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أسبوعا من الطبخ الإيطالي

by Claudio Ruggeri

.قائمة الوصفات البسيطة والمعقدة لالطبخ الإيطالي ، "مسروقة" من القائمة لطباخ كبيرة، أمي

The Collapse: The Accidental Opening of the Berlin Wall

by Mary Elise Sarotte

The Berlin Wall was erected in 1961 to end all traffic between the city’s two halves: the democratic west and the communist east. The iconic symbol of a divided Europe, the Wall became a focus of western political pressure on East Germany; as Ronald Reagan’s famously said in a 1987 speech in Berlin, "Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!” But as award-winning historian Mary Sarotte shows in [Title TK] , the opening of the Wall on November 9, 1989 was not, as is commonly believed, the East German government’s deliberate concession to outside influence. It was an accident. A carelessly worded memo written by mid-level bureaucrats, a bumbling press conference given by an inept member of the East German Politburo, the negligence of government leaders, the bravery of ordinary people in East and West Berlin--these combined to bring about the end of nearly forty years of oppression, fear, and enmity in divided Berlin. When the news broke, Washington and Moscow could only stand by and watch as Tom Brokaw and other journalists narrated the televised broadcast of this critical moment in the thawing of the cold war. Sarotte opens her story in the months leading up to that fateful day. Following East German dissidents, she shows how their efforts coalesced around opposition to the regime’s restrictions on foreign travel. The city of Leipzig, close to the border with Czechoslovakia, became a hothouse of activism, and protests there quickly grew into massive demonstrations. The East German Politburo hoped to limit its citizens’ knowledge of these marches, but two daring dissidents, East Berliners Aram Radomski and Siegbert Schefke, managed to evade the Stasi and film the largest of them from a church tower. They then smuggled their tape to West Germany; broadcast in both nations, the footage galvanized activists across East Germany, and precipitated the stunning developments on November 9. Facing mounting pressure from its own citizens, the East German Politburo planned to put off enacting any meaningful change to its travel policy by issuing a deceptive ruling that would appear to offer more freedom, but which in fact would allow the state to maintain strict control over its citizen’s movements. But the bureaucrats tasked with preparing the "new” regulations misunderstood their task, and instead drafted a declaration that said East Germans could freely leave the country. This declaration ended up in the hands of regime spokesman Günter Schabowski, who announced the rules at a press conference without understanding their import. Stunned reporters were soon broadcasting the news around the world. Crowds of East Germans began streaming to the Wall, prompting a showdown with border guards, who received no support or direction from East German leadership as the throngs multiplied. By 11:30, Harald Jäger, a second-tier passport control officer, had had enough and finally opened the wall to the mob gathering outside his gate. Even though East German forces successfully regained control by the morning, it was too late--for the wall, for the regime, and for Communism in Eastern Europe. Drawing on evidence from archives in multiple countries and languages, along with dozens of interviews with key actors, including Harald Jäger, [Title TK] is the definitive account of the event that brought down the East German Politburo and came to represent the final collapse of the Cold War order.

The Rebel of Rangoon: A Tale of Defiance and Deliverance in Burma

by Delphine Schrank

An epic, multigenerational story of courage and sacrifice set in a tropical dictatorship on the verge of massive transformation, The Rebel of Rangoon captures a gripping moment of possibility in Burma. Journalist Delphine Schrank spent four years underground tracking Burmese dissidents whose semi-clandestine existence and fight for democracy remained largely hidden behind their globally celebrated figurehead, Aung San Suu Kyi. With intimate, vivid prose, Schrank follows the inner life of a daredevil young dissident, his friends and rivals, across rural hamlets and flickering internet connections, into prison cells and safe houses, and deep into their own hearts, as they escape spies and outwit interrogators, fall in love or slip into insanity. Through that dissident’s perspective, Schrank unfurls a harrowing account of a country’s efforts to emerge from military dictatorship, how a movement of dissidents came into being, how it almost died, and how it pushed its government to crack apart and begin an irreversible process of political reform. In doing so, Schrank delivers a profoundly human exploration of daring and defiance and of the power and meaning of freedom.

