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A Cold Highland Wind: A Lady Emily Mystery (Lady Emily Mysteries #17)

by Tasha Alexander

In this new installment of Tasha Alexander’s acclaimed Lady Emily series set in the wild Scottish highlands, an ancient story of witchcraft may hold the key to solving a murder centuries later.In the summer of 1905, Lady Emily, husband Colin Hargreaves, and their three sons eagerly embark on a family vacation at Cairnfarn Castle, the Scottish estate of their dear friend Jeremy, Duke of Bainbridge. But a high-spirited celebration at the beginning of their stay comes to a grisly end when the duke’s gamekeeper is found murdered on the banks of the loch. Handsome Angus Sinclair had a host of enemies: the fiancée he abandoned in Edinburgh, the young woman who had fallen hopelessly in love with him, and the rough farmer who saw him as a rival for her affections. But what is the meaning of the curious runic stone left on Sinclair’s forehead?Clues may be found in the story of Lady MacAllister, wife of the Laird of Cairnfarn Castle, who in 1676 suddenly found herself widowed and thrown out of her home. Her sole companion was a Moorish slave girl who helped her secretly spirit her most prized possessions—a collection of strange books—out of the castle. When her neighbors, wary of a woman living on her own, found a poppet—a doll used to cast spells—and a daisy wheel in her isolated cottage, Lady MacAllister was accused of witchcraft, a crime punishable by death. Hundreds of years later, Lady Emily searches for the link between Lady MacAllister’s harrowing witchcraft trial and the brutal death of Sinclair. She must follow a trail of hidden motives, an illicit affair, and a mysterious stranger to reveal the dark side of a seemingly idyllic Highland village.

Cold War in the White Cube: U.S. Exhibitions of Latin American Art, 1959–1968 (Refiguring Modernism)

by Delia Solomons

In 1959, the very year the Cuban Revolution amplified Cold War tensions in the Americas, museumgoers in the United States witnessed a sudden surge in major exhibitions of Latin American art. Surveying the 1960s boom of such exhibits, this book documents how art produced in regions considered susceptible to communist influence was staged on U.S. soil for U.S. audiences.Held in high-profile venues such as the Guggenheim Museum, the Walker Art Center, MoMA, and the Art Institute of Chicago, the exhibitions of the 1960s Latin American art boom did not define a single stylistic trend or the art of a single nation but rather attempted to frame Latin America as a unified whole for U.S. audiences. Delia Solomons calls attention to disruptive artworks that rebelled against the curatorial frames purporting to hold them and reveals these exhibitions to be complex contact zones in which competing voices collided. Ultimately, through multiple means—including choosing to exclude artworks with readily decipherable political messages and evading references to contemporary inter-American frictions—the U.S. curators who organized these shows crafted projections of Pan-American partnership and harmony, with the United States as leader, interpreter, and good neighbor, during an era of brutal U.S. interference across the Americas.Theoretically sophisticated and highly original, this survey of Cold War–era Latin American art exhibits sheds light on the midcentury history of major U.S. art museums and makes an important contribution to the fields of museum studies, art history, and Latin American modernist art.

The Collected Regrets of Clover: A Novel

by Mikki Brammer

Named a Best Book of 2023 by NPR"This weird, lovely and sweetly satisfying novel [is] engaging and accessible...Clover’s emergence from a shuttered life is moving enough to elicit tears, and Brammer’s take on death and grieving is profound enough to feel genuinely instructional." ––The New York Times Book ReviewWhat’s the point of giving someone a beautiful death if you can’t give yourself a beautiful life?From the day she watched her kindergarten teacher drop dead during a dramatic telling of Peter Rabbit, Clover Brooks has felt a stronger connection with the dying than she has with the living. After the beloved grandfather who raised her dies alone while she is traveling, Clover becomes a death doula in New York City, dedicating her life to ushering people peacefully through their end-of-life process.Clover spends so much time with the dying that she has no life of her own, until the final wishes of a feisty old woman send Clover on a trip across the country to uncover a forgotten love story––and perhaps, her own happy ending. As she finds herself struggling to navigate the uncharted roads of romance and friendship, Clover is forced to examine what she really wants, and whether she’ll have the courage to go after it. Probing, clever, and hopeful, The Collected Regrets of Clover is perfect for readers of The Midnight Library and Eleanor Oliphant is Completely Fine as it turns the normally taboo subject of death into a reason to celebrate life.

