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HIN 212 Hindi Kathanparak Sahitya S.Y.B.A - Y.C.M.O.U

by Satyadev Tripathi Jaya Paranjape Santosh Kaliya Sudhakar Gokakakar

HIN 212 Hindi kathanparak Sahitya text book for S.Y.B.A. from Yashavantrao Chavan Maharastra Mukta Vidyapith, Nashik in Hindi.

Hindi Sahitya Ka Saral Itihas - Competitive Exam

by Vishwanath Tripathi

This book explains about the history of hindi litreature for the students. The aim of the writer of this book is to explain about the changes that has taken place in case of the rights of the women and exploitation of the people. Writer has explain about the social, cultural, economic and political changes that has taken place all over the years in our country and has told about to resolve all shorts of problem faced by the women and people of the country.

Main Samay Hoon: मैं समय हूँ

by Deep Trivedi

‘मैं समय हूँ’ यह पुस्तक बेस्टसेलर्स ‘मैं मन हूँ’, ‘मैं कृष्ण हूँ’ और ‘101 सदाबहार कहानियां’ के लेखक तथा स्पीरिच्युअल सायको-डाइनैमिक्स के पायनियर दीप त्रिवेदी ने लिखी है। मनुष्यजीवन को गहराई से समझने और समझाने वाले दीप त्रिवेदी ने विश्व की अंतिम और निर्णायक सत्ता समय के रहस्यों का अपनी किताब ‘मैं समय हूँ’ में रहस्योद्घाटन किया है। इस किताब में दीप त्रिवेदी ने घड़ी की सूइयों से परे समय के कई स्वरूपों का खुलासा किया है। यही नहीं, उन्होंने न सिर्फ इन सभी स्वरूपों की विस्तार से चर्चा की है, बल्कि उनके प्रभावों को भी समझाया है। इस किताब की सबसे विशेष बात यह कि लेखक ने इसमें इतनी सरल भाषा का उपयोग किया है जिससे कि एक सामान्य मनुष्य भी समय जैसी महासत्ता की पूरी कार्यप्रणाली आसानी से समझ सके। इस किताब में यह स्पष्ट होता है कि एक समय ही है जिस कारण न सिर्फ मनुष्य बल्कि यह पूरा ब्रह्मांड भी चलायमान है तथा मनुष्य के जीवन में घटने वाली तमाम ऊंच-नीच भी समय के ही अधीन है। अतः चाहे मनुष्यजीवन सरल बनाना हो या फिर ब्रह्मांड के गहरे रहस्य समझने हों, समय के गहरे स्वरूपों को समझे बिना इनमें से कुछ भी शक्य नहीं है। इसीलिए इस बात पर विशेष ध्यान देते हुए लेखक ने मनुष्यों को उनका बिगड़ा समय संवारने के कई सरल उपाय भी दिये हैं। यह बात तय है कि जो भी समय की ताल-से-ताल मिला लेगा, एक सुखी और सफल जीवन गुजारना उसका भाग्य हो जाएगा।

Gandhijiki Sankshipt Aatmakatha: गांधीजीकी संक्षिप्त आत्मकथा

by Kashinath Trivedi

बापूकी 'आत्मकथा' एक बड़ा ग्रंथ है। इस पुस्तकमें उसका सार तैयार किया गया है। ऐसा करते समय बापूके लेखन-क्रम, भाषा इत्यादिको प्रायः मूलके जैसा ही रखा गया है। केवल विषयको संक्षिप्त करने और सिलसिला जोड़नेके लिए कहीं-कहीं नयी भाषाका प्रयोग किया गया है। अतः सहज रूपसे यह कहा जा सकता है कि इस संक्षिप्त आत्मकथा' का ९९.९९ से भी अधिक भाग मूलका अवतरण ही है। इस 'संक्षिप्त आत्मकथा' को नये ढंगसे विभक्त किया गया है और कुछ अध्यायोंको उन विषयों के अनुरूप नये नाम दिये गये हैं। अध्यायों की गिनती प्रत्येक खण्डकी अलग-अलग न करके समूची पुस्तककी एक ही रखी गई है। बापूकी 'आत्मकथा' एक ऐसा ग्रंथ है, जो बापूको समझने में बहुत सहायक होता है। इसका संक्षिप्त संस्करण तैयार करनेका यह प्रयास इस अभिलाषासे किया गया है कि यह विशिष्ट व्यक्तियोंको और खासकर नयी पीढ़ीको बापूका अभ्यास करनेके लिए प्रेरित करे।

Binu Bhalu

by Childrens Book Trust New Delhi

This is a story of a Bear which has been caught alive from the forest and has been separated from its mother. It tells about the life in jungle, the moments with mother bear and pleasure of being free. The bear doesn’t lose hope even after being kept captive. Indeed a story which must be told to every child.

Bharat Aur Vishwa Ka Itihas Evam Bhartiya Kala Evam Sanskriti Railway Group D (Competitive Exam)

by Indic Trust

This book helps the students to learn the history of India as well as world along with the art forms and culture. The student finds this book very easy to learn as it is in the form of notes and the candidate can revise the matter very fast during examinations.

Bhartiya Rajvyasththa Evam Samvidhan Railway Group D (Competitive Exam)

by Indic Trust

The candidates who are preparing for the Railway Group D examination can refer this book for learning about the Indian polity and our constitution.

