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Cómo encender la relación en el día de los enamorados

by Pílula Digital

¿Cuál es la IMPORTANCIA del Día de los Enamorados? Bueno, antes de cualquier cosa, APROVECHE esta fecha para darle un empujoncito a su relación, o incluso a CONDIMENTARLA, ¿por qué no? Use su creatividad, innove, entregue una notita, una flor, un chocolate o cualquier otro REGALO; decore la habitación de forma romántica, cenen en casa o en un restaurante, pero que sea diferente de los otros días, SIMPLEMENTE no pase esta fecha en blanco. Aproveche este día para comenzar a MEJORAR, y si ya es buena, para mejorar aun MÁS. ¡En este libro usted aprenderá SUGERENCIAS infalibles para CONDIMENTAR más aún su Día de los Enamorados!

Como generar dinero creando videos de YouTube sin mostrar tu cara: 4 poderosos secretos para generar riqueza desde canales de YouTube sin mostrar ni la cara ni la voz

by Bolakale Aremu

En este libro de mostraré como generar dinero al crear videos en YouTube sin grabar tu cara o voz. Este será un entrenamiento directo que te mostrará exactamente qué hacer. No tendrá nada que lo empañe. No va a ser como otros entrenamientos que solo hablan acerca de teoría. Saldrás de este libro con información práctica que puedes poner en práctica ahora mismo. Específicamente recorreré cuatro diferentes poderosos secretos para lograrlo

Cómo llevarse a una chica sexy a la cama

by Pílula Digital

Si quieres APRENDER a CONQUISTAR y llevarte a la cama a cualquier mujer, estás en el lugar adecuado. Te voy a dar 7 EJERCICIOS MENTALES extremadamente EFECTIVOS para llevarte a CUALQUIER mujer a la cama. Así que quédate conmigo hasta el final de este EBOOK y te garantizo que tu ÉXITO con ellas aumentará, ¡y MUCHO! ¡Feliz lectura!

Cómo Sobrevivir al Fin del Mundo

by Pílula Digital

En las entrañas de la modernidad, donde la tecnología evoluciona a ritmo acelerado y las fronteras entre lo posible y lo inimaginable se disuelven, una sombra siniestra se levanta en el horizonte de la imaginación humana: el fin del mundo. La ansiedad que surge de ese horizonte es innegable, un eco ancestral de nuestra naturaleza inquisitiva e inquietante. En ese escenario, explorar lo desconocido es un acto que evoca miedo y fascinación en proporciones iguales. La humanidad hace mucho tiempo ha explorado las profundidades del futuro, pintando escenarios apocalípticos en pantallas de ficción, religión e imaginación colectiva. Desde el colapso ambiental a la proliferación de enfermedades mortales, desde la devastación nuclear a la dominación tecnológica, los escenarios apocalípticos son vastos y polifacéticos. ¿Pero por qué nos entregamos a esas visiones sombrías del porvenir? ¿Por qué, incluso mientras deseamos un mañana brillante, nos vemos obligados a enfrentar las sombras que pueden oscurecerlo? La respuesta reside en nuestra doble naturaleza. Somos seres racionales, capaces de planificar y preparar. La búsqueda de la previsibilidad nos empujó a prever lo peor para evitar sorpresas fatales. Pero también somos seres emocionales, susceptibles a sentimientos que desafían la lógica. El miedo a lo desconocido hace eco profundamente en nosotros, recordándonos la fragilidad de la existencia y la brevedad de nuestro paso por este mundo.

