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Bridges in Mathematics, Grade 4, Student Book

by The Math Learning Center

NIMAC-sourced textbook

Mi madre, mi maestra: Memorias del Sáhara Occidental (MLA Texts and Translations #43)

by null Bahia Mahmud Awah

Separated from his family in the aftermath of the failed decolonization process in Western Sahara, Bahia Mahmud Awah was sustained by recollections of his mother. In this memoir, he describes her sacrifices, her optimism, and her deep love. His family's experiences exemplify the larger story of loss and displacement in the region even as his story shows how shared memories can nourish community and culture across generations, even in exile. Incorporating poetry in Hassaniya, the traditional Saharawi language, the work highlights the role of language in shaping identity and resisting colonialism.First published in 2011 as La maestra que me enseñó en una tabla de madera (The Woman Who Taught Me on a Wooden Slate), this edition includes a new epilogue by the author featuring further remembrances of his mother and examples of her poetry.

My Mother, My Teacher: A Memoir from Western Sahara (MLA Texts and Translations)

by null Bahia Mahmud Awah

Separated from his family in the aftermath of the failed decolonization process in Western Sahara, Bahia Mahmud Awah was sustained by recollections of his mother. In this memoir, he describes her sacrifices, her optimism, and her deep love. His family's experiences exemplify the larger story of loss and displacement in the region even as his story shows how shared memories can nourish community and culture across generations, even in exile. Incorporating poetry in Hassaniya, the traditional Saharawi language, the work highlights the role of language in shaping identity and resisting colonialism.First published in 2011 as La maestra que me enseñó en una tabla de madera (The Woman Who Taught Me on a Wooden Slate), this edition includes the first complete English translation and a new epilogue by the author featuring further remembrances of his mother and examples of her poetry.

Le sacrifice des vaches noires: Une histoire marocaine (MLA Texts and Translations #44)

by Moha Layid

An oasis community in Morocco hopes to stop a devastating drought by sacrificing black cows to satisfy the spirits. But the wise elder Bassou secretly plans a different solution: to sabotage the motorized pumps that have lowered the water table and nearly destroyed the subsistence farming and herding that support the local way of life. The young newlywed Yidir agrees to help him and eventually becomes a part of the broader fight for Moroccan independence from French colonial rule.Portraying an indigenous community undergoing radical change, Le sacrifice des vaches noires reflects on notions of modernity and tradition, science and spirituality, free will and fate, and considers the moral obligations of individuals and community. First published in French in 1992, the novel received international acclaim and is regarded as the single best work about Amazigh culture in southeastern Morocco. It was adapted into the award-winning film Atash (Thirst) by the Moroccan director Saâd Chraïbi in 2000.

The Sacrifice of Black Cows: A Novel from Morocco (MLA Texts and Translations #44)

by Moha Layid

An oasis community in Morocco hopes to stop a devastating drought by sacrificing black cows to satisfy the spirits. But the wise elder Bassou secretly plans a different solution: to sabotage the motorized pumps that have lowered the water table and nearly destroyed the subsistence farming and herding that support the local way of life. The young newlywed Yidir agrees to help him and eventually becomes a part of the broader fight for Moroccan independence from French colonial rule. Portraying an indigenous community undergoing radical change, The Sacrifice of Black Cows reflects on notions of modernity and tradition, science and spirituality, free will and fate, and considers the moral obligations of individuals and community. First published in French in 1992, the novel received international acclaim and is regarded as the single best work about Amazigh culture in southeastern Morocco. It was adapted into the award-winning film Atash (Thirst) by the Moroccan director Saâd Chraïbi in 2000. Here, it is presented in a riveting new translation by Paul A. Silverstein.

