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Meinetwegen – nenn es Gott: Sinn und Unsinn von Religion und Religiosität

by Werner Gross

Dieses Sachbuch widmet sich der Frage, welchen Sinn Religiosität heute noch hat und wo Psychologen Warnschilder aufstellen. Religionen haben heutzutage ein janusköpfiges Gesicht: Einerseits sind sie für viele Menschen seelische Unterstützung und Hilfe (nicht nur) in Krisensituationen – andererseits geschehen in ihrem Namen Selbstmordattentate und unter ihrem Deckmantel blüht(e) der sexuelle Missbrauch an Kindern. Religionen haben weltweit ihre Unschuld verloren. Aber was sind eigentlich Religionen? Wie sind sie entstanden? Wie haben sie sich im Laufe der Zeit verändert? Was sind die positiven Seiten der Religionen – was die problematischen? Wo helfen sie und wo schaden sie? Wodurch unterscheiden sie sich – und was ist ihnen gemeinsam? Aus dem Inhalt: Religionen: Welterklärungs- und Sinnsysteme, die sich (fast) immer für das einzig wahre, ewige und endgültige Erklärungssystem halten. – Sie strukturieren diffus-subjektive innere Wahrheiten und unstrukturierte Situationen und versuchen Unbegreifliches begreifbar zu machen. – Urvertrauen, Symbole, rituelle Handlungsweisen. – Was sind spirituelle Erleuchtungserfahrungen? – Ursprung aller Religionen ist die Angst, die Leere, das Sinnlose, der Tod. – Religionen sind gute Führer in dunkler Nacht – tagsüber sollte man sich besser auf die eigenen Augen verlassen. Über den Autor: Werner Gross, Dipl.-Psych., Psychotherapeut, Supervisor und Coach.

Melt Fat Soup: Discover the benefits of the soup diet

by Pílula Digital

Drinking liquids, ESPECIALLY water, is FUNDAMENTAL for health and the SUCCESS of any diet. But, if the OBJECTIVE is to lose weight, in addition to water, it is also IMPORTANT to invest in SMART changes in your diet, such as REPLACING a plate of rice and beans with a SUPER NUTRITIVE and light SOUP. Therefore, the soup diet is an OPTION for those who want to LOSE WEIGHT quickly. This diet was CREATED to be used by patients at the São Paulo Heart Institute, in Brazil, who NEEDED to lose weight before undergoing heart surgery. it was so SUCCESSFUL that it ended up being INCORPORATED by those looking to DRY up excess fat and DETOXIFY the body.

Meltdown Expected: Crisis, Disorder, and Upheaval at the end of the 1970s

by Aaron J. Leonard

In January 1978, President Jimmy Carter proclaimed that “There is all across our land a growing sense of peace and a sense of common purpose.” Yet in the ensuing months, a series of crises disturbed that fragile sense of peace, ultimately setting the stage for Reagan’s decisive victory in 1980 and ushering in the final phase of the Cold War. Meltdown Expected tells the story of the power shifts from late 1978 through 1979 whose repercussions are still being felt. Iran’s revolution led to a hostage crisis while neighbouring Afghanistan became the site of a proxy war between the USSR and the US, who supplied aid to Islamic mujahideen fighters that would later form the Taliban. Meanwhile, as tragedies like the Jonestown mass suicide and the assassination of Harvey Milk captured the nation’s attention, the government quietly reasserted and expanded the FBI’s intelligence powers. Drawing from recently declassified government documents and covering everything from Three Mile Island to the rise of punk rock, Aaron J. Leonard paints a vivid portrait of a tumultuous yet pivotal time in American history.

