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Psychedelics and the Coming Singularity: Conversations with Duncan Trussell, Rupert Sheldrake, Hamilton Morris, Graham Hancock, Grant Morrison, and Others

by David Jay Brown

• Includes conversations with Duncan Trussell, Graham Hancock, Grant Morrison, Hamilton Morris, Erik Davis, Julia Mossbridge, Rupert Sheldrake, and others• Explores the possibility of human extinction, Simulation Theory, Virtual Reality and lucid dreaming, space migration, DMT research, and advanced robotics• Delves deep into the relationship between psychedelics and ecological awarenessBetween war, inequality, biosphere collapse, climate change, and destabilizing advances in technology like AI, humankind is confronted with an almost insurmountable array of challenges. Yet many brilliant experts are working on outside-the-box solutions, looking to psychedelic-inspired visions of the future to lead humanity through these crises.In a series of conversations with leading minds in consciousness studies, psychedelic culture, anthropology, chemistry, and other disciplines, author David Jay Brown elicits answers to some of the most thought-provoking questions about our origins, our present situation, and the future of humanity and the Earth. Brown and these luminaries explore topics as diverse as potential human extinction, the relationship between psychedelics and ecological consciousness, simulation theory, virtual reality and lucid dreaming, the consciousness-altering effects of the pandemic, space migration and contact with alien intelligence, and DMT research and advanced robotics.Whether he&’s speaking to podcaster Duncan Trussell about the Singularity, comic book author Grant Morrison about magick and the occult, or neuroscientist Julia Mossbridge about psychic phenomena, Brown&’s spirited interview approach helps draw profound insights from these cutting-edge thinkers. What, he asks, are the implications of our understanding of consciousness, particularly altered states—and how might entheogens help raise ecological awareness to impact the future of our species? In this curated colletion of interviews, Brown seeks to find out.

The Psychiatric Consult: Navigating Challenging Treatment Plans

by Alyson Gorun Anna M. Kim Christian Umfrid Janna Gordon-Elliot

This book guides psychiatry trainees through some of the most common psychiatric consultation requests in the general medical hospital, using accessible, case-based narratives. Clinical case scenarios are used to demonstrate how to consider both medical and psychological factors involved in the consultation, and the approach to challenging interpersonal dynamics that may occur between the hospitalized patient and the primary medical team. Each case illustrates how to begin to think like a consultation-liaison psychiatrist in order to arrive at a diagnosis and formulate a treatment plan in complex clinical situations. Cases unfold in real time to highlight the critical role of the psychiatrist as liaison to the patient and medical team in order to guide psychiatric management and facilitate effective communication and treatment in the hospital. In addition to clinical cases, each chapter features a concise list of strategies to identify and address patient symptoms and behaviors, interpersonal dynamics, and barriers to care that arise in the hospital. The Psychiatric Consult features resident-specific recommendations and a case-based format that make it a unique, realistic, and engaging learning tool.

Psychiatric Contours: New African Histories of Madness (Theory in Forms)

by Nancy Rose Hunt & Hubertus Büschel

Psychiatric Contours investigates new histories of psychiatry, derangement, and agitated subjectivities in colonial and decolonizing Africa. The volume lets the multivalent term madness broaden perception, well beyond the psychiatric. Many chapters detect the mad or the psychiatric in unhinged persons, frantic collectives, and distressing situations. Others investigate individuals suffering from miscategorization. A key Foucauldian word, vivacity, illuminates how madness aligns with pathology, creativity, turbulence, and psychopolitics. The archives, patient-authored or not, speak to furies and fantasies inside asylums, colonial institutions, decolonizing missions, and slave ships. The frayed edges of politicized deliria open up the senses and optics of psychiatry’s history in Africa far beyond clinical spaces and classification. The volume also proposes fresh concepts, notably the vernacular, to suggest how to work with emic clues in a granular fashion and telescope the psychiatric within histories of madness. With chapters stretching across much of ex-British and ex-French colonial Africa, Psychiatric Contours attends to the words, autobiographies, and hallucinations of the stigmatized and afflicted as well as of the powerful. Expatriate psychiatrists with cameras, prying authorities, fearful missionaries, and colonial anthropologists enter these readings beside patients, asylums, and boarding schools via research on possession “hysteria” and schizophrenia. In brief, this book demonstrates novel ways of writing not only medical history but all subaltern and global histories.Contributors. Hubertus Büschel, Raphaël Gallien, Matthew M. Heaton, Richard Hölzl, Nancy Rose Hunt, Richard C. Keller, Sloan Mahone, Nana Osei Quarshie, Jonathan Sadowsky, Romain Tiquet