The Dirt-Cheap Green Thumb: 400 Thrifty Tips for Saving Money, Time, and Resources as You Garden

by Rhonda Massingham Hart

Discover how frugal gardening can lead to fantastic results! Rhonda Massingham Hart provides practical, time-tested tips that stretch your dollar even as they yield beautiful, bountiful plants. From starting seeds to preserving produce, Hart&’s advice ensures that you won&’t waste time and money while growing your own vegetables, flowers, houseplants, or landscape foliage. Perfect for thrifty gardeners of all levels, The Dirt-Cheap Green Thumb covers everything you want to grow, indoors and out.

Catch the Wind, Harness the Sun: 22 Super-Charged Projects for Kids

by Michael J. Caduto

Get charged up about energy! With more than 20 fun activities and experiments that will have children ages 8 to 12 enthusiastically engaged with making and using renewable energy, Michael J. Caduto takes a hands-on approach to fighting climate change. Step-by-step instructions for projects range from using the sun to make fires to charging electronic devices by peddling your bicycle. Additional energy case studies encourage kids to think about the basic tenets of resource management. Change the world — one miniature windmill at a time.

Secret Language of Animals: A Guide to Remarkable Behavior

by Janine M. Benyus

Unlock the secrets behind the behavior of the world's most fascinating creatures-from the Adélie penguin to the plains zebra to the giant panda-in this wonderfully written, beautifully illustrated book.In The Secret Language of Animals, biologist Janine Benyus takes us inside the animal kingdom and shows us the whys and the hows behind the distinctive behavior of creatures great and small in their natural environments.Divided geographically into five sections-Africa, Asia, North America, the oceans, and the poles-the book examines and describes the behavior, body language, and patterns of communication of 20 different animals: the gorilla, lion, African elephant, plains zebra, black rhinoceros, giraffe, ostrich, greater flamingo, Nile crocodile, giant panda, peacock, Komodo monitor, bottlenose dolphin, California sea lion, gray wolf, bald eagle, sandhill crane, beluga whale, polar bear, and Adélie penguin.For each animal, Benyus describes and explains basic behaviors (locomotion, feeding, drinking, bathing, grooming, sleeping), communication behavior (greeting, social play, group defense, conflict, aggression/submission, fighting, courtship, copulation), and parenting behavior (birth, care and feeding, teaching, communal care).The book is illustrated throughout with tender yet precise line drawings that beckon us to the animals and vividly capture everything from changing facial expressions to nurturing postures to playful and aggressive interactions. The text, too, is both intimate and informative, allowing for a deep connection with, and a great admiration for, each one of the animals.

Lenin’s Final Fight

by V. I Lenin

In 1922 and 1923, V.I. Lenin, central leader of the world’s first socialist revolution, waged what was to be his last political battle. At stake was whether that revolution would remain on the proletarian course that had brought workers and peasants in the former tsarist empire to power in October 1917—and laid the foundations for a truly worldwide revolutionary movement of toilers organizing to emulate the Bolsheviks’ example. “Who will win?” Lenin asked in March 1922. Could the workers and peasants, emerging from years of war, devastation, and famine, continue to hold off the hostile capitalist world surrounding the Soviet republic? Above all, could they under those conditions prevail at home against rising bourgeois layers and their self-serving allies within the state and Communist Party apparatus? Lenin’s Final Fight brings together, for the first time, the reports, articles, and letters through which Lenin waged this political battle. Many were suppressed for decades, and some have never before appeared in English.

50 years of Covert Operations in the US

by Steve Clark Farrell Dobbs Larry Seigle

In August 1987 a US district court judge issued an injunction that dealt a sharp blow to decades of covert operations by Washington’s political police. Deciding in favor of the Socialist Workers Party in a suit filed against the FBI and other federal police agencies some fifteen years earlier, Judge Thomas Griesa ruled that use of informers, “black bag jobs,” and covert disruption operations against political organizations and individuals— including communists and other working-class militants—is unconstitutional. He ordered that no documents obtained through unconstitutional methods can be “used, released, or disclosed” by the government. That ruling stands to this day. It is a weapon in the hands of working people fighting to keep open political space to speak, organize, and act—in our own interests and on our own terrain, in the factories, on picket lines, and in the streets. These pages tell the story of where that suit came from, tracing the fight—from the late 1930s to today—to push back the expansion of Washington’s political police operations and the growth of the “national security” state.