The Companion to Development Studies

by Vandana Desai Robert B. Potter Emil Dauncey

The Companion to Development Studies is essential reading in the field of development studies. This indispensable resource offers succinct, up-to-date, and insightful chapters that reflect the diverse voices and perspectives informing the field and the dynamic interplay of theory, policy, and practice that characterises it.This fourth edition brings together contributions from an impressive range of renowned international experts and emerging voices at the forefront of development studies to deliver engaging, interdisciplinary, and provocative insights into this challenging field. The 98 chapters spanning both theory and practice offer readers accessible discussions of the core issues, emerging trends, and key debates of the discipline. Divided into nine sections of: theories and their contentions; histories and discourses of development; actors and institutions; identities and practices; people and the planet; the economics of development; conflict, violence, and peace; the changing landscape of development; and approaches to policy and practice; this timely new text provides easy to use summaries of all the major issues encountered in this rapidly growing and changing field.The Companion serves students and scholars across various disciplines, including development studies, geography, politics, international relations, sociology, anthropology, and economics. It offers incisive analysis and critical insights, equipping those working in development policy and practice with the knowledge and understanding they need to navigate and address contemporary global challenges.This textbook is supported by flexible, online resources for teaching and learning such as tutorial guides, key concept videos, and a filmography.

A Comparative Analysis of Systems of Education Law

by Charles J. Russo Leijun Ma

This book focuses on enhanced educator awareness of issues involving the status of the right to education as guaranteed by various legal systems throughout the world, in light of the growing interest in comparative and international studies, including the law. Consequently, this interdisciplinary, comparative book, which includes original chapters by leading academicians with expertise in law and education, is designed to serve as a resource for researchers in education and law as well as policymakers and students. To this end, the book provides readers with an enhanced awareness of the nature of legal systems impacting education throughout the world. Education is the driving force of the world development as well as the basic way to realize human rights and values. At the same time, law plays an important role in the protection, evaluation, guidance, and promotion in the process of the development of education. The book thus has interdisciplinary appeal. Various audiences will find this highly accessible book informative and valuable, including scholars with an interest in Education Law, university faculty and classes (whether involved in teacher preparation or educational leadership), legal practitioners, and university libraries.

Comparative Education Review, volume 68 number 2 (May 2024)

by Comparative Education Review

This is volume 68 issue 2 of Comparative Education Review. The Comparative Education Review (CER) is the flagship journal of the Comparative and International Education Society. Its editorial team pursues greater critical engagement, interrogation and innovation in the field of comparative and international education. The journal publishes intellectually rigorous original research in both theoretical and practical applications, seeking representation across sexual, ethnic, cultural and religious diversity. Further, the editors seek to advance the field by bringing greater awareness to discourses on education across the lifespan in historically underrepresented regions, contexts, and topics. CER promotes multidisciplinary research, valuing diverse perspectives and methodologies in order to expand and transgress current ways of knowing and understanding education throughout the world. Through publishing eclectic scholarship, the CER editorial team seeks to engage a wide-ranging community of scholars, practitioners, and policy-makers.

Compass of the Heart

by Eliana West

When Steve Bernard finds his college classmate Ava Jones stranded in the rain, he takes his chance to be a knight in shining armor and offer her a ride home. Only instead of a white steed, he&’s driving a white Volkswagen camper van named Pearl. State by state, Ava and Steve get to know each other on the road trip of a lifetime. When they reach the West Coast, will the compass of Ava&’s heart point toward a new home?Compass of the Heart is a short story originally included in the Loving Hearts anthology in honor of Richard and Mildred Loving

The Complete Bible Answer Book: Collector's Edition: Revised and Expanded (Answer Book Series)

by Hank Hanegraaff

Find answers to your biggest questions about the Bible and Christian faith.We all have questions about the Bible--whether we have read it or not. Join the more than half a million people who have looked to The Complete Bible Answer Book for answers about the Bible, Christian beliefs, life problems, and what God's Word says about current issues.In this comprehensive guide you will find answers to more than 210 of the top questions people have asked Bible teacher and theologian Hank Hanegraaff, aka the Bible Answer Man, over the last 40 years. Topics include: creation and our existencespiritual giftsthe secret to effective prayersreligions and cultsthe resurrection and afterlifeand many more issues vital to a better understanding of God and living a spiritually nourishing life. Each question is answered in Hanegraaff's scholarly yet approachable style and also includes additional resources for those who want to explore the topics further. The Complete Bible Answer Bookis your go-to resource to get your burning questions answered and enrich your spiritual life.

