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Introduction to Contemporary Art in China (China Perspectives)

by Lao Zhu

The book is a collection of fifteen introductory essays excerpted from the Annual of Contemporary Art in China, covering the years from 2005 to 2019, showcasing the development and changing landscapes of contemporary art in China. The Annual documents exhibitions, events, creative practices, and critical literature concerning contemporary art in China since 2005. Based on archival documentation and statistics data from these annuals, notable phenomena, events, and discourses from a given year, as well as key works and artists are reviewed in each introduction, with no ideological or market-driven undertone. The author unravels industrial and institutional factors, while also broaching important issues of abstract art, new media art and so on, and probing the historical and socio-cultural context as well. In this regard, the book offers a panorama of contemporary Chinese art and critically engages with the art scene in China, including Hongkong, Taiwan, and among the Chinese diaspora. The title will appeal to scholars, students and general readers interested in contemporary art history, art criticism, contemporary Chinese art, iconography, and contemporary art theory.

Syntax-Phonology Interface: Argumentation from Tone Sandhi in Chinese Dialects (Routledge Studies in Chinese Linguistics)

by Hongming Zhang

This book centers on theoretical issues of phonology-syntax interface based on tone sandhi in Chinese dialects. It uses patterns in tone sandhi to study how speech should be divided into domains of various sizes or levels. Tone sandhi refers to tonal changes that occur to a sequence of adjacent syllables or words. The size of this sequence (or the domain) is determined by various factors, in particular the syntactic structure of the words and the original tones of the words. Chinese dialects offer a rich body of data on tone sandhi, and hence great evidence for examining the phonology-syntax interface, and for examining the resulting levels of domains (the prosodic hierarchy). Syntax-Phonology Interface: Argumentation from Tone Sandhi in Chinese Dialects is an extremely valuable text for graduate students and scholars in the fields of linguistics and Chinese.

《韦斯特弗罗斯的乔伊斯》 一个小嗓门小女孩的故事

by Cui Xin Matthew W. Grant

如果每个人都认为你很完美 而实际上你有一个恐怖的小秘密 你会怎么做 这就是韦斯特弗罗斯的乔伊斯冒险的开始----一个有着小嗓门的小女孩的故事 无论成人还是孩子都会被这个精心描绘的故事深深吸引 这是一个关于乔伊斯----一个看似完美的小女孩的幽默故事 她的完美将被一个隐瞒很久的秘密彻底改变 这个秘密就是她居然能打出世界上最响亮,最有力的嗝 真相如何被揭示 接下来又有怎样的结果推动着故事的进展 并让主人公乔伊斯成为一个能让孩子们喜欢多年的角色 乔伊斯面临的两难局面或许有一天也会是这些小读者将要面对的 人们了解了真正的乔伊斯还会像原来一样喜欢她吗 这个故事对男孩或女孩同样具有吸引力 女孩喜欢这个故事是因为故事的主人公也是个女孩子 而当男孩发现女主人公有着这样令人惊叹的打嗝能力后 也会为之吸引

Learning to Labour (Mandarin Edition)

by Paul Willis

This book is to explore and re-construct Hegel's theory.本书是20世纪社会学,人类学和教育学的经典著作之一 第一部分是生动通俗的民族志的深度描写 第二部分是精辟透彻的理论分析 作者通过展现一个工业城镇里12个出身工人阶级家庭的男孩从毕业前18个月到工作后半年这段时期内的学习生活经历 向我们解释了工人阶级子弟之所以继承父业 不仅是社会结构性因素再生产的结果 更是他们对学校主流文化做出反叛的一种反讽性的文化生产过程的结果 中文本还收录了作者于2000年所做的访谈 以及专门为中国读者写的序言 有助于读者从一个比较历史的角度理解全球化背景下中国的青少年教育和失业问题

