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Showing 31,001 through 31,100 of 31,118 results

Una aventura sobre hielo (Princesa Sin Gracia #Volumen 4)

by Lou Kuenzler

¡Ya ha llegado el invierno a la Escuela de los Cien Torreones! El gran lago está helado y las princesas aprenden a patinar, pero ¡a Gracia le cuesta horrores! Así que cuando la famosa patinadora Glacia Borrasca anuncia que debe elegir a una princesa para su espectáculo, Gracia sabe que ella no será la afortunada. Pero ¿quién será? ¿Y por qué la estrella del hielo actúa de una manera tan extraña? ¿Sabrá Gracia mantener el equilibrio para salvar la escuela de un destino helado?

Sherlock Holmes 1. Estudio en escarlata (Sherlock Holmes #Volumen 1)

by Sir Arthur Doyle

Uno de los grandes clásicos de la literatura de misterio, en una nueva edición adaptada que incluye ilustraciones de Pilar Hernández. Cuando el doctor Watson decide compartir apartamento, no puede imaginar todo lo que le sucederá en el 221B de Baker Street. Allí convive con Sherlock Holmes, el detective más excéntrico que jamás ha conocido y su nuevo compañero de aventuras. Su primer caso: descubrir quién y por qué, ha cometido un asesinato en una casa deshabitada.

Mujercitas (Coleccion "clasicos Juveniles" Ser.)

by Louisa May Alcott

Uno de los grandes clásicos de la literatura en una maravillosa edición ilustrada. Vive las aventuras de Meg, Jo, Beth y Amy. Meg, Jo, Beth y Amy son cuatro hermanas adolescentes muy distintas, a las que les une su imaginación y la voluntad de romper con las normas de conducta propias de la época. Acompañadas de su madre, su tía y sus vecinos, las chicas March pronto demuestran quecrecer puede ser la mayor de las aventuras. Uno de los grandes clásicos de la literatura, en una nueva edición adaptada con ilustraciones de Montse Martín.

Sherlock Holmes 2. El signo de los cuatro (Sherlock Holmes #Volumen 2)

by Sir Arthur Doyle

Uno de los grandes clásicos de la literatura de misterio, en una nueva edición adaptada que incluye ilustraciones de Pilar Hernández. Sherlock Holmes y el doctor Watson reciben una intrigante visita: se trata de la joven Mary Morstan, que les pide que investiguen la desaparición de su padre y el origen de unas perlas que recibe cada año por su cumpleaños. La petición de Mary dará pie a extraordinarios sucesos y les llevará hasta la mismísima India

Los viajes de Gulliver: (spanish Edition) (annotated) (worldwide Classics)

by Jonathan Swift

El gran clásico de la literatura en una nueva edición adaptada e ilustrada. Gulliver es un apasionado de los viajes. En su afán por descubrir mundo, vivirá grandes aventuras que lo llevarán a lugares extraordinarios donde conocerá a los seres más insólitos: los minúsculos liliputienses, los gigantes de Brobdingnag, unos sabios insensatos que viven en una isla voladora y unos seres que, sin serlo, son de lo más humanos.

Veinte mil leguas de viaje submarino (La\brújula Y La Veleta Ser.)

by Julio Verne Shia Green

¡Explora los océanos en un submarino, enfréntate a feroces calamares gigantes y descubre inimaginables maravillas con las mejores aventuras de Julio Verne! Un misterioso monstruo marino recorre las costas de todo el mundo. ¿Qué puede ser esta extraña bestia? El científico Pierre Aronnax y sus inseparables amigos se lanzan a la aventura para desentrañar el enigma, pero... ¿es posible que la extraña criatura sea en realidad algo mucho más sorprendente? Las grandes novelas de Julio Verne, adaptadas por Shia Green e ilustradas por Fran H-T

La vuelta al mundo en 80 días

by Julio Verne Shia Green

¡Recorre el mundo de punta a punta con las mejores aventuras de Julio Verne! Nadie cree a Phileas Fogg cuando asegura que dará la vuelta al mundo… ¡en solo ochenta días! Parece una misión imposible, sobre todo con la policía pisándole los talones y con todo tipo de obstáculos en el camino. Desde trenes averiados hasta peligrosas travesías acuáticas, ¡e incluso estampidas de bisontes! Las grandes novelas de Julio Verne, adaptadas por Shia Green e ilustradas por Fran H-T

Viaje al centro de la Tierra (La\brújula Y La Veleta Ser.)

by Julio Verne

Molino presenta una nueva colección de las grandes novelas de Julio Verne ilustradas y adaptadas por Shia Green a lectores a partir de 7 años. ¡Explora el interior de un volcán y enfréntate a criaturas de tiempos remotos en Viaje al centro de la Tierra! ¿Qué misterios se esconden en lo más profundo de la Tierra? El profesor Lidenbrock y su sobrino Axel se lanzarán a la aventura para averiguarlo y descubrirán un mundo de peligros y de maravillas: ¡desde volcanes y ríos de lava hasta increíbles dinosaurios que creían extintos!

Guerrero Tigre 2 - La batalla de los demonios zorro (Guerrero Tigre #Volumen 2)

by M. Chan

LLEGA UNA NUEVA ENTREGA DE UNA SERIE REPLETA DE ACCIÓN, AVENTURAS Y MAGIA PROTAGONIZADA POR LOS ANIMALES DEL ZODIACO CHINO CORAZÓN DE TIGRE, FUERZA DE LEÓN, CUERPO DE... ¿NIÑO? Unos demonios zorro malvados, llamados Daji, han conquistado el Reino de Jade, y el emperador de Jade ha perdido su fuerza vital: su chi! Ahora es el momento de que Jack demuestre lo que vale. ¿Podrá aprender a usar el poder del perro del zodiaco y ayudar al emperador antes de que sea demasiado tarde?

Julio Verne 4. Veinte mil leguas de viaje submarino: Tomo Ii (La\brújula Y La Veleta Ser.)

by Julio Verne

Disfruta de un viaje espectacular en este clásico de Julio Verne, en una cuidada edición actualizada, ilustrada y adaptada. Combatir con calamares gigantes, sobrevivir a un terrible remolino, navegar bajo los hielos de la Antártida... Embarca en el Nautilus, el submarino del misterioso capitán Nemo, con el biólogo Aronnax y sus amigos, y disfruta de una aventura fascinante.

Los cinco detectives #13. Misterio del fugitivo (Los cinco detectives #Volumen 13)

by Enid Blyton

La mítica serie de misterios de Enid Blyton, actualizada para los lectores de hoy en una atractiva edición ilustrada. Hay un criminal a la fuga. ¡El peor momento para que Fatty tenga visita en casa! Pero la invitada puede resultar clave para que Los cinco detectives desvelen el misterio.

Sarah Sencilla y Alta

by Patricia Maclachlan

Things are very lonely after Mama's death, so Papa puts an ad in the paper looking for a bride. Sarah comes from Maine and brings love back into the lives of a small family. The sensitivity captured in this moving novel paints a beautiful picture of family togetherness. Text copyright 2004 Lectorum Publications, Inc.

Robinson Crusoe (edición ilustrada): Aus, The Life And Surprising Adventures Of Robinson Crusoe Of York, Mariner (1893)

by Daniel Defoe

La colección Grandes Clásicos Literatura Random House nos trae esta exquisita edición de Robinson Crusoe con ilustraciones del caricaturista francés J.J. Grandville (1803-1847) y prologada por J.M. Coetzee. Robinson Crusoe, publicada en 1719, inaugura en Inglaterra la novela moderna y, a lo largo de los siglos, sus personajes han ingresado en la restringida familia de los arquetipos imperecederos. «Como Odiseo en su singladura hacia Ítala -nos dice J.M. Coetzee en el prólogo- o como el Quijote montado sobre Rocinante, Robinson Crusoe, con su loro y su sombrilla, se ha convertido en un personaje de la conciencia colectiva de Occidente que trasciende al libro en el que se celebran sus aventuras. Tras haber aspirado a pertenecer a la Historia, se ha encontrado inmerso en la esfera del mito.» Esta edición, que reúne las dos partes del clásico con ilustraciones de la época, recupera también la espléndida traducción de uno de nuestros clásicos contemporáneos, Julio Cortázar. «La verdadera grandeza de una vida consiste en llegar a ser el dueño de uno mismo.»

Como esconder un leon en la escuela

by Helen Stephens

Siddhartha (Edición Escolar): An Indian Tale

by Hermann Hesse

Hermann Hesse buceó en el alma de Oriente a fin de aportar sus aspectos positivos a nuestra sociedad. Siddhartha es la obra más representativa de este proceso y ha ejercido una gran influencia en la cultura occidental del siglo XX. Esta edición especial para las escuelas incluye material didáctico a cargo de Maribel Cruzado. Esta novela, ambientada en la India tradicional, relata la vida de Siddhartha, un hombre para quien el camino de la verdad pasa por la renuncia y la comprensión de la unidad que subyace en todo lo existente. En sus páginas, el autor ofrece todas las opciones espirituales del hombre. ** Edición especial para escuelas. Incluye material didáctico a cargo de Maribel Cruzado Reseña:«Uno de los libros más sencillos, bellos y profundos que haya leído jamás. Siddhartha es para mí una medicina más efectiva que el Nuevo Testamento.»Henry Miller

El traje nuevo del emperador

by Jordi Sierra i Fabra

El Emperador era el artista más famoso de la historia de la música. El único, el mejor, el más grande. Desde su aparición, y en solo cinco años, había logrado 20 números uno consecutivos. Uno cada tres meses. Sus cinco álbumes habían sido igualmente número uno las 52 semanas de cada año, desbancándose a sí mismo con la aparición del siguiente. Todo el mundo se rendía a sus pies. Joven, guapo, irresistible. Sus fans se contaban por millones en los cinco continentes.

La Bella y la Bestia

by Jordi Sierra i Fabra

Nadie recordaba cuándo había empezado la guerra. Y de la misma forma, nadie sabía cuándo había terminado. Porque hacía mucho que no se producían combates, ni se veían soldados, ni se escuchaban disparos. Los habitantes del valle vivían de nuevo en paz. Uno de ellos era Pascual, un humilde leñador que tenía una hija llamada Bella, nombre que sin duda hacía honor a su exquisita hermosura.