The Low Point of Labor Resistance is Behind Us

by Steve Clark Jack Barnes Mary-Alice Waters

The global order imposed by victors of the inter-imperialist slaughter of World War II is shattering, with explosive ramifications for workers and farmers worldwide. Excerpt from the book. A decades-long retreat by the working class and unions has come to an end, as owners of capital and their parties shift the burden of their crisis onto working people’s backs. More and more workers—of all ages, skin colors, and both sexes—are saying, “Enough is enough!” They’ve begun to wield the collective power of the exploited producers in response. This book, drawing from the trade union and broad political work of members and followers of the Socialist Workers Party, highlights opportunities ahead for class-conscious workers. It sets the course of action needed to forge a labor party built on fighting unions. And a mass proletarian vanguard able to lead the struggle to end capitalist rule, opening a future for humanity.

The Revolution Betrayed

by Leon Trotsky

In 1917 the working class and peasantry of Russia carried out one of the most deep-going revolutions in history. In a matter of months the country underwent an unprecedented leap from a semifeudal monarchy to a republic of the toilers, opening the world socialist revolution. Yet within ten years reaction set in. Workers and peasants were driven from power by a privileged bureaucratic social layer led by Joseph Stalin. The Revolution Betrayed explains how and why this bureaucratic caste was able to take and hold political power in the Soviet Union. The classic study of the Soviet workers state and its degeneration, this work shows the roots of the social and political crisis shaking the countries of the former Soviet Union today.

Problems of Women's Liberation

by Evelyn Reed

Why are women oppressed? How did that oppression begin? Why are opponents of women’s rights so determined to perpetuate laws and customs that deny women an equal role in society? Who benefits? What social forces have the power to end the second-class status of women, and have common interests in the fight for women’s liberation? In Problems of Women’s Liberation Evelyn Reed explores the economic and social roots of women’s oppression from prehistoric society to modern capitalism. She traces the original forms and institutions of private property, how they arose, and their consequences for women. She explains why the oppression of women is a manifestation of specific property relations, not sex relations. In refuting the myth of women’s inferiority, Reed points the road forward to emancipation. Reed is the author of Sexism and Science and Women’s Evolution, also published by Pathfinder.

Socialism on Trial: Testimony In Minneapolis Sedition Trial

by James P. Cannon

It is absolutely true that Hitler wants to dominate the world, but it is equally true that the ruling group of American capitalists has the same idea. We’re not in favor of either of them. Quote by James P. Cannon from the witness stand, in federal court, 1941 James P. Cannon was the central defendant among the eighteen leaders of the Socialist Workers Party and Upper Midwest labor movement framed up in 1941 and imprisoned two years later on charges of conspiring to advocate the overthrow of the US government. Their “crime”? Organizing opposition within the broad labor movement to Washington’s drive to enter World War II. The US rulers tried to convince workers and farmers they would be fighting and dying “to defeat fascism.” Leaders of the SWP and of the massive Teamsters Central States over-the-road organizing campaign told them the truth. Cannon’s testimony clearly and forcefully presents the communist program of the fighting vanguard of the working class. Also available here is “Communist Policy in the Minneapolis Trial: James P. Cannon Answers His Ultraleft Critics,” drawing lessons from a century of struggles by the working class to wrest state power from the capitalists.

