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Abc X 3: English - Español - François

by Marthe Jocelyn

From airplane/avión/avion to zigzag/zigzag/zigzag, Marthe Jocelyn and Tom Slaughter have created a unique ABC for the very young. The book works perfectly in three languages, English, Spanish, and French (English, Español, and Français). In each case, deceptively simple paper cuts will delight the eye while young readers explore words in three languages. The book has been carefully constructed to accommodate each language, including the letters which occur in Spanish, but not in English or French. Earlier collaborations by Tom Slaughter and Marthe Jocelyn have received raves from critics. This new addition to their library is yet another excellent introduction to modern art, to words, and this time to the fun of languages

Access French 2: An Intermediate Language Course (BK)

by Bernard Grosz

Access French 2 consolidates previous language skills, using the familiar framework of Language Focus panels, learning tips and assessment checklists. It looks at different topic areas in greater depth and goes on to cover more practical matters such as dealing with your finances, methods of communication, buying a property in France and the world of work. A wide range of activities based on realistic resources and situations affords plenty of opportunities for reading and writing authentic French, enabling learners to communicate at a higher level. Each of the 10 units begins with a variety of revision activities and there is frequent consolidation of important grammar points, giving learners the confidence to move forward. Units end with a Découverte de la Francophonie section exploring the customs and traditions of French-speaking countries.Access French 2 covers all the necessary topics, grammar and vocabulary for GCSE, LLAS OCR Intermediate Level (the new Language Ladder scheme) and Level 2 (National Language Standards).Students who have completed the course will have achieved the necessary entry requirements for AS and DELF level.

Bon Voyage! Glencoe French 1

by Conrad J. Schmitt Katia Brillié Lutz

Bon voyage! Clearly the best choice! Bon voyage!(Schmitt and Brillié Lutz) is a comprehensive program that encourages meaningful, practical communication by immersing your students in the language and culture of the Francophone world. The text and its complementary resources help you meet the needs of every student in your diverse classroom. Bon voyage!provides your itinerary for successwith exposure to the Francophone culture; clear expectations and goals; thematic, contextualized vocabulary; useful and thematically-linked structure; progressive practice; real-life conversation; cultural readings in the target language; recycling and review; and exquisite National Geographic Society panoramas of the Francophone world.

Le Dodécaèdre: ou Douze cadres à géométrie variable (Traduction littéraire)

by Paul Glennon

Un jeune garçon avale les pages de cinq livres dans lesquels croit-il, se trouve le code qui pourrait permettre à un capitaine et à ses acolytes de retracer son père disparu. Afin de sauver sa vie, un explorateur se voit contraint de raconter à la tribu amérindienne qui le retient prisonnier les histoires qu’il connaît, qu’il crée ou qu’il combine. Une femme ravissante se plaît à réinventer sa propre histoire lors des soirées mondaines. Perdu sur les glaces à la dérive dans l’Atlantique Nord, un autre explorateur est tourment. Par les sempiternelles questions d’un enfant. Mais ce jeune garçon n’est-il pas celui qui a englouti des livres dans la bibliothèque ? Et cette femme qui joue des rôles n’est-elle pas le personnage d’un récit concocté par la machine à histoire mentionnée dans l’article d’une revue spécifique? Dans Le Dodécaèdre ou Douze cadres à géométrie variable, Paul Glennon manie douze genres littéraires (roman policier, journalisme d’enquête, récit d’aventure…), insufflant à chacun une part d’étrangeté pour créer douze univers distincts réunis dans une structure finement ciselée. Pour la version française de ce livre où chaque histoire apporte un nouvel éclairage sur celles qui l’avoisinent, douze traducteurs se sont livrés à leur tour au jeu des cadres à géométrie variable.

Trésors du tem ps Niveau avancé (Glencoe French Ser.)

by Yvone Lenard

NIMAC-sourced textbook

Two Stories/Deux nouvelles: A Dual-Language Book

by Stendhal Stanley Appelbaum

In writing these two ardently romantic and turbulent tales, Stendhal delved deep into old Italian narratives and into his own impassioned heart. "Vanina Vanini" and "L'abbesse de Castro" abound in the qualities for which the French author remains enduringly popular: his strong-willed, impulsive characters; his dry wit and keen irony; and the sweeping drama of his historical settings. Originally published in the Revue de Paris in 1829, "Vanina Vanini" traces the fortunes of an aristocrat's daughter who falls in love with a wounded soldier, and prefigures Stendhal's superb novel, The Red and the Black, which appeared two years later. "L'abbesse de Castro," published in 1839 under a pseudonym in the prestigious Revue des Deux Mondes, was reputedly derived from Roman and Florentine source manuscripts. Consisting chiefly of Stendhal's own invention, it recounts the illicit liaison and subsequent trial of an abbess.The only dual-language edition of these stories, this book features an informative introduction and ample footnotes, making it not only a pleasure to read but also a valuable learning and teaching aid for students and teachers of French literature.