Memoir of Col. Benjamin Tallmadge: His Years as Battle Commander in the American Revolutionary War

by Benjamin Tallmadge

“Benjamin Tallmadge narrates his time spent as a military officer during the American Revolutionary War, detailing his roles as both commander and intelligence gatherer. Renowned for his successes during the American Revolution, Benjamin Tallmadge commences these memoirs with a brief family history. After this short introduction, he immediately describes his military training and deployment, and the witnessing of his first battle close to New York City. Stricken and steeled by the carnage of war, the young Tallmadge expresses his wish to see the Revolution to its very end. Upon demonstrating a keen sense of tactics, and mounting a successful raid wherein the supplies and premises of an enemy force were burned by Tallmadge and his fellow operatives, George Washington praised the officer's abilities. Throughout the conflict, Tallmadge proved an able spymaster; heading up the Culper Ring, a network of agents whose information in and around the New York area would prove extremely valuable to the war effort.”-Print ed.

Memoirs Of The Rebellion On The Border, 1863

by Wiley Britton

“Wiley Britton wrote memoirs covering the Civil War much like better known and more esteemed soldiers of that war. But what makes Britton’s account stand out is where he fought: the Trans-Mississippi Theater. In Memoirs of the Rebellion on the Border, 1863, Britton takes readers west with as a member of the 6th Kansas cavalry. In addition to discussing the movements of the main armies, Britton describes the guerrilla warfare, Native American affairs, and the tension between civilian populations in border states like Missouri and Kansas, which had contributed so greatly to the sectionalism of the 1850s via the debate over whether they should be free states or slave states. He is also objective about his service, noting acts of kindness and destruction perpetrated by Union forces in the region. Britton covers serious events, but he does so with anecdotes and a sprinkling of humor, including lively depictions of what life was like in camp.”-Print ed.

Memories of May: An emotional and feel good women's fiction novel (Tarrin’s Bay)

by Juliet Madison

A single mom finds an escape in the novels on her bookstore&’s shelves—but can real life ever compete with fiction? By day, single mother Olivia Chevalier runs the family&’s bookstore in the seaside town of Tarrin&’s Bay and raises her nine-year-old daughter. By night, she disappears into the world of fiction, filled with excitement, romance, and happy endings. Though she finds motherhood and her job endlessly rewarding, Olivia has faced plenty of challenges, hard work, and disappointment. So when enigmatic travel writer Joel Foster walks into her bookstore—and her life—with his mantras about trying new things and taking risks, she isn&’t about to fall for all that happy talk. But when Olivia is compelled to enroll in Joel&’s writing course to tell the story of her grandmother&’s life, she discovers secrets about her family and truths about herself—and finds herself yearning to rewrite her own story . . .

Memories of My Life in a Polish Village, 1930-1949

by Toby Knobel Fluek

Available again for the first time in decades, this jewel of a memoir is the poignant story of a young Jewish girl growing up in a Polish farm village, from the peaceful early 1930s through the tragic war years, and finding safe harbor at last. “Deeply moving”—Elie Wiesel “A tone poem evocative of a vanished world”—Chaim Potok In her own words and with her own beautiful paintings and drawings, artist Toby Knobel Fluek (1926–2011) lovingly unfurls a unique view of Jewish life. She introduces us to her village, to her family, to the people among whom they lived; she shows us how customs and holidays were observed; and, with both feeling and restraint, she illustrates how this long-enduring way of life was shattered by World War II. She depicts her family’s experiences through Russian occupation and the devastation wreaked by the Nazis—and, finally, her new beginning in America. New to this edition is a foreword by Rakhmiel Peltz, PhD, PhD, Founding Director of the Judaic Studies Program at Drexel University, which he led for twenty years.

The Memory of the World: Deep Time, Animality, and Eschatology (Posthumanities #70)

by Ted Toadvine

Advancing a phenomenological approach to deep time Our imagination today is dominated by the end of the world, from sci-fi and climate fiction to actual predictions of biodiversity collapse, climate disruption, and the emergence of the Anthropocene. This obsession with the world&’s precarity, The Memory of the World contends, relies on a flawed understanding of time that neglects the past and present with the goal of managing the future. Not only does this mislead sustainability efforts, it diminishes our encounters with the world and with human and nonhuman others. Here, Ted Toadvine takes a phenomenological approach to deep time to show how our apocalyptic imagination forgets the sublime and uncanny dimensions of the geological past and far future. Guided by original readings of Maurice Merleau-Ponty, Emmanuel Levinas, Jacques Derrida, Jean-Luc Nancy, and others, he suggests that reconciling our embodied lives with the memory of the earth transforms our relationship with materiality, other forms of life, and the unprecedented future. Integrating insights from phenomenology, deconstruction, critical animal studies, and new materialism, The Memory of the World argues for a new philosophy of time that takes seriously the multiple, pleated, and entangled temporal events spanning cosmic, geological, evolutionary, and human durations.