Bhugol Railway Group D (Competitive Exam)

by Indic Trust

This book contains the notes on Geography which is required to prepare for the Railway Group D examination. The notes are easy to understand and learn fast for examination. Students find them easy during revision time.

Drishti Bhart Evam Viswa Ka Bhugol Competitive Exam

by Indic Trust

This book is a collection of Multipile Choice Questions of new and old NCERT syllubus of Class 6 to Class 12 for the preprations of competitive exams.

Drishti Bhartiya Arthvyavastha Competitive Exam

by Indic Trust

All the important concepts that show the Indian economy to the initial test, in which more than fifty percent of questions related to the economy are related to our ' Indian economy ' Book It will be our endeavor that we can fulfill the expectations of our readers and in their success.

Drishti Bhartiya Itihas Evam Rastriya Aandolan Competitive Exam

by Indic Trust

This book is very helpfull in competitive exam. In the book Bhartiya Itihas Evam Aandolan have a brief chapters with multipile choice questions composed by indic trust.

Drishti Bhartiya Savidhan Evam Rajvayastha Competitive Exam

by Indic Trust

The series ‘ The second edition of the Indian Constitution and the State System are experiencing a heart felt joy while presenting it. The readers who took hands and much appreciated.

Drishti Kala Evam Sanskriti Competitive Exam

by Indic Trust

The Art and Culture is ussally it is a part of history topic. Civil Services Examination. In preparing for the questions related to this ,after reading the books related to the history.

Drishti Paryavaran Evam Paristhithiki Competitive Exam

by Indic Trust

Significantly, it is possible to achieve success for a deep understanding of general studies in the initial examination. It has been confirmed recently I.A.S. 2018 Can be done from the initial examination paper. There is not even a single book in Hindi for a very long time on the ecological ecology that resolves all the complications.

Drishti Prasan Sangrah Competitive Exam

by Indic Trust

This book is a collections long type questions for the prepration of IAS MAINS exams.

Drishti Report Competitive Exam

by Indic Trust

It is important that the year 2013 Came in I.A.S. Major changes were made in the course of the course. I.A.S. Various State Public Service Commissions have also adopted this change course of change with greater change. syllabus The effect of this change was that the weightage of the general study in the main examination was not only the union ,But different State Public Service Commissions also increased. Therefore, it is now necessary for success in these examinations Candidates holding on the subject of general study will be strong.

Drishti Samanya Vigyan - Competitive Exam - NCERT

by Indic Trust

As you may know, it is necessary to have a basic understanding of the subject for success in any exam. The best way to do this is that the subject's VI From XII Upto N.C.E.RT have study carefully.

Drishti To The Point Competitive Exam

by Indic Trust

Notable that year 2013 Came in I.A.S. Major changes were made in the main (main) examination. Before main Two papers of General Studies in Examination ( 300-300 Points were used) , While presently number four ( 250-250 Digit). It is clear that the role of general study in the main examination is very important today. only one Due to being an optional subject, it has been further strengthened that the success of the main exam in general study It is not possible without bringing better points. The year 2013 After the tendency of questions in general examinations in general examinations Think of it, it is clear that most of these questions have been based on current affairs.

Paramparik Samanya Gyan Evam Khel Kood Railway Group D (Competitive Exam)

by Indic Trust

The book on General Knowledge and Sports is very important for the candidates so that they can understand the basics and compare them with the latest news and current affairs on sports. Learning G.K and Sports is day to day process but basics help the students to understand what to study.

Railway Samanya Vigyan Solved Question Paper For Group D Competitive Exam

by Indic Trust

This book is for the candidates who are preparing for the railway group D examination. The book is prepared for the students to understand the pattern of examination and to improve their speed and accuracy. It contains the earlier year multiple choice questions. To make student understand the type of questions of General Science that can be asked in examination paper.

RRB Group D Current Affairs Vaarshikaank 2019 - Competitive Exam

by Indic Trust

This magazine contains the current affairs related to Science and Technology, Politics, Economics, Sports and Awards etc. This helps the aspirants to solve the questions related to General Knowledge asked during examination.

RRB Group D Logical Reasoning- Competitive Exam

by Indic Trust

This book contains the material of verbal reasoning for the preparation of Railway Group (D) Examination. Verbal Reasoning includes the topics like Blood Relation, Directions, Number and Alphabetic Series, Sitting Arrangements etc.

RRB Group D Samanya Adhyayan Solved Question Papers- Competitive Exam

by Indic Trust

This book is prepared for the candidates too practice the multiple-choice questions of subjects like Indian and World History, Polity, Economics and Geography etc. It helps in improving their speed and accuracy. So that they can pass their examination.

RRB Group D Samanya Vigyan Theory -Competitive Exam

by Indic Trust

This compilation is prepared for the candidates who are studying for the preparation of Railway Group D examination. This Samanya Gyan Theory book is processed in such a way that student will find them more accessible and easy for their preparation.

RRB Group D Solved Question Papers Competitive Exam

by Indic Trust

This compilation is prepared for the candidates who are studying for the preparation of Railway Group D examination. RRB Group D Solved Question Papers book is processed in such a way that student will find them more accessible and easy for their preparation.

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