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by Gabriele Napolitano


Cakes and Ale (Mandarin Edition)

by W Maugham

Cakes and Ale is a delicious satire of London literary society between the Wars. Social climber Alroy Kear is flattered when he is selected by Edward Driffield's wife to pen the official biography of her lionized novelist husband, and determined to write a bestseller. But then Kear discovers the great novelist's voluptuous muse (and unlikely first wife), Rosie. 在 寻欢作乐 里 毛姆从现实中取材 将虚实相掺 借故事叙述者阿申登之口讲述了其与著名作家德里菲尔德及其前妻罗西的早年交往 而这段往事正是另一位流行小说家基尔所要挖掘的传记素材 读者可依稀指认出德里菲尔德是在影射哈代 基尔由休·沃尔波尔脱胎而来 至于罗西 则分明是乔伊斯笔下莫莉·布鲁姆的翻版


by Alice Magi Claudio Ruggeri

小说介绍 一个死人在他的美术馆里被找到 盖文森要解决情况 但可能解答很多 总监要从事一项悲痛调查

Two Twelfth-Century Texts on Chinese Painting (Michigan Monographs In Chinese Studies #8)

by Robert J. Maeda

Two Twelfth-Century Texts on Chinese Painting presents two texts in translation that provide dual insight into the Painting Academy of Emperor Hui-tsung and the literati school of painting. The Shan-shui ch’un-ch’uan chi is a treatise for beginning landscape painters dated to the Hsüan-ho era. The treatise was written by Han Cho, a reputed member of the Academy, but the text was not specifically directed at Academicians. The treatise collects and orders previous writings on landscape painting; one of Han Cho’s main goals is to list all landscape definitions and their practical application in painting. Yet his view is more detached and analytical than a stereotypical Academy painter, revealing an approach reminiscent of Confucian scholarship and literati painting as well. The Hua-chi by Teng Ch’un is a history of painting that was written as a sequel to two earlier painting histories. In ten chapters, Teng Ch’un compiles facts and critical evaluations of painters from 1075 to 1167, as well as listings of selected masterpieces. Teng Ch’un provides more specific information about the Academy than Han Cho, discussing its organization and examination system, and noting that “form-likeness” and adherence to rules were leading standards for painting in the Academy. On the other hand, he thinks that painting should transmit “soul,” not just “form.” Thus, Teng Ch’un writes the history of both the establishment values of the Academy and the intellectual tendencies of the literati.

Classifying the Zhuangzi Chapters (Michigan Monographs In Chinese Studies #65)

by Xiaogan Liu

The relationships, both historical and philosophical, among the Zhuangzi’s Inner, Outer, and Miscellaneous chapters are the subject of ancient and enduring controversy. Liu marshals linguistic, intertextual, intratextual, and historical evidence to establish an objectively demonstrable chronology and determine the philosophical affiliations among the various chapters. This major advance in Zhuangzi scholarship furnishes indispensable data for all students of the great Daoist text. In a lengthy afterword, Liu compares his conclusions with those of A. C. Graham and addresses the relationship between the Zhuangzi and the Laozi.

Dialogues on the Theory and Practice of Literary Translation (China Perspectives)

by Xu Jun

The book is a collection of the dialogues between Xu Jun, a well-known expert in French literary translation and eminent “Changjiang” scholar in translation studies in China, and some celebrated literary translators in contemporary China, some of whom are also literary scholars, linguists, poets, prose writers, and editors. It is a fundamental achievement of research on the literary translation in the 20th century in China, involving multiple literary types, such as novels, poetry, dramas, prose, and fairy tales; and multiple languages, such as English, French, German, Russian, Italian, Spanish, Japanese, and Sanskrit. The dialogues are centered on fundamental issues in the theory and practice of literary translation, such as re-creation in literary translation, the relationship between form and content in literary translation, the subjectivity of literary translators, literary translation standards and principles, the gains and losses in literary translation, the principles and methods of literary criticism, and so on. Those translation experts’ experience and multiple strategies not only play an active role in guiding literary translators in practice but also benefit theoretical development in literary translation. Thus, the book will contribute to worldwide translation studies and get well recognized by translation studies students, teachers, and scholars in the world. 


