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Digitale Lebenswelt: Philosophische Perspektiven (Digitalitätsforschung / Digitality Research)

by Samuel Ulbricht Meike Neuhaus Maria Schwartz

Der Begriff der Lebenswelt ist ein genuin philosophischer Begriff, der ursprünglich in der Phänomenologie beheimatet ist und inzwischen von vielen anderen Fachwissenschaften sowie Fachdidaktiken aufgegriffen wurde. Geht es nun um die digitale Dimension der Lebenswelt oder – je nach Definition – die digitale Durchdringung derselben, ist die Forschung dementsprechend interdisziplinär aufgestellt. Ein spezifisch philosophischer Zugang zur ‚digitalen Lebenswelt‘ findet sich bis dato nur vereinzelt und soll mit diesem Band bewusst unternommen werden. Nach grundsätzlichen Überlegungen zum Begriff werden ausgewählte Phänomene unter den Aspekten des ‚Selbst‘ und der ‚Gemeinschaft‘ genauer betrachtet (z.B. Leiblichkeit, VR/AR, Internetpornografie, Metaversum, Soziale Netzwerke und digitale Teilhabe). Der letzte Teil befasst sich mit Computerspielen als Bereich, der besonders viele Anknüpfungspunkte philosophischer und ethischer Diskussion bietet.

Digitale Lösungen für eine nachhaltige Zukunft: Wie Digitalisierung bei der Erreichung der SDGs helfen kann (essentials)

by Markus H. Dahm

Dieses Buch wirft einen Blick auf die Verbindung zwischen Digitalisierung und den 17 Zielen für nachhaltige Entwicklung der Vereinten Nationen. Es erkundet die vielfältigen Wege, auf denen digitale Technologien dazu beitragen können, die UN-Ziele zu erreichen – von der Bekämpfung von Armut und Hunger bis hin zur Förderung von Geschlechtergleichstellung und nachhaltigen Städten. Inspirierende Fallstudien zeigen, wie Unternehmen weltweit bereits erfolgreich Technologien für das Gemeinwohl einsetzen, konkrete Beispiele veranschaulichen die Inhalte. Kritische Fragen regen eine ausgewogene Diskussion über die Herausforderungen und ethischen Aspekte der Technologienutzung für nachhaltige Entwicklung an. Wie können wir sicherstellen, dass technologische Fortschritte inklusiv und für alle zugänglich sind? Welche Risiken birgt die Digitalisierung für Umwelt und Gesellschaft?

Digitale Werbung in der Post-Cookie-Ära: Gezielte Kampagnenplanung entlang der Customer Journey

by Alexander Schwarz-Musch Alexander Tauchhammer Bernhard Guetz

Dieses Buch erklärt, wie Unternehmen ihre Onlinekampagnen erfolgreich planen und umsetzen können – auch nach dem Ende der Third-Party-Cookies. Kampagnen auf Social-Media-Plattformen, in Suchmaschinen und mittels Display-Werbung können nach wie vor effektiv sein, wenn potenzielle Kund:innen gezielt angesprochen werden. Die Autoren zeigen, wie das auch ohne Cookies funktioniert: Die Entwicklung einer „Minimum Viable Persona“ und die Definition von Kampagnengruppen entlang der Customer Journey spielen dabei zentrale Rollen. Für jeden Touchpoint auf dem Weg zum Kaufabschluss müssen Etappenziele definiert werden, wodurch Effektivität und Effizienz der Maßnahmen leicht überprüft werden können.Ein Werk für Marketingverantwortliche, die nach Lösungen in der Post-Cookie-Ära suchen, um ihre Zielgruppen weiterhin ohne Streuverluste zu erreichen.