Harry Potter y el Prisionero de Azkaban (Harry Potter #3)

by J. K. Rowling Adolfo Muñoz García Nieves Martín Azofra

Por la cicatriz que tiene en la frente, sabemos que Harry Potter no es un niño como los demás, sino el héroe que venció a lord Voldemort, culpable de la muerte de sus padres. Desde entonces, a Harry no le queda más remedio que vivir con sus pesados tíos y su insoportable primo Dudley, todos ellos muggles, o sea, personas no magas. Igual que en las dos primeras partes de la serie, Harry aguarda con impaciencia el inicio del tercer curso en el Colegio Hogwarts de Magia. Tras haber cumplido los trece años, solo y lejos de sus amigos de Hogwarts, Harry se pelea con su bigotuda tía Marge, a la que convierte en globo, y debe huir en un autobús mágico. <P><P> Mientras tanto, de la prisión de Azkaban se ha escapado un terrible villano, Sirius Black, un asesino en serie con poderes mágicos que fue cómplice de lord Voldemort y que parece dispuesto a borrar a Harry del mapa. Y por si esto fuera poco, Harry deberá enfrentarse también a unos terribles monstruos, los dementores, seres abominables capaces de robarles la felicidad a los magos y de eliminar todo recuerdo hermoso de aquellos que osan mirarlos. Lo que ninguno de estos malvados personajes sabe es que Harry, con la ayuda de sus fieles amigos Ron y Hermione, es capaz de todo y mucho más.

Harry Potter y la Cámara Secreta (Harry Potter #2)

by J. K. Rowling Adolfo Muñoz García Nieves Martín Azofra

<P>La autora, nos presenta un nuevo volumen de la saga de Harry Potter, un joven que asiste al Colegio Hogwarts de Magia y Hechicería, donde Harry es aprendiz de mago. El chico se encuentra esperando que se inicie el segundo año de escuela, en casa de sus tíos a quiénes poco soporta. Repentinamente aparece un elfo en su habitación quién le cuenta que el Colegio Hogwarts se encuentra amenazado de destrucción por los malvados. <P>Harry le comunica la terrible noticia a su mejor amigo Ron y juntos se dirigen a la escuela en un coche volador. Harry y sus amigos Hermione y Ron deciden enfrentarse a los malvados ignorando que alguien ha dejado escapar de la Cámara de los Secretos una serie de maléficos especímenes entre los que se encuentran arañas gigantescas, serpientes encantadas y la reencarnación de su más temido adversario.

La Puerta del Tiempo (Serie Ulysses Moore #Volumen 1)

by Pierdomenico Baccalario

Acompaña a los gemelos Jason y Julia en este primer episodio de la serie «Ulysses Moore» y descubre un nuevo y excitante mundo repleto de misterios, acción y aventuras. Cuando los gemelos Jason y Julia Covenant y sus padres llegan a Villa Argo, una casa antigua situada junto a un acantilado, el mayordomo, Néstor, loes advierte de que no utilicen una de sus puertas bajo ningún concepto. Desde el primer día, Jason tiene claro que la casa esconde algún secreto, y él y su hermana están decididos a descubrirlo. Encontrarán un paquete con un mensaje en clave que deberán descifrar si quieren seguir hurgando en el poderoso misterio que esconde Villa Argo...

El juego infinito (El juego infinito #1)

by James Dashner

<P>El adictivo videojuego Red Virtual convierte a uno de sus mejores jugadores, el joven Michael, en el responsable de dar caza a un cyber-terrorista que está sembrando el pánico en la red Michael es un hacker de Red Virtual, el adictivo juego de realidad virtual que arrasa entre los adolescentes. <P>Allí tiene amigos de verdad: Sarah y Bryson, y gracias a su capacidad para manipular la tecnología y saltarse las normas pueden exprimir al máximo la plataforma y vivir experiencias al límite. Sin embargo, la diversión acabará cuando el gobierno dé alcance a Michael... Su objetivo: que les ayude a detener a un jugador sin identificar que está sembrando el pánico en Red Virtual.

El novato

by K. H. Mcmullan

Wiglaf vive con sus padres y sus doce hermanos en el bosque. Wiglaf es diferente a los demás: es bajito y tiene el pelo de color zanahoria. Sus hermanos, todos grandes y fuertes, no lo tienen en gran estima, sus padres tampoco, y Wiglaf se ocupa de hacer las tareas de la casa. Llega un trovador a su casa y le señala que ha nacido para ser un héroe. ¡Su gran sueño! Wiglaf emprende un largo camino en busca de la escuela de Dragones y se encuentra con un mago, una espada llamada Muertesegura y al final la puerta de la escuela de Cazadores de Dragones. . . Pero no tiene los siete peniques que vale la “matrícula” . Y no quiere vender a su amiga la cerdita Daisy. Quizás le admitirían lavando platos, pero. . . ¿logrará derrotar a un enorme dragón y conseguir el preciado tesoro? ¿cuál será el hechizo o el punto débil del dragón? Quizás con una pizca de humor. . . .

Viaje al centro de la Tierra

by Jules Verne

Axel y su tío, el testarudo profesor de mineralogía Otto Lidenbrock, descubren un misterioso pergamino entre las páginas de un libro antiguo. Detrás del extraño criptograma, que ha permanecido oculto durante siglos, se esconden las instrucciones de un sabio islandés para repetir su viaje al centro de la Tierra. De este hallazgo fortuito nace una expedición en la que Axel, su tío y Hans, un imperturbable guía, se embarcarán hacia las profundidades de nuestro planeta.Al adentrarse en las intrincadas galerías subterráneas y enfrentarse a la escasez de agua y las temperaturas extremas, comenzarán a comprender que el verdadero problema no será llegar al centro de la Tierra, sino el riesgo de quedarse atrapados allí para siempre...

Las aventuras de Wonder Woman en Super Hero High (DC Super Hero Girls #1)

by Lisa Yee

El insti no es nada fácil...¡Tener superpoderes todavía menos! Ponte la capa y descubre las aventuras de Wonder Woman en Super Hero High. Wonder Woman es una princesa que nunca ha salido de su hogar en Isla Paraíso, pero ha llegado el momento de convertirse en súper heroína y para eso tiene que ir a estudiar a Super Hero High. En el nuevo insti, Wonder Woman no solo tendrá que aprender a dominar sus poderes y superar entrenamientos muy exigentes, también deberá hacer nuevas amigas y lidiar con su compañera de cuarto, que se pasa el día posteando sus momentos más humillantes en internet... pero eso no es nada comparado con el hecho que Wonder Woman no ha visto a un chico en su vida. Ir al insti será mucho más difícil de lo que pensaba...

Las aventuras de Batgirl en Super Hero High (DC Super Hero Girls #3)

by Lisa Yee

El insti no es nada fácil...¡Tener superpoderes todavía menos! Ponte la capa y descubre las aventuras de Batgirl en Super Hero High. Barbara Gordon siempre ha sido un cerebrito y un genio de la tecnología, pero no tiene superpoderes más allá de su mente prodigiosa y su memoria fotográfica. Sin embargo, cuando Supergirl se entera de sus habilidades, a Barbara le llega la oportunidad de su vida: una invitación para estudiar en Super Hero High, la escuela de élite para superheroínas. Por supuesto, Barbara no duda ni un segundo en aceptar el desafío de entrenar junto a las adolescentes más poderosas de la Galaxia y se convierte en Batgirl, la nueva chica del insti. Barbara siempre ha tenido el corazón de una heroína... pero ahora tendrá que demostrar que ¡lo es de verdad!

Un mal principio (Una serie de catastróficas desdichas #1)

by Lemony Snicket

Los libros de culto en los que se basa la nueva gran serie de Netflix. Querido lector, Siento decirte que el libro que tienes en las manos es extremadamente desagradable: cuenta la triste historia de tres niños con muy mala suerte. Los hermanos Baudelaire llevan una vida repleta de desgracias e infortunios. Vaya, que son un imán para las catástrofes. Sólo en este librito, se enfrentan a un malvado codicioso y repulsivo, sobreviven a un incendio terrible, a un complot para despojarlos de su fortuna y se ven obligados a llevar ropa que pica. Yo tengo la triste obligación de escribir estos desagradables acontecimientos, pero a ti nada te impide cerrar inmediatamente este libro y leer algo más alegre, si eso es lo que prefieres. Con todo mi respeto, Lemony Snicket

Se ha escrito un secuestro (Serie Perrock Holmes #7)

by Isaac Palmiola

Se ha escrito un secuestro es la séptima entrega de las aventuras de #PerrockHolmes, la nueva serie de detectives juvenil con más suspense, aventura y grandes dosis de humor. Cuando el misterio llame a tu puerta, tú llama a Perrock, Perrock Holmes. Julia y Diego están hasta las mismísimas narices: ¡hace semanas que la señora Fletcher solo les manda casos chorras! Pero cuando llegan a la sede del Mystery Club para hablarlo con su superiora, descubren algo inesperado... Estos son los hechos: ¡alguien ha secuestrado a la señora Fletcher! ¿Quién haría algo así? Estas son las pistas: todo apunta a que sus archienemigos de Estudio Escarlata están detrás de la desaparición... ¿Qué querrán ahora esos dos chiflados? Aquí huele a misterio... ¿o no?


by Toni Morrison

Toni Morrison's first novel, The Bluest Eye (1970), was acclaimed as the work of an important talent, written--as John Leonard said in The New York Times--in a prose "so precise, so faithful to speech and so charged with pain and wonder that the novel becomes poetry. " Sula has the same power, the same beauty. At its center--a friendship between two women, a friendship whose intensity first sustains, then injures. Sula and Nel--both black, both smart, both poor, raised in a small Ohio town--meet when they are twelve, wishbone thin and dreaming of princes. Through their girlhood years they share everything--perceptions, judgments, yearnings, secrets, even crime--until Sula gets out, out of the Bottom, the hilltop neighborhood where beneath the sporting life of the men hanging around the place in headrags and soft felt hats there hides a fierce resentment at failed crops, lost jobs, thieving insurance men, bug-ridden flour. . . at the invisible line that cannot be overstepped. Sula leaps it and roams the cities of America for ten years. Then she returns to the town, to her friend. But Nel is a wife now, settled with her man and her three children. She belongs. She accommodates to the Bottom, where you avoid the hand of God by getting in it, by staying upright, helping out at church suppers, asking after folks--where you deal with evil by surviving it. Not Sula. As willing to feel pain as to give pain, she can never accommodate. Nel can't understand her any more, and the others never did. Sula scares them. Mention her now, and they recall that she put her grandma in an old folks' home (the old lady who let a train take her leg for the insurance). . . that a child drowned in the river years ago. . . that there was a plague of robins when she first returned. . . In clear, dark, resonant language, Toni Morrison brilliantly evokes not only a bond between two lives, but the harsh, loveless, ultimately mad world in which that bond is destroyed, the world of the Bottom and its people, through forty years, up to the time of their bewildered realization that even more than they feared Sula, their pariah, they needed her.

