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Showing 6,201 through 6,225 of 12,286 results

The Humble Art of Journal Editing

by Robert M. Davison

The publication of scholarly research is both a major driver of social progress and a significant industry in its own right. Scholarly research is the focus of attention for countless numbers of scholars globally and a key measure of scholarly excellence. Much has been written about the conduct of research that is designed to help scholars attain appropriate standards of rigor and relevance, and indeed craft their research outputs in ways appropriate for different venues, notably as journal articles, conference papers, book chapters, and books. However, although scholarly researchers fulfill roles other than as authors, for instance as journal reviewers and editors, there is a dearth of consolidated information about the nature of editorial work. Drawing on over two decades of experience in editing scholarly journals, the author offers a more systematic guide to scholarly journal editing.The book begins with an introduction to the art of scholarly journal editing,the nature of that art (Chapter 1), and an examination of editorial promulgation of cultural values of scholarly journals with an emphasis on responsible research (Chapter 2). Chapter 3 examines the many issues associated with sourcing content, and opines on the novelty, breadth, and depth of research, including discussions of indigenous theorization, serendipity, iconoclastic research, and the value of special issues. Chapter 4 deals with the review process and offers advice for formulating effective reviewer guidelines that lead to constructive and developmental advice for authors. The next two chapters discuss the audience of the journal as well as publisher relations. Finally, the book is concluded with thoughts and recommendations about emerging challenges, such as the ethics of AI tools (like ChatGPT), predatory journals, and the open-access movement.Offering a practical guide to editing scholarly journals, this book will be a key resource for scholars making the leap from researcher to editor, regardless of discipline.

Grundlagen des Cloud Computing: Eine nichttechnische Einführung

by Anders Lisdorf

Unabhängig davon, wo sich Ihr Unternehmen auf dem Weg in die Cloud befindet, ist der Wechsel in die Cloud in den kommenden Jahren unvermeidlich. Die Cloud wird kommen und bleiben, und jetzt ist der beste Zeitpunkt, um optimale Strategien zu entwickeln, um die Vorteile zu nutzen und die Risiken zu minimieren. Cloud Computing Basics ist der praktische, leicht zugängliche Einstiegspunkt, den Sie gesucht haben.Sie erhalten eine Einführung in die Grundlagen des Cloud Computing und in alle fünf großen Cloud-Plattformen. Der Autor Anders Lisdorf stellt sicher, dass Sie sich ein grundlegendes Cloud-Vokabular aneignen und lernen, wie Sie die von den verschiedenen Anbietern verwendeten Fachbegriffe übersetzen können. Die Nutzung der wirtschaftlichen und sicherheitstechnischen Vorteile, die die Cloud bietet, kann für jedes Unternehmen sehr unterschiedlich aussehen, und Lisdorf nutzt sein Fachwissen, um Ihnen zu helfen, Ihre Strategie entsprechend anzupassen.Grundlagen des Cloud Computing ist dazu da, Ihr Unternehmen in die Zukunft zu führen. Ganz gleich, ob Sie ein Anfänger auf diesem Gebiet sind oder eine technische Führungskraft, die den Wandel in Ihrem Unternehmen ankurbelt - dieses Buch bietet wichtige Einblicke in die Einführung der Cloud und ihre Vorteile für unser modernes digitales Zeitalter. Lassen Sie sich nicht abhängen und legen Sie sich die Grundlagen des Cloud Computing noch heute in Ihr Bücherregal.Was Sie lernen werdenVerstehen, was die Cloud ist und wie sie sich von herkömmlichen On-Premise-Lösungen unterscheidetSie erwerben ein grundlegendes Cloud-Vokabular und lernen, wie Sie es mit den Begriffen der verschiedenen Anbieter vergleichenSie kennen die wichtigsten Komponenten der Cloud und wissen, wie sie genutzt werdenSie kennen die Anbieter auf dem Cloud-Markt, ihre Stärken und Schwächen und wissen, was Sie von ihnen erwarten können.die optimale Cloud-Lösung auf den Unternehmenskontext abstimmenUntersuchung verschiedener Ansätze zur Cloud-Einführung und der Kontexte, in denen sie geeignet sind, damit Sie bestimmen können, wie Ihr Unternehmen den größten Nutzen aus der Cloud ziehen kannFür wen ist dieses Buch gedacht?Ein allgemeines Geschäftspublikum, das sich über die Grundlagen des Cloud Computing informieren möchte, um fundierte Gespräche mit technischen Fachleuten und Anbietern führen zu können. Das Buch richtet sich an alle, die ein tieferes Verständnis dafür entwickeln möchten, was die Cloud ist, woher sie kommt und wie sie sich in Zukunft auf jedes Unternehmen auswirken wird. Ein Grundverständnis der Informationstechnologie ist hilfreich, aber nicht erforderlich.

