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Showing 10,576 through 10,600 of 11,203 results

Vom Bullshit zum Business: Praxis-Tipps zur Steigerung der Mitarbeitergewinnung, Mitarbeiterbindung, Innovationskraft und Effizienz (essentials)

by Hans-Dieter Schat

Dieses essential liefert Ihnen konkrete Ideen, praxiserprobte Erfahrungen und Checklisten, wie Sie mehr Performance in Ihrem Unternehmen rund um das Thema Mitarbeiter erreichen können. Mitarbeiter sind aktuell DAS Thema. Gute, qualifizierte, leistungsfähige und leistungsbereite Mitarbeiter finden, binden, mit ihnen Neues entwickeln und umsetzen und immer besser werden, wie geht das?Das Buch gliedert sich entlang der Reise eines Mitarbeiters durch das Unternehmen: Vom ersten Kennenlernen bei der Bewerbung über die normale Beschäftigung zu Innovation durch und mit den Beschäftigten, gerade auch mit dem Ziel höherer Effizienz. Alle Kapitel folgen der gleichen Struktur: Beschreibung des Problems, konkrete Lösung, Checklisten und andere praktisch verwendbare Materialien. Dies ist ein Buch für Praktiker.

Von den Molukken zu Molekülen: Wie Naturstoffe Geschichte schreiben

by Oliver Kayser

Naturstoffe sind ein Wunderwerk der Evolution. Pflanzen sind chemische Fabriken und haben mit ihren außergewöhnlichen Eigenschaften eine riesige Anzahl sehr vielfältiger interessanter Naturstoffe hervorgebracht, die wir Menschen seit Jahrhunderten zur Linderung und Heilung von Krankheiten nutzen. Spätestens seit der Entdeckung des Penicillins sind Naturstoffe zu einer wichtigen Quelle für Medikamente geworden, aber wir kennen nur sehr wenige der vermutlich vielen Millionen, die auf ihre Entdeckung warten. Zu den Naturstoffen gehören wichtige Antibiotika, Immunsuppressiva, Antikrebsmittel, Hormone und auch antivirale Wirkstoffe. Aber haben Naturstoffe im Zeitalter der Bio- und Gentechnologie überhaupt noch eine Bedeutung? Ja, mehr denn je, denn Medizinalchemiker holen sich kreative Anregungen für ihre Synthesen aus der Natur, um den nächsten Blockbuster in der Medizin zu entwickeln. Oliver Kayser erzählt in diesem Buch die Geschichte der Naturstoffe und Medizinpflanzen auf höchst informative und amüsante Weise aus einem neuen Blickwinkel. Er geht der Frage nach, wie Naturstoffe aus der Naturheilkunde die pharmazeutische Industrie ins Leben riefen, wie sie als Arznei- und Heilmittel unsere Gesellschaft prägten, wie sie Kriege ermöglichten und den Weg zu Nobelpreisen ebneten. Der Autor zeichnet ein faszinierendes Panorama der Naturstoffchemie in Pflanzen, Mikroorganismen und Tieren. Beginnend mit den ersten Isolierungen zu Anfang der industriellen Revolution führt er uns mit den Ideen und der Begeisterung vieler Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftler in die Moderne der Wirkstofftests, der Computerchemie und der höchst erfolgreichen Zufallsentdeckungen von Wirkstoffen. Die Naturstoffforschung im Labor hat einen enormen Einfluss auf unser heutiges Leben. Der Autor lässt sich über die Schulter schauen, wie heute die Suche nach den neuen Medikamenten von morgen funktioniert. Das Buch ist das ultimative Buch aus der Feder eines Wissenschaftlers, der tief in der Forschung verwurzelt ist und dem Leser einen erhellenden und zugleich kurzweiligen Einblick gibt, wie Wissenschaftler ticken und wie mühsam Forschung sein kann.