Cochonnet: (Pigboy) (French Currents)

by Vicki Grant

Dan is not sure he'll survive the boring field trip to a remote heritage farm. How could a place with no running water, telephone or electricity be anything but dull? To top it all off, the farmer knows nothing about farming and is angry about having to conduct the tour. When Dan sneaks back to the school bus, he discovers the driver and teacher have been bound and gagged. Who is this "farmer" anyway, and will Dan be able to find help in time?

Holt French 3 Bien dit!, Cahier d'activités

by Rinehart Winston Holt

NIMAC-sourced textbook

Les Casse-Cous: (Daredevil Club) (French Currents)

by Pam Withers

Kip's only friends are the members of the Daredevil Club, a club whose mission is to complete seven dangerous dares before their rivals, the Wildmen, complete their list of dares. Before the cliff diving accident in which he lost the use of his leg, Kip had been the leader of the Daredevil club. Now he has difficulty completing the dares and suspects that his membership is threatened. As the daredevils plan their final stunt, a dangerous climb along a narrow steel shelf beneath a bridge, they try to convince Kip that he may not be up to the task. Kip refuses to back down even though he suspects his friends might be right.

L'île du cormoran blanc

by Alain Beauchemin Roger Audibert Josée Gladu Sandra Guimont

Peu de temps après son arrivée à l’île Brion, William fut témoin d’une scène étrange : l’apparition d’un navire à trois mâts, suivie de l’approche d’une barque dirigée par un équipage de marins d’une autre époque. Quand l’embarcation atteignit le rivage, une jeune femme et son jeune bébé furent débarqués et laissés seuls, alors que l’équipage regagnait le large. William courut à la rencontre de la femme esseulée sans jamais la retrouver, comme si les portes d’un lointain passé s’étaient subitement refermées. De retour de voyage, il entreprit des recherches pour découvrir que pendant le Grand Dérangement, une jeune Acadienne déportée avec toutes les femmes et les enfants de son village fomenta une révolte à bord d’un navire anglais. Mais sa tentative héroïque échoua et elle fut abandonnée seule avec son enfant sur l’île Brion en guise de châtiment. Poussé par un étrange désir de mener plus avant son investigation, William en viendra à lever le voile sur une incroyable destinée.

Uncommon Carriers

by John Mcphee

What John McPhee's books all have in common is that they are about real people in real places. Here, at his adventurous best, he is out and about with people who work in freight transportation. Over the past eight years, John McPhee has spent considerable time in the company of people who work in freight transportation. Uncommon Carriers is his sketchbook of them and of his journeys with them. He rides from Atlanta to Tacoma alongside Don Ainsworth, owner and operator of a sixty-five-foot, eighteen-wheel chemical tanker carrying hazmats. McPhee attends ship-handling school on a pond in the foothills of the French Alps, where, for a tuition of $15,000 a week, skippers of the largest ocean ships refine their capabilities in twenty-foot scale models. He goes up the "tight-assed" Illinois River on a "towboat" pushing a triple string of barges, the overall vessel being "a good deal longer than the Titanic." And he travels by canoe up the canal-and-lock commercial waterways traveled by Henry David Thoreau and his brother, John, in a homemade skiff in 1839. Uncommon Carriers is classic work by McPhee, in prose distinguished, as always, by its author's warm humor, keen insight, and rich sense of human character.

Vers un Pays-Lumiere

by Bruce W. Powe

B.W. Powe’s visionary work of political philosophy dares to re-imagine Canada. First conceived in 1993, this fully revised, expanded, updated edition, complete with an inspired new introduction that considers Canada in a post-9/11 context, is a landmark book that has become a classic text for understanding the work-in-progress that is Canada. Countering George Grant’s pessimistic Lament for a Nation, which defined the intellectual climate in Canada for decades, Powe argues that our country is in fact a completely original model of what an enlightened polity might be for the 21st century. Here is a passionately inspired portrait of Canada as a communication state – a counter-nation of loose ties and subtle associations where dialogue, ideas, debate and the exchange of information is the currency that holds us lightly together. Towards a Canada of Light points to the urgent realization of a new and liberating way of what it means to be Canadian.