Ear Economy: China Audio Streaming Programs Study

by Ying Huang

This book sheds light on the overall description and explanation of the current socio-political, economic and cultural environment concerning the development of China's audio streaming programs industry. It interprets the emergence of the “ear economy” through the subjects of media ecology, media psychology, communication studies and cultural criticism, media industrial studies, sociology and anthropology. The book skillfully weaves together historical, cultural, and industry studies, along with textual and critical discourse analysis. This interdisciplinary work contributes to multiple academic fields including literary and cultural studies, media and communication studies, China/Asia studies, and political theory.

Cryo-Electron Tomography: Structural Biology in situ (Focus on Structural Biology #11)

by Friedrich Förster Ariane Briegel

This book presents key aspects and recent developments of cryogenic sample electron tomography (cryo-ET) methodology, authored by leading experts in the field. Understanding structure and function of biomolecules in the context of cells is a new frontier in cellular and structural biology. To facilitate such research, cryo-ET is a key method to visualize the molecules of life in their native settings. Cryo-ET enables the imaging of samples that are preserved in a near-native state, at (macro)-molecular resolution and in three dimensions. Thus, this technique is a unique tool to gain insights into how biomolecules collaborate in orchestrating fundamental biological processes, how mutations cause diseases, pathogens cause infections, and to develop novel therapeutics to treat such illnesses. This book provides a unique reference for the emerging field of cryo-ET. The topics covered range from the fundamental principles of imaging to sample preparation, data analysis,and data sharing within the scientific community. It serves as a valuable resource for the next generation of structural biologists, making it suitable both for undergraduate students studying biochemistry, biophysics, and molecular biology and highly valuable for the more experienced and specialized PhD student. Furthermore, it stands as a state-of-the–art source of knowledge for the established senior scientist within the field of structural biology.

Positive Psychologie - Erfolgsgarant oder Schönmalerei?

by Michael Tomoff

Positive Psychologie - Erfolgsgarant oder Schönmalerei? Entdecken Sie die Doppelkante der Positiven Psychologie: Ein Schlüssel zu mehr persönlichem und beruflichem Erfolg oder doch nur eine rosarote Brille? Diplom-Psychologe Michael Tomoff entführt Sie in eine Welt, die sowohl die glänzenden als auch die schattigen Seiten dieser bewegenden Wissenschaft beleuchtet. Das vorliegende Buch ist weit mehr als ein Glücksratgeber. Es ist eine fundierte, kritische und dennoch humorvolle Untersuchung der Positiven Psychologie, die sich sowohl an Lehrer, Eltern, Führungskräfte, Mitarbeiter, Coaches und auch Trainer richtet – egal ob Laien oder Experten. Mit einem klaren Blick auf die wissenschaftliche Basis und die praktische Anwendung beleuchtet der Autor die Mythen und Missverständnisse rund um die Wissenschaft des Wohlbefindens: Macht Geld glücklich? Sind Eltern zufriedener als Kinderlose? Welche Rolle spielen Schuld und Scham bei der Kindererziehung? Wie kann die Positive Psychologie die Schule oder das Unternehmen von morgen unterstützen und formen? Und sollte sie das überhaupt? Durch die elegante, mundgerechte Zusammenfassung aktueller Forschungen, die Vorstellung leicht umsetzbarer Übungen, Tools und Interventionen sowie die Erörterung der Relevanz der Positiven Psychologie in verschiedenen Kulturen und Lebensbereichen bietet dieses Buch einen umfassenden Überblick und praktische Anleitungen. Erfahren Sie, wie die Positive Psychologie in Schulen, Unternehmen und im persönlichen Leben konkret Anwendung finden kann, und welche Vorteile sie bietet. Michael Tomoff ist nicht nur ein erfahrener Psychologe, sondern auch ein leidenschaftlicher Botschafter für das Potenzial der Positiven Psychologie, das Wohlstand und Wohlbefinden zu fördern und dabei realistisch und kritisch zu bleiben. Mit seiner Ausbildung an der University of California in Berkeley und seiner breiten Erfahrung als Trainer, Berater und systemischer Coach bringt ereine einzigartige Perspektive und eine Fülle von praktischen Einsichten in dieses fesselnde Werk ein. In seinem Blog „Was Wäre Wenn“ gibt er wichtige Impulse zu einer Vielzahl von Themen wie Dankbarkeit, Komplimenten, dem Nein-Sagen, Grenzensetzen oder auch stärkenfokussierter Führung.

