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Showing 3,376 through 3,400 of 3,425 results

A Bibliography of Higher Education in Canada Supplement 1981 / Bibliographie de l'enseignement supérieur au Canada Supplément 198

by Robin Harris Marcel De Grandpre Hazel Roberts Hugh Smith

The 1981 Supplement adds more than 3000 entries to the approximately 10,500 listed in the original volume and in the 1965 and 1971 Supplements. Like its predecessors, this volume provides a full list of the secondary sources related to Canadian higher education – books, articles, theses ,dissertations, and reports published from 1971 to 1980. The reporting, arrangement of entries, and overall organization of the material remains the same as in the 1971 Supplement.

Correspondance générale d'Helvétius, Volume I: 1737-1756 / Lettres 1-249

by Alan Dainard Claude Adrien Helvétius David Smith Jean Orsoni Peter Allan

This volume is the first of three in a complete critical edition of the letters of Claude-Adrien Helvétius (1715-71) and his wife, née Anne Catherine de Liginville (1722-1800). Though rank and wealth, Helvétius was acquainted with the leading political and social figures of his time, and, through family, with court and government which he occasionally served in a diplomatic capacity. Philosopher and author of the explosive De l'esprit, Helvétius corresponded with the great and the influential throughout Europe. His letters, and those of Mme Helvétius, provide insights into, and new information about, their lives and the political, social, and intellectual history of the eighteenth century. Volume I contains almost 250 letters written by or to Helvétius or his wife. Of these, the largest collections are those from Helvétius to Mme Helvétius, made available by his descendants, and letters from the future Mmem Helvétius to her aunt, Mme de Graffigny, which are at Yale University. Letters to or from third parties are also included. Much of this correspondence has never before been published. Correspondance générale d'Helvétius is fascinating to read; it is indispensable for future study of Helvétius' life and work and of Mme Helvétius' influence on her husband his his circle. This volume has a preface by Comte Charles-Antoine d'Andlau, a descendant of Helvétius, and an introduction by the editors setting out their editorial and critical principles and system of annotation. (University of Toronto Romance Series 41)

Bibliographie de la Critique sur Émile Zola, 1864-1970

by David Baguley

Zola scholars and those whose work in other fields--literary, historical, sociological, or artistic--brings them into contact with Zola and his works have long felt the need for a survey for the large corpus of writings on this important, widely read author. This bibliography provides just such a survey, admirably complete and intelligently organized. Aided in his research by several collaborators and by a number of libraries throughout the world, David Baguley has compiled some 8000 items covering the period from the first reviews of Zola's early works to 1970. Although his work does not pretend to be exhaustive, it contains extensive coverage of studies in English, German, Polish, and Spanish, as well as French, as essential items in many other languages. The entries are arranged chronologically by years and, within each year, alphabetically by author. An introduction outlines aims, principles, and uses. Researchers will also find helpful the list of unpublished theses on Zola from various countries, the index of authors' names and names appearing in titles and notes, and the index of themes. The latter uses the number assigned to each of the entries to facilitate speedy location of materials on particular topics--e.g. Germinal studies, Zola and the theatre, the Dreyfus case, and so on. Wherever appropriate, annotation has been provided that indicates the language, content, importance, and viewpoint of the items. This bibliography will be an indispensable reference guide for Zola scholarship.

Le Procès de l'Europe: Grandeur et misère de la culture européenne (Philosophica)

by Jean-François Mattéi

L’Europe se trouve aujourd’hui en position d’accusée, souvent par les Européens eux-mêmes, du fait de sa prétention à l’universalité, de sa supériorité proclamée et de son arrogance intellectuelle. Qu’elle n’ait pas toujours été fidèle à ses principes, lors de la colonisation des autres peuples, ne met pourtant pas en cause sa légitimité. La critique de l’Europe n’est en effet possible qu’à l’aide des normes juridiques et des principes éthiques qu’elle a diffusés auprès de tous les peuples pour connaître le monde plutôt que pour le juger.Levinas n’avait donc pas tort de louer «la générosité même de la pensée occidentale qui, apercevant l’homme abstrait dans les hommes, a proclamé la valeur absolue de la personne et a englobé dans le respect qu’elle lui porte jusqu’aux cultures où ces personnes se tiennent et où elles s’expriment.» Il faut en prendre son parti : il n’y a pas plus d’égalité des cultures que de relativisme des valeurs. On ne saurait faire le procès de l’universel sans faire appel à la culture qui a donné cet universel en partage aux autres cultures.

