Is a Part-Timer!, Vol. 4

by 029 Satoshi Wagahara

With his beloved MgRonald closed for renovations, the Devil King's out of work! Worse, the apartment he shares at Villa Rosa Sasazuka has gotten damaged thanks to his fight with Gabriel, which means the household has to temporarily vacate the premises. Having lost both his title and his vast land holdings, the Devil King takes a part-time job at his landlady's niece's beach house--and of course Chiho and Emi insist on coming along. It's summertime at the beach, but the Devil's still got work to do...!

Principles of Methodology: Research Design in Social Science

by Perri 6 Christine Bellamy

This book provides a comprehensive, accessible guide to social science methodology. In so doing, it establishes methodology as distinct from both methods and philosophy. Most existing textbooks deal with methods, or sound ways of collecting and analysing data to generate findings. In contrast, this innovative book shows how an understanding of methodology allows us to design research so that findings can be used to answer interesting research questions and to build and test theories. Most important things in social research (e.g., beliefs, institutions, interests, practices and social classes) cannot be observed directly. This book explains how empirical research can nevertheless be designed to make sound inferences about their nature, effects and significance. The authors examine what counts as good description, explanation and interpretation, and how they can be achieved by striking intelligent trade-offs between competing design virtues. Coverage includes: * why methodology matters; * what philosophical arguments show us about inference; * competing virtues of good research design; * purposes of theory, models and frameworks; * forming researchable concepts and typologies; * explaining and interpreting: inferring causation, meaning and significance; and * combining explanation and interpretation. The book is essential reading for new researchers faced with the practical challenge of designing research. Extensive examples and exercises are provided, based on the authors' long experience of teaching methodology to multi-disciplinary groups. Perri 6 is Professor of Social Policy in the Graduate School in the College of Business, Law and Social Sciences at Nottingham Trent University. Chris Bellamy is Emeritus Professor of Public Administration in the Graduate School, Nottingham Trent University.

My Revision Notes: Edexcel A level Psychology

by Ali Abbas

Manage your own revision with step-by-step support from experienced teacher and examiner XXX. Use a selection of examples activities to improve your understanding of psychological concepts. Apply psychological terms accurately with the help of definitions and key words.- Plan and pace your revision with the revision planner- Use the expert tips to clarify key points- Avoid making typical mistakes with expert advice- Test yourself with end-of-topic questions and answers and tick off each topic as you complete it- Get exam ready with last minute quick quizzes at

After Summer: After Summer (Summer Boys #3)

by Hailey Abbott

The weather may be cooler, but things are hotter than ever in this yummy third installment of the NEW YORK TIMES bestselling SUMMER BOYS series!As the leaves turn golden, everyone's favorite beach girls are dealing with romantic dramas in their respective hometowns. Tomboy Beth is worried that her true love, George, is changing -- and not for the best. Meanwhile, naughty Ella meets a boy at school who is (gasp!) an even bigger flirt than she is. College girl Kelsi hates how her boyfriend treats her differently around his frat posse. And shy dreamer Jamie falls hard for a pompous trust fund boy at her posh boarding school. Everything comes to a head at an eventful Thanksgiving, and the four cousins come away wiser about life and love.

Girls in Love: A Summer Girls Novel (Summer Girls Ser.)

by Hailey Abbott

It's not summer without Hailey Abbott! The New York Times bestselling author of SUMMER BOYS returns with the follow-up to SUMMER GIRLS: a seaside tale of love, secrets, heartache, and betrayal.Hot days. Hotter nights. The girls are back. JESSICA: Connor and I are in love, and we're both ready to take the next step. So then why is he spending all his time with another girl?LARA: I thought Andrew and I were through, and I met an awesome new guy. But now Andrew's back, and I don't want to choose. Can I pull off dating two boys at once?GREER: The guys here are gorgeous, but they're all players -- including Hunter. He says he's done playing games, but can I trust him?Laying out, hooking up, falling in love. It's going to be one sizzling summer.

Last Summer (Summer Boys #4)

by Hailey Abbott

The sweet, smart, and sexy final installment in the New York Times bestselling series.It's the last summer at Pebble Beach before everyone goes off to college. George and Beth are no longer together, but will they make up before Beth heads off to (oh, the irony) GEORGEtown? Kelsi has a new college boy around for the summer, but can he make her pulse flutter the way Tim used to? Meanwhile, Ella runs into a dangerous blast from the past...can she resist him? Between sipping homemade margaritas by the shore, and helping each other through their romantic woes, the Tuttle girls might just make this the craziest, sweetest, most unforgettable summer ever.