Ernesto Laclau: Pädagogische Lektüren

by Ralf Mayer Steffen Wittig Julia Sperschneider

Der Band diskutiert ausgewählte Positionen der Theoriebildung Ernesto Laclaus, die in den letzten Jahren im Kontext demokratietheoretischer Debatten zwar in politik-, kultur- und sozialwissenschaftlichen Feldern rezipiert wurde, deren Aufnahme in erziehungswissenschaftlichen Debatten aber eher als ‚handverlesen‘ bezeichnet werden könnte. Die Rezeption beschränkt sich häufig auf spezifische Einsätze rund um die gemeinsam mit Chantal Mouffe in Hegemonie und radikale Demokratie entwickelte und an Antonio Gramsci ansetzende Hegemonietheorie. Dass Laclaus Perspektiven jedoch eine Vielzahl produktiver Anschlüsse und Irritationen für unterschiedliche pädagogische Frage- und Problemstellungen beinhalten, verdeutlichen die hier versammelten Beiträge rund um transdisziplinäre Spannungsverhältnisse von Politik, Bildung und Pädagogik, von Artikulation und Repräsentation, von Ontologie und Identität oder im Kontext aktueller Sichtweisen auf Inklusion, Solidarität, Migration, pädagogische Beziehungen und Professionalität.

Essential Business Fundamentals for the Successful Eye Care Practice

by Savak Teymoorian

A compact business education that strategically incorporates 500 keywords to lay the foundation and over 50 action items to initiate meaningful advances and excel in your eye care practice today. Medical training is a difficult journey with enormous amounts of information to absorb over a short time period. The intense time commitment required during this process leaves little opportunity to study any other discipline. However, even the most intelligent and well-intentioned provider cannot care for patients if the front door of the building is closed. Simply put: A fundamental background in business is required to effectively practice medicine. Eye care professionals, which includes their ophthalmic staff, can now fill the critical gap in their education with Essential Business Fundamentals for the Successful Eye Care Practice, providing them the necessary basic tools to make and execute winning practice management decisions. Writing in a high-density format that medical professionals will be familiar with, Dr. Savak Teymoorian combines his physician training and experience as a successful ophthalmologist at Harvard Eye Associates with the knowledge acquired earning his MBA. This unique perspective allows him to provide the proper theory and execution in the business of eye care and present it in an efficient manner like that used in medical education. Each chapter is dedicated to a different subject that would routinely be taught in a masters of business administration degree, tailored specifically for eye care professionals and distilled into the most critical information for a strong foundation. Each section is further enhanced with real life examples seen in ophthalmic care showing how to properly apply business strategies and tactics to obtain the best results.Chapter topics include: Marketing Leadership Negotiations Operations Finance Ophthalmologists, optometrists, and eye care staff will appreciate Essential Business Fundamentals for the Successful Eye Care Practice for its efficient and relevant information to running an eye care practice, whether they are currently in training and want to set themselves up for success or they are already practicing and want to fill in a deficiency in their knowledge.

Clinical Skills for the Ophthalmic Examination: Basic Procedures (The Basic Bookshelf for Eyecare Professionals)

by Lindy Dubois

The step-by-step, instructional guide for the most common ophthalmic instruments and procedures has been updated to a second edition. Clinical Skills for the Ophthalmic Examination: Basic Procedures, Second Edition provides details on tests frequently performed in the office and provides instructions on the proper way to perform them. Lindy DuBois focuses on presenting fundamental instruction in a clear and easy-to-use manual. Essential chapters, such as those on patient history, medications, allergies, and refractive surgery have been updated to offer critical information for the ophthalmic professional. New to this edition: An expanded History section with a detailed patient interview to comply with new regulations. Expanded Interim History section to include patients with low vision. New sections on Exophthalmometry and A-Scan Biometry. Make Clinical Skills for the Ophthalmic Examination: Basic Procedures, Second Edition your go-to text for information on the latest procedures and instruments used in the clinic today.