Uncle John's Bathroom Reader Plunges into the Universe (Uncle John's Bathroom Reader)

by Bathroom Readers' Institute

An entertaining trivia compendium flush with fun facts about all things science.Uncle John&’s Bathroom Reader Plunges into the Universe is your anecdote to boring science textbooks. Uncle John and his loony lab partners will take you back to the Big Bang and forward to the distant future. You&’ll see the science in everything around (and inside) you, and learn the truth about the most egregious science myths (such as—you can&’t &“sweat like a pig&” because pigs don&’t sweat). How many amazing facts await your visual cortex in these 494 pages made up of atoms (print version) or bits and bytes (e-book)? As Carl Sagan would have said, &“Billions and Billions!&” So put on your thinking cap and check out: · Pluto denied · Kitchen chemistry · Football gets physics-al · Planet Earth&’s sudden hot flashes · Food&’s incredible journey . . .through you · The science of surfing, skating, and snowboarding · How they plugged the hole in the ozone layer · How &“defenseless&” animals stay alive · Sci-fi that&’s more fi than sci · Ancient astronomers · Know your clouds And much, much more

Don't Ask, Don't Follow

by Mary Keliikoa

Murder, dark family secrets, and the unwavering bond of sisterhood— regardless of the costBeth Ralston, a paralegal in Portland, Oregon, would rather be racking up billable hours than mingling at an office party— especially when her sister Lindsay, aka her plus one, is a no-show.After making her obligatory rounds, Beth returns to her office to find that her boss, who she' d talked with moments before, has been murdered. She sees a woman fleeing the scene. Wait— was that Lindsay? Unable to catch up to her in time, Beth waits for the police to arrive and notices that Lindsay has left her phone behind with an unsent text message to Beth displayed on the screen: “ Don' t ask. Don' t follow.” Lindsay is unreachable for days, and when Beth starts to come under suspicion for the crime, she decides that waiting is impossible. While retracing Lindsay' s steps, determined to bring her home, Beth uncovers what her sister, an investigative reporter bent on changing the world, was trying to expose— corruption, secrets, and betrayal on an unimaginable level. Revealing the truth might bring back the one person she' s desperate to find— but it could also destroy the only life and family Beth' s ever known.Perfect for fans of Gregg Olsen and Karin Slaughter

Confidence: Holding Your Seat through Life’s Eight Worldly Winds

by Ethan Nichtern

How do we stand firm amid the ups and downs of existence? In today’s culture of polarization and constant change, how do we find the confidence to navigate challenges? Is now really the time for meditation, for looking inward? What do we do with mindfulness? Meditation teacher Ethan Nichtern tackles these questions, taking contemporary considerations of power, identity, ethics, and confidence to new heights in this essential guide to self-discovery. Ethan examines the Buddhist concept of the Eight Worldly Winds, the four paired opposites of praise and blame, pleasure and pain, fame and insignificance, and success and failure. Delving into these dichotomies reveals invaluable insights into our relationships with others (including teachers, friends, leaders, the disgraced, and the adored) and ourselves. With transformative meditation exercises, Confidence empowers us to cultivate and access our innate wisdom.

Cow Hug Therapy: How the Animals at the Gentle Barn Taught Me about Life, Death, and Everything in Between

by Ellie Laks

The inspirational story of the compassionate and wise animals of the Gentle Barn and how they became a therapeutic salve for countless guests — and mentors for all of us in how to live and die In Cow Hug Therapy, Ellie Laks recounts the extraordinary journey that started with her first teacher, Buddha — not the religious figure, but a rescued miniature Hereford cow. One evening Buddha wrapped her neck around an exhausted and upset Ellie and transferred a singular form of healing and comfort with an incredible impact. Understanding that this was something to be shared with others, Ellie developed Cow Hug Therapy, a groundbreaking approach to emotional healing that has proved effective for trauma, illness, disabilities, addiction, grief, and stress. This colorful and compelling narrative introduces the healing mavens of the barnyard, each with a unique story of being rescued from trauma and treated with love and respect. In their new role at Ellie’s Gentle Barn sanctuaries, these animals have transformed lives and ignited breakthroughs and newfound purpose for visitors including a young mother who lost her baby, a suicidal teenager, a wounded serviceman, an open-heart-surgery patient, and many more. A testament to empathy and the mission to heal animals, people, and the planet, Cow Hug Therapy serves as a beacon of hope for all seeking healing and connection.