by Conrad Jones Snow Zhong Mcdonald

如何在90天内完成一部长篇小说—一个被成功的惊悚小说作者反复测试验证过的系统,这个作者从2008年起出版了12部小说! 康拉德是从商业投资的角度来开始写书的。这对于他来说,是职业上的转变,而不是一件附庸风雅的事。他虽然最终通过他的书得到了一份可敬的收入,但在事情的开始并不是那么简单,在这个过程中他也得到了很多艰难的教训。基于他在销售行业的不同经验以及推销他的电子书所得到的经验,康拉德对作者们解释了哪些是可行的而哪些是不可行的。刚开始的时候他没有代理,也没有出版商指导并且对他的努力表示支持,相反,他通过尝试和错误艰难地学习。

A Glossary of Words and Phrases in the Oral Performing and Dramatic Literatures of the Jin, Yuan, and Ming (Michigan Monographs In Chinese Studies #89)

by Dale R. Johnson

For many years, the oral performing and dramatic literatures of China from 1200 to 1600 CE were considered some of the most difficult texts in the Chinese corpus. They included ballad medleys, comic farces, Yuan music dramas, Ming music dramas, and the novel Shuihu zhuan. The Japanese scholars who first dedicated themselves to study these works in the mid-twentieth century were considered daring. As late as 1981, no comprehensive dictionary or glossary for this literature existed in any language, Asian or Western. A Glossary of Words and Phrases fills this gap for Western readers, allowing even a relative novice who has resonable command of Chinese to read, translate, and appreciate this great body of literature with an ease undreamed of even two decades ago. The Glossary is organized into approximately 8,000 entries based on the reading notes and glosses found in various dictionaries, thesauruses, glossaries, and editions of works from the period. Main entries are listed alphabetically in the pinyin romanization system. In addition to glosses, entries include symbolic annotations, guides to pronunciation, and text citations. The result is a broadly useful glossary serving the needs of students of this literature as well as scholars researching Jin and Yuan language and its usage.

The Routledge Advanced Language Training Course for K-16 Non-native Chinese Teachers (Routledge Chinese Language Pedagogy)

by Hong Gang Jin Lian Xue Yusheng Yang Lan Zhao Zhou

The Routledge Advanced Language Training Course for K-16 Non-native Chinese Teachers is a content-based and thematically organized textbook designed for non-native in- and pre-service K-16 Chinese language teachers. Based on five years of field testing, the book offers an innovative approach to advanced language instruction, allowing users to further advance their language proficiency while continuing their professional development in teaching Chinese as a second or foreign language. The textbook: covers a range of up-to-date pedagogical and cultural themes provides a variety of engaging activities and exercises, allowing readers for K-16 to explore pedagogical and cultural issues in the target language with best classroom practices in mind familiarises users with authentic forms of modern communication in today’s China to better engage learners is accompanied by a Companion Website with audio recordings for each lesson as well as supplementary materials and teaching resources. The Routledge Advanced Language Training Course for K-16 Non-native Chinese Teachers is an essential resource for non-native Chinese teachers and for those on TCFL teacher training programs.

Rainbow Troops (Mandarin Edition)

by Andrea Hirata

Ikal is a student at the poorest village school, which is under constant threat of closure. Ikal and his friends--a group nicknamed the Rainbow Troops--face threats from every angle: skeptical government officials, greedy corporations hardly distinguishable from the colonialism they've replaced, deepening poverty and crumbling infrastructure, and their own low self-confidence.But the students also have hope. 天虹战队小学 讲述了一个励志故事 在南太平洋上 有专为穷人而建的学校 条件简陋 资源匮乏 破洞比砖瓦还多 下雨天 老师要撑着香蕉叶上课 校长要卖菜为学生买课本 天才学生每天得游过鳄鱼栖息地上学 最有艺术细胞的孩子用零成本打造狂欢节演出......但他们的老师 拒绝了"前途美好"的工作 到这里教书 没有工资 靠做针线活赚取生活费 孩子们和老师一起 为了理想向命运宣战 亲身践行那句古老的格言 "那些没把你击垮的 最终只会让你更强大 "