The Knee: AANA Advanced Arthroscopic Surgical Techniques (AANA Advanced Arthroscopic Techniques series)

by Nicholas Sgaglione James Lubowitz Matthew Provencher

Co-published with the Arthroscopy Association of North America, The Knee: AANA Advanced Arthroscopic Surgical Techniques is a comprehensive technique-based book that presents the latest diagnostic and reconstructive techniques in arthroscopic surgery for the knee.The Knee: AANA Advanced Arthroscopic Surgical Techniques is authored by premier arthroscopic surgeons Drs. Nicholas A. Sgaglione, James H. Lubowitz, Matthew T. Provencher, and their international list of expert contributors. This comprehensive resource includes preferred physical examination testing and diagnostic imaging choices in pre-operative planning and patient selection, state-of-the-art step-by-step description of the procedures, detailed surgical equipment lists to perform each procedure, clear and precise indications for surgery and the thoughtful rationale behind stated contraindications, controversial indications, post-operative protocols, and potential complications.The written text is supported by numerous color images and a website with invaluable, narrated video clips depicting disease-specific arthroscopic techniques specific to the knee.Features inside The Knee: AANA Advanced Arthroscopic Surgical Techniques Narrated video accompanies all surgical techniques, focusing on the stepwise approach to each operation Consistent organization throughout the book results in a bulleted and user-friendly interface for a quick reference or prolonged study Top 5 Technical Pearls for each procedure to enhance outcomes and to avoid common pitfalls and complications High-quality artwork and figures to complement clinical images Equipment and surgical technique checklists for quick reference prior to surgery Each expert contributor was chosen for his or her expertise for a specific topic related to The Knee, so the reader benefits by the highest quality and treatment recommendations to provide state-of-the-art care to his or her patient. Some chapter topics include:-Arthroscopic Reduction and Fixation of Tibial Plateau and Eminence Fractures-Arthroscopic Treatment of Patellar Tendinopathy-Arthroscopic Meniscal Repair-Novel Techniques in Articular Cartilage Restoration -Advances in Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction

Adaptation Through Occupation: Multidimensional Perspectives

by Lenin Grajo Angela Boisselle

Adaptation, as an internal human process, is an often-overlooked construct in occupational therapy education, research, and practice. Adaptation Through Occupation: Multidimensional Perspectives aims to change that by presenting different perspectives that challenge the reader’s understanding of occupational adaptation. As the first of its kind text to explore, analyze, and present a comprehensive and multidimensional approach to understanding occupational adaptation, the collection of writings in this text add to the range of knowledge available in occupational therapy.Adaptation Through Occupation: Multidimensional Perspectives by Drs. Lenin Grajo and Angela Boisselle provides in-depth perspectives of occupation and adaptation that can be used to teach courses on foundational and theoretical perspectives in occupational therapy, occupational science undergraduate and graduate programs, and as a critical module in teaching Neuroscience to occupational therapy students. This text also aims to facilitate new bodies of research to define and apply the concept of adaptation in relation to occupational performance and participation.Some perspectives covered inside include: Historical and theoretical perspectives on occupation and adaptation Neural mechanisms of occupational adaptation Occupational science perspectives and international and lived-experience perspectives Included with the text are online supplemental materials for faculty use in the classroom.Adaptation Through Occupation: Multidimensional Perspectives opens the gates for new ways of understanding occupational adaptation and adds necessary information to the existing knowledge in the occupational therapy profession.

