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Classifying the Zhuangzi Chapters (Michigan Monographs In Chinese Studies #65)

by Xiaogan Liu

The relationships, both historical and philosophical, among the Zhuangzi’s Inner, Outer, and Miscellaneous chapters are the subject of ancient and enduring controversy. Liu marshals linguistic, intertextual, intratextual, and historical evidence to establish an objectively demonstrable chronology and determine the philosophical affiliations among the various chapters. This major advance in Zhuangzi scholarship furnishes indispensable data for all students of the great Daoist text. In a lengthy afterword, Liu compares his conclusions with those of A. C. Graham and addresses the relationship between the Zhuangzi and the Laozi.

Pearl from the Dragon’s Mouth: Evocation of Scene and Feeling in Chinese Poetry (Michigan Monographs In Chinese Studies #67)

by Cecile C. Sun

The interplay between the external world (ching) and the poet’s inner world (ch’ing) lies at the heart of Chinese poetry, and understanding the interaction of the two is crucial to understanding this work from within its own tradition. Closely coordinating her discussions of poetry and criticism so that practice and theory become mutually enriching and illuminating, Sun offers sensitive and original readings of poems and a wealth of insights into Chinese poetics.

The Matrix of Lyric Transformation: Poetic Modes and Self-Presentation in Early Chinese Pentasyllabic Poetry (Michigan Monographs In Chinese Studies #75)

by Zong-qi Cai Zong-qu Cai

Pentasyllabic poetry has been a focus of critical study since the appearance of the earliest works of Chinese literary criticism in the Six Dynasties period. Throughout the subsequent dynasties, traditional Chinese critics continued to examine pentasyllabic poetry as a leading poetic type and to compile various comprehensive anthologies of it. The Matrix of Lyric Transformation enriches this tradition, using modern analytical methods to explore issues of self-expression and to trace the early formal, thematic, and generic developments of this poetic form. Beginning with a discussion of the Yüeh-fu and ku-shih genres of the Han period, Cai Zong-qi introdues the analytical framework of modes from Western literary criticism to show how the pentasyllabic poetry changed over time. He argues that changing practices of poetic composition effected a shift from a dramatic mode typical of folk compositions to a narrative mode and finally to lyric and symbolic modes developed in literati circles.

Two Twelfth-Century Texts on Chinese Painting (Michigan Monographs In Chinese Studies #8)

by Robert J. Maeda

Two Twelfth-Century Texts on Chinese Painting presents two texts in translation that provide dual insight into the Painting Academy of Emperor Hui-tsung and the literati school of painting. The Shan-shui ch’un-ch’uan chi is a treatise for beginning landscape painters dated to the Hsüan-ho era. The treatise was written by Han Cho, a reputed member of the Academy, but the text was not specifically directed at Academicians. The treatise collects and orders previous writings on landscape painting; one of Han Cho’s main goals is to list all landscape definitions and their practical application in painting. Yet his view is more detached and analytical than a stereotypical Academy painter, revealing an approach reminiscent of Confucian scholarship and literati painting as well. The Hua-chi by Teng Ch’un is a history of painting that was written as a sequel to two earlier painting histories. In ten chapters, Teng Ch’un compiles facts and critical evaluations of painters from 1075 to 1167, as well as listings of selected masterpieces. Teng Ch’un provides more specific information about the Academy than Han Cho, discussing its organization and examination system, and noting that “form-likeness” and adherence to rules were leading standards for painting in the Academy. On the other hand, he thinks that painting should transmit “soul,” not just “form.” Thus, Teng Ch’un writes the history of both the establishment values of the Academy and the intellectual tendencies of the literati.

