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Showing 12,176 through 12,200 of 13,185 results

Ultrafine-Grained Materials (The Minerals, Metals & Materials Series)

by Ruslan Z. Valiev Igor V. Alexandrov Megumi Kawasaki Terence G. Langdon

This book summarizes and provides a detailed overview of the enhanced mechanical and functional properties of bulk nanostructured metallic materials with respect to their potential applications. These applications include nanostructured Ti-based materials in bio-medical engineering, Al alloys and Cu in electrical engineering and nanostructured steels in construction engineering. Moreover, this book describes the application of severe plastic deformation for the formation of hybrid metal systems from simple powders and solid metals for an enhancement in the functional properties of materials. Authored by global leaders in the field, this book will serve as a bridge between researchers and professionals engineering the newest nanomaterials.

The UltraMind Solution: Fix Your Broken Brain by Healing Your Body First

by Dr. Mark Hyman

From the ten-time New York Times bestselling author of Ultrametabolism, The Blood Sugar Solution, and Eat Fat, Get Thin comes The UltraMind Solution. —Do you find it next to impossible to focus or concentrate? —Have you ever experienced instant clarity after exercise? Alertness after drinking coffee? —Does your brain inexplicably slow down during stress, while multitasking, or when meeting a deadline? —Do you get anxious, worried, or stressed-out frequently? In The UltraMind Solution, Dr. Mark Hyman explains that to fix your broken brain, you must heal your body first. Through his simple six-week plan, Dr. Hyman shows us how to correct imbalances caused by nutritional deficiencies, allergens, infections, toxins, and stress, restoring our health and gaining an UltraMind—one that&’s highly focused, able to pay attention at will, has a strong memory, and leaves us feeling calm, confident, in control, and in good spirits.

Ultraprevention: The 6-Week Plan That Will Make You Healthy for Life

by Dr. Mark Hyman Mark Liponis

Two physicians unveil a revolutionary, accessible, science-based, patient-centered program for living an active, age-defying, disease-free life.Healthcare is pulled and shaped by many forces, by drug and insurance companies looking for profits, by politicians in search of votes, and by stressed, overworked physicians who barely have time to talk to you before writing a prescription or packing you off to a specialist. So is anyone interested in keeping you well? Yes. Created by two physicians who both survived catastrophic illness, the Ultraprevention program will work for absolutely everyone—old, young, healthy, sick, or somewhere in between. The promise of its practice is huge—a health span that matches life span—and you'll experience increased energy, weight loss, enhanced mood and memory, better digestion, deeper sleep, diminished stress, and more. Ultraprevention is the new science of staying healthy, an innovative program that shatters the myths of today's “fix-the-broken-parts” medicine. These myths—drugs cure disease, genes determine your fate, getting older means aging, fat is a four-letter word—are actually believed by many doctors and are keeping you sick. Ardent general practitioners, Drs. Hyman and Liponis reject the current healthcare system of specialists paid to find something wrong, specialists who don't consider how their “cure” for one ailment affects the entire body. Working outside the managed care model at Canyon Ranch in the Berkshires, Hyman and Liponis break free of the vicious quick-fix prescription cycle and formulate a program that identifies and eliminates the cause of disease instead of just masking symptoms. Isolating the source of more than 90 percent of today's most common diseases, from cancer and heart disease to diabetes, stroke, and Alzheimer's, they enumerate the Five Forces of Illness—Sludge (malnutrition), Burnout (impaired metabolism), Heat (inflammation), Waste (impaired detoxification), and Rust (oxidative stress). Through the practice of the six-week Ultraprevention program, you'll learn three simple steps—each only two weeks long—that stop these forces and create a lifetime of good health by removing allergens, infections, and toxins from the body and environment; repairing the body through personalizing nutrition, boosting the immune system, and balancing hormones; and recharging with stress management, sleep restoration, and gentle movement. So stop falling for the myths that make you sick and start Ultraprevention, the powerful plan to get older without aging, to maintain health for all of life.