Corneal Topography: A Guide for Clinical Application in Wavefront Era

by Ming Wang

With the rapid advancement of corneal topography and wavefront technologies and the increased application of corneal topography not only in refractive but also in premium IOL surgery, a new edition of the best-selling Corneal Topography: A Guide for Clinical Application in the Wavefront Era will be the foremost resource for both ophthalmologists and optometrists. In this Second Edition, Dr. Ming Wang, Dr. Tracy Swartz and over 50 contributors combine the important topics of refractive and premium lens surgeries and put corneal topography in the context of wavefront technology. With over 500 images, this edition gives special attention to the latest advances in these technologies.The state-of-the-art science and application of corneal topography for these anterior segment surgeries is well represented in Corneal Topography, A Guide for Clinical Application in the Wavefront Era, Second Edition, making it the latest and most comprehensive reference of these state-of-the-art technologies for refractive and for premium IOL surgery. Topographic and Wavefront Technologies Covered Include:• Placido disc-based topographic systems• Elevation-based topographic systems• Ultrasound-based topographic systems• OCT-based topographic systems• Topography and wavefront combined systemsTopographic Applications Covered Include:• Topographies of corneal diseases, including post-RK/CK/LASIK/PRK• Topography-guided contact lens fitting• Topography application in refractive surgery and in premium IOL surgeries• Topographic guidance for corneal surgeries• Topography-guided custom treatments• Combined treatment strategies using topography and wavefront data• Future development of corneal topography in the wavefront eraUpdated and reorganized to reflect changes in the technology, Corneal Topography: A Guide for Clinical Application in the Wavefront Era, Second Edition is indispensible for all anterior segment surgeons, ophthalmologists, and optometrists.

The Real ABCs: A Surgeon's Analysis and a Father's Legacy

by Robert H. Osher

In The Real ABCs: A Surgeon’s Analysis and a Father’s Legacy, Second Edition, pioneering cataract surgeon Dr. Robert Osher reflects on his 40-year career and candidly shares that the secret to his professional success and personal happiness lies in the pursuit of “the real ABCs”—achievement, balance, and contentment.Dr. Osher was an internationally renowned surgeon and father of five when he was diagnosed with a pineapple-sized kidney cancer at age 53. Suddenly confronted with his own mortality, he resolved to write his legacy for his family, friends, and colleagues. The result is The Real ABCs, originally published after Dr. Osher’s successful recovery and newly updated with his experiences and wisdom of the last decade—an inspirational story of one man’s achievements as well as a prescriptive guide for finding balance and contentment.In The Real ABCs, Dr. Osher tells the story behind some of his accomplishments in ophthalmology, including the founding of the Cincinnati Eye Institute, the Cataract Surgery: Telling It Like It Is meeting, the Video Journal of Cataract and Refractive Surgery, and the introduction of groundbreaking techniques in cataract surgery. Dr. Osher demonstrates the importance of hard work and enthusiasm while admitting the inevitability of adversity and setbacks, acknowledging that his achievements wouldn’t be possible without the influence of his cherished teachers, mentors, friends, and family. Throughout the book, Osher also stresses the importance of seeking balance, whether it’s through nature, adventure, service, or adherence to one’s principles. The Real ABCs: A Surgeon’s Analysis and a Father’s Legacy, Second Edition is a deeply personal story filled with universal life lessons. Ultimately, Dr. Osher shows that approaching one’s career and personal life with passion and perseverance can help anyone attain a feeling of contentment and success.

The Meaning of Everyday Occupation

by Betty Risteen Hasselkus Virginia Dickie

Newly updated to address emerging directions in occupational therapy and occupational science, The Meaning of Everyday Occupation, Third Edition encourages occupational therapy personnel—students, educators, researchers, and practitioners—to recognize humans as occupational beings and to understand the meaning and significance of everyday occupation in day-to-day life. Written by award-winning and internationally known authors Drs. Betty Risteen Hasselkus and Virginia Allen Dickie, the Third Edition explores the concept of meaning as it relates to occupation in daily life. Each chapter is augmented by the authors’ personal reflections, narratives from occupational therapists in practice, and quotations from participants in the authors’ occupational research, creating a text in which the concepts and theories of occupation and occupational therapy come alive for the reader. Themes in the Third Edition include: Meaning in everyday life and its occupations Space and place as sources of meaning Culture in everyday occupation and in the context of therapy Well-being and development through everyday occupation Occupation as connection Disability and occupation Occupation and the human spirit Everyday creativity Emphasizing occupation as experience, the comprehensive Third Edition champions the contributions of meaning to a client-centered approach to practice. This brings forward a new understanding of how to therapeutically affect the systems in which we all live and work. The everyday occupation of our lives is often overlooked. By increasing the visibility of everyday occupation, The Meaning of Everyday Occupation, Third Edition offers readers the opportunity for personal reflection on day-to-day occupational patterns. By recognizing and acknowledging these patterns in their own lives, occupational therapy personnel can better understand how day-to-day occupation and disruption of that occupation affects the lives of clients.