A Glossary of Words and Phrases in the Oral Performing and Dramatic Literatures of the Jin, Yuan, and Ming (Michigan Monographs In Chinese Studies #89)

by Dale R. Johnson

For many years, the oral performing and dramatic literatures of China from 1200 to 1600 CE were considered some of the most difficult texts in the Chinese corpus. They included ballad medleys, comic farces, Yuan music dramas, Ming music dramas, and the novel Shuihu zhuan. The Japanese scholars who first dedicated themselves to study these works in the mid-twentieth century were considered daring. As late as 1981, no comprehensive dictionary or glossary for this literature existed in any language, Asian or Western. A Glossary of Words and Phrases fills this gap for Western readers, allowing even a relative novice who has resonable command of Chinese to read, translate, and appreciate this great body of literature with an ease undreamed of even two decades ago. The Glossary is organized into approximately 8,000 entries based on the reading notes and glosses found in various dictionaries, thesauruses, glossaries, and editions of works from the period. Main entries are listed alphabetically in the pinyin romanization system. In addition to glosses, entries include symbolic annotations, guides to pronunciation, and text citations. The result is a broadly useful glossary serving the needs of students of this literature as well as scholars researching Jin and Yuan language and its usage.

Crazy Love (Simplified Chinese)

by Francis Chan

Read Crazy Love in Simplified Chinese! Now you can experience Francis Chan's life-changing message in this Simplified Chinese version of Crazy Love.God is love. Crazy, relentless, all-powerful love. Have you ever wondered if we're missing it?It's crazy, if you think about it. The God of the universe--the Creator of nitrogen and pine needles, galaxies and E-minor--loves us with a radical, unconditional, self-sacrificing love. And what is our typical response? We go to church, sing songs, and try not to cuss.Whether you've verbalized it yet or not, we all know something's wrong.Does something deep inside your heart long to break free from the status quo? Are you hungry for an authentic faith that addresses the problems of our world with tangible, even radical, solutions? God is calling you to a passionate love relationship with Himself. Because the answer to religious complacency isn't working harder at a list of do's and don'ts-it's falling in love with God. And once you encounter His love, as Francis describes it, you will never be the same. Because when you're wildly in love with someone, it changes everything.Learn more about the Crazy Love Simplified Chinese version at Check out Francis Chan's video blog at

Spiritual Parenting (Simplified Chinese)

by Michelle Anthony

Translated into Simplified Chinese!Spiritual Parenting introduces the simple but revolutionary concept that parents are, by the power of God's Spirit, to obey and depend on God in order to create an environment God can use to beckon their children to Him. It's hard enough to train kids to behave, but good behavior isn't what Jesus calls for in the Bible. He wants hearts and souls that are shaped in vibrant faith and love toward God and others. How can parents cultivate this in their children? In this book Dr. Michelle Anthony shares practical examples and biblical insight on the spiritual role of parenting.

Gei jiàohuì de xìnjiàn: Letters to the Church Chinese Edition (Exponential Ser.)

by Francis Chan

如果一切都按照上帝的心意而行,今天的教会会是什么样子? 这是陈恩藩牧师迄今为止最有力量的一本 书,他深深扎根于圣经真理,回顾自己牧会历程 中的失败经历,展望教会的愿景,透过很多真实 的故事,让人看到上帝如何使用 普通的人来改 变这个世界。 正如陈牧师所说: 我们已经离上帝最初设 立教会的心意太远了。我们当前所经历的,与圣 经所描绘的教会生活有着天壤之别。多年来,教 会领袖们将教会超凡的奥秘束之高阁,把会众训 练成一群对次要事物上瘾的人。是时候悔改了。 当耶稣再来的时候,我们是忙着照顾他的新 妇还是我们自己的生活?本书提醒我们,教会原 来是如此的充满能力和荣耀,并呼召我们再一次 回到上帝最初设立教会的心意当中。

Dialogues on the Theory and Practice of Literary Translation (China Perspectives)

by Xu Jun

The book is a collection of the dialogues between Xu Jun, a well-known expert in French literary translation and eminent “Changjiang” scholar in translation studies in China, and some celebrated literary translators in contemporary China, some of whom are also literary scholars, linguists, poets, prose writers, and editors. It is a fundamental achievement of research on the literary translation in the 20th century in China, involving multiple literary types, such as novels, poetry, dramas, prose, and fairy tales; and multiple languages, such as English, French, German, Russian, Italian, Spanish, Japanese, and Sanskrit. The dialogues are centered on fundamental issues in the theory and practice of literary translation, such as re-creation in literary translation, the relationship between form and content in literary translation, the subjectivity of literary translators, literary translation standards and principles, the gains and losses in literary translation, the principles and methods of literary criticism, and so on. Those translation experts’ experience and multiple strategies not only play an active role in guiding literary translators in practice but also benefit theoretical development in literary translation. Thus, the book will contribute to worldwide translation studies and get well recognized by translation studies students, teachers, and scholars in the world. 