Voltaire's Candide: Etude quantitative

by Marie-Paule Ducretet-Powell Pierre Ducretet

Quantitative studies furnish precise and complete numerical data about the nature of literary language and language in general. They provide the foundation for qualitative studies that can contribute to the analysis, interpretation and understanding of style, language, and ideas for a given period or author. This volume is a quantitative examination of Voltaire's Candide. It includes a word frequency dictionary, index verborum, and line concordance keyed to a text of Candide which is reproduced in the volume, as well as a lengthy introduction that describes and interprets the quantitative data. Linguists, statisticians, lexicographers, and literary scholars will find this work of interest, not only for the vital data that is supplies, but also for the methodology that underlies it.

Fecondite d'Emile Zola

by David Baguley

This historical and critical study of Zola's Fécondité contributes much to an understanding of how the novel came to be written and of its achievements. Like Travail and Verité, the later books in the series Les Quatre Evangiles, Fécondité has not previously received significant critical attention. This study reveals and interprets the less obvious aspects of the work, its biblical and mythical themes, its sources and genesis. It also adds to our knowledge of Zola's later works through the examination of various ideological currents--particularly the impact of Malthusianism, its proponents and adversaries, and who among them Zola read in preparing this book. Fécondité deals with the particular problem of France's declining birth-rate at the end of the nineteenth century and, more generally, with the problem of decadence and cultural renewal. By the time that he wrote Fécondité, Zola had abandoned his naturalist aesthetic of scientific objectivity, if not also his working methods as a novelist. This study shoes how his didactic concerns continually asserted themselves in the structure and the use of rhetorical techniques in Fécondité. Specialists in Zola, and others more generally interested in the French culture of the late nineteenth century, as well as the particular demographic problems that Zola treats in the work, and the relationship of literature to primitive mythology, should find this study of particular interest.

Etudes sur la Geographie du Canada

by Fernand Grenier

The publication of the series, 'Studies in Canadian Geography,' by the organizers of the 22nd International Geographical Congress, introduces to the international community of geographers a new perspective of the regional entities which form this vast countries. These studies should contribute to a better understanding among scholars, students, and the people of Canada of the geography of their land. Geographical works embracing the whole of Canada, few in number until recently, have become more numerous during the last few years. This series is original in its purpose of re-evaluating the regional geography of Canada. In the hope of discovering the dynamic trends and the processes responsible for them, the editors and authors of these volumes have sought to interpret the main characteristics and unique attributes of the various regions, rather than follow a strictly inventorial approach. In preparing this volume on Quebec, the contributors have looked at the evolution and present patterns of the ecumene of southern Québec, rural and urban Québec, and the dynamic biogeography of Québec.

A Bibliography of Higher Education in Canada Supplement 1971 / Bibliographie de l'enseignement superieur au Canada Supplement 1971

by Robin Harris

The 1971 Supplement adds some 3,500 entries to the approximately 7,000 listed in the original volume and the 1965 Supplement. Like its predecessors this volume provides a full list of the secondary sources related to Canadian higher education – books, articles, theses, dissertations, and reports published from 1964 to 1969. The reporting and arrangement of entries remains the same in the Supplement, but changes have been made in the overall organization of the material. New divisions have been created, more than a dozen sections have been subdivided, and a substantial number of new sections have been added. (Studies in Higher Education 5)

Books on Asia from the Near East to the Far East

by Eleazar Birnbaum

This is a selected, annotated list of some 2,000 books on Asia in English and French currently in print, chosen with the aim of providing a long-term historical perspective for the general reader. The list is presented in four main parts: Asia as a whole; the Islamic world; India, South and Southeast Asia; the Far East. Subdivisions cover such topics as: general and reference works; history, social science, and law; history of literature; literature in translation; religion and ideas; arts, crafts, architecture, and science; and the lands in modern times.

Le Petit Prince: The Original French Edition

by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

This timeless classic was embraced by critics and readers across the coun try for its purity and beauty of expression. Saint-Exupry's beloved artwork was restored and remastered to present his work in its original vibrant colors.