Digitales Verkaufen für Dummies: Virtuelle Kommunikation im Vertrieb (Für Dummies)

by Matthias Schäfer Oliver Büchel

Digitalisierung für Vertriebserfolge optimal einsetzen Digitales Verkaufen bietet Ihnen jede Menge neuer Chancen. Entwickeln Sie ein neues Mindset und eine erfolgreiche Vertriebsstrategie. Nutzen Sie zusätzliche Vertriebskanäle sowie neue Formen der Kommunikation mit Ihren Kunden. Wie Sie die digitale Klaviatur sicher spielen, Ihre Kunden auf virtuellem Weg ansprechen und digitale Verkaufsabschlüsse erreichen, verraten Ihnen die beiden Verkaufsexperten Oliver Büchel und Matthias Schäfer in ihrem Buch. Sie werden Ihre Kunden digital in den Mittelpunkt rücken und Ihre Produkte oder Dienstleistungen bei Ihrer Zielgruppe noch besser platzieren können. Sie erfahren Wie Sie eine digitale Vertriebsstrategie entwickelnWie CRM, Social Selling, KI, Virtual und Augmented Reality Sie beim Verkaufen unterstützen könnenWie virtuelle Kundenbeziehungen funktionierenWie Sie die neuen Kommunikationsformen richtig einsetzen

Digitalisierung in der Immobilienbranche: Smart Home, Künstliche Intelligenz und virtuelle Besichtigungen

by Timotheus Künzel

D​ieses Buch vermittelt Fach- und Führungskräften aus der Immobilienbranche praxisnah die Potenziale moderner digitaler Tools und Applikationen für ihr tägliches Geschäft. Dazu beschreibt der Autor zunächst kurz die letzten Jahre des digitalen Wandels. Gleichzeitig präsentiert er bereits einige konkrete Beispiele (zu Verhaltensweisen, Kundenbedürfnissen und Marktverhältnissen), die den Wandel im Laufe der letzten Jahre verdeutlichen. Anschließend erklärt Timotheus Künzel zunächst die verschiedenen Funktionalitäten von Immobilien (selbstgenutzte Immobilie, Immobilie als Kapitalanlage) sowie die Geschäftspraktiken mit Immobilien (Immobilienmakler, Projektentwickler, Fix & Flip, Buy & Hold), bevor er sich dann eingehend dem Thema Digitalisierung in der Immobilienbranche widmet. Kenntnisreich und mit vielen Veranschaulichungen macht er deutlich, welche Technologien in welchen Stufen des Geschäfts vielsprechend sind (Blockchain, KI, Tokenisierung etc.). Auf diese Weise lernt der Leser die Digitalisierung Schritt für Schritt zu verstehen und zu nutzen.

Digitalisierung in der Physiotherapie

by Beate Kranz-Opgen-Rhein

In diesem Praxisbuch finden Sie die notwendigen Informationen rund um das Thema Digitalisierung in der Physiotherapie. Wie kann die ePA meinen Praxisalltag erleichtern? Welche Datenschutzrichtlinien muss ich bei der Videotherapie beachten? Wer übernimmt die Kosten für die Online-Beratung ohne Rezept? Die Experten liefern Ihnen die Antworten!Aus dem Inhalt:Chancen, Grenzen und Gefahren der Digitalisierung in der PhysiotherapieDigitale PraxisorganisationDigitale Therapieangebote wie z. B. Physiocoaching und VideotherapieRechtliche Rahmenbedingungen, Datenschutz und MarketingPlus: Videos via MoreMedia-App veranschaulichen die Umsetzung in die Praxis optimal!Erweitern Sie Ihre Praxis um zeitgemäße Therapieangebote und profitieren Sie von den Vorteilen der Digitalisierung!

Digitalization in companies: From theoretical approaches to practical

by Thomas Barton Christian Müller Christian Seel

The book conveys current approaches to digitization in companies and shows how digitization projects can be successfully and safely implemented in practice. Based on the description of a changing value creation and working world, the changes associated with digitization are explained using application scenarios: New business models and business processes are being established, the development of products is changing as is the interaction with customers, new opportunities but also new risks are emerging. The authors of the article present the basics as well as concepts for the concrete planning and implementation of the digitization of processes and applications. Aspects of IT security are not neglected either. The editors' work is based on questions from entrepreneurial practice and is also suitable for students and teachers.