Introduction to Contemporary Art in China (China Perspectives)

by Lao Zhu

The book is a collection of fifteen introductory essays excerpted from the Annual of Contemporary Art in China, covering the years from 2005 to 2019, showcasing the development and changing landscapes of contemporary art in China. The Annual documents exhibitions, events, creative practices, and critical literature concerning contemporary art in China since 2005. Based on archival documentation and statistics data from these annuals, notable phenomena, events, and discourses from a given year, as well as key works and artists are reviewed in each introduction, with no ideological or market-driven undertone. The author unravels industrial and institutional factors, while also broaching important issues of abstract art, new media art and so on, and probing the historical and socio-cultural context as well. In this regard, the book offers a panorama of contemporary Chinese art and critically engages with the art scene in China, including Hongkong, Taiwan, and among the Chinese diaspora. The title will appeal to scholars, students and general readers interested in contemporary art history, art criticism, contemporary Chinese art, iconography, and contemporary art theory.

The Routledge Advanced Language Training Course for K-16 Non-native Chinese Teachers (Routledge Chinese Language Pedagogy)

by Hong Gang Jin Lian Xue Yusheng Yang Lan Zhao Zhou

The Routledge Advanced Language Training Course for K-16 Non-native Chinese Teachers is a content-based and thematically organized textbook designed for non-native in- and pre-service K-16 Chinese language teachers. Based on five years of field testing, the book offers an innovative approach to advanced language instruction, allowing users to further advance their language proficiency while continuing their professional development in teaching Chinese as a second or foreign language. The textbook: covers a range of up-to-date pedagogical and cultural themes provides a variety of engaging activities and exercises, allowing readers for K-16 to explore pedagogical and cultural issues in the target language with best classroom practices in mind familiarises users with authentic forms of modern communication in today’s China to better engage learners is accompanied by a Companion Website with audio recordings for each lesson as well as supplementary materials and teaching resources. The Routledge Advanced Language Training Course for K-16 Non-native Chinese Teachers is an essential resource for non-native Chinese teachers and for those on TCFL teacher training programs.

Syntax-Phonology Interface: Argumentation from Tone Sandhi in Chinese Dialects (Routledge Studies in Chinese Linguistics)

by Hongming Zhang

This book centers on theoretical issues of phonology-syntax interface based on tone sandhi in Chinese dialects. It uses patterns in tone sandhi to study how speech should be divided into domains of various sizes or levels. Tone sandhi refers to tonal changes that occur to a sequence of adjacent syllables or words. The size of this sequence (or the domain) is determined by various factors, in particular the syntactic structure of the words and the original tones of the words. Chinese dialects offer a rich body of data on tone sandhi, and hence great evidence for examining the phonology-syntax interface, and for examining the resulting levels of domains (the prosodic hierarchy). Syntax-Phonology Interface: Argumentation from Tone Sandhi in Chinese Dialects is an extremely valuable text for graduate students and scholars in the fields of linguistics and Chinese.


by Francois Keyser 白庆文

Book description: 内容简介 In this story of "The Junglies" the friends discover there are many other places in the world beside their home which they would like see. 在故事中 这群"丛林里的朋友"发现世上还有许多令他们向往的地方 When they realise that they cannot travel outside their home in the jungle they decide to find a way to see other places. They subsequently realise that sometimes we just need to look at things from a different perspective to appreciate what we have. 当他们意识到他们无法离家出外旅游后 他们就决定想个法子看看其他地方 他们最终领悟到有时我们更应该珍惜我们所拥有的

掌握比特币-开始赚取比特币的指导: New Moon (Vampyre Ser.)