The Memory Politics of the Cursed Soldiers in Poland: Authoritarian Nationalism, Hegemony and Emotions (Routledge Focus on the History of Conflict)

by Krzysztof Jaskułowski Piotr Majewski

This book analyses right-wing memory politics in Poland through the concept of "cursed soldiers" as a key memory symbol, and how it has been used to construct a narrow and exclusionary vision of Polish identity framed in terms of Catholicism, national culture, and traditional family values.Groundbreaking in its approach and combining top-down study with reception analysis, the book builds on the theory of hegemony, adding emotional dimensions to the understanding of memory politics and nationalism. It provides a detailed case study of Polish memory politics since 2015, when the Law and Justice Party (PiS) came to power, and offers insights into how historical memory is used to mobilise support within nationalist and populist movements. Through a range of data including interviews, participant observation, and analysis of various media, it presents a semiotic and emotional map of how these memory symbols are received and experienced in Polish society. The focus on Podlasie, a region with significant Belarusian population and a history of post-war partisan conflicts, highlights the complex interplay of memory, identity, and politics in contemporary Poland.This work is intended for a broad audience, including undergraduates, postgraduates, scholars, and non-specialist readers such as booksellers or librarians.

The Menopause Brain: New Science Empowers Women to Navigate the Pivotal Transition with Knowledge and Confidence

by Lisa Mosconi

An instant New York Times bestseller!The New York Times bestselling author of The XX Brain shows women how to navigate menopause successfully and come out the other side with an even better brain.Menopause and perimenopause are still a black box to most doctors, leaving patients exasperated as they grapple with symptoms ranging from hot flashes to insomnia to brain fog. As a leading neuroscientist and women&’s brain health specialist, Dr. Mosconi unravels these mysteries by revealing how menopause doesn&’t just impact the ovaries—it&’s a hormonal show in which the brain takes center stage. The decline of the hormone estrogen during menopause influences everything from body temperature to mood to memory, potentially paving the way for cognitive decline later in life. To conquer these challenges successfully, Dr. Mosconi brings us the latest approaches—explaining the role of cutting-edge hormone replacement therapies like &“designer estrogens,&” hormonal contraception, and key lifestyle changes encompassing diet, exercise, self-care, and self-talk. Best of all, Dr. Mosconi dispels the myth that menopause signifies an end, demonstrating that it&’s actually a transition. Contrary to popular belief, if we know how to take care of ourselves during menopause, we can emerge with a renewed, enhanced brain—ushering in a meaningful and vibrant new chapter of life.

Menschheitsproblem Klimaänderung: Naturwissenschaftliche Tatsachen mit philosophischen Betrachtungen und Beiträgen

by Albert Fässler

Das vorliegende Buch analysiert den zukünftigen Temperaturverlauf der Erdoberfläche mithilfe eines naturwissenschaftlichen Modells und gibt eine Übersicht über die Ursachen und Auswirkungen des Klimawandels. Der Inhalt umfasst außerdem relevante Daten und Fakten zu den Themen Kohlenstoffbudget, Demographie, Gletscher, Permafrost, Artenvielfalt, Mobilität und Extremwetter. Die rasche globale Reduzierung des CO2-Anstiegs auf Netto-Null ist eine dringende Notwendigkeit, um nachfolgenden Generationen ein menschenwürdiges Leben zu ermöglichen. Die Industriestaaten tragen als Hauptverursacher eine moralische Verantwortung, die erwähnte Reduzierung zügig umzusetzen und die Entwicklungsländer in diesem Prozess zu unterstützen. Das Buch richtet sich auch an Personen mit wenig Bezug zur Mathematik.Die Produktfamilie WissensExpress bietet Ihnen Lehr- und Lernbücher in kompakter Form. Die Bücher liefern schnell und verständlich fundiertes Wissen.