Best European Fiction 2011 (Mandarin Edition)

by Aleksandar Hemon

最佳欧洲小说 2011 The launch of Dalkey's Best European Fiction series was nothing short of phenomenal. For 2011, Aleksandar Hemon is back as editor, along with a new preface by Colum McCann, and with a whole new cast of authors and stories, including work from countries not included in Best European Fiction 2010. "最佳欧洲小说"是欧洲文学出版社甄选出的欧洲当年或近年最佳欧洲小说作品 相当于欧洲小说的年鉴 体现欧洲文学前沿的高度 长期以来 由于小语种语言的限制 国内读者对欧洲文学的了解大多是源自西欧文学 而这本书却给读者以领略整个欧洲文学精神风貌的机会 甄选作品的国度达到四十个 无论是英国,德国这样的老牌文学强国 还是拉脱维亚,爱沙尼亚,立陶宛,波黑,克罗地亚,马其顿这样的文学小户 既有声名煊赫的作家也有新发掘的潜力新人 其中包括今年曼布克奖得主希拉里·曼特尔 他们代表了欧洲文学整体的趋势和走向 多样化的地域文学特点和多样性的文风 使得本书宛若流动着的"欧洲当代文学" 文学地图 中国读者可从中领略广博多姿的欧洲多元文化 这也是国内出版界首次如此细致并成规模译介欧洲当代文学新作 本书由著名译者李文俊老师领衔 结集国内外优秀译者 译本权威

Frustration Trains Me and Hope Stimulates Me (Mandarin Edition)

by Park Geun-Hye

The autobiography of the first woman president in Korea 朴槿惠以最平实的笔触 娓娓道出她的过往人生 处处可见她对父母的追慕与怀念之情,对韩国人民怀抱的使命感 以及历经大起大落后的省思与坚韧 全书自朴槿惠的少女时代始 描述了总统府青瓦台中的"第一家庭"如何过着寻常的生活 母亲遇刺后 朴槿惠担当起"第一夫人"的角色 其间得以了解政治的基本议题和国家的基本状况 父亲也遭暗杀后 她与弟妹黯然离开青瓦台 面对种种不堪现实与外界批判 她对人性和权力有了更深入的认识 决心远离政治 1997年韩国陷入经济萧条 朴槿惠眼见民生多艰,国家危殆 毅然重返政坛 书中详细描写了在加入大国家党之后 朴槿惠如何以原则和信念立身 带领大国家党踏上破除陈年积弊,夺取国会议席的征程

The Corrections (Mandarin Edition)

by Jonathan Franzen

After almost fifty years as a wife and mother, Enid Lambert is ready to have some fun. Unfortunately, her husband is losing his sanity to Parkinson's disease, and their children have long since flown the family nest to the catastrophes of their own lives. Desperate for some pleasure to look forward to, Enid has set her heart on an elusive goal: bringing her family together for one last Christmas at home 伊妮德·兰伯特 当了五十年的妻子和母亲之后 准备让自己享受一下快乐 不幸的是 她的丈夫 艾尔弗雷德罹患帕金森症 逐渐精神失常 他们的孩子也早已飞出了家庭的小巢 奔向各自生活的悲剧 大儿子加里 银行的投资经理,居家男人 正努力说服自己和家人他没有临床抑郁症----尽管各方面证据相反 二儿子奇普 因性丑闻失去了高校的稳定工作 处于半失业状态 指望着靠手头的剧本赚钱 三女儿丹妮丝年轻美貌 逃离了惨淡的婚姻 成了纽约高级餐厅的主厨 却与一位已婚男性有染----至少她母亲如此怀疑 尽管情势看起来无比绝望 伊妮德却意志坚定 她要纠正一切的错误 享受全家人的最后一次圣诞欢聚

China CEO: Voices of Experience from 20 International Business Leaders (Mandarin Edition)

by Juan Fernandez

CHINA CEO: Voices of Experience From 20 International Business Leaders is based on interviews with 20 top executives and eight experienced consultants based in China. The book is packed with first-hand, front-line advice from veterans of the China market. Hear directly from the top executives heading up the China operations of Bayer, British Petroleum, Coca-Cola, General Electric, General Motors, Philips, Microsoft, Siemens, Sony and Unilever, plus expert China-based consultants at Boston Consulting Group, Korn/Ferry International, McKinsey & Company, and many more. Each chapter provides practical tips and easy to grasp models that will help new managers in China to be effective. In CHINA CEO, we deliver what other Western authors can't - first-hand reflections based on over 100 years' collective experience in China. The book presents this rich knowledge in a readable, conversational style suitable for time-constrained executives. Each chapter gives specific advice on how to manage Chinese employees, work with Chinese business partners, communicate with headquarters, face competitors, battle intellectual property rights infringers, win-over Chinese consumers, negotiate with the Chinese government, and adapt yourself (and your family) to life in China.关系指人和人或人和事物之间的某种性质的联系 比如拉关系,社会关系等 事实上 "关系"并不像西方人有时想象的那样 本身就是不道德的 "关系"体制也并不意味着 公司在行贿或者达成私下交易后就可以为所欲为 不过 与西方国家相比 中国的商业伙伴往往会发展出更加密切和深入的关系 国际经理人常常会发现自己在中国开展正常业务时 往往是在一个充满人情且依靠个人 而非职业 能力的环境中行事

Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? (Mandarin Edition)

by Philip K. Dick

A Simon & Schuster eBook. Simon & Schuster has a great book for every reader.

Flow My Tears, the Policeman Said (Mandarin Edition)

by Philip K. Dick

Flow My Tears, the Policeman Said grapples with many of the themes Philip K. Dick is best known for-- identity, altered reality, drug use, and dystopia--in a rollicking chase story that earned the novel the John W. Campbell Award and nominations for the Hugo and Nebula. 10月11日 杰森*塔夫纳还是一个拥有三千万粉丝的大明星 10月12日 他却躺在一家破旅馆的房间里 还被抹去了所有个人资料 在一个缺乏身份证明就是犯罪的国度里 他不得不在混沌中摸索 全力追踪事实真相 小说描述了一个处于国民警卫队和警察专制统治下的社会 内中交织着名人效应,基因改造,时空扭曲和泛滥毒品 探索了爱和人性的本质 于1975年获得坎贝尔奖 并获雨果奖和星云奖提名

The Man in the High Castle (Mandarin Edition)

by Philip K. Dick

It's America in 1962. Slavery is legal once again. The few Jews who still survive hide under assumed names. In San Francisco, the I Ching is as common as the Yellow Pages. All because some twenty years earlier the United States lost a war--and is now occupied by Nazi Germany and Japan.小说以 易经 牵引情节 通过对不同阶层,不同身份的人物的穿插描述 讲述了一个反转过来的 历史----同盟国在二战中战败 美国被德国和日本分割霸占 探讨了正义与非正义,文化自卑和身份认同 以及法西斯独裁和种族歧视给人类社会造成的后果 通过对一系列不同人物的塑造 菲利普*迪克讲述了真实和虚幻的生活及历史

The Minority Report (Mandarin Edition)

by Philip K. Dick

Police Commissioner John Anderton finds himself at the mercy of his own crime-prevention system when the prescient precogs he's hired to stop crime before it starts peg him as a soon-to-be murderer in Philip K. Dick's masterful short story The Minority Report. This slim volume is top-bound like an office account and perfectly timed, the movie version, directed by Steven Spielberg and starring Tom Cruise, is due out this summer but whether fans will shell out the dough for a single short story that's available in various collections remains to be seen. 本书结集科幻鬼才菲利普*迪克最具代表性的九个短篇 第二代 , 冒名顶替 , 规划小组 , 少数派报告 , 战争游戏 , 啊 当个布洛贝尔人 , 死者的话 , 全面回忆 和 电子蚂蚁 菲利普*迪克以其独特的文风和光怪陆离的想象在美国科幻黄金时代独树一帜 他的短篇小说情节跌宕 很多故事的架构都勘称一绝 菲利普*迪克的小说主人公往往是困在极不寻常情镜中的小人物 他们被自己扭曲的感知误导 进退维谷 找不到出路

Ubik (Mandarin Edition)

by Philip K. Dick

From the stuff of space opera, Dick spins a deeply unsettling existential horror story, a nightmare you'll never be sure you've woken up from. 乔*奇普为格伦*朗西特的反超能咨询公司工作 保护人们免受通灵师和先知的心灵窥探 在一次前往月球执行任务的过程中 朗西特的行动组遭遇埋伏 朗西特身亡 行动组成员迅速将朗西特的遗体送往苏黎世的亡灵馆冰冻冷藏 并试图与他的大脑取得联系 然而 不仅没有成功联系上朗西特 行动组成员还发现 钱币,香烟等物品均在发生退转 时光似乎在往回倒流 究竟发生了什么事 这是一个让人深感不安的生存恐怖故事 一场你不知道自己是否还会醒过来的噩梦