Ultrasonic Nondestructive Testing of Materials: Theoretical Foundations

by Klaus Mayer Karl-Jörg Langenberg René Marklein

Ultrasonic Nondestructive Testing of Materials: Theoretical Foundations explores the mathematical foundations and emerging applications of this testing process, which is based on elastic wave propagation in isotropic and anisotropic solids. In covering ultrasonic nondestructive testing methods, the book emphasizes the engineering point of view, yet

Ultrasound-Guided Procedures in Equine Orthopedics and Surgery

by Roberto J. Estrada

This book serves as a practical guide for equine veterinarians in orthopedics and surgery. It reviews and summarizes the current scientific evidence of the most commonly performed ultrasound-guided procedures for ultrasound-assisted surgery and injections.For the first time, different techniques are compiled and richly illustrated with pictures and videos to guide the practitioner step-by-step. An initial discussion about the general principles of ultrasound-guided procedures sets the bases for clinicians to understand the general technique and apply it to each approach. Additional chapters describe the most common ultrasound-guided injections in different anatomical structures as well as the surgical approaches that are aided or guided with ultrasound.All over the world ultrasound-guided procedures are performed daily in many different fields of equine practice. The main objective of using these approaches is to increase accuracy and minimize tissue trauma when performing diagnostic and therapeutic procedures. Equine orthopedics and surgery are among the major applications of these techniques.Learn about ultrasound-assisted techniques and be part of this trend! Maximize your capacity as a veterinarian, directly affecting the health of your patients. You can access the supplementary videos directly on your smartphone or tablet; simply download the Springer Nature More Media App for free and scan the links with the play button.

Ultrasound of Congenital Fetal Anomalies: Differential Diagnosis and Prognostic Indicators

by Dario Paladini Paolo Volpe

An acclaimed overview of ultrasound for the prenatal diagnosis of congenital anomalies returns in a new enlarged edition. In particular, the coverage of both Central Nervous System congenital and acquired anomalies as well as Congenital Heart Disease has been expanded enormously, to make this an impressive comprehensive resource for Fetal Neurology and Fetal Cardiology. Together with additional new chapters on guidelines and protocols, equipment, and disorders of sexual differentiation, and new insight into fetal surgery procedures, this third edition almost becomes three books in one.

Umphred's Neurorehabilitation for the Physical Therapist Assistant (Core Texts for PTA Education)

by Darcy Umphred Rolando Lazaro

A comprehensive guide to neurological rehabilitation for physical therapist assistants (PTAs), Umphred’s Neurorehabilitation for the Physical Therapist Assistant, Third Edition presents contemporary, evidence-based principles and techniques for examination and intervention for individuals with neurological conditions.Umphred’s Neurorehabilitation for the Physical Therapist Assistant, Third Edition addresses a wide variety of pediatric and adult neurological disorders, including spinal cord injury, brain injury, stroke, Parkinson’s disease, multiple sclerosis, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, Guillain-Barré syndrome, and more.Drs. Lazaro and Umphred have updated this classic text to reflect current and emerging trends in physical therapy, including: The role of the PTA in neurocritical care The role of the PTA in management of clients with lifelong impairments and activity limitations Technology in neurorehabilitation Also included is a new chapter on functional neuroanatomy, which provides the foundational background for understanding the relationship between the structure and function of the nervous system.The Third Edition also features helpful instructor and student resources. Included with the text are online supplemental materials for faculty use in the classroom.Umphred’s Neurorehabilitation for the Physical Therapist Assistant, Third Edition is the definitive resource for any PTA faculty, student, or clinician interested in the physical therapy management of individuals with neurological conditions.

Un amore da favola (I gioielli di Kinfairlie #1)

by Claire Delacroix

Più preziosi dell'oro sono i Gioielli di Kinfairlie, e solo l'uomo più degno può combattere per ottenere il loro amore...Il Laird di Kinfairlie ha delle sorelle nubili, ognuna a suo modo una gemma. E lui non ha altra scelta se non quella di trovare loro un marito il più presto possibile. Il cuore di lady Madeline non è in vendita...Soprattutto per un famigerato fuorilegge come Rhys FitzHenry. Eppure, la sua mano è stata venduta esattamente a quest'uomo, un guerriero stanco di combattere e con una taglia sulla testa. Una fanciulla più obbediente avrebbe rispettato la volontà del Laird e accettato docilmente il proprio destino. Solo che Madeline, che non è mai stata obbediente, decide di scappare, senza neanche immaginare che Rhys possa inseguirla. Lei non si aspetta che quell'uomo taciturno la corteggi raccontandole storie stravaganti, ognuna delle quali rivelerà le cicatrici che circondano la sua anima. E nemmeno si aspetta che Rhys, pur celando gelosamente i propri sentimenti, possa mettere in pericolo il suo cuore. Quando il passato di Rhys arriva a minacciare il suo futuro, Madeline decide di credere alla sua innocenza, rischiando la sua stessa vita per seguire una passione più preziosa persino della gemma più rara. “Un entusiasmante romanzo medievale!”—Publishers Weekly