Von der Natur inspirierte intelligente Datenverarbeitungstechniken in der Bioinformatik

by Khalid Raza

Dieses Buch umfasst und beschäftigt sich mit den jüngsten Fortschritten und modernsten Anwendungen von naturinspirierten Computertechniken (NIC) im Bereich der Bioinformatik und der Computerbiologie, die die medizinischen Wissenschaften bei verschiedenen klinischen Anwendungen unterstützen können. Dieser Sammelband befasst sich mit den grundlegenden Anwendungen, dem Umfang und den Zukunftsperspektiven von NIC-Techniken in der Bioinformatik, einschließlich der Erstellung von Genomprofilen, der Klassifizierung von Genexpressionsdaten, der DNA-Berechnung, der System- und Netzwerkbiologie, der Lösung von Komplikationen bei personalisierten Therapien, der antimikrobiellen Resistenz bei bakteriellen Krankheitserregern und der computergestützten Entwicklung von Arzneimitteln, deren Entdeckung und Therapie. Darüber hinaus wird die Rolle von NIC-Techniken bei verschiedenen Krankheiten und Störungen behandelt, einschließlich Krebserkennung und -diagnose, Brustkrebs, Erkennung von Lungenkrankheiten, Krankheits-Biomarkern und Identifizierung potenzieller Therapeutika.

Von Hippel-Lindau Disease: A Comprehensive Guide to Diagnosis, Treatment, and Management

by Dhaval Thakor Patel Amit Tirosh

Von Hippel-Lindau (VHL) disease is an inherited disorder characterized by the abnormal growth of both benign and cancerous tumors and cysts in many parts of the body. Considering the number of manifestations of the VHL disease, screening and management is complex and requires a multidisciplinary effort as well as an understanding of the interplay between all the manifestations. This book is one of the first to provide fundamental knowledge about VHL and the know-how on the various manifestations of this complex syndrome. Various aspects of VHL are reflected in this book's table of contents, written by the leading experts in each field discussed. Comprehensive and easy-to-use, this book offers a detailed and comprehensive analysis of the manifestations and management of patients with VHL and serves as the definitive book on the management of patients with VHL for surgical oncologists, endocrinologists, urologists, neurosurgeons, ophthalmologist, radiologists, and all primary care physicians.

The Vote: How It Was Won and How It Was Undermined

by Paul Foot

The dramatic story of the peoples' fight for the right to vote in BritainThe culmination of a lifetime's work by the great journalist and historian Paul Foot, The Vote tells the thrilling story of the hard, long-fought struggle for the right to vote in Britain, and the slow erosion that followed.In the tradition of "history from below," Paul Foot examines the great democratic debates that dominated the fight for electoral democracy. Taking readers from the smoke-filled church of the Putney debates, to the dramatic arguments between Thomas Paine and Edmund Burke in the aftermath of the French Revolution, to the rise of Chartism and the struggles for votes for women.Throughout, Foot shows how vested interested first delayed and then hobbled the progress of parliamentary democracy. Concentrating on the vital role played by direct action, he shows how rank-and-file resistance to ruling-class injustice was followed by retreat into parliamentary impotence. Into the twentieth-century, Foot exposes the gaps between the promises of a succession of Labour governments and their actions once in power, and its abandonment of any aspiration to economic democracy.A gripping work of narrative history, written in Paul Foot's inimitable energy and engaged style, this book is a classic work of history, and a must-read for anyone interested in how today's political scene was formed.

Vous pouvez Manifester vos Rêves Tout Comme Moi: Une Histoire Vraie

by D. S. Pais

Tu peux matérialiser tes rêves tout comme moi Dans ce livre, je vais expliquer les techniques de la Loi de l'Attraction ainsi que les actions inspirées à prendre pour attirer ce que tu désires dans la vie. J'écris les étapes que j'ai suivies chaque jour en direction de ma matérialisation. L'accent de ce livre est mis sur l'attraction de l'argent. Les manifestations arrivent sans effort. Si nous voulons que quelque chose nous soit attiré, ça se produira sans effort. Note bien que tu peux suivre les techniques de la Loi de l'Attraction telles qu'elles sont données dans le livre, précisément comme elles ont été fournies. Cependant, les actions inspirées vont toutes venir de toi, toutes générées par tes intuitions. Tes rêves sont différents des miens. Je peux t'enseigner comment les matérialiser en utilisant la Loi de l'Attraction.