Next Summer: Next Summer (Summer Boys #2)

by Hailey Abbott

Things are heating up again. Can you handle it?The SUMMER BOYS girls are back for another dose of sizzling drama. Will soul mates Beth and George be able to maintain their long-distance love affair, even while another boy is catching Beth's eye? Will reformed bad girl Ella REALLY be able to suppress her wild ways? And can shy, smart Kelsi open herself up to love again, even after she's had her heart broken? And what's happening with Jamie on her summer writing program? Find out all this--and much more--in this sexy sequel.

Summer Boys: Next Summer (Summer Boys #1)

by Hailey Abbott

From the creators of GOSSIP GIRL comes a fresh, edgy take on teenage romance. Three interconnected stories explore the different stages of love over the course of one summer on the seashore.It's summer. It's hot. And it's time to hook up.Cousins Ella, Beth, and Jamie are at their family's beach house, and they're gearing up for the wildest time of their lives. Sassy Ella is majorly crushing on a cute older boy -- who just happens to be her sister's new boyfriend. Meanwhile, practical Beth is surprised when she finds herself falling for her best friend George. And shy, creative Jamie gets her heart broken when her summer love abandons her. Three girls, too many boys, and some seriously stormy all adds up to one unforgettable summer.

My Revision Notes OCR GCSE (9-1) Religious Studies

by Lorraine Abbott

Target success in OCR GCSE Religious Studies with this proven formula for effective, structured revision; key content coverage is combined with exam-style tasks and practical tips to create a revision guide you can rely on to review, strengthen and test their knowledge.With My Revision Notes you can:- Plan and manage a successful revision programme using the topic-by-topic planner- Consolidate subject knowledge by working through clear and focused content coverage- Test understanding and identify areas for improvement with regular 'Now Test Yourself' tasks (with answers online)- Improve exam technique through practice questions and expert tips

The Lines We Cross

by Randa Abdel-Fattah

A remarkable story about the power of tolerance from one of the most important voices in contemporary Muslim literature, critically acclaimed author Randa Abdel-Fattah.Michael likes to hang out with his friends and play with the latest graphic design software. His parents drag him to rallies held by their anti-immigrant group, which rails against the tide of refugees flooding the country. And it all makes sense to Michael.Until Mina, a beautiful girl from the other side of the protest lines, shows up at his school, and turns out to be funny, smart -- and a Muslim refugee from Afghanistan. Suddenly, his parents' politics seem much more complicated.Mina has had a long and dangerous journey fleeing her besieged home in Afghanistan, and now faces a frigid reception at her new prep school, where she is on scholarship. As tensions rise, lines are drawn. Michael has to decide where he stands. Mina has to protect herself and her family. Both have to choose what they want their world to look like.

Ten Things I Hate About Me

by Randa Abdel-Fattah

Randa Abdel-Fattah's new novel about about finding your place in life . . . and learning to accept yourself and your culture."At school I'm Aussie-blonde Jamie -- one of the crowd. At home I'm Muslim Jamilah -- driven mad by my Stone Age dad. I should win an Oscar for my acting skills. But I can't keep it up for much longer..."Jamie just wants to fit in. She doesn't want to be seen as a stereotypical Muslim girl, so she does everything possible to hide that part of herself. Even if it means pushing her friends away because she's afraid to let them know her dad forbids her from hanging out with boys or that she secretly loves to play the darabuka (Arabic drums).

Macroeconomics (Eighth Edition)

by Andrew B. Abel Ben Bernanke Dean Croushore

This book is intended for the intermediate macroeconomics course. This book is also suitable for all readers interested in the field of macroeconomics. Abel, Bernanke, and Croushore present macroeconomic theory in a way that prepares students to analyze real macroeconomic data used by policy makers and researchers. With a balanced treatment of both classical and Keynesian economics, the comprehensive coverage makes it easy for instructors to align chapters to fit their own syllabi. Students in this course often struggle to see how the macroeconomic models compare to one another, and fit into the big picture. This text uses a unified approach based on a single economics model that provides students with a clear understanding of macroeconomics and its classical and Keynesian assumptions. The main objective of the eighth edition is to keep the book fresh and up-to-date, especially in light of the recent crises in the United States and Europe and many new tools used by the Federal Reserve in response to the crisis. To reflect recent events and developments in the field, revisions have been made throughout the text, and additional new applications, boxes, and problems are included. Note: this is the standalone book, if you want the book/access card order the ISBN below: MyEconLab is not a self-paced technology and should only be purchased when required by an instructor 0133407926 / 9780133407921 Macroeconomics Plus NEW MyEconLab with Pearson eText -- Access Card Package Package consists of: 0132992280 / 9780132992282 Macroeconomics 0132993325 / 9780132993326 NEW MyEconLab with Pearson eText -- Access Card -- for Macroeconomics