Collision of Power: Trump, Bezos, and THE WASHINGTON POST

by Martin Baron

“A closely observed, gripping chronicle of politics and journalism during a decade of turmoil.” —The New York Times Book ReviewPolitics. Money. Media. Tech. …It’s all here in Collision of Power.“All the President's Men for a new generation.” —Town & CountryMarty Baron took charge of The Washington Postnewsroom in 2013, after nearly a dozen years leading The Boston Globe. Just seven months into his new job, Baron received explosive news: Jeff Bezos, the founder of Amazon, would buy the Post, marking a sudden end to control by the venerated family that had presided over the paper for 80 years. Just over two years later, Donald Trump won the presidency.Now, the capital’s newspaper, owned by one of the world’s richest men, was tasked with reporting on a president who had campaigned against the press as the “lowest form of humanity.” Pressures on Baron and his colleagues were immense and unrelenting, having to meet the demands of their new owner while contending with a president who waged a war of unprecedented vitriol and vengeance against the media.In the face of Trump’s unceasing attacks, Baron steadfastly managed the Post’s newsroom. Their groundbreaking and award-winning coverage included stories about Trump’s purported charitable giving, misconduct by the Secret Service, and Roy Moore’s troubling sexual history. At the same time, Baron managed a restive staff during a period of rapidly changing societal dynamics around gender and race.In Collision of Power, Baron recounts this with the tenacity of a reporter and the sure hand of an experienced editor. The result is elegant and revelatory―an urgent exploration of the nature of power in the 21st century.

A Common-Sense Guide to Data Structures and Algorithms in Python, Volume 1

by Jay Wengrow

p>If you thought data structures and algorithms were all just theory, you're missing out on what they can do for your Python code. Learn to use Big O notation to make your code run faster by orders of magnitude. Choose from data structures such as hash tables, trees, and graphs to increase your code's efficiency exponentially. With simple language and clear diagrams, this book makes this complex topic accessible, no matter your background. Every chapter features practice exercises to give you the hands-on information you need to master data structures and algorithms for your day-to-day work.Algorithms and data structures are much more than abstract concepts. Mastering them enables you to write code that runs faster and more efficiently, which is particularly important for today's web and mobile apps. Take a practical approach to data structures and algorithms, with techniques and real-world scenarios that you can use in your daily production code. The Python edition uses Python exclusively for all code examples, exercise, and solutions.Use Big O notation to measure and articulate the efficiency of your code, and modify your algorithm to make it faster. Find out how your choice of arrays, linked lists, and hash tables can dramatically affect the code you write. Use recursion to solve tricky problems and create algorithms that run exponentially faster than the alternatives. Dig into advanced data structures such as binary trees and graphs to help scale specialized applications such as social networks and mapping software. You'll even encounter a single keyword that can give your code a turbo boost. Practice your new skills with exercises in every chapter, along with detailed solutions.Use these techniques today to make your Python code faster and more scalable.

Cómo conquistar una mujer en Tinder

by Pílula Digital

Yo le pregunto: '¿Quiere saber cómo CONQUISTAR una mujer en Tinder?' o '¿Le gustaría convertirse en un EXPERTO en la conquista en Tinder?' Entonces, ¡preste atención! Porque con el E-BOOK '7 PASOS PARA CONQUISTAR UNA MUJER EN TINDER' usted, hombre, aprenderá cómo ATRAER muchos más MATCHS; cómo DESTACARSE de los otros hombres y llamar MUCHO MÁS LA ATENCIÓN; y cómo construir conversaciones realmente ATRACTIVAS con poder de CONQUISTAR a cualquier mujer que DESEE. Finalmente, esta es la guía perfecta, completa, que todo hombre soltero NECESITA conocer, -- si realmente ANSÍA RESULTADOS CONCRETOS EN SUS COQUETEOS. ¡Buena lectura!

Cómo descubrir su propósito de vida

by Pílula Digital

¿Por qué es tan IMPORTANTE identificar su PROPÓSITO de vida? Bueno, tener un propósito de VIDA, -- entre otras cosas -- promueve en nosotros el sentimiento de PERTENENCIA. Usted sabe que es allí donde debería ESTAR y sabe que usted está haciendo algo que tiene SENTIDO con lo que usted piensa y con quien usted es. En las páginas de este pequeño libro, usted aprenderá 5 pasos SIMPLES que le ayudarán a DESCUBRIR cuál es realmente el PROPÓSITO de su vida en este mundo.