Cataract Surgery and Intraocular Lenses

by Lucio Buratto Domenico Boccuzzi Stephen Brint

Cataract Surgery and Intraocular Lenses offer a detailed overview of intraocular lenses, as the choice of the IOL to be implanted is a critical detail in the patient selection and surgical preparation, and therefore leading to the most optimal patient results. Dr. Lucio Buratto, Dr. Stephen Brint, and Dr. Domenico Boccuzzi present the latest information on the most advanced diagnostic techniques and surgical decisions for IOL selection and implantation. Cataract Surgery and Intraocular Lenses covers a wide variety of topics, including monofocal IOLs, multifocal IOLs, accommodative IOLs, injectors and implantation of foldable IOLs, tear or damage of the IOL, and viscoelastic substances. Supplemented by more than 200 color illustrations, diagrams, a glossary, and references, all surgeons from beginner to expert will want this unique resource by their side.

Curbside Consultation in Cataract Surgery: 49 Clinical Questions (Curbside Consultation in Ophthalmology)

by Terry Kim

Curbside Consultation in Cataract Surgery: 49 Clinical Questions has been updated into a Second Edition!The Second Edition contains new questions and is completely updated! Curbside Consultation in Cataract Surgery, Second Edition contains new questions and brief, practical, and evidence-based answers to the most frequently asked questions that are posed during a “curbside consultation” between surgical colleagues. Dr. Terry Kim and associate editors Drs. Derek Delmonte and Preeya Gupta have assembled 49 of the top cataract consultants from the U.S. and abroad to offer expert advice, preferences, and opinions on tough clinical questions commonly associated with cataract surgery in this updated reference. The unique Q&A format provides quick access to current information related to cataract surgery in the simplicity of a conversation between two colleagues. Numerous images, diagrams, and references are included to enhance the text and to illustrate surgical pearls. Some of the questions that are answered inside the Second Edition include:• My patient has unreliable topography due to ocular surface pathology. What are my options for treatment and IOL selection?• How do I pick the right IOL formula for my patient with a longer/shorter than average eye?• My capsulorhexis is heading out peripherally. How should I proceed and what should I do if it tears radially?• How/when should I change my phaco/fluidics settings in the following situations: IFIS, shallow chamber, high axial length, post vitrectomy?• I have a radial tear in the anterior capsule. How do I proceed with phaco and IOL implantation?• When should I use a toric intraocular lens versus astigmatic keratotomy/LRI?• How do I incorporate femtosecond (FS) laser into my current cataract surgery techniques?Curbside Consultation in Cataract Surgery: 49 Clinical Questions, Second Edition provides information basic enough for residents while also incorporating expert pearls that even experienced cataract surgeons will appreciate. General ophthalmologists, residents, and cataract specialists alike will benefit from the user-friendly and casual format as well as the expert advice contained within.

Cram Session in Functional Anatomy: A Handbook for Students and Clinicians

by Scott Benjamin Roy Bechtel Vincent Conroy

When all you need is a basic understanding of the anatomy of the muscular system, supplemented by current evidence and research, Cram Sessions on Functional Anatomy: Applications and Problem Solving for Real-Life Situations is what you will look to for quick, at-your-fingertips facts.Cram Sessions on Functional Anatomy by Drs. Benjamin, Bechtel, and Conroy is a concise and illustrated quick reference that takes over 60 years of combined clinical experience to provide an understanding of the muscular system and its relation to the fascial and ligamentous systems in the human body, providing benefits for improved patient care and streamlined exercise prescription.What is in your Cram Session? Translation of basic anatomy through both clinical expertise and research evidence A unique understanding of the muscular system and its role in health and disease A section on “clinical pearls” for each muscle or group – helping make practical use of the anatomical data, and improving the diagnosis and treatment of common patient problems Over 100 photographs and line art depicting each muscle or group of muscles Cram Sessions on Functional Anatomy: Applications and Problem Solving for Real-Life Situations is a practical, easy-to-read handbook for all students and clinicians involved in physical therapy, athletic training, occupational therapy, and other rehabilitation professions.

