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Showing 9,601 through 9,625 of 11,772 results

Indonesia and Islam in Transition (Global Political Transitions)

by Leonard C. Sebastian Syed Huzaifah Othman Alkaff

This book focuses on Islam in Indonesia, showcasing the wide range of Muslim organisations, belief systems and movements, together with an analysis of the political behaviour of Indonesian Muslims. It includes an investigation of the structure of groups, organizations, and societies, and how Muslims within the archipelago interact within these contexts. In doing so, it promotes a more nuanced understanding of Indonesian Muslim society by approaching it through the utilisation of scholarly frameworks. Theories related to religion and society are used, especially in characterising the transition of the Indonesian Muslim society from pre-New Order to post-New Order. Particularly significant is Abdullah Saeed's framework in understanding one’s attitude towards key and contemporary issues, originally used to understand one’s attitude towards the religious ‘other’. The authors thus adopt this framework in the book, as a method of categorising people in a diverse society which in turnhelps readers to understand the nuances of Islam and Muslims in a huge country like Indonesia.

Victorian Sensation: The Extraordinary Publication, Reception, and Secret Authorship of Vestiges of the Natural History of Creation

by James A. Secord

Fiction or philosophy, profound knowledge or shocking heresy? When Vestiges of the Natural History of Creation was published anonymously in 1844, it sparked one of the greatest sensations of the Victorian era. More than a hundred thousand readers were spellbound by its startling vision—an account of the world that extended from the formation of the solar system to the spiritual destiny of humanity. As gripping as a popular novel, Vestiges combined all the current scientific theories in fields ranging from astronomy and geology to psychology and economics. The book was banned, it was damned, it was hailed as the gospel for a new age. This is where our own public controversies about evolution began. In a pioneering cultural history, James A. Secord uses the story of Vestiges to create a panoramic portrait of life in the early industrial era from the perspective of its readers. We join apprentices in a factory town as they debate the consequences of an evolutionary ancestry. We listen as Prince Albert reads aloud to Queen Victoria from a book that preachers denounced as blasphemy vomited from the mouth of Satan. And we watch as Charles Darwin turns its pages in the flea-ridden British Museum library, fearful for the fate of his own unpublished theory of evolution. Using secret letters, Secord reveals how Vestiges was written and how the anonymity of its author was maintained for forty years. He also takes us behind the scenes to a bustling world of publishers, printers, and booksellers to show how the furor over the book reflected the emerging industrial economy of print. Beautifully written and based on painstaking research, Victorian Sensation offers a new approach to literary history, the history of reading, and the history of science. Profusely illustrated and full of fascinating stories, it is the most comprehensive account of the making and reception of a book (other than the Bible) ever attempted. Winner of the 2002 Pfizer Award from the History of Science Society

Visions of Science: Books and Readers at the Dawn of the Victorian Age

by James A. Secord

The first half of the nineteenth century witnessed an extraordinary transformation in British political, literary, and intellectual life. There was widespread social unrest, and debates raged regarding education, the lives of the working class, and the new industrial, machine-governed world. At the same time, modern science emerged in Europe in more or less its current form, as new disciplines and revolutionary concepts, including evolution and the vastness of geologic time, began to take shape. In Visions of Science, James A. Secord offers a new way to capture this unique moment of change. He explores seven key books—among them Charles Babbage’s Reflections on the Decline of Science, Charles Lyell’s Principles ofGeology, Mary Somerville’s Connexion of the Physical Sciences, and Thomas Carlyle’s Sartor Resartus—and shows how literature that reflects on the wider meaning of science can be revelatory when granted the kind of close reading usually reserved for fiction and poetry. These books considered the meanings of science and its place in modern life, looking to the future, coordinating and connecting the sciences, and forging knowledge that would be appropriate for the new age. Their aim was often philosophical, but Secord shows it was just as often imaginative, projective, and practical: to suggest not only how to think about the natural world but also to indicate modes of action and potential consequences in an era of unparalleled change. Visions of Science opens our eyes to how genteel ladies, working men, and the literary elite responded to these remarkable works. It reveals the importance of understanding the physical qualities of books and the key role of printers and publishers, from factories pouring out cheap compendia to fashionable publishing houses in London’s West End. Secord’s vivid account takes us to the heart of an information revolution that was to have profound consequences for the making of the modern world.