Cómo envejecer tranquilo: Consejos de salud para adultos mayores

by Pílula Digital

A medida que ENVEJECEMOS, el cuerpo y la mente cambian, así como también las rutinas o los hábitos para MANTENERSE SALUDABLE. Exámenes físicos rutinarios, CONTROL con el dentista o el oftalmólogo, medicinas,... La lista de un anciano para TENER SALUD es larga. Lo anterior PUEDE parecer algunas veces abrumador, por ello, mientras más envejecemos, más se necesita ser DILIGENTE para garantizar los CUIDADOS de nuestra SALUD, y necesitamos también prestar atención al hecho de que, en la medida de lo posible, DEBEMOS ser muy activos. Su salud mental y física debe ser una de sus PRIORIDADES, lo cual será la clave para VIVIR UNA VIDA lo más larga y feliz posible. Este E-BOOK dedicado a las personas mayores o de la tercera edad revela algunas FORMAS por las cuales usted puede comenzar a vivir esa vida de manera RÁPIDA y fácil. Si usted DESEA SER MÁS SALUDABLE, tener una óptima condición física y sentirse bien, aquí encontrará lo que busca. ¡Buena lectura!

Cómo escribir un discurso

by Pílula Digital

Un discurso bien ESTRUCTURADO no sólo tiene SENTIDO del comienzo al fin, sino que también es más FÁCIL de ser RECORDADO y citado. De nada sirve hablar muy bien si la LÓGICA de las palabras se pierde en medio de la oratoria. En este E-BOOK, usted APRENDERÁ a redactar un discurso EXITOSO desde el comienzo hasta el final, con PODER de transmitir su idea de forma CLARA y objetiva. ¡Buena lectura!

Cómo ser un líder eficaz

by Pílula Digital

Liderar personal y profesionalmente significa saber quién eres, qué QUIERES y cómo trazar planes para LOGRAR tus objetivos, lo que requiere AUTOCONOCIMIENTO como base y herramientas y conceptos (que explicamos a lo largo de este libro) que te ayuden a estructurar tus planes. Al convertirte en LÍDER, también adquieres la CAPACIDAD de motivarte a ti mismo, el llamado AUTO LIDERAZGO, y la oportunidad de DAR FORMA al futuro que deseas. Eres capaz de CREAR y seguir tu propia dirección profesional y marcarte un camino hacia el éxito que te aporte SATISFACCIÓN PERSONAL, genere resultados CONCRETOS y tenga un impacto POSITIVO en cualquier sector de actividad.

Cómo superar una entrevista de trabajo: Guía completa para superar una entrevista de trabajo

by Pílula Digital

Al leer el libro "Cómo superar una entrevista de trabajo", aprenderás, entre otras cosas, lecciones de valor incalculable que, si las pone en práctica en tu profesión, aumentarán casi un 100% tus posibilidades de tener éxito en una entrevista de trabajo. Parece una broma, ¡pero no lo es! Lo que ocurre es que la mayoría de las personas que buscan trabajo ni siquiera se dan cuenta de lo que ocurre en una entrevista de trabajo. Como resultado, apenas se preparan y pronto descubren después de la entrevista que han sido rechazados, y lo que es peor; van de nuevo por segunda, tercera o incluso cuarta vez. ¿Triste realidad? Sí, pero es la verdad. Sin embargo, no tiene por qué ser así para ti. Si utilizas las estrategias adecuadas y prestas toda tu atención a los consejos de oro descritos en las instrucciones paso a paso de este libro, puedes estar seguro de que pronto tendrás el trabajo de tus sueños.

Cómo vender más audiobooks

by Pílula Digital

Como vivimos en un mundo AGITADO, no siempre tenemos TIEMPO para leer un LIBRO. Existen quienes ya se han VOLCADO al podcast para INFORMARSE sobre las noticias del día, APRENDER sobre algo de su interés o simplemente para DIVERTIRSE. No obstante, es posible CONSUMIR contenidos más DENSOS -- como libros, por ejemplo. LOS AUDIOBOOKS están conquistando CADA VEZ MÁS ESPACIO en el mercado y transformándose en una excelente opción de producto digital para los negocios. En este LIBRO, usted aprenderá a TRANSFORMAR su libro en un AUDIOBOOK; valiéndose de ESTRATEGIAS innovadoras para ALCANZAR cada vez más público.