Un Avenir Acceptable: Une Histoire Sombre

by L. P. Masters

Alice Goetz est une simple responsable des acquisitions pour un éditeur, avec un implant de contrôle temporel pas si simple que ça dans le cerveau. Le premier livre de Paul Osmund est plus important pour l’avenir que quiconque dans sa ligne temporelle peut l’imaginer. Alice a pour mission de s’assurer que tout se passe comme prévu. Alice croit avoir enfin réussi à trouver la ligne qui mènera à un avenir acceptable, mais quelque chose d’inattendu commence à se produire. Paul tombe amoureux d’elle. Dans chaque ligne temporelle qu’elle traverse. L’avenir dépend d’Alice, qui doit trouver la bonne ligne temporelle pour Paul, mais quiconque travaille pour un avenir meilleur n’est pas autorisé à tomber amoureux de son sujet. Alice sait qu’elle doit suivre la voie qui mènera à un avenir acceptable, mais elle perdra Paul pour toujours.

Un cadeau de la famille

by Marta Martín Girón

Le premier roman qui traite des répercussions de notre héritage énergétique Très souvent il nous arrive des choses que nous ne savons expliquer, des situations qui nous font souffrir parce que nous ne les comprenons pas. Nous en arrivons même à accuser le destin de notre malheur ou notre tristesse, de notre maladie ou celle d'un être cher, de nos carences ou limitations. Mais, que se passerait-il si tout cela était un cadeau qui se transmet de génération en génération pour soigner quelqu'un d'autre pour nos ancêtres ? Que se passerait-il si nos expériences étaient le fruit d'expériences passées, de notre mémoire transgénérationnelle ? Que se passerait-il si les troubles physiques apportaient un message qui peut être biodécodé ? Que se passerait-il si nous devenions conscient de toutes ces expériences et si nous soignions nos problèmes? Nous sentirions-nous libres ? Récupérerions-nous notre santé ? Reconduirions-nous notre chemin et trouverions-nous de nouveaux objectifs ? Ce livre est basé sur une histoire réelle, sur les expériences de l'auteure elle-même par rapport aux circonstances de sa vie qu'elle ne réussissait pas à comprendre mais dont elle savait qu'elles n'étaient pas fortuites. Avec elle, vous pourrez voir comment elle a avancé sur un chemin que jamais elle n'aurait imaginé, entourée et conditionnée par les influences des schémas hérités de l'énergie ancestrale de son clan.

Un-Natural Museum Mayhem (The\adventures Of Batgirl And Supergirl Ser.)

by Laurie S. Sutton

The Cheetah is on the hunt in the Gotham City Natural History Museum. She pounces on her prize, an ancient necklace fabled to grant its wearer incredible power. Later that night, when Batgirl and Supergirl respond to the burglary, they discover that the legend is true. The necklace gave the Super-Villain power… and mutated her into a mindless monster! Can the Super Heroes unearth the secret to undoing the midnight mutant madness? Find out in this action-packed, illustrated chapter book that’s perfect for young DC Super Hero fans!

Un Poliziotto da conquistare

by Aubree Valentine

Sinossi Innamorarsi di lei non ha mai fatto parte del piano, ma tutto ciò sta per cambiare. Smitty Non sboccerà nessun amore. Sono un uomo determinato, so cosa voglio e come ottenerlo, e di certo non desidero che una donna mi entri sotto pelle. C’è una buona ragione se ho eretto dei paletti e un dannato muro intorno al mio cuore. Zoey Innamorarmi non è mai stato nei miei piani. Quell’uomo mi fa impazzire nel migliore dei modi. Sono stata attirata dalle sue promesse seducenti, ed è stata la voglia di averne ancora a farmi tornare. Avevamo un accordo. Passione, divertimento… e la parte migliore? Niente impegni. Ma ben presto arrivano i problemi e il nostro passato torna a perseguitarci. La mia sicurezza è la sua priorità e conquistare il suo cuore è la mia. Se solo si rendesse conto che le cose tra noi sono molto più di un semplice gioco.