Vows: The Modern Genius of an Ancient Rite

by Cheryl Mendelson

From the bestselling author of Home Comforts comes the story of our wedding vows—what they mean and why they still matter.In the West, marrying is so thoroughly identified with ceremonial promises that &“taking vows&” is a synonym for getting married. So, it&’s a surprise to realize that this custom is actually a historical and anthropological oddity. Most of the world, for most of history, married without making promises. And there&’s a reason for that. Marriage by vow presupposes free choice, and free choice makes a love-match possible. It is a very modern arrangement. Vows is both a moving memoir of two marriages and a thoughtful meditation on marriage itself. Cheryl Mendelson tackles the sociology of commitment through our most traditional promises and shows why they endure. In considering the kind of marriage these vows entail, she helps answer some of life&’s most urgent and personal of questions: Could I, would I, or should I make these promises to someone? Using history and literature, the book describes the parameters of the behavior that traditional vows promise and, in doing so, answers a whole series of other questions: Why did wedding-by-vow arise only in the West? Why are they recited in weddings around the world today? Why have these vows lasted for nearly a thousand years? Why does the kind of marriage promised in the vows survive?

Vulgar Genres: Gay Pornographic Writing and Contemporary Fiction

by Steven Ruszczycky

Vulgar Genres examines gay pornographic writing, showing how literary fiction was both informed by pornography and amounts to a commentary on the genre’s relation to queer male erotic life. Long fixated on visual forms, the field of porn studies is overdue for a book-length study of gay pornographic writing. Steven Ruszczycky delivers with an impressively researched work on the ways gay pornographic writing emerged as a distinct genre in the 1960s and went on to shape queer male subjectivity well into the new millennium. ?Ranging over four decades, Ruszczycky draws on a large archive of pulp novels and short fiction, lifestyle magazines and journals, reviews, editorial statements, and correspondence. He puts these materials in conversation with works by a number of contemporary writers, including William Carney, Dennis Cooper, Samuel Delany, John Rechy, and Matthew Stadler. While focused on the years 1966 to 2005, Vulgar Genres reveals that the history of gay pornographic writing during this period informs much of what has happened online over the past twenty years, from cruising to the production of digital pornographic texts. The result is a milestone in porn studies and an important contribution to the history of gay life.

Vulnerability Revisited: Leaving No One Behind in Research (SpringerBriefs in Research and Innovation Governance)

by Doris Schroeder Roger Chennells Kate Chatfield Hazel Partington Joshua Kimani Gillian Thomson Joyce Adhiambo Odhiambo Leana Snyders Collin Louw

Open access. This open-access book discusses vulnerability and the protection-inclusion dilemma of including those who suffer from serious poverty, severe stigma, and structural violence in research. Co-written with representatives from indigenous peoples in South Africa and sex workers in Nairobi, the authors come down firmly on the side of inclusion. In the spirit of leaving no one behind in research, the team experimented with data collection methods that prioritize research participant needs over researcher needs. This involved foregoing the collection of personal data and community researchers being involved in all stages of the research. In the process, the term ‘vulnerability’ was illuminated across significant language barriers as it was defined by indigenous peoples and sex workers themselves. The book describes a potential alternative to exclusion from research that moves away from traditional research methods. By ensuring that the research is led by vulnerable groups for vulnerable groups, it offers an approach that fosters trust and collaboration with benefits for the community researchers, the wider community as well as research academics. Those living in low-income settings, in dire situations that are summarized with the term ‘vulnerability’ know best what their problems are and which priorities they have. To exclude them from research for their own protection is a patronizing approach which insinuates that researchers and research ethics committees know best. The team from this book have shown that minimally risky and minimally burdensome research tailored towards the needs of highly marginalized and stigmatized communities can be scientifically valuable as well as inclusive and equitable. I congratulate them. Prof. Klaus Leisinger, President Global Values Alliance, Former personal advisor to Kofi Annan on corporate responsibility

