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Growing Up

by Sandra Osborne

During the summer months when my granddaughters were young, they would come to stay awhile with me and my husband. They called our place, ‘Grandma and Grandpa Camp.’ We baked cookies, made ice cream, went swimming, sang, danced, and generally just had fun. Since both girls liked to draw, I wrote little verses for them to illustrate. It meant that we talked about issues which were ones my kindergarten children had voiced and which I had researched to find teachable answers. My desire as with all of the children I looked after was to help give each the confidence to recognize their uniqueness and develop a thoughtful, kind, loving and happy outlook on life.

Grundlagen der Kryptographie: Einführung in die mathematischen und algorithmischen Grundlagen

by Duncan Buell

Die Kryptographie, wie sie in diesem Jahrhundert betrieben wird, ist stark mathematisch geprägt. Aber sie hat auch ihre Wurzeln in dem, was rechnerisch machbar ist.In diesem einzigartigen Lehrbuch werden die Theoreme der Mathematik gegen die Machbarkeit von Berechnungen abgewogen. Kryptografie ist etwas, das man tatsächlich "macht", kein mathematisches Spiel, über das man Theoreme beweist. Es gibt tiefgründige Mathematik; es gibt einige Theoreme, die bewiesen werden müssen; und es besteht die Notwendigkeit, die brillante Arbeit derjenigen anzuerkennen, die sich auf die Theorie konzentrieren. Auf der Ebene eines Grundstudiums sollte der Schwerpunkt jedoch zunächst darauf liegen, die Algorithmen zu kennen und zu verstehen und zu wissen, wie sie zu implementieren sind, und sich auch bewusst zu machen, dass die Algorithmen sorgfältig implementiert werden müssen, um die "einfachen" Wege zum Brechen der Kryptografie zu vermeiden. Dieser Text deckt die algorithmischen Grundlagen ab und wird durch Kernmathematik und Arithmetik ergänzt.

Grundlagen des Cloud Computing: Eine nichttechnische Einführung

by Anders Lisdorf

Unabhängig davon, wo sich Ihr Unternehmen auf dem Weg in die Cloud befindet, ist der Wechsel in die Cloud in den kommenden Jahren unvermeidlich. Die Cloud wird kommen und bleiben, und jetzt ist der beste Zeitpunkt, um optimale Strategien zu entwickeln, um die Vorteile zu nutzen und die Risiken zu minimieren. Cloud Computing Basics ist der praktische, leicht zugängliche Einstiegspunkt, den Sie gesucht haben.Sie erhalten eine Einführung in die Grundlagen des Cloud Computing und in alle fünf großen Cloud-Plattformen. Der Autor Anders Lisdorf stellt sicher, dass Sie sich ein grundlegendes Cloud-Vokabular aneignen und lernen, wie Sie die von den verschiedenen Anbietern verwendeten Fachbegriffe übersetzen können. Die Nutzung der wirtschaftlichen und sicherheitstechnischen Vorteile, die die Cloud bietet, kann für jedes Unternehmen sehr unterschiedlich aussehen, und Lisdorf nutzt sein Fachwissen, um Ihnen zu helfen, Ihre Strategie entsprechend anzupassen.Grundlagen des Cloud Computing ist dazu da, Ihr Unternehmen in die Zukunft zu führen. Ganz gleich, ob Sie ein Anfänger auf diesem Gebiet sind oder eine technische Führungskraft, die den Wandel in Ihrem Unternehmen ankurbelt - dieses Buch bietet wichtige Einblicke in die Einführung der Cloud und ihre Vorteile für unser modernes digitales Zeitalter. Lassen Sie sich nicht abhängen und legen Sie sich die Grundlagen des Cloud Computing noch heute in Ihr Bücherregal.Was Sie lernen werdenVerstehen, was die Cloud ist und wie sie sich von herkömmlichen On-Premise-Lösungen unterscheidetSie erwerben ein grundlegendes Cloud-Vokabular und lernen, wie Sie es mit den Begriffen der verschiedenen Anbieter vergleichenSie kennen die wichtigsten Komponenten der Cloud und wissen, wie sie genutzt werdenSie kennen die Anbieter auf dem Cloud-Markt, ihre Stärken und Schwächen und wissen, was Sie von ihnen erwarten können.die optimale Cloud-Lösung auf den Unternehmenskontext abstimmenUntersuchung verschiedener Ansätze zur Cloud-Einführung und der Kontexte, in denen sie geeignet sind, damit Sie bestimmen können, wie Ihr Unternehmen den größten Nutzen aus der Cloud ziehen kannFür wen ist dieses Buch gedacht?Ein allgemeines Geschäftspublikum, das sich über die Grundlagen des Cloud Computing informieren möchte, um fundierte Gespräche mit technischen Fachleuten und Anbietern führen zu können. Das Buch richtet sich an alle, die ein tieferes Verständnis dafür entwickeln möchten, was die Cloud ist, woher sie kommt und wie sie sich in Zukunft auf jedes Unternehmen auswirken wird. Ein Grundverständnis der Informationstechnologie ist hilfreich, aber nicht erforderlich.