The Psychic Psychologist: Heal Your Past, Find Peace in the Present, Transform Your Future

by Amanda Charles

Do you feel like your life looks perfect from the outside, but on the inside you&’re falling apart? Have you gone from one practitioner to the next desperately seeking solutions and yet still suffer? If the answer&’s &‘yes&’, then you need The Psychic Psychologist®.Combining traditional psychology, energy work and quantum theory, as well as professional and life experience, The Psychic Psychologist offers a completely unique perspective on healing.With evidence-backed psychological interventions alongside spiritual and intuitive practices, The Psychic Psychologist will help you break free from suffering, transform your pain and go beyond all limitations to create the life you desire. It&’s a book that will help you tap more deeply into your higher power and follow your inner voice, so you can embrace a new reality and consciously construct positive change in your present and for your future.So, no matter how many times life has kicked you when you&’re down, this book will show you that when you&’re fully connected to all the layers of your existence – body, heart, mind and soul – you can turn your pain into purpose and live a life you love.&‘I always hoped that someone would bring a totally new perspective to the way we view human consciousness. Amanda has absolutely done that with this wonderful book.&’Gordon Smith, internationally renowned medium, spiritual teacher and bestselling author.

Psychoanalysis and Film: Methodical Approaches to Latent Meaning (essentials)

by Timo Storck

This essential is dedicated to the connection between psychoanalysis and film. Psychoanalysis is suitable for a methodically guided film viewing. This is not an application of psychoanalytical theory, but rather an application of its method of a reflected relationship to a counterpart. In this way, latent meanings can be taken into consideration and an interpretation can be developed. This essential reconstructs the possibilities of such an approach and presents existing approaches. Finally, a guideline for carrying out a film psychoanalytical interpretation is proposed. Numerous film examples serve to illustrate this.The translation was done with the help of artificial intelligence. A subsequent human revision was done primarily in terms of content.

Psychoanalysis as Radical Hospitality: Six Perspectives on Turning-to versus Turning-Away (Psychoanalysis in a New Key Book Series)

by Dana Amir

This book focuses on different forms of turning-to versus turning-away from speech across a range of experiences in clinical treatment and general life.The chapters of this volume deal with the entrapment involved in exile from mother tongue, the parasitic language that uses the other's language as a linguistic prosthesis, the language of blank mourning which separates the mourner from their mourning, the adhesive identification of the voice and the psychotic split between voice and meaning, the mental hypotonia associated with an internalized object that turns away, and the spectrum between revenge and forgiveness. Each chapter sheds light on a different angle of the psyche's ability to spot its own leverage point and use it to transcend the infinite varieties of helpless victimhood: from the position of the victim to the position of the witness, from being the object of the narrative to being its subject, and from the position of righteousness to the willingness to forgive and be forgiven.This book is a must read for psychoanalysts, psychotherapists and literary scholars, as well as philosophers of language and of the mind.