Complication Management In The Cardiac Catheter Laboratory

by Erhard Kaiser

In diesem ersten deutschsprachigen Werk zum Thema zeigt der Autor, wie Komplikationen vor, während und nach Koronarinterventionen vermieden und gehandhabt werden können. Der Facharzt (Innere Medizin und Kardiologe) und Leitende Notarzt hat ein Buch für den Einsatz in der Praxis geschrieben und sich dabei an den Leitlinien der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Kardiologie orientiert.

Comprehensive Wound Management

by Jennifer Gardner Glenn Irion Rose Pignataro

Comprehensive Wound Management, Third Edition is back with a timely update providing a comprehensive overview of wounds---from etiology to intervention.Featuring more than 300 full-color images, photos, tables, and graphs to aid students in recognizing different types of wounds when performing examination and providing interventions, Comprehensive Wound Management, Third Edition goes beyond the call of duty of a traditional textbook. The book breaks down each of the common wound types, neuropathic, pressure, and vascular, into individual chapters that may be utilized for a holistic approach to learning or as stand-alone reading assignments.Comprehensive Wound Management, Third Edition also covers classes of interventions, plan of care, documentation, and other administrative concerns such as reimbursement and regulations that must be considered in real-life practice of wound management. A major emphasis is placed on teaching how to perform interventions instead of simply mentioning them in context.What’s new to the Third Edition: Updated terminology and other changes recently instituted by the National Pressure Injury Advisory Panel Up-to-date information regarding reimbursement and regulations Boxes with summaries of performing examinations and interventions Short-answer questions at the end of each chapter Included with the text are online supplemental materials for faculty use in the classroom.Comprehensive Wound Management, Third Edition proves to be as invaluable a text as its previous editions and remains a must-have resource for physical therapy students and clinicians, certified wound specialists, rehabilitation professionals, and any health care provider who is managing the treatment of wounds.

CompTIA CySA+ Study Guide: Exam CS0-003 (Sybex Study Guide)

by David Seidl Mike Chapple

Master key exam objectives and crucial cybersecurity concepts for the updated CompTIA CySA+ CS0-003 exam, along with an online test bank with hundreds of practice questions and flashcards In the newly revised third edition of CompTIA CySA+ Study Guide: Exam CS0-003, a team of leading security experts and tech educators delivers comprehensive and accurate coverage of every topic and domain covered on the certification exam. You’ll find clear and concise information on critical security topics presented by way of practical, real-world examples, chapter reviews, and exam highlights. Prepare for the test and for a new role in cybersecurity with the book’s useful study tools, including: Hands-on lab exercises and an opportunity to create your own cybersecurity toolkit Authoritative discussions of each exam competency, including security operations, vulnerability management, incident response and management, and reporting and communication Complimentary access to Sybex's proven library of digital resources, including an online test bank, bonus questions, flashcards, and glossary, all supported by Wiley's support agents who are available 24x7 via email or live chat to assist with access and login questions Reduce test anxiety and get a head-start learning the on-the-job skills you’ll need on your first day in a cybersecurity career. Or augment your existing CompTIA Security+ certification with an impressive new credential. Fully updated for the newly released CS0-003 exam, CompTIA CySA+ Study Guide: Exam CS0-003, Third Edition is an essential resource for test takers and cybersecurity professionals alike. And save 10% when you purchase your CompTIA exam voucher with our exclusive WILEY10 coupon code.

Computational Methods für die Sozial- und Geisteswissenschaften

by Jakob Jünger Chantal Gärtner

Mit Computational Methods lassen sich digitale Welten wissenschaftlich erforschen und gestalten. Das Open-Access-Lehrbuch vermittelt zunächst grundlegende Kompetenzen für die automatisierte Erhebung und Aufbereitung von Daten und für den Umgang mit Datenbanken. Eine Einführung in die Programmiersprachen R und Python sowie in Versionsverwaltungen und Cloud-Computing eröffnet Wege für kreative Analyseansätze beim Umgang mit großen und kleinen Datensätzen. Schließlich werden Szenarien in sozial- und geisteswissenschaftlichen Anwendungsfeldern durchgespielt. Dazu zählen die automatisierte Datenerhebung über Programmierschnittstellen und Webscraping, automatisierte Textanalysen, Netzwerkanalysen, maschinelles Lernen und Simulationsverfahren. Neben einer konzeptionellen Einführung in die jeweiligen Themenfelder geht es vor allem darum, in kurzen Tutorials selbst erste praktische Erfahrungen zu sammeln sowie weiterführende Möglichkeiten, aber auch Limitationen, von Computational Methods kennenzulernen.

