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Showing 12,376 through 12,400 of 17,985 results

Essential Physics

by Tom Hsu Manos Chaniotakis Michael Pahre

NIMAC-supplied textbook

Essential Maths Skills for AS/A Level Design and Technology

by Peter Warne Chris Walker

Don't let your students miss out on easy marks, prepare them for those Maths questions with this essential guide.Written specifically to build students' confidence in maths and to prepare them for the more challenging mathematical requirements which make up 15% of the new DT specifications.- Improve confidence with structured progression of worked examples, guided and non-guided questions, and worked solutions for every question- Strengthen students' maths skills and subject understanding with worked examples andpractice questions all embedded in the subject context- Develop exam confidence with exam-style maths questions- An essential tool throughout the AS and A Level course with every maths skill mapped tosubject topics, and applicable to every major exam board- Reviewed by subject and maths expert Glyn Granger (former D&T chief examiner)

Essential Literary Terms with Exercises

by Sharon Hamilton

Prepare for AP placement in English literature with this volume of study, examples and exercises.

Essential Linguistics: What Teachers Need To Know To Teach ESL, Reading, Spelling, And Grammar

by David E. Freeman Yvonne S. Freeman

The authors make the Second Edition more valuable by clearly explaining English phonology, morphology, and syntax and the implications for teaching, using the International Phonetic Alphabet to prepare students for the Praxis examination, including chapters on first and second language acquisition research and theories, reviewing ESL teaching methods. With examples, activities, and end-of-chapter applications that link linguistic theory and classroom practice, the authors show teachers how to use their new understandings of linguistics to help student learning.

Essential Health Skills for High School

by Catherine Sanderson Mark Zelman

Essentail Health Skills for High School is a complete educational package for teaching skills-based health education. Topics include COVID-19, vaping, opioid addiction, body positivity and compassion, mindfulness, and online communication and safety. Content and skills align to the National Health Education Standards.

Essential Health Skills for High School

by Catherine A. Sanderson Mark Zelman Lindsay Armbruster Mary McCarley

Essential Health Skills for High School is a complete educational package for teaching skills-based health education in your classroom. This fourth edition features cutting-edge health topics, such as COVID-19, vaping, opioid addiction, body positivity and compassion, mindfulness, and online communication and safety. An abundance of skills-based activities and assessments provides flexibility for teaching health and wellness topics in a relatable, skills-driven way. Content and skills align to the National Health Education Standards.

The Essential Guide to Energy Healing: Harness the Power of Natural Healing Energy to Relieve Pain and Illness (Essential Guide)

by Ben Andron Dr. Michael Andron

In our complex times, innumerable people are stricken with disease, discomfort, and pain—some from identifiable sources and others rooted deeply in psychological trauma. More and more people are turning to natural, holistic therapies to supplement or replace traditional medicine, ease pain, and heal the source of their suffering. The Essential Guide to Energy Healing illuminates the various uses of body and earth energy to mitigate disease and suffering and helps readers judge for themselves which methods will be most effective for their ailments—or those of others they wish to heal. Practical steps show how to put these energies to use. Topics covered include: • What energy medicine is and how it works. • Magnet therapy. • Light therapy. • Cymatic (sound) therapy. • Psychic healing. • Therapeutic touch. • Healing touch. • Esoteric healing. • Qi Gong healing. • Reiki. • Pranic healing. • Crystal healing. • Distant healing.

The Essential Guide to Caring for Aging Parents: A Wise and Practical Guide to Navigating the Complex World of Family Elder Care (Essential Guide)

by Dr. Linda Rhodes

As the elderly live longer and health care becomes more complex and expensive, the personal and financial burden placed on families attempting to care for an aging parent is greater than ever. Dr. Linda Rhodes has decades of experience in assisting families to navigate this often treacherous road; and she has her own personal story to tell. This mix of professional wisdom and warm personal insight makes The Essential Guide® to Caring for Aging Parents the perfect guide for anyone in need of an authoritative yet supportive voice to help an elderly parent not only live with dignity, but thrive. Dr. Rhodes shares with readers loads of advice garnered from her years as the Secretary of Aging for the state of Pennsylvania, as well as her own personal story of dealing with her parents' situation, often over long distances.