Una notte indimenticabile per Mr. Winston (I Fratelli Winston Vol.2 #2)

by Stacey Lewis

Sinossi Ci sono due cose che dovresti sapere di me: La prima è che non sbaglio mai. La seconda è che non mi sistemerò mai con una donna. Ero il fratello divertente, burlone, quello mai serio, finché non ho perso la persona più importante della mia vita. Sono così fuori controllo che ho passato la notte dopo il funerale di mio padre ad affogare i miei dispiaceri prima nel fondo di una bottiglia... e poi nel corpo di una bionda esplosiva che mi guardava come se potessi realizzare tutte le sue fantasie sessuali. Avviso spoiler: l’ho fatto. Non ricordo il suo nome né il suo aspetto, ma occupa ogni mio pensiero. Non aiuta il fatto che mio fratello abbia assunto come mia assistente per le prossime sei settimane, una nuova stagista con un corpo strepitoso e i capelli biondi arruffati che mi fanno pensare a lei. Trascorro le mie giornate cercando di non prenderla sulla mia scrivania, e le mie notti a sognare la ragazza che è scappata via. Tutto cambia quando viene svelato il segreto che custodisce la mia stagista sexy… Ho commesso un grosso sbaglio.

Unafraid: Moving Beyond Fear-Based Faith

by Benjamin L. Corey

The creator of the popular Formerly Fundie blog on Patheos explains how the "American Christianity" we are currently taught is actually a fear-saturated distortion of biblical faith.Benjamin L. Corey thought he was suffering a crisis of faith, but it turned out to be a spiritual awakening. Corey became aware that the constant fear of hell and judgment that defined his Christian faith was out of sync with the idea that God acts from love, and promises to deliver us from fear. In the wake of this realization came newfound insights—from reading the Bible to re-examining American life and the church's role in the wider world. Corey learned that what he had been taught was a distorted version of Christianity that was not only untrue but caused real spiritual harm.He also discovered that he wasn’t alone. Many Christians are yearning to distinguish between the Christianity that has become a rigid American civil religion and the authentic Christian faith embodied in Jesus. As he recounts his own spiritual journey, Corey offers a powerful and inspiring message of hope for every Christian increasingly frustrated with the church today. Do not be discouraged, he assures them. You do not need to give up your faith; you can rediscover the reality of a vibrant Christianity that delivers us from fear and inspires and guides us all today.

Unbeatable: Notre Dame's 1988 Championship and the Last Great College Football Season

by Jerry Barca

Perhaps the best undefeated team in the history of college football—Unbeatable presents the dramatic true story of the 1988 Notre Dame Fighting Irish and their incredible unbeaten season.Unbeatable is the first book to tell the complete story of the incredible 1988 season that brought the fledgling Fighting Irish back to the top of college sports in what many consider to be the greatest unbeaten season of college football ever played. With a completely unlikely but forever memorable cast of characters—including the slight, lisping coach Lou Holtz; the star quarterback, Tony Rice; five foot nothing Asian kicker, Reggie Ho; NFL-bound Ricky Watters; and a crazed and ferocious defensive line, among others—Notre Dame whipped millions of fans into a frenzy. This roller coaster season of football includes the infamous Catholics vs. Convicts game (Notre Dame vs. Jimmy Johnson's #1 ranked Miami Hurricanes). The two teams were undefeated when they met at Notre Dame Stadium, with the Irish winning in the final seconds by a final score of 31-30.With original reporting and interviews with everyone from the players to the coaches, detailed research, and access to the Notre Dame archives, Jerry Barca tells a gripping story of an unbelievable season and the players who would become legends. More than a Notre Dame book, Unbeatable is a compelling narrative of one of the most incredible sports stories of the last century—the unlikely tale of an underdog team coming together and making history.

