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The Last Panda (Signo Mas Ser.)

by George B. Schaller

Dependent on a shrinking supply of bamboo, hunted mercilessly for its pelt, and hostage to profiteering schemes once in captivity, the panda is on the brink of extinction. Here, acclaimed naturalist George Schaller uses his great evocative powers, and the insight gained by four and a half years in the forests of the Wolong and Tangjiahe panda reserves, to document the plight of these mysterious creatures and to awaken the human compassion urgently needed to save them. "No scientist is better at letting the rest of us in on just how the natural world works; no poet sees the world with greater clarity or writes about it with more grace. . . . Anyone who genuinely cares for wildlife cannot help being grateful to Schaller—both for his efforts to understand the panda and for the candor with which he reports what has gone so badly wrong in the struggle to save it from extinction."—Geoffrey C. Ward, New York Times Book Review "Schaller's book is a unique mix of natural history and the politics of conservation, and it makes for compelling reading. . . . Having been in giant panda country myself, I found some of the descriptions of the animals and habitats breathtaking. Schaller describes the daily routines and personalities of the giant pandas he studied (as well as their fates thereafter) as though they were his blood relatives. . . . Schaller's brilliant presentation of the complexities of conservation makes his book a milestone for the conservation movement."—Devra G. Kleiman, Washington Post Book World "George Schaller's most soulful work, written in journal style with many asides about a creature who evolved only two to three million years ago (about the same time as humans). . . . Here, conservation biology confronts an evil that grinds against hope and shatters the planet's diversity. Written with hope."—Whole Earth Catalog "A nicely crafted blend of wildlife observation and political-cultural analysis. . . . The Last Panda is a sad chronicle of our failure, so far, to stem the decline of the animal that may be the most beloved on the planet."—Donald Dale Jackson, Smithsonian

Wie künstliche Intelligenz Entscheidungen prägt: Eine Multiple-Case-Study über Entscheidungen künstlicher Intelligenz im Kontext von Unternehmen

by Christian Scharff

Viele Organisationstheorien schließen Technik aus der sozialen Welt aus. Dies wird durch lernfähige Algorithmen infrage gestellt, deren Output sich nicht vollständig auf Menschen zurückrechnen lässt. Es ist deshalb notwendig, die Beziehung von Organisation und künstlicher Intelligenz ergebnisoffen zu untersuchen und zu erklären. Das vorliegende Buch analysiert zu diesem Zweck auf Grundlage einer Multiple-Case-Study, auf welche Weise, aus welchen Gründen und mit welchen Folgen künstliche Intelligenz an den Entscheidungen von Unternehmen beteiligt ist. Es stellt sich heraus, dass die Technik als Entscheidungsträger aktiv an Organisationen teilnehmen und deren strukturelles Fundament prägen kann. Dabei handelt es sich jedoch nur um eine von drei Erscheinungsformen künstlicher Intelligenz. Inwieweit KI-Anwendungen tatsächlich Gelegenheit erhalten, Entscheidungen zu treffen, bestimmen Organisationen nach eigenen Maßgaben.

The Nonsense of Kant and Lewis Carroll: Unexpected Essays on Philosophy, Art, Life, and Death

by Ben-Ami Scharfstein

What if Immanuel Kant floated down from his transcendental heights, straight through Alice’s rabbit hole, and into the fabulous world of Lewis Carroll? For Ben-Ami Scharfstein this is a wonderfully instructive scenario and the perfect way to begin this wide-ranging collection of decades of startlingly synthesized thought. Combining a deep knowledge of psychology, cultural anthropology, art history, and the history of religions—not to mention philosophy—he demonstrates again and again the unpredictability of writing and thought and how they can teach us about our experiences. Scharfstein begins with essays on the nature of philosophy itself, moving from an autobiographical account of the trials of being a comparativist to philosophy’s function in the outside world to the fear of death in Kant and Hume. From there he explores an impressive array of art: from China and Japan to India and the West; from an essay on sadistic and masochistic body art to one on the epistemology of the deaf and the blind. He then returns to philosophy, writing on Machiavelli and political ruthlessness, then on the ineffable, and closes with a review of Walter Kaufmann’s multivolume look at the essence of humanity, Discovering the Mind. Altogether, these essays are a testament to adventurous thought, the kind that leaps to the furthest reaches of the possible.