Children Playing Before a Statue of Hercules

by David Sedaris

A must-have for the fans of the New York Times bestselling author of Me Talk Pretty One Day, David Sedaris, a collection of his favorite short fiction from Flannery O'Connor to Tobias Wolff.David Sedaris is an exceptional reader. Alone in his apartment, he reads stories aloud to the point he has them memorized. Sometimes he fantasizes that he wrote them. Sometimes, when they&’re his very favorite stories, he&’ll fantasize about reading them in front of an audience and taking credit for them. The audience in these fantasies always loves him and gives him the respect he deserves. David Sedaris didn&’t write the stories in Children Playing Before a Statue of Hercules . But he did read them. And he liked them enough to hand pick them for this collection of short fiction. Featuring such notable writers as Lorrie Moore, Alice Munro, Joyce Carol Oates, Jean Thompson, and Tobias Wolff, Children Playing Before a Statue of Hercules includes some of the most influential and talented short story writers, contemporary and classic. Perfect for fans who suffer from Sedaris fever, Children Playing Before a Statue of Hercules will tide them over and provide relief.

Graphic Design Rules: 365 Essential Design Dos and Don'ts

by Tony Seddon Sean Adams Peter Dawson John Foster

DON'T use comic sans (except ironically!) but DO worship the classic typefaces like Helvetica and Garamond. Graphic Design Rules is a handy guide for professional graphic designers, students, and laymen who incorporate graphic design into their job or small business. Packed with practical advice, this spirited collection of design dos and don'ts takes readers through 365 rules like knowing when to use a modular grid—and when to throw the grid out the window. All designers will appreciate tips and lessons from these highly accomplished authors, who draw on years of experience to help you create good design.

Lady Tan's Circle of Women: A Novel

by Lisa See

*NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER!* From &“one of those special writers capable of delivering both poetry and plot&” (The New York Times Book Review) an immersive historical novel inspired by the true story of a woman physician in 15th-century China—perfect for fans of Lisa See&’s classics Snow Flower and the Secret Fan and Tea Girl of Hummingbird Lane.According to Confucius, &“an educated woman is a worthless woman,&” but Tan Yunxian—born into an elite family, yet haunted by death, separations, and loneliness—is being raised by her grandparents to be of use. Her grandmother is one of only a handful of female doctors in China, and she teaches Yunxian the pillars of Chinese medicine, the Four Examinations—looking, listening, touching, and asking—something a man can never do with a female patient. From a young age, Yunxian learns about women&’s illnesses, many of which relate to childbearing, alongside a young midwife-in-training, Meiling. The two girls find fast friendship and a mutual purpose—despite the prohibition that a doctor should never touch blood while a midwife comes in frequent contact with it—and they vow to be forever friends, sharing in each other&’s joys and struggles. No mud, no lotus, they tell themselves: from adversity beauty can bloom. But when Yunxian is sent into an arranged marriage, her mother-in-law forbids her from seeing Meiling and from helping the women and girls in the household. Yunxian is to act like a proper wife—embroider bound-foot slippers, recite poetry, give birth to sons, and stay forever within the walls of the family compound, the Garden of Fragrant Delights. How might a woman like Yunxian break free of these traditions and lead a life of such importance that many of her remedies are still used five centuries later? How might the power of friendship support or complicate these efforts? A captivating story of women helping each other, Lady Tan&’s Circle of Women is a triumphant reimagining of the life of one person who was remarkable in the Ming dynasty and would be considered remarkable today.