A Father First (Mandarin Edition)

by Dwayne Wade

Dwyane Wade of the Miami Heat is one of the superstars of the NBA--and a Gold Medal winner at the Bejing Olympics--but he'sA Father First. In this moving and triumphant memoir, Wade shares his inspiring thoughts about fathers and sons, writing poignantly about the gratifying responsibilities of being a single dad to his two sons, Zaire and Zion, while recounting his own growing up years and his memorable rise to the top echelon of professional basketball. 德韦恩·韦德奇迹般地抓住了篮球生涯中的所有机遇 同时也在寻求他最珍爱的目标 做一个好父亲 经过了漫长,痛苦的离婚和监护权争夺战 他终于获得了儿子们的单独监护权 让爱先行 记录了韦德作为单身父亲的感悟 回忆了那些构成他的梦想,祈祷与承诺的事件 韦德从小父母离异 他的童年是在芝加哥南部度过的 贫穷,暴力,毒品笼罩着这片街区 他的母亲也吸毒成癖 姐姐特拉吉尔做出了英勇的决定 把小德韦恩送到了父亲那里生活 老韦德成了小德韦恩的第一个篮球教练 后来 母亲凭借惊人的毅力戒除了毒瘾 韦德从他们身上学习到 父母对子女无条件的爱是一股强大的引导力 从幼时在芝加哥邻家院子里的投篮练习 到他在马奎特大学的上升星路 再到出乎意料地被迈阿密热火队选中 德韦恩·韦德----世界上最好的篮球手之一 在 让爱先行 里讲述了自己的故事 男孩沐浴着亲人的爱成长为男人 成长为优秀的父亲

Classical Chinese for Everyone: A Guide for Absolute Beginners

by Bryan W. Van Norden

In just thirteen brief, accessible chapters, this engaging little book takes "absolute beginners" from the most basic questions about the language (e.g., what does a classical Chinese character look like?) to reading and understanding selections from classical Chinese philosophical texts and Tang dynasty poetry. "An outstanding introduction to reading classical Chinese. Van Norden does a wonderful job of clearly explaining the basics of classical Chinese, and he carefully takes the reader through beautifully chosen examples from the textual tradition. An invaluable work." —Michael Puett, Harvard University

Air Mail (Mandarin Edition)

by Tomas Transtromer

Air Mail is a comic anthology of letters that demonstrates how one man bamboozled and exasperated over forty international airlines, from British Airways to Air Malta. It tackles everything from the common bugbears of excess baggage charges and duplicitous exchange rates to the more surreal predicament of how to fly an elephant back from India. 1963年 特朗斯特罗默注意到诗人詹姆斯·赖特在罗伯特·布莱创办的 六十年代 杂志上发表的几首诗作 并有意翻译 他给赖特的去信四个月后才得到一个客套而冷淡的答复 反而是布莱给了他热情的回应 两人的通信从此开始 从一开始的客套拘礼到后来的真诚亲密 两人通信近三十年 交流诗歌创作与翻译之道 更彼此传递友谊 在地球的两端为彼此的文学世界开辟天地

Pearl from the Dragon’s Mouth: Evocation of Scene and Feeling in Chinese Poetry (Michigan Monographs In Chinese Studies #67)

by Cecile C. Sun

The interplay between the external world (ching) and the poet’s inner world (ch’ing) lies at the heart of Chinese poetry, and understanding the interaction of the two is crucial to understanding this work from within its own tradition. Closely coordinating her discussions of poetry and criticism so that practice and theory become mutually enriching and illuminating, Sun offers sensitive and original readings of poems and a wealth of insights into Chinese poetics.


by Claudio Ruggeri Lele Chen

无意中发现内塞了一张纸条的瓶子 一位朋友单纯的好奇心 让文森特-杰尔玛警官沉入这宗天衣无缝的谋杀案 破案唯一方法 就是得揭穿这场幻术的破绽 因此杰尔玛就已智力 与这位幻术师斗 无论过程中得付出什么代价


by Claudio Ruggeri

这都是些简单的菜,也不算是正宗意大利菜,是我从一位,非常棒的厨师哪儿“偷”来的,她就是我的母亲。 For more informations about the author and his books visit: Blog: Facebook Page: or follow on Twitter:

American Pastoral (Mandarin Edition)

by Philip Roth

It is an elegy for all our century's promises of prosperity, civic order, and domestic bliss. Swede Levov, a legendary athlete at his Newark high school, who grows up in the booming postwar years to marry a former Miss New Jersey, inherit his father's glove factory, and move into a stone house in the idyllic hamlet of Old Rimrock. And then one day in 1968, Swede's beautiful American luck deserts him. "美国三部曲"之首的 美国牧歌 体现了美国社会中由来已久的冲突 相信"美国梦"的人 以为只要努力和正派 就可美梦成真 然而历史的悲剧性常常和个人是否努力和正派无关

The Human Stain (Mandarin Edition)

by Philip Roth

It is 1998, the year in which America is whipped into a frenzy of prurience by the impeachment of a president, and in a small New England town, an aging classics professor, Coleman Silk, is forced to retire when his colleagues decree that he is a racist. The charge is a lie, but the real truth about Silk would have astonished even his most virulent accuser."美国三部曲"的登峰之作 与前两部相比 小说中各元素之间更加制衡 更具整体性 对人性的探讨更加彻底 小说重磅炸弹似的主题 注定其成为各方评论的主题

I Married a Communist(Mandarin Edition)

by Philip Roth

I Married a Communist is the story of the rise and fall of Ira Ringold, a big American roughneck who begins life as a teenage ditch-digger in 1930s Newark, becomes a big-time 1940s radio star, and is destroyed, as both a performer and a man, in the McCarthy witchhunt of the 1950s.In this story cruelty, betrayal, and revenge spilling over into the public arena from their origins in Ira's turbulent personal life 这个苦涩的,略带诙谐的故事自始至终都是那么引人入胜 它唤醒了我们共有的历史中那个特定的时间和地点......立体重现了二战后的理想主义和伪善

Shop Talk (Mandarin Edition)

by Philip Roth

With Primo Levi, Roth discusses the stubborn core of rationality that helped the Italian chemist-writer survive the demented laboratory of Auschwitz. With Milan Kundera, he analyzes the mix of politics and sexuality that made him the most subversive writer in communist Czechoslovakia. With Edna O'Brien, he explores the circumstances that have forced generations of Irish writers into exile. Elsewhere Roth offers appreciative portraits of two friends--the writer Bernard Malamud and the painter Philip Guston--at the end of their careers, and gives us a masterful assessment of the work of Saul Bellow. 行话 是一部采访录 在这本书里 你可以读到米兰·昆德拉与捷克斯洛伐克,普里莫·莱维与奥斯威辛,爱德娜·奥布莱恩与爱尔兰,阿哈龙·阿佩尔菲尔德与布科维纳,伊凡·克里玛与布拉格,艾萨克·巴什维斯·辛格与华沙,布鲁诺·舒尔茨与波兰 以及对罗斯两位已故朋友----作家伯纳德·马拉默德和画家菲力普·古斯顿----的欣赏与刻画 书末的 重读索尔·贝娄 一文则生动地呈现了贝娄的成就 而且秉承了此书的精神 是一次同行的解读

Kiss of a Spider Woman (Mandarin Edition)

by Manuel Puig

In the still darkness of their cell, Molina re-weaves the glittering and fragile stories of the film he loves, and the cynical Valentin listens. Valentin believes in the just cause which makes all suffering bearable; Molina believes in the magic of love which makes all else endurable. Each has always been alone, and always - especially now - in danger of betrayal. But in cell 7 each surrenders to the other something of himself that he has never surrendered before. 在阿根廷布宜诺斯艾利斯监狱的一间牢房里关押着两个囚犯 一个是政治犯瓦伦丁 另一个是同性恋者莫利纳 特务机关派到瓦伦丁身边的卧底 两人之间展开了一场奇妙的对话 呈现出一幅幅电影与现实交错的画面 本书1976年发表后 被翻译成多种文字 小说的魅力迅速蔓延开去 转化到各种表现形式 歌舞剧多年来久演不衰 成为百老汇经典 改编的电影产生过巨大的影响