Unbought and Unbossed

by Shirley Chisholm

In this classic work—a blend of memoir, social criticism, and political analysis that remains relevant today—the first Black Congresswoman to serve in American history, New York’s dynamic representative Shirley Chisholm, traces her extensive political struggle and examines the problems that have long plagued the American system of government.“A tremendously impressive book.” —Washington Post“What [Chisholm] did was so pioneering. . . . She embraced what made her different and used it as her superpower.” —Regina King“I want to be remembered as a woman . . . who dared to be a catalyst of change.” Political pioneer Shirley Chisholm—activist, member of the House of Representatives, and former presidential candidate—was a woman who consistently broke barriers and inspired generations of American women, and especially women of color. Unbought and Unbossed is her story, told in her own words—a thoughtful and informed look at her rise from the streets of Brooklyn to the halls of Congress. Chisholm speaks out on her life in politics while illuminating the events, personalities, and issues of her time, including the schism in the Democratic party in the 1960s and ’70s—all of which speak to us today.In this frank assessment, “Fighting Shirley” recalls how she took on an entrenched system, gave a public voice to millions, and embarked on a trailblazing bid to be the first woman and first African American President of the United States. By daring to be herself, Shirley Chisholm shows how one person forever changed the status quo.Look out for the biopic Shirley, directed by John Ridley and starring Regina King, coming in March 2024.“Her motto and title of her autobiography—Unbought and Unbossed—illustrates her outspoken advocacy for women and minorities during her seven terms in the U.S. House of Representatives.” —National Women’s History Museum

Unbridled: Studying Religion in Performance (Class 200: New Studies in Religion)

by William Robert

A study of religion through the lens of Peter Shaffer’s play Equus. In Unbridled, William Robert uses Equus, Peter Shaffer’s enigmatic play about a boy passionately devoted to horses, to think differently about religion. For several years, Robert has used Equus to introduce students to the study of religion, provoking them to conceive of religion in unfamiliar, even uncomfortable ways. In Unbridled, he is inviting readers to do the same. A play like Equus tangles together text, performance, practice, embodiment, and reception. Studying a play involves us in playing different roles, as ourselves and others, and those roles, as well as the imaginative work they require, are critical to the study of religion. By approaching Equus with the reader, turning the play around and upside-down, Unbridled transforms standard approaches to the study of religion, engaging with themes including ritual, sacrifice, worship, power, desire, violence, and sexuality, as well as thinkers including Judith Butler, Sigmund Freud, Karl Marx, Friedrich Nietzsche, and Jonathan Z. Smith. As Unbridled shows, the way themes and theories play out in Equus challenges us to reimagine the study of religion through open questions, contrasting perspectives, and alternative modes of interpretation and appreciation.

Unbuttoning the Bachelor Doc (Nashville Midwives #1)

by Deanne Anders

Lights, camera, action! Can a midwife and a doctor resist temptation when they&’re forced to be on their patient&’s reality TV show—together? Find out in the first installment of Deanne Anders&’s Nashville Midwives trilogy! MEDICS IN THE SPOTLIGHT! Life has been one big bump in the road after another for midwife Skylar. After moving to Nashville for a fresh start, she immediately clashes with grumpy bachelor Dr. Jared. So she&’s unimpressed when they must feature together on their patient&’s reality TV show! On-screen, they&’re strictly professional. But off camera, she discovers there&’s more to Jared than meets the eye. Can she convince this buttoned-up doc to let loose for once?From Harlequin Medical: Life and love in the world of modern medicine.Nashville Midwives Book 1: Unbuttoning the Bachelor DocBook 2: The Rebel Doctor's Secret Child

Uncanny Fairy Tales: Hybrid Wonders in the Mirror (Among the Victorians and Modernists)

by Francesca Arnavas

There are fairy tales that surprise, destabilise, or even shock us: these are uncanny fairy tales that manipulate familiar stories in creative and bewildering ways in order to express new meanings. This work analyses these tales, basing its approach on a reformulation of Freud’s concept of the uncanny. Through a cognitive outlook the employed theoretical framework provides new perspectives on the study of experimental literary fairy tales. Considering English-language literature, complex and unsettling reinterpretations of the fairy-tale discourse began to appear during the Victorian Age, later resurfacing as a postmodern trend. This research individuates uncanny-related narrative techniques and cognitive responses as means to decodify and explore these tales, and as ways to discover unseen connections between Victorian and postmodern texts. The new theorisation of the uncanny is linked with three subconcepts: mirror, hybridity, and wonder, which function as tools to describe and investigate the cognitive and emotional entanglements characterising enigmatic and disorienting fairy tales.

