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Showing 10,226 through 10,250 of 11,974 results

Under the Paper Moon

by Shaina Steinberg

Kate Quinn&’s The Rose Code meets Mr. and Mrs. Smith in this intrigue-filled debut, as two former spies who shared more than just missions during WWII reunite in 1948 Los Angeles. Can they let go of heartbreak long enough to team up for one last operation in this tightly-plotted, emotionally rich postwar mystery? It&’s 1942, and as far as her father knows, Evelyn Bishop, heiress to an aeronautics fortune, is working as a translator in London. In truth, Evelyn—daring, beautiful, and as adept with a rifle as she is in five languages—has joined the Office of Strategic Services as a spy. Her goal is personal: to find her brother, who is being held as a POW in a Nazi labor camp. Through one high-risk mission after another she is paired with the reckless and rebellious Nick Gallagher, growing ever close to him until the war&’s end brings with it an act of deep betrayal. Six years later, Evelyn is back home in Los Angeles, working as a private investigator. The war was supposed to change everything, yet Evelyn, contemplating marriage to her childhood sweetheart, feels stifled by convention. Then the suspected cheating husband she&’s tailing is murdered, and suddenly Evelyn is back in Nick&’s orbit again. Teaming up for a final mission, Evelyn and Nick begin to uncover the true nature of her case— and realize that the war has followed them home. For beyond the public horrors waged by nations there are countless secret, desperate acts that still reverberate on both continents, and threaten everything Evelyn holds dear...

Mike Donlin: A Rough and Rowdy Life from New York Baseball Idol to Stage and Screen

by Steve Steinberg Lyle Spatz

Mike Donlin was a brash, colorful, and complicated personality. He was the most popular athlete in New York and was a star on the powerful New York Giants teams of 1905 and 1908. Though haunted by tragedy, including the deaths of both of his parents as a boy, Donlin was a charming, engaging, and kind-hearted man who also had successful careers on the stage and in film. One of the early &“bad boys&” among professional athletes, Donlin&’s temper and combativeness—compounded by alcoholism—led to battles with umpires and fans, numerous suspensions from the game, and even jail time. In 1906, when Donlin married vaudeville actress Mabel Hite, his life changed for the better, and their love story captivated the nation. Donlin left baseball after his sensational comeback for the dramatic 1908 season and joined Mabel on the stage, likely losing a Hall of Fame career. Then in 1912, at the age of twenty-nine, Mabel died of intestinal cancer. After making a final comeback as a player in 1914, Donlin starred in baseball&’s first feature film. He became a drinking buddy of actors John Barrymore and Buster Keaton and married actress Rita Ross. The couple moved to Hollywood, where Donlin became a beloved figure and appeared in roughly one hundred movies, mostly in minor roles. Despite his Hollywood career, Donlin stayed connected to the game he loved and was seeking a coaching job with the Giants when he died of a heart attack in 1933. At the dawn of the celebrity era of sports, Donlin was one of the nation&’s first athletes to capture the public&’s attention. This biography by Steve Steinberg and Lyle Spatz shows why.

Verhüllung und Entblößung: Vom erzählenden Text:il zur filmischen Haut als Erfahrungsraum affektiver Identitätsentfaltung

by Anke Steinborn

Dieses Buch enthält eine interdisziplinäre Betrachtung zum identitätsbildenden Wechselspiel von Text, Textilem und der Haut im und über den Film. Kernthese ist die Überlegung, dass sich im Film über den Wechsel zwischen Textilem und nackter Haut ikonische Verdichtungen zugunsten eines assoziativen Erfahrungsraums entfalten. Dabei weicht der Stoff – der erzählerische gleichermaßen wie der textile – dem Sinnlichen, der Affizierung über die Haut. Die Untersuchung beleuchtet den Zusammenhang zwischen filmischer Rezeption und Selbstreflexion der Zuschauenden, aber auch einer Gesellschaft sowie des Films selbst im jeweils zeitlichen Kontext. Die Filmsehenden erfahren nicht nur das Geschehen und die Protagonist*innen, sondern vor allem auch sich selbst im Spiegel des Anderen – der anderen Figur, der anderen Geschichte, der anderen, filmischen Welt. Ziel der Untersuchung ist es, unter symbolische Hüllen zu schauen und das Wesentliche darunter zu entdecken. Durch die Interdisziplinarität der Arbeit werden nicht nur Interessierte der Film-, Medien- und Kulturwissenschaft, sondern auch der Soziologie, der Psychologie, des (Mode-)Designs, der Kunstgeschichte und der Architektur angesprochen. Das Buch regt zu Perspektivwechseln und interdisziplinärem Austausch auf der Basis der für uns alle existenziellen Haut an. Mit diesem Alleinstellungsmerkmal werden Grenzen überwunden und Kollaborationen angeregt.