Don Quijote de la Mancha: El Ingenioso Hidalgo (Los mejores clásicos #Volumen)

by Miguel de Cervantes

Los mejores libros jamás escritos Edición de Florencio Sevilla Arroyo, catedrático de Filología Española en la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid «Contra cuerdos y contra locos está obligado cualquier caballero andante a volver por la honra de las mujeres.» Un éxito desde el momento de su publicación en dos partes (1605 y 1615), Don Quijote de la Mancha es probablemente la mayor novela jamás escrita. Cuenta la historia de un hidalgo que, enloquecido por la lectura excesiva, recorre España en busca de aventura, justicia y gloria. Las múltiples interpretaciones de la obra reflejan su riqueza de significados y contenidos: una crítica de las novelas de caballerías, la contraposición entre realismo e idealismo, o una sátira de las ilusiones cortesanas. Con las divertidas andanzas de su ingenioso protagonista, Cervantes retrató la complejidad de lo humano y dio al arte literario su más alta expresión. Esta edición incluye una introducción que contextualiza la obra, un aparato de notas, una cronología y una bibliografía esencial, así como también varias propuestas de discusión y debate en torno a la lectura. Está al cuidado de Florencio Sevilla Arroyo, catedrático de literatura española de la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid.

Robinson Crusoe: Aus, The Life And Surprising Adventures Of Robinson Crusoe Of York, Mariner (1893) (Los mejores clásicos #Volumen)

by Daniel Defoe

Los mejores libros jamás escritos. Un relato único, que no solamente dispone un nuevo modelo clásico para la novela de aventuras sino que cartografía con nitidez el alma humana. Robinson Crusoe naufraga y acaba en una isla desierta. Allí tendrá que hacer uso de su inteligencia y perspicacia para defenderse de los peligros que esconde el lugar, deshabitado solo en apariencia. Publicada en 1719, está considerado uno de los clásicos más leídos de todos los tiempos, y en rigor, se trata de la primera de las grandes novelas inglesas, un texto fundacional. Además de un libro de aventuras, lleno de inolvidables personajes, Robinson Crusoe es una de las primeras reflexiones narrativas sobre la soledad, la sociedad y las relaciones humanas. La presente edición, traducción de Julio Cortázar, incorpora una detallada cronología, además de una introducción a cargo de John Richetti, catedrático emérito A. M. Rosenthal de lengua inglesa en la Universidad de Pensilvania y uno de los más reconocidos especialistas en la literatura del siglo XVIII. Entre sus numerosos estudios cabe destacar The Life of Daniel Defoe (2005). «La verdadera grandeza de una vida consiste en llegar a ser el dueño de uno mismo.»

La isla del tesoro: Robert Louis Stevenson (Los mejores clásicos #Volumen)

by Robert L. Stevenson

Los mejores libros jamás escritos Jim Hawkins regenta, junto a sus padres, la posada Almirante Benbow. Su vida discurre tranquila entre la barra y las mesas hasta que, un día, un viejo marinero entra en su fonda acarreando un pesado secreto... De la noche a la mañana el joven Jim se encuentra en la cubierta de la Hispaniola, rodeado de rudos marineros, agasajado por un misterioso cocinero cojo, ansiosos todos ellos por encontrar el codiciado tesoro del capitán Flint. Esta edición, que recupera la buena labor traductora de Jordi Beltrán, se abre con un estudio de John Sutherland, máxima autoridad en literatura victoriana y célebre anotador stevensoniano, quien a su vez indaga en los entresijos más recónditos de la novela (y su proceso de escritura) en los apéndices. «Quince hombres tras el cofre del muerto, ¡oh, oh, oh y una botella de ron!»

Los viajes de Gulliver

by Jonathan Swift

Los mejores libros jamás escritos. «La imaginación no puede concebir nada tan grande, sorprendente y asombroso.» Los viajes de Gulliver fue publicada por primera vez en 1726, y tres siglos después mantiene toda su vigencia. Esta célebre novela satírica es a la vez un relato de aventuras y una artera reflexión filosófica sobre la constitución de las sociedades modernas. Los encuentros del naufragante Lemuel Gulliver con los minúsculos liliputienses, los gigantes de Brobdingnag, los filosóficos houyhnhnms y los brutos yahoos harán que el protagonista, como el lector, abra los ojos a la cruda y verdadera naturaleza humana. Robert DeMaria, Jr., reconocido especialista en literatura inglesa de los siglos XVII y XVIII, firma la introducción que abre el volumen y da paso a una de las más prestigiosas versiones a nuestro idioma de este clásico de las letras universales, firmada por el catedrático Pedro Guardia Massó.

Las aventuras de Pinocho

by Carlo Collodi

Los mejores libros jamás escritos. «Las mentiras, hijo mío, se reconocen enseguida porque las hay de dos clases: están las mentiras de piernas cortas y las mentiras de nariz larga.» Aunque se trata de una de las historias más célebres del mundo, Las aventuras de Pinocho es al mismo tiempo una obra en gran medida desconocida. Las aventuras de un trozo de madera parlante no son aquí un cuento moralizante ni sentimental, sino un relato profundamente subversivo sobre la infancia perdida, transido de crueldad, magia y sátira, en el que se entreveran la picaresca, el teatro callejero y los cuentos de hadas de un modo que anticipa el surrealismo e incluso el realismo mágico. Jack Zipes, eminente estudioso de la narrativa fantástica popular, firma la introducción que abre el presente volumen. La traducción al castellano es fruto del laborioso trabajo de Miquel Izquierdo, que dota a esteclásico insoslayable de una actualidad palpitante. Paul Auster dijo...«Comparable a En busca del tiempo perdido de Proust, la historia de Collodi constituye la búsqueda de una infancia perdida.»

Don Juan (Los mejores clásicos)

by Tirso De Molina Molière Lorenzo Da Ponte

Los mejores libros jamás escritos. «A mí la belleza me encanta dondequiera que la encuentre y cedo con facilidad a esa dulce violencia a la que nos arrastra.»Molière Leyenda popular, Don Juan se convirtió en personalidad literaria con el drama trágico El burlador de Sevilla, de Tirso de Molina. A partir de entonces protagonizó como héroe-villano obras de teatro, novelas y poemas, hasta convertirse en un carácter universal, comparable a Don Quijote, Hamlet y Fausto. Además del texto fundacional de Tirso de Molina, en este volumen recogemos por su relevancia el drama de Molière y el libreto de Lorenzo da Ponte para la ópera de Mozart Don Giovanni, que aquí presentamos en edición bilingüe. Un análisis del Don Juan como arquetipo de la literatura y el cine, a cargo de Jordi Balló y Xavier Pérez, acompaña las tres grandes obras que asentaron las bases del mito. De este modo, el presente volumen nos acerca a un personaje que ha seducido, como solo él puede, a lectores de todas las épocas. Gustave Flaubert dijo...«Las tres cosas más hermosas del mundo son: el mar, Hamlet y Don Juan.»

Romeo y Julieta (edición bilingüe)

by William Shakespeare

Los mejores libros jamás escritos. «¡Oh amor nacido de un extraño prodigio:tener que amar a un odiado enemigo!» El tiempo no ha cerrado las heridas de los Montesco y los Capuleto, dos familias de Verona enemistadas por antiguos pleitos cuyo origen ya casi nadie alcanza a recordar. Con el odio llegó la violencia, y con la violencia, las primeras víctimas inocentes. Pero del odio nació también el amor entre dos jóvenes predestinados a la desventura: Romeo y Julieta. La suya es una de las historias más populares de todos los tiempos, a la vez que su trágico desenlace se ha convertido en un hito de la literatura universal, «pues jamás hubo tan triste suceso como este de Julieta y de Romeo». Presentada en la extraordinaria versión del traductor Josep Maria Jaumà, esta edición bilingüe se abre con la esclarecedora introducción de Adrian Poole, catedrático del Trinity College de Cambridge, quien nos acerca a este gran canto a la juventud, a la pasión, al amor y a los peligros insoslayables del odio. Victor Hugo dijo...«Shakespeare representó las dos caras del corazón humano y los dos extremos del arte con personajes que vivirán eternamente: llenos de un vigor misterioso, impalpables como las nubes, inmortales como el aliento.»

Romeo y Julieta (Los mejores clásicos #Volumen)

by William Shakespeare

Los mejores libros jamás escritos. «¡Oh amor nacido de un extraño prodigio:tener que amar a un odiado enemigo!» El tiempo no ha cerrado las heridas de los Montesco y los Capuleto, dos familias de Verona enemistadas por antiguos pleitos cuyo origen ya casi nadie alcanza a recordar. Con el odio llegó la violencia, y con la violencia, las primeras víctimas inocentes. Pero del odio nació también el amor entre dos jóvenes predestinados a la desventura: Romeo y Julieta. La suya es una de las historias más populares de todos los tiempos, a la vez que su trágico desenlace se ha convertido en un hito de la literatura universal, «pues jamás hubo tan triste suceso como este de Julieta y de Romeo». Presentada en la extraordinaria versión del traductor Josep Maria Jaumà, esta edición bilingüe se abre con la esclarecedora introducción de Adrian Poole, catedrático del Trinity College de Cambridge, quien nos acerca a este gran canto a la juventud, a la pasión, al amor y a los peligros insoslayables del odio.

Peter y Wendy: Edicion Del Centenario (Coleccion Cuentos Universales)

by J. M. Barrie

Los mejores libros jamás escritos. «Todos los niños crecen, menos uno.» Poco imaginaba J.M. Barrie cuando escribió la obra de teatro Peter Pan que un siglo más tarde el mito del niño que no quería crecer seguiría cautivando a jóvenes y mayores por igual. Publicada años más tarde como novela bajo el título de Peter y Wendy, su universo es omnipresente en el imaginario colectivo. Barrie apela a nuestros sueños de infancia con una dulzura y un genio imaginativo capaces de llevarnos de la risa al llanto en pocas páginas. La vida del autor, marcada por la muerte de su hermano, está presente en todo momento. Él mismo confesaría que su más profundo deseo hubiera sido recuperar los años felices de su infancia, y que su más célebre personaje era una personificación de tales anhelos. Esta cuidada edición introducida y anotada por Silvia Herreros de Tejada, especialista en J.M. Barrie, es la mejor oportunidad para dejarse llevar por la fantasía del país de Nunca Jamás.