Uncertain: The Wisdom and Wonder of Being Unsure

by Maggie Jackson

A revolutionary guide to flourishing in times of flux and angst by harnessing the overlooked power of our uncertainty. <P><P>In an era of terrifying unpredictability, we race to address complex crises with quick, sure algorithms, bullet points, and tweets. How could we find the clarity and vision so urgently needed today by being unsure? Uncertain is about the triumph of doing just that. A scientific adventure tale set on the front lines of a volatile era, this epiphany of a book by award-winning author Maggie Jackson shows us how to skillfully confront the unexpected and the unknown, and how to harness not-knowing in the service of wisdom, invention, mutual understanding, and resilience. <P><P>Long neglected as a topic of study and widely treated as a shameful flaw, uncertainty is revealed to be a crucial gadfly of the mind, jolting us from the routine and the assumed into a space for exploring unseen meaning. Far from luring us into inertia, uncertainty is the mindset most needed in times of flux and a remarkable antidote to the narrow-mindedness of our day. <P><P>In laboratories, political campaigns, and on the frontiers of artificial intelligence, Jackson meets the pioneers decoding the surprising gifts of being unsure. Each chapter examines a mode of uncertainty-in-action, from creative reverie to the dissent that spurs team success. Step by step, the art and science of uncertainty reveal being unsure as a skill set for incisive thinking and day-to-day flourishing.

The Uncertain Future of Afghanistan: Terrorism, Reconstruction, and Great-Power Rivalry (Indo-Pacific Focus)

by Khalid Rahman Nian Peng

This edited book aims to analyze the domestic politics and foreign relations of the country after the Taliban regained power in August 2021. It touched upon the key issues affecting the Taliban regime, such as peace talks, terrorism threats, BRI cooperation, and the policies of the great powers and neighboring countries toward the new regime in Afghanistan. It makes a significant contribution by incorporating various viewpoints from government officials, university scholars, and think tank experts from China, Japan, and South Asian states. The broad approach and extensive coverage of all relevant countries make this book a valuable resource for more than just a specific academic community. It appeals to a diverse readership, including academics, policymakers, journalists, and general readers. The main content of the book is divided into ten chapters, in which the first chapter briefly introduces the aims and scope of this book. The following 3 chapters look into the domestic politics in Afghanistan. These mainly include the Afghan peace negotiations, the challenge of the Taliban regime, and the security threats and regional response under the Taliban rule in Afghanistan. The next 6 chapters examine US's Afghan policy, China-Afghanistan relations, and Russia, India, Pakistan, Japan’s engagement with Afghanistan.

An Uncertain Inheritance: Writers on Caring for Ill Family Members

by Nell Casey

In this eloquent collection of essays—from the editor of the national bestseller Unholy Ghost: Writers on Depression—contributors reveal their experiences in caring for family through illness and deathToday, thirty million people look after frail family members in their own homes. This number will increase drastically over the next decade—as baby boomers tiptoe toward old age; as soldiers return home from war wounded, mentally and physically; as a growing number of Americans find themselves caught between the needs of elderly parents and young children; as medical advances extend lives and health insurance fails to cover them. This compelling book offers both literary solace and guidance to the people who find themselves witness to—and participants in—the fading lives of their intimates.Some of the country's most accomplished writers offer frank insights and revelations about this complex relationship. Julia Glass describes the tension between giving care—to her two young sons—and needing care after being diagnosed with breast cancer; Ann Harleman explores her decision to place her husband in an institution; Sam Lipsyte alternates between dark humor and profound understanding in telling the story of his mother's battle with cancer; Ann Hood wishes she'd had more time as a caregiver, to prepare herself for the loss of her daughter; Andrew Solomon examines the humbling experience of returning as an adult to be cared for by his father; cartoonist Stan Mack offers an illustrated piece about the humor and hell of making his way through the medical bureaucracy alongside his partner, Janet; Julia Alvarez writes about the competition between her and her three sisters to be the best daughter as they tend to their ailing parents. An Uncertain Inheritance examines the caregiving relationship from every angle—children caring for parents; parents caring for children; sib-lings, spouses, and close friends, all looking after one another—to reveal the pain, intimacy, and grace that take place in this meaningful connection.