Vom Bullshit zum Business: Praxis-Tipps zur Steigerung der Mitarbeitergewinnung, Mitarbeiterbindung, Innovationskraft und Effizienz (essentials)

by Hans-Dieter Schat

Dieses essential liefert Ihnen konkrete Ideen, praxiserprobte Erfahrungen und Checklisten, wie Sie mehr Performance in Ihrem Unternehmen rund um das Thema Mitarbeiter erreichen können. Mitarbeiter sind aktuell DAS Thema. Gute, qualifizierte, leistungsfähige und leistungsbereite Mitarbeiter finden, binden, mit ihnen Neues entwickeln und umsetzen und immer besser werden, wie geht das?Das Buch gliedert sich entlang der Reise eines Mitarbeiters durch das Unternehmen: Vom ersten Kennenlernen bei der Bewerbung über die normale Beschäftigung zu Innovation durch und mit den Beschäftigten, gerade auch mit dem Ziel höherer Effizienz. Alle Kapitel folgen der gleichen Struktur: Beschreibung des Problems, konkrete Lösung, Checklisten und andere praktisch verwendbare Materialien. Dies ist ein Buch für Praktiker.

Automotive Software Engineering: Grundlagen, Prozesse, Methoden und Werkzeuge (ATZ/MTZ-Fachbuch)

by Jörg Schäuffele Thomas Zurawka

Dieses Fachbuch enthält die Grundlagen sowie zahlreiche Anregungen und praktische Beispiele zu Prozessen, Methoden und Werkzeugen, die zur sicheren Beherrschbarkeit von elektronischen Systemen und Software im Fahrzeug beitragen. Dabei werden der AUTOSAR-Standard und die Norm ISO 26 262 durchgehend behandelt. Die aktuelle Auflage berücksichtigt Elektro- und Hybridantriebskonzepte sowie Fahrerassistenzsysteme und enthält die Grundlagen zu Produktlinien- und Variantenmanagement. Seit Anfang der 1970er Jahre ist die Entwicklung von Kraftfahrzeugen geprägt von einem rasanten Anstieg des Einsatzes von Elektronik und Software. Dieser Trend hält bis heute an und wird getrieben von steigenden Kunden- und Umweltanforderungen. Nahezu alle Funktionen des Fahrzeugs werden inzwischen elektronisch gesteuert, geregelt oder überwacht. Die Realisierung von Funktionen durch Software bietet einzigartige Freiheitsgrade beim Entwurf. In der Fahrzeugentwicklung müssen jedoch Randbedingungen wie hohe Zuverlässigkeits- und Sicherheitsanforderungen, lange Produktlebenszyklen, begrenzte Kostenrahmen, kurze Entwicklungszeit und zunehmende Variantenvielfalt berücksichtigt werden. In diesem Spannungsfeld steht Automotive Software Engineering.