La guerra de los mundos (Novelas Clasicas Ser.)

by H.G. Wells

Los mejores libros jamás escritos. «Y aunque haya una demora, el final será el mismo. Hombres contra hormigas.» La guerra de los mundos narra por primera vez en la historia de la literatura un tema que será recurrente desde entonces y originará todo un subgénero dentro de la ciencia ficción: la invasión de la Tierra por extraterrestres procedentes de Marte. A través de esta fábula en la que ocupan un lugar central las descripciones científicas, las premoniciones sobre el futuro de la tecnología y los entresijos de la política, H. G. Wells nos habla sobre la vanidad y la seguridad ficticia de una humanidad autosatisfecha, y los peligros que acechan su supervivencia. La obra de Wells ha influido largamente a la tradición literaria de la ciencia ficción. Su presencia ineludible se descubre así en el imaginario de autores consagrados del género como Félix J. Palma, que firma la introducción que abre la presente edición. Asimismo, recuperamos la clásica traducción que en su día hizo Julio Vacarezza y de la que han disfrutado generaciones enteras. Jules Verne dijo...«Las obras de Mr. Wells pertenecen, sin duda, a un tiempo y un grado de conocimiento científico futuro muy alejado del presente, pero no completamente fuera de los límites de lo posible.»

Mujercitas: Prólogo Con Reseña Crítica De La Obra, Vida Y Obra Del Autor, Y Marco Histórico (Los mejores clásicos #Volumen)

by Louisa May Alcott

Los mejores libros jamás escritos. Mujercitas, el clásico de Louisa May Alcott ambientado en la guerra de Secesión, fue publicado en Estados Unidos en 1868. Han pasado casi ciento cincuenta años desde entonces, pero la complicidad de las cuatro hermanas March, quienes a través de sus gestos y palabras resumen el espíritu crítico de una época, sigue siendo fuente de inspiración y disfrute para las generaciones de lectores que se asoman a las páginas de esta fascinante obra. Elaine Showalter, catedrática de la Universidad de Princeton, está considerada una de las voces más representativas de la crítica literaria feminista. En su brillante introducción analiza en detalle las influencias de la autora, así como el impacto de Mujercitas en la obra de escritoras de la talla de Simone de Beauvoir, Joyce Carol Oates o Cinthya Ozick. «Si fuese un chico, me escaparía contigo y lo pasaríamos en grande, pero soy unapobre chica y he de comportarme con propiedad y volver a casa.»

Come y crece

by Luis Tallaj


by Antton Olariaga David Lindemman Hermann Hesse Irati Trebiño Goikoetxea

Siddharthak bilatzen zuena edo azken helmuga aurkitu duena esan nahi du sanskritoz. Azken helmugara iristeko bidean, lagungarri izan daitezke irakaspenak, Buda edo Mesiasak, baina baita natura bera ere: Ibaia, naturaren pertsonifikazio gisa, irakasle gorena izango da Siddhartharentzat, Vasudeva txalupariak iragarri bezala. Hinduismo, budismo, taoismo eta kristautasuneko osagaiak aurki daitezke Siddharthan. Buda historikoaren ibilbidearekin antz handia du Siddharthak: kasta eta etxea utzi eta aszetismoaren bitartez nitasuna gainditu nahi du lehenengo atalean. Taoismoarekin bat egiten du irakasle eta irakaspenekiko mesfidantza erakustean, jakinduria ezin dela hitzez eman ulertzen duenean. Modernitatearekin lotua den eta horrekin batera porrot egin zuen patriarkatu falozentristari ere ordezkoa aurkitzen dio Hessek Indiar tradizioan, Siddhartha emakumezkoen ezaugarritzat har zitezkeen bertuteak bereganatzen ahalegintzen den heinean: entzuten jakitea, hurkoaren sentimenduekin bat egiten jakitea, berdintasunean oinarritutako sexu-harremanak hobestea.

Bookmine: Beautiful Stories From Shakespeare

by Shakespeare

No-one can imagine English literature without Sir William Shakespeare, whose dramatic plays, sonnets and narrative poems have become timeless classics. Not only did he amass a cherished body of work, but four hundred years ago, he even invented many words in use in English now. A hundred years ago, children?s author, E.Nesbit felt that young readers, too, should enjoy Shakespeare?s writings. From Macbeth and The Merchant of Venice to Twelfth Night and King Lear, Beautiful Stories from Shakespeare brings together twenty tales from Shakespeare, retold in clear, simple prose. Nesbit makes the complex language of his greatest plays easy to enjoy, making her retellings the perfect introduction to Shakespeare?s masterly works. Plus! 32 Extra special pages from BookMine Gems. Know more about the authors, their works and times as well as things to think about and do!

The Quest for the Shyn Emeralds

by Roopa Pai

Exactly where Earth and Sky meet lies a whole different universe called Mithya! In Mithya is a great ocean, Dariya, and from it rises Kay Laas, the mighty, moody volcano. At it stop, is the home of the absolute Ruler of Mithya, the brave and kind Shoon Ya. He rules over the eight worlds that bob peace fully in Dariya, lit by the Tarasun and its 32 stars that light each world in different colours ?emerald green, amethyst purple, ruby red? But danger lurks beneath the surface. In the fiery lands under the ocean bed, is imprisoned Shoon Ya?s evil twin, the fearsome demon Shaap Azur, just as powerful but All Bad. How much longer can Shoon Ya keep him under control? Not too long. When Shaap Azur escapes, he seizes all the stars, leaving Mithya?s eight worlds in darkness. The people of Mithya are horrified and separate, until three young, brave children of Mithya, gifted with special abilities come to their rescue. Will Mithiya shine again? Read and find out!

The Riddle of the Lustr Sapphires

by Roopa Pai

Zip away with the Taranauts on another thrilling mission - in a different world! Mithya's eight worlds - Shyn Lustr Sparkl Glo Dazl Shimr Syntilla and Glytr - were plunged into darkness when the wicked Shaap Azur captured all the 32 stars of Tara. All seemed lost until Taranauts Zarpa Tufan and Zvala - three bright brave and gifted mithyakins - set out on the difficult and dangerous quest to bring back light and cheer to Mithya. Having set free the four Emeralds of Shyn the Taranauts are now racing against the dingdial to track down the Sapphires of Lustr. But the wily Shaap Azur has made the challenge tougher than ever - this time all the riddles are hidden in Lustr's baffling brain-scrambling Mayazaal! To make things worse the Demazurs are hot on their trail. Can the Taranauts call upon all their reserves of strength skills and talent as they battle vicious flowers weeping trees vengeful minimits and their own doubts about their mysterious companion Zubreymunyun. Will

The Fang of Summoning

by Giti Chandra

In a racy, spellbinding fantasy, GitiChandra weaves a tale of wonder, breaking new ground in Indian writing for children.


by Moti Nandi

A poor but feisty tomboy, `Koni? Kanakchampa Paul. A fiery coach, with an eye for talent and a passion for making it shine. A championship that sets up privileged competitors against one who is constantly sidelined. The stage is set for an explosive contest. And a sport stops being just a game. In a city where sports clubs are guided by favouritsm, a coach with a dream, Kshitish Sinha, plucks Koni from a slum and trains her to swim. The spunky teenager battles her way past hardship, rivalry and humiliation to negotiate a decisive lap against all odds. If she fails, she loses everything that matters. And if she succeeds, she blazes a trail out of her sorry circumstances. For the first time in translation, this story of faith, grit and sportsmanship is a modern classic by Moti Nandy, the master teller of sports stories.

The Secret of the Sparkl Amethysts

by Roopa Pai

8 Tarasuns rescued 24 to go! Can the Taranauts pull off another win at Sparkl? Mithya's eight worlds - Shyn Lustr Sparkl Glo Dazl Shimr Syntilla and Glytr - were plunged into darkness when the wicked Shaap Azur captured all the 32 stars of Tara. All seemed lost until Taranauts Zarpa Tufan and Zvala - three bright brave and gifted mithyakins - set out on the difficult and dangerous quest to bring back light and cheer to Mithya. This time the Taranauts travel to Zarpa's home world of Sparkl to rescue the four Amethysts only to discover that Shaap Azur has upped the stakes like never before. They have to win four deadly games against wily opponents seen and unseen! What's more Shaap Azur's henchman Ograzur Dusht has launched a secret search for a spy in Shoon Ya's camp! Will Zarpa be able to beat the sandinger at 3-D SeeZee? Can Tufan rout Mog Ambow at Lunascoot Latang? Does Zvala have what it takes to crack the mindbenders in Brain Drain? And can the Taranauts defeat th

The Race for the Glo Rubies

by Roopa Pai

Three worlds shining on to the fourth! Race away with the Taranauts to another heart-stopping adventure – at Glo! Mithya’s eight worlds - Shyn Lustr Sparkl Glo Dazl Shimr Syntilla and Glytr – were plunged into darkness when the wicked Shaap Azur captured all its 32 stars. There was no hope until Zarpa Tufan and Zvala - three bright and brave Taranauts with special gifts - set out to bring back light and cheer to Mithya. With three successful rescues under their belts the Taranauts head west determined to notch up another win against their foes. But things take a nasty turn right at the start - the Marani of Glo is taken hostage! What’s worse Ograzur Dusht now has a secret agent in the Taranauts’ camp a spy who is known only by the code name Dro Hie. Can the Taranauts get safely across the fearsome Budbudana and the treacherous cliff paths of Pur Butte? Will they survive the motion-sensitive lightning hurlers of Wilderwolf Gorge? Does t


by Anuradha Kumar

`The battle raged in the skies ? Jatayu refused to give up, taking on Ravana with his giant claws and mighty wings?? He was majestic, he was strong, he was the wise king of birds. Blessed by the gods and armed with celestial powers, Jatayu races to the sun, saves Dasharatha from Shani?s deadly glance and, inthe end, fights the powerful Ravana, sacrificing all he had in the name of justice and loyalty. Read his inspiring story?


by Anuradha Kumar

`Nandi was fearless?he gored all the powerful asuras to death in a fierce and swift motion?? He was ever obedient, he was brave and he was the most favoured of Shiva?s followers. Nandi, the great bull and gatekeeper of Shiva?s abode, carried the Three-Eyed One across the universe. Always at Shiva?s side, he danced the mystical tandava with him, fought great battles and even drank a deadly poison to prove his complete devotion to his lord. Read his amazing story. . .