The Complete Works Volume of Rosa Luxemburg: Volume V

by Rosa Luxemburg

This volume is the first to contain all of Luxemburg&’s eloquent writings on the 1917 Russian Revolution and 1918-19 German RevolutionThis volume is the first to contain all of Luxemburg&’s eloquent writings on the 1917 Russian and 1918-19 German Revolutions. It also contains articles, essays and manuscripts on the European socialist movement prior to World War I and her effort to rebuild the socialist movement on revolutionary foundations in its aftermath.Much of this material appears in English for the first time. Her incisive contributions on revolutionary strategy, the German and Russian Revolutions, and the transition to socialism reveal a profound commitment to radical democracy, which becomes evident as she elaborates on her lived experience with razor-sharp conceptualizations of the mass strike.Her democratic commitment is also highlighted in her deepening conflict with the bureaucratic conservatism afflicting the German Social Democratic Party.She is horrified yet at the same time grimly analytical while surveying the unfolding violence and brutality of the First World War.Deeply inspired by Russia&’s 1917 upsurge, she is nonetheless compelled to analyze and criticize fatal limitations of the Russian Revolution.Swept up in the revolutionary chaos sweeping through Germany in 1918-1919 which results in her own martyrdom, she gives voice to revolution&’s final testament: &“I was, I am, I shall be.&”

Complex and Adaptive Dynamical Systems: A Comprehensive Introduction

by Claudius Gros

This textbook offers a comprehensive introduction to the concepts underpinning our modern understanding of complex and emergent behavior. Mathematical methods necessary for the discussion are introduced and explained on the run. All derivations are presented step-by-step. This new fifth edition has been fully revised and includes a new chapter, a range of new sections, figures and exercises. The Solution chapter has been reorganized for clarity.The core aspects of modern complex system sciences are presented in the first chapters, covering the foundations of network- and dynamical system theory, with a particular focus on scale-free networks and tipping phenomena. The notion of deterministic chaos is treated together with bifurcation theory and the intricacies of time delays. Modern information theoretical principles are discussed in further chapters, together with the notion of self-organized criticality, synchronization phenomena, and a game-theoretical treatment of the tragedy of the commons. The dynamical systems view of modern machine learning is presented in a new chapter.Chapters include exercises and suggestions for further reading. The textbook is suitable for graduate and advanced undergraduate students. The prerequisites are the basic mathematical tools of courses in natural sciences, computer science or engineering.

Complex Networks & Their Applications XII: Proceedings of The Twelfth International Conference on Complex Networks and their Applications: COMPLEX NETWORKS 2023 Volume 1 (Studies in Computational Intelligence #1141)

by Hocine Cherifi Chantal Cherifi Luis M. Rocha Murat Donduran

This book highlights cutting-edge research in the field of network science, offering scientists, researchers, students and practitioners a unique update on the latest advances in theory and a multitude of applications. It presents the peer-reviewed proceedings of the XII International Conference on Complex Networks and their Applications (COMPLEX NETWORKS 2023). The carefully selected papers cover a wide range of theoretical topics such as network embedding and network geometry; community structure, network dynamics; diffusion, epidemics and spreading processes; machine learning and graph neural networks as well as all the main network applications, including social and political networks; networks in finance and economics; biological networks and technological networks.

Complexities 2: Various Approaches in the Field of Social and Human Sciences

by Jean-Pierre Briffaut Daniel Krob

Awareness of complexity in science and technology dates back to the 1970s. However, all social systems tend to develop structures that become more complex over time, be it within families, tribes, cities, states, or societal and economic organizations. Complexities 2 covers a broad array of fields, from justice and linguistics to education and organizational management. The aim of this book is to show, without aiming to provide a comprehensive overview, the diversity of approaches and behaviors towards the obstacle of complexity in understanding and achieving human actions. When we see complexity as the incompleteness of knowledge and the uncertainty of the future, we realize that simplifying is not an adequate approach to complexity, even in the humanities and social sciences. This book explores the relationship between order and disorder in this field of knowledge.