AQA AS/A-Level Design and Technology: Fashion and Textiles

by Amanda Dick Pauline Treuherz Denise Davies

Exam board: AQALevel: A-levelSubject: Design and TechnologyFirst teaching: September 2017First exams: Summer 2018 (AS) Summer 2019 (A-Level)Encourage your students to be creative, innovative and critical designers with a textbook that builds in-depth knowledge and understanding of the materials, components and processes associated with the creation of fashion and textile products.Our experienced author team will help guide you through the requirements of the specification, covering the core technical and designing and making principles needed for the 2017 AQA AS and A-level Design and Technology Fashion and Textiles specification.- Explores real-world contexts for fashion and textiles- Develops practical skills and theoretical knowledge and builds student confidence- Supports students with the application of maths skills to fashion and textiles- Helps guide students through the requirements of the Non-Exam Assessments and the written exams at both AS and A-level

Everything Is Predictable: How Bayes' Remarkable Theorem Explains the World

by Tom Chivers

Thomas Bayes was an eighteenth-century Presbyterian minister and amateur mathematician whose obscure life belied the profound impact of his work. Like most research into probability at the time, his theorem was mainly seen as relevant to games of chance, like dice and cards. But its implications soon became clear. Bayes' theorem helps explain why highly accurate screening tests can lead to false positives, causing unnecessary anxiety for patients. A failure to account for it in court has put innocent people in jail. But its influence goes far beyond practical applications. A cornerstone of rational thought, Bayesian principles are used in modelling and forecasting. 'Superforecasters', a group of expert predictors who outperform CIA analysts, use a Bayesian approach. And many argue that Bayes' theorem is not just a useful tool, but a description of almost everything - that it is the underlying architecture of rationality, and of the human brain. Fusing biography, razor-sharp science communication and intellectual history, Everything Is Predictable is a captivating tour of Bayes' theorem and its impact on modern life. From medical testing to artificial intelligence, Tom Chivers shows how a single compelling idea can have far-reaching consequences.

AQA A Level Physics Student Book 2

by Nick England Jeremy Pollard Nicky Thomas Carol Davenport

Exam Board: AQALevel: AS/A-levelSubject: PhysicsFirst Teaching: September 2015First Exam: June 2017AQA ApprovedExpand and challenge your students' knowledge and understanding of Physics with textbooks that build mathematical skills, provide practical assessment guidance and support for all 5 topic options.- Provide support for all 5 topic options: Astrophysics is covered in the book, with Turning Points in Physics, Engineering Physics, Medical Physics and Electronics available to download online.- Offers guidance for the mathematical requirements of the course with worked examples of calculations and a dedicated 'Maths in Physics' chapter- Measures progress and assess learning throughout the course with Test Yourself and Stretch and Challenge Questions to extend the most able pupils beyond A-level- Supports all 12 required practicals with applications, worked examples and activities included in each chapter- Develops understanding and enable self- and peer-assessment with free online access to 'Test yourself' answers.DOWNLOADABLE OPTION TOPIC CHAPTERS To request your downloadable copies please email

My Family and Other Seedlings: A Year on a Dorset Allotment

by Lalage Snow

A few years ago Lally Snow moved to a Dorset village with her husband and three small children, having spent over a decade as a war photographer, foreign correspondent and film maker living in Kabul. She covered the conflict there as well as other wars from Gaza to Eastern Ukraine, and Iraq.In the late winter of 2021-22, Lally decided to rent an allotment, despite having only a rudimentary knowledge of gardening. She was starting from scratch and setting herself the dual challenge of growing an allotment at the same time as growing a family.This is a heart-warming, wry and at times tearful account of Lally's travails as a mother and novice allotment holder, counterpointing horticultural progress with the perils of parenting. Along the way she reflects on the drudgery of English rural domesticity after a professional life chasing war and adventure, the history of the allotment since Saxon times, and the wonderful moment when gardening becomes fun rather than just feeding a family.

The Tipping Point: How Little Things Can Make a Big Difference

by Malcolm Gladwell

'A wonderful page-turner about a fascinating idea that should affect the way every thinking person thinks about the world around him' Michael LewisIn this brilliant and original book, Malcolm Gladwell explains and analyses the 'tipping point', that magic moment when ideas, trends and social behaviour cross a threshold, tip and spread like wildfire. Taking a look behind the surface of many familiar occurrences in our everyday world, Gladwell explains the fascinating social dynamics that cause rapid change.'Hip and hopeful, THE TIPPING POINT is like the idea it describes: concise, elegant but packed with social power. A book for anyone who cares about how society works and how we can make it better' George Stephanopoulos