Mythquest 3: The Immortal Bear King

by Anuradha Kumar

`Jambavan came face to face with Ravana. He moved with a speed and fought with a ferocity that was unbelievable?? He was endowed with incredible strength, he had the wisdom of the sages and he was a born leader. Jambavan, the great bear king, led the army of vanaras in their search for Sita. He helped Rama fight Ravana and even helped restore the Syamanatakmani gem to clear Krishna?s name. Read his spectacular story...

MythQuest 4: Garuda

by Anuradha Kumar

`The vanara army looked on awestruck as Garuda approached the battlefield, flapping his immense red wings?? He was as magnificent as a beacon of fire in the sky and as splendid as the gods. Garuda, the devourer of snakes, carried Lord Vishnu as he fought great battles against powerful enemies. Garuda appeared on earth whenever it was threatened by the evil serpents. Read about his wondrous adventures?

MythQuest 5: Airavata

by Anuradha Kumar

`The mighty Airavata would stretch his trunks into water reservoirs, suck up the water and then spray it into the clouds?? He was the mighty white elephant, who could weave clouds and create rain. He was Lord Indra?s magnificent mount, who could make any demon quake in fear. First among all elephants, Airavata could cross the universe in a few strides and was gentle, loyal and brave. Read about his marvellous feats?

MythQuest 6: Sheshanaga

by Anuradha Kumar

`Shesha appeared in his true form as the magnificent many-hooded snake and reared up his heads above Vasudeva, forming a protective umbrella over the child who was no other than Lord Krishna?? He was all-powerful, he was as old as the universe, he was the wise serpent-king. Sheshanaga, the endless snake, was a celestial being with the power of a deva. He carried the underworld on his many hoods and Lord Vishnu himself rested on his immense coils. Read about his multiple avatars and magical transformations?

Bookmine: A Wonder-Book for Girls and Boys

by Nathaniel Hawthorne

The courageous Theseus in battle with the snake-haired Medusa. Midas, the greedy king who was given the `golden touch? but lost so much more. The curious Pandora and the monstrous contents of her mysterious box. The greatest hero, Hercules, who set out to steal the three Golden Apples guarded by a hundred-headed dragon. The gods Zeus and Quicksilver, who, disguised as mortals, tested their human subjects. And brave Bellerophon, who slew the dreaded Chimaera. Superheroes and monsters, gods and tricksters, fantasy and epic battles?they all began with Greek myths. Famous American author Nathaniel Hawthorne retells six of the most exciting myths in A Wonder-Book for Girls and Boys. Join Eustace Bright and his young friends in this action-packed Wonder-Book, complete with conquering heroes, grotesque monsters, and gods who can shape and shake worlds with nothing but a thought.

The Mystery of the Syntilla Silvers

by Roopa Pai

One half of Mithya shining another half still in the dark – glide away with the Taranauts on another thrilling ‘chilling’ adventure! Mithya’s eight worlds – Shyn Lustr Sparkl Glo Dazl Shimr Syntilla and Glytr – were plunged into darkness when the wicked Shaap Azur captured all its 32 stars. There was no hope until Zarpa Tufan and Zvala – three bright and brave Taranauts with special gifts - set out to bring back light and cheer to Mithya. At the end of four missions the score reads 4-0 in favour of the Taranauts. Nervous and desperate Shaap Azur’s Ograzurs are in attack mode taking the war to the enemy at impregnable Kay Laas! The attempt fails and the Taranauts zip away to the icy world of Syntilla but Eye-in-the-Sky has other tricks up his sleeve. Will the giant Syntillakos still grieving over the sudden drying up of their life-giving Bisibrooks Waterway rise up to help the Taranauts? Can our heroes negoti

Rajula and the Web of Danger

by Deepa Agarwal

One night fifteen-year-old Rajula's carefree life in the green hills of Kumaon is changed forever. A mysterious man begins to haunt her dreams and he turns out to be no other than the ruler of Katyur King Malushahi! The problem is her father: the formidable sorcercer Sunapati Shauka. He has promised her hand to a Tibetan chieftain and now weaves a web of deceit and danger between Rajula and Malushahi. When Rajula learns that Malushahi and she had been sworn in marriage by their mothers much before she follows her heart and her fate on a perilous journey to the Katyuri capital Bairath. Despite her mother's magical spells she has to use all her courage and wits to battle the odds she faces. And for Malushahi winning her hand poses a death-defying challenge. The epic tale of Rajula's bravery and Malushahi's steadfastness has been sung by bards in the Kumaon region of Uttarakhand for centuries and is retold here for the first time in English. Packed with magic humour

Mythquest: Narasimha

by Anu Kumar

'Narasimha caught Hiranyakashipu as easily as a snake seizing a tiny mouse and the great asura was helpless in his grip...'>

Mythquest: Uchchaishravas

by Anu Kumar

'Uchchaishravas broke through the frothy white waters and galloped across the ocean bed...' He was the magnificent seven-headed heavenly steed who flew across the skies faster than human thought. A symbol of Lord Indra's glory Uchchaishravas carried him in grand processions dangerous battles and exciting adventures. Read about his splendid life...>

The Key to Shimr Citrines

by Roopa Pai

Mithya's eight worlds - Shyn, Lustr, Sparkl, Glo, Dazl, Shimr, Syntilla and Glytr - were plunged into darkness when the wicked Shaap Azur captured all its 32 stars. There was no hope until Zarpa, Tufan and Zvala - three bright and brave Taranauts with special gifts - set out to bring back light and cheer to Mithya. After five successful missions - each of which has tested their wits, courage and team spirit - the Taranauts head for the blazing hot world of Shimr in search of the golden Citrines. Meanwhile, determined to stop them, a brand new army of Mithya's Most Ruthless, goes into full combat mode. Will all three Taranauts make it safely through the Bhoolabyrinth? Can Tufan survive the oxdrogen-deprived darkness of the underground city of Oop R' Ville? What is the secret of the Drip-Trip Cave? And how in Kay Laas will they tackle the most unexpected problem of them all - Mithyakos who don't want their stars rescued? Will the Citrines return to Tara? Read and find out!

Banasura: Thousand-armed Asura B

by Anu Kumar

`Banasura used his thousand arms to good effect, wielding five hundred bows that sent off a storm of arrows towards Krishna...? Banasura was fierce to look at with his thousand arms carrying a thousand different weapons. He had an equally fierce personality, whereby he terrorized humans, gods and even imprisoned his own daughter! He waged the greatest battle of his life against Lord Krishna. Read about his unmatched weapons of war?'

Mahishasura: The Buffalo Demon B

by Anu Kumar

`He charged forward, his head lowered, his horns curved and menacing, symbolizing destruction...? He was the much-feared asura who was more powerful than the bravest warrior on earth, stronger than the divine beings in Heaven. Mahishasura, the buffalo demon, unleashed such a reign of terror, that it finally took the combined forces of all the gods to defeat him. Read about his thrilling battles?'

Mahabali: The Generous Asura B

by Anu Kumar

`I made vamana a promise and I am duty bound to keep my word...? Although he was an asura, he was loved by all. Mahabali was one of the most generous kings to have walked the earth. He was brave and powerful and used his boons and riches wisely for the betterment of his kingdom. A visionary and a warrior, Bali was admired and worshipped in all corners of the world. Read about his magnificent sacrifices and his great kindness to all?'

The Six Spellmakers of Dorabji Street

by Shabnam Minwalla

`Sometimes the forces of evil are so dark that no single spell can defeat them.? Cosy Castle is far from `cosy?. In fact, it is a boxy, grey building where children walk on tippy toes from fear of the dreadful `dragon? and the crotchety `crone?. With Nivi Mallik?s arrival at Cosy Castle, the rules start to change. The bimbli trees become the hang-out spot for two giggly girls and the driveway is a permanent cricket pitch for the boys. But the happy times are soon ended by the `dragon? and the `crone?, who gang up against the children and declare war on the bimbli trees. It will take a miracle to challenge the two wily women, leave alone defeat them. But miracles happen only in fairy tales?Or do they? Is it possible for fantasy-fan Nivi, geeky boy-next-door Venu, bubbly Sarita and their three pint-sized comrades, Nikhil, Vijay and Rehaan, to conquer an evil much beyond their power? Join the six imaginative spellmakers as they use a very practical kind of magic to conjure potent potions, summon unlikely fairies and engineer a haunting... Does Cosy Castle finally become what it?s called? Make your way to Dorabji Street and find out?

The Search for the Glytr Turquoises

by Roopa Pai

Join the intrepid Taranauts on their most formidable mission as the action shifts into high gear on Glytr?s Terror Trail! Mithya?s eight worlds ? Shyn, Lustr, Sparkl, Glo, Dazl, Shimr, Syntilla and Glytr ? were plunged into darkness when the wicked Shaap Azur captured all its 32 stars. There was no hope until Zarpa, Tufan and Zvala ? three bright and brave Taranauts with special gifts ? set out to bring back light and cheer to Mithya. Six times they have been stretched to the limit, and six times ? undaunted by mind-boggling riddles, monsters and mayhem ? the Taranauts have returned successful. Now they are headed for the razzle-dazzle of Glytr?s capital city, Boom Bolly Bay, where, unknown to them, Shaap Azur has changed the rules of the terror game. Can the Taranauts save a hazillion unsuspecting Glytrkos from `bubbling, burbling death?? Will Zarpa succeed in preventing a terrible tragedy at the Bel Nolo Inter-World Cup Final? And where in the world has Shaap imprisoned Max Moolah, the 15-octon-old heir to BBBay's biggest fortune? Will the Turquoises shine down on Glytr again? Read and find out!

Amar Aiyaar King of Tricksters

by Sulaiman Ahmad

`AND THE TRICKSTERS OF THE WORLD WILL CALL HIM THEIR KING? There?s never a dull moment with Amar Aiyaar: master of mischief, perpetrator of pranks, con artist with a conscience, trickster beyond compare. As the loyal companion of Ameer Hamza, the illustrious warrior from Arabia, Amar bravely, and brazenly, defeats every trap and overcomes every challenge, standing up to king, sorcerer and commoner alike. Right from childhood it?s clear that Amar, the son of a camel driver, is born to humble even emperors with his audacity and sharp wit. As Hamza?s army is magicked away into prison in Tilism-e-Hoshruba, the land of sorcery that stuns the senses, it falls upon Amar to rescue them. Using his cunning and his blessed bag of tricks, Amar Aiyaar blazes his way through the most extraordinary adventures with aplomb. Of course, he never ignores a chance to add to his fortunes, with a greedy eye on every purse of gold. At once roguish and honourable, superhero and villain, Amar Aiyaar is one of the most colourful characters in traditional storytelling in India. In the age-old great dastan of Tilism-e-Hoshruba, his is one of the most exciting and unforgettable stories of all time.