Unternehmenskommunikation neu gestalten: Corporate Communication fit machen für eine zeitgemäße Ausrichtung – mit Self-Assessment, Checklisten und Templates

by Uwe Seebacher

Das Buch macht deutlich, warum eine Neugestaltung der Unternehmenskommunikation erforderlich ist und bietet zugleich praktikable Konzepte und Leitfäden für die Umsetzung.Die Kommunikationsabteilungen haben die Möglichkeiten der Digitalisierung, Virtualisierung und Künstlichen Intelligenz bislang viel zu wenig genutzt. Zudem leiden Unternehmen – wie auch Politik und öffentliche Institutionen – unter einem Glaubwürdigkeitsverlust in der Gesellschaft. Um Krisen aktiv vorzubeugen, müssen Unternehmen in der Lage sein, Vertrauen und Glaubwürdigkeit aufzubauen. Das erfordert ein völlig neues Interaktionssystem, das agil, datengetrieben, vorausschauend, schnell und interaktiv statt nur kommunikativ und reaktiv ist.Dafür muss eine zeitgemäße, datenbasierte 24/7 All-2-All (A2A) Interaktionsstruktur aufgebaut, Prozesse optimiert, wiederkehrende Aufgaben automatisiert sowie aktuelle Konzepte und Technologien für die Interaktion genutzt werden. Damit lassen sich Kosteneinsparungen,verkürzte Bearbeitungszeiten, Steigerung der Effizienz und Effektivität des Interaktionsprozesses und eine verbesserte Markenaktivierungen erreichen aber auch kommunikative Risiken minimieren und Shitstorms vermeiden. Am Ende steht ein nachweisbarer Beitrag zu den Unternehmensergebnissen.Das Buch bietet ein Prozessmodell zur Transformation der Unternehmenskommunikation als Leitfaden für die Transformation. Ein Self-Assessment-Tool ermöglicht die aktuelle Standortbestimmung und ist damit der Ausgangspunkt für die Optimierung. Abgerundet wird der Inhalt durch eine CommTechStack-Empfehlung.Aus dem InhaltTheoretische und methodische GrundlagenVon der Unternehmenskommunikation zur UnternehmensinteraktionSo sieht die neue Welt der Unternehmenskommunikation ausDas Prozessmodell zur Transformation der UnternehmenskommunikationDas Self-Assessment als Standort-BestimmungDer InTechStack für vorausschauende A2A-UnternehmensinteraktionLeserstimmen„Dieses Buch ist ein wichtiger Meilenstein für die Neuausrichtung und Neubewertung der Unternehmenskommunikation im industriellen Sektor. Die Welt der Kommunikation verändert sich rasant, und die Entwicklung von traditionellen, starren Kommunikationsprozessen hin zu einer dynamischen Interaktion, die neues Wissen schnell aufnimmt und antizipiert, ist eine große Herausforderung für Marketer. Das Buch bietet sowohl eine valide Ableitung der Notwendigkeit dieses Veränderungsprozesses aus wissenschaftlicher Sicht, als auch Unterstützung für die Praxis mit vielen Handlungsanweisungen, Tipps und Vorlagen zur Do-it-yourself-Anwendung und Umsetzung.“Tanja Auernhamer , Leiterin der Unternehmenskommunikation & Pressesprecherin, Bundesverband Industrielle Kommunikation e.V. (bvik)„Dies ist ein wunderbarer 'Leitfaden', um die Unternehmenskommunikation neu zu beleben, zu überdenken und den ständig wachsenden inhaltlichen und zielgruppenspezifischen Herausforderungen zu begegnen. Der Handlungsbedarf wird vor dem Hintergrund der historischen Entwicklung und der wachsenden Bedeutung der Unternehmenskommunikation leicht verständlich beschrieben. Viele neue Begriffe werden klar hergeleitet und erläutert. Wer ein wenig in der Materie ist, wird sich schnell zurechtfinden und kann mit den mitgelieferten Vorlagen direkt in die Umsetzung gehen.“Sönke Caro, Leiter Direktkommunikation, Verkaufsförderung & Kundenzufriedenheit, STILL GmbH