Durkheim and the Birth of Economic Sociology

by Philippe Steiner

An illuminating account of the development of Durkheim's economic sociologyÉmile Durkheim's work has traditionally been viewed as a part of sociology removed from economics. Rectifying this perception, Durkheim and the Birth of Economic Sociology is the first book to provide an in-depth look at the contributions made to economic sociology by Durkheim and his followers. Philippe Steiner demonstrates the relevance of economic factors to sociology and shows how the Durkheimians inform today's economic systems.Steiner argues that there are two stages in Durkheim's approach to the economy—a sociological critique of political economy and a sociology of economic knowledge. In his early works, Durkheim critiques economists and their categories, and tries to analyze the division of labor from a social rather than economic perspective. From the mid-1890s onward, Durkheim's preoccupations shifted to questions of religion and the sociology of knowledge. Durkheim's disciples, such as Maurice Halbwachs and François Simiand, synthesized and elaborated on Durkheim's first-stage arguments, while his ideas on religion and the economy were taken up by Marcel Mauss. Steiner indicates that the ways in which the Durkheimians rooted the sociology of economic knowledge in the educational system allows for an invaluable perspective on the role of economics in modern society, similar to the perspective offered by Max Weber's work.Recognizing the power of the Durkheimian approach, Durkheim and the Birth of Economic Sociology assesses the effect of this important thinker and his successors on one of the most active fields in contemporary sociology.

Interspecies Communication: Sound and Music beyond Humanity

by Gavin Steingo

A surprising study reveals a plethora of attempts to communicate with non-humans in the modern era. In Interspecies Communication, music scholar Gavin Steingo examines significant cases of attempted communication beyond the human—cases in which the dualistic relationship of human to non-human is dramatically challenged. From singing whales to Sun Ra to searching for alien life, Steingo charts the many ways we have attempted to think about, and indeed to reach, beings that are very unlike ourselves. Steingo focuses on the second half of the twentieth century, when scientists developed new ways of listening to oceans and cosmic space—two realms previously inaccessible to the senses and to empirical investigation. As quintessential frontiers of the postwar period, the outer space of the cosmos and the inner space of oceans were conceptualized as parallel realities, laid bare by newly technologized “ears.” Deeply engaging, Interspecies Communication explores our attempts to cross the border between the human and non-human, to connect with non-humans in the depths of the oceans, the far reaches of the universe, or right under our own noses.

Die Mindestbesteuerung multinationaler Konzerne: Zur Vereinbarkeit der GloBE-Regeln mit höherrangigem Recht und Doppelbesteuerungsabkommen aus deutscher Perspektive (PwC-Studien zum Unternehmens- und Internationalen Steuerrecht #13)

