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Digitale Kulturen der Lehre entwickeln: Rahmenbedingungen, Konzepte und Werkzeuge (Perspektiven der Hochschuldidaktik)

by Lorenz Mrohs Julia Franz Dominik Herrmann Konstantin Lindner Thorsten Staake

Die Digitalisierung sowie der damit einhergehende Wandel von Gesellschaft und Arbeitsleben verändern die Anforderungen an Hochschulen, Lehrende und Studierende. Dabei entsteht eine neue Kultur digitaler Lehre mit großen Chancen und Herausforderungen für alle Akteursgruppen.Die Beiträge des vorliegenden Open-Access-Sammelbandes beleuchten die Entstehung digitaler Kulturen in der Hochschullehre und stellen neue Konzepte, Gestaltungsmöglichkeiten sowie Evaluationsergebnisse digitaler Lehr-Lern-Wege vor. Vor diesem Hintergrund werden in den Ausführungen auch digitale Werkzeuge und deren Anwendung sowie Weiterentwicklung in den Blick genommen – sowohl für reine Online-Formate als auch für Mischformen aus digitalen und klassischen Lehransätzen.

The Theory of the Four Stages of Liberation in Pāli Literature

by Amrita Nanda

This book investigates the origins and development of the theory of four stages of liberation in Pāli literature. This theory is an important soteriological cartography in early Buddhism, particularly Theravāda Buddhism. Amrita Nanda challenges the traditional interpretation of the four stages by recognizing the impact of the changing socio-religious factors on the theory’s origins and subsequent development. Based primarily on the Pali literary sources, this study utilizes sometimes-overlooked aspects of these texts. This book first traces the origins of each stage individually; then, it traces the formation of the theory and its subsequent development.

Informatik auf den Punkt gebracht: Informatik für Life Sciences Studierende und andere Nicht-Informatiker

by Boris Tolg

Dieses Lehrbuch richtet sich an Studierende von fachfremden Studiengängen mit Informatikanteilen. Ein besonderer Schwerpunkt liegt dabei auf den sogenannten Lebenswissenschaften, wie Medizintechnik, Rettungsingenieurwesen, Biotechnologie, Umwelttechnik oder Verfahrenstechnik. Das Lehrbuch eignet sich für Leser in Studium und Praxis, die sich einen Einstieg in die Informatik verschaffen wollen. Die Besonderheit dieses Buches liegt in der problembasierten Herangehensweise, sowie der nach verschiedenen Taxonomiestufen konzipierten Übungsaufgaben.

Advances in Wheat Breeding: Towards Climate Resilience and Nutrient Security

by Nusret Zencirci Fahri Altay Faheem S. Baloch Muhammad Azhar Nadeem Ndiko Ludidi

This edited book addresses the introduction to wheat, advancements in breeding, the contribution of biotechnological approaches, the development of climate-resilient wheat cultivars, and biofortification efforts to create nutrient-rich wheat cultivars.The world faces simultaneous challenges of a growing population and climate change. It is anticipated that the world population will exceed 9 billion by 2050. Meanwhile, climate change significantly impacts agriculture through uneven patterns, expected to worsen in the coming years, resulting in substantial losses due to biotic and abiotic stresses. Wheat, a staple food for millions worldwide, requires more studies to develop climate-resilient cultivars with improved nutritional content. Given these considerations, it is crucial to understand the activities conducted for wheat breeding and address the current gap to ensure an ample food supply for future generations.This book is beneficial for researchers, teachers, agriculturists, biologists, climate change scientists, and organizations involved in wheat breeding. It also serves as a valuable resource for undergraduate, master, and PhD students interested in wheat.