Grundlagen des Werbemanagements: Konzeption – Werbeträger – Evaluation

by Michael Kleinjohann

Dieses Lehrbuch bietet einen grundlegenden Überblick über die wichtigsten Planungsaspekte, Werbeträger und -instrumente sowie über das strategische Management und Controlling von Werbekommunikation. Der Autor erklärt die organisatorische Einbettung des Werbemanagements bei werbungtreibenden Unternehmen und Agenturen sowie den gesamten Markt der physischen und digitalen Werbeträger. Von der Markt-, Zielgruppen- und Zielanalyse, über Briefing, Budgetierung, Konzeption und Kreation bis hin zum Controlling des Werbeerfolgs deckt er alle entscheidenden Phasen ab – grundlegend und einführend erklärt.Zahlreiche Beispiele und Tipps aus der Praxis sichern den aktuellen Praxisbezug; Lernziele und Wissenschecks nach jedem Kapitel sorgen für einen nachhaltigen Lernerfolg.

Grundsätze ordnungsgemäßer Kostenprüfung bei öffentlichen Aufträgen und Zuwendungen (Schriften zu Wirtschaftsprüfung, Steuerlehre und Controlling)

by Tim Hinz

In den Anwendungsfeldern, in denen Prüfungen verbindlich vorgeschrieben sind, bestimmen gesetzliche Vorschriften regelmäßig nur die Art der Prüfung, nicht aber den Umfang oder die genaue Prüfungsdurchführung. Um in solchen Fällen die Zuverlässigkeit komplexer Prüfungen zu gewährleisten, haben sich in einigen Anwendungsbereichen Grundsätze herausgebildet. Diese Grundsätze erläutern die Prüfungsziele, legen allgemeine Prüfungsgrundsätze fest und geben damit den Verantwortlichen eine Orientierung für die ordnungsgemäße Prüfungsdurchführung. Trotz der erheblichen Bedeutung, die der Kostenrechnung in vielen Bereichen zukommt, sind vergleichbare Grundsätze für diesen Anwendungsbereich bisher jedoch weitgehend ausgeblieben. Dieses Buch stellt erstmals das aktuelle Vorgehen bei der Kostenprüfung öffentlicher Aufträge und der Prüfung von Zuwendungen auf Kostenbasis dar und zeigt Grundsätze sowie methodische Ansätze auf, die zukünftig zu einer optimierten Prüfung beitragen können. Die gewonnenen Erkenntnisse und methodischen Ansätze leisten somit einen wichtigen Beitrag zur Verbesserung der Prüfungspraxis.