A Psychoanalytic Study of Political Leadership in the United States and Russia: Searching for Truth

by Karyne E. Messina

A Psychoanalytic Study of Political Leadership in the United States and Russia: Searching for Truth provides psychoanalytic insight into the motives of this complex and contradictory figure.The contributors, from different professional and academic backgrounds, use a range of methods including quantitative research and literary analysis to shed light on Putin’s background, outlook and current actions. Reflecting a range of perspectives on how Putin’s background may have informed his beliefs and his actions, particularly with respect to the invasion of Ukraine, the book brings together diverse viewpoints.A Psychoanalytic Study of Political Leadership in the United States and Russia will be of great interest to psychoanalysts and to readers seeking to understand the complex dynamics of populist leadership.

Psychologie der Persönlichkeit

by Franz J. Neyer Jens B. Asendorpf

Dieser Lehrbuch-Klassiker der Differenziellen Psychologie und Persönlichkeitspsychologie bietet alles, was Studierende und Lehrende für das Studium benötigen: Das gesamte Prüfungswissen anschaulich und lernfreundlich aufbereitet, vielfältige Online-Zusatzmaterialien auf zum Lernen und Lehren und praxisnahe Bezüge zu Alltagsleben, Gesellschaft und Berufswelt. – Wer ist ein guter Partner? Wie wird interkulturelles Training gestaltet? Wie wirkt Selbstdarstellung in den neuen Medien? Was ist soziale Kompetenz? – Alles, was den Menschen ausmacht, finden Sie in diesem Buch!

The Psychology of Memory (The Psychology of Everything)

by Megan Sumeracki Althea Need Kaminske

How can I improve my memory? Do my emotions affect my memories? How will my memory change as I get older?The Psychology of Memory provides a unique insight into a fundamental part of being human, debunking many common misconceptions about what memory is, how memory works, and the accuracy of our memories. It explores the complexity of human memory, looking at how we remember different types of information and the impact of issues like ageing and emotion on how we create, store, and retrieve memories. Extremes of memory from so-called photographic memory to dementia are discussed, along with ways our memory can impact our everyday lives in educational and legal settings.Treating memory as malleable, dynamic, and active, The Psychology of Memory teaches us about how our individual memories function, and how we can harness this to see memory in a new way; to use the past, our experiences and information, in service of the present and future.

Psychopathologie: Merkmale psychischer Krankheitsbilder und klinische Neurowissenschaft

by Friedel M. Reischies

Wie erklärt die Neurowissenschaft Bewusstseinsänderungen? Was passiert im Gehirn z.B. bei einem Angstzustand? Viele Menschen leiden irgendwann an Symptomen wie Antriebslosigkeit oder Bedrücktheit. Psychiatrische Krankheitsbilder sind psychopathologische Merkmalskomplexe, die eine genaue Beobachtung und Wertung benötigen. Hier finden Leser die Psychopathologie mit ihren neurowissenschaftlichen Grundlagen umfassend dargestellt. Systematisch und übersichtlich sind alle Symptome beschrieben. Fallbeispiele vertiefen Beobachtung und klinische Erfahrung. Jedem Kapitel folgen Definitionen, klinische Gesichtspunkte und Diagnostik. Neurowissenschaftliche Modelle sind für jede Merkmalsgruppe und spezielle Aspekte veranschaulicht. Das Buch richtet sich an Psychiater und andere Berufsgruppen aus der psychosozialen Versorgung sowie interessierte Studenten. Es hilft Untersuchenden, Patienten eine verständliche und zutreffende Erklärung ihres Symptoms zu bieten. Für die Neuauflage wurde das Werk komplett überarbeitet, aktualisiert sowie um neueste Forschungsergebnisse zu spannenden aktuellen Themen, wie z.B. zu Halluzinationen und Deep Learning ergänzt.