Wilhelm Ostwald: Farbkunde (Klassische Texte der Wissenschaft)

by Georg Schwedt

Nachdem Wilhelm Ostwald die Universität Leipzig 1906 wegen anhaltender Streitigkeiten mit der philosophischen Fakultät verlassen hatte, ließ er sich in Großbothen als Privatgelehrter nieder. Hier entwickelte er seine Farbenlehre. 1923, in einem wirtschaftlich und politisch krisenhaften Jahr, erschien seine Farbkunde. Mit diesem Werk wandte er sich an eine breite Zielgruppe – an „Chemiker, Physiker, Naturforscher, Ärzte, Physiologen, Psychologen, Koloristen, Farbtechniker, Drucker, Keramiker, Färber, Weber, Maler, Kunstgewerbler, Musterzeichner, Plakatkünstler und Modisten“. Er stellt zunächst die bisher beschriebenen Farblehren und Theorien kritisch bewertend vor. In weiteren Kapiteln werden das Licht, die Vorgänge des Sehens und besonders ausführlich die Farben beschrieben. Als „Angewandte Farbkunde“ behandelt er die Messung der Farben, physikalisch-chemische und psychophysische Verhältnisse sowie die Farbe als Darstellungsmittel und die Harmonie der Farben mit Beschreibungen des Farbtonkreises, Vorschläge für einen Normenatlas mit praktischen Ausführungsformen. Ostwald schuf damit die Grundlagen für weit verbreitete Anwendungen, die im Kommentarteil ausführlich vorgestellt werden.

Sonic Design: Explorations Between Art and Science (Current Research in Systematic Musicology #12)

by Alexander Refsum Jensenius

This open access book offers a historical context and an overview of the field's current artistic and scientific research. Sonic design includes the construction and performance of acoustic instruments but also recording, editing, mixing, and synthesizing sounds using analog and digital electronic devices. This book explores sonic design from the perspectives of music theory, music perception, embodied cognition, phenomenology, soundscape studies, acoustics, new interfaces for musical expression, sound and music computing, and music information retrieval. The chapters are selected contributions from an international seminar organized to celebrate the achievements of Professor Rolf Inge Godøy at the University of Oslo. As a composer, researcher, teacher, and supervisor, Professor Godøy has been central in developing a holistic approach to sonic design, from theory to practice. This book offers a comprehensive overview of the field's current state, making it essential reading for students, practitioners, and researchers across a wide range of disciplines.

Introspektive Untersuchung der Denktätigkeit

by Jonas Raggatz

In diesem Buch wird untersucht, ob es eine eigenständige kognitive Phänomenalität gibt, die nicht auf sinnliche Erfahrungen reduziert werden kann. Um diese zentrale Frage der Kognitiven-Phänomenologie-Debatte introspektiv-empirisch untersuchen zu können, wird einerseits die Methode der Introspektion mit ihren Kritikpunkten und Problemen behandelt, indem historische und zeitgenössische Ansätze introspektiver Forschung sowie deren Kritik dargestellt und evaluiert werden. Andererseits wird eine qualitativ-empirische Studie zur Denktätigkeit durchgeführt, um performativ-agentive Phänomene aufzuzeigen, die als Argumente für eine sensorisch und emotional irreduzible kognitive Phänomenalität interpretiert werden können.

Advances in Bioinformatics

by Vijai Singh Ajay Kumar

The second edition of Advances in Bioinformatics presents the latest developments in bioinformatics in gene discovery, genome analysis, genomics, transcriptomics, proteomics, metabolomics, metabolic flux analysis, drug discovery, and drug repurposing. It includes advancements in the applications of bioinformatics in the analysis of non-coding RNA, next-generation sequencing, genome-scale modelling, high throughput drug screening, precision medicine, automation and artificial intelligence, and machine learning. The chapter also summarizes the technologies and concepts that form the basis of this functional genomics approach. Additionally, the book highlights some of the areas in which bioinformatics resources and methods are being developed to support the drug discovery pipeline. The chapter also discusses the role of bioinformatics in modelling and simulations of molecular biology systems in pathways identification and design. It is a valuable source of information for beginners in bioinformatics and students, researchers, scientists, clinicians, practitioners, policymakers, and stakeholders who are interested in harnessing the potential of bioinformatics in biomedical and allied sciences.