Essential Environment: The Science Behind The Stories 5th Ed

by Matthew Laposata Jay Withgott

Essential Environment: The Science behind the Stories, Fifth Edition engages students using current, integrated case studies that provide a context for understanding science and environmental concerns in a brief, 18-chapter text. Jay Withgott and Matt Laposata present the latest understanding of environmental science along with expanded FAQ discussions that address common student misconceptions and with new Data Analysis questions that build quantitative literacy.

The Essential Elements of Public Speaking (3rd edition)

by Joseph A. Devito

The Essential Elements of Public Speaking is a concise, manageable exploration of the essential principles of public speaking, making a clear link between theory and practice. Listening; Speech Criticism; Selecting a Speech Topic, Purpose and Thesis; Audience Analysis; Using Supporting Materials and Visual Aids; Organizing, Wording and Delivering Speeches; Informing and Persuading Audiences; Special Occasion Speeches; and Presenting the Group's Thinking.

Essential Electrical Skills for HVACR: Theory And Labs

by Ernesto Reina

Essential Electrical Skills for HVACR: Theory and Labs delivers focused instruction and hands-on application of electricity and controls to prepare students for successful careers in HVACR. This concise text provides a review of core electrical concepts, a deeper exploration into these topics through integrated hands-on labs to master application and comprehension, and end-of-chapter assessment questions. This text serves as supplemental electrical material for programs currently using Modern Refrigeration and Air Conditioning, featuring an Additional Reading section at the beginning of each chapter that directs students to additional related content in Modern Refrigeration and Air Conditioning. The text also provides Safety Notes, Pro Tips, and Caution features integrated throughout the chapters.

The Essential Dalai Lama

by Rajiv Mehrotra

An invaluable collection that brings together the best of the Dalai Lama's writings on all aspects of life An inspiration to millions of people worldwide, the Dalai Lama has authored more than fifty books. Now, for the first time, The Essential Dalai Lama brings together the best of the Dalai Lama's writings on all aspects of life, from work to meditation. Divided into four sections-The Vision, Buddhist Perspectives, Practice, A World in Harmony-The Essential Dalai Lama contains eloquent applications of the principles of ancient Buddhist thought to contemporary issues, all expressed in the Dalai Lama's uniquely compelling voice. This is the perfect compilation for anyone who wishes to have one source for the Dalai Lama's teachings or who seeks an introduction to the philosophy and practice of Buddhism.

The Essay Connection: Readings For Writers

by Lynn Z. Bloom

NIMAC-sourced textbook

The Essay Connection: Readings for Writers

by Lynn Z. Bloom

THE ESSAY CONNECTION is a provocative, timely collection of rhetorically arranged essays by professional and student writers. It stimulates critical thinking on ethical, social, and political issues, enabling users to make connections and write with an informed viewpoint. Essays range from the personal to the scientific and cover a variety of modes--narration, process analysis, comparison and contrast, and persuasion--to prompt users' interest in different disciplines and genres. Professionally written essays (by scientists, economists, and journalists, among others), as well as, user essays inspire and motivate readers. Unlike excerpts found in other readers, most essays are printed in their entirety, thus serving as better models for user writing. Throughout the text, Bloom offers practical, clear advice on writing that complements the essays. Rich visuals, fiction, poetry, and creative nonfiction provide a full set of models to bolster critical thinking, reading, and writing skills. The ninth edition offers more than 30 new essays to stimulate the readers' interest. An expanded argument casebook, as well as, new visuals, poems, and works of creative nonfiction and fiction build on the strengths of previous editions. New material on the Book Companion Website strengthens the readers' writing and reading comprehension skills.

The Essay Connection: Readings for Writers

by Lynn Z. Bloom

The Essay Connection presents a provocative and timely collection of rhetorically arranged essays by professional and student writers that stimulate critical thinking on ethical, social, and political issues, enabling students to make connections and write with a more informed point of view. The essays range from the personal to the scientific and cover a variety of modes--including narration, process analysis, comparison and contrast, and persuasion--to prompt students' interest in different disciplines and genres. Both the professionally written essays (by scientists, economists, and journalists among others) and the student ones inspire and motivate students who are taking composition as a requirement. Most essays are printed in their entirety, serving as better models for student writing than the excerpts often found in other readers. Throughout the text, Bloom offers practical, clear advice on the art of writing that compliments the essays. In addition, rich visuals, fiction, poetry, and creative nonfiction provide a full set of models to bolster critical-thinking, reading, and writing skills. The Eighth Edition offers more than 30 new essays to stimulate students' interest. In addition, an expanded argument casebook as well as new visuals, poems, and works of creative nonfiction and fiction build on the strengths of previous editions, while new material on the Online Study Center for students strengthens students' writing and reading comprehension skills.