Psychopathy in the Workplace: Coping Strategies for Employees

by Marie-Line Germain

The onset of the pandemic has placed a greater emphasis on mental health, with many organizations making it a business imperative to ensure that employees are fully supported. Research on mental health in the workplace continues to grow, though there is a dearth of scholarly writings taking a micro approach to understanding the impact of negative work environments. This three-book series explores issues related to personality disorders and work-related suicides and the effect on employees and leaders. This volume focuses on the harmful effects of psychopathy in the workplace. The book is divided into three sections: defining psychopathy, identifying it through its effects on workplace productivity and performance, and understanding how that knowledge can limit its effect. With chapter contributions from authors around the world, this collection offers global perspectives on the harmful role that psychopathy can play in the workplace. Tackling topics such as abusive supervision and workplace bullying, this book will advance scholarship related to employee well-being, employee engagement, and counterproductive workplace behaviors.

Psychotherapie von Anfang bis Ende: Schritt für Schritt durch den therapeutischen Prozess

by Markus Gmelch

Die Ergebnisse der Psychotherapieforschung können am stimmigsten von einem kontextuellen Metamodell interpretiert werden: In der therapeutischen Beziehung werden hilfreiche Kontexte für KlientInnen angeboten und individuell angepasst, die diese zu Klärung, Veränderung und Ermutigung nutzen können.Vor diesem Hintergrund stellen sich angehenden PsychotherapeutInnen ganz praktische Fragen: Was macht denn eine Beziehung „therapeutisch“? Wie kann ich den Prozess von Beginn an hilfreich strukturieren? Wie gelange ich zu „wohl formulierten“ Therapiezielen? Wie kann ich KlientInnen ihre eigenen Interventionen finden und erfinden lassen? Wie gehe ich mit „unmotivierten“ KlientInnen um? Und was mache ich bei Rückschritten? Wie kann ich mich auf jede einzelne KlientIn individuell einstellen und „anschlussfähige“ Fragen stellen? Und was kann ich tun, dass KlientInnen langfristig auch ohne mich zurechtkommen?Dieses Lehrbuch vermittelt PsychotherapeutInnen Grundlagen zum gesamten therapeutischen Prozess und bietet Orientierung und Struktur für zahlreiche schwierige Situationen an - Heuristiken, die wiederum genutzt und angepasst werden können. Viele Transkripte und Beispiele veranschaulichen und konkretisieren die Vorgehensweise.

Public Administration and Expertise in Democratic Governments: Comparative Public Law in the Twenty-First Century (Routledge Research in Public Law)

by Suan Rose-Ackerman

This collection deals with challenges confronting public law and public administration in twenty-first century democracies across the world. It draws together contributions from leading scholars, examining cutting-edge topics, and projecting the scholarship forward. It emphasizes the importance both of justifying executive policymaking to citizens and of drawing on bureaucratic expertise and professional competence. Contributors examine the role of courts and argue for new forms of public participation that can incorporate democratic values into executive-branch policymaking. Finally, the work confronts problems in the administration of the criminal law that are generating increased public concern. Building on Rose-Ackerman’s scholarship, writers compare the American experience with contemporary developments in other leading democracies – in particular, Germany, France, the EU, Canada, and Latin America. The work will be an invaluable resource for academics, researchers and policymakers working in the areas of Administrative Law, Public Law, and Political Science.

Public Engagement with Holocaust Memory Sites in Poland (The Holocaust and its Contexts)

by Diana I. Popescu

This book aims to address a neglected field of research by providing evidence-based insights into how contemporary visitors of different national and generational background, especially those of Polish and Jewish descent, experience and reflect on their visits, or on living in the proximity of different sites of memory across Poland, including former concentration and death camps, ghetto sites, and other physical sites such as museums with a connection to the Holocaust.

Public Inquiries and Policy Design (Elements in Public Policy)

by null Alastair Stark null Sophie Yates

Public inquiries regularly produce outcomes of importance to policy design. However, the policy design literature has largely ignored the many important ways that public inquiries can act as policy design tools, meaning the functions that inquiries can offer the policy designer are not properly understood. This Element addresses this gap in two ways. First, it presents a theoretical discussion, underpinned by international empirical illustrations, to explain how inquiries perform policy design roles and can be classified as procedural policy tools. It focuses on four inquiry functions – catalytic, learning, processual, and legitimation. Second, it addresses the challenge of designing inquiries that have the policy-facing capacities required to make them effective. It introduces plurality as a key variable influencing effectiveness, demonstrating its relevance to internal inquiry operations, the external inquiry environment, and policy tool selection. Thus, it combines conceptual and practical insights to speak to academic and practice orientated audiences.