Disciplinary and Interdisciplinary Education in STEM: Changes and Innovations (Advances in STEM Education)

by Yeping Li Zheng Zeng Naiqing Song

This book provides an international platform for educators from different STEM disciplines to present, discuss, connect, and develop collaborations in two inter-related ways: (1) sharing and discussing changes and innovations in individual discipline-based education in STEM/STEAM, and (2) sharing and discussing the development of interdisciplinary STEM/STEAM education. Possible relationships and connections between individual disciplines (like mathematics or physics) and STEM education remain under explored and the integration of traditionally individual discipline-based education in STEM education is far from balanced. Efforts to pursue possible connections among traditionally separated individual disciplines in STEM are not only necessary for the importance of deepening and expanding interdisciplinary research and education in STEM, but also for the ever-increasing need of reflecting on and changing how traditional school subjects (like mathematics or physics) can and should be viewed, taught, and learned. Scholars from eight countries/regions provide diverse perspectives and approaches on changes and innovations in STEM disciplinary and interdisciplinary education. Disciplinary and Interdisciplinary Education in STEM will be a great resource to students and researchers in STEM education as well as STEM curriculum developers and teacher educators internationally.

Learning from Weather Modification Law for the Governance of Regional Solar Radiation Management

by Manon Simon

This book investigates the role of cloud seeding laws in governing regional solar radiation management (SRM) activities. It challenges the prevailing belief that cloud seeding laws are irrelevant to regional SRM governance and argues for their applicability. Through case studies in Australia, Canada, and the United States, the book highlights the need for legal frameworks that promote cross-scale interactions, stakeholder participation, flexible decision-making, and conflict resolution. It advocates for adopting adaptive governance principles to effectively manage the risks and uncertainties associated with regional SRM interventions. By filling a gap in the existing literature, this book offers valuable insights and recommendations for the governance of regional SRM, shedding light on the potential of cloud seeding laws to inform and shape SRM governance frameworks. It provides a comprehensive analysis of the legal and normative aspects, offering practical guidance for policymakers, researchers, and stakeholders involved in regional SRM initiatives.

4th International Conference "Coordinating Engineering for Sustainability and Resilience" & Midterm Conference of CircularB “Implementation of Circular Economy in the Built Environment” (Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering #489)

by Viorel Ungureanu Luís Bragança Charalambos Baniotopoulos Khairedin M. Abdalla

This open access book gathers the proceedings of the 4th International Conference “Coordinating Engineering for Sustainability and Resilience” (CESARE) & Midterm Conference of CircularB “Implementation of Circular Economy in the Built Environment”, held in Timișoara, Romania, on May 29-31, 2024, as part of the COST Action CA21103. The volume represents the state of the art of sustainability and resilience in modern and future built environment, constructions, and infrastructure, and includes topics such as structural materials and robustness, fire engineering, risk assessment, impact of climate change on the built environment, sustainable resilience of systems in the built environment, smart cities, circular economy, design strategies for product design, integration of renewable energy at building and small urban area scales, restoration & rehabilitation of historical buildings, sustainable infrastructures, wind energy structures, façade engineering, green buildings, and waste management.

Deutschland und der Treibhauseffekt: Gesellschaftsphänomene und Perspektiven einer Energietransformation

by Kay Golze

Hier wird ein Ansatz zur Beschreibung des gesellschaftlichen Phänomens Klimawandel präsentiert. Die Suche nach den Ursachen und Auswirkungen dieses epochalen und globalen Naturereignisses erfolgt außerhalb der Klimawissenschaften, aber unter deren Berücksichtigung. Die Analysen geben einen unerwartet umfassenden Blick in die innere Mechanik des Phänomens und öffnen neue Fenster zur Betrachtung. Auf dieser Basis wird das einmalige deutsche Gesellschaftsexperiment der Energietransformation durchleuchtet.

Technology Fears and Scapegoats: 40 Myths About Privacy, Jobs, AI, and Today’s Innovation Economy

by Robert D. Atkinson David Moschella

Technologies and tech companies are routinely accused of creating many societal problems. This book exposes these charges as mostly myths, falsehoods, and exaggerations. Technology Fears and Scapegoats debunks 40 widespread myths about Big Tech, Big Data, AI, privacy, trust, polarization, automation, and similar fears, while exposing the scapegoating behind these complaints. The result is a balanced and positive view of the societal impact of technology thus far. The book takes readers through the steps and mindset necessary to restore the West’s belief in technological progress. Each individual chapter provides a cogent and often controversial rebuttal to a common tech accusation. The resulting text will inspire conversations among tech insiders, policymakers, and the general public alike.