How Would You Like Your Mammoth?: 12,000 Years Of Culinary History In 50 Bite-size Essays

by Uta Seeburg

A culinary romp through 50 dishes that define human history—from prehistoric roasted mammoth to space-age dehydrated soup Did you know that ancient Egyptians mummified beef ribs for their dearly departed to enjoy in the afterlife? That Roman gladiators were relegated to a vegan diet of grains and beans? That the fast-food hamburger was a result of a postwar, high-efficiency work ethic? This snackable collection of essays is a chronological journey through the culinary history of humankind, packed to the brim with juicy tidbits. With author Uta Seeburg as your guide, you’ll learn how certain dishes serve as windows into broader historical trends and the cultural values of the people who first invented them. As you read, you’ll discover why: Nomads in ancient Syria were deadly serious about hospitality A 16th-century cookbook author argued that beavers should be considered fish Roasted swan was the centerpiece of choice in 1650s high society—despite tasting awful A Portuguese princess was responsible for popularizing tea in England A king had to order his subjects to eat potatoes . . . and much more. Foodies and history buffs alike will savor every amusing yet educational historical snapshot, from how a bureaucratic society fixated on record-keeping brought us one of the oldest recorded recipes (lamb stew with barley and onions) to how modern-day chefs are turning invasive species into haute cuisine. How Would You Like Your Mammoth? is a fascinating look at how the food we eat defines us—and always has.

Shaping Tomorrow's World: A Twentieth-Century History of West German, Cold War, and Global Futures Studies

by Elke Seefried

Shaping Tomorrow’s World tells the crucial story of how futures studies developed in West Germany, Europe, the US and within global futures networks from the 1940s to the 1980s. It charts the emergence of different approaches and thought styles within the field ranging from Cold War defense intellectuals such as Herman Kahn to critical peace activists like Robert Jungk. Engaging with the challenges of the looming nuclear war, the changing phases of the Cold War, ‘1968’, and the growing importance of both the Global South and environmentalism, this book argues that futures scholars actively contributed to these processes of change. This multiple award-winning study combines national and transnational perspectives to present a unique history of envisioning, forecasting, and shaping the future.

Map Men: Transnational Lives and Deaths of Geographers in the Making of East Central Europe

by Steven Seegel

More than just colorful clickbait or pragmatic city grids, maps are often deeply emotional tales: of political projects gone wrong, budding relationships that failed, and countries that vanished. In Map Men, Steven Seegel takes us through some of these historical dramas with a detailed look at the maps that made and unmade the world of East Central Europe through a long continuum of world war and revolution. As a collective biography of five prominent geographers between 1870 and 1950—Albrecht Penck, Eugeniusz Romer, Stepan Rudnyts’kyi, Isaiah Bowman, and Count Pál Teleki—Map Men reexamines the deep emotions, textures of friendship, and multigenerational sagas behind these influential maps. Taking us deep into cartographical archives, Seegel re-creates the public and private worlds of these five mapmakers, who interacted with and influenced one another even as they played key roles in defining and redefining borders, territories, nations­—and, ultimately, the interconnection of the world through two world wars. Throughout, he examines the transnational nature of these processes and addresses weighty questions about the causes and consequences of the world wars, the rise of Nazism and Stalinism, and the reasons East Central Europe became the fault line of these world-changing developments. At a time when East Central Europe has surged back into geopolitical consciousness, Map Men offers a timely and important look at the historical origins of how the region was defined—and the key people who helped define it.

Masters of the Universe: Forge of Destiny

by Tim Seeley

The unseen adventures of Prince Adam&’s first year as He-Man!On the world of Eternia, a fragile balance exists between science and magic, a balance kept by the universe&’s mightiest hero, He-Man, secretly Prince Adam, heir to the throne! Still inexperienced at saving the world, Adam and his companions travel to the mysterious nation of Anwat Gar, and uncover a plot by the evil Skeletor to seize control of the advanced technology that powers the island city!Collecting Masters of the Universe: Forge of Destiny #1–#4, magic, mystery, and adventure await in this exciting prequel to the hit Netflix series!