by Nicolas Steinmeister

Dieses Open-Access-Buch behandelt die globale Mindeststeuer für Großkonzerne, auf die sich im Herbst 2021 137 Staaten verständigt haben, die als Mitglieder im Inclusive Framework (IF) on BEPS von G20/OECD an der Reform des internationalen Steuerrechts arbeiten. Das Buch untersucht, ob die Bundesrepublik Deutschland als an der Einigung beteiligtes Mitglied des IF die neuen Regeln, wie sie aus der Einigung vom 8. Oktober 2021 und den Modellregeln vom 20. Dezember 2021 hervorgegangen sind, implementieren kann. Abgestellt wird hierbei auf eine zum Zeitpunkt der Einreichung dieser Arbeit noch diskutierte rein nationale Umsetzung ohne unionsrechtliche Harmonisierungsvorgaben. Vor diesem Hintergrund werden die Regelungen auf ihre Vereinbarkeit mit den Vorgaben des Grundgesetzes, des EU-Rechts und der nach völkerrechtlichen Rechtssätzen verbindlichen Doppelbesteuerungsabkommen überprüft. Unter Berücksichtigung der bislang zu diesen Fragen erschienen Literaturstimmen setzt sich der Autor mit den konkreten Empfehlungen der Modellregeln auseinander und bringt seine eigenen Überlegungen unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der deutschen Perspektive ein.


by Norbert Steinmetz

Das Buch wendet sich sowohl an Studierende aller mathematischen Fachrichtungen und mathematisch interessierte Studierende der Physik als auch an Dozentinnen und Dozenten, die den Aufbau ihres ersten Analysiskurses noch vor sich haben oder Anregungen für ihre Vorlesungen suchen. Inhalt und Form sind entstanden und vielfach erprobt in immer wieder kritisch veränderten und angepassten 3-semestrigen Analysiskursen. Etwa 2/3 des Buches decken die Erfordernisse einer 2-semestrigen Grundvorlesung Analysis ab, wohingegen das restliche Drittel Elemente der Fourieranalysis, der Differentialgeometrie, der gewöhnlichen Differentialgleichungen und der Funktionentheorie behandeln, Themen, denen eigenständige Vorlesungen auch weiterhin zu wünschen sind. Zu den Besonderheiten zählen die parallele und miteinander verzahnte Einführung des Riemann- und Lebesgueintegrals, die Einbettung einfacher Elemente der komplexen in die reelle Analysis, ausgedehnte Anwendungen – von der Heisenbergschen Unschärferelation über die Lösung der Wärmeleitungsgleichung bis hin zur Black-Scholes-Formel – sowie die Darstellung der Methode von Ostrogradski und des Dixon-Beweises der allgemeinen Cauchyschen Integralformel. Dass an verschiedenen Stellen die eingefahrenen Pfade verlassen wurden, wird der kundigen Leserschaft nicht verborgen bleiben. Die Frage „abstrakt oder anschaulich-verständlich“ wird konsequent zugunsten des letzteren entschieden. Die Übungsaufgaben sind in den laufenden Text eingebaut in der Hoffnung, dass sie so mehr Beachtung finden. Schließlich vermitteln die historischen Anmerkungen und Kurzbiographien einen Eindruck davon, wie die Analysis sich entwickelt hat und wer wesentlich an dieser Entwicklung beteiligt war.

A Faith Worth Believing: Finding New Life Beyond the Rules of Religion

by Tom Stella

How can we have an authentic faith when we no longer have well-defined, codified beliefs? Where do we turn to better understand our relationship with God when the messages of the Church seem simplistic? This book is for all those who are asking the tough questions and are not satisfied with the answers they are receiving.

Fire From the Sky: Surviving the Kamikaze Threat

by Robert C. Stem

By late 1944 the war in the Pacific had turned decisively against the Japanese, and overwhelming Allied forces began to close in on the home islands. At this point Japan unveiled a terrifying new tactic: the suicide attack, or Kamikaze, named after the Divine Wind which had once before, in medieval times, saved Japan from invasion. Intentionally crashing bomb-laden aircraft into Allied warships, these piloted guided missiles at first seemed unstoppable, calling into question the naval strategy on which the whole war effort was based.This book looks at the origins of the campaign, at its strategic goals, the organization of the Japanese special attack forces, and the culture that made suicide not just acceptable, but honourable. Inevitably, much mythology has grown up around the subject, and the book attempts to sort the wheat from the chaff. One story that does stand up is the reported massive stock-piling of kamikaze aircraft for use against any Allied invasion of the home islands, if the atomic bombs had not forced Japans surrender.However, its principal focus is on the experience of those in the Allied fleets on the receiving end of this peculiarly alien and unnerving weapon how they learnt to endure and eventually counter a threat whose potential was over-estimated, by both sides. In this respect, it has a very modern resonance.