Dimensions Math 6B

by Bill Jackson Kow Cheong Yan

Dimensions Math is a series designed to teach middle school students foundational skills in mathematics. It follows the Singapore Mathematics Framework and covers the content standards in the United States Common Core State Standards for mathematics. This series empowers students to solve problems and master concepts through the thoughtful use of different approaches. It facilitates students’ understanding and internalization of concepts and encourages deep exploration of topics. Students will enjoy learning math through this comprehensive system and be motivated to study, discover, and apply knowledge in real-life situations.


by William Peter Blatty

William Peter Blatty has thrilled generations of readers with his iconic mega-bestseller The Exorcist. Now Blatty gives us Dimiter, a riveting story of murder, revenge, and suspense. Laced with themes of faith and love, sin and forgiveness, vengeance and compassion, it is a novel in the grand tradition of the great Catholic novels of the 20th Century.Dimiter opens in the world's most oppressive and isolated totalitarian state: Albania in the 1970s. A prisoner suspected of being an enemy agent is held by state security. An unsettling presence, though subjected to unimaginable torture he maintains an eerie silence. He escapes---and on the way to freedom, completes a mysterious mission. The prisoner is Dimiter, the American "agent from Hell."The scene shifts to Jerusalem, focusing on Hadassah Hospital and a cast of engaging, colorful characters: the brooding Christian Arab police detective, Peter Meral; Dr. Moses Mayo, a troubled but humorous neurologist; Samia, an attractive, sharp-tongued nurse; and assorted American and Israeli functionaries and hospital staff. All become enmeshed in a series of baffling, inexplicable deaths, until events explode in a surprising climax.Told with unrelenting pace, Dimiter's compelling, page-turning narrative is haunted by the search for faith and the truths of the human condition. Dimiter is William Peter Blatty's first full novel since the 1983 publication of Legion.At the Publisher's request, this title is being sold without Digital Rights Management Software (DRM) applied.

Dinner at My Place

by Tyler Florence

• A peek into life at home with Tyler. He shares the dishes he likes to prepare for his family and friends when he's off the clock. • The table of contents is organized by occasion, such as his son's first birthday party, a romantic meal for two, Christmas dinner for the whole Florence family, and a simple meal for a rainy Sunday afternoon. • Tyler's menus and recipes feature twists on comfort food classics and showcase his secret family recipes as well as his personal favorites. • Menus and personal photos from Tyler's home-cooked meals and dinner parties. • Beautiful food and lifestyle photos.

Dinner at the Homesick Restaurant: A Novel (Compass Ser.)

by Anne Tyler

NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER • From the beloved Pulitzer Prize–winning author, a &“funny, heart-hammering, wise&” (The New York Times) portrait of a family that will remind you why "to read a novel by Anne Tyler is to fall in love" (PEOPLE). Abandoned by her wanderlusting husband, stoic Pearl raised her three children on her own. Now grown, the siblings are inextricably linked by their memories—some painful—which hold them together despite their differences. Hardened by life&’s disappointments, wealthy, charismatic Cody has turned cruel and envious. Thrice-married Jenny is errant and passionate. And Ezra, the flawed saint of the family, who stayed at home to look after his mother, runs a restaurant where he cooks what other people are homesick for, stubbornly yearning for the perfect family he never had. Now gathered during a time of loss, they will reluctantly unlock the shared secrets of their past and discover if what binds them together is stronger than what tears them apart. &“[In Dinner at the Homesick Restaurant Tyler] has arrived at a new level of power.&” —John Updike, The New Yorker &“Marvelous, astringent, hilarious, [and] strewn with the banana peels of love.&” —Cosmopolitan