Grupo Hucow

by Hayden Ash

Esta pequeña e inexperta mocosa está a punto de someterse a un procedimiento médico controvertido. Se requerirán diez MÉDICOS AFINES A LA CAUSA para ayudarla a superarlo. Pese a que son demasiado grandes para ella, nada los detendrá… Ellos COLMARÁN sus necesidades. Ella SACIARÁ su hambre de la forma más TABÚ ;)

Gruppenerleben als Ressource: Einladung zum Perspektivenwechsel in Gruppenpsychotherapie und -selbsterfahrung (Psychotherapie: Praxis)

by Volker Münch

Dieses Fachbuch für Psychotherapeuten und Gruppentherapeuten regt den Leser, die Leserin entlang des eigenen Lebenslaufs an, eigene Gruppenerfahrungen neu zu reflektieren – und diese Einsichten in Beziehung zu Therapieprozessen zu setzen. Psychisches Leben und persönliche Entwicklung entsteht immer in Netzwerken. Analytische Gruppentherapie nutzt dies und macht psychische Vorgänge sichtbar, die in Einzelbehandlungen zu oft unklar bleiben. Unser Bild der psychischen Entwicklung des Menschen wandelt sich angesichts neurowissenschaftlicher Erkenntnisse und vor dem Hintergrund komplexer gesellschaftlicher Herausforderungen unserer Zeit in ein Bild des Menschen als Social Animal. Wir sehen einen Aufschwung für die Gruppentherapie und eine Öffnung gegenüber Theorien, die unsere gegenseitige Abhängigkeit in einem positiven Sinn betonen. Zusammengehörigkeit und Solidarität können so gemeinschaftlich eingeübt werden und transformatorische Kraft für Veränderung beim Einzelnen, aber auch für dieGesellschaft entfalten. Viele lebensnahe Beispiele vor allem aus therapeutischen Gruppen illustrieren dies. Geschrieben für:Psychotherapeut*innen, Gruppenpsychotherapeut*innen, Gruppenleiter*innen im medizinischen und sozialen Bereich.Über den Autor: Dipl. Psych. Volker Münch, Psychologischer Psychotherapeut in eigener Praxis in München. Lehranalytiker, Supervisor und Dozent an der MAP, München. Veröffentlichungen zu den Themen Therapeutische Haltung, Digitalisierung, Krise in der Lebensmitte.

The Guardians: Winning at Any Cost

by Edward Kendrick

Companion story to A Shattered LifeTwo men, bitter enemies.One is Roger Nielson. He works security for Phoenix Rising under the auspices of Greg Merrick. He also has a second job, working for a covert organization run by the Old Man. Its mandate is to help those who in need of its services. Roger is gay and often uses the fact effectively to get close to those who have to be eliminated.The second man is Rico Ferranti. Straight as an arrow, he earned Roger's hatred when they worked a job together while he was undercover for the DEA, although Roger didn't know he was. In the process, Rico's showboating almost caused Roger's death.They are brought together again when a gangster Greg helped put in prison is released and comes after him. With the help of Giuli Salvaggi, who also works for Greg, they are able to deal with the man -- permanently. In the aftermath, Roger suggests he wouldn't mind screwing Rico for tension release and Rico explodes. In the back of his mind, however, he wonders what it would be like.Then, Robin Seawood, who works for the Old Man, recruits both Giuli and Rico into the operation, much to Roger's consternation.From there, things explode when the trio is given the job of stopping the head of a Mafia family deep into drug dealing. When Roger is almost beaten to death in the process, Rico must come to terms with his feelings for the man while helping him recover.Can two opposites become friends ... and more? Only time will tell.NOTE: This was previously published but has been re-written and re-edited.

Guarding Colton's Secrets (The Coltons of Owl Creek #5)

by Addison Fox

It&’s all strictly business Until she falls in love Security consultant Sloan Presley goes undercover as Chase Colton&’s girlfriend because she&’s trying to find an embezzler—and definitely not because of his gorgeous green eyes. Sloan knows that her relationship with the CEO is a temporary ruse, but the electricity that surges between them feels alarmingly real. She&’s not sorry when she learns that the Colton family has enough dangerous secrets to keep her in Owl Creek for a while…From Harlequin Romantic Suspense: Danger. Passion. Drama.Feel the excitement in these uplifting romances, part of The Coltons of Owl Creek series:Book 1: Colton Threat Unleashed by Tara Taylor QuinnBook 2: Colton's Dangerous Cover by Lisa ChildsBook 3: Colton's Secret Stalker by Kimberly Van MeterBook 4: Colton Mountain Search by Karen WhiddonBook 5: Guarding Colton's Secrets by Addison FoxBook 6: A Colton Kidnapping by Justine DavisBook 7: Colton's Blizzard Hideout by Deborah Fletcher MelloBook 8: Hunting Colton's Witness by Anna J. Stewart