Share the Universe: A Guide to Outreach Astronomy (The Patrick Moore Practical Astronomy Series)

by Richard Stember

As every astronomer knows, astronomy is one of the most approachable and inspiring of the natural sciences. It appeals to both children and adults while drawing in curious minds with its immense distances and unimaginably powerful natural phenomena. In this book, you will find out how to be a part of the journey in sharing scientific knowledge and inspiring minds of all ages. By using the affordable tools and techniques provided in this book – you will learn about how astronomers can easily engage people with views of our solar system’s planets, moons, and even more distant objects like nebulas, stellar nurseries, and remnants of exploded stars. Perhaps most importantly, the natural appeal of this science is helpful when explaining to non-scientists how science “works." What is science and scientific methodology? How is it used to give mankind knowledge and solutions to problems that we face in many scientific fields including medicine? How does it differ from other sources of information? This book, sprinkled with the author’s 24 plus years of personal experience in public outreach, offers practical techniques to engage, educate, and inspire all who are interested in the field of astronomy.

The Melody of Secrets: A Novel

by Jeffrey Stepakoff

Jeffrey Stepakoff's The Melody of Secrets is an epic love story set against the 1960s U.S. space program, when deeply-buried secrets could threaten not just a marriage, but a country.Maria was barely eighteen as WWII was coming to its explosive end. A brilliant violinist, she tried to comfort herself with the Sibelius Concerto as American bombs rained down. James Cooper wasn't much older. A roguish fighter pilot stationed in London, he was shot down during a daring night raid and sought shelter in Maria's cottage. Fifteen years later, in Huntsville, Alabama, Maria is married to a German rocket scientist who works for the burgeoning U.S. space program. Her life in the South is at peace, purposefully distanced from her past. Everything is as it should be—until James Cooper walks back into it.Pulled from the desert airfield where he was testing planes no sane Air Force pilot would touch, and drinking a bit too much, Cooper is offered the chance to work for the government, and move himself to the front of the line for the astronaut program. He soon realizes that his job is to report not only on the rocket engines but also on the scientists developing them. Then Cooper learns secrets that could shatter Maria's world...

Holy Winter (Literature in Translation Series)

by Maria Stepanova Sasha Dugdale

A deeply moving poem about winter and exile, war and the pandemic from “Russia’s greatest living poet” (Poetry) and the acclaimed author of In Memory of Memory.?The outbreak of Covid-19 cut short Maria Stepanova’s 2020 stay in Cambridge. Back in Russia, she spent the ensuing months in a state of torpor—the world had withdrawn from her, time had “gone numb.” When she awoke from this state, she began to read Ovid, and the shock of the pandemic dissolved into the voices and metaphors of a transformative, epochal experience. Holy Winter, a book-length poem written in a frenzy of poetic inspiration, speaks of winter and war, of banishment and exile, of social isolation and existential abandonment. Stepanova finds sublime imagery for the process of falling silent, interweaving love letters and travelogues, Chinese verse and Danish fairy tales into a polyphonic evocation of frozen time and its slow thawing.As a poet and essayist, Stepanova was a highly influential figure for many years in Moscow’s cosmopolitan literary scene until it was strangled by Putin, along with civil liberties and dissent. Like Joseph Brodsky before her, she has mastered modern poetry’s rich repertoire of forms and moves effortlessly between the languages and traditions of Russian, European, and transatlantic literature, potently yet subtly creating a voice like no other.Her poetry, which here echoes verses by Pushkin and Lermontov, Mandelstam and Tsvetaeva, is not hermetic. She takes in and incorporates the confusing signals from social networks and the media, opening herself up to the voices of kindred poets like Sylvia Plath, Inger Christensen, and Anne Carson.