Complexity and Sustainability in Megaprojects: MeRIT Workshop 2023 (Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering #493)

by Franca Cantoni Edoardo Favari Laura Corazza Ernesto De Nito Primiano Di Nauta

This book showcases the discussion about megaprojects carried out at the MeRIT (Megaproject Research Interdisciplinary Team) workshop 2023: the crisis, discontinuity, rising prices, and supply chains disruption force radical reflection for those involved in megaprojects. It raises a modern-day challenge, the creation of value for stakeholders. Indeed, the aim of the volume is to encourage readers to think more broadly, articulately and less stringently than the mainstream claims. There is a need to design, implement, and manage megaprojects by abandoning the old paradigm that leveraged solely on time and cost. We need to move beyond that by going to explore the value generated, the positive impact on people, communities and territories. Economic, social and environmental sustainability takes on a new and broader articulation: issues of the circular economy applied to megaprojects are addressed and ample space is ensured for the inclusion of social needs in current practices.

Complicit: How Our Culture Enables Misbehaving Men

by Reah Bravo

A thoroughly researched and deeply personal examination of how women unintentionally condone workplace abuse in a post-#MeToo world—and what we can do to change things for the better. When Reah Bravo began working at the Charlie Rose show, the open secret of Rose&’s conduct towards women didn&’t deter her from pursuing a position she thought could launch her career in broadcast journalism. She considered herself more than capable of handling any unprofessional behavior that might come her way. But she soon learned a devastating truth: we don&’t always react to abusive situations as we imagine we will. When we live in a society where many feminist ideals are mainstream and women hold positions of power, how is it possible that sexual misconduct remains so prevalent? When many employers mandate trainings to prevent harassment of all kinds, why is workplace abuse still so rampant? Weaving her own experience with those of other women and insights from experts, Bravo reveals the psychological and cultural forces that make us all enablers of a sexist and dangerous status quo. By bringing these hard truths into the light, Complicit charts an accessible path toward a better future.

Composite Predicates in Late Modern English (Routledge Focus on Linguistics)

by Ljubica Leone

This volume provides a concise overview of the diachronic development of composite predicates (CPs) in Late Modern English, offering clearer evidence of ongoing language change using data less readily available in other corpora.While previous scholarship on CPs exists from a synchronic perspective, this book is the first to focus exclusively on Late Modern English with a diachronic approach to CPs, understood as phraseological verbs consisting of a verb and a deverbal noun or this combination with a preposition, such as to ask a question or to take hold of. The volume builds on real-life spoken data encompassing the proceedings of the Old Bailey at the Central Criminal Court in London, which predate the invention of audio-recording technology. Leone explores syntactic and semantic changes and the role performed by phenomena associated with grammaticalization, lexicalization and idiomatization in this period from both quantitative and qualitative perspectives.The book sheds light on ongoing processes of change in spoken data, enriching knowledge on language change in this period and offering directions for future research. This book will appeal to scholars in English historical linguistics, syntax and semantics, and language change.

CompTIA Linux+ Certification Companion: Hands-on Preparation to Master Linux Administration (Certification Study Companion Series)