A River Runs Again: India's Natural World in Crisis, from the Barren Cliffs of Rajasthan to the Farmlands of Karnataka

by Meera Subramanian

Crowded, hot, subject to violent swings in climate, with a government unable or unwilling to face the most vital challenges, the rich and poor increasingly living in worlds a∂ for most of the world, this picture is of a possible future. For India, it is the very real present. In this lyrical exploration of life, loss, and survival, Meera Subramanian travels in search of the ordinary people and microenterprises determined to revive India’s ravaged natural world: an engineer-turned-farmer brings organic food to Indian plates; villagers resuscitate a river run dry; cook stove designers persist on the quest for a smokeless fire; biologists bring vultures back from the brink of extinction; and in Bihar, one of India’s most impoverished states, a bold young woman teaches adolescents the fundamentals of sexual health. While investigating these five environmental challenges, Subramanian discovers the stories that renew hope for a nation with the potential to lead India and the planet into a sustainable and prosperous future.

You're Making Me Hate You: A Cantankerous Look at the Common Misconception That Humans Have Any Common Sense Left

by Corey Taylor

In the tradition of the late great George Carlin, New York Times bestselling author and lead singer of Slipknot and Stone Sour Corey Taylor sounds off in hilarious fashion about the many vagaries of modern life that piss him off. Whether it’s people’s rude behavior in restaurants and malls, the many indignities of air travel, eye-searingly terrible fashion choices, dangerously clueless drivers, and--most of all--the sorry state of much modern music, Taylor’s humor and insight cover civil society’s seeming decline--sparing no one along the way, least of all himself. Holding nothing back and delivered in Taylor’s inimitable voice, You’re Making Me Hate You is a cathartic critique of the strange world in which we find ourselves.

Death of a Newspaperman

by Delfin Vigil

Their lives were centuries apart. Their spirit was one and the same. Desmond De Leon grows up in the outskirts of 1980s San Francisco, avoiding gangs, dodging bullets and caring nothing about the petty politics of his troubled part of town. He’s far too fascinated with the bloodier and bolder history of San Francisco newspaper journalism based downtown. Once the epicenter of American journalism, it’s where the infamous newspaper tycoon Charles Sansome died with pistol in hand during an era when editorial disputes were resolved within 20 paces. As the headstrong, scrappy kid rises from San Francisco Call copy boy to reporter, he documents the deteriorating character and morals of his journalist mentors, along with the decline of the newspaper itself. Walking the same ghostly streets as his 19th-century newspaper tycoon heroes once did, and with a dash of supernatural guidance, Desi’s search to find out what Call founder Charles Sansome would do leads him from the highest avenues of society and politics to the back alleys of the Mission District in this hip, funny, romantic and ultimately tragic near roman à clef written by the one who lived it.

Hell From the Heavens: The Epic Story of the USS Laffey and World War II's Greatest Kamikaze Attack

by Wukovits

On the morning of April 16, 1945, the crewmen of the USS Laffey saw what seemed to be the entire Japanese air force assembled directly above. They were about to become the targets of the largest single-ship kamikaze attack of World War II. By the time the unprecedented assault was finished, thirty-two sailors were dead and more than seventy wounded. Although she lay shrouded in smoke and fire for hours, the Laffey somehow survived. The gutted American warship limped from Okinawa’s shore for home, where the ship and crew would be feted as heroes. Using personal interviews with survivors, the memoirs of crew members, and their wartime correspondence, John Wukovits breathes life into the story of this forgotten historic event.

Riḥla ilā Bilād al-‘Arab رحلة إلى بلاد العرب: A Comprehensive Introductory Course for Arabic Heritage Speakers

by Munther Younes

Riḥla ilā Bilād al-‘Arab starts with the Arabic alphabet and gradually and systematically builds the reading and writing skills and mastery of Fuṣḥā grammar. As students develop their reading, writing, and grammar skills, they will be learning about Arab history, society, and culture. This book contextualizes Arabic grammar teaching with sufficient and relevant drills and exercises. Added personal and cultural interest is given by the diary of Amal, an American student of Arab descent, who travels to Jordan and Palestine. This textbook includes maps, illustrations, and photographs and is accompanied by audio on the companion website that can be viewed here: . The book is designed for Arabic heritage students—students who can understand and speak an Arabic dialect (Egyptian, Iraqi, Moroccan, etc.) but are unfamiliar with Modern Standard Arabic, known as Fuṣḥā.






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