The Situation Room: The Inside Story of Presidents in Crisis

by George Stephanopoulos

George Stephanopoulos, the legendary political news host and former advisor to President Clinton, recounts the history-making crises from the place where twelve presidents made their highest-pressure decisions: the White House Situation Room. No room better defines American power and its role in the world than the White House Situation Room. And yet, none is more shrouded in secrecy and mystery. Created under President Kennedy, the Sit Room has been the epicenter of crisis management for presidents for more than six decades. Time and again, the decisions made within the Sit Room complex affect the lives of every person on this planet. Detailing close calls made and disasters narrowly averted, THE SITUATION ROOM will take readers through dramatic turning points in a dozen presidential administrations, including: Incredible minute-by-minute transcripts from the Sit Room after both Presidents Kennedy and Reagan were shot The shocking moment when Henry Kissinger raised the military alert level to DEFCON III while President Nixon was drunk in the White House residence The extraordinary scene when President Carter asked for help from secret government psychics to rescue American hostages in Iran A vivid retelling of the harrowing hours during the 9/11 attack New details from Obama administration officials leading up to the raid on Osama Bin Laden And a first-ever account of January 6th from the staff inside the Sit Room THE SITUATION ROOM is the definitive, past-the-security-clearance look at the room where it happened, and the people—the famous and those you've never heard of—who have made history within its walls.

KRAS: Methods and Protocols (Methods in Molecular Biology #2797)

by Andrew G. Stephen Dominic Esposito

This volume details protocols ranging from high yield production metabolically labeled KRAS for NMR studies to approaches that quantify engagement of novel molecules that bind KRAS in live cells. Chapters focus on protein production and characterization, biochemical assays, cell-based assays, KRAS-membrane interactions, targeting KRAS, and cell models. Written in the highly successful Methods in Molecular Biology series format, chapters include introductions to their respective topics, lists of the necessary materials and reagents, step-by-step, readily reproducible laboratory protocols, and key tips on troubleshooting and avoiding known pitfalls. Authoritative and cutting-edge, KRAS: Methods and Protocols aims to provide methods that will be instrumental in the development of future clinically approved KRAS therapeutics.

Academic Success in Online Programs: A Resource for College Students (Springer Texts in Education)

by Jacqueline S. Stephen

This book provides higher education students with a comprehensive resource to assist them in their academic persistence in an online course or program. It addresses a wide selection of topics emphasizing a myriad of factors that impact a student’s persistence, and ultimate success, in an online program or course. The book helps students to gain insight into the skills, knowledge, and attributes needed to succeed in the autonomous nature of an online learning environment. Thus, this book helps students to proactively engage in activities to prepare for online learning. Information presented in each chapter is drawn from theory and recent research centered on persistence of online students in higher education. It incorporates hands-on practical activities to promote application of theory and research, and encourages students to demonstrate their knowledge, skills, and abilities through the use of reflective and thought-provoking activities. Hence, this book provides online students with an up-to-date resource they can use to develop an awareness of their readiness and preparedness for online learning. Additionally, this book equips students with information and strategies aimed at helping them to address gaps in their skills and knowledge that may present them with barriers to academic success. The content of this book is aligned with widely used student learning outcomes and objectives of first-year student seminar courses and orientation programs for graduate and undergraduate students enrolled in online programs. Furthermore, it is deliberately organized and structured to support an online student’s academic journey as they navigate the online learning environment. As such, these features make it an ideal book for use by students, instructors, and academic advisors or college and university academic support staff.

The Language of the Land: Living Among the Hadzabe in Africa

by James Stephenson

A rare adventure with the last Stone Age hunting and gathering tribe in Africa.In 1997 James Stephenson arranged to have almost a full year free, a year he wanted to spend among the Hadzabe in Tanzania. He had visited these people several times previously and with every trip his fascination with them deepened, for the Hadzabe are the last hunters and gatherers still living a traditional life in East Africa.At the age of 27, Stephenson intended to spend the year living among the Hadzabe, and, more importantly, living their life, hunting what they hunted, eating what they ate, participating in their dances and ceremonies, consulting with their medicine men and learning their myths and dreams.Armed only with his camera, his art supplies and the open-hearted courage of youth, he set out to visit with a people who have changed little since the Stone Age. He wanted to glimpse the world as they perceived it and learn the wisdom they had wrestled from the land. The Language of the Land, the account of his adventure and what he learned, is travel writing at its best.