Dinners with Ruth: A Memoir on the Power of Friendships

by Nina Totenberg

Celebrated NPR correspondent Nina Totenberg delivers an extraordinary memoir of her personal successes, struggles, and life-affirming relationships, including her beautiful friendship of nearly fifty years with Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg.Four years before Nina Totenberg was hired at NPR, where she cemented her legacy as a prizewinning reporter, and nearly twenty-two years before Ruth Bader Ginsburg was appointed to the Supreme Court, Nina called Ruth. A reporter for The National Observer, Nina was curious about Ruth&’s legal brief, asking the Supreme Court to do something revolutionary: declare a law that discriminated &“on the basis of sex&” to be unconstitutional. In a time when women were fired for becoming pregnant, often could not apply for credit cards, or get a mortgage in their own names, Ruth patiently explained her argument. That call launched a remarkable, nearly fifty-year friendship. Dinners with Ruth is an extraordinary account of two women who paved the way for future generations by tearing down professional and legal barriers. It is also an intimate memoir of the power of friendships as women began to pry open career doors and transform the workplace. At the story&’s heart is one, special relationship: Ruth and Nina saw each other not only through personal joys, but also illness, loss, and widowhood. During the devastating illness and eventual death of Nina&’s first husband, Ruth drew her out of grief; twelve years later, Nina would reciprocate when Ruth&’s beloved husband died. They shared not only a love of opera, but also of shopping, as they instinctively understood that clothes were armor for women who wanted to be taken seriously in a workplace dominated by men. During Ruth&’s last year, they shared so many small dinners that Saturdays were &“reserved for Ruth&” in Nina&’s house. Dinners with Ruth also weaves together compelling, personal portraits of other fascinating women and men from Nina&’s life, including her cherished NPR colleagues Cokie Roberts and Linda Wertheimer; her beloved husbands; her friendships with multiple Supreme Court Justices, including Lewis Powell, William Brennan, and Antonin Scalia, and Nina&’s own family—her father, the legendary violinist Roman Totenberg, and her &“best friends,&” her sisters. Inspiring and revelatory, Dinners with Ruth is a moving story of the joy and true meaning of friendship.

Dinosaur Tracks from Brazil: A Lost World of Gondwana (Life of the Past)

by Giuseppe Leonardi Ismar de Carvalho

Dinosaur Tracks from Brazil is the first full-length study of dinosaurs in Brazil. Some 500 dinosaur trackways from the Cretaceous period still remain in the Rio do Peixe basins of Brazil, making it one of the largest trackways in the world. Veteran paleontologists Giuseppe Leonardi and Ismar de Souza Carvalho painstakingly document and analyze each track found at 37 individual sites and at approximately 96 stratigraphic levels. Richly illustrated and containing a wealth of data, Leonardi and de Souza Carvalho brilliantly reconstruct the taxonomic groups of the dinosaurs from the area and show how they moved across the alluvial fans, meandering rivers, and shallow lakes of ancient Gondwana. Dinosaur Tracks from Brazil is essential reading for paleontologists.

Dinosaurs and Other Reptiles from the Mesozoic of Mexico (Life of the Past)

by Héctor E. Rivera-Sylva, Kenneth Carpenter and Eberhard Frey

This overview of dinosaur discoveries in Mexico synthesizes current information about the geography and environment of the region during the Mesozoic when it was the western margin of the ancient continent of Pangea. The book summarizes research on various groups, including turtles, lepidosauromorphs, plesiosaurs, crocodyliforms, pterosaurs, and last but not least, dinosaurs. In addition, chapters focus on trackways and other trace fossils and on K/P boundary (the Chicxulub crater, beneath the Gulf of Mexico, has been hypothesized as the site of the boloid impact that killed off the dinosaurs). Dinosaurs and Other Reptiles from the Mesozoic of Mexico is an up-to-date, informative volume on an area that has not been comprehensively described until now.

A Dinosaur's Day: Stegosaurus Makes Its Way Home (A Dinosaur's Day)

by Elizabeth Gilbert Bedia

A series of picture books that teach children about dinosaurs through a narrative story, plus additional facts, and information about what they just learned.These picture books will teach children about dinosaurs through a story! Marie Bollmann’s beautiful illustrations are friendly, and fun (but still technically correct!) and each story will end with a working spread on dinosaurs doing what DK does best—using photography and illustrations to teach children incredible facts that deepen their knowledge of a well-loved subject.In this installment, follow a day in the life of a young Stegosaurus, as it wanders through its Jurassic home, gets lost, and munches its way back to the herd.