Frustration Trains Me and Hope Stimulates Me (Mandarin Edition)

by Geun-Hye Park

The autobiography of the first woman president in Korea 朴槿惠以最平实的笔触 娓娓道出她的过往人生 处处可见她对父母的追慕与怀念之情,对韩国人民怀抱的使命感 以及历经大起大落后的省思与坚韧 全书自朴槿惠的少女时代始 描述了总统府青瓦台中的"第一家庭"如何过着寻常的生活 母亲遇刺后 朴槿惠担当起"第一夫人"的角色 其间得以了解政治的基本议题和国家的基本状况 父亲也遭暗杀后 她与弟妹黯然离开青瓦台 面对种种不堪现实与外界批判 她对人性和权力有了更深入的认识 决心远离政治 1997年韩国陷入经济萧条 朴槿惠眼见民生多艰,国家危殆 毅然重返政坛 书中详细描写了在加入大国家党之后 朴槿惠如何以原则和信念立身 带领大国家党踏上破除陈年积弊,夺取国会议席的征程

A Tale Of Love And Darkness (Mandarin Edition)

by Amos Oz

It is the story of a boy growing up in the war-torn Jerusalem of the forties and fifties, in a small apartment crowded with books in twelve languages and relatives speaking nearly as many. 爱与黑暗的故事 是当今以色列最富影响力的作家阿摩司·奥兹的自传体长篇小说 一向被学界视为奥兹最优秀的作品 短短五年 便翻译成二十多种文字 曾夺得2005年"歌德文化奖" 2007年入围"国际布克奖" 小说以耶路撒冷做为主要背景 以娓娓动人的笔法向读者展示出百余年一个犹太家族的故事与民族历史 既带你走进一个犹太家庭 了解其喜怒哀乐 又使你走近一个民族 窥见其得失荣辱

The Borrowers Afield (Mandarin Edition)

by Mary Norton

Pod, Homily, and Arrietty Clock's huge adventures have been thrilling children young and old for fifty years--and their appeal is as strong as ever in these handsome new paperback packages. While the original beloved interior illustrations by Beth and Joe Krush have been retained, Marla Frazee's striking cover illustrations capture these little people with a larger-than-life appeal.波德一家在人类的大搜捕中逃离了地板下的家 开始了颠沛流离的野外生活 他们打算去投奔住在獾洞里的亨德瑞利舅舅一家 但到那里时 亲戚们已不知去向 他们捡到一只破靴子 把它拖到河岸的洞里搭建了一个临时的家 阿瑞埃蒂结识了从吉卜赛人那里借东西的男孩斯皮勒 斯皮勒时常用自己的打猎收获接济这些初到野外的同类 冬天来了 住在靴子里的波德一家弹尽粮绝 喝光最后一点酒后沉沉睡去 醒来发现到了一辆吉卜赛人的大车上 这是怎么回事呢 他们能从吉卜赛人那里逃脱吗 斯皮勒又是怎么帮他们和亨德瑞利舅舅一家团聚的呢 雪貂男孩汤姆是他们的福星还是杀手

The Borrowers Afloat (Mandarin Edition)

by Mary Norton

Pod, Homily, and Arrietty Clock's huge adventures have been thrilling children young and old for fifty years--and their appeal is as strong as ever in these handsome new paperback packages. While the original beloved interior illustrations by Beth and Joe Krush have been retained, Marla Frazee's striking cover illustrations capture these little people with a larger-than-life appeal.波德一家在斯皮勒的带领下成功脱险 来到小男孩汤姆的住处 与生活在墙里的亨德瑞利舅舅一家会合 但不久 汤姆和爷爷就离开了这里 没有人迹的地方不可能支持两家小人的生活 所以波德不得不又带领家人走上流浪之旅 寻找新的家园 他们从地下管道出走 来到小河边的水壶中安顿下来 但一场突来的大雨将水壶冲到了河水中 小人开始了一场水上漂流冒险 他们最终能找到新家吗