Mental Health and Relationships from Early Adulthood through Old Age

by Paris S Strom Robert D. Strom

This unique text encourages young adults to reflect on their prospective longevity for setting goals and making decisions, become aware of the aspirations and concerns of other generations, and consider personal direction in relation to peer group norms. The sources for learning about mental health and relationships include a blend of academic research, insights from literature, student interviews with older and younger relatives, and personal observations.Stages of adulthood including early adulthood, middle adulthood, retirement age, and old age, are described showing how people can pursue individual growth and nurture the mental health of relatives throughout life. The main themes of younger and middle-aged adults include stress, parenting, peer socialization, family conflict, career readiness, domestic abuse, intergenerational relationships, and mental health. In addition, the educational needs of older adults focus on mental health, family caregiving, grandparenting, physical and social health, problems of younger generations, retirement, loneliness and social isolation, elder abuse, death, grief, and recovery.All chapters conclude with a section about Generational Perspectives Activities, assignments with agenda for class and family discussions, problem-solving scenarios, key concepts, and criteria for self-evaluation. This will be of interest to undergraduate and graduate college students enrolled in lifespan courses offered by family studies, educational psychology, human development, counselling, social work, gerontology, nursing, and business.

Mental Health and Wellbeing for Journalists: A Practical Guide

by Hannah Storm

This book offers a first-of-its-kind, practical and person-centred guide to managing and contextualising journalists’ emotional wellbeing and mental health.Drawing on the author’s experience as a storyteller, journalist and media safety consultant, the book combines significant lived personal experience with reflections from an international network of journalists and mental health experts to collate industry good practice and guidance. It takes readers through a history of mental health discussions in the industry, moving from a focus on war correspondents and post-traumatic stress disorder to considerations of vicarious trauma, moral injury and the impact of online harm on journalists. It shows how pressures already faced by those in the sector have been exacerbated by the global pandemic, giving rise to the prospect of a mental health crisis in the media if these issues remain unaddressed. As a counter to this concern, Storm shares insights from experts on what leaders can do to create safer workplaces and processes, how they can channel the empathy that is core to healthy journalism to promote the health of its people, and how they should consider mental health as intersecting with other issues such as physical safety, diversity and inclusion. Insights from science shed light on resilience levels, how our brains and bodies respond to trauma, and strategies that can be adopted to help us recover from challenging experiences. While acknowledging that some news organisations are starting to take note, Storm shows how others need to do more, offering ways in which newsrooms can learn from the lessons of recent years to bring about long-lasting change.Mental Health and Wellbeing for Journalists is written for news media professionals, educators, and students, as well as anyone interested in promoting more sustainable journalism through supporting the industry’s most precious resource: its people.

The Mentally Strong Leader: Build the Habits to Productively Regulate Your Emotions, Thoughts, and Behaviors