Dinosaurs Under the Aurora (Life of the Past)

by Roland A. Gangloff

In 1961, while mapping rock exposures along the Colville River in Alaska, an oil company geologist would unknowingly find the evidence for a startling discovery. Long before the North Slope of Alaska was being exploited for its petroleum resources it was a place where dinosaurs roamed. Dinosaurs under the Aurora immerses readers in the challenges, stark beauty, and hard-earned rewards of conducting paleontological field work in the Arctic. Roland A. Gangloff recounts the significant discoveries of field and museum research on Arctic dinosaurs, most notably of the last 25 years when the remarkable record of dinosaurs from Alaska was compiled. This research has changed the way we think about dinosaurs and their world. Examining long-standing controversies, such as the end-Cretaceous extinction of dinosaurs and whether dinosaurs were residents or just seasonal visitors to polar latitudes, Gangloff takes readers on a delightful and instructive journey into the world of paleontology as it is conducted in the land under the aurora.

Dip Your Toe into Real Estate Investing

by Mark Hayes

From the entertainment value of home flipping on reality television to managing rental properties or partnering on an apartment complex, the tantalizing possibilities of real estate investing are everywhere.?Despite the enticement, attempting to buy, manage, or sell property is not a venture for the ill-prepared. Fortunately, real estate investor Mark Hayes is here to help you get ready. Dip Your Toe into Real Estate Investing offers an easy-to-follow guide for newcomers and old hands alike. Discover the pros and cons and the ins and outs of real estate investing. Determine what kind of investor you want to be and learn what you need to know about the different types of properties available, purchasing your first piece of land or a home, and acquiring financing. More experienced investors will find tips for building a team of professionals to improve and sell properties for the best profit possible. With Mark&’s experience and insights, you can make the tantalizing dream of profitable real estate investing a reality.

Diplomatic Implausibility (Star Trek: The Next Generation #61)

by Keith R. DeCandido

200 YEARS AGO: The expanding Klingon Empire found a frozen world rich in deposits of the mineral topaline. They named the planet taD -- Klingon for "frozen" -- and they called the people jeghpu'wI' -- conquered. FOUR YEARS AGO: The Klingon Empire invaded Cardassia, breaching the Khitomer Accords and causing a break with the Federation. On taD, depleted Klingon forces were overthrown in a small coup d'état, and the victorious rebels took advantage of the disruption to appeal for recognition from the Federation. NOW: The Klingons have returned to taD and re-established their control. But the stubborn rebels insist on Federation recognition. A solution to the diplomatic impasse must be found, a task that falls to the Federation's new ambassador to the Klingon Empire -- Worf. Worf thinks of himself as a fighter, not a negotiator, but the Federation disagrees. Now, for the sake of the Federation and the Empire, a Klingon warrior must weave a fragile peace out of a situation ripe for war!