by Ahmed F. Sheikh

The CompTIA Linux+ Certification" book – the ultimate guide to mastering Linux system administration in preparation for the CompTIA Linux+ Certification. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced professional, this comprehensive resource is designed to equip you with the knowledge and skills needed to excel in the world of Linux.With its comprehensive coverage, this book delves into essential Linux concepts, commands, and techniques, providing you with a complete reference guide. You'll review how to customize and navigate the shell environment, write powerful scripts, configure user interfaces, perform administrative tasks, configure system services, establish network connections, and secure your system. No stone is left unturned in this in-depth exploration of Linux administration.What sets this book apart is its practical approach. Real-world scenarios and practical applications take center stage, ensuring that you not only understand the theory but also know how to apply it effectively.Troubleshooting common issues becomes second nature as you gain the skills to diagnose and resolve system problems with ease. You'll discover industry best practices and standards, enabling you to optimize systems, implement robust security measures, and adhere to compliance regulations.What You Will Learn:Linux operating systems, including installation, configuration, and management of Linux-based servers and systems. Essential administrative tasks, such as user and group management, file system administration, network configuration, and security implementation.Insights into troubleshooting common Linux issues, enabling readers to diagnose and resolve system problems effectively. Practical techniques for identifying and addressing system errors, performance bottlenecks, network connectivity issues, and other challenges that may arise in a Linux environment.Industry best practices and standards in Linux administration. System optimization, backup and recovery strategies, security practices, and adherence to compliance regulations.Who This Book is for:Administrators: This book serves as an excellent resource for individuals who are new to Linux administration and wish to develop a strong foundation in this field. They may have basic knowledge of Linux concepts or come from related IT roles and seek to expand their skills to include Linux system management.IT Professionals Transitioning to Linux: Professionals already working in the IT industry, such as system administrators or network engineers, who want to enhance their skill set and broaden their knowledge by incorporating Linux administration into their repertoire. They may have experience with other operating systems and are seeking to acquire Linux-specific skills.Experienced Linux Administrators: Seasoned Linux administrators can benefit from this book as well. It serves as a comprehensive reference guide, offering advanced topics, best practices, and insights into the latest trends and developments in the Linux ecosystem. It can be a valuable resource for expanding their expertise and staying up-to-date with industry standards.Secondary or tertiary audiences may include IT managers, system architects, or developers who work closely with Linux systems and wish to gain a deeper understanding of Linux administration. Additionally, students pursuing computer science or IT-related degrees may find the book beneficial for their coursework and career advancement.

CompTIA Network+ Study Guide: Exam N10-009 (Sybex Study Guide)

by Todd Lammle Jon Buhagiar

Prepare for the Network+ certification and a new career in network installation and administration In the newly revised Sixth Edition of CompTIA Network+ Study Guide: Exam N10-009, bestselling authors and network experts Todd Lammle and Jon Buhagiar deliver thorough and accurate coverage of how to install, configure, and troubleshoot today's networking hardware peripherals and protocols. This book shows you how to succeed on the in-demand CompTIA Network+ certification exam, impress interviewers in the networking industry, and excel in your first role as a network administrator, support technician, or related position. The accomplished authors draw on their combined 30+ years of networking experience to walk you through the ins and outs of the five functional domains covered by the Network+ Exam: N10-009: Networking concepts, implementation, operations, security, and troubleshooting. You'll also get: Comprehensive, domain-specific coverage of the updated Network+ Exam: N10-009 objectives Preparation for the leading network certification used by over 350,000 networking professionals Access to a superior set of online study tools, including hundreds of practice questions, flashcards, and a glossary of key terms Perfect for anyone preparing for the latest version of the CompTIA Network+ Exam: N10-009, the Sixth Edition of CompTIA Network+ Study Guide: Exam N10-009 is a must-have resource for network admins seeking to enhance their skillset with foundational skills endorsed by industry pros and thought leaders from around the world. And save 10% when you purchase your CompTIA exam voucher with our exclusive WILEY10 coupon code.

CompTIA Security+ Practice Tests: Exam SY0-701 (Sybex Study Guide Ser.)

by David Seidl

Prepare for the Security+ certification exam confidently and quickly CompTIA Security+ Practice Tests: Exam SY0-701, Third Edition, prepares you for the newly updated CompTIA Security+ exam. You'll focus on challenging areas and get ready to ace the exam and earn your Security+ certification. This essential collection of practice tests contains study questions covering every single objective domain included on the SY0-701. Comprehensive coverage of every essential exam topic guarantees that you'll know what to expect on exam day, minimize test anxiety, and maximize your chances of success. You'll find 1000 practice questions on topics like general security concepts, threats, vulnerabilities, mitigations, security architecture, security operations, and security program oversight. You'll also find: Complimentary access to the Sybex test bank and interactive learning environment Clear and accurate answers, complete with explanations and discussions of exam objectives Material that integrates with the CompTIA Security+ Study Guide: Exam SY0-701, Ninth Edition The questions contained in CompTIA Security+ Practice Tests increase comprehension, strengthen your retention, and measure overall knowledge. It's an indispensable part of any complete study plan for Security+ certification. And save 10% when you purchase your CompTIA exam voucher with our exclusive WILEY10 coupon code.