Public-Key Cryptography – PKC 2024: 27th IACR International Conference on Practice and Theory of Public-Key Cryptography, Sydney, NSW, Australia, April 15–17, 2024, Proceedings, Part IV (Lecture Notes in Computer Science #14604)

by Qiang Tang Vanessa Teague

The four-volume proceedings set LNCS 14601-14604 constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 27th IACR International Conference on Practice and Theory of Public Key Cryptography, PKC 2024, held in Sydney, NSW, Australia, April 15–17, 2024. The 54 papers included in these proceedings were carefully reviewed and selected from 176 submissions. They focus on all aspects of signatures; attacks; commitments; multiparty computation; zero knowledge proofs; theoretical foundations; isogenies and applications; lattices and applications; Diffie Hellman and applications; encryption; homomorphic encryption; and implementation.

Public-Key Cryptography – PKC 2024: 27th IACR International Conference on Practice and Theory of Public-Key Cryptography, Sydney, NSW, Australia, April 15–17, 2024, Proceedings, Part II (Lecture Notes in Computer Science #14602)

by Qiang Tang Vanessa Teague

The four-volume proceedings set LNCS 14601-14604 constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 27th IACR International Conference on Practice and Theory of Public Key Cryptography, PKC 2024, held in Sydney, NSW, Australia, April 15–17, 2024. The 54 papers included in these proceedings were carefully reviewed and selected from 176 submissions. They focus on all aspects of signatures; attacks; commitments; multiparty computation; zero knowledge proofs; theoretical foundations; isogenies and applications; lattices and applications; Diffie Hellman and applications; encryption; homomorphic encryption; and implementation.

Public Sector Management

by Norman Flynn Alberto Asquer

In an era marked by unprecedented challenges, from the climate crisis to the rise of populism, the ways to manage public sector organisations have dramatically changed. In the eighth edition of this bestselling textbook, Flynn and Asquer offer the definitive introduction to public administration. Now substantially revised and updated throughout, this text reflects the latest approaches, tools and techniques that help governments respond to the multifaceted problems facing societies today and pre-empt those of tomorrow. Recognising the importance of context, Public Sector Managementunderscores that one-size-fits-all management practices are inadequate. Learn how public sector management adapts to changing political climates and societal pressures and be guided through the intricacies of making evidence-based policies while acknowledging the political dynamics that shape them. Updates to the eighth edition include: · A Global Perspective: Explore variations in public sector management shaped by cultural, historical, and institutional contexts, and gain a deep understanding of how governments address challenges in unique ways. · Balancing Theory and Practice: the new edition offers amore detailed and holistic perspective on public sector management by bringing in the latest theoretical insights and real-world public sector management practices. · Adapting to Change and tacking today’s issues: Confront the challenges faced in the age of technology, from artificial intelligence to Big Data; the climate crisis and clean energy transitions; and resulting from the latest geopolitical shifts including workforce migration to the erosion of trust in democracies. · A Call for Contextual Understanding: Learn how factors such as heterogeneity, population, income inequality, and technological access influence public sector management practices. Public Sector Management is essential reading for upper undergraduate and postgraduate students studying public sector management or public administration and is perfect for those studying on a Master of Public Administration programme. Norman Flynn was Director of the Centre for Financial and Management Studies, SOAS, University of London and Programme Director of the MSc in Public Policy and Management. Alberto Asquer is Head of the School of Finance and Management, Programme Director, MSc Public Policy and Management, and Senior Lecturer of Public Policy and Management at SOAS University of London