Joyful Recollections of Trauma

by Paul Scheer

From award-winning actor and comedian Paul Scheer, a candid and hilarious memoir-in-essays on coming to terms with childhood trauma and finding the joy in embracing your authentic self.Paul Scheer has entertained countless fans and podcast listeners with stories about the odd, wild, and absurd details of his life. Yet these tales have pointed to deeper, more difficult truths that the actor and comedian has kept to himself. Now, he is finally ready to share those truths for the first time—but, of course, with a healthy dose of humor.Blending the confident, affable voice that has won him a dedicated following with a refreshing level of candor, Joyful Recollections of Trauma chronicles Paul’s often shocking, admittedly tumultuous childhood and how the experiences of his youth have reverberated throughout his life. In his comedy, Paul has always been unafraid to “go there,” to play naïve, cringeworthy characters, imbuing them with disarming charm and humanity. That daring openness is on display in the pages of this memoir, but in true Paul fashion, it is also surprising, eye-opening, and side-splitting.In this madcap journey through the inner working of his mind and creative process, Paul Scheer demonstrates once again that the truth is often stranger—and funnier—than fiction. Joyful Recollections of Trauma offers a unique perspective on universal themes: growing up, working through a challenging childhood, staying true to yourself, and finding success, fulfillment, and happiness in often strange and difficult circumstances. Throughout, Paul shares both the hard-fought lessons and the laughter that can be found in the darkest parts of life, and reminds us that what matters is not what you’ve been through but who you are becoming. If you loved recent memoirs by Molly Shannon, Maria Bamford, RuPaul, and Jennette McCurdy—or any book that moves you to both laughter and tears—Joyful Recollections of Trauma is the perfect read for you.

A Contagious Cause: The American Hunt for Cancer Viruses and the Rise of Molecular Medicine

by Robin Wolfe Scheffler

Is cancer a contagious disease? In the late nineteenth century this idea, and attending efforts to identify a cancer “germ,” inspired fear and ignited controversy. Yet speculation that cancer might be contagious also contained a kernel of hope that the strategies used against infectious diseases, especially vaccination, might be able to subdue this dread disease. Today, nearly one in six cancers are thought to have an infectious cause, but the path to that understanding was twisting and turbulent. ?A Contagious Cause is the first book to trace the century-long hunt for a human cancer virus in America, an effort whose scale exceeded that of the Human Genome Project. The government’s campaign merged the worlds of molecular biology, public health, and military planning in the name of translating laboratory discoveries into useful medical therapies. However, its expansion into biomedical research sparked fierce conflict. Many biologists dismissed the suggestion that research should be planned and the idea of curing cancer by a vaccine or any other means as unrealistic, if not dangerous. Although the American hunt was ultimately fruitless, this effort nonetheless profoundly shaped our understanding of life at its most fundamental levels. A Contagious Cause links laboratory and legislature as has rarely been done before, creating a new chapter in the histories of science and American politics.

Better Single Than Sorry: A No-Regrets Guide to Loving Yourself and Never Settling

by Jen Schefft

Let's be honest. No woman really wants to be alone for the rest of her life. But does being alone mean you're doomed to be miserable forever? Definitely not! And does being single have to equal lonely? No way! You can have the best time of your life when you're single, but you wouldn't know that from our relationship obsessed society, where celebrity magazines devote the majority of their content to who's dating whom and the wedding industry is a $100-billion business. Yet more than a third of marriages end in divorce, and countless other couples languish in unions that shouldn't have happened in the first place.Don't become a statistic—love yourself and never settle!Jen Schefft knows that better than almost anyone. In 2003, she got engaged in front of millions of people on television's The Bachelor, only to see it end nine months later when the relationship just wasn't right anymore. A year later, she turned down an engagement on The Bachelorette, and the backlash was relentless. She was labeled a "spinster" by a celebrity magazine, and a noted national talk-show host remarked that she would be "a bachelorette for the rest of her life."This is a terrible message to send to the millions of sensational single women out there, and in Better Single Than Sorry Schefft makes it her mission to let women know that it's better to be single than to be in a relationship that doesn't make you happy. With testimonials from women of all ages—single, married, in committed relationships, with children (even single moms) and without—this book tells you how to let go of your fear of being alone and how to love yourself and never settle for a relationship that is anything less than you deserve.Written in a conversational style, as if talking with your best friend, Schefft helps you navigate the pressures of a culture that places an unhealthy importance on being in a relationship and shows you how to find happiness in work, home, and the simple pleasures of everyday life. Above all, she shows you how it's far, far better to be single than sorry. Being single is a time to have fun, learn new things, grow, and blossom—not a time to feel desperate or depressed, so cherish it!

