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by Francois Keyser 白庆文

Book description: 内容简介 In this story of "The Junglies" the friends discover there are many other places in the world beside their home which they would like see. 在故事中 这群"丛林里的朋友"发现世上还有许多令他们向往的地方 When they realise that they cannot travel outside their home in the jungle they decide to find a way to see other places. They subsequently realise that sometimes we just need to look at things from a different perspective to appreciate what we have. 当他们意识到他们无法离家出外旅游后 他们就决定想个法子看看其他地方 他们最终领悟到有时我们更应该珍惜我们所拥有的


by Dan Alatorre Ying Cui

拉古娜----孤独的美人鱼 是本令人愉快的,有许多可爱图片的图画书 它讲述了一个孤独的小美人鱼的故事 她必须想出一个创造性的方式来营救被困海盗 通过帮助别人 她结交了新朋友 非常适合家长读给学龄前儿童 或年龄稍大的孩子读给家长 包括给家长的有关儿童趣味阅读的建议 在Facebook粉丝页下载填色画的链接等等


by Conrad Jones Snow Zhong Mcdonald

如何在90天内完成一部长篇小说—一个被成功的惊悚小说作者反复测试验证过的系统,这个作者从2008年起出版了12部小说! 康拉德是从商业投资的角度来开始写书的。这对于他来说,是职业上的转变,而不是一件附庸风雅的事。他虽然最终通过他的书得到了一份可敬的收入,但在事情的开始并不是那么简单,在这个过程中他也得到了很多艰难的教训。基于他在销售行业的不同经验以及推销他的电子书所得到的经验,康拉德对作者们解释了哪些是可行的而哪些是不可行的。刚开始的时候他没有代理,也没有出版商指导并且对他的努力表示支持,相反,他通过尝试和错误艰难地学习。

The Routledge Advanced Language Training Course for K-16 Non-native Chinese Teachers (Routledge Chinese Language Pedagogy)

by Hong Gang Jin Lian Xue Yusheng Yang Lan Zhao Zhou

The Routledge Advanced Language Training Course for K-16 Non-native Chinese Teachers is a content-based and thematically organized textbook designed for non-native in- and pre-service K-16 Chinese language teachers. Based on five years of field testing, the book offers an innovative approach to advanced language instruction, allowing users to further advance their language proficiency while continuing their professional development in teaching Chinese as a second or foreign language. The textbook: covers a range of up-to-date pedagogical and cultural themes provides a variety of engaging activities and exercises, allowing readers for K-16 to explore pedagogical and cultural issues in the target language with best classroom practices in mind familiarises users with authentic forms of modern communication in today’s China to better engage learners is accompanied by a Companion Website with audio recordings for each lesson as well as supplementary materials and teaching resources. The Routledge Advanced Language Training Course for K-16 Non-native Chinese Teachers is an essential resource for non-native Chinese teachers and for those on TCFL teacher training programs.

Syntax-Phonology Interface: Argumentation from Tone Sandhi in Chinese Dialects (Routledge Studies in Chinese Linguistics)

by Hongming Zhang

This book centers on theoretical issues of phonology-syntax interface based on tone sandhi in Chinese dialects. It uses patterns in tone sandhi to study how speech should be divided into domains of various sizes or levels. Tone sandhi refers to tonal changes that occur to a sequence of adjacent syllables or words. The size of this sequence (or the domain) is determined by various factors, in particular the syntactic structure of the words and the original tones of the words. Chinese dialects offer a rich body of data on tone sandhi, and hence great evidence for examining the phonology-syntax interface, and for examining the resulting levels of domains (the prosodic hierarchy). Syntax-Phonology Interface: Argumentation from Tone Sandhi in Chinese Dialects is an extremely valuable text for graduate students and scholars in the fields of linguistics and Chinese.

掌握比特币-开始赚取比特币的指导: New Moon (Vampyre Ser.)

by Adidas Wilson 顺宏

比特币是由名不副实的程序员或者一群程序员发明的一种加密货币和数字支付系统,名叫Satoshi Nakamoto。 它在2009年作为开源软件发布。 系统是点对点的,交易是直接在用户之间进行的,没有中间人。 这些交易由网络节点验证,并记录在称为区块链的公共分布式账本中。 由于该系统没有中央存储库或单个管理员,比特币被称为第一个分散数字货币。 比特币除了被创造为挖矿的奖励外,还可以在合法或黑市交换其他货币,产品和服务。 截至2015年2月,超过10万商户和供应商接受比特币作为付款。 根据剑桥大学2017年的研究报告,使用加密货币钱包的用户数量达到2.9-580万,其中大部分使用比特币。


by Gabriele Napolitano



by Claudio Ruggeri

这都是些简单的菜,也不算是正宗意大利菜,是我从一位,非常棒的厨师哪儿“偷”来的,她就是我的母亲。 For more informations about the author and his books visit: Blog: Facebook Page: or follow on Twitter:


by Gabriele Napolitano


Classical Chinese for Everyone: A Guide for Absolute Beginners

by Bryan W. Van Norden

In just thirteen brief, accessible chapters, this engaging little book takes "absolute beginners" from the most basic questions about the language (e.g., what does a classical Chinese character look like?) to reading and understanding selections from classical Chinese philosophical texts and Tang dynasty poetry. "An outstanding introduction to reading classical Chinese. Van Norden does a wonderful job of clearly explaining the basics of classical Chinese, and he carefully takes the reader through beautifully chosen examples from the textual tradition. An invaluable work." —Michael Puett, Harvard University

Dialogues on the Theory and Practice of Literary Translation (China Perspectives)

by Xu Jun

The book is a collection of the dialogues between Xu Jun, a well-known expert in French literary translation and eminent “Changjiang” scholar in translation studies in China, and some celebrated literary translators in contemporary China, some of whom are also literary scholars, linguists, poets, prose writers, and editors. It is a fundamental achievement of research on the literary translation in the 20th century in China, involving multiple literary types, such as novels, poetry, dramas, prose, and fairy tales; and multiple languages, such as English, French, German, Russian, Italian, Spanish, Japanese, and Sanskrit. The dialogues are centered on fundamental issues in the theory and practice of literary translation, such as re-creation in literary translation, the relationship between form and content in literary translation, the subjectivity of literary translators, literary translation standards and principles, the gains and losses in literary translation, the principles and methods of literary criticism, and so on. Those translation experts’ experience and multiple strategies not only play an active role in guiding literary translators in practice but also benefit theoretical development in literary translation. Thus, the book will contribute to worldwide translation studies and get well recognized by translation studies students, teachers, and scholars in the world. 

Introduction to Contemporary Art in China (China Perspectives)

by Lao Zhu

The book is a collection of fifteen introductory essays excerpted from the Annual of Contemporary Art in China, covering the years from 2005 to 2019, showcasing the development and changing landscapes of contemporary art in China. The Annual documents exhibitions, events, creative practices, and critical literature concerning contemporary art in China since 2005. Based on archival documentation and statistics data from these annuals, notable phenomena, events, and discourses from a given year, as well as key works and artists are reviewed in each introduction, with no ideological or market-driven undertone. The author unravels industrial and institutional factors, while also broaching important issues of abstract art, new media art and so on, and probing the historical and socio-cultural context as well. In this regard, the book offers a panorama of contemporary Chinese art and critically engages with the art scene in China, including Hongkong, Taiwan, and among the Chinese diaspora. The title will appeal to scholars, students and general readers interested in contemporary art history, art criticism, contemporary Chinese art, iconography, and contemporary art theory.

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