Stories Sell: Storyworthy Strategies to Grow Your Business and Brand

by Matthew Dicks

WIN CUSTOMERS AND BUILD BRANDS THROUGH THE POWER OF STORYTELLING Moth GrandSLAM all-time champion storyteller, writer, and business coach Matthew Dicks presents a guide to using the power of storytelling for success in business of any type or size. Matt has found that the basic principles of effective storytelling are universal, teachable, and more crucial than ever for business communication. Jam-packed with examples, Stories Sell reveals the ingredients of a compelling story and then demonstrates how they can be incorporated into persuasive marketing copy, productive face-to-face conversations, effective sales pitches, and presentations that people actually want to hear. Topics include: • The three elements of a winning story: stakes, suspense, and surprise • Finding the right narrative structure (and why beginning at the beginning isn’t always the best method) • The power of being vulnerable: how admitting your mistakes can build rapport with audiences • When and how to use humor • Zigging while others zag: making yourself stand out from competitors Whether you’re an online marketer, advertising professional, salesperson, small business owner, independent contractor, or Fortune 500 executive, Stories Sell will teach you to find your voice and get your message across for maximum impact and profit.

Confronting The New Age: How To Resist A Growing Religious Movement

by Walter Martin Doug Groothuis

The first book to tell you how to confront the New Age The threat is growing. So not only do we need to understand the New Age, we need to stem the tide of this growing religious movement. Here's the first book that tells how. You'll find all you need to know for: - Witnessing to New Age adherents - Identifying New Age influences in business seminars - Exposing New Age curriculum in our public schools - Discerning New Age influences in pop psychology, biofeedback therapy, visualization, and New Age music This book takes you a step beyond other books with its practical advice and sound suggestions.

A Grateful Heart: Daily Blessings for the Evening Meals from Buddha to The Beatles (Daily Blessings For The Evening Meal From Buddha To The Beat Ser.)

by M. J. Ryan

Celebrate the Human Experience by Giving Thanks at Mealtime. Try It!Count your blessings. Today there is a deep hunger for connection with ourselves, with nature, and with the process of birth and death itself says life coach and author M. J. Ryan, creator of the New York Times best-selling Random Acts of Kindness series. What her book, A Grateful Heart, is offering from a wide variety of spiritual disciplines and secular perspectives, is a way of satisfying that hunger by setting aside time before we eat to acknowledge the blessings in our lives. When we give thanks, we take our place in the great wheel of life, recognizing our connection to one another and to all of creation.Choose from 365 blessings and give thanks. A Grateful Heart is a tool to help readers reclaim and enrich the tradition of pausing before the evening meal to give thanks. Drawing from a range of religious and cultural practices, the 365 blessings in this book celebrate friendship, love, peace, reconciliation, the body, nature, joy, and appreciation of the moment. This illustrated feast for the mind includes quotations from Martin Luther King Jr., Thich Nhat Hanh, Gandhi, Rumi, Mother Teresa, Helen Keller, Denise Levertov, the Bible, and the Tao Te Ching.M. J. Ryan wrote A Grateful Heart to encourage families to share the experience of being part of something greater than themselves. With that in mind, the book includes 365 traditional and nontraditional blessings organized into four sections corresponding to the seasons.Experience the blessings in A Grateful Heart in a variety of ways:Just open it and begin reading one-a-day in the order givenUse the index to pick and choose topics of interest that dayOpen at random and read what is offeredIf you have benefited from books such as Earth Prayers, M. J. Ryan’s Attitudes of Gratitude, Don Miguel Ruiz’s Prayers, June Cotner’s Graces, or Marcia M. Kelly’s 100 Graces; you and your family will love M. J. Ryan’s A Grateful Heart.