Esports: The Ultimate Guide

by Scholastic

An exciting new insider's guide to all the biggest and best competitive games and esports teams and players.An in-depth, insider's guide to the fastest-growing sport on the face of the planet: esports! From ESPN to the biggest sporting arenas in the world, esports has officially arrived as the hottest new form of athletic competition. This ultimate insider's guide will introduce gamers to the world of esports from little league to stadium-filling championships, including a deep dive into all the top games, leagues, players, and more. It will also include beginner tips and tricks for each of the top games, like Overwatch, League of Legends, Minecraft, Rocket League, Dota 2, Fortnite, PUBG, Call of Duty, and more, while using real players' strategies and tactics to win. Bursting with the biggest games, teams, and personalities in esports, this guide is a must-have for any kid interested in this phenomenon!All games featured in Esports: The Ultimate Guide are rated T for Teen or younger, keeping it appropriate for young gamers.

eSports: The Ultimate Gamer's Guide

by Mike Stubbs

Whether you want to game like a pro or watch the high-stakes drama, your entry to the pulse-pounding, fast-growing world of eSports starts here. Competitive video gaming has taken the world by storm. Millions of viewers tune in across the world for matches, fans fill sold-out stadiums for the biggest events, and top players can make millions off a single game. Don’t get left out of this global phenomenon!eSports: The Ultimate Gamer’s Guide is an in-depth overview of professional gaming for everyone from casual gamers to hardcore fans. Learn the history, rules, leagues, and top players of the world’s biggest competitive games, including Dota 2, League of Legends, Counter-Strike, FIFA, Call of Duty, and many more.The large and rapidly changing landscape of competitive gaming can seem overwhelming, but this guide will turn you into an expert. It covers everything you need to know about where to watch, how to get involved, and why eSports is the most exciting spectator sport around.

El Español para nosotros Curso para hispanohablantes

by McGraw Hill

El Espanol para nosotros is written for students who speak and hear Spanish at home and want to improve their literacy and cultural skills in Spanish while improving their academic and literacy skills in English. It is designed specifically to help Spanish-speaking high school students strengthen language skills and develop an appreciation for their literature and culture. Level 1 print Student Edition.

Espaces: Rendez-vous avec le monde francophone

by James G. Mitchell Cheryl Tano

NIMAC-sourced textbook

Espaces: Rendez-vous avec le monde francophone

by Cherie Mitschke Cheryl Tano

NIMAC-sourced textbook

Escuadrón (Escuadrón #Volumen 1)

by Brandon Sanderson

La nueva novela de Brandon Sanderson. El mundo lleva siglos en guerra; la humanidad está atrapada en un planeta constantemente atacado por unos alienígenas decididos a destruirla. Los pilotos son los únicos héroes dispuestos a combatir al enemigo. Spensa es una joven que siempre ha soñado con convertirse en piloto y defender a la Tierra. Pero su destino se cruza con el de su padre,un piloto que fue asesinado tras abandonar a su equipo, anulando sus opciones de asistir a la escuela de vuelo. De pronto, el ataque alienígena ha hecho duplicar la flota aérea de los humanos, facilitando que Spensa ahora sí pueda volar al espacio... La crítica ha dicho...«Brandon Sanderson es una leyenda.»Alexelcapo, @EvilAFM «Un escritor brillante.»Patrick Rothfuss

