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The Minority Report (Mandarin Edition)

by Philip K. Dick

Police Commissioner John Anderton finds himself at the mercy of his own crime-prevention system when the prescient precogs he's hired to stop crime before it starts peg him as a soon-to-be murderer in Philip K. Dick's masterful short story The Minority Report. This slim volume is top-bound like an office account and perfectly timed, the movie version, directed by Steven Spielberg and starring Tom Cruise, is due out this summer but whether fans will shell out the dough for a single short story that's available in various collections remains to be seen. 本书结集科幻鬼才菲利普*迪克最具代表性的九个短篇 第二代 , 冒名顶替 , 规划小组 , 少数派报告 , 战争游戏 , 啊 当个布洛贝尔人 , 死者的话 , 全面回忆 和 电子蚂蚁 菲利普*迪克以其独特的文风和光怪陆离的想象在美国科幻黄金时代独树一帜 他的短篇小说情节跌宕 很多故事的架构都勘称一绝 菲利普*迪克的小说主人公往往是困在极不寻常情镜中的小人物 他们被自己扭曲的感知误导 进退维谷 找不到出路

Pearl from the Dragon’s Mouth: Evocation of Scene and Feeling in Chinese Poetry (Michigan Monographs In Chinese Studies #67)

by Cecile C. Sun

The interplay between the external world (ching) and the poet’s inner world (ch’ing) lies at the heart of Chinese poetry, and understanding the interaction of the two is crucial to understanding this work from within its own tradition. Closely coordinating her discussions of poetry and criticism so that practice and theory become mutually enriching and illuminating, Sun offers sensitive and original readings of poems and a wealth of insights into Chinese poetics.

Rainbow Troops (Mandarin Edition)

by Andrea Hirata

Ikal is a student at the poorest village school, which is under constant threat of closure. Ikal and his friends--a group nicknamed the Rainbow Troops--face threats from every angle: skeptical government officials, greedy corporations hardly distinguishable from the colonialism they've replaced, deepening poverty and crumbling infrastructure, and their own low self-confidence.But the students also have hope. 天虹战队小学 讲述了一个励志故事 在南太平洋上 有专为穷人而建的学校 条件简陋 资源匮乏 破洞比砖瓦还多 下雨天 老师要撑着香蕉叶上课 校长要卖菜为学生买课本 天才学生每天得游过鳄鱼栖息地上学 最有艺术细胞的孩子用零成本打造狂欢节演出......但他们的老师 拒绝了"前途美好"的工作 到这里教书 没有工资 靠做针线活赚取生活费 孩子们和老师一起 为了理想向命运宣战 亲身践行那句古老的格言 "那些没把你击垮的 最终只会让你更强大 "

The Routledge Advanced Language Training Course for K-16 Non-native Chinese Teachers (Routledge Chinese Language Pedagogy)

by Hong Gang Jin Lian Xue Yusheng Yang Lan Zhao Zhou

The Routledge Advanced Language Training Course for K-16 Non-native Chinese Teachers is a content-based and thematically organized textbook designed for non-native in- and pre-service K-16 Chinese language teachers. Based on five years of field testing, the book offers an innovative approach to advanced language instruction, allowing users to further advance their language proficiency while continuing their professional development in teaching Chinese as a second or foreign language. The textbook: covers a range of up-to-date pedagogical and cultural themes provides a variety of engaging activities and exercises, allowing readers for K-16 to explore pedagogical and cultural issues in the target language with best classroom practices in mind familiarises users with authentic forms of modern communication in today’s China to better engage learners is accompanied by a Companion Website with audio recordings for each lesson as well as supplementary materials and teaching resources. The Routledge Advanced Language Training Course for K-16 Non-native Chinese Teachers is an essential resource for non-native Chinese teachers and for those on TCFL teacher training programs.

Shop Talk (Mandarin Edition)

by Philip Roth

With Primo Levi, Roth discusses the stubborn core of rationality that helped the Italian chemist-writer survive the demented laboratory of Auschwitz. With Milan Kundera, he analyzes the mix of politics and sexuality that made him the most subversive writer in communist Czechoslovakia. With Edna O'Brien, he explores the circumstances that have forced generations of Irish writers into exile. Elsewhere Roth offers appreciative portraits of two friends--the writer Bernard Malamud and the painter Philip Guston--at the end of their careers, and gives us a masterful assessment of the work of Saul Bellow. 行话 是一部采访录 在这本书里 你可以读到米兰·昆德拉与捷克斯洛伐克,普里莫·莱维与奥斯威辛,爱德娜·奥布莱恩与爱尔兰,阿哈龙·阿佩尔菲尔德与布科维纳,伊凡·克里玛与布拉格,艾萨克·巴什维斯·辛格与华沙,布鲁诺·舒尔茨与波兰 以及对罗斯两位已故朋友----作家伯纳德·马拉默德和画家菲力普·古斯顿----的欣赏与刻画 书末的 重读索尔·贝娄 一文则生动地呈现了贝娄的成就 而且秉承了此书的精神 是一次同行的解读

Spiritual Parenting (Simplified Chinese)

by Michelle Anthony

Translated into Simplified Chinese!Spiritual Parenting introduces the simple but revolutionary concept that parents are, by the power of God's Spirit, to obey and depend on God in order to create an environment God can use to beckon their children to Him. It's hard enough to train kids to behave, but good behavior isn't what Jesus calls for in the Bible. He wants hearts and souls that are shaped in vibrant faith and love toward God and others. How can parents cultivate this in their children? In this book Dr. Michelle Anthony shares practical examples and biblical insight on the spiritual role of parenting.