Taranauts 8: The Magic of the Dazl Corals

by Roopa Pai

A great war looming, and four Tarasuns still to be rescued! Take flight with the Taranauts on their incredible final adventure! Mithya?s eight worlds ? Shyn, Lustr, Sparkl, Glo, Dazl, Shimr, Syntilla and Glytr ? were plunged into darkness when the wicked Shaap Azur captured all its 32 stars. There was no hope until Zarpa, Tufan and Zvala ? three bright and brave Taranauts with special gifts ? set out to bring back light and cheer to Mithya. Seven missions later, the Taranauts have reason to be proud ? they have successfully returned 28 Tarasuns to Tara. But there is little time for celebration. The Corals are still to be rescued, and Shaap Azur, determined not to go down without a fight, is preparing to unleash a terrible war. Will the Taranauts survive the deadly dangers that await them in the Dil of Darkness? Will the giglworms return to the Forest of Gul Izta and make the Dazlkos well again? Can Emperaza Shoon Ya find a way to save the mithyakos from the bloody destruction of the Great Zamara? Who will emerge victorious, and who will be banished to the Fiery Lands? Read and find out!

Tiger by the Tail

by Venita Coelho

MISSION BRIEF: Tigers are being reported missing from wildlife reserves across India, Bangladesh and Nepal. Several hundred tigers have vanished. Something, or someone, is taking them. And if they are not stopped, this could mean the end of the species. It is time the Animal Intelligence Agency got involved. NOTE: The Animal Intelligence Agency is a multi-species nongovernmental agency. Specially trained Animal and Human agents work undercover to save animals and save the world. Some of them have the licence to kill. The following agents have been assigned to the case: Agent No. 002 Species: Panthera tigris tigris Name: Bagha One of our most experienced agents. 250 kilos of sheer intelligence and muscle. Licensed to kill. Agent No. XXXX Species: Semnopithecus entellus Name: Kela Formerly an agent but removed from duty in disgrace after the Incident of the Exploding Mangoes. Licence cancelled. NOTE: KEEP A CLOSE WATCH. HIGHLY UNPREDICTABLE. Agent No. 11.5 Species: Homo sapiens sapiens Name: Rana Skinny. Allergic to everything. No brawn, plenty of brain. Great facility with technology. Fluent in JungleSpeak. Has the ability to speak to nearly all species. NOTE: ALSO ALLERGIC TO CAT HAIR. MIGHT BE A PROBLEM WHEN HE PARTNERS WITH AGENT NO. OO2. Agents have been instructed that this is an Alpha mission. Highest degree of difficulty and danger. The leads they have to follow lie in Kathmandu, the Sera monastery in Tibet and the Forbidden City in China. They will face danger, destruction, and possible death. The fate of the tiger species is in their hands.

Premchand's Kazaki and Other Marvellous Tales

by Munshi Premchand Sara Rai

`His is a voice that comes from where the action is...? Dhanpat Rai, famously known as Munshi Premchand, was an ordinary man living an ordinary life in extraordinary times. His intimate experience of the lives of common people gave him insights that created a vast and vibrant world in his vivid stories, making him one of the most important chroniclers of the 20th century. His vision homes in straight to the extraordinary heart of his everyday characters as they go about their daily struggles, proving an inspiration to generations of readers. From a game of gulli-danda to the classic tale of an imaginative young boy?s love for his grandmother that transforms a pair of household tongs into a battle hero, Premchand?s compelling stories continue to hold readers spellbound. His granddaughter Sara Rai brings a personal perspective to this book with family recollections and lovingly done translations. Premchand?s great-granddaughter Lara Chandni pays tribute to her illustrious ancestor with an eye-catching cover and poster design created especially for this collector?s edition.

The Ghost Hunters of Kurseong

by Shweta Taneja

Sometimes you go out looking for ghosts and sometimes the ghosts come looking for you... When Kartik Godse?s mother informs him that they are to move from Mumbai to the small hillstation of Kurseong, he thinks his death is near. And the cause will be boredom. That is unti he reaches there. On his very first day in this sleepy town, he is accosted by a frightened man and attacked by two strangers. This marks the beginning of his journey down an unexpected vortex of intruders, ghosts, haunting and rumours. Armed with good instincts, a sharp scientific mind and two unlikely companions ? gentle Tahir and the firebrand Opus, Kartik takes n the role of a ghost hunter and private eye to unravel a web of mystery, deceit and supernatural events! At the centre of it all stands the old and dilapidated mansion called the Iyer Bungalow. What is the mystery of this bungalow? What do its ghosts want and what role does the mysterious DPRS have in all of this? Join this brave trio as they make their way through the twisted bylanes of Kurseong, hot on the heels of villains both real and ghostly...

The Bones of Stars

by Giti Chandra

`I am the blood that flows under all, I am the fire and bones of stars. . .? In the colossal caldera of Yellowstone National Park, a geyser blows in a startling eruption of red, and young Akshat disappears. This is only the tiny, terrifying start to the primal battle, now resurrected in full fury, between the two ancient foes, Elrai and Edasich. As the frantic search for Akshat ensues, his cousins, the child-guardians entrusted with olden secrets, come together with a coven of witches to rescue their beloved Akshat ? and indeed the world ? from certain peril. But will their growing powers be enough against the merciless evil loosed by the desperate and vicious Hyena-faced One? Will they be able to save Earth from a cataclysm of scorching lava and pulverized rock? Who will finally don the good Elrai?s baldric and leash the trail of death and destruction? Gripping and heart-stopping, The Bones of Stars tracks the defiant crusade of six extraordinary young people against a formidable, brutal force that threatens to obliterate the whole world as you know it. And end it forever.

Sarama and Sarameyas: The Heavenly Hounds

by Anu Kumar

`Banasura used his thousand arms to good effect, wielding five hundred bows that sent off a storm of arrows towards Krishna...? Banasura was fierce to look at with his thousand arms carrying a thousand different weapons. He had an equally fierce personality, whereby he terrorized humans, gods and even imprisoned his own daughter! He waged the greatest battle of his life against Lord Krishna. Read about his unmatched weapons of war?'

The Crazy Tales of Pagla Dashu and Co.

by Sukumar Ray

`Dashu got away with it because he was `mad?.? You never know what?s going to happen in Pagla Dashu?s world ? it?s an out-and-out romp. Life is never ordinary or dull when Dashu is around and this round-eyed, curly- haired schoolboy shakes up people and places till everyone and everything is as topsy-turvy as our hero. From his classroom antics to his playtime tactics, Dashu?s impish audacity has you rolling on the floor with laughter. Join him and his equally wacky company of madcap schoolboys and geniuses, show-offs and know-it-alls, scientists and explorers, and many other unforgettable characters who will take you on a crazy roller-coaster ride through poetry epidemics, strange robberies, chaotic school plays, and imaginary lands populated by magical creatures. These 25 classic stories by Sukumar Ray have been put together for the first time in English by the Jadavpur University Translators? Collective and feature rare illustrations by the father-son duo of Sukumar Ray and Satyajit Ray. PLUS! Book Mine Gems: 48 extra-special pages: Know more about the author, his work and his times. Plus things to think about and to do.'

The Lu Quartet: The Lu Quartet B

by Swapna Dutta Nalini Das

`We knew we had to solve the mystery somehow!? The world of Kalu, Malu, Bulu and Tulu is always buzzing with mysteries, big and small. And that works just fine, because the four young `detectives? are raring to solve them. Wherever the four clever friends happen to be?at their school hostel, next door at the Zamindar Mansion, or away on holiday in Mandu or Cherrapunji?they have a way of smelling out a mystery and keeping their nerve in the face of daunting dangers and terrifying threats to find what lies at the bottom of it. Join the Lu Quartet on their adventures in caves and ravines, secret chambers and dark mango groves, and see if you can unravel the twists and turns of the whodunits just as they do. These thirteen classic stories by Nalini Das originally appeared in the reputed Bengali magazine Sandesh and have been translated for the first time into English by leading children?s writer Swapna Dutta. PLUS! Book Mine Gems: 32 extra-special pages: Know more about the author, her work and her times. Plus things to think about and to do.'

Treasure Island: Prince Otto

by Robert Louise Stevenson

Join young Jim Hawkins and the crew of scurvy dogs aboard the Hispaniola as they go on a grand quest with pirates, battles and lots of danger. And of course there is the fabled search for the buried treasure belonging to evil Cap?n Flint. Meet the memorable cast of characters which include the one-legged Long John Silver, Captain Smollet, Billy Bones and Squire Trelawney and get ready for the adventure of a lifetime. The only thing you need to remember is that this is no tale for lily-livered scallywags!

The Water Catchers

by Bhairavi Parekh

`Someone from your bloodline, your village and water are all closely linked . . .? Counting out his days through measured buckets of water in the overcrowded, water-deprived city of Mumbai, 11-year-old Chintan aka Chintu leads a somewhat ordinary life. But all of that changes when his grandfather recounts a strange prophecy. The revelation takes him on a quest to his ancestral village, Tintodan, which is parched of rain and plagued by empty taps. Here, a chance meeting with Maahi, a shy girl with mysterious powers, makes him believe that prophecies might come true, after all. Back in Mumbai, Chintu has a run-in with a dreaded gang of bullies at school. This results in an impossible challenge and suddenly, he finds himself heading a major conservation competition that could bring his school prestige and a huge prize! Do these unlikely heroes fulfil the prophecy? Who is the saviour from the bloodline? Does Chintu?s school finally win the contest? Does he defeat the bullies? Discover the magic of water and how it transforms everyone who catches a drop.