The Class of Football: Words of Hard-Earned Wisdom from Legends of the Gridiron

by Adam Schefter

Insightful, poignant, inspiring, and witty, The Class of Football is a heartfelt collection of hard-earned wisdom and life's lessons from the Hall-of-Fame induction speeches of the NFL's all-time greatest players.Compiled in conjunction with the Pro Football Hall of Fame, The Class of Football brings together sage advice from legends of the game whose knowledge, leadership, experience, and athletic prowess made them heroes on and off the field. George Halas speaks on history, Alan Page on justice, Gale Sayers on perseverance, John Madden on passion, Steve Largent on mentors, Mike Singletary on childhood, Michael Irvin on family, Marv Levy on philosophy, and Willie Davis and the rest of the great Green Bay Packers on Vince Lombardi. Each Hall of Famer reflects on his life and career and, even more important, addresses how and why he was able to arrive, once and for all, in Canton, Ohio. Motivating and gripping, these wise words from nearly five decades of Hall-of-Fame history will live on long after the cheering.

A Fireproof Home for the Bride: A Novel

by Amy Scheibe

Emmaline Nelson and her sister Birdie grow up in the hard, cold rural Lutheran world of strict parents, strict milking times, and strict morals. Marriage is preordained, the groom practically predestined. Though it's 1958, southern Minnesota did not see changing roles for women on the horizon. Caught in a time bubble between a world war and the ferment of the 1960's, Emmy doesn't see that she has any say in her life, any choices at all. Only when Emmy's fiancé shows his true colors and forces himself on her does she find the courage to act—falling instead for a forbidden Catholic boy, a boy whose family seems warm and encouraging after the sere Nelson farm life. Not only moving to town and breaking free from her engagement but getting a job on the local newspaper begins to open Emmy's eyes. She discovers that the KKK is not only active in the Midwest but that her family is involved, and her sense of the firm rules she grew up under—and their effect—changes completely. Amy Scheibe's A FIREPROOF HOME FOR THE BRIDE has the charm of detail that will drop readers into its time and place: the home economics class lecture on cuts of meat, the group date to the diner, the small-town movie theater popcorn for a penny. It also has a love story—the wrong love giving way to the right—and most of all the pull of a great main character whose self-discovery sweeps the plot forward.

Fantasmic Objects: Art and Sociality from Lebanon, 1920–1950 (Public Cultures Of The Middle East And North Africa Ser.)

by Kirsten L. Scheid

In Lebanon, the study of modern art—rather than power or hierarchy—has compelled citizens to confront how they define themselves as a postcolonial nation.In Fantasmic Objects, Kirsten L. Scheid offers a striking study of both modern art in Lebanon and modern Lebanon through art. By focusing on the careers of Moustapha Farrouk and Omar Onsi, forefathers of an iconic national repertoire, and their rebellious student Saloua Raouda Choucair, founder of an antirepresentational, participatory art, Scheid traces an emerging sense of what it means to be Lebanese through the evolution of new exhibition, pedagogical, and art-writing practices. She reveals that art and artists helped found the nation during French occupation, as the formal qualities and international exhibitions of nudes and landscapes in the 1930s crystallized notions of modern masculinity, patriotic femininity, non-sectarian religiosity, and citizenship. Examining the efforts of painters, sculptors, and activists in Lebanon who fiercely upheld aesthetic development and battled for new forms of political being, Fantasmic Objects offers an insightful approach to the history and formation of modern Lebanon.