La Guarida en Hogg Run: Una criatura Característica Terror Suspenso (La Saga de Lorestalker (Español) - nº 4 #4)

by J. P. Barnett

Gritos misteriosos y sombras aterradoras rondan los bosques del Este de Texas— terrores nacidos de secretos mortales. > FINALISTA: Feathered Quill Book Awards 2021: Misterio/Thriller/Suspenso/Terror > TOP 5 FINALISTA: The Kindle Book Review 2021: Terror/Suspenso "...una excelente obra de ficción de terror y suspenso... Me encantó el diálogo y el ambiente del Este de Texas... definitivamente recomiendo La Guarida en Hogg Run a los fans del terror que busquen una experiencia totalmente envolvente y escalofriante." ~ Opiniones de Readers' Favorite Book, K.C. Finn (5 ESTRELLAS) No es nada incómodo cuando te obligan a pasar unas vacaciones familiares con tu nueva madrastra y su hija pequeña. A regañadientes, Macy Donner acepta para complacer a su padre. ¿Pero acampar? Peor aún. Acosada por un clima inquietante, cortes de electricidad y sombras corpulentas anunciadas por gritos aterradores desde la oscuridad, Macy se da cuenta de que ella es su única esperanza de sobrevivir—una esperanza muy mínima, en el mejor de los casos. Aunque ha aprendido un par de cosas de sus amigos cazadores de monstruos, no está preparada para los terrores de la casa cercana encantada y abandonada, ni para sus secretos enterrados desde hace mucho tiempo—secretos que quieren matarla. "Los temas del amor y la unión familiar, aunque poco frecuentes en las historias de terror, predominan en el argumento. Con monstruos fantásticos y de la vida real, secuencias de persecución llenas de suspenso y una valiente protagonista, La Guarida en Hogg Run es una auténtica delicia para los aficionados al género de terror." ~ Opiniones de Readers' Favorite Book Reviews, Shrabastee Chakraborty (5 ESTRELLAS) EVOLVED PUBLISHING PRESENTA el cuarto libro de la aclamada saga de historias de terror, ganadora de múltiples premios, "Lorestalker", protagonizada por c

Gudetama Cross-Stitch: 30 Easy-to-Follow Patterns from Your Favorite Lazy Egg

by Sosae Caetano Dennis Caetano

Gudetama Cross-Stitch combines cross-stitching fun with 30 easy-to-follow patterns inspired by everyone's favorite lazy egg with the can't-be-bothered attitude. Gudetama&’s name literally translates to &“lazy egg,&” and it&’s how we all feel sometimes when it comes to, well, pretty much anything. But if you&’re the kind of person who doesn&’t have time for complicated crafts or dealing with other people, then this collection of 30 Gudetama-inspired designs are just for you. First, you&’ll learn cross-stitching basics including tools and techniques and how to read a cross-stitch chart. Then you&’ll apply your new skills to a range of hilarious and lovable patterns organized into chapters like Lazy, Medium-Lazy, and Pay Attention—depending on how sluggish or motivated you&’re feeling. Finally, you&’ll be able to apply your masterpieces to projects like gift tags, greeting cards, and ornaments. Whether you&’re an experienced cross-stitcher or new to the craft, you&’ll find a variety of poses and patterns in this book that are accessible and easy to learn. With a little patience and practice, anyone can bring these Gudetama-inspired masterpieces to life. And if not, just take a nap.

A Guide to Compassionate Healthcare: How to Develop Resilience and Wellbeing in Today’s Stressful Environment

by Claire Chambers

A Guide to Compassionate Health care looks at how to maintain wellbeing in today’s challenging healthcare environments, enabling practitioners to make a positive difference to the care environment whilst providing compassionate care to patients.