Computational Approaches in Biomaterials and Biomedical Engineering Applications (Emerging Trends in Biomedical Technologies and Health informatics)

by Sebastián Jaramillo-Isaza Roshani Raut Pranav Deepak Pathak Pradnya Borkar Rutvij H. Jhaveri

Computational Approaches in Bioengineering, Volume 2—Computational Approaches in Biomaterials and Biomedical Engineering Applications is a comprehensive and up-to-date resource that provides a broad overview of the use of computational methods in the fields of biomaterials and biomedical engineering. Written by a team of experts in the field of biomaterials and biomedical engineering, it provides a wealth of information on the use of computational methods in these fields. Furthermore, it explores emerging trends and discusses future directions and associated limitations in the field. Through thorough exploration and explanation, it showcases the latest research and advancements, offering valuable insights into how computational methods are utilized to design and optimize biomaterials, simulate biological processes, and develop innovative medical devices.FEATURES Provides practical guidance and real-world examples to help readers apply computational approaches effectively in their work Explores the diverse computational approaches employed in biomaterials and biomedical engineering applications, offering a comprehensive view of the field Introduces emerging topics and cutting-edge techniques, keeping wide range of readers at the forefront of advancements in computational bioengineering Discusses the integration of computational methods in biomaterials and biomedical engineering, fostering a deeper understanding of their synergistic potential Provides a valuable resource for researchers, practitioners, and students alike, serving as a comprehensive guide to computational approaches in biomaterials and biomedical engineering applications The book is well-organized and easy to read. The chapters are written in a clear and concise style, and they provide a comprehensive overview of the topics covered. The book is also well-illustrated with figures and tables that help to explain the concepts discussed in the text. With its comprehensive coverage, practical examples, and expert insights, this book serves as a valuable resource for researchers, students, and professionals in the fields of biomaterials and biomedical engineering.

Computational Approaches in Biotechnology and Bioinformatics (Emerging Trends in Biomedical Technologies and Health informatics)

by Sebastián Jaramillo-Isaza Roshani Raut Pranav Deepak Pathak Pradnya Borkar Rutvij H. Jhaveri

Volume 1 of Computational Approaches in Bioengineering—Computational Approaches in Biotechnology and Bioinformatics—explores many significant topics of biomedical engineering and bioinformatics in an easily understandable format. It explores recent developments and applications in bioinformatics, biomechanics, artificial intelligence (AI), signal processing, wearable sensors, biomaterials, cell biology, synthetic biology, biostatistics, prosthetics, big data, and algorithms. From applications of biomaterials in advanced drug delivery systems to the role of big data, AI, and machine learning in disease diagnosis and treatment, the book will help readers understand how these technologies are being applied across the areas of biomedical engineering, bioinformatics, and healthcare. The chapters also include case studies on the role of medical robots in surgery and the determination of protein structure using genetic algorithms. The contributors are all leading experts across multiple disciplines and provide chapters that truly represent a complete view of these state-of-the-art technologies.FEATURES Covers a wide range of subjects from biomedical engineering like wearable devices, biomaterials, synthetic biology, phytochemical extraction, and prosthetics Explores AI, machine learning, big data analysis, and algorithms in biomedical engineering and bioinformatics in an easily understandable format Includes case studies on the role of medical robots in surgery and the determination of protein structure using genetic algorithms Discusses genetic diagnosis, classification, and risk prediction in cancer using next-generation sequencing in oncology This book is ideally designed for biomedical professionals, biomedical engineers, healthcare professionals, data engineers, clinicians, physicians, medical students, hospital directors, clinical researchers, and others who work in the field of artificial intelligence, bioinformatics, and computational biology.