Assessment and Communication of Risk: A Pocket Text for Health and Safety Professionals

by Eric Liberda Timothy Sly

This is the long-awaited pocket text on risk assessment for students and professionals in all health and safety fields. Risk assessment and risk-based decision-making are essential skills in today’s health and safety fields, but a convenient pocket or desk reference has been needed with enough theory to begin a preliminary risk assessment, together with clear explanations, applications, and worked examples. This book addresses that need. It provides a practical resource for estimating risks in various applications, as well as assisting with the design of larger project-based assessments. It explains the two main numeric procedures: probabilistic, or “catastrophic”, and quantitative, or “chronic”, risk assessment, along with chapters on qualitative risk assessment and approaches to food-related risks. A final chapter examines how people perceive risk, and provides advice and assistance in the development of essential, effective risk communication with the public and with the media. Numerous case studies are analyzed. Assessment and Communication of Risk: A Pocket Text for Health and Safety Professionals is a one-stop resource for students in all health and safety fields, and provides a valuable guide for existing field practitioners in public health, occupational health and safety, hospitals, environmental assessment offices, and ministries of health, labour, and the environment.

(Post)Socialist Transformation of Primary Schools: Processes, Stories and Challenges in the Czech Republic

by Jiří Zounek Oto Polouček Michal Šimáně

This book addresses the transformation of primary education in the former Czechoslovakia (now the Czech Republic) after the fall of the communist regime in 1989. It follows the overall transformation of education and school policy and offers original insights into the everyday life of the schools at that time. It also provides a unique perspective on the whole transformation process. The work discusses the school environment in the context of specific local characteristics, such as parents, community, regional institutions, and national and international contexts. The book specifically focuses on the changes in primary school management in terms of economics, organization, and personnel. The processes of pedagogical change are an essential theme of the book. They cover how teachers proceeded through the changes in their work at the time of the transformation and the reasons for their resistance to change, including the challenges that the transformation introduced into their work and personal lives. The book also monitors how the teachers navigated the selection and use of new textbooks and tools, such as digital tools. The work originates in historical-pedagogical research, based primarily on the oral history method and complemented by the study of contemporary documents.

Künstliche Intelligenz im Bauwesen: Grundlagen und Anwendungsfälle

by Shervin Haghsheno Gerhard Satzger Svenja Lauble Michael Vössing

Dieses Fachbuch demonstriert das Potenzial Künstlicher Intelligenz (KI) im Bauwesen. Die rasant wachsende Menge an Daten sowie die in Bauprojekten eingesetzte Hard- und Software bilden die Grundlage für projektübergreifende und vorausschauende Analysen, die u.a. durch Ansätze des maschinellen Lernens und der Robotik ermöglicht werden.Die einzelnen Beiträge dieses Buches geben einen allgemeinen Überblick über Methoden der Künstlichen Intelligenz (KI) und veranschaulichen deren Einsatz im Bauwesen anhand konkreter Anwendungsfälle aus Forschung und Praxis. KI-Methoden versprechen hier sowohl Effizienzgewinne und Fehlerreduzierung durch Automatisierung repetitiver Tätigkeiten als auch völlig neue Möglichkeiten der Entscheidungsunterstützung in Bauplanung, -ausführung und -betrieb. Die Publikation richtet sich insbesondere an Führungskräfte und Fachexperten der Bauwirtschaft, die mit KI-Methoden eine nachhaltige Verbesserung ihrer Unternehmensprozesse erreichen wollen.

Code of Practice for Programme Management in the Built Environment

by CIOB (The Chartered Institute of Building)