58-IN-MIND: Multilingual Teaching Strategies for Diverse Deaf Students

by Debbie Golos; Marlon Kuntze; Kimberly Wolbers; Chris Kurz

A highly practical and engaging resource for current and future teachers, 58-IN-MIND describes and demonstrates theoretically-driven, research-based, and classroom-tested best practices for using American Sign Language and English in instruction across the curriculum. The multilingual and multimodal instructional strategies presented here are embedded in approaches that aid learning and foster well-being. This book will support teachers in creating meaningful educational experiences for Deaf students in all grades, from early childhood education through high school. Each chapter is written by a team of researchers and P–12 teachers with at least one Deaf coauthor. With seventy-five percent of the authors being Deaf, this is the first teaching methods book to harness the expertise of Deaf professionals at this level, highlighting their vital role in Deaf education and in shaping inclusive and effective learning environments. This book meets the need for a resource that recognizes the diversity of Deaf students by creating space in the classroom to honor their home/heritage languages, cultures, races, genders, abilities, hearing levels, and other multiple and intersecting identities. Written in a conversational tone, the book includes core recommendations for instruction of the targeted subject area, examples of key strategies, lessons and real stories from those working in the field, suggestions for practice, and recommended resources. “58-IN-MIND” in the title refers to the version of the ASL sign "stick" that is made on the forehead, which is equivalent to the English idiom “to stick in one's mind.” As in, when students learn in a culturally responsive manner, the learning is likely to stick. The title also alludes indirectly to the collective aspirations of the chapter authors that the practices discussed in the book will also stick in the readers’ minds, and thus have a transformative impact on the way Deaf students are taught.

Everyday Eating: Food, Taste and Trends in Britain since the 1950s

by Alan Warde

How have eating habits changed in recent decades? What does it mean to eat well? This fascinating book examines continuity and change in food consumption and eating patterns since the 1950s. The culinary landscape of Britain is explored through discussion of commodification, globalisation and diversification enabling an understanding of both developing trends and enduring habits. The author’s research undertaken over 40 years offers fresh insights into such practices as everyday meals, shopping, cooking and dining out and how these are shaped by demographic, social and cultural processes. The book provides a comprehensive and engaging analysis of eating in Britain today and of the many controversies about how this has changed.

A Human-Centered Perspective of Intelligent Personalized Environments and Systems (Human–Computer Interaction Series)

by Marko Tkalčič Panagiotis Germanakos Bruce Ferwerda Mark Graus

This book investigates the potential of combining the more quantitative - data-driven techniques with the more qualitative - theory-driven approaches towards the design of user-centred intelligent systems. It seeks to explore the potential of incorporating factors grounded in psychological theory into adaptive/intelligent routines, mechanisms, technologies and innovations. It highlights models, methods and tools that are emerging from their convergence along with challenges and lessons learned. Special emphasis is placed on promoting original insights and paradigms with respect to latest technologies, current research trends, and innovation directions, e.g., incorporating variables derived from psychological theory and individual differences in adaptive intelligent systems so as to increase explainability, fairness, and transparency, and decrease bias during interactions while the control remains with the user.

Autonomous Vehicles and Civil Liability in a Global Perspective: Liability Law Study across the World in relation to SAE J3016 Standard for Driving Automation (Data Science, Machine Intelligence, and Law #3)

by Hans Steege Ilaria Amelia Caggiano Maria Cristina Gaeta Benjamin Von Bodungen

In the automotive sector, digitalisation, connectivity and automation are rapidly expanding. In tomorrow’s vehicles, human beings will merely be passengers – which raises a host of complex legal issues regarding accidents involving self-driving vehicles. This book is the first to offer a comprehensive, global overview of civil liability regimes for all levels of vehicle automation in jurisdictions that represent some of the most important markets for the automotive industry. After a technical introduction to how self-driving cars work, the individual chapters analyse the liability for driving automation at SAE J3016 levels 0 through 5 from a country-specific perspective. All chapters were written by experts in the field and follow a uniform legal structure. Hence, the book offers an essential comparative analysis of similarities and differences in the jurisdictions examined, while also providing suggestions for future legislative changes at the national and international level. The book is not only relevant for legal scholars and practitioners but will also be of particular interest to anyone involved in the design, manufacture, distribution and operation of self-driving vehicles.

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