by Scott Mautz

&“If you want to build the mental resilience to thrive under pressure and drive change despite obstacles, this book will prove an indispensable resource again and again."—Daniel H. Pink, #1 New York Times bestselling author of The Power of Regret, When, and To Sell is Human Manage yourself internally so you can lead better externally Award-winning, bestselling author Scott Mautz defines mental strength as the ability to self-regulate emotions, thoughts, and behaviors to achieve exceptional outcomes, despite adversity. It&’s the leadership superpower of our times. Mentally strong leaders are confident and in control of themselves and their environment; they have endurance, are disciplined, and external stressors make their decision-making sharper. They&’re a safe port in a storm for their team.The Mentally Strong Leader gives readers a mental exercise plan to become such a leader. Readers will walk away with a menu of over 50 proven tools they can choose from to build a tailored set of habits in six areas that will make them mentally stronger: Fortitude Decision-making Confidence Goal-focus Boldness Messaging Inspired by Mautz&’s hit LinkedIn Learning course, &“10 Habits of Mentally Strong People,&” his 25 years leading some of Procter & Gamble&’s multi-billion-dollar businesses, and over 30 years of studying this topic, The Mentally Strong Leader relies on mental models, data and research, habit-building science, and practical tools and exercises to create enduring understandings for readers. Mautz begins with a compelling explanation of the power of mental strength, and offers a Mental Strength Self-Assessment. He finishes, as he has in his past titles, like Leading from the Middle, and Make it Matter, by providing a Mental Action Plan (MAP) to help readers create their own, tailored practice.

Mentoring for Speech and Language Therapists: Unlocking Professional Development Throughout Your Career (Professional Development in Speech and Language Therapy)

by Mary Heritage

In this book, Mary Heritage shows how mentoring can have a powerful impact on the speech and language therapist and their professional development. The text sets out the impact of mentoring at each stage of the speech and language therapist’s career – students, novice practitioners, and leaders – and explores how mentoring is distinct from other supportive relationships that are available, such as counselling, coaching line management, and education. The reader is guided through the process of finding a mentor and making the most of the mentoring relationship. The book goes on to outline what makes a good mentor and concludes with a vision and call to action for the profession to embrace mentoring more widely, with particular focus on creating a more inclusive professional community.Each section concludes with a space for reflection and action planning to guide the reader through their own journey of understanding how to use mentoring to unlock their own professional development needs.This resource is relevant for all speech and language therapists: those embarking on a new career in speech and language therapy, those needing guidance at a career crossroads, leaders looking to develop a workforce, and those wishing to diversify their communication skills to support their colleagues.

The Met Paul Cézanne (What the Artist Saw)

by Amy Guglielmo

See the world through Paul Cézanne's eyes and be inspired to produce your own masterpieces.Have you ever wondered exactly what your favorite artists were looking at to make them draw, sculpt, or paint the way they did? In this charming illustrated series of books to keep and collect, created in full collaboration with The Metropolitan Museum of Art, you can see what they saw and be inspired to create your own artworks, too. In What the Artist Saw: Paul Cézanne meet the famous French painter. In this series, follow the artists' stories and find intriguing facts about their environments and key masterpieces. Then see what you can see and make your own art. Take a closer look at landscapes, or even yourself, with Vincent van Gogh. Try crafting a story in fabric like Faith Ringgold, or carve a woodblock print at home with Hokusai. Every book in this series is one to treasure and keep-perfect for budding young artists to explore exhibitions with, then continue their own artistic journeys.

Metacognition, Self-Regulation and Writing: Theoretical Perspectives and Leads for Sustaining Students' Writing

by Dyanne Escorcia

Students' difficulties in producing texts that meet the requirements of academic writing are a recurring concern for teaching staff and those responsible for university courses. Various initiatives are currently being taken, mainly at undergraduate level, to help students improve the quality of their writing. Research into metacognitive processes and the self-regulation of learning can be used to support the design of these writing support systems, particularly by providing a better understanding of the students' difficulties. This book reviews the concepts of metacognition and self-regulation in relation to writing processes. It analyses the metacognitive components involved in text production, their links with successful writing and their individual and contextual determinants. It completes this analysis by drawing on the teaching and assessment of writing in higher education. All of these elements are articulated around a multifactorial modeling of the learning and teaching of academic writing.

Metakaolin-Based Geopolymers: Design, Mechanisms and Performance

by Dongming Yan Shikun Chen Yi Liu

This book offers a comprehensive overview of the design, mechanisms, and performance of metakaolin-based geopolymers (MKG), with a focus on uncovering the underlying mechanisms that differentiate MKG from ordinary Portland cement (OPC). Covering a wide range of topics surrounding MKG, from the early stages of geopolymerization to the final mechanical performance of MKG concrete, this book provides fundamental insights into the performance of MKG-based materials and their relationship with the composition and microstructure of MKG. The findings presented in this book may serve as a guide for the design and application of MKG in civil engineering constructions. Targeted at scientists and engineers in materials science and civil engineering, this book is intended for those interested in adopting MKG as a sustainable technology for a greener future.