The Borrowers Aloft (Mandarin Edition)

by Mary Norton

Pod, Homily, and Arrietty Clock's huge adventures have been thrilling children young and old for fifty years--and their appeal is as strong as ever in these handsome new paperback packages. While the original beloved interior illustrations by Beth and Joe Krush have been retained, Marla Frazee's striking cover illustrations capture these little people with a larger-than-life appeal.退休的老珀特先生童心灿烂 闲来无事在家里建起了一个微型村庄 波德一家人迁居来到这里 过起了安逸生活 好心的孟奇思小姐看到了他们 并和阿瑞埃蒂成为好朋友 时常暗中帮助他们 但好景不长 一天 他们被一对贪婪的夫妇抓到自己家的阁楼上 准备到春天就把他们关到玻璃笼子里招徕游客 波德一家人再次陷入绝境 他们在阁楼上度过了漫长的被囚禁的冬天 终于在春天到来前想到了逃走的办法 他们学着报纸上人类制作热气球的技术 制作了一个逃生的气球 再次回到了野外

The Borrowers Avenged (Mandarin Edition)

by Mary Norton

Pod, Homily, and Arrietty Clock's huge adventures have been thrilling children young and old for fifty years--and their appeal is as strong as ever in these handsome new paperback packages. While the original beloved interior illustrations by Beth and Joe Krush have been retained, Marla Frazee's striking cover illustrations capture these little people with a larger-than-life appeal.波德一家逃离了阁楼里的囚禁生活 回到了模型村庄里的家 因为害怕普拉特夫妇再度前来 他们在斯皮勒的带领下搬迁到了教区长住宅 并遇到了一直居住在那里的博学多才的小人皮尔格林 在大家的帮助下 他们重新找到了适合居住的家园 和亨德瑞利舅舅一家比邻而居 普拉特夫妇心有不甘地继续到处搜寻小人的下落 复活节快到了 阿瑞埃蒂吃惊地发现普拉特夫妇来到了教堂 小人能逃过他们的追捕吗 那贪婪残酷的一对是如何受到惩罚的呢

The Borrowers (Mandarin Edition)

by Mary Norton

The Borrowers--the Clock family: Homily, Pod, and their fourteen-year-old daughter, Arrietty, to be precise--are tiny people who live underneath the kitchen floor of an old English country manor. All their minuscule home furnishings, from postage stamp paintings to champagne cork chairs, are "borrowed" from the "human beans" who tromp around loudly above them. All is well until Pod is spotted upstairs by a human boy! Can the Clocks stay nested safely in their beloved hidden home, or will they be forced to flee? The British author Mary Norton won the Carnegie Medal for The Borrowers in 1952, the year it was first published in England. 一个患病的英国小男孩被送往乡间姑婆的老宅中休养 寂静中他发现了在古宅里的一个秘密 借东西的小人 借东西的小人只有铅笔一般高 他们把家安在房子的地板下 靠从楼上的"巨人"那里"借"东西为生 他们最害怕的就是被"看见" 借东西的小女孩阿瑞埃蒂在门外草丛里被小男孩看见 好心的小男孩开始帮助这一家小人借东西 还充当信使 为他们和住在别处的亲戚送信 但好景不长 女管家也发现了小人一家 她关住小男孩 找来警察,猫和捕鼠专家对付小人 万分危急之际 小人一家是如何成功逃脱人类的追捕的呢


by Gabriele Napolitano Rosalba Giustizieri

你们想在主菜之前吃一道冷盘 这个书让你们选择你们最受到偏爱的意大利冷盘 你们找到很容易地做饭的意大利菜肴 你们吃这个冷盘的时候 你们有点印象在意大利住 考验你们做饭的能力


by Gabriele Napolitano Alessandra Colarizi

意大利的甜点你会做吗?试试吧 这些三十多个制作方法正是从一个意大利妈妈的食谱选出来的


by Gabriele Napolitano


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