A Guide to Global Language Assessment: A Lifespan Approach

by Mellissa Bortz

For decades, the speech-language therapy profession has expressed the need for the development of language assessment materials in languages other than English for children and adults. A Guide to Global Language Assessment: A Lifespan Approach aims to meet this need by providing comprehensive information about how to assess the language of bi- and multilingual and culturally diverse clients across the world.Featuring the viewpoints of contributors from around the world, A Guide to Global Language Assessment also boasts a complete database of available global language assessments.What’s included in A Guide to Global Language Assessment: Case studies, assessment frameworks, and resources for conducting global language assessments for culturally and linguistically diverse populations An array of language assessment methods across a continuum such as ethnographic and dynamic assessments, narratives, and standardized language assessment Methods for developing local norms A Guide to Global Language Assessment: A Lifespan Approach is an essential tool for empowering current and future speech-language therapists, professors, and researchers to address global language assessment across the lifespan.

Guide to the Healthcare Industry (SAGE Works)

by Karen Pellegrin

Healthcare′s advancements are undeniable, but delivering good value remains a challenge. Costs rise while quality improvements lag, leading some to call for removing business from healthcare entirely. This book offers a different perspective, inviting students and professionals to consider the potential of evidence-based business practices to improve healthcare and reduce costs. This engaging guide explores the unique complexities of the healthcare industry, highlighting why it′s ripe for disruption through innovative business solutions. By delving into how traditional models might not fit healthcare perfectly, the book paves the way for understanding how better business practices can unlock the potential for higher quality care at a lower cost.

Guide to the Healthcare Industry (SAGE Works)

by Karen Pellegrin

Healthcare′s advancements are undeniable, but delivering good value remains a challenge. Costs rise while quality improvements lag, leading some to call for removing business from healthcare entirely. This book offers a different perspective, inviting students and professionals to consider the potential of evidence-based business practices to improve healthcare and reduce costs. This engaging guide explores the unique complexities of the healthcare industry, highlighting why it′s ripe for disruption through innovative business solutions. By delving into how traditional models might not fit healthcare perfectly, the book paves the way for understanding how better business practices can unlock the potential for higher quality care at a lower cost.

The Guide to the Perplexed: A New Translation

by Moses Maimonides

A landmark new translation of the most significant text in medieval Jewish thought. Written in Arabic and completed around 1190, the Guide to the Perplexed is among the most powerful and influential living texts in Jewish philosophy, a masterwork navigating the straits between religion and science, logic and revelation. The author, Rabbi Moses ben Maimon, commonly known as Maimonides or as Rambam, was a Sephardi Jewish philosopher, jurist, and physician. He wrote his Guide in the form of a letter to a disciple. But the perplexity it aimed to cure might strike anyone who sought to square logic, mathematics, and the sciences with biblical and rabbinic traditions. In this new translation by philosopher Lenn E. Goodman and historian Phillip I. Lieberman, Maimonides' warm, conversational voice and clear explanatory language come through as never before in English. Maimonides knew well the challenges facing serious inquirers at the confluence of the two great streams of thought and learning that Arabic writers labeled 'aql and naql, reason and tradition. The aim of the Guide, he wrote, is to probe the mysteries of physics and metaphysics. But mysteries, to Maimonides, were not conundrums to be celebrated for their obscurity. They were problems to be solved. Maimonides' methods and insights resonate throughout the work of later Jewish thinkers, rationalists, and mystics, and in the work of philosophers like Thomas Aquinas, Spinoza, Leibniz, and Newton. The Guide continues to inspire inquiry, discovery, and vigorous debate among philosophers, theologians, and lay readers today. Goodman and Lieberman's extensive and detailed commentary provides readers with historical context and philosophical enlightenment, giving generous access to the nuances, complexities, and profundities of what is widely agreed to be the most significant textual monument of medieval Jewish thought, a work that still offers a key to those who hope to harmonize religious commitments and scientific understanding.