W. E. B. DuBois on Sociology and the Black Community (Heritage Of Sociology Ser.)

by W.E.B. DuBois

Historian, journalist, educator, and civil rights advocate W. E. B. Du Bois was perhaps most accomplished as a sociologist of race relations and of the black community in the United States. This volume collects his most important sociological writings from 1898 to 1910. The eighteen selections include five on Du Bois's conception of sociology and sociological research, especially as a tool in the struggle for racial justice; excerpts from studies of black communities in the South and the North, including The Philadelphia Negro; writings on black culture and social life, with a selection from The Negro American Family; and later works on race relations in the United States and elsewhere after World War II. This section includes a powerful fiftieth-anniversary reassessment of his classic 1901 article in the Atlantic in which he predicted that "the problem of the twentieth century is the problem of the color line." The editors provide an annotated bibliography, a lengthy overview of Du Bois's life and work, and detailed introductions to the selections. "The most significant contribution of this book is its inclusive look at Du Bois as both academic and activist. . . . Individuals interested in the study of social issues and political sociology would benefit from reading and discussing this book."—Paul Kriese, Sociology: Reviews of New Books "Green and Driver, informing this volume with a 48-page essay that summarizes Du Bois' career and places him in the context of the profession, have intelligently organized his writings. . . . A welcome contribution that should have wide use."—Elliott Rudwick, Contemporary Sociology

Wading Right In: Discovering the Nature of Wetlands

by Catherine Owen Koning Sharon M. Ashworth

Where can you find mosses that change landscapes, salamanders with algae in their skin, and carnivorous plants containing whole ecosystems in their furled leaves? Where can you find swamp-trompers, wildlife watchers, marsh managers, and mud-mad scientists? In wetlands, those complex habitats that play such vital ecological roles. In Wading Right In, Catherine Owen Koning and Sharon M. Ashworth take us on a journey into wetlands through stories from the people who wade in the muck. Traveling alongside scientists, explorers, and kids with waders and nets, the authors uncover the inextricably entwined relationships between the water flows, natural chemistry, soils, flora, and fauna of our floodplain forests, fens, bogs, marshes, and mires. Tales of mighty efforts to protect rare orchids, restore salt marshes, and preserve sedge meadows become portals through which we visit major wetland types and discover their secrets, while also learning critical ecological lessons. The United States still loses wetlands at a rate of 13,800 acres per year. Such loss diminishes the water quality of our rivers and lakes, depletes our capacity for flood control, reduces our ability to mitigate climate change, and further impoverishes our biodiversity. Koning and Ashworth’s stories captivate the imagination and inspire the emotional and intellectual connections we need to commit to protecting these magical and mysterious places.

The Wagered Widow: A Novel of Georgian England

by Patricia Veryan

Patricia Veryan was born in England and moved to the United States following World War II. The author of several critically acclaimed Georgian and Regency series, including the Sanguinet Saga, she now lives in Kirkland, Washington.

Wagner's Ring of the Nibelung: A Companion

by Barry Millington Stewart Spencer

"Scrupulous . . . planned and executed with quite unusual care." —Opera There has long been a need for a modern English translation of Wagner's Ring—a version that is reliable and readable yet at the same time is a true reflection of the literary quality of the German libretto. This acclaimed translation, which follows the verse form of the original exactly, fills that niche. It reads smoothly and idiomatically, yet is the result of prolonged thought and deep background knowledge. The translation is accompanied by Stewart Spencer's introductory essay on the libretto and a series of specially commissioned texts by Barry Millington, Roger Hollinrake, Elizabeth Magee and Warren Darcy that discuss the cycle's musical structure, philosophical implications, medieval sources and Wagner's own changing attitude to its meaning. With a glossary of names, a review of audio and video recordings, and a select bibliography, the book is an essential complement to Wagner's great epic.