The Direct Anterior Approach to Hip Reconstruction

by B. Bal Lee Rubin Kristaps Keggi

Total hip arthroplasty has steadily evolved to improve patient outcomes and safety. One innovation has been to incorporate less invasive surgical methods, such as the direct anterior surgical approach. The Direct Anterior Approach to Hip Reconstruction is a comprehensive reference text that addresses contemporary surgeon interest in innovation and less invasive surgery. This resource will help with introductory learning, intermediate technical development, and advanced revision total hip skills using the direct anterior technique. Accordingly, the text is structured into three sections as follows: Basic concepts: Surgical hip anatomy, patient selection, and placement of single, multiple, and extensile incisions for primary total hip arthroplasty Intermediate concepts: Adoption of imaging and navigation technologies, use of traction tables to enhance positioning, and presentation of unique instruments and custom devices that have evolved specifically for the direct anterior approach Advanced concepts: Using the direct anterior approach for bearing and liner exchanges, acetabular revisions, femoral component revisions, and both component revisions. Drs. B. Sonny Bal, Lee E. Rubin, and Kristaps J. Keggi have combined their unique perspectives, along with those of a renowned group of North American and European experts in the anterior hip reconstruction surgery to create this reference. Dr. Keggi was among the first to recognize the benefits of the direct anterior approach in hip reconstruction; this text is based on his 50-plus years of experience as a clinician and pioneer surgeon. The Direct Anterior Approach to Hip Reconstruction provides a stepwise learning process for surgeons interested in mastering total hip arthroplasty using the direct anterior approach, with detailed chapters and video instruction, contributed by a distinguished group of international experts in the field.The chapters focus on using the direct anterior approach to address a variety of hip problems well beyond performing total hip arthroplasty for osteoarthritis. The unique applications of the direct anterior approach within the orthopedic sub-specialties are addressed in chapters covering the fields of pediatrics, sports medicine, trauma, and tumor surgery. Other chapters address subjects like femoroacetabular impingement, hip preservation surgery, and postoperative rehabilitation protocols designed to improve patient outcomes.The final section of the text reviews the evidence-based outcomes related to direct anterior total hip arthroplasty, addressing evolving implant design concepts specific to this approach, and outlining directions for educating the next generation of surgeons who will continue to develop and refine these techniques. Complementing the written text is a website with educational videos to further enhance the learning experience.To date, no other reference has addressed the need for comprehensive education for the orthopedic resident, fellow, or surgeon seeking to learn about the direct anterior approach for hip reconstruction. This resource should be invaluable to orthopedic surgeons worldwide and will contribute to improving patient safety, reducing complications, and better surgical outcomes. Indeed, this landmark publication is truly the world’s first comprehensive text on anterior hip surgery.

Director's Cut: A Novel

by Carlyn Greenwald

After taking a guest teaching gig, Oscar-winning Valeria Sullivan finds herself trapped in a battle of wits with her sexy co-professor, but can she keep her cool when things heat up in and out of the classroom?At twenty-nine, Valeria Sullivan is a celebrated, award-winning actress. But when her acting options start to decline and her attempt to transition to directing is complicated by a bad interview on a late night show, Val decides she&’s had enough of Hollywood. Intent on pursuing a neglected passion, she pours herself into a guest professorship at USC, hoping to transition to academia fulltime.Standing in her way is her co-professor, Maeve Arko, whose brilliance and beauty is matched only by her contempt for Val. As Val rises to the challenges that teaching throws at her, though, Maeve starts to soften, and soon sparks are flying.Now with a job and a girlfriend she adores, Val should be happy. But Hollywood isn&’t done with Val quite yet. Her directorial debut, Oakley in Flames, starts getting attention, and soon Val has to choose between her obligations to her class—and Maeve—and the burgeoning dream Hollywood career she may not be ready to leave behind.

The Dirt-Cheap Green Thumb: 400 Thrifty Tips for Saving Money, Time, and Resources as You Garden

by Rhonda Massingham Hart

Discover how frugal gardening can lead to fantastic results! Rhonda Massingham Hart provides practical, time-tested tips that stretch your dollar even as they yield beautiful, bountiful plants. From starting seeds to preserving produce, Hart&’s advice ensures that you won&’t waste time and money while growing your own vegetables, flowers, houseplants, or landscape foliage. Perfect for thrifty gardeners of all levels, The Dirt-Cheap Green Thumb covers everything you want to grow, indoors and out.

Dirty Game

by Shannon Holmes

Kenny "Ken-Ken" Greene left his days as a hustler behind him when his wife was killed during a scam gone bad, leaving him with a baby daughter. Now he's a cab driver, doing what he can to put food on the table and give his daughter, Destiny, everything she needs. In spite of his past or because of it, he's willing to do whatever it takes to keep Destiny off the streets. But when he is shot and paralyzed during a robbery while on the job, Destiny knows that she has to step up to the plate to take care of the father who has provided for her. Allowing herself to learn from one of the fiercest street hustlers, Destiny becomes his lover and soon her skills rival his. But the longer she stays in the game, the deeper into the game she falls.