Computational Chemistry: Introduction to the Theory and Applications of Molecular and Quantum Mechanics

by Errol G. Lewars

This is the fourth edition of the successful textbook on computational chemistry which continues to provide a comprehensive introduction to the theory and practice of computational chemistry. Notable updates include a review of references up to mid-2023, encompassing recent developments in scientific journals, books, and software. The evolving prominence of density functional theory (DFT) is emphasized, and attention is given to the increasing application of artificial intelligence in computational chemistry. The book maintains key features from the previous edition, delving into the mathematical intricacies of ab initio and density functional methods at an introductory level. Clear explanations of matrix methods are provided, offering a direct approach to obtaining energy levels and molecular orbitals. Additionally, each chapter includes sets of "Easier" and "Harder" drill questions, with suggested answers at the end of the book, enhancing the learning experience. The book is intended for upper-year undergraduate and graduate students studying computational and theoretical chemistry and for self-study by researchers in universities and industry to whom computational chemistry may be useful.

Computational Construction Grammar: A Usage-Based Approach (Elements in Cognitive Linguistics)

by null Jonathan Dunn

This Element introduces a usage-based computational approach to Construction Grammar that draws on techniques from natural language processing and unsupervised machine learning. This work explores how to represent constructions, how to learn constructions from a corpus, and how to arrange the constructions in a grammar as a network. From a theoretical perspective, this Element examines how construction grammars emerge from usage alone as complex systems, with slot-constraints learned at the same time that constructions are learned. From a practical perspective, this work is accompanied by a Python package which enables linguists to incorporate construction grammars into their own corpus-based work. The computational experiments in this Element are important for testing the learnability, variability, and confirmability of Construction Grammar as a theory of language. All code examples will leverage the cloud computing platform Code Ocean to guide readers through implementation of these algorithms.

Computational Design for Landscape Architects

by Brendan Harmon

This book is a guide to computational design for landscape architects replete with extensive tutorials. It introduces algorithmic approaches for modeling and designing landscapes. The aim of this book is to use algorithms to understand and design landscape as a generative system, i.e. to harness the processes that shape landscape to generate new forms. An algorithmic approach to design is gently introduced through visual programming with Grasshopper, before more advanced methods are taught in Python, a high-level programming language. Topics covered include parametric design, randomness and noise, waves and attractors, lidar, drone photogrammetry, point cloud modeling, terrain modeling, earthworks, digital fabrication, and more. The chapters include sections on theory, methods, and either visual programming or scripting. Online resources for the book include code and datasets so that readers can easily follow along and try out the methods presented. This book is a much-needed guide, both theoretical and practical, on computational design for students, educators, and practitioners of landscape architecture.

Computational Intelligence and Blockchain in Biomedical and Health Informatics

by Pankaj Bhambri Sita Rani Muhammad Fahim

Advancements in computational intelligence, which encompasses artificial intelligence, machine learning, and data analytics, have revolutionized the way we process and analyze biomedical and health data. These techniques offer novel approaches to understanding complex biological systems, improving disease diagnosis, optimizing treatment plans, and enhancing patient outcomes. Computational Intelligence and Blockchain in Biomedical and Health Informatics introduces the role of computational intelligence and blockchain in the biomedical and health informatics fields and provides a framework and summary of the various methods. The book emphasizes the role of advanced computational techniques and offers demonstrative examples throughout. Techniques to analyze the impacts on the biomedical and health Informatics domains are discussed along with major challenges in deployment. Rounding out the book are highlights of the transformative potential of computational intelligence and blockchain in addressing critical issues in healthcare from disease diagnosis and personalized medicine to health data management and interoperability along with two case studies. This book is highly beneficial to educators, researchers, and anyone involved with health data.Features:• Introduces the role of computational intelligence and blockchain in the biomedical and health informatics fields.• Provides a framework and a summary of various computational intelligence and blockchain methods.• Emphasizes the role of advanced computational techniques and offers demonstrative examples throughout.• Techniques to analyze the impact on biomedical and health informatics are discussed along with major challenges in deployment.• Highlights the transformative potential of computational intelligence and blockchain in addressing critical issues in healthcare from disease diagnosis and personalized medicine to health data management and interoperability.

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