Le province de Quebec

by Agathe Garon W.F.E. Morley André Beaulieu Benôit Bernier

There is no doubt that local and regional history, considered by many as a kind of minor historical study, has a pressing need for a systematic inventory of its resources. This collection shows the durability, the vividness, and the astonishing productivity of a sector of history which is the stronghold of the history-lover rather than the professional historian.The nature and content of each book determines its selection. For each book included, the compilers have weighed its contribution to local history and regional history rather than the style in which it is written--narrative, memoir, descriptive study, or novel. It is this criterion of selection that has permitted the retention of several general histories of a varied nature--Bouchette, Charlevoix, Nicholas Denys, La Potherie, Lescarbot, Hanotaux, Sulte, etc.-- where local and regional life takes on a major importance for reasons of order in history, method, or quite simply because local life is the principal object of the study itself. The editors have also retained certain works--those of George W. Brown, Arthur Buies, George M. Grant, Blodwen Davies, etc.--because they are primarily descriptive and contain numerous elements in which local history blends with the manners and customs of the inhabitants of certain regions.This bibliography is designed primarily for historiographers who have until now paid little attention to local, regional, or parochial history. It will also be invaluable for librarians who suffer from the numerous difficulties involved in the classification of such works. Since 1950, all works published in Canada are, by virtue of the book deposit law, provided to the National Library of Canada, and recorded in Canadiana.


De la Terre à la Lune

by Jules Verne

It tells the story of the Baltimore Gun Club, a post-American Civil War society of weapons enthusiasts, and their attempts to build an enormous sky-facing Columbiad space gun and launch three people—the Gun Club's president, his Philadelphian armor-making rival, and a French poet—in a projectile with the goal of a moon landing.

Du côté de chez Swann

by Marcel Proust

Du cote de chez Swann is the first volume of the novel by Marcel Proust , In Search of Lost Time . It consists of three parts, the titles are: Combray Swann in Love Country names: the name .

Fantastique Maitre Renard (French Edition)

by Roald Dahl

Did you hear that, Master Fox? We won't go home until you're hanging high! Farmer Boggis raises chickens. He is really huge and only eats juicy chicken cooked in a casserole dish. Farmer Bunce raises geese and ducks. He eats it with every meal, which gives him heartburn and a terrible temper. Farmer Bean grows apples, raises turkeys, and drinks gallons and gallons of strong cider. Master Fox is so clever that he sneaks into the valley every evening and collects provisions from the farms to feed Lady Fox and her four fox cubs. My farmers have hatched a plan to kill Master Fox. Bang ! Bang ! Bang ! They are sure to catch him but now Master Fox has a fantastic plan... Master Fox is so clever that he sneaks into the valley every evening and collects provisions from the farms to feed Lady Fox and her four fox cubs. But the farmers have hatched a plan to kill Master Fox... From 8 years old.

La Chartreuse de Parme

by Stendhal


L'Abbesse de Castro

by Stendhal


Le comte de Monte-Cristo, Tome I

by Alexandre Dumas

Alexandre Dumas (1802-1870) est un crivain franais. Il est n Villers-Cotterts (Aisne). Il reut une ducation plutt mediocre. Aprs des tudes ngliges, il travailla comme clerc chez un notaire et dbuta la rdaction de pices de th[tre avec son ami, le vicomte Adolphe Ribbing de Leuven. Ces premiers essais furent autant dchecs. En 1823, il entra au service du Duc dOrlans comme expditionnaire gr[ce sa calligraphie. Il lisait alors Shakespeare, Walter Scott, Goethe et Schiller qui furent les sources dinspiration principales de son th[tre. Il continua crire pour le th[tre et connut enfin le succs gr[ce la reprsentation en 1829 de Henri III et sa cour par la Comdie-Franaise. Ce succs continua pendant toute sa carrire littraire dans ses genres de prdilection: le drame, le roman historique et le feuilleton. Ses oeuvres comprennent: Les Trois Mousquetaires (1844), Le Comte de Monte-Cristo (1845-1846) et Le Vicomte de Bragelonne (1848).

Le comte de Monte-Cristo, Tome II

by Alexandre Dumas

Alexandre Dumas (1802-1870) est un crivain franais. Il est n Villers-Cotterts (Aisne). Il reut une ducation plutt mediocre. Aprs des tudes ngliges, il travailla comme clerc chez un notaire et dbuta la rdaction de pices de th[tre avec son ami, le vicomte Adolphe Ribbing de Leuven. Ces premiers essais furent autant dchecs. En 1823, il entra au service du Duc dOrlans comme expditionnaire gr[ce sa calligraphie. Il lisait alors Shakespeare, Walter Scott, Goethe et Schiller qui furent les sources dinspiration principales de son th[tre. Il continua crire pour le th[tre et connut enfin le succs gr[ce la reprsentation en 1829 de Henri III et sa cour par la Comdie-Franaise. Ce succs continua pendant toute sa carrire littraire dans ses genres de prdilection: le drame, le roman historique et le feuilleton. Ses oeuvres comprennent: Les Trois Mousquetaires (1844), Le Comte de Monte-Cristo (1845-1846) et Le Vicomte de Bragelonne (1848).