Shark Biology and Conservation: Essentials for Educators, Students, and Enthusiasts

by Daniel C. Abel R. Dean Grubbs

Feed your fascination with sharks! This complete resource enlightens readers on the biology, ecology, and behavior of sharks with approachable explanations and more than 250 stunning color illustrations.Studies of shark biology have flourished over the last several decades. An explosion of new research methods is leading to a fascinating era of oceanic discovery. Shark Biology and Conservation is an up-to-date, comprehensive overview of the diversity, evolution, ecology, behavior, physiology, anatomy, and conservation of sharks. Written in a style that is detailed but not intimidating by world-renowned shark specialists Dan Abel and Dean Grubbs, it relays numerous stories and insights from their exciting experiences in the field. While explaining scientific concepts in terms that non-specialists and students can understand, Abel and Grubbs reveal secrets that will illuminate even the experts. The text provides readers with a robust and wide range of essential knowledge as it• introduces emerging as well as traditional techniques for classifying sharks, understanding their behavior, and unraveling the mysteries of their evolution;• draws on both established shark science and the latest breakthroughs in the field, from molecular approaches to tracking technologies;• highlights the often-neglected yet fascinating subject of shark physiology, including heart function, sensory biology, digestion, metabolic performance, and reproduction;• addresses big picture ecological questions like "Which habitats do sharks prefer?" and "Where do sharks migrate and for what purpose?";• describes the astonishing diversity of sharks' adaptations to their environment;• discusses which shark conservation techniques do and don't work; and• comments on the use and misuse of science in the study of sharks.Enhanced by hundreds of original color photographs and beautifully detailed line drawings, Shark Biology and Conservation will appeal to anyone who is spellbound by this wondrous, ecologically important, and threatened group, including marine biologists, wildlife educators, students, and shark enthusiasts.

Limited Choices: Mable Jones, a Black Children's Nurse in a Northern White Household

by Emily K. Abel Margaret K. Nelson

When interviewed by the Charlottesville, Virginia, Ridge Street Oral History Project, which documented the lives of Black residents in the 1990s, Mable Jones described herself as a children’s nurse, recounting her employment in New York City in the 1940s and 1950s. Emily Abel and Margaret Nelson, whose mother employed Jones, use the interview and their own childhood memories as a starting point in piecing together Jones’s life in an effort to investigate the impact of structural racism, and a discriminatory system their family helped uphold. The book is situated in three different settings—the poor rural South, Charlottesville, and the affluent suburb of Larchmont, New York—all places that Mable Jones lived and worked.Mable Jones was emblematic of her race, gender, time, and place. Like many African Americans born around 1900, she lived first in a rural community before moving to a city. She had to leave school after the eighth grade and worked until a year before her death. And her occupation was that held by the majority of African American women through the twentieth century. Reflecting on her life, local civil rights leader Eugene Williams asked the authors to document the "segregation in Charlottesville that Mrs. Jones endured." This book honors his charge by highlighting the limited choices available to her. It documents the slow progress of change for many African Americans in the South, explores the still little-known experiences of Black household workers in the suburban North, and reconstructs the textured lives that Mable Jones and the many women like her nevertheless carved out in a system that was and continues to be stacked against them.

Scholars, Policymakers, and International Affairs: Finding Common Cause

by Abraham F. Lowenthal and Mariano E. Bertucci

How to strengthen both academic research and international policies by improving the connections between scholars and policymakers.Scholars, Policymakers, and International Affairs shows how to build mutually beneficial connections between the worlds of ideas and action, analysis and policy. Drawing on contributions from top international scholars with policy experience in the United States, Europe, Asia, Canada, and Latin America, as well as senior policymakers throughout the Americas, Abraham F. Lowenthal and Mariano E. Bertucci make the case that scholars can both strengthen their research and contribute to improved policies while protecting academia from the risks of active participation in the policy process.Many scholars believe that policymakers are more interested in processes and outcomes than in understanding causality. Many policymakers believe that scholars are absorbed in abstract and self-referential debates and that they are primarily interested in crafting theories (and impressing other scholars) rather than developing solutions to pressing policy issues.The contributors to this book confront this gap head-on. They do not deny the obstacles to fruitful interaction between scholars and policymakers, but, drawing on their own experience, discuss how these obstacles can be and have been overcome. They present case studies that illustrate how scholars have helped reduce income inequality, promote democratic governance, improve gender equity, target international financial sanctions, manage the Mexico–U.S. border, and enhance inter-American cooperation. These success stories are balanced by studies on why academic analysts have failed to achieve much positive impact on counternarcotics and citizen security policies. The editors’ astute conclusion identifies best practices and provides concrete recommendations to government agencies, international institutions, nongovernmental organizations, and funding sources, as well as to senior university officials, academic departments and centers, think tanks, established scholars, junior faculty, and graduate students.Clearly written and thoughtfully organized, this innovative book provides analytic insights and practical wisdom for those who want to understand how to build more effective connections between the worlds of thought and action.