Animals I Want To See: A Memoir of Growing Up in the Projects and Defying the Odds

by Tom Seeman

A lyrical coming-of-age story set in the projects of Toledo, Ohio, Animals I Want To See explores themes of identity, ambition, religion, and friendship—often across racial and social lines—as it spotlights a family of fourteen and tracks a boy&’s journey from a child janitor with big dreams to a teenage petty criminal to a student at Yale and Harvard.&“A terrific and moving memoir about dreaming big and making great things happen.&” —President Bill Clinton &“Read it and be inspired.&” —Deepak Chopra, New York Times bestselling author On Bronson Street, in the projects of Toledo, Ohio, in a crowded house occupied by a family of fourteen, Tom Seeman starts a very important list. Just as the trash-strewn field in his backyard is home to a treasure-trove of wild animals, Tom&’s list, &“Animals I Want To See One Day,&” is home to dreams of adventure in places far away from the downtrodden neighborhood where he lives. But for all its hardship and crime, Bronson Street is also something of a mythical street, populated by unforgettable people who share food, protect each other, and give surprising gifts of beauty and merriment, proving that the bonds of community and friendship (often across racial and social lines) can bridge any divide and transcend what many of us are taught to believe about each other. A luminous coming-of-age memoir that shimmers with countless marvels, Animals I Want To See tracks Tom Seeman&’s journey from a child janitor with big ambitions to a teenage petty criminal to a student at Yale and Harvard. At once a meditation on finding wonder in unlikely places, an ode to a heroic mother who makes the seemingly impossible possible, and an exploration of what it means to create our own identities, this is a heartwarming, thought-provoking, ultimately uplifting book for all readers.

Superheroes in the Streets: Muslim Women Activists and Protest in the Digital Age (Race, Rhetoric, and Media Series)

by Kimberly Wedeven Segall

The icon of the female protester and her alter-ego, the female superhero, fills screens in the news, in theaters, and in digital spaces. The female protester who is Muslim, though, has been subject to a legacy of discrimination. Superheroes in the Streets: Muslim Women Activists and Protest in the Digital Age follows the stories of both famous and grassroots Muslim female protestors, bringing careful attention to protest modes and online national icons.US Muslim women have long navigated public and digital spaces aware of the complex and nuanced histories that trail them. Given the pervasive influence of mainstream feminism, Muslim women activists are often made out to be damsels in distress. Even when mass media turns its attention to the activism of Muslim women, persistence of these false narratives demeans their culture and hypersexualizes their bodies.Following the stories of US Muslim women activists, author Kimberly Wedeven Segall shows how they have been reinventing the streets and remaking racialized codifications. Segall highlights their creativity in crafting protest media of posters, rap rally songs, and digital images of superheroes, carving public spaces into inclusive and digital territories. Each chapter teases apart the complexities of public banners and digital activism.

The Akron Anthology (Belt City Anthologies)

by Jason Segedy Joanna Richards David Giffels

A part of Belt's City Anthology Series, this collection explores Akron, Ohio's past and what may happen there in the future. A portrait of the "city's rich, mysterious, odd-leaning inner life." Between 1910