Early Modern Improvisations: Essays on History and Literature in Honor of John Watkins (New Interdisciplinary Approaches to Early Modern Culture)

by Katherine Scheil Linda Shenk

With a panoramic sweep across continents and topics, Early Modern Improvisations is an interdisciplinary collection that analyzes the relationship between early modern literature and history through lenses such as gender, ethnicity, sexuality, religion, and politics.The book engages readers interested in texts that range from Shakespeare and Tudor queens to Anglican missionary work in North America; from contemporary feminist television series to Ancient Greek linguistic and philosophical concepts; from the delicate dance of diplomatic exchange to the instabilities of illness, food insecurity, and piracy. Its range of contributions encourages readers to discover their own intersections across literary and historical texts, a sense of discovery that this collection’s contributors learned from its dedicatee, John Watkins, a major literary and cultural historian whose work moves effortlessly across geographical, temporal, and political borders. His work and his personality embody the spirit of creative improvisation that brings new ideas together, allowing texts and figures of history to haunt later eras and encourage new questions.This volume is aimed at scholars and students alike who wish to explore early modern culture and its reverberations in ways that engage with a world outside the grand narratives and centralized institutions of power, a world that is more provisional, less scripted, and more improvisational.

Understanding and Managing Vision Deficits: A Guide for Occupational Therapists

by Mitchell Scheiman

The Third Edition of Understanding and Managing Vision Deficits is the go-to resource that will enable occupational therapists to develop a comprehensive understanding of vision, appreciate the various effects vision problems can have on the practice of occupational therapy, and to more effectively manage patients with vision disorders.Understanding and Managing Vision Deficits: A Guide for Occupational Therapists, Third Edition is a unique collaboration from occupational therapists, optometrists, and low vision rehabilitation specialists.Dr. Mitchell Scheiman presents a unique Three Component Model of Vision that includes: Visual integrity: Includes visual acuity (clarity), the optics of the eye, and eye health Visual efficiency skills: Includes focusing, eye teaming, and eye movements Visual information processing skills: Includes the ability to analyze, interpret and respond to visual information A major emphasis of the new edition is on management of eye movement, visual information processing, visual field, and low vision problems. Therapy suggestions have been expanded and the use of computer software has been incorporated into the therapy.Some Additional Chapter Topics Include: Visual problems associated with learning disorders Visual problems associated with acquired brain injury Management of vision problems for children with special needs Low vision Features of the Third Edition: Updated figures, research, and references Incorporates current American Occupational Therapy Association Practice Framework Glossary of key terms Appendices that include a vision screening report form and low vision supplies and equipment Understanding and Managing Vision Deficits: A Guide for Occupational Therapists, Third Edition will continue to bring the professions of occupational therapy and optometry together and will guide health care professionals to provide the ultimate in patient care.

Low Vision Rehabilitation: A Practical Guide for Occupational Therapists

by Mitchell Scheiman Stephen Whittaker Debra Sokol-McKay

This Second Edition of Low Vision Rehabilitation: A Practical Guide for Occupational Therapists provides current, evidence-based information on low vision rehabilitation that contains several new and expanded chapters on ADLs, IADLs, and recreation, as well as new online resources and the latest in accessibility devices.Low vision rehabilitation is rapidly growing as a specialty practice for occupational therapists. This growth requires practical, evidence-based information on the evaluation and treatment of the effects of low vision on occupational performance. Responding to this need, Low Vision Rehabilitation: A Practical Guide for Occupational Therapists, Second Edition blends standards of practice that have been developed for over 50 years by low vision therapists and optometrists, with the latest scientific research and the unique perspective of occupational therapists.This text is written to introduce the student and general practitioner to low vision rehabilitation as commonly encountered in medical rehabilitation as well as provides a conceptual approach to evaluation and treatment that will enrich an advanced practice. Authors Stephen Whittaker, a low vision researcher, certified low vision therapist and occupational therapist, Mitchell Scheiman, an optometrist and researcher, and Debra Sokol-McKay, an occupational therapist with specialty certification in low vision as well as certification as a low vision therapist, vision rehabilitation therapist and diabetes educator, have carefully selected evidence-based evaluations and treatments that focus on clinical practicality and meaningful occupational goals in adults.New to the Second Edition: A focus on occupational performance using “whatever works,” whether visual, non-visual, or a combination of these different devices and adaptive techniques The “EPIC” Framework, a general strategy to organize a treatment plan for daily activities using visual and non-visual techniques Access to a companion website designed as a handy clinical reference, with solutions to clinical problems easily searchable and cross-linked to related content The “Success-Oriented Approach” to interventions based on the most recent research on cognitive disability and depression associated with low vision Applications of the latest electronic accessibility devices including smartphones, tablets, and magnifiers that read aloud Incorporates the AADE™ 7 Self-Care Behavior framework of the American Association of Diabetes Educators Incorporates concepts from the latest edition of the AOTA Occupational Therapy Practice Framework: Domain and Process A chapter devoted to field loss, spatial neglect and perceptual impairments resulting from acquired-brain-injury. The latest in Medicare documentation standards including outcome to G-code conversions and ICD-10 diagnostic coding for low vision. Included with the text are online supplemental materials for faculty use in the classroom.Features Included: Recommended practical evaluation and treatment methods such as a 1 hour evaluation protocol, how to write observable and measurable goals and document outcomes, and specific instructions on how to implement treatments Prepares therapists for the ACVREP certification as a low vision therapist or vision rehabilitation or AOTA specialty certification in low vision Emphasizes intervention and low vision rehabilitation treatment including: modification of the environment adaptive visual and non-visual techniques selection and use of non-optical assistive devices selection and use of electronic and optical devices and use of computer technology including smartphones and tablets Comprehensive case studies on vision impairment resulting from eye disease to head injury and more Provides valuable in

The Darker Side of Social Media: Consumer Psychology and Mental Health

by Angeline Close Scheinbaum

The Darker Side of Social Media: Consumer Psychology and Mental Health takes a research-based, scientific approach to examining problematic issues and outcomes that are related to social media use by consumers. Now in its second edition, it relies on psychological theories to help explain or predict problematic online behavior within the social media landscape through the lens of mental health.With an aim to provide solutions, the authors spotlight the key issues affecting consumer well-being and mental health due to the omnipresence and overuse of social media. The book dissects the unintended consequences of too much social media use, specifying key problems like disconnection anxiety, eating disorders, online fraud, cyberbullying, the dark web, addiction, depression, self-discrepancies, and serious privacy concerns (especially impacting children or young people). The book provides grapples with mental health disorders such as anxiety, depression, self-harm, and eating disorders that can be intensified by, or correlated with, too much social media use. The authors meticulously review the various facets of the darker side of online presence and propose actionable solutions for each of the problems stated, providing scholars with a conceptual model with propositions for continued research.This international exploration of social media is a must-read for students of marketing, advertising, and public relations, as well as scholars/managers of business, marketing, psychology, communication, management, and sociology. It will also be of interest to social media users, those navigating new media platforms parents, policymakers, and practitioners.

Argumentation: Keeping Faith with Reason

by Edward Schiappa John P. Nordin

This extensively updated second edition provides a comprehensive introduction to argumentation skills for undergraduates.Clearly written, with minimal technical jargon, the book features many contemporary real-world examples. Through a unique conceptual framework, students will learn how to assemble a coherent logical argument, assess sources, and organize and present written and verbal arguments. The authors use the Toulmin model throughout to present issues and clarify concepts and have expanded the model to show how it can be used to examine real-world arguments. This new edition provides a deeper focus on value claims and credibility. It also shows students how to assess fake news, misinformation, and post-truth and incorporates more social scientific theories of persuasion such as the Elaboration Likelihood Model.Argumentation: Keeping Faith with Reason is an ideal textbook for undergraduate courses in argumentation, persuasion, critical thinking, and informal logic.An Instructor’s Manual including advice on how to teach each section, sample quizzes, and additional examples is available at

Housewitch: A Novel

by Katie Schickel

Allison Darling, former foster child, now a stay-at-home mom of three, desperately wants to fit in with the organic latte drinking, hundred-dollar-yoga-pants-wearing moms who run Monrovia, her charming seaside village. Constantly feeling like an outsider, Allison dreams of more for her children. When the Glamour Girls, a soap-selling company run by the most charismatic and powerful women in town, recruits Allison, she jumps at the invitation. The Glamor Girls have a hand in everything in Monrovia, from bake sales to business deals. This is what Allison's wanted her whole life—to be liked. To be popular. To belong. After Allison's estranged mother passes away, she learns her family's heartbreaking legacy and the secret Allison's been fighting to suppress all her life emerges: she's a witch. What's more, she's not the only one in town. There's more to the Glamour Girls then it seems… and once you're a Glamour Girl, there's no going back. Allison must use her rediscovered magic to defend Monrovia, protect her marriage and her children, and reclaim her legacy. Fighting tooth and nail for her family is easy, but what about for herself? Is it too late to confront her own demons and become the woman she dreams of being? "Katie Schickel's debut entertains while delightfully skewering our culture's obsession with domestic perfection. In the spirit of John Updike's Witches of Eastwick and Alice Hoffman's Practical Magic, Schickel casts a spell all her own. Housewitch takes us deep inside the dark arts of 21st century motherhood and sparkles with unexpected magic." —Amber Dermont, New York Times bestselling author of The Starboard Sea At the Publisher's request, this title is being sold without Digital Rights Management Software (DRM) applied.

The Training of African Teachers in Natal from 1846–1964

by Nicolas Schicketanz

The history of African teacher training in Natal is one of the most neglected and under-researched aspects of educational history. This book attempts to set out the administrative history of this field as a first step in stimulating the further research that is so urgently needed.Print edition not for sale in Sub Saharan Africa.

Kanzleimanagement in der Praxis: Führung und Management für Kanzleien und Wirtschaftsprüfer

by Claudia Schieblon

Von Praktikern für Praktiker: Dieses Buch gibt einen Überblick über die aktuell wichtigen Themen des Kanzleimanagements. Die Autoren sind erfahrene Managing Partner, COOs und Leiter der Business Service-Einheiten von national wie international agierenden Wirtschaftskanzleien. Das Buch richtet sich an Anwälte, Wirtschaftsprüfer und Steuerberater aus kleinen wie großen Kanzleien sowie an Fachleute aus dem Kanzleimanagement und solche, die es werden wollen. Es soll ihnen eine Hilfestellung bei den besonderen Fragestellungen von Kanzleien bieten.Für die 5. Auflage wurde das Buch vollständig überarbeitet und um zahlreiche Themen ergänzt.

Business Brilliant: Surprising Lessons from the Greatest Self-Made Business Icons

by Lewis Schiff

In Business Brilliant, Lewis Schiff combines compelling storytelling with ground-breaking research to show the rest of us what America’s self-made rich already know: It’s synergy, not serendipity that produces success.He explodes common myths about wealth and explains how legendary entrepreneurs such as Richard Branson, Suze Orman, Steve Jobs, and Warren Buffet have subscribed to a set of priorities that’s completely different from those of the middle class.Schiff identifies the seven distinct principles practiced by individuals who may or may not be any smarter than the rest of the population, but seem to understand instinctively how money is made. This guide also reveals how these business icons excel in areas of team building, risk management, and leadership development to accumulate their wealth.He offers a practical four-step program, from choosing one’s livelihood and pinpointing skills to focus on, to negotiating job terms and salary, in order to bring upon greater success.Business Brilliant by Lewis Schiff, coauthor of TheMiddle Class Millionaire: The Rise of the New Rich and How They are Changing America and The Armchair Millionaire, can help you can achieve better results in your business and in your career.

Wish You Weren't Here: A Novel

by Christy Schillig

In this transportive debut, a woman spending a summer in Italy finds her world completely upended–but it may be the kick she&’s needed to figure out who she truly wants to be, perfect for fans of Rebecca Serle and Tessa Bailey.Ava Graham's ducks are in a row as she heads off to Italy to complete her final law school credits and fulfill a promise she made to her late mother five years ago. Ava expects her long-term boyfriend to propose before her trip, but instead of giving her a ring, he suggests they use her time abroad as a &“break&” before settling down. When James Massini arrives–late–to the airport to pick up Ava as a favor to his aunt and uncle, he&’s surprised to find that she&’s not a young co-ed, but a fascinating woman approaching thirty with a serious superiority complex and a habit of underestimating him. When she&’s assigned to his class as a TA, he becomes determined to prove to her that there is more to life than plans and lists, no matter how hard she fights with him–or how annoyingly charming he finds their banter. Despite the sudden disaster of her life, type A Ava might actually enjoy Italy—if only annoyingly carefree James wasn&’t there, too. As Ava reluctantly lets James try to show her a different way of life in Italy, she begins to find beauty in the chaos. Of course, it&’s when things begin to make sense again that her past comes storming back.With a humorously relatable protagonist and a rich Italian setting, this debut novel is an escapist treat and a necessary reminder that life doesn&’t always care about the plans we&’ve made for ourselves.

The Astronomy Handbook: The Ultimate Guide to Observing and Understanding Stars, Planets, Galaxies, and the Universe

by Govert Schilling

This essential guide for every amateur astronomer explores the entire universe in one practical, easy-to-use, beginner-friendly handbook.​The Astronomy Handbook, by award-winning astronomy writer Govert Schilling, is the indispensable, go-to guide to everything you ever wanted or need to know about space, including: the stars and the constellations planets comets eclipses galaxies black holes exoplanets and much more It also offers an excellent education for every amateur astronomer, including detailed and practical information on how to: locate and track the movements of the constellations throughout the year view the planets and the cosmos select the best equipment to use, including telescopes and cameras photograph objects in space Schilling provides a fascinating history of astronomy, as well as clear and accessible explanations of binary, variable, and neutron stars; black holes and gamma-ray bursts; the formation and structure of galaxies; dark matter; and extraterrestrial life.The Astronomy Handbook is a primordial soup-to-nuts guide to the cosmos and an essential reference for every student of the universe.

The Best Kind of Different: Our Family's Journey with Asperger's Syndrome

by Shonda Schilling

In The Best Kind of Different, Shonda Schilling, the wife of Major League Baseball All Star, former Boston Red Sox, and World Series championship pitcher Curt Schilling, shares the story of their son’s Asperger’s Syndrome, how it changed their lives, and what other parents can learn about this increasingly common diagnosis. Candid and compelling, The Best Kind of Different traces their family’s struggle with Asperger’s, following Curt and Shonda as they come to understand their son’s differences and in the process relearn everything they thought they knew about parenting.

Bassoon Reed Making: A Pedagogic History

by Christin Schillinger

Withheld by leading pedagogues in an effort to control competition, the art of reed making in the early 20th century has been shrouded in secrecy, producing a generation of performers without reed making fluency. While tenets of past decades remain in modern pedagogy, Christin Schillinger details the historical pedagogical trends of bassoon reed making to examine the impact different methods have had on the practice of reed making and performance today. Schillinger traces the pedagogy of reed making from the earliest known publication addressing bassoon pedagogy in 1687 through the publication of Julius Weissenborn's Praktische Fagott-Schule and concludes with an in-depth look at contemporary methodologies developed by Louis Skinner, Don Christlieb, Norman Herzberg, and Lewis Hugh Cooper. Aimed at practitioners and pedagogues of the bassoon, this book provides a deeper understanding of the history and technique surrounding reed-making craft and instruction.

Tops und Flops, Mythen und Hypes im automobilen Marketing

by Armin Schirmer

Das Buch analysiert und pointiert Tops und Flops im Marketing der Automobilindustrie sowie aktuelle Mythen und Hypes von der Klimawende über die Verkehrswende bis zu Carsharing und dem ‚Purpose‘ von Automobilunternehmen. Dies erfolgt zum einen auf wissenschaftlicher Basis mit aktuellen Daten und Fakten, zum anderen ist das Buch meinungsstark und nennt bekannte Beispiele beim Namen. Zahlreiche Fotos, Abbildungen und Tabellen machen das Ganze anschaulich.

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