A Guide to The Guide to the Perplexed: A Reader’s Companion to Maimonides’ Masterwork

by Lenn Goodman

In this volume, noted philosopher Lenn E. Goodman shares the insights gained over a lifetime of pondering the meaning and purpose of Maimonides' celebrated Guide to the Perplexed. Written in the late twelfth century, Maimonides' Guide aims to help religiously committed readers who are alive to the challenges posed by reason and the natural sciences to biblical and rabbinic tradition. Keyed to the new translation and commentary by Lenn E. Goodman and Phillip I. Lieberman, this volume follows Maimonides' life and learning and delves into the text of the Guide, clearly explaining just what Maimonides means by identifying the Talmudic Ma'aseh Bereshit and Ma'aseh Merkavah with physics and metaphysics (to Maimonides, biblical cosmology and theology). Exploring Maimonides' treatments of revelation, religious practice and experience, law and ritual, the problem of evil, and the rational purposes of the commandments, this guide to the Guide explains the tactics Maimonides deployed to ensure that readers not get in over their heads when venturing into philosophical deep waters.

Guiding God's Marriage: Faith and Social Change in Premarital Counseling

by Courtney Ann Irby

Examines how religious leaders use premarital counseling to influence how we view intimacyIt is well-known that the institution of marriage has changed dramatically in the past few decades. However, very little research has focused on the role of religious institutions in helping couples form and maintain their relationships.Guiding God’s Marriage offers an examination of Christian marriage preparation programs, exploring their efforts to stabilize the institution of marriage and highlighting the tension between individualism and community in people’s relational lives. Marriage preparation programs offer a useful lens through which to trace shifts in both religious and family institutions because they set out clear and intentional articulations of marriage ideologies and gendered relationship scripts by faith communities. By documenting the changes in content and practices of Christian premarital education along with its advice regarding what makes a good marriage, the book charts the ways that religious communities have been transformed by and have helped to contribute to the individualization of faith and relationships.Featuring archival research as well as first hand observations of four marriage preparation courses—two Protestant and two Catholic—along with seventy interviews with participating couples and leaders of these and other programs, the book offers a rare view of visions about how to realize a successful and faith-filled relationship. This examination of marriage classes offers key insight into how religious communities have responded to cultural changes in marriage, gender, sexuality, and intimacy.

Guinea Bissau: Further Improvements in Tax Compliance

by Figueiredo

A report from the International Monetary Fund.

Gun Control in Context: Learning from the Australian Gun Control Experience

by Suzanna Fay

This book approaches the gun control debate by asking what it takes to achieve acceptance of, and compliance with, gun control regulations in a community thought to be opposed and resistant. It does this by centring this question on the experience of gun dealers who occupy a dual role in the compliance process – subject to its regulations, yet central to the application of all regulatory processes. The findings are surprising in that they demonstrate more support for gun control than opposition among this group, more willingness to cooperate with authorities than resistance, and more possibility for setting the tone for support with the wider gun owning community. This book considers how policy makers in the USA can capitalise on these overtones of collaboration and concern for public safety and learn from the successes and mistakes of the Australian gun control experience.Gun Control in Context is essential reading for all those engaged across the broad spectrum of the gun control debate and offers a grounded and reasoned approach to the challenges of public policy. It will be of interest to criminologists, legal scholars, and political scientists alike.

The Guncle Abroad (THE GUNCLE #2)

by Steven Rowley

An Indie Next PickPatrick O'Hara is called back to his guncle duties . . . This time for a big family wedding in Italy.Patrick O&’Hara is back. It&’s been five years since his summer as his niece Maisie and nephew Grant&’s caretaker after their mother&’s passing. The kids are back in Connecticut with their dad, and Patrick has relocated to New York to remain close by and relaunch his dormant acting career. After the run of his second successful sit-com comes to a close, Patrick feels on top of the world . . . professionally. But some things have had to take a back seat. Looking down both barrels at fifty, Patrick is single again after breaking things off with Emory. But at least he has a family to lean on. Until that family needs to again lean on him.When Patrick's brother, Greg, announces he&’s getting remarried in Italy, Maisie and Grant are not thrilled. Patrick feels drawn to take the two back under his wing. As they travel through Europe on their way to the wedding, Patrick tries his best to help them understand love, much as he once helped them comprehend grief. But when they arrive in Italy, Patrick is overextended managing a groom with cold feet; his sister, Clara, flirting with guests left and right; a growing rivalry with the kids&’ charming soon-to-be-launt (lesbian aunt), and two moody young teens trying to adjust to a new normal, all culminating in a disastrous rehearsal dinner.Can Patrick save the day? Will teaching the kids about love help him repair his own love life? Can the change of scenery help Patrick come to terms with finally growing up? Gracing the page with his signature blend of humor and heart, Steven Rowley charms with a beloved story about the complicated bonds of family, love, and what it takes to rediscover yourself, even at the ripe age of fifty.