by Neal Stephenson

Explore new worlds in this riveting sci-fi novelA #1 New York Times Bestseller, Anathem is perhaps the most brilliant literary invention to date from the incomparable Neal Stephenson, who rocked the world with Snow Crash, Cryptonomicon, and The Baroque Cycle. Now he imagines an alternate universe where scientists, philosophers, and mathematicians live in seclusion behind ancient monastery walls until they are called back into the world to deal with a crisis of astronomical proportions. Anathem won the Locus Award for Best Science Fiction Novel and the reviews for have been dazzling: “Brilliant” (South Florida Sun-Sentinel), “Daring” (Boston Globe), “Immensely entertaining” (New York Times Book Review), “A tour de force” (St. Louis Post-Dispatch), while Time magazine proclaims, “The great novel of ideas…has morphed into science fiction, and Neal Stephenson is its foremost practitioner.”


by Neal Stephenson

An epic adventure awaits in this page-turning sci-fi read!With this extraordinary first volume in what promises to be an epoch-making masterpiece, Neal Stephenson hacks into the secret histories of nations and the private obsessions of men, decrypting with dazzling virtuosity the forces that shaped this century. As an added bonus, the e-book edition of this New York Times bestseller includes an excerpt from Stephenson's new novel, Seveneves.In 1942, Lawrence Pritchard Waterhouse—mathematical genius and young Captain in the U.S. Navy—is assigned to detachment 2702. It is an outfit so secret that only a handful of people know it exists, and some of those people have names like Churchill and Roosevelt. The mission of Waterhouse and Detachment 2702—commanded by Marine Raider Bobby Shaftoe-is to keep the Nazis ignorant of the fact that Allied Intelligence has cracked the enemy's fabled Enigma code. It is a game, a cryptographic chess match between Waterhouse and his German counterpart, translated into action by the gung-ho Shaftoe and his forces.Fast-forward to the present, where Waterhouse's crypto-hacker grandson, Randy, is attempting to create a "data haven" in Southeast Asia—a place where encrypted data can be stored and exchanged free of repression and scrutiny. As governments and multinationals attack the endeavor, Randy joins forces with Shaftoe's tough-as-nails granddaughter, Amy, to secretly salvage a sunken Nazi submarine that holds the key to keeping the dream of a data haven afloat. But soon their scheme brings to light a massive conspiracy with its roots in Detachment 2702 linked to an unbreakable Nazi code called Arethusa. And it will represent the path to unimaginable riches and a future of personal and digital liberty...or to universal totalitarianism reborn.A breathtaking tour de force, and Neal Stephenson's most accomplished and affecting work to date, Cryptonomicon is profound and prophetic, hypnotic and hyper-driven, as it leaps forward and back between World War II and the World Wide Web, hinting all the while at a dark day-after-tomorrow. It is a work of great art, thought and creative daring; the product of a truly iconoclastic imagination working with white-hot intensity.

Reamde: A Novel (Nova (ediciones B) Ser.)

by Neal Stephenson

Explore new worlds in this riveting sci-fi novel“Stephenson has a once-in-a-generation gift: he makes complex ideas clear, and he makes them funny, heartbreaking, and thrilling.”—TimeThe #1 New York Times bestselling author of Anathem, Neal Stephenson is continually rocking the literary world with his brazen and brilliant fictional creations—whether he’s reimagining the past (The Baroque Cycle), inventing the future (Snow Crash), or both (Cryptonomicon). With Reamde, this visionary author whose mind-stretching fiction has been enthusiastically compared to the work of Thomas Pynchon, Don DeLillo, Kurt Vonnegut, and David Foster Wallace—not to mention William Gibson and Michael Crichton—once again blazes new ground with a high-stakes thriller that will enthrall his loyal audience, science and science fiction, and espionage fiction fans equally. The breathtaking tale of a wealthy tech entrepreneur caught in the very real crossfire of his own online fantasy war game, Reamde is a new high—and a new world—for the remarkable Neal Stephenson.

