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Сказка Про Ведьм


Согласно легенде ужасные ведьмы забирали с собой всех детей из близлежащих деревень, которые не спали после десяти часов вечера. Летая на своих мётлах, ведьмы на больших расстояниях чуяли тех детей, которые ещё бодрствовали, и, проникая через окна и балконы, похищали их, чтобы держать в качестве слуг в своём логове, Проклятой горе. Ту гору окружал Заколдованный лес. Каждый, кто осмеливался пересечь его, был превращён в камень. И любая попытка родителей спасти своих детей заканчивалась новым несчастьем.Бедных детей ведьмы использовали в качестве прислуги, a тех, кто становился постарше, прекращали кормить и запирали в пещерах, оставляя их там на произвол судьбы.Деревенские жители, большинство из которых были обычными лесорубами, стали отчаиваться. Детей забирали ведьмы, а жителей деревень превращали в лесу в камни: всё казалось было потеряно для них.

Юность Времен Лиры

by Imran Nazirov Claudio Ruggeri

Встреча двух друзей в один из летних дней, в которой более молодой будет слушать анекдоты и рассказы другого о мире, который исчез всего лишь вчера, но больше уже никогда не сможет существовать, во времена которого часто можно было услышать фразу «Я без единой лиры...»

Неделя Итальянской Кухни

by Вероника Иванова Claudio Ruggeri

Рецепты приготовления различных блюд итальянской кухни.Подборка рецептов простых и не очень, «украденных» из меню великого повара -- моей мамы.

Марионетки Маэстро Алиджи

by Nicola Lombardi Elena Chemogina

The second time I upload it.Elena ChemoginaТеатр марионеток. Древний скрытый ужас вовлечёт маленького Тобиа в бесконечный кошмар.Серия произведений Innesti от Nero Press Edizioni окрашивается в ещё более красно-кровавый цвет в новом пугающем рассказе Николы Ломбарди о марионетках Маэстро Алиджи. Это история, рассказывающая о самых простых ощущениях и сокровенных страхах ребенка.Маленький Тобиа с нетерпением ждёт спектакля поразительного Маэстро Алиджи и его кукол. Когда ему выпадает возможность попасть в фургон кукловода и прикоснуться к великолепным куклам, мальчик не колеблясь принимает предложение, тем более, что приглашение исходит от Кати, девочки, к которой его тянет с совершенно необъяснимой силой. Вход в этот мир станет прелюдией к кошмару без конца.

Руководство По Спортивной Фотосъемке

by Вероника Иванова Cristiano Pugno

Руководство для тех, кто впервые решил заняться спортивной фотосъёмкой. Содержит практические советы по некоторым наиболее распространённым видам спорта.

Тень Гончей (Расследование Комиссара Джермано)

by Claudio Ruggeri Nadiya Tertletska

Тело молодой женщины найдено в лесу, с первых улик как мотив и имя убийцы представляется очевидным для всех, кроме как для Винсента Джермано, комиссар решит провести расследование.

Дон Кихот [Don Kikhot]: A Dramatic Adaptation (Texts and Translations #29)

by Mikhail Bulgakov

When Soviet censors approved Mikhail Bulgakov's ??? ?????, a stage adaptation of Don Quixote, they were unaware that they were sanctioning a subtle but powerful criticism of Stalinist rule. The author, whose novel ?????? ? ????????? would eventually bring him world renown, achieved this sleight of hand through a deft interpretation of Cervantes's knight. Bulgakov's Don Quixote fits comfortably into the nineteenth-century Russian tradition of idealistic, troubled intellectuals, but Quixote's quest becomes an allegory of the artist under the strictures of Stalin's regime. Bulgakov did not live to see the play performed: it went into production in 1940, only months after his death.The volume's introduction provides background for Bulgakov's adaptation and compares Bulgakov with Cervantes and the twentieth-century Russian work with the seventeenth-century Spanish work.