Phacodynamics: Mastering the Tools and Techniques of Phacoemulsification Surgery

by Barry S. Seibel

What surgical advancements have spawned from the evolution of phaco technology? Join the thousands of surgeons who have utilized Phacodynamics: Mastering the Tools and Techniques of Phacoemulsification Surgery to understand and benefit from the advantages of phaco technology. The revised, expanded, and updated Fourth Edition of this classic text includes over 300 simple, yet elegant, figures and illustrations detailing the latest machine technologies and surgical techniques. Visual learners…In addition to examining the intricate relationship between the surgeon and the phaco machine, Dr. Barry Seibel profiles how the most recent advancements in machine technology can enhance your surgical procedures and optimize your results. With schematic figures and illustrations to accompany the detailed descriptions, surgeons can readily identify and distinguish between various flow pumps, vacuum pumps, and ultrasound power modulations. Surgery can then be customized moment by moment for each individual patient to maximize safety and efficacy.Phacodynamics, Fourth Edition utilizes a simplified approach to explain all the latest advancements in phaco technology and surgery and should be in the hands of all surgeons practicing in this specialized area.New topics included that are unique to this Fourth Edition:Bimanual Microincision Phaco Ultrasound Power Modulations including Burst and Pulse Modes AquaLase and Laser Surgical Technologies Expanded Horizontal Chopping Techniques including PreChop Vertical Chopping Techniques and Instrumentation Bimanual Irrigation and Aspiration Phacodynamic Complications Phacodynamics of Surgical Instrument Design

Stabilität auf schwankendem Boden - Reifer Umgang mit den Unsicherheiten unserer Zeit

by Christoph Seidenfus Ute Hagehülsmann Rolf Balling

Die gegenwärtigen Krisen, Bedrohungen und Unsicherheiten verursachen einen Dauerstress, der die menschliche Lebensqualität, Gesundheit und personale Problemlösungs-Kompetenz immer mehr reduziert. In diesem Buch geht es darum zu diskutieren und aufzuzeigen, welche Sichtweisen/Ansätze hilfreich sein können, um Resilienz zu entwickeln, die erwachsene Problemlösungskompetenz zu erhöhen, (z.B. im Verständnis der Transaktionsanalyse) und gleichzeitig eine hohe Lebensqualität zu gewinnen - und dies auf den Ebenen von Person, Beziehung/Gruppe und Gesellschaft.

CompTIA Security+ Practice Tests: Exam SY0-701 (Sybex Study Guide Ser.)

by David Seidl

Prepare for the Security+ certification exam confidently and quickly CompTIA Security+ Practice Tests: Exam SY0-701, Third Edition, prepares you for the newly updated CompTIA Security+ exam. You'll focus on challenging areas and get ready to ace the exam and earn your Security+ certification. This essential collection of practice tests contains study questions covering every single objective domain included on the SY0-701. Comprehensive coverage of every essential exam topic guarantees that you'll know what to expect on exam day, minimize test anxiety, and maximize your chances of success. You'll find 1000 practice questions on topics like general security concepts, threats, vulnerabilities, mitigations, security architecture, security operations, and security program oversight. You'll also find: Complimentary access to the Sybex test bank and interactive learning environment Clear and accurate answers, complete with explanations and discussions of exam objectives Material that integrates with the CompTIA Security+ Study Guide: Exam SY0-701, Ninth Edition The questions contained in CompTIA Security+ Practice Tests increase comprehension, strengthen your retention, and measure overall knowledge. It's an indispensable part of any complete study plan for Security+ certification. And save 10% when you purchase your CompTIA exam voucher with our exclusive WILEY10 coupon code.

The Afghans: Three lives through war, love and revolt - from the bestselling author of The Bookseller of Kabul

by Åsne Seierstad

'Åsne Seierstad is the supreme non-fiction writer of her generation' Luke Harding'No other recent book on the subject comes close' CPW Gammell, author of The Pearl of KhorasanIn her international bestseller The Bookseller of Kabul, award-winning journalist Åsne Seierstad studied life in Afghanistan before and after the fall of the Taliban regime in 2001. Now twenty years later, the Taliban is back in power, and Seierstad returns with The Afghans, a book to help us understand Afghanistan's past, present and future, told through the lives of three unforgettable people. In her compelling, intimate and thought-provoking new book, Seierstad introduces us to three people whose lives have been shaped by the fall and rise of the Taliban - Jamila, Bashir and Ariana - as well their families, friends, foes and co-fighters. Jamila is a women's rights activist; Bashir is a Taliban