Dirty Thirty (Stephanie Plum #30)

by Janet Evanovich

INSTANT #1 NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER Janet Evanovich, the &“most popular mystery writer alive&” (The New York Times), is in top form as she sends Stephanie Plum on the trail of a stolen stash of dirty diamonds.Stephanie Plum, Trenton&’s hardest working, most underappreciated bounty hunter, is offered a freelance assignment that seems simple enough. Local jeweler Martin Rabner wants her to locate his former security guard, Andy Manley (a.k.a. Nutsy), who he is convinced stole a fortune in diamonds out of his safe. Stephanie is also looking for another troubled man, Duncan Dugan, a fugitive from justice arrested for robbing the same jewelry store on the same day. With her boyfriend Morelli away in Miami on police business, Stephanie is taking care of Bob, Morelli&’s giant orange dog who will devour anything, from Stephanie&’s stray donuts to the upholstery in her car. Morelli&’s absence also means the inscrutable, irresistible security expert Ranger is front and center in Stephanie&’s life when things inevitably go sideways. And he seems determined to stay there. To complicate matters, her best friend Lula is convinced she is being stalked by a mythological demon hell-bent on relieving her of her wardrobe. An overnight stakeout with Stephanie&’s mother and Grandma Mazur reveals three generations of women with nerves of steel and driving skills worthy of NASCAR champions. As the body count rises and witnesses start to disappear, it won&’t be easy for Stephanie to keep herself clean when everyone else is playing dirty. It&’s a good thing Stephanie isn&’t afraid of getting a little dirty, too.

The Dirty Version: On Stage, in the Studio, and in the Streets with Ol' Dirty Bastard

by Mickey Hess Buddha Monk

On the tenth anniversary of his death, The Dirty Version is the first biography of hip hop superstar and founding member of the Wu-Tang Clan, Ol’ Dirty Bastard, to be written by someone from his inner circle: his right-hand man and best friend, Buddha Monk.Ol’ Dirty Bastard rocketed to fame with the Wu-Tang Clan, the raucous and renegade group that altered the world of hip hop forever. ODB was one of the Clan’s wildest icons and most inventive performers, and when he died of an overdose in 2004 at the age of thirty-five, millions of fans mourned the loss. ODB lives on in epic proportions and his antics are legend: he once picked up his welfare check in a limousine; lifted a burning car off a four-year-old girl in Brooklyn; stole a fifty-dollar pair of sneakers on tour at the peak of his success. Many have questioned whether his stunts were carefully calculated or the result of paranoia and mental instability.Now, Dirty’s friend since childhood, Buddha Monk, a Wu-Tang collaborator on stage and in the studio, reveals the truth about the complex and talented performer. From their days together on the streets of Brooklyn to the meteoric rise of Wu-Tang’s star, from bouts in prison to court-mandated rehab, from Dirty’s favorite kind of pizza to his struggles with fame and success, Buddha tells the real story—The Dirty Version—of the legendary rapper.

Disability and Employment: Towards a Humanistic Economy

by Fumitaka Furuoka

This book offers new knowledge on the intricate interplay between employment and disability. It provides a timely scholarly deliberation and presents policy solutions to tackle the persistently high unemployment among people with disabilities. This critical issue in the labour market obstructs fostering inclusive economic growth by ensuring employment opportunities for all under Goal 8 of the Sustainable Development Goals. This insightful work dissects how negative stereotypes of people with disabilities in the labour market are perpetuated and highlights knowledge gaps in the available literature on the disability‒employment relationship. It offers a systematic empirical analysis of the patterns of the unemployment rate of people with disabilities and its convergence, and it examines the determinants of the unemployment gap between people with and without disabilities. Theoretical deliberations are presented regarding the effectiveness of labour market interventions designed to solve this issue. By exploring the concept of disability and offering empirical analysis and labour market solutions, this book serves as a valuable resource for policymakers, advocates, and anyone committed to achieving more inclusive economic growth and moving towards a more humanistic economy.

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