Le comte de Monte-Cristo, Tome III

by Alexandre Dumas

Alexandre Dumas (1802-1870) est un crivain franais. Il est n Villers-Cotterts (Aisne). Il reut une ducation plutt mediocre. Aprs des tudes ngliges, il travailla comme clerc chez un notaire et dbuta la rdaction de pices de th[tre avec son ami, le vicomte Adolphe Ribbing de Leuven. Ces premiers essais furent autant dchecs. En 1823, il entra au service du Duc dOrlans comme expditionnaire gr[ce sa calligraphie. Il lisait alors Shakespeare, Walter Scott, Goethe et Schiller qui furent les sources dinspiration principales de son th[tre. Il continua crire pour le th[tre et connut enfin le succs gr[ce la reprsentation en 1829 de Henri III et sa cour par la Comdie-Franaise. Ce succs continua pendant toute sa carrire littraire dans ses genres de prdilection: le drame, le roman historique et le feuilleton. Ses oeuvres comprennent: Les Trois Mousquetaires (1844), Le Comte de Monte-Cristo (1845-1846) et Le Vicomte de Bragelonne (1848).

Le comte de Monte-Cristo, Tome IV

by Alexandre Dumas

Alexandre Dumas (1802-1870) est un crivain franais. Il est n Villers-Cotterts (Aisne). Il reut une ducation plutt mediocre. Aprs des tudes ngliges, il travailla comme clerc chez un notaire et dbuta la rdaction de pices de th[tre avec son ami, le vicomte Adolphe Ribbing de Leuven. Ces premiers essais furent autant dchecs. En 1823, il entra au service du Duc dOrlans comme expditionnaire gr[ce sa calligraphie. Il lisait alors Shakespeare, Walter Scott, Goethe et Schiller qui furent les sources dinspiration principales de son th[tre. Il continua crire pour le th[tre et connut enfin le succs gr[ce la reprsentation en 1829 de Henri III et sa cour par la Comdie-Franaise. Ce succs continua pendant toute sa carrire littraire dans ses genres de prdilection: le drame, le roman historique et le feuilleton. Ses oeuvres comprennent: Les Trois Mousquetaires (1844), Le Comte de Monte-Cristo (1845-1846) et Le Vicomte de Bragelonne (1848).

Le Rouge et le noir

by Stendhal

Publié quelques mois après les Trois Glorieuses de 1830, Le Rouge et le Noir est l'un des deux ou trois plus grands romans du siècle et l'un des chefs-d'œuvre de la littérature universelle. Inspiré d'un fait divers célèbre de l'époque - Antoine Berthet avait été condamné à mort en 1828 par les assises de l'Isère pour tentative de meurtre sur la personne de Mme Michoud chez qui il était précepteur -, Le Rouge et le Noir est l'histoire d'un jeune homme ambitieux qui se sert des femmes pour réussir et qui rachète ses erreurs par une inflexible énergie. Manuel de l'ambition et de la rébellion, Le Rouge et le Noir est aussi et d'abord un roman d'amour. Julien Sorel annonce peut-être, en un sens, la lutte des classes. Marchant dans les pas de Valmont et de Don Juan, il annonce aussi tous les thèmes de la liberté sexuelle d'aujourd'hui. Julien Sorel passe et les femmes tombent dans ses bras. Ce qui frappe, chez Stendhal, c'est le contraste entre l'échec en son temps et son prodigieux succès dans le nôtre. Il a échoué dans la vie et dans sa chasse au bonheur ; il a réussi au-delà de toute espérance dans sa quête de futur." Je mets, disait-il, un billet à la loterie dont le gros lot se réduit à ceci : être lu en 1935 ". Soixante-quinze ans après la date fixée, Stendhal, méprisé et moqué par ses contemporains, est adulé par les nôtres. Valéry et Gide saluent en lui le romancier le plus intelligent de notre littérature et un classique de la modernité.

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