by Adidas Wilson 顺宏

比特币是由名不副实的程序员或者一群程序员发明的一种加密货币和数字支付系统,名叫Satoshi Nakamoto。 它在2009年作为开源软件发布。 系统是点对点的,交易是直接在用户之间进行的,没有中间人。 这些交易由网络节点验证,并记录在称为区块链的公共分布式账本中。 由于该系统没有中央存储库或单个管理员,比特币被称为第一个分散数字货币。 比特币除了被创造为挖矿的奖励外,还可以在合法或黑市交换其他货币,产品和服务。 截至2015年2月,超过10万商户和供应商接受比特币作为付款。 根据剑桥大学2017年的研究报告,使用加密货币钱包的用户数量达到2.9-580万,其中大部分使用比特币。

Classical Chinese for Everyone: A Guide for Absolute Beginners

by Bryan W. Van Norden

In just thirteen brief, accessible chapters, this engaging little book takes "absolute beginners" from the most basic questions about the language (e.g., what does a classical Chinese character look like?) to reading and understanding selections from classical Chinese philosophical texts and Tang dynasty poetry. "An outstanding introduction to reading classical Chinese. Van Norden does a wonderful job of clearly explaining the basics of classical Chinese, and he carefully takes the reader through beautifully chosen examples from the textual tradition. An invaluable work." —Michael Puett, Harvard University


by Lele Chen Claudio Ruggeri

文森特-杰尔玛在调查一宗谋杀案时 将会被所搜集的线索搬迁左右 因为有时一位被害者和一位害人者的区别只有一丝的相差


by Gabriele Napolitano



by Gabriele Napolitano Alessandra Colarizi

意大利的甜点你会做吗?试试吧 这些三十多个制作方法正是从一个意大利妈妈的食谱选出来的

《韦斯特弗罗斯的乔伊斯》 一个小嗓门小女孩的故事

by Cui Xin Matthew W. Grant

如果每个人都认为你很完美 而实际上你有一个恐怖的小秘密 你会怎么做 这就是韦斯特弗罗斯的乔伊斯冒险的开始----一个有着小嗓门的小女孩的故事 无论成人还是孩子都会被这个精心描绘的故事深深吸引 这是一个关于乔伊斯----一个看似完美的小女孩的幽默故事 她的完美将被一个隐瞒很久的秘密彻底改变 这个秘密就是她居然能打出世界上最响亮,最有力的嗝 真相如何被揭示 接下来又有怎样的结果推动着故事的进展 并让主人公乔伊斯成为一个能让孩子们喜欢多年的角色 乔伊斯面临的两难局面或许有一天也会是这些小读者将要面对的 人们了解了真正的乔伊斯还会像原来一样喜欢她吗 这个故事对男孩或女孩同样具有吸引力 女孩喜欢这个故事是因为故事的主人公也是个女孩子 而当男孩发现女主人公有着这样令人惊叹的打嗝能力后 也会为之吸引


by Claudio Ruggeri

这都是些简单的菜,也不算是正宗意大利菜,是我从一位,非常棒的厨师哪儿“偷”来的,她就是我的母亲。 For more informations about the author and his books visit: Blog: Facebook Page: or follow on Twitter:


by Gabriele Napolitano



by Claudio Ruggeri Lele Chen

无意中发现内塞了一张纸条的瓶子 一位朋友单纯的好奇心 让文森特-杰尔玛警官沉入这宗天衣无缝的谋杀案 破案唯一方法 就是得揭穿这场幻术的破绽 因此杰尔玛就已智力 与这位幻术师斗 无论过程中得付出什么代价


by Gabriele Napolitano Rosalba Giustizieri

你们想在主菜之前吃一道冷盘 这个书让你们选择你们最受到偏爱的意大利冷盘 你们找到很容易地做饭的意大利菜肴 你们吃这个冷盘的时候 你们有点印象在意大利住 考验你们做饭的能力


by Alice Magi Claudio Ruggeri

小说介绍 一个死人在他的美术馆里被找到 盖文森要解决情况 但可能解答很多 总监要从事一项悲痛调查


by Ilaria Conversano Claudio Ruggeri

我写这本书的目的并非为了仅仅从经济层面比较我们的旧货币与现在的货币之间相对的优点与缺点 而是为了停下来好好观察那个里拉成功运转但又很快被废除和遗忘的世界

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