Metal Forming Processes: Fundamentals, Analysis, Calculations (Mechanical Engineering Series)

by Zainul Huda

This unique textbook features fundamentals and analyses of metal forming processes supported by 200 worked numerical examples. It provides rigorous detail on the three all-important groups of metal-forming processes: bulk-metal forming, sheet-metal forming, and sheet-bulk-metal forming. Theory of metal forming is presented by discussing deformation behavior, plasticity, and formability with a thorough mathematical analyses and calculations. The mechanics of sheet metal forming is also covered by including principal strain increments in uniaxial loading as well as plane stress deformation. There are 125 diagrammatic illustrations/real-life photographs that have been labelled properly to enhance the understanding of readers. Among the salient features of the book is the inclusion of industrially-oriented projects, covering both technological and business considerations. The key solutions connected to these projects are presented with the aid of mathematical analysis and process flow diagrams. The book includes 100 multiple-choice questions (MCQs) with their answers and those for selected problems facilitating self-directed learning.

Metaphysics and the Sciences (Elements in Metaphysics)

by null Matteo Morganti

This Element presents and critically examines the relationship between metaphysics and the sciences. Section 1 provides a brief introduction. Section 2 looks at the methodological issues that arise when metaphysics and science get into contact, which is a much-debated aspect of the larger dispute concerning philosophical 'naturalism' and 'anti-naturalism'. A taxonomy of possible views is offered. Section 3 looks more specifically at milder forms of naturalism about metaphysics, which attempt in various ways to make it 'continuous' with science while preserving some degree of autonomy for it. Section 4 adds some reflections on what might be regarded as the most pressing open problem when it comes to doing scientifically oriented metaphysics (but also when practising metaphysics or science in isolation): the problem concerning theory choice and the value of non-empirical factors in determining which explanation of certain phenomena should be preferred.

Metaverse for Industry 5.0 (SpringerBriefs in Applied Sciences and Technology)

by Nilanjan Dey Soumi Majumder

This book provides a detailed picture of the metaverse for industry 5.0. In the context of Industry 5.0, the concept of the metaverse aligns with the vision of Web 4.0, representing a digital ecosystem where individuals and organizations collaborate in a human-centric approach to create personalized value.This virtual universe connects multiple interconnected worlds, enabling real-time interactions between users and computer-generated environments. By integrating technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI), virtual reality (VR), augmented reality (AR), mixed reality(MR) and the Internet of Things (IoT), the metaverse within Industry 5.0 aims to foster innovation and enhance productivity, efficiency, and overall well-being through tailored and value-driven solutions. This book explores the concept of the metaverse in the context of Industry 5.0, highlighting its definition, evolution, advantages, and disadvantages. It also discusses pillars of technological advancement, challenges, and opportunities, ethical issues including its integration into various sectors, i.e., healthcare, construction, manufacturing and others. The entry concludes with a proposal for a conceptual framework for integrating the human-centric metaverse.

A Meteorite Killed My Cow: Stuff That Happens When Space Rocks Hit Earth

by Richard Greenwood

Meteorites are generally considered to be bizarre and exotic space junk that you only ever come across in museums. But the reality is very different. Meteorites are generally harmless, with the exception of a cow in Venezuela and a few dinosaurs. Well, quite a few dinosaurs in fact! They are arriving on Earth every day, everywhere, in the form of fine dust. The result is that meteorites can be collected from the rooftops of houses everywhere. It’s not easy and you need to know what to look for. This book will help. Meteorites are the oldest rocks in our Solar System and contain grains that are even older. These space rocks provide science with the best available evidence concerning the origin and early evolution of the Solar System.This book introduces the reader to the fascinating and sometimes bizarre world of space rocks using a simple, clear layman-friendly style. It explains why they are so special and describes their main characteristics. The non-technical approach used throughout the book make it particularly accessible to the general public and it will be of interest to anyone looking to learn more about these cosmic visitors and the wealth of scientific information they contain.Features: Provides a concise introduction to the world of meteorites in an accessible and non-technical way Demonstrates how meteorites can be found locally and provides practical guidance on how to search for them! Emphasizes the human side of meteorites and how ordinary people can and do encounter meteorites in a wide variety of settings