The Collapse: The Accidental Opening of the Berlin Wall

by Mary Elise Sarotte

The Berlin Wall was erected in 1961 to end all traffic between the city’s two halves: the democratic west and the communist east. The iconic symbol of a divided Europe, the Wall became a focus of western political pressure on East Germany; as Ronald Reagan’s famously said in a 1987 speech in Berlin, "Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!” But as award-winning historian Mary Sarotte shows in [Title TK] , the opening of the Wall on November 9, 1989 was not, as is commonly believed, the East German government’s deliberate concession to outside influence. It was an accident. A carelessly worded memo written by mid-level bureaucrats, a bumbling press conference given by an inept member of the East German Politburo, the negligence of government leaders, the bravery of ordinary people in East and West Berlin--these combined to bring about the end of nearly forty years of oppression, fear, and enmity in divided Berlin. When the news broke, Washington and Moscow could only stand by and watch as Tom Brokaw and other journalists narrated the televised broadcast of this critical moment in the thawing of the cold war. Sarotte opens her story in the months leading up to that fateful day. Following East German dissidents, she shows how their efforts coalesced around opposition to the regime’s restrictions on foreign travel. The city of Leipzig, close to the border with Czechoslovakia, became a hothouse of activism, and protests there quickly grew into massive demonstrations. The East German Politburo hoped to limit its citizens’ knowledge of these marches, but two daring dissidents, East Berliners Aram Radomski and Siegbert Schefke, managed to evade the Stasi and film the largest of them from a church tower. They then smuggled their tape to West Germany; broadcast in both nations, the footage galvanized activists across East Germany, and precipitated the stunning developments on November 9. Facing mounting pressure from its own citizens, the East German Politburo planned to put off enacting any meaningful change to its travel policy by issuing a deceptive ruling that would appear to offer more freedom, but which in fact would allow the state to maintain strict control over its citizen’s movements. But the bureaucrats tasked with preparing the "new” regulations misunderstood their task, and instead drafted a declaration that said East Germans could freely leave the country. This declaration ended up in the hands of regime spokesman Günter Schabowski, who announced the rules at a press conference without understanding their import. Stunned reporters were soon broadcasting the news around the world. Crowds of East Germans began streaming to the Wall, prompting a showdown with border guards, who received no support or direction from East German leadership as the throngs multiplied. By 11:30, Harald Jäger, a second-tier passport control officer, had had enough and finally opened the wall to the mob gathering outside his gate. Even though East German forces successfully regained control by the morning, it was too late--for the wall, for the regime, and for Communism in Eastern Europe. Drawing on evidence from archives in multiple countries and languages, along with dozens of interviews with key actors, including Harald Jäger, [Title TK] is the definitive account of the event that brought down the East German Politburo and came to represent the final collapse of the Cold War order.

Happy Bithday

by Alexandra Golovinskaya Letícia Kartalian

Эти двое влюблены, известны и очень заняты на работе, но существуют дни которые они стараются провести вместе... Их дни рождения это одни из них. С мужской и женской точек зрения, Happy Birthday говорит об интенсивных отношениях двух людей друг с другом, о дружбе, о работе, и особенно о любви.

Da! A Practical Guide to Russian Grammar

by Tatiana Filosofova Marion Sporing

Da! A Practical Guide to Russian Grammar is a concise and contemporary combined reference grammar and workbook for intermediate-level students, and is ideal for use both in the classroom and for self-study.The book contains clear explanations of the core areas of Russian grammar. Each point is illustrated with examples of contemporary language usage showing you how grammar works in practice while at the same time enhancing your vocabulary and cultural knowledge. Every chapter ends with a variety of exercises to test your progress and consolidate your understanding. Da! A Practical Guide to Russian Grammar features:Tables to help you absorb more easily specific rules of grammar.Level indicators so you can tailor learning to suit your ability and progress with confidence.In-text icons that identify difficult points of grammar for you so you know where you need to focus that little bit harderA glossary to aid your understanding of complex grammatical terms.Exercises at the ends of chapters so you can test your comprehensionAnswers to Exercises so you can check your own work.With free access to online, interactive exercises with audio that give you practice listening and pronouncing Russian, Da! A Practical Guide to Russian Grammar is one of the most comprehensive resources for Russian grammar available.