100 Sweet Nothings for Baby

by Mina Parker

100 Sweet Nothings for Baby is a feel good book for babies and the big people who birthed them. This lovely little book is the perfect gift for new parents, or for a three-(or six-month) birthday, or for christening or naming ceremonies.As Mina Parker writes in the introduction, "Every moment of your life has led you to this one holding a beautiful, sacred, burping little wonder called your baby. Whether this is your first time or your fifth, new parenthood delivers a sweet and exciting jolt of electricity into your life. So welcome to the sweet life of parenthood, and from my family to yours, here is a book to celebrate and support what you do best-loving your baby in every way, from top to bottom."100 Sweet Nothings for Baby is an out-of-the-box, not-your-garden-variety baby present. Wise quotes are sprinkled throughout. Consider Carl Sandberg's "A baby is God's opinion that life should go on". Along with little rhymes to read out loud and comfort both of you, "Trilling r's, rides in cars, every balm to soothe and calm". Along with little comments on the daily wonder of babies, "Cuddling close the one you adore and hearing the music of one baby snore".

Random Acts of Kindness: How To Make It A Better World (Practice Of Kindness Ser.)

by The Editors of the Conari Press

The original collection of inspirational true stories about acts of kindness and generosity of spirit—with suggestions for living more compassionately. The unprecedented success of Random Acts of Kindness has not only inspired many individuals, but also led Congress to declare a National Random Acts of Kindness Week in February 1995. The inspiration for the kindness movement, Random Acts of Kindness is an antidote for a weary world. The true stories, thoughtful quotations, and suggestions for generosity in this book will inspire you to live more compassionately and experience the joys of sharing and kindness. What if everyone started performing good deeds every day? This inspiring collection presents many true stories of people who’ve committed, received, and observed voluntary acts of kindness—and seen for themselves how small acts of goodness can make a big difference in people’s lives. A USA Today Best Bet for Educators

Stick-to-it-iveness: Inspirations to Get You Where You Want to Go

by Addie Johnson

“Stick-to-it-iveness is a funny word,” Addie Johnson writes in the introduction of this small profound volume. “Some might say it’s not even a real word, but it speaks for itself.” In her winsome, quirky, inspirational style, Johnson shares ideas that inspire us to make light of the hard work of achieving our dreams. This is a book that attests to the power of a little bit at a time. There’s a simple key to accomplishing our wildest dreams—a secret, hidden in plain view--sticking to it.

Lean Forward Into Your Life: Begin Each Day as If It Were on Purpose (Personal Development Ser.)

by Mary Anne Radmacher

Lead an Uncommon LifeWhat is your purpose in life? This is the question we ask ourselves far too often. In Lean Forward Into Your Life, author Mary Anne Radmacher invites you to find a new way to live: by leaning forward. When you’re trying to see something better, you lean toward it. When you are listening to someone and can barely hear, you lean in. When the really exciting part of a basketball game comes, you lean forward in your seat. When you’re trying to catch, to see, to listen to the best bits—you lean forward.Be intentional, always. This book does not fit in with typical self-help books. There are no quick and easy solutions, fool-proof steps to success, or thirty ways to hop, skip, and jump to a more successful, thinner, efficient, purposeful, happier life. Rather, this book is an invitation. A reflection. A mirror. A set of writing prompts to help you remember the questions you want to ask yourself for personal growth. An intimate portrait of some of the processes that have allowed Mary Anne Radmacher to live life how she chooses. And that can help you to live life how you choose too.Live a meaningful life of creative confidence and radical acceptance. This motivational book goes beyond finding your life goals. With the help of the incredible stories and thoughtful writing prompts in Lean Forward Into Your Life, you will learn how to:Begin each day as if it were on purposeListen hard, risk love, and play with abandonLive an uncommon life each and every dayReaders of personal development books and self-help books for women like Carry On, Warrior; Big Magic; or titles by Brené Brown, such as Daring Greatly and Rising Strong, will love Lean Forward Into Your Life.

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