Chanakya: The Kingmaker and the Philosopher

by Anu Kumar

?A learned man and a king are not equal, as the former is respected everywhere, but the latter only in his own dominions.? Canny, contemplative and courageous, Chanakya is known as one of India?s most multifaceted and enduring gurus. His smart, sage advice, captured forever in the twin classic treatises ? the Arthashastra and the Nitishastra ? has both the detailing of a draughtsman and the wide-ranging wisdom of a genius. Scholar, teacher, visionary, political strategist, economic philosopher and royal adviser, Chanakya put forth invaluable lessons that changed the course of history. Humiliated by Dhana Nanda, the ruler of Magadha, Chanakya turned adversity into strength and challenge into opportunity. Through clever diplomatic manoeuvres and wise confrontations, he choreographed young Chandragupta?s rise as the founder of the Mauryan empire, the first of its kind in power and territorial extent. Melding his knowledge with a shrewd observance of life, Chanakya outlined political and economic philosophies in a long-lasting body of pithy truths. And that is why, centuries later, his work and his words matter in today?s world. This book brings together the transformative incidents that shaped Chanakya?s life, and his most important sayings. From his understanding of the ideal way of life, you too can learn to be a little bit like Chanakya. PLUS * Flipbook action page corner for a touch of fun * Timeline: A chronology of Chanakya?s life * Bonus Teachings!: A hundred tactical tips from Chanakya?s treasury of wisdom

The Merry Adventures of Hardhabardhan & Gobardhan

by Arunava Sinha Shibram Chakraborty

Puns and pickles, and funny twists of fate pepper the madcap adventures of the two bumbling brothers, Harshabardhan and Gobardhan. Mildly dishonest timber merchants, foolhardy adventure buffs, reckless explorers, blundering do-gooders, occasional philosophers and gullible blokes, the endearing duo creates the most hilarious misunderstandings, commits the silliest mistakes and falls into the weirdest traps. Whether they are setting off on an elaborate tiger hunt or belling a cat, solving a mysterious burglary or coming back from the dead, Harshabardhan and Gobardhan are a laugh riot. Joined by the author, who writes himself into many a story, and a stellar cast of supporting characters, Harshabardhan and Gobardhan's antics will keep you chuckling away. The two brothers are among the best-loved characters created by leading Bengali humorist, Shibram Chakraborty. Appearing for the first time in this superb English translation by one of India's foremost translators, Arunava Sinha, these 20 classic comical stories will have you clutching your sides in merriment.

Book Mine: Ramayana For Young Readers

by Upendrakishore Ray Chowdhury Dutta Dutta

WHEN ANYONE WISHES TO SPEAK OF A GREAT RULER, THEY SAY, `A KING LIKE RAMA? All is well in the prosperous and orderly kingdom of Ayodhya until the greedy Queen Kaikeyi tricks King Dashratha into sending his beloved eldest son and heir apparent, Rama, into exile for fourteen years. The noble prince, accompanied by his brother Lakshmana and wife Sita, leaves for the forests. When Sita is abducted by Ravana, the demon-king of Lanka, it triggers off a series of events starting with the search for her and culminating in the cataclysmic battle between Rama and Ravana. What unfolds in between is a remarkable tale of divine reincarnations, fierce demons, powerful kings, magical weapons and amazing creatures ? all woven into the extraordinary and keystone Indian epic of good and evil, love and enmity, boons and curses, hardship and destiny. These retelling of the Ramayana, written especially for young readers by the inimitable Upendrakishore Ray Chowdhury, and checked and proofed originally by none other than Rabindranath Tagore, has been translated for the first time into English by leading children?s writer and translator, Swapna Dutta.


by Anu Kumar

`In the battle for liberty, fear is the one unforgivable sin? She always wanted to be wild and free like the birds, but she became much more: the Bulbul-e-Hind or the Nightingale of India. A child prodigy, Sarojini Naidu née Chattopadhyay grew to be so fearless and gifted that she was an example to all. Gopal Krishna Gokhale led her to devote her song and speech, thought and dreams to `the Motherland? and she never wavered in leading or following the cause, right into jail several times. Wise, lyrical and feisty, Sarojini Naidu brought intelligence, energy and intensity to the independence movement. She was the first woman to become President of the Indian National Congress, and later the Governor of Uttar Pradesh. Her frequent ill health never subdued her spirit. Her irreverence was legendary ? she was the one who gave Mahatma Gandhi the endearing nickname of `Mickey Mouse?. A staunch patriot, a unique poet, an efficient administrator, a progressive reformer and a women?s activist, she was hailed as a fiery public speaker. It is not surprising then that Women?s Day in India is celebrated on the birthday of Sarojini Naidu, a heroine then, and an inspiration now and forever. This book brings together her outstanding work and words, and highlights the main tenets of her life. From her stellar role in the difficult times she lived in, you too can learn to be a little bit like Sarojini Naidu.

Swami Vivekananda: The Monk and The Reformer: What Swami Vivekananda Did, What Swami Vivekananda Said

by Anu Kumar

`Take up one idea. . . Make that one idea your life. . . This is the way to success? Single-minded and multifaceted, the master of many subjects and devoted disciple of Shri Ramakrishna, Swami Vivekananda was a global citizen far ahead of his times. At once a yogi and worldly-wise, this early ambassador of India introduced the western world to Indian civilization, while he encouraged Indians to discard divisive rituals and social hierarchies to build a united, equal, modern nation. A dedicated but free-thinking student, a reformer, teacher and writer, he was an eloquent orator whose speeches ? especially at the World Parliament of Religions in Chicago ? put Indian spirituality and philosophy on the map, and ignited hearts and minds everywhere. His way was both of meditation and action, leading from the front while humbly serving the poor. He put his faith in young people and exhorted them to work towards regenerating India. It is not surprising then that National Youth Day in India is celebrated on the birthday of Swami Vivekananda, a leading light then, and an inspiration now and forever. This book brings together Swami Vivekananda?s stellar work and words, and highlights the main tenets of his life. From his regretfully short but exceptional life, you too can learn to be a little bit like Swami Vivekananda.

Survival Tips for Lunatics

by Shandana Minhas

To save the most important things in the world, you have to first find out what they are. . . TIP NO. 1: Believe it or not, a camping trip is the best place to start, especially if it has: Changez, 12 (TIP NO. 2: Think constable in the lunatic police) Timmy, 9 (TIP NO. 3: Think capuchin-monkey-brained snotasaurus) A mud volcano (TIP NO. 4: Yes, it can erupt!) A snippy sparrow (TIP NO. 5: Small is BIG) Saw-toothed crocs (TIP NO. 6: The animals, not the shoes) The last Ursus thibetanus gedrosianus (TIP NO. 7: Think large, furry and walking towards you!) A herd of hyper-herbivorous Baluchitheria (TIP NO. 8: Don?t think. . . RUN!) One poetic Markhor (TIP NO. 9: Yup, get the earplugs) A Protoliterodragon (TIP NO. 10: It may go from bad to verse!) Vegetarian Velociraptors (TIP NO. 11: Be glad you are not green) And as always. . . Assorted pesky humans, including angry soldiers and heartless rogues (TIP NO. 12: Think the most dangerous animal on the planet) Got the idea? Here?s a story that tells you what on earth is really happening. . . If you are a clever Smartosapiens, Survival Tips for Lunatics is the mad, mad handbook for you to make sense of the world and where it is going, besides round and round!

SUBHAS CHANDRA BOSE: The Nationalist And The Commander

by Vinitha Ramchandani

`Remember that the greatest crime is to compromise with injustice and wrong...? A reserved boy who felt out of place on the sports field, Subhas Chandra Bose grew to be a fearless and inspiring leader on the battlefield of India?s struggle for freedom. Often standing in opposition to Mahatma Gandhi, Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru and other Indian National Congress front runners, Bose was at the vanguard of the `other? revolutionary struggle for independence from British rule. However controversial his efforts, they were all born of one emotion ? his unquestionable love for his Motherland. His many prison sentences and equally frequent bouts of illness never subdued his spirit. A staunch nationalist, a prolific writer, a mesmerizing orator and a matchless motivator, Netaji led by example and believed that every individual must be ready to sacrifice his or her life for the country. This book brings together the transformative incidents that shaped Netaji?s work and words, and highlights the main tenets of his life. From his devotion to India and his unflagging courage, you too can learn to be a little bit like Subhas Chandra Bose.

Deki: The Adventures of a Dog and a Boy in Tibet

by George B. Schaller

ÔI am coming from behind me and I am going aheadÕ A dog can lead you into the corners of some stories better than any human can. This is a story like that. In the vast Tibetan plateau, where beauty and cruelty fall as day and night, Deki, a Tibetan mastiff, is born with a moon on her black chest. This is the tale of the dog and her friends, Tashi, Karma, and Changku the wolf. Of how she meets a runaway boy, and of their journey guarding a precious statue, with a vicious bandit at their heels, towards the celestial city of Shambhala. But do they find it? Deki's story moves with clouds, wild winds and the seasons. It carries the scent of blooming poppies and scurrying pikas, and of friends who leave without saying goodbye. Angry yaks and innocent sheep, fearsome bears and majestic snow leopards walk in and out of its words into caves where wise hermits teach the whys and hows of what everyone in the world wants to know. Finally, Deki faces the choice before every living creature: a life of comfort within someone else's walls, or freedom ? fragile and dangerous, but her own to risk. Follow Deki into an adventure without end.

Guru Nanak: The Thinker and the Poet

by Astri Ghosh

`He who regards all men as equals is religious.? Insightful, compassionate and benevolent, Guru Nanak Dev was a scholar, teacher, mentor and guide. Both a man of God as well as of the people, he believed that religion was a means of bringing everyone together and upheld the equality of all human beings, whatever their caste, beliefs or gender. Unusually spiritual even as a child, Guru Nanak stood up bravely against the social and religious rituals of the times. He travelled far and wide, in India and beyond, for more than 20 years to spread the message of peace and humanity. His sermons, songs and stories are recorded as hymns in the Guru Granth Sahib, the holy book of Sikhism, the faith he founded. This book brings together the extraordinary life of Guru Nanak and his most important sayings and beliefs. From his steadfast pursuit of truth and equality, and his love for all, you too can learn to be a little bit like Guru Nanak. PLUS ? Flipbook-action page corners ? Timeline: A chronology of Guru Nanak?s life ? The Japji Sahib ? Bonus Quiz: How much do you know about Guru Nanak?

THE PANCHATANTRA: The Panchatantra Book Three Retold

by Narindar Uberoi Kelly Meagan Jenigen

A RAT THAT ATE IRON. A BIRD WITH TWO HEADS. FOUR GREEDY TREASURE-SEEKERS. A DOG THAT WENT TO FOREIGN LANDS TO FIND FOOD. These are only a few of the colourful stories that long, long ago ? it is said ? a sage told three princes so that they could learn to live wisely. Instead of giving them boring lessons, the learned tutor told them fables alive with animals and human characters faced with difficult situations about friendship, cooperation, quarrels and ambition. The tales told by Pandit Vishnu Sharma about 2,500 years ago offer a map of how to make one?s way through life in a moral and wise manner. These stories of friends and enemies, cruelty and deceit, honour and humility, foolishness and cunning, deception and honesty, tell us about the choices we have and how to find a solution to tough questions of right and wrong. This all-colour, beautifully illustrated edition contains stories retold from all five books of the Panchatantra and is designed to make it easy for readers to move from story to story, and across stories within stories ? making it a must-have for readers young and old.