V Puti: Russian Grammar in Context

by Olga Kagan Frank Miller Anna Kudyma

This highly successful program assists in the development of all the language skills (listening, speaking, reading, and writing) by presenting realistic settings, situations, and contexts. It consists of 12 chapters and can be used in an intermediate or advanced Russian course. V Puti offers conversational exercises, various readings (biographies, poems, literature and historical texts) and grammatical explanations and practice. All of these components reinforce Russian culture and history which enable the students to understand the Russian language in context.

Книга Урантии

by Urantia Foundation

You have just discovered the literary masterpiece that answers your questions about God, life in the inhabited universe, the history and future of this world, and the life of Jesus. The Urantia Book harmonizes history, science, and religion into a philosophy of living that brings new meaning and hope into your life. If you are searching for answers, read The Urantia Book! The world needs new spiritual truth that provides modern men and women with an intellectual pathway into a personal relationship with God. Building on the world's religious heritage, The Urantia Book describes an endless destiny for humankind, teaching that living faith is the key to personal spiritual progress and eternal survival. These teachings provide new truths powerful enough to uplift and advance human thinking and believing for the next 1000 years. A third of The Urantia Book is the inspiring story of Jesus' entire life and a revelation of his original teachings. This panoramic narrative includes his birth, childhood, teenage years, adult travels and adventures, public ministry, crucifixion, and 19 resurrection appearances. This inspiring story recasts Jesus from the leading figure of Christianity into the guide for seekers of all faiths and all walks of life. This book is a revelation.


by Laura E. Wolfson Kim Wilson Brandt Edward Topol

The real Russian Tolstoy never used.

V Puti: Russian Grammar in Context

by Frank Miller Olga Kagan Anna Kudyma

This highly successful program assists in the development of all the language skills (listening, speaking, reading and writing) by presenting realistic settings, situations and contexts. It consists of 12 chapters and can be used in an intermediate or advanced Russian course. V Puti offers conversational exercises, various readings (biographies, poems, literature and historical texts) and grammatical explanations and practice. All of these components reinforce Russian culture and history which enable the students to understand the Russian language in context. V Puti: Student Activities Manual is an integral part of the V Puti course. The structure matches the main textbook and provides a wealth of exercises and activities, either for class-use or homework.

What Is to Be Done?

by Michael R. Katz Nikolai Chernyshevsky William G. Wagner

"No work in modern literature, with the possible exception of Uncle Tom's Cabin, can compete with What Is to Be Done? in its effect on human lives and its power to make history. For Chernyshevsky's novel, far more than Marx's Capital, supplied the emotional dynamic that eventually went to make the Russian Revolution."--Joseph Frank, The Southern ReviewAlmost from the moment of its publication in 1863, Nikolai Chernyshevsky's novel, What Is to Be Done?, had a profound impact on the course of Russian literature and politics. The idealized image it offered of dedicated and self-sacrificing intellectuals transforming society by means of scientific knowledge served as a model of inspiration for Russia's revolutionary intelligentsia. On the one hand, the novel's condemnation of moderate reform helped to bring about the irrevocable break between radical intellectuals and liberal reformers; on the other, Chernyshevsky's socialist vision polarized conservatives' opposition to institutional reform. Lenin himself called Chernyshevsky "the greatest and most talented representative of socialism before Marx"; and the controversy surrounding What Is to Be Done? exacerbated the conflicts that eventually led to the Russian Revolution.Michael R. Katz's readable and compelling translation is now the definitive unabridged English-language version, brilliantly capturing the extraordinary qualities of the original. William G. Wagner has provided full annotations to Chernyshevsky's allusions and references and to the, sources of his ideas, and has appended a critical bibliography. An introduction by Katz and Wagner places the novel in the context of nineteenth-century Russian social, political, and intellectual history and literature, and explores its importance for several generations of Russian radicals.

The Mind of a Mnemonist: A Little Book about a Vast Memory, With a New Foreword by Jerome S. Bruner

by A. R. Luria

This study explores the inner world of a rare human phenomenon—a man who was endowed with virtually limitless powers of memory. From his intimate knowledge of S., the mnemonist, gained from conversations and testing over a period of almost thirty years, A. R. Luria is able to reveal in rich detail not only the obvious strengths of S.’s astonishing memory but also his surprising weaknesses: his crippling inability to forget, his pattern of reacting passively to life, and his uniquely handicapped personality.

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