Había una vez un Crimen

by Alan Brenham

¿Qué pasa si un depredador se convierte en la presa? ¿Qué pasa si un cazador tiene ojos en tu hijo? En un juego retorcido del gato y el ratón, la detective Madison Chase debe burlar a una asesina en serie que apunta a los delincuentes sexuales, antes de que su propia hija se convierta en la próxima víctima. Octubre en Fort Worth adquiere un tono siniestro para Penny Grimes. No es solo una justiciera; es una verdugo poética, dejando a pedófilos sin cabeza como sus horribles tarjetas de visita. Cada escena del crimen está adornada con una rima escalofriante, burlándose de la policía y, en particular, acosando a la veterana detective de homicidios Madison Chase. Pero Penny tiene una agenda más oscura. Ha puesto su mirada en la hija de Chase, Emily, una rubia de cuatro años de ojos azules que es la imagen viva del niño que Penny siempre ha anhelado. Sin que Chase lo sepa, mientras ella sigue la pista de la asesina en serie más escurridiza de Fort Worth, Penny está planeando secuestrar a Emily. Para despistar a Chase, Penny la incrimina magistralmente por uno de los asesinatos. Ahora, Chase no solo está luchando para resolver el caso; está luchando para limpiar su nombre y proteger a su hija de las garras de una depredadora trastornada. En una carrera de pulso contra el tiempo, Madison Chase debe recorrer un laberinto de engaño, venganza y motivos oscuros. ¿Puede detener a la asesina más mortífera de Fort Worth antes de que su familia sea destrozada para siempre? Las apuestas nunca han sido más altas

Hadamard Products of Projective Varieties (Frontiers in Mathematics)

by Cristiano Bocci Enrico Carlini

This monograph deals with the Hadamard products of algebraic varieties. A typical subject of study in Algebraic Geometry are varieties constructed from other geometrical objects. The most well-known example is constituted by the secant varieties, which are obtained through the construction of the join of two algebraic varieties, which, in turn, is based on the operation of summing two vectors. However, other constructions are possible through a change of the basic operation. One remarkable case is based on the Hadamard product of two vectors. While secant varieties of algebraic varieties have been studied extensively and systematically, the same is not yet true for the Hadamard products of algebraic varieties. This monograph aims to bridge this gap in the literature.The topic is presented in a self-contained manner, and it is accessible to all readers with sound knowledge of Commutative Algebra and Algebraic Geometry. Both experienced researchers and students can profit from this monograph, which will guide them through the subject. The foundational aspects of the Hadamard products of algebraic varieties are covered and some connections both within and outside Algebraic Geometry are presented. The theoretical and algorithmic aspects of the subject are considered to demonstrate the effectiveness of the results presented. Thus, this monograph will also be useful to researchers in other fields, such as Algebraic Statistics, since it provides several algebraic and geometric results on such products.

Hair Loss and Restoration

by Jerry Shapiro

This new edition of an established resource provides an extensive look at the practical management, both medical and surgical, of all forms of hair loss. Proper examination of the patient with hair loss is discussed in depth, as is androgenetic alopecia, the most common cause of hair loss. The autoimmune disease alopecia areata is examined comprehensively, including its pathogenesis, clinical features, differential diagnosis, and treatment. This edition also covers the latest developments in the diagnosis and treatment of the disease, along with hair restoration surgery.This compact and easy-to-read book remains a valuable resource for professional training and use.‘This book… has added value to my aesthetic practice and … allowed me to be better for my patients’ —PMFA, of the second editionKey Features: Presents an authoritative guide for diagnosis and treatment Offers the dermatologist and plastic surgeon a comprehensive survey of the possible options and results Remains the established leader in the topic

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