Computational Science – ICCS 2023: 23rd International Conference, Prague, Czech Republic, July 3–5, 2023, Proceedings, Part V (Lecture Notes in Computer Science #10477)

by Jiří Mikyška Clélia De Mulatier Maciej Paszynski Valeria V. Krzhizhanovskaya Jack J. Dongarra Peter M. A. Sloot

The five-volume set LNCS 14073-14077 constitutes the proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on Computational Science, ICCS 2023, held in Prague, Czech Republic, during July 3-5, 2023. The total of 188 full papers and 94 short papers presented in this book set were carefully reviewed and selected from 530 submissions. 54 full and 37 short papers were accepted to the main track; 134 full and 57 short papers were accepted to the workshops/thematic tracks. The theme for 2023, "Computation at the Cutting Edge of Science", highlights the role of Computational Science in assisting multidisciplinary research. This conference was a unique event focusing on recent developments in scalable scientific algorithms, advanced software tools; computational grids; advanced numerical methods; and novel application areas. These innovative novel models, algorithms, and tools drive new science through efficient application in physical systems, computational and systems biology, environmental systems, finance, and others.

Conceptual Harmonies: The Origins and Relevance of Hegel’s Logic

by Paul Redding

A new reading of Hegel’s Science of Logic through the history of European mathematics.Conceptual Harmonies develops an original account of G. W. F. Hegel’s perplexing Science of Logic from a simple insight: philosophical and mathematical thought have shaped each other since classical times. Situating Science of Logic within the rise of modern mathematics, Redding stresses Hegel’s attention to Pythagorean ratios, Platonic reason, and Aristotle’s geometrically inspired logic. He then explores how later traditions shaped Hegel’s world, through both Leibniz and new forms of algebraic geometry. This enlightening reading recovers an overlooked stream in Hegel’s philosophy that remains, Redding argues, important for contemporary conceptions of logic.

Confronting the Crisis of Engagement: Creating Focus and Resilience for Students, Staff, and Communities

by Douglas Fisher Nancy Frey Douglas B. Reeves

Stop apathy in its tracks with the 5 C’s of engagement Disengagement, disenchantment, distress—the three "D’s" of many post-pandemic schools. If we are to find our way back from this brink, every student, teacher, and leader must relearn how to lean in. It’s time to focus, know one another, and stop chasing so many initiatives. It’s time to shake things up so learners want to participate. From faculty meetings to student conferences, casual greetings to grading, you can learn to use practices that most powerfully reflect the Five C’s of Engagement: Connections — feeling known, valued, and tethered to others Conditions — being able to learn in a stable environment in which expectations are high Challenge — engaging in an endeavor knowing your "high jumps" in terms of intellectual and creative risks will be supported Control — the privilege of learning with a balance between ownership and support Collaboration — deepening one’s knowledge and identity as a learner by being skillful at relationship-building Our students are looking to us as the grownups in the room to model what it looks like to belong, believe, and balance high expectations with compassionate support. With Confronting the Crisis of Engagement in hand, you have the guide to make that happen.

Confronting the Crisis of Engagement: Creating Focus and Resilience for Students, Staff, and Communities

by Douglas Fisher Nancy Frey Douglas B. Reeves

Stop apathy in its tracks with the 5 C’s of engagement Disengagement, disenchantment, distress—the three "D’s" of many post-pandemic schools. If we are to find our way back from this brink, every student, teacher, and leader must relearn how to lean in. It’s time to focus, know one another, and stop chasing so many initiatives. It’s time to shake things up so learners want to participate. From faculty meetings to student conferences, casual greetings to grading, you can learn to use practices that most powerfully reflect the Five C’s of Engagement: Connections — feeling known, valued, and tethered to others Conditions — being able to learn in a stable environment in which expectations are high Challenge — engaging in an endeavor knowing your "high jumps" in terms of intellectual and creative risks will be supported Control — the privilege of learning with a balance between ownership and support Collaboration — deepening one’s knowledge and identity as a learner by being skillful at relationship-building Our students are looking to us as the grownups in the room to model what it looks like to belong, believe, and balance high expectations with compassionate support. With Confronting the Crisis of Engagement in hand, you have the guide to make that happen.