Wait: A Novel

by Gabriella Burnham

A young woman reunites with her teenage sister in their childhood home on Nantucket Island after their mother disappears in this alluring coming-of-age novel from the acclaimed author of It Is Wood, It Is Stone.&“A novel to remember.&”—Sarah Thankam Mathews, author of All This Could Be DifferentElise is out dancing the night before her college graduation when her younger sister, Sophie, calls to tell her that their mom is nowhere to be found. Elise leaves on the next flight back to her childhood home, Nantucket Island, for the first time in nearly four years.The sisters soon learn that their mother was stopped by police on her way home from work and deported to São Paulo, Brazil. Intent on bringing her mother back, Elise stays and secures the same job she had in high school: monitoring endangered birds. Meanwhile, her best friend from college, Sheba—a gregarious socialite and heir to a famed children&’s toy company—reveals that she has inherited her grandfather&’s summer mansion on Nantucket. Elise&’s worlds collide as she confronts the emotional and material conditions that have fractured her family, as well as the life in Brazil that her mother has had to leave behind.Told with penetrating insight, humor, and unexpected tenderness, Wait is a story about a family swimming against the social currents that erode bonds: housing precarity, immigration systems, and inherited wealth. But it is also a story about love, wit, and sisterhood, and how two sisters cling to each other in the midst of cataclysmic change, all the while dreaming about a better future.

Wait for Me, Jack

by Addison Jones

&“Spanning 60 years, Jones&’s deceptively casual, episodic novel is a warm-hearted dissection of a dysfunctional marriage. . . . Uplifting and astute.&” —The Sunday Times Married in 1952, Jack and Milly meant to live the American Dream—but over six decades, the dream has changed for their country and for them. Wait for Me, Jack takes us from the aches and indignities of old age back to the exhilarating early days of a new relationship. An insightful, funny and, at times, devastating dissection of marriage, exploring what makes people stay together—despite everything. &“A frank, earthy and drily amusing portrait of a marriage.&” —The Herald &“Brilliantly observed and often very funny.&” —Morag Joss, award-winning author of Half Broken Things &“Uplifting and astute, this book should save marriages.&” —Tim Pears, The Sunday Times (A Top Summer Read) &“Most moving novel of the year.&” —Andrew Greig, author of John Macnab

Waiting for Friday Night (Peachtree Cove #2)

by Synithia Williams

"A pitch-perfect small-town romance focused on forgiveness, second chances, and new beginnings." —Publishers Weekly on The Secret to a Southern WeddingFriday nights in Peachtree Cove are all about football. But this season, the drama isn&’t just on the field… In the wake of losing both of her parents, Halle Parker was certain of one thing: she wanted a family of her own. And she wasn&’t going to let a little thing like being single stand in her way. So, she used an anonymous donor and kept every last detail a secret—from everyone. But now, fourteen years later, Halle&’s daughter, Shania, is determined to unravel the identity of her biological dad. And what she learns blindsides everyone… When Quinton Evans&’s pro-football days came to an end, he was eager to begin coaching and teaching, and he&’s never looked back. But when Shania, a wide receiver on his team, reveals that she&’s his daughter, he&’s blown away. The one thing he refuses to do is walk away, even if Shania&’s strong-willed and gorgeous mother wants nothing to do with him. Halle knows that once you let the cat out of the bag in a small town like Peachtree Cove, you&’re gonna have to do some damage control. But with Quinton suddenly popping up everywhere she turns, it&’s all Halle can do to fight for the future she envisioned and the family she created. If only fate—and the undeniable heat sparking between her and Quinton—didn&’t have other plans…Peachtree CoveBook 1: The Secret to a Southern WeddingBook 2: Waiting for Friday NightBook 3: Frenemies with Benefits