by Ying Cui Steven Savile

荣登英国畅销书排行榜首位的作家为您献上一部发生在古老伦敦街道上的超自然惊悚巨著 异常和可怕的事正在这座城市中酝酿 特拉法加狮子已从环绕纳尔逊纪念碑的柱基上下来 捍卫这座城市 实现一个古老预言 而一个已被囚禁数百年的邪恶力量也挣脱了牢笼 正在白教堂区追踪猎物 这位恶魔的目标是天使......还有另外一股势力----伦敦绅士骑士 他们决心迎战来自地狱的死敌 用他们的智慧和魔力誓死捍卫这座城市 成功了意味着拯救无辜的灵魂 但失败的代价叫人不忍去想......


by Ilaria Conversano Claudio Ruggeri

我写这本书的目的并非为了仅仅从经济层面比较我们的旧货币与现在的货币之间相对的优点与缺点 而是为了停下来好好观察那个里拉成功运转但又很快被废除和遗忘的世界

China: Museums (Mandarin Edition)

by Miriam Clifford

China: Museums unlocks the doors to over 200 must-see museums, ranging from art and archeology, science and technology to history and politics. Pertinent information supplements entries and highlights of key objects are illustrated with over 500 color images. 本书作者是三位外国记者与专栏作家 他们在中国游历多年 特别是参观了中国两百多家博物馆 以外国人的角度介绍了各博物馆的藏品及展览特色等 本书介绍的博物馆 按地区,省,市划分 使用方便 特别收录了易被忽视的博物馆,介绍了博物馆必看展品以及适合儿童参观的博物馆 提供了迄今最准确的地址,联系方式,网址 中英文对照的博物馆名称 并配有近千幅精美图片 书中记录的每一家博物馆都会给你带来启发 依此而游 博物馆的藏品与展览之旅会令你的旅行大为增色 当然也会成为进一步理解中国艺术,文化,社会与历史的起点


by Lele Chen Claudio Ruggeri

文森特-杰尔玛在调查一宗谋杀案时 将会被所搜集的线索搬迁左右 因为有时一位被害者和一位害人者的区别只有一丝的相差

Crazy Love (Simplified Chinese)

by Francis Chan

Read Crazy Love in Simplified Chinese! Now you can experience Francis Chan's life-changing message in this Simplified Chinese version of Crazy Love.God is love. Crazy, relentless, all-powerful love. Have you ever wondered if we're missing it?It's crazy, if you think about it. The God of the universe--the Creator of nitrogen and pine needles, galaxies and E-minor--loves us with a radical, unconditional, self-sacrificing love. And what is our typical response? We go to church, sing songs, and try not to cuss.Whether you've verbalized it yet or not, we all know something's wrong.Does something deep inside your heart long to break free from the status quo? Are you hungry for an authentic faith that addresses the problems of our world with tangible, even radical, solutions? God is calling you to a passionate love relationship with Himself. Because the answer to religious complacency isn't working harder at a list of do's and don'ts-it's falling in love with God. And once you encounter His love, as Francis describes it, you will never be the same. Because when you're wildly in love with someone, it changes everything.Learn more about the Crazy Love Simplified Chinese version at Check out Francis Chan's video blog at

Gei jiàohuì de xìnjiàn: Letters to the Church Chinese Edition (Exponential Ser.)

by Francis Chan

如果一切都按照上帝的心意而行,今天的教会会是什么样子? 这是陈恩藩牧师迄今为止最有力量的一本 书,他深深扎根于圣经真理,回顾自己牧会历程 中的失败经历,展望教会的愿景,透过很多真实 的故事,让人看到上帝如何使用 普通的人来改 变这个世界。 正如陈牧师所说: 我们已经离上帝最初设 立教会的心意太远了。我们当前所经历的,与圣 经所描绘的教会生活有着天壤之别。多年来,教 会领袖们将教会超凡的奥秘束之高阁,把会众训 练成一群对次要事物上瘾的人。是时候悔改了。 当耶稣再来的时候,我们是忙着照顾他的新 妇还是我们自己的生活?本书提醒我们,教会原 来是如此的充满能力和荣耀,并呼召我们再一次 回到上帝最初设立教会的心意当中。

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