CODE OF PRACTICE FOR PROGRAMME MANAGEMENT IN THE BUILT ENVIRONMENT Manage a construction programme from start to finish with this up-to-date guide The maturation and proliferation of project management principles has been one of the most important stories in recent business history. So widely has project management spread throughout the corporate world that it has now given way to a similar discipline, programme management, designed to align, coordinate and manage a number of related projects as a whole. In the construction industry particularly, programme management can deliver benefits that would not have been possible to realise had individual projects been managed independently. Produced by the Chartered Institute of Building (CIOB), the revised Code of Practice for Programme Management in the Built Environment provides a comprehensive overview of the tools required to deliver such benefits, and how they are applied in construction programmes. A natural complement to the CIOB’s popular Code of Practice for Project Management for the Built Environment, it is now fully updated to reflect new insights and best practices. Readers of the second edition of Code of Practice for Programme Management in the Built Environment will find: Theoretical and practical insights derived from research and experience Coverage of setting up programmes successfully so that teams feel confident to deliver the final outcome Guidelines for implementing programme management for the built environment Code of Practice for Programme Management in the Built Environment is ideal for programme management and project management professionals involved in this industry and in particular, contractors and client organisations, as well as for advanced undergraduate and postgraduate students in construction project management and other related disciplines. The Chartered Institute of Building is the world’s largest professional body for construction management and leadership. It has a Royal Charter to promote the science and practice of building and construction for the benefit of society. Members across the world work in the development, conservation, and improvement of the built environment.

Be More Sarina: Celebrate the Manager of England’s World Cup Finalists

by S. Ford T. Davies

Is there anyone with a track record like Sarina Weigman? Undefeated at any finals she is the epitome of success, so shouldn't you... be more Sarina?Here are 80 scenarios in which Sarina would operate with flawless efficiency, such as:Sarina would never wear a half-and-half scarf.Sarina could design a VAR system that everyone was happy with.Sarina could make cyclists and taxi drivers get along.Sarina always believed it would take women to bring it home.Perfect for the footy fan in your life, and publishing just ahead of the 2023 Women's World Cup, Be More Sarina is the fun way to celebrate England's most successful football manager.

Power Up: How to feel awesome by protecting and boosting positive energy

by Alison Davies

Protect, maintain and boost your positive energy around the clock.Power Up brings together multiple popular self-care and wellbeing practices in one place: how to cleanse and protect your aura; the power of daily affirmations ad mantras; how breathing techniques can help you feel engaged and energized; and the ability to change the narrative by using visualisation and manifestation.With bitesized exercises that are easy to incorporate into busy schedules, tips on little boosts to help pick you up throughout the day, and a handy Daily Energy Clock, Power Up will help create positive habits which are easy to stick to for a lasting impact on your daily energy levels.

Walking Meditations: To find a place of peace, wherever you are (Meditations)

by Danielle North

Cultivate mindfulness and bring your mind and body in sync with this beautiful book of walking meditations.Walking meditation, also known as Kinhin meditation, is widely practiced in many forms of Buddhism, blending the physical experience of walking with the focused mindfulness of a meditative state. This can be done anywhere, from a few steps at home to a short walk on a bustling street, or a longer hike in the countryside.Walking while meditating boosts awareness, improves sleep quality, offers mental clarity and facilitates a mind-body connection. It is a practice you can develop each time you leave the house, to help you refocus and come back to yourself.This beautifully illustrated book will guide you through the process of finding inner peace while on the move, with a selection of meditations for every season, long and short walks in both a natural and an urban setting, and meditations for creativity, calm and focus. Walking Meditations will help you use your surroundings as a meditative tool so you can restore your energy, come back into your senses and find calm in your day-to-day life.Contents include:10-minute mood boostComing off auto-pilotWalking with your sensesExtended meditations for every season

Recipes from the World of H.P Lovecraft: Recipes inspired by cosmic horror

by Olivia Luna Eldritch

Immerse yourself in the black seas of infinity that is Lovecraft's World like never before with these diverse cuisines inspired by its places, characters and a pantheon of alien deities.The H.P. Lovecraft Cookbook is bursting with photos of many of the recipes, along with extraordinary illustrations and extracts from the original tales. This book offers something for everyone: featuring easy to prepare vegan, vegetarian and seafood dishes, that are delicious enough to wake the tentacled Elder God Cthulhu from his slumber with ingredients readily found on our world.So go ahead, journey through Arkham all the way to R'lyeh while you prepare a banquet fit for the Ancient Ones with recipes that capture the piquancy of Lovecraft's most vivid tales.