Congenital Anomalies of Coronary Arteries

by Gianfranco Butera Alessandro Frigiola

The coronaries are the first branches of the ascending aorta. They arise from their respective sinuses of Valsalva, and gradually branch distally to the myocardium. Abnormalities of the coronary arteries, either congenital or acquired, can be characterized as a lack of origin, abnormal origin, anomalous course, lack of patency, abnormal connections, and/or abnormal drainage of the coronary vessels. Interruptions to or lack of flow can cause significant morbidity and mortality due to ischemia, infarction and fistulous connections, which can lead to cardiac failure, endocarditis and ischemia. Coronary artery anomalies are rare in general populations. Although they can be benign and asymptomatic, they can also be malignant due to their origin and course and can cause sudden cardiac death. As such, an understanding of how to analyze, diagnose and treat them is vital. This book presents the latest advances in congenital anomalies of coronary arteries. It offers a comprehensive overview of the field, including illustrative angiograms and diagrams that demonstrate all possible anomalies and clarify what is abnormal, and also provides practical insights to guide practitioners in their everyday practice.

Congress Explained: Representation and Lawmaking in the First Branch

by Casey Burgat Charles Hunt

Congress Explained: Representation and Lawmaking in the First Branch helps students understand the individual members who operate the pulls-and-levers of the branch to achieve their legislative goals. Instead of introducing Congress through abstract theories or a list of procedures and processes, Casey Burgat and Charles Hunt walk students through the inner workings of Congress and how its members have come to see their jobs as representatives. Beyond passing legislation, representation includes how members communicate with their constituents, act in their home districts, and reflect the people whom they are tasked to serve. Discussing member motivations, purposes, backgrounds, and constraints allows students to thoroughly engage with how Congress, government, and politics fulfill their core responsibilities to the American people.

Congress Explained: Representation and Lawmaking in the First Branch

by Casey Burgat Charles Hunt

Congress Explained: Representation and Lawmaking in the First Branch helps students understand the individual members who operate the pulls-and-levers of the branch to achieve their legislative goals. Instead of introducing Congress through abstract theories or a list of procedures and processes, Casey Burgat and Charles Hunt walk students through the inner workings of Congress and how its members have come to see their jobs as representatives. Beyond passing legislation, representation includes how members communicate with their constituents, act in their home districts, and reflect the people whom they are tasked to serve. Discussing member motivations, purposes, backgrounds, and constraints allows students to thoroughly engage with how Congress, government, and politics fulfill their core responsibilities to the American people.

Constitutional Law for a Changing America: Institutional Powers and Constraints (Constitutional Law for a Changing America)

by Thomas G. Walker Lee J. Epstein Kevin T. McGuire

Political factors influence judicial decisions. Arguments and input from lawyers and interest groups, the ebb and flow of public opinion, and especially the ideological and behavioral inclinations of the justices all combine to influence the development of constitutional doctrine. The Eleventh Edition of Constitutional Law for a Changing America: Institutional Powers and Constraints draws on political science as well as legal studies to analyze and excerpt landmark cases, including key opinions handed down through 2021. This book is ideal for Constitutional Law courses in the two-semester sequence that covers powers and constraints. For courses that cover both rights and liberties and the separation of powers in one semester, see

Constitutional Law for a Changing America: Institutional Powers and Constraints (Constitutional Law for a Changing America)

by Thomas G. Walker Lee J. Epstein Kevin T. McGuire

Political factors influence judicial decisions. Arguments and input from lawyers and interest groups, the ebb and flow of public opinion, and especially the ideological and behavioral inclinations of the justices all combine to influence the development of constitutional doctrine. The Eleventh Edition of Constitutional Law for a Changing America: Institutional Powers and Constraints draws on political science as well as legal studies to analyze and excerpt landmark cases, including key opinions handed down through 2021. This book is ideal for Constitutional Law courses in the two-semester sequence that covers powers and constraints. For courses that cover both rights and liberties and the separation of powers in one semester, see

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