Public Sector Management

by Norman Flynn Alberto Asquer

In an era marked by unprecedented challenges, from the climate crisis to the rise of populism, the ways to manage public sector organisations have dramatically changed. In the eighth edition of this bestselling textbook, Flynn and Asquer offer the definitive introduction to public administration. Now substantially revised and updated throughout, this text reflects the latest approaches, tools and techniques that help governments respond to the multifaceted problems facing societies today and pre-empt those of tomorrow. Recognising the importance of context, Public Sector Managementunderscores that one-size-fits-all management practices are inadequate. Learn how public sector management adapts to changing political climates and societal pressures and be guided through the intricacies of making evidence-based policies while acknowledging the political dynamics that shape them. Updates to the eighth edition include: · A Global Perspective: Explore variations in public sector management shaped by cultural, historical, and institutional contexts, and gain a deep understanding of how governments address challenges in unique ways. · Balancing Theory and Practice: the new edition offers amore detailed and holistic perspective on public sector management by bringing in the latest theoretical insights and real-world public sector management practices. · Adapting to Change and tacking today’s issues: Confront the challenges faced in the age of technology, from artificial intelligence to Big Data; the climate crisis and clean energy transitions; and resulting from the latest geopolitical shifts including workforce migration to the erosion of trust in democracies. · A Call for Contextual Understanding: Learn how factors such as heterogeneity, population, income inequality, and technological access influence public sector management practices. Public Sector Management is essential reading for upper undergraduate and postgraduate students studying public sector management or public administration and is perfect for those studying on a Master of Public Administration programme. Norman Flynn was Director of the Centre for Financial and Management Studies, SOAS, University of London and Programme Director of the MSc in Public Policy and Management. Alberto Asquer is Head of the School of Finance and Management, Programme Director, MSc Public Policy and Management, and Senior Lecturer of Public Policy and Management at SOAS University of London

Publikumsschwund?: Ein Blick auf die Theaterstatistik seit 1949

by Rainer Glaap

Durch den teils massiven Publikumsschwund nach der Pandemie stellt sich die Frage, ob diese als Brandbeschleuniger gewirkt hat für bereits vorhandene Trends. Der Autor geht dem nach anhand der Besuchszahlen bis zur letzten vollständigen vorpandemischen Spielzeit 2018/19. Er zeigt historische Zeitreihen zu Sparten- und Personalentwicklung, Vertriebskanälen und den Einnahmen. Die Theaterstatistik des Bühnenvereins dient vielen Entscheidungsträgern als Grundlage für z.B. kulturpolitische Steuerungen, obwohl sie nicht die komplette deutsche Theaterlandschaft abbildet. Deshalb beleuchtet der Autor weitere Anbieter. Da die Theaterstatistik große kulturpolitische Bedeutung hat, gibt es zum Schluss einige Vorschläge für die Zukunft.

Pup and Pig Bounce!

by Andrea Clark

In Pup and Pig Bounce! the farm buzzes with tales of terrifying spiders. But curious youngsters Pup and Pig believe there’s more to these creatures than meets the eye. Embark on a delightful journey with this daring duo as they unravel the mystery of spiders and lead up to a joyous, unexpected BOUNCE! Who knew learning could be this fun and bouncy?

Purification of Biotechnological Products: A Focus on Industrial Applications (ISSN)

by Pessoa Jr. Adalberto Beatriz Vahan Kilikian Paul Long

This outstanding text focuses on providing professionals and students working in the pharmaceutical and biotechnology field with the background necessary for developing of a product or process and with the necessary rigor required by federal regulatory agencies in the pharmaceutical industry. The material will enable teachers, lecturers and professors in biotechnology to prepare courses on basic concepts and applications for the purification of biotechnological products of industrial interest. These can be applied in practice, for example, with projects on purification development on an industrial scale or useful unit operations for the development of bioproducts of commercial interest.Features: Purification and development of new bioproducts and improvement of those being produced. Provides a background and concepts on the purification of biomolecules and with an industrial perspective. It allows professionals to understand the entire process of developing a biopharmaceutical or bio-food, from bench to industry in biotechnology; one of the fastest-growing sectors of the economy. It promotes the dissemination of information in a didactic way which is of paramount importance for interdisciplinary fields It enables the reader to follow step-by-step stages of the development of a new biopharmaceutical, and allows the optimization of existing processes.