Waiting for the Flood (Spires #2)

by Alexis Hall

From the acclaimed author of BOYFRIEND MATERIAL comes a deeply moving romance about losing the life you always thought would be yours...and finding something beautiful in the wreckage of the past.Quietly heartbroken, Edwin Tully lives alone in the house he used to share with the man he once loved. He tends to damaged books and faded memories, trying to build a future from the fragments of the past. Then the weather turns, and the river spills into Edwin's quiet world, bringing with it Adam Dacre from the Environment Agency. An unlikely knight, this stranger with roughened hands and worn wellingtons offers Edwin the hope of something he thought he would never have again.As the two men are drawn together in their struggle against the rising waters, Edwin slowly lets down his guard as he comes to accept he can't shield his heart from everything—and perhaps he doesn't even need to try. Because love doesn't only leave scars…sometimes, it heals them, too.This lyrical, moving LGBTQIA+ romance contains never-before-seen content and exclusive bonus material—including a NEW novella, Chasing the Light, following Marius as he rediscovers love and the complicated joy of being truly alive.The World of SPIRES:Glitterland, book 1Waiting for the Flood, book 2

Waiting in the Waves (I. M. Dehd Ser.)

by Keri Kelly I. M. Dehd

Phoenix loves nothing more than surfing. So when she’s grounded after failing yet another history test, she’s determined not to miss the last waves of the season. She’ll sneak out in the dead of night and surf by the light of the full October moon. But she soon spies another, otherworldly glow glimmering on the dark waves… a ghost ship. If Phoenix had bothered to pay attention in class, she would’ve learned the local legend of a bloodthirsty pirate who returns every year from beyond to force unlucky souls to find his lost treasure—or die trying. Can Phoenix escape the greedy ghost, or will ignoring history come back to haunt her? Prepared to be scared in this chilling chapter book for young readers by the master of misery and fright, I.M. Dehd.

Waiting 'Til the Midnight Hour: A Narrative History of Black Power in America

by Peniel E. Joseph

A gripping narrative that brings to life a legendary moment in American history: the birth, life, and death of the Black Power movementWith the rallying cry of "Black Power!" in 1966, a group of black activists, including Stokely Carmichael and Huey P. Newton, turned their backs on Martin Luther King's pacifism and, building on Malcolm X's legacy, pioneered a radical new approach to the fight for equality. Waiting 'Til the Midnight Hour is a history of the Black Power movement, that storied group of men and women who would become American icons of the struggle for racial equality.Peniel E. Joseph traces the history of the men and women of the movement—many of them famous or infamous, others forgotten. Waiting 'Til the Midnight Hour begins in Harlem in the 1950s, where, despite the Cold War's hostile climate, black writers, artists, and activists built a new urban militancy that was the movement's earliest incarnation. In a series of character-driven chapters, we witness the rise of Black Power groups such as the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee and the Black Panthers, and with them, on both coasts of the country, a fundamental change in the way Americans understood the unfinished business of racial equality and integration.Drawing on original archival research and more than sixty original oral histories, this narrative history vividly invokes the way in which Black Power redefined black identity and culture and in the process redrew the landscape of American race relations.

Waiting to Be Arrested at Night: A Uyghur Poet's Memoir of China's Genocide

by Tahir Hamut Izgil

A New York Times Notable Book of 2023A poet's account of one of the world's most urgent humanitarian crises, and a harrowing tale of a family's escape from genocideOne by one, Tahir Hamut Izgil's friends disappeared. The Chinese government's brutal persecution of the Uyghur people had continued for years, but in 2017 it assumed a terrifying new scale. The Uyghurs, a predominantly Muslim minority group in western China, were experiencing an echo of the worst horrors of the twentieth century, amplified by China's establishment of an all-seeing high-tech surveillance state. Over a million people have vanished into China&’s internment camps for Muslim minorities.Tahir, a prominent poet and intellectual, had been no stranger to persecution. After he attempted to travel abroad in 1996, police tortured him until he confessed to fabricated charges and sent him to a re-education through labor camp. But even having endured three years in the camp, he could never have predicted the Chinese government&’s radical solution to the Uyghur question two decades later. Was the first sign when Tahir was interrogated for hours after a phone call with a fellow poet in the Netherlands? Or when his old friend was sentenced to life in prison simply for calling for Uyghurs' legal rights to be enforced? Perhaps it was when the police seized Uyghurs&’ radios and installed jamming equipment to cut them off from the outside world.Once Tahir noticed that the park near his home was nearly empty because so many neighbors had been arrested, he knew the police would be coming for him any day. One night, after Tahir&’s daughters were asleep, he placed by his door a sturdy pair of shoes, a sweater, and a coat so that he could stay warm if the police came for him in the middle of the night. It was clear to Tahir and his wife that fleeing the country was the family's only hope. Waiting to Be Arrested at Night is the story of the political, social, and cultural destruction of Tahir Hamut Izgil's homeland. Among leading Uyghur intellectuals and writers, he is the only one known to have escaped China since the mass internments began. His book is a call for the world to awaken to the unfolding catastrophe, and a tribute to his friends and fellow Uyghurs whose voices have been silenced.