The Sage's Tao Te Ching, 20th Anniversary Edition (20th Anniversary): Ancient Advice For The Second Half Of Life

by William Martin

The twentieth anniversary edition of William Martin’s free-verse interpretation of the Tao Te Ching, written expressly for those coming into the fullness of their wisdom Lao Tzu’s Tao Te Ching reminds its readers that the sage has been venerated in China for thousands of years. Twenty years ago, William Martin subtly and powerfully captured the complex emotions connected with growing older in this free-verse interpretation of the Tao. His words resonate just as much now, encouraging today’s sages to recognize their inestimable worth in a youth-centric world that often goes astray: “If there is to be a transformation, it will be the sages among us who will show the way. The elders, the wisewomen, the shamans, the grandmothers, and the grandfathers will provide the guidance, for they have undergone the necessary initiations . . . and emerged into the spaciousness of simplicity, freedom, and joy.”

Digital Society for the IB Diploma

by Eli Bomfim Tammy Earle Michael Fitzpatrick Carol Hancox Jonathon Levin Barbara Stefanics

Developed in cooperation with the International Baccalaureate®Ensure full coverage of the new Digital Society course with this accessible coursebook written by an experienced international team of IB educators and examiners, enabling students to build skills and understand the importance and impact of digital systems and technologies in the contemporary world.- Explore digital society through the key concepts, content and contexts of the syllabus with clear, real world, internationally-minded examples for each topic.- Delve into the higher-level extension challenges and interventions in digital society using contemporary,real-world issues that allow students to formulate their own recommendations, with chapter reflections to consolidate learning throughout.- Essential tools for inquiry are integrated throughout the course, with links to ATL, TOK, and extended essay.- Specific chapters and activities are featured for conducting inquiries suitable for SL and HL students, with added extended inquiries for HL students.- Prepare for the inquiry project with step-by-step guidance, advice, practice questions and top tips onhow to maximise potential in the assessment.

Excessively Obsessed: Find your passion, build your business, learn your limits, love your life

by Natasha Oakley

Modern and practical business lessons from Natasha Oakley, co-founder of Monday Swimwear and The Pilates Class Do you have an idea for a business, but no clue where to start? Is there a product or service you're sure you could sell, if only you knew how to file the paperwork or fund the company or build the marketing plan? Do you have an inkling that you'll want to start a business one day - and you can't stop wondering if you have what it takes? Then you have come to the right place.In this empowering guide, Natasha gives an honest account of the blood, sweat and tears that goes into creating a successful business, from registering your company and opening a bank account, all the way to building your team and scaling for growth. Removing the glamour of #hustleculture and the illusion of how easy it might look on social media, Natasha will detail how she bartered jobs and co-founded Monday Swimwear in her living room with her best friend and grew that business (and others) to a multi-million dollar empire. And she will explain how, no matter what your idea, if you are Excessively Obsessed with it, you can do the same. In her book, she will show readers how to: - Harness your idea to create a viable business that has longevity- Know when to leave your job, how to fund your start-up and whether you need a business partner - Generate and grow a huge following - Build contacts when no one knows who you are- Rise above pressures of social media to use it powerfully and with purpose- Create work/life balance to avoid burnout and take care of yourself Excessively Obsessed is for anyone who has ever wondered: should I start my own business? (Spoiler alert: There's no right answer!) And whether you decide to get started tomorrow or give it more time, you'll close this book with a reignited sense of passion and purpose in your career. Through her own story, Natasha will inspire readers to tap into their own unique potential, because when you find your calling, it's worth becoming obsessed.

Glow: Five Steps to Create the Life You Dream About

by Georgie Crawford

'A simple and compelling roadmap for a happier existence' IRISH INDEPENDENT'Full of wisdom, this is the book your best friend might have written for you' ANGELA SCANLONAre you caught in a constant cycle of busyness? And yet sometimes feel like you're waiting to start living?For over a decade, podcaster and health coach Georgie Crawford felt the same way, as she focused on all the things that make a life look good. Then she received some devastating news and began to ask herself the important questions:What is it that I want from life?Who could I be, if I really started believing in myself?Here, Georgie tells her story and shows you how you can live a happier, more fulfilled life.From how to discover your true potential by connecting to your inner world, to practical tips that will help you create real and lasting change, Glow is your step-by-step guide to finally taking life into your own hands.'A beautiful guide to empower you to step out of the artificial light of expectations into the glow of your true self' GERRY HUSSEY

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