Tort Law and the Construction of Change: Studies in the Inevitability of History

by Kenneth S. Abraham G. Edward White

Tort Law and the Construction of Change studies the interaction of law and social change in American history. Tort law—civil law made by judges, not legislators—is traditionally thought to arise out of legal precedent. But Kenneth S. Abraham and G. Edward White show that American judges over the course of the previous two centuries also paid close attention to changing societal contexts in which lawsuits for civil injuries arose. They argue that two versions of history–one grounded in the application of previous legal rules and the other responsive to larger societal changes—must be considered in tandem to grasp fully how American civil law has evolved over time.In five fascinating chapters, they cover understudied areas of tort law, such as liability for nonphysical harm—including lawsuits for defamation, privacy, emotional distress, sexual harassment, and the hacking of confidential information—and aspects of tort litigation that have now disappeared, such as the prohibition against "interested" parties testifying in civil actions or the intentional infliction of temporal damage without justification. What emerges is a picture of the complicated legal dance American judges performed to cloak their decisions to make at times radical changes in tort law in response to social transformations. When confronting established tort doctrines under pressure from emerging social changes, they found ways to preserve at least the appearance of doctrinal continuity.

Evergreen Ash: Ecology and Catastrophe in Old Norse Myth and Literature (Under the Sign of Nature)

by Christopher Abram

Norse mythology is obsessed with the idea of an onrushing and unstoppable apocalypse: Ragnarok, when the whole of creation will perish in fire, smoke, and darkness and the earth will no longer support the life it once nurtured. Most of the Old Norse texts that preserve the myths of Ragnarok originated in Iceland, a nation whose volcanic activity places it perpetually on the brink of a world-changing environmental catastrophe. As the first full-length ecocritical study of Old Norse myth and literature, Evergreen Ash argues that Ragnarok is primarily a story of ecological collapse that reflects the anxieties of early Icelanders who were trying to make a home in a profoundly strange, marginal, and at times hostile environment.Christopher Abram here contends that Ragnarok offers an uncanny foreshadowing of our current global ecological crisis—the era of the Anthropocene. Ragnarok portends what may happen when a civilization believes that nature can be mastered and treated only as a resource to be exploited for human ends. The enduring power of the Ragnarok myth, and its relevance to life in the era of climate change, lies in its terrifying evocation of a world in which nothing is what it was before, a world that is no longer home to us—and, thus, a world with no future. Climate change may well be our Ragnarok.

The Fourth Mega-Market, Now Through 2011: How Three Earlier Bull Markets Explain the Present and Predict the Future

by Ralph Acampora Michael D'Angelo

A proven leader in the financial world explains the current bull market--and how to profit from it--by comparing it to the great bull markets of the past.Were you surprised by Wall Street's incredible performance over the past few years? Ralph Acampora wasn't. In fact, Acampora, Prudential's top technical analyst, predicted the current bullish trend--and helped countless clients profit from it. Now you can too.Acampora coined the term mega-market to describe a bull market that lasts a minimum of ten years and a maximum of eighteen years with Dow gains of between 400% and 500%. In The Fourth Mega-Market, Acampora helps readers take advantage of the staggering performance of the current market by showing its similarities with the three previous mega-markets in American history. In an entertaining and straight-forward style, and with a wealth of informative charts and graphs, he helps readers recognize patterns that can explain market performance, showing how to use technical analysis to "hear the voices" of the market. He offers valuable tips, such as how to spot and protect yourself from a correction; how psychology and politics influence the market; and how to analyze the performance of various market segments. Finally, he makes exciting predictions on just where the market will go before it ends and how it will get there, giving specific recommendations. While today's information overload keeps us on the edge of our seats, scanning the numbers for subtle clues as to the market's next seismic shift, Ralph Acampora shows us the value of a larger perspective, one that not only explains today's mega-market, but also shows us how to keep investing our money wisely and ride high on the current wave.

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