Syntax-Phonology Interface: Argumentation from Tone Sandhi in Chinese Dialects (Routledge Studies in Chinese Linguistics)

by Hongming Zhang

This book centers on theoretical issues of phonology-syntax interface based on tone sandhi in Chinese dialects. It uses patterns in tone sandhi to study how speech should be divided into domains of various sizes or levels. Tone sandhi refers to tonal changes that occur to a sequence of adjacent syllables or words. The size of this sequence (or the domain) is determined by various factors, in particular the syntactic structure of the words and the original tones of the words. Chinese dialects offer a rich body of data on tone sandhi, and hence great evidence for examining the phonology-syntax interface, and for examining the resulting levels of domains (the prosodic hierarchy). Syntax-Phonology Interface: Argumentation from Tone Sandhi in Chinese Dialects is an extremely valuable text for graduate students and scholars in the fields of linguistics and Chinese.

A Tale Of Love And Darkness (Mandarin Edition)

by Amos Oz

It is the story of a boy growing up in the war-torn Jerusalem of the forties and fifties, in a small apartment crowded with books in twelve languages and relatives speaking nearly as many. 爱与黑暗的故事 是当今以色列最富影响力的作家阿摩司·奥兹的自传体长篇小说 一向被学界视为奥兹最优秀的作品 短短五年 便翻译成二十多种文字 曾夺得2005年"歌德文化奖" 2007年入围"国际布克奖" 小说以耶路撒冷做为主要背景 以娓娓动人的笔法向读者展示出百余年一个犹太家族的故事与民族历史 既带你走进一个犹太家庭 了解其喜怒哀乐 又使你走近一个民族 窥见其得失荣辱

Two Twelfth-Century Texts on Chinese Painting (Michigan Monographs In Chinese Studies #8)

by Robert J. Maeda

Two Twelfth-Century Texts on Chinese Painting presents two texts in translation that provide dual insight into the Painting Academy of Emperor Hui-tsung and the literati school of painting. The Shan-shui ch’un-ch’uan chi is a treatise for beginning landscape painters dated to the Hsüan-ho era. The treatise was written by Han Cho, a reputed member of the Academy, but the text was not specifically directed at Academicians. The treatise collects and orders previous writings on landscape painting; one of Han Cho’s main goals is to list all landscape definitions and their practical application in painting. Yet his view is more detached and analytical than a stereotypical Academy painter, revealing an approach reminiscent of Confucian scholarship and literati painting as well. The Hua-chi by Teng Ch’un is a history of painting that was written as a sequel to two earlier painting histories. In ten chapters, Teng Ch’un compiles facts and critical evaluations of painters from 1075 to 1167, as well as listings of selected masterpieces. Teng Ch’un provides more specific information about the Academy than Han Cho, discussing its organization and examination system, and noting that “form-likeness” and adherence to rules were leading standards for painting in the Academy. On the other hand, he thinks that painting should transmit “soul,” not just “form.” Thus, Teng Ch’un writes the history of both the establishment values of the Academy and the intellectual tendencies of the literati.

Ubik (Mandarin Edition)

by Philip K. Dick

From the stuff of space opera, Dick spins a deeply unsettling existential horror story, a nightmare you'll never be sure you've woken up from. 乔*奇普为格伦*朗西特的反超能咨询公司工作 保护人们免受通灵师和先知的心灵窥探 在一次前往月球执行任务的过程中 朗西特的行动组遭遇埋伏 朗西特身亡 行动组成员迅速将朗西特的遗体送往苏黎世的亡灵馆冰冻冷藏 并试图与他的大脑取得联系 然而 不仅没有成功联系上朗西特 行动组成员还发现 钱币,香烟等物品均在发生退转 时光似乎在往回倒流 究竟发生了什么事 这是一个让人深感不安的生存恐怖故事 一场你不知道自己是否还会醒过来的噩梦

What We Talk About When We Talk About Love (Mandarin Edition)

by Raymond Carver

In his second collection of stories, as in his first, Carver's characters are peripheral people--people without education, insight or prospects, people too unimaginative to even give up. Carver celebrates these men and women. 当我们谈论爱情时我们在谈论什么 是雷蒙德·卡佛优秀的短篇小说集 由17篇短篇小说组成 讲述了如餐馆女招待,锯木厂工人,修车工,推销员和汽车旅馆管理员等社会底层的体力劳动者的生活 这些普通人有着普通人的愿望 做着再普通不过的事情 但他们发现自己在为生存而挣扎 无法达到在常人看来并不远大的人生目标 他们的生活中充满了窘困和不如意 婚姻破裂 失业 酗酒 破产 卡佛用"极简"的遣词,冷静疏离的叙事 表现了现代社会中人的边缘性以及现代人脆弱的自我意识 本书的出版 为美国短篇小说写作注入了新的生命 并为卡佛赢得了"美国的契诃夫"的称号 使他成为美国继海明威之后受到模仿最多的作家

Will You Please Be Quiet, Please? (Mandarin Edition)

by Raymond Carver

With this, his first collection of stories, Raymond Carver breathed new life into the American short story. Carver shows us the humor and tragedy that dwell in the hearts of ordinary people; his stories are the classics of our time. 请你安静些,好吗? 是卡佛文学创作的处女作 是卡氏风格的奠基之作 为其一生的创作主旨设定了基调 同时也是其第一本具有广泛影响力的短篇小说集 它于1976年在美国甫一出版即获好评 并于1977年被题名国家图书奖 卡佛曾说过 "对大多数人而言 人生不是什么冒险 而是一股莫之能御的洪流 "在这本短篇小说集里 我们所看到的 就是这样的人生片段 它写的完全不是冒险奋战的英雄人物 而是我们身边毫不起眼却终日陷在生活琐事,人际关系难题里的小人物 卡佛以极简的文字 将生活中最不起眼的时刻写得朴实而暗含张力 他的风格影响了当今许多名家

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