Wake: Why the Battle over Diverse Public Schools Still Matters (Critical Issues in American Education)

by Karey Alison Harwood

The Wake County Public School System was once described as a beacon of hope for American school districts. It was both academically successful and successfully integrated. It accomplished these goals through the hard work of teachers and administrators, and through a student assignment policy that made sure no school in the countywide district became a high poverty school. Although most students attended their closest school, the “diversity policy” modified where some students were assigned to make sure no school had more than 40% of its students qualifying for free or reduced-price lunch or more than 25% performing below grade level. When the school board election of 2009 swept into office a majority who favored “neighborhood schools,” the diversity policy that had governed student assignment for years was eliminated. Wake: Why the Battle Over Diverse Public Schools Still Matters tells the story of the aftermath of that election, including the fierce public debate that ensued during school board meetings and in the pages of the local newspaper, and the groundswell of community support that voted in a pro-diversity school board in 2011. What was at stake in those years was the fundamental direction of the largest school district in North Carolina and the 14th largest in the U.S. Would it maintain a commitment to diverse schools, and if so, how would it balance that commitment with various competing interests and demands? Through hundreds of published opinion articles and several in depth interviews with community leaders, Wake examines the substance of that debate and explores the community’s vision for public education. Wake also explores the importance of knowing the history of a place, including the history of school segregation. Wake County’s example still resonates, and the battle over diverse public schools still matters, because owning responsibility for the problem of segregated schools (or not) will shape the direction of America’s future.

Wake of War: A Novel

by Zac Topping

In the future, the fate of America will be decided in a valley of death…The year is 2037, and chaos reigns. The U.S. government is in the hands of a borderline fascist who rules a country that is falling apart. Economic collapse looms, whole populations are fleeing their homes, and the armed forces are caught in a seemingly helpless war. Their foe—their own countrymen.The Revolutionist Front was borne of the government’s increasingly draconian actions. But the RF is equally extreme, run by a merciless megalomaniac determined to create his own version of America. Now, both armies find themselves in a stalemate in Salt Lake City, facing each other across a vital resource mine that could decide the outcome of the war.In this maelstrom, three fighters will experience the horrors of war from different directions: a young, green infantryman about to receive his baptism of fire; a ruthless rebel sniper out to make her enemies pay for what they took from her; and a hardened mercenary being paid to protect the mine.Each will be tested to the limits of their loyalties and personal honor. But none will emerge from the coming battle the same as when they walked into hell on earth…"WAKE OF WAR is packed with intense, realistic combat action set in an all-too-believable near future. Zac Topping has clearly been there and done that, and he delivers riveting combat scenes that explode off of the page." - Michael Mammay, author of The Misfit Soldier