Purpose-driven Innovation Leadership for Sustainable Development: A Qualitative Case Study Approach (ISSN)

by Gaia Grant

Purpose-driven Innovation Leadership for Sustainable Development presents invaluable insights into how leaders can balance competing innovation demands. The book reports on research from an in-depth case study, which reveals the importance of developing highly adaptative and innovative responses through periods of rapid growth – while simultaneously ensuring organisational stability grounded in a clear core purpose. ‘Paradox’ theory is introduced as a constructive theoretical lens for exploring these complexities of leadership sensemaking in innovation contexts. The findings demonstrate how to incorporate both perspectives to establish a robust innovation culture.This book aims to equip readers with evidence-based principles that can be readily applied in practice. The qualitative methodology, which includes case studies and interviews conducted with global innovation leaders, uncovers powerful strategies from relevant real-world experiences. Targeted ‘Reflection and Action’ questions are also included to guide implementation.Purpose-driven Innovation Leadership for Sustainable Development will support researchers, educators, and students in the higher education sector who would like to investigate contemporary innovation leadership principles and practices. The book will also interest business leaders hoping to access rigorous research studies on the topic presented in an effective actionable format.


by Jenn Reese

Get ready to solve the mystery at the heart of this captivating new middle grade adventure about family—and a house with a mind of its own—from the award-winning author of Game of Fox & Squirrels and Every Bird a Prince, Jenn Reese. Twelve-year-old Perigee has never met a problem they couldn’t solve. So when their Dad’s spirits need raising, Perigee formulates the Plan: a road trip to Dad’s childhood home to reunite him with his estranged mother. There's something in it for Perigee, too, as they will finally get to visit “Eklunds' Puzzle House,” the mysterious bed & breakfast their grandparents built but never opened.They arrive ahead of a massive storm and the House immediately puts Perigee’s logical, science-loving mind to the test. Corridors shift. Strange paintings lurk in the shadows. Encoded messages abound. Despite Perigee’s best efforts, neither the House nor Grandma will give up their secrets. And worse, prickly Grandma has outlawed games and riddles of any kind.Even the greatest of plans can crumble, and as new arguments fill the air, the House becomes truly dangerous. Deadly puzzles pop up at every turn, knives spin in the hallways, and staircases disappear. The answer lies at the heart of the House, but in order to find it, Perigee and their new friend Lily will need to solve a long-lost, decades-old riddle… if the House itself doesn’t stop them first.

Python for Data Science

by A. Lakshmi Muddana Sandhya Vinayakam

The book is designed to serve as a textbook for courses offered to undergraduate and graduate students enrolled in data science. This book aims to help the readers understand the basic and advanced concepts for developing simple programs and the fundamentals required for building machine learning models. The book covers basic concepts like data types, operators, and statements that enable the reader to solve simple problems. As functions are the core of any programming, a detailed illustration of defining & invoking functions and recursive functions is covered. Built-in data structures of Python, such as strings, lists, tuples, sets, and dictionary structures, are discussed in detail with examples and exercise problems. Files are an integrated part of programming when dealing with large data. File handling operations are illustrated with examples and a case study at the end of the chapter. Widely used Python packages for data science, such as Pandas, Data Visualization libraries, and regular expressions, are discussed with examples and case studies at the end of the chapters. The book also contains a chapter on SQLite3, a small relational database management system of Python, to understand how to create and manage databases. As AI applications are becoming popular for developing intelligent solutions to various problems, the book includes chapters on Machine Learning and Deep Learning. They cover the basic concepts, example applications, and case studies using popular frameworks such as SKLearn and Keras on public datasets

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