Arbres pour l’Algorithmique (Mathématiques et Applications #83)

by Danièle Gardy Julien Clément Brigitte Chauvin

Nous présentons ici les analyses de deux types d’arbres de recherche, chacun étant une extension des arbres binaires de recherche.

Bon Voyage! Glencoe French 1 (Florida)

by Conrad J. Schmitt Katia Brillié Lutz

Bon voyage!Clearly the best choice!Bon voyage!(Schmitt and Brillié Lutz) is a comprehensive program that encourages meaningful, practical communication by immersing your students in the language and culture of the Francophone world. The text and its complementary resources help you meet the needs of every student in your diverse classroom.Bon voyage!provides your itinerary for success with exposure to the Francophone culture; clear expectations and goals; thematic, contextualized vocabulary; useful and thematically-linked structure; progressive practice; real-life conversation; cultural readings in the target language; recycling and review; and exquisite National Geographic Society panoramas of the Francophone world.

Bon Voyage! Glencoe French 2

by Conrad J. Schmitt Katia Brillié Lutz

Bon voyage!Clearly the best choice! Bon voyage!(Schmitt and Brillié Lutz) is a comprehensive program that encourages meaningful, practical communication by immersing your students in the language and culture of the Francophone world. The text and its complementary resources help you meet the needs of every student in your diverse classroom. Level 2continues with chapters 13 and 14 from Level 1 as chapters 1 and 2. Révision A-Freviews vocabulary, conversation, and structure. Teachers have the flexiblity to review what their students require. Bon voyage!provides your itinerary for successwith exposure to the Francophone culture; clear expectations and goals; thematic, contextualized vocabulary; useful and thematically-linked structure; progressive practice; real-life conversation; cultural readings in the target language; recycling and review; and exquisiteNational Geographic Societypanoramas of the Francophone world.

Bon Voyage! Glencoe French 2 (Florida)

by Conrad J. Schmitt Katia Brillié Lutz

Bon voyage!Clearly the best choice!Bon voyage!(Schmitt and Brillié Lutz) is a comprehensive program that encourages meaningful, practical communication by immersing your students in the language and culture of the Francophone world. The text and its complementary resources help you meet the needs of every student in your diverse classroom.Level 2continues with chapters 13 and 14 from Level 1 as chapters 1 and 2.Révision A-Freviews vocabulary, conversation, and structure. Teachers have the flexiblity to review what their students require.Bon voyage!provides your itinerary for successwith exposure to the Francophone culture; clear expectations and goals; thematic, contextualized vocabulary; useful and thematically-linked structure; progressive practice; real-life conversation; cultural readings in the target language; recycling and review; and exquisiteNational Geographic Societypanoramas of the Francophone world.

Bon Voyage! Glencoe French 3

by Conrad J. Schmitt Katia Brillié Lutz

With this text, teachers can select the material they present in depth based on the abilities, needs, and interests of their students. The text is divided into eight chapters that adhere to a very general theme as indicated in the chapter title--Les voyages, La santé, etc. Each chapter contains short lessons on Culture, Conversation, Language, Review Grammar, Journalism, Advanced Grammar, and Literature.

C'est a toi! 1

by Karla Winther Fawbush Toni Theisen Dianne B. Hopen Sarah Vaillancourt

NIMAC-sourced textbook

C'est a toi! 2

by Karla Winther Fawbush Toni Theisen Dianne B. Hopen Diana Moen

NIMAC-sourced textbook

C'est a toi! 3

by Augusta Desimone Clark Richard Ladd Sarah Vaillancourt Diana Moen

NIMAC-sourced textbook

Discovering French, Nouveau! 1 Bleu

by Jean-Paul Valette Rebecca M. Valette

NIMAC-sourced textbook

Discovering French, Nouveau! 1a Bleu, Première Partie

by Jean-Paul Valette Rebecca M. Valette

NIMAC-sourced textbook

Discovering French, Nouveau! 1a Bleu, Première Partie

by Jean-Paul Valette Rebecca M. Valette

NIMAC-sourced textbook

Discovering French, Nouveau! 1b Bleu, Deuxième Partie

by Jean-Paul Valette Rebecca M. Valette

NIMAC-sourced textbook

Discovering French, Nouveau! 2 Blanc

by Jean-Paul Valette Rebecca M. Valette

NIMAC-sourced textbook

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Showing 101 through 125 of 3,426 results