The Wake-Up Call: Why the Pandemic Has Exposed the Weakness of the West, and How to Fix It

by John Micklethwait Adrian Wooldridge

"[An] executive summary of modern political history studded with sweeping assertions and telling anecdotes." -- The New York Times Book Review"Thought-provoking." -- Kirkus Reviews“A shot in the arm...powerful.” -- The Financial Times"The Wake-Up Call, refreshingly concise and eminently readable, highlights how the modern crisis of governance compounded the challenges of the pandemic." -- Bloomberg"The Wake-Up Call argues that Covid-19 has exposed not just one president's shortcomings but a much more profound degeneration of governance dating back long before 2016...You will read no more interesting book on the political consequences of the pandemic than this." -- Niall Ferguson, author of Civilization: The West and the Rest NAMED ONE OF THE BEST BOOKS OF 2020 (BLOOMBERG)An urgent and informed look at the challenges America and world governments will face in a post Covid-19 world.The Covid-19 pandemic has revealed that governments matter again, that competent leadership is the difference between living and dying. A few governments proved adept at handling the crisis while many others failed. Are Western governments healthy and strong enough to keep their citizens safe from another virulent virus—and protect their economies from collapse? Is global leadership passing from the United States to Asia—and particularly China? The Wake-Up Call addresses these urgent questions. Journalists and longtime collaborators John Micklethwait and Adrian Wooldridge identify the problems Western leaders face, and outline a detailed plan to help them become more vigilant, better prepared, and responsive to disruptive future events. The problems that face us are enormous; as The Wake-Up Call makes clear, governments around the world must re-engineer the way they operate to successfully meet the challenges ahead.

The Wake-up Call

by Madu De Silva

What if the world had never been tainted by sin and evil? What if Adam and Eve had resisted the temptation of the forbidden fruit? How would our history and faith have been different? Would we still have needed God, or would God still have wanted us, in such a perfect world? Now, imagine attaining immortality, defying the graceful ageing and inevitable death. You find yourself in an Eden-like setting where your sole duty is to sing praises for the creator, living forever with no sin, no emotions, no physical form, and no attachments except for the service of God. The allure of eternal life, as depicted in various religious texts, often presents an image of endless existence in a paradise-like setting. However, the reality of such an existence may not be as idyllic as it first appears. Imagine, for instance, your favourite meal. The first taste is a revelation, the hundredth still delightful. But the thousandth? The millionth? Even the most divine delicacies could become mundane. Similarly, consider a favourite song or a beloved film. Repeated endlessly, even these could lose their charm. In an eternal life, where each day mirrors the last, the pleasures we savour in our mortal lives could become tedious. Compare this with our finite existence, shaped by time. Each day brings a new opportunity, every encounter could change our lives, and every challenge helps us grow. Growing old, often seen negatively, is a mark of our wisdom and experience. The beauty of ageing is a tribute to life itself. At some point, whether you are a devout cleric or a God-fearing layman, you have wondered about questions that challenge your beliefs, your interpretation of the Bible, and what you have learned. The Wake-Up Call invites you to explore the Bible from a completely new angle. It’s not a demand to change what you believe, but to learn things from a different perspective. The readers who accept this invitation will find it rewarding, and I promise you a delightful journey. This book is not just a critique of God, the Bible, and Abrahamic religions. It’s a reflection of our convictions, a challenge to look beyond the obvious, and a call to question the unquestionable. Are you courageous enough to answer the call? Are you prepared for the shock of the new insight? If so, open the book and start your journey. The road may be tough, but the rewards are priceless. This is your wake-up call. Will you heed it? The choice is yours.

The Wakes: The hilarious and heartbreaking Australian bestseller

by Dianne Yarwood

FOUR FUNERALS. TWO MARRIAGES. ONE PRECIOUS LIFE.'Delicious' LIANNE MORIARTY'A delight' SUNDAY EXPRESS'Uplifting' OBSERVERThis is a story about Clare, Chris and Louisa. It is about two failing marriages, two strangers falling in love and two friends embarking on a potentially disastrous funeral catering business. It is most certainly not about frittatas (a terrible concession) and more to do with lemon tart (a perfect contrast of textures).This is a story about all the things that make life worth living, and how joy breaks in even when you least expect it.'Life-affirming and joyful, even as it breaks your heart' EMILY ITAMI'Insightful' THE TIMES'Comfort food for your mind' HARPER'S BAZAAR

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