Uncertain Justice: The Roberts Court and the Constitution

by Laurence Tribe Joshua Matz

Harvard Law School scholars Laurence Tribe and Joshua Matz reveal how Chief Justice John Roberts is shaking the foundation of our nation’s laws in Uncertain Justice: The Roberts Court and the Constitution.From Citizens United to its momentous rulings regarding Obamacare and gay marriage, the Supreme Court under Chief Justice John Roberts has profoundly affected American life. Yet the court remains a mysterious institution, and the motivations of the nine men and women who serve for life are often obscure. Now, in Uncertain Justice, Laurence Tribe and Joshua Matz show the surprising extent to which the Roberts Court is revising the meaning of our Constitution.Political gridlock, cultural change, and technological progress mean that the court’s decisions on key topics—including free speech, privacy, voting rights, and presidential power—could be uniquely durable. Acutely aware of their opportunity, the justices are rewriting critical aspects of constitutional law and redrawing the ground rules of American government. Tribe—one of the country’s leading constitutional lawyers—and Matz dig deeply into the court’s rulings, stepping beyond tired debates over judicial “activism” to draw out hidden meanings and silent battles. The undercurrents they reveal suggest a strikingly different vision for the future of our country, one that is sure to be hotly debated.Filled with original insights and compelling human stories, Uncertain Justice illuminates the most colorful story of all—how the Supreme Court and the Constitution frame the way we live.“Marvelous…Tribe and Matz’s insights are illuminating…. [They] offer well-crafted overviews of key cases decided by the Roberts Court … [and] chart the Supreme Court’s conservative path, clarifying complex cases in accessible terms.”—The Chicago Tribune“Well-written and highly readable…The strength of the book is its painstaking explanation of all sides of the critical cases, giving full voice and weight to conservative and liberal views alike.”—The Washington Post

Uncertainty Quantification with R: Bayesian Methods (International Series in Operations Research & Management Science #352)

by Eduardo Souza de Cursi

This book is a rigorous but practical presentation of the Bayesian techniques of uncertainty quantification, with applications in R. This volume includes mathematical arguments at the level necessary to make the presentation rigorous and the assumptions clearly established, while maintaining a focus on practical applications of Bayesian uncertainty quantification methods. Practical aspects of applied probability are also discussed, making the content accessible to students. The introduction of R allows the reader to solve more complex problems involving a more significant number of variables. Users will be able to use examples laid out in the text to solve medium-sized problems.The list of topics covered in this volume includes basic Bayesian probabilities, entropy, Bayesian estimation and decision, sequential Bayesian estimation, and numerical methods. Blending theoretical rigor and practical applications, this volume will be of interest to professionals, researchers, graduate and undergraduate students interested in the use of Bayesian uncertainty quantification techniques within the framework of operations research and mathematical programming, for applications in management and planning.

Uncivil Rights: Teachers, Unions, and Race in the Battle for School Equity

by Jonna Perrillo

Almost fifty years after Brown v. Board of Education, a wealth of research shows that minority students continue to receive an unequal education. At the heart of this inequality is a complex and often conflicted relationship between teachers and civil rights activists, examined fully for the first time in Jonna Perrillo’s Uncivil Rights, which traces the tensions between the two groups in New York City from the Great Depression to the present.While movements for teachers’ rights and civil rights were not always in conflict, Perrillo uncovers the ways they have become so, brought about both by teachers who have come to see civil rights efforts as detracting from or competing with their own goals and by civil rights activists whose aims have de-professionalized the role of the educator. Focusing in particular on unionized teachers, Perrillo finds a new vantage point from which to examine the relationship between school and community, showing how in this struggle, educators, activists, and especially our students have lost out.

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