Bookworms and Jellybellies

by Ruchira Ramanujam Ranjini Rao

Eat your way through Pooh Bear?s adventures one Honey-crunch Snack Bite at a time, nibble on delicious Scoop `n? Drop Currant Scones while discovering lost treasures and secret passages with the Famous Five, or suck on tangy Tamarind Pops as you run through the by-lanes of Malgudi with Swami and friends. If you love to read and eat, Bookworms & Jellybellies is just the book for you. It is a joyride through some of the best-loved children?s books, with over 50 inspired recipes that can be easily whipped up in your own kitchen. It is packed with quirky introductions, simple recipe instructions, fun trivia and beautiful colour photographs that bring the featured dishes to life. In this fresh, imaginative take on books and cooks, Ranjini Rao and Ruchira Ramanujam, authors of Around the World with the Tadka Girls, give you recipes with their own dash of drama, adventure and plot twists ? just like the books that inspire them.

Hachette Childrens Yearbook and Infopedia 2018

by Inhouse

It?s a fact-finder, it?s an almanac, it?s a G.K. book, it?s a compendium of must-know topics. Yes, it?s indispensable for every student who wants to know what in the world is going on. The Hachette Children?s Yearbook & Infopedia 2018 is a ready reference book that?s jam-packed with interesting and essential information, making it the perfect tool for homework and projects for every student. All About India, Current Affairs, Inside the Earth, Out There in Space, Climate Change, History Timelines, Countries of the World, Must-watch Movies, Tech Updates, Sports Spotlights, Top Newsmakers, and much, much more.

Wonderkids: 100 Children Who grew Up to Be Champions of Change

by Anu Kumar

Meet a hundred famous people who started small but made a big difference in the world It?s easy to forget that all the great people who shaped the world we live in ? inventors, leaders, writers, actors, musicians, environmentalists, reformers, athletes and artists ? were once children, just like you! That there was something ? a spark, a talent, a curiosity or just a dream ? which was shaped by them as they grew, and led them to become amazing achievers who inspired others to look at things in a different way. From Anne Frank to Malala Yousafzai, Marco Polo to Muhammad Yunus, Jesse Owens to Thandiwe Chama, Jagadish Chandra Bose to Albert Einstein, and Charles Darwin to Coco Chanel, Wonder Kids gives you a peek into the childhoods of icons from different walks of life. Tracing how their thoughts and actions as children had an impact on their communities or the whole world later, the compact life stories in this book have a common, shining message ? that you are never too young to start to break the mould!

Mouse Attack

by Magnolia

THINGS BEGIN TO HAPPEN WHEN THERE’S A SMART MOUSE IN THE HOUSE!Arvee, a clever and scholarly mouse, is horrified to find that he must leave his laboratory to live as a house pet. His new home, Paradise Villa, is charming and comfortable but boring.And lonely.All that changes when Arvee meets bright, feisty Ellie and the rest of her family of house mice. They tell him about Pasha, a huge, fearsome rat who, along with his thugs, has taken over Paradise Villa, harassing and enslaving the mice. A small, brave band of rebels is ready to fight back. But how?Arvee brings his thinking skills to the struggle, pulling in the help of other house creatures. But Pasha has very different plans for him. And Alphonso the cat is not too far behind either.Will Arvee succeed in helping Ellie, her family and all the other mice under attack?

Mouse Invaders

by Magnolia

ARVEE, THE SMARTEST MOUSE IN THE HOUSE, IS UP AGAINST A TWISTY CHALLENGE!Arvee is back at Paradise Villa after his round-the-world travels! But his friend Ellie and her family are in deep trouble in their garden home. The Shrew Police are in control, with their hateful rules and bullying ways. And what’s worse – baby mice have been regularly vanishing from their homes.Worst of all is the slithering terror that haunts Lantana ouse Enclave. Something huge, black and . . . smelly.Desperate to help his friends, Arvee plunges into the fray. But the unexpected arrival of Cutie Pie, a glamorous mouse from his home laboratory, overturns his plans. In the fight between the tiny and the mighty, even a small slip can be very risky. Will Arvee be able to save his buddies, or has he nibbled off more than he can possibly chew?

A Treasury of Tales from the Kathasaritasagara

by Jayashree Bhat

Fantastic Fables and Where to Read ThemPssst… come here. A little closer. Yes, yes, right here. Now, what sort of story are you looking for? One with action and adventure, wily villains and valiant warriors? Or something that will make you laugh till your stomach hurts? Or perhaps you’d prefer a tale with some good old-fashioned magic?Well, whatever it is, you’ll find it all here – in this delightful trove of stories picked from one of India’s oldest classics, Somadeva’s Kathasaritasagara (The Ocean of the Streams of Story), dusted and polished for a new generation of readers.Go on, step in, but be careful – the shape-shifters aren’t quite what they seem (obviously), the tricksters are always looking for someone to fool, and don’t be shocked if you meet a talking animal.Oh, and one last thing – make sure you ace the vetala’s quiz.Or else…

Young Pandavas: School for Warriors

by Anupam Arunachalam

Even princes have to go to school! Arjun’s dream is finally coming true! The elders of Hastinapur are sending the Kuru princes off to boarding school, so that they can learn the art of war from the legendary Guru Dronacharya. His brothers – Yudhishthir, Bhim, Nakul and Sahadev – are, however, less than thrilled. School is hard, and training to be magic-wielding warriors isn’t nearly as fun as it sounds. Also, getting into Guru Drona’s good books is next to impossible, especially when he has a clear favourite – his own son, Ashwatthama. But Arjun’s determined to be the BEST student in the gurukul, even if it means defying Drona himself. Meanwhile, Bhim has to be careful not to destroy everything he touches… The second book in the exciting Young Pandavas series is packed with even more surprises, action and magic than the first!

Hachette Childrens Yearbook and Infopedia 2020

by Inhouse

11th UPDATED EDITION! KNOW MORE THAN EVER BEFORE! * If you want a fact-finder... * If you’re looking to expand your GK... * If you wish you had a ready reckoner of must-know information... * If you need to know what in the world is going on... This book is indispensable for you! The Hachette Children’s Yearbook & Infopedia brings you news, general knowledge, current affairs, fascinating facts and loads more about your favourite focus points in every annual bestselling edition. With well-researched and updated content and data, this book is the essential companion for every smart student who wants to stay ahead.Pick it up and start to explore – for reference, homework and projects! Plus facts and stats on India and every country in the world! What You’ll Find Inside:1. News Highlights from India and around the World2. People Who Made Headlines 3. Inside the Earth 4. Out There in Space 5. History Timelines 6. Science Basics That Matter 7. Literature Info 8. Sports Spotlights 9. Geographical Records 10. The Year Ahead

The Phoenix in the Sky: Tales of Wonder and Wisdom from World Religions

by Indira Ananthakrishnan

Why does a prince give up everything in the search of truth?What can a little squirrel do to help Rama build a bridge acrossthe sea?How does a coat end up becoming a guest at a banquet?This fascinating collection of stories answers these questionsand more, while introducing you to the everyday wisdom ofancient scriptures.Handpicked from a range of texts – from the Mahabharata andthe Upanishads to the Bible and the Quran, from the Jatakasand Jain parables to Lao Tzu’s teachings – these are tales ofwise kings and wandering monks, of ordinary people and theirextraordinary deeds, of great escapes and mighty miracles, ofclever creatures and foolish gods.Heart-warming, uplifting and sprinkled with gentle wit, thesestories will comfort and inspire you every time you read them.

Tengo un monstruo en el bolsillo

by Graciela Montes

Tener un monstruo palpitante y mordiente alojado en un lugar tan íntimo como un bolsillo tal vez pueda asustar a algunos. Pero no a Inés. Inés le da la bienvenida. "Ahí fue cuando metí las manos en el bolsillo del delantal y sentí algo peludo, tibio y que además, mordía." Y se desencadena la historia. Tener un monstruo palpitante y mordiente alojado en un lugar tan íntimo como un bolsillo tal vez pueda asustar a algunos. Pero no a Inés. Inés le da la bienvenida. Porque Inés, tan flaquita y silenciosa, tan titubeante, tan pequeña, tiene un deseo muy grande -un deseo tan grande que apenas si le cabe en el cuerpo- de que le sucedan cosas maravillosas, terribles y extraordinarias. Un monstruo personal, secreto, privado, es justo lo que andaba necesitando. Sin embargo, convivir con un monstruo nunca es fácil... Y el de Inés parece decidido a no abandonarla.

Little Lord Fauntleroy

by Frances Hodgson Burnett

Frances Hodgson Burnett's conviction that love conquers all is memorably embodied in this classic rags-to-riches tale of an American boy who is transported from the mean streets of nineteenth-century New York to the splendor of his titled grandfather's English manor. Polly Hovarth writes that Little Lord Fauntleroy "was the Harry Potter of his time and Frances Hodgson Burnett was as celebrated for creating him as J. K. Rowling is for Potter." During the 1880s, fashions in the book became popular with velvet Lord Fauntleroy suits being sold, as well as other Fauntleroy merchandise such as velvet collars, playing cards, and chocolates. The Reginald Birch illustrations for the 1886 edition sparked a very romantic style of dress for boys which would endure into the early twentieth century.

Connect to Your One Magic Word (Connect Collection #2)

by Rupa Mehta

The effervescent character Oopa takes readers on an upbeat journey to find their magic word. As Oopa says, "The best magic word for you = your heart's favorite thing to do". A magic word has so much power. It can help strengthen your daily life and help you achieve your goals. Join Oopa and her friends and connect to your magic word! As part of the Connect Collection, this book is intended to be illustrated by you--the reader! As a parent and/or teacher, encourage your child and/or student to imagine what the characters in the story look like and bring them to life. Through illustrating the book, your child and/ or student will personally understand the book's valuable lesson and have a keepsake forever. We encourage you to check out more books in the Connect Collection at

Primary Mathematics 4A Textbook,U.S. Edition

by Marshall Cavendish

4th grade math textbook

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