Treat them Mean and Keep them Keen

by Gerry Stergiopoulos

'I look at the way some women behave when they're dating, and I'm sorry girls, but it's an absolute car crash. The rules of successful dating are simple, but I bet you've been breaking them all.'After seeing too many of his female friends left all dressed up with nowhere to go, Gerry Stergiopoulos, every woman's ultimate best gay friend, has gone on a quest to understand why so many fabulous women have a catastrophic love life.Gerry unflinchingly enters a world of waxing, Spanx pants, dodgy self-help books, internet dating, wingwomen and smirting, to bring you his tried-and-tested History Channel technique, his perfect killer one-liners, the ingenious blackjack-based Scottish Shower system, the unbreakable three-month rule and even some sound lessons from his native Greece. Treat Them Mean and Keep Them Keen is the only dating book that gives it to you straight: it tells you what to hide and just how much to reveal, what to do and when to do it. You might be shocked at what Gerry suggests - but his advice works.

Home and Alone

by Daniel Stern

Simply a must read for anyone who seeks a behind-the-scenes peek of some of Hollywood's classic films. . .Beginning with his film debut in Breaking Away, Daniel Stern has grown up on-screen before our very eyes. His connection with audiences is cemented in movies like Home Alone and City Slickers, and in his debut memoir, Home and Alone with Daniel Stern, he is the Everyman narrator on a ride into the human side of Hollywood. Buckle up and experience what it&’s like driving Robert Redford in his Porsche at 100 mph, or stripping down for a nude scene in front of a group of total strangers. Share the out-of-body moments of flying alone with Mel Gibson on his jet to Las Vegas and smashing a fake mustache onto Gary Busey&’s face while cursing him out on the pitcher&’s mound of Wrigley Field in front of a sellout crowd. Join him in his triumphant stories like conquering his dyslexia as the voice of The Wonder Years, and his terrifying ones like being sued for $25 million by CBS and Columbia pictures. Touching and hysterical, often at the same time, Stern gives readers a peek at the highs and lows of a Hollywood career, and a closer look at the movies they love and the people who make them. Inspiring as it is humorous, Stern weaves a compelling tale of an artistic hippie-child of the 60&’s, who by age thirteen had hitchhiked his way across the Eastern half of the U.S.A. By age seventeen he had dropped out of high school and was living on his own in New York, and by nineteen he was starting a family of his own. His insights into marriage, children, parents and parenting are not only hilarious, but packed with subtle wisdom. But the real surprises are in Stern's off-screen roles as a bronze sculptor, cattle rancher, avocado farmer and public servant. The hard work and commitment he has put into his on-screen successes are applied with the same intensity to every aspect of his life. From creating monumental public art projects and founding a Boys & Girls Club to visiting troops in Iraq and learning to birth a cow, he has lived it all. Home and Alone with Daniel Stern is for anyone who needs reminding that nothing is impossible if you put your mind to it.

Howard Stern Comes Again

by Howard Stern

Over his unrivaled four-decade career in radio, Howard Stern has interviewed thousands of personalities—discussing sex, relationships, money, fame, spirituality, and success with the boldest of bold-faced names. But which interviews are his favorites? It&’s one of the questions he gets asked most frequently. Howard Stern Comes Again delivers his answer.Rock stars and rap gods. Comedy legends and A-list actors. Supermodels and centerfolds. Moguls and mobsters. A president. This book is a feast of conversation and more, as between the lines Stern offers his definitive autobiography—a magnum opus of confession and personal exploration. Tracy Morgan opens up about his near-fatal car crash. Lady Gaga divulges her history with cocaine. Madonna reminisces on her relationship with Tupac Shakur. Bill Murray waxes philosophical on the purpose of life. Jerry Seinfeld offers a master class on comedy. Harvey Weinstein denies the existence of the so-called casting couch. An impressive array of creative visionaries weigh in on what Stern calls &“the climb&”—the stories of how they struggled and eventually prevailed. As he writes in the introduction, &“If you&’re having trouble finding motivation in life and you&’re looking for that extra kick in the ass, you will find it in these pages.&” Interspersed throughout are rare selections from the Howard Stern Show archives with Donald Trump that depict his own climb: transforming from Manhattan tabloid fixture to reality TV star to president of the United States. Stern also tells of his Moby Dick-like quest to land an interview with Hillary Clinton in the run-up to the 2016 election—one of many newly written revelations from the author. He speaks with extraordinary candor about a variety of subjects, including his overwhelming insecurity early in his career, his revolutionary move from terrestrial radio to SiriusXM, and his belief in the power of psychotherapy. As Stern insightfully notes in the introduction: &“The interviews collected here represent my best work and show my personal evolution. But they don&’t just show my evolution. Gathered together like this, they show the evolution of popular culture over the past quarter century.&”