Esclavas del poder

by Lydia Cacho

Por la periodista Lydia Cacho, autora del bestseller Los demonios del Edén.Prólogo de Roberto Saviano.A partir de casos concretos, así como de historias conmovedoras, Lydia Cacho sigue una línea de investigación para llegar a las mafias de tratantes de mujeres, que la conducen desde México hasta Kirguistán, pasando por Malasia, Japón y Myanmar, entre otras partes del mundo. Lydia Cacho lleva al lector de la mano por un viaje emocionante en el que encuentra la voz de las víctimas y al mismo tiempo expone a los servidores públicos dedicados a proteger a dichas mafias.Esclavas del poder es un mapa global de la trata de mujeres. Un viaje de ida y vuelta, en el cuál la autora sigue la cadena de lo que los expertos han llamado "la esclavitud del siglo XXI".Otros autores han opinado:"Lydia Cacho es un símbolo del periodismo valiente. En este libro Lydia llega más allá de las fronterasde México. Ataviada con disfraces diversos, viaja desde los bajos fondos mexicanos de la Merced hasta los centros nocturnos y los prostíbulos de Japón, pasando por muchos otros nudos de la inmensa telaraña de mafiosos, empresarios, policías, jueces y políticos que manejan el negocio en el mundo. Lydia escucha, para que sean escuchadas, las voces de las víctimas, las vidas rotas, y acusa a quienes ejercen la forma más abyecta del derecho de propiedad, hombres dueños de mujeres, adultos dueños de niños: esos supermachos que humillando a los más débiles manifiestan su despreciable poder." - Eduardo Galeano"Lydia Cacho se mete en los vericuetos necesarios para mostrar el mapa de la esclavitud contemporánea, las rutas de este comercio criminal y cómo el fenómeno está entramado a través de un putrefacto involucramiento gubernamental, la complacencia y la indiferencia de amplias capas de la sociedad." - Carmen Aristegui

Escaping Mr. Rochester

by L.L. McKinney

In this fresh reimagining of Charlotte Brontë’s classic novel by acclaimed author L. L. McKinney, Jane Eyre and Bertha Mason must save each other from the horrifying machinations of Mr. Rochester in this intrigue-filled, empowering young adult romance. Jane Eyre has no interest in a husband. Eager to make her own way in the world, she accepts the governess position at Thornfield Hall.Though her new employer, Edward Rochester, has a charming air—not to mention a handsome face—Jane discovers that his smile can sharpen in an instant. Plagued by Edward’s mercurial mood and the strange wails that echo through the corridors, Jane grows suspicious of the secrets hidden within Thornfield Hall—unaware of the true horrors lurking above her very head.On the topmost floor, Bertha Mason is trapped in more ways than one. After her whirlwind marriage to Edward turned into a nightmare, he locked her away as revenge for withholding her inheritance. Now his patience grows thin in the face of Bertha’s resilience and Jane’s persistent questions, and both young women are in more danger than they realize.When their only chance at safety—and perhaps something more—is in each other’s arms, can they find and keep one another safe before Edward’s dark machinations close in around them?

Escaping From Houdini (Stalking Jack the Ripper #3)

by Kerri Maniscalco

The #1 New York Times bestselling series that started with Stalking Jack the Ripper and Hunting Prince Dracula continues in this third bloody installment! A luxurious ocean liner becomes a floating prison of madness and horror when passengers are murdered one by one...with nowhere to run from the killer. Audrey Rose Wadsworth and her partner-in-crime-investigation, Thomas Cresswell, are en route to New York to help solve another blood-soaked mystery. Embarking on a week-long voyage across the Atlantic on the opulent RMS Etruria, they're delighted to discover a traveling troupe of circus performers, fortune tellers, and a certain charismatic young escape artist entertaining the first-class passengers nightly. But then, privileged young women begin to go missing without explanation, and a series of brutal slayings shocks the entire ship. The disturbing influence of the Moonlight Carnival pervades the decks as the murders grow ever more freakish, with nowhere to escape except the unforgiving sea. It's up to Audrey Rose and Thomas to piece together the gruesome investigation as even more passengers die before reaching their destination. But with clues to the next victim pointing to someone she loves, can Audrey Rose unravel the mystery before the killer's horrifying finale? p.p1 {margin: 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px; font: 13.0px Times} p.p1 {margin: 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px; font: 14.0px 'Times New Roman'} p.p2 {margin: 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px; font: 14.0px 'Times New Roman'; min-height: 16.0px}

Escape Velocity

by Robin Stevenson

Lou's dad has been addicted to painkillers since an accident left him unable to work. He's a good, loving dad, but kind of useless. Lou's mother, Zoe, a successful novelist, abandoned Lou at birth and showed no interest in her until three years ago, when Lou was twelve. Their relationship since then has been strained, but when Lou's dad has a stroke, there is nowhere else for her to go while he recovers. Lou struggles to find her bearings and figure out why her mom left her all those years ago. She is convinced the answers are in Zoe's fiction, but when Lou's grandmother, Heather, appears at a reading, Lou realizes she may have misjudged her mother.

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