Metromorphoses (Hugh MacLennan Poetry Series)

by John Reibetanz

When he first hiked the Don Valley trails / all he heard was river as he strode / beside its glitter of smashing glassGrounded in the local and immediate – from Toronto’s rivers and ravines to its highways and skyscrapers – Metromorphoses explores some of the radical changes that have taken place in the city during the course of its history.The collection’s poems focus, in roughly chronological order, on the city’s inhabitants and the changing relationships between people and place, from the original Indigenous presence, through the immigrants of the nineteenth century and the Depression and war survivors of the twentieth century, to the twenty-first century’s setbacks and affirmations. We encounter characters such as Symphony Pete, who whistled classical music while hiking Don Valley trails, Henry “Box” Brown, who escaped from southern slavery in a packing crate, or the exhausted anonymous newsboy a photographer caught fast asleep next to his stack of newspapers on a flight of stone steps. We zoom in like time-lapse photography on the changes that a single site has experienced, from wood-frame cottages to foundry to synagogue to furniture store to parking lot to the new provincial courthouse.These poems bring the reader closer to the impulses that drove the art of the Mississaugas, the escape from slavery or famine of new settlers, or the social awareness of a Dr Charles Hastings or a Raymond Moriyama. Far from Eliot’s “unreal city,” Metromorphoses takes us into the heart of the real Toronto, alive and ever-changing.

Mi Little Golden Book sobre Lionel Messi (Little Golden Book)

by Roberta Ludlow

¡Ayuda a tu niño a soñar en grande con esta biografía en español sobre el futbolista argentino Lionel Messi de Little Golden Book! ¡Las biografías de Little Golden Book representan la introducción perfecta a los libros no-ficción para lectores jóvenes, ¡así como entusiastas de todas las edades!Help your little one dream big with this Spanish language Little Golden Book biography about Argentine professional footballer Lionel Messi! Little Golden Book biographies are the perfect introduction to nonfiction for young readers!Este Little Golden Book sobre Lionel Messi —el delantero y jugador estrella de Argentina, FC Barcelona, Paris Saint-Germain, y Inter Miami quien es ampliamente reconocido como uno de los mejores jugadores de fútbol de todos los tiempos— es una inspiradora historia para narrar en voz alta a los pequeños lectores.This Little Golden Book about Lionel Messi--the record-smashing star forward for Argentina, FC Barcelona, and Paris Saint-Germain who is widely regarded as one of the greatest soccer players of all time--is an inspiring read-aloud for young readers.Look for more Little Golden Book biographies:Simone BilesJackie RobinsonMisty Copeland

Mi madre, mi maestra: Memorias del Sáhara Occidental (MLA Texts and Translations #43)

by null Bahia Mahmud Awah

Separated from his family in the aftermath of the failed decolonization process in Western Sahara, Bahia Mahmud Awah was sustained by recollections of his mother. In this memoir, he describes her sacrifices, her optimism, and her deep love. His family's experiences exemplify the larger story of loss and displacement in the region even as his story shows how shared memories can nourish community and culture across generations, even in exile. Incorporating poetry in Hassaniya, the traditional Saharawi language, the work highlights the role of language in shaping identity and resisting colonialism.First published in 2011 as La maestra que me enseñó en una tabla de madera (The Woman Who Taught Me on a Wooden Slate), this edition includes a new epilogue by the author featuring further remembrances of his mother and examples of her poetry.

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