The Balance Within: The Science Connecting Health and Emotions

by Esther M. Sternberg

A thrilling scientific detective story, The Balance Within tells how researchers finally uncovered the elusive mind-body connection and what it means for our health. Since ancient times humans have felt intuitively that emotions and health are linked, and recently there has been much popular speculation about this notion. But until now, without compelling evidence, it has been impossible to say for sure that such a connection really exists and especially how it works. Now, that evidence has been discovered.In this beautifully written book, Dr. Esther Sternberg, whose discoveries were pivotal in helping to solve this mystery, provides first hand accounts of the breakthrough experiments that revealed the physical mechanisms - the nerves, cells, and hormones - used by the brain and immune system to communicate with each other. She describes just how stress can make us more susceptible to all types of illnesses, and how the immune system can alter our moods. Finally, she explains how our understanding of these connections in scientific terms is helping to answer such crucial questions as "Does stress make you sick?" "Is a positive outlook the key to better health?" and "How do our personal relationships, work, and other aspects of our lives affect our health?"A fascinating, elegantly written portrait of this rapidly emerging field with enormous potential for finding new ways to treat disease and cope with stress, The Balance Within is essential reading for anyone interested in making their body and mind whole again.

Tristram Shandy: Volume 3 Of The Florida Edition Of The Works Of Laurence Sterne (The Penguin English Library #Vol. Iii)

by Laurence Sterne

The Penguin English Library Edition of Tristram Shandy by Laurence Sterne'I am got, I know not how, into a cold unmetaphorical vein of infamous writing, and cannot take a plumb-lift out of it for my soul; so must be obliged to go on writing like a Dutch commentator to the end of the chapter, unless something be done ...'Laurence Sterne's great masterpiece of bawdy humour and rich satire defies any attempt to categorize it. Part novel, part digression, its gloriously disordered narrative interweaves the birth and life of the unfortunate 'hero' Tristram Shandy, the eccentric philosophy of his father Walter, the amours and military obsessions of Uncle Toby, and a host of other characters, including Dr Slop, Corporal Trim and the parson Yorick. A joyful celebration of the endless possibilities of the art of fiction, Tristram Shandy is also a wry demonstration of its limitations.The Penguin English Library - 100 editions of the best fiction in English, from the eighteenth century and the very first novels to the beginning of the First World War.

Second Night Stand

by Karelia Stetz-Waters Fay Stetz-Waters

One hook-up is about to become one seriously hilarious situationship in this vibrant and lively romantic comedy about taking chances . . . and breaking the rules. Prima ballet dancer Lillian Jackson is all about control—on stage and in bed. Which is precisely why she keeps her hook-ups to one night, and one night only. No strings. No phone numbers. No scones in the morning. There&’s no room for mistakes, especially now that her dance company&’s survival depends entirely on winning a million-dollar cash prize in one of America&’s biggest reality competitions. That is, until one night with a certain curvy, blue-haired siren changes everything . . . As burlesque dancer &“Blue Lenox,&” Izzy Wells is the queen of on-stage seduction. Almost no one knows that she&’s close to losing everything—her theater, her home, and her troupe—unless she wins this competition. Now she&’s going toe-to-toe with a gorgeous ballerina in front of the world. The chemistry between them is hot, but even more distracting are the feelings they&’re starting to develop. There&’s no way Lillian can fit Izzy into her life, and Izzy knows better than to fall for someone who can&’t put her first. But if they can make it through the show with their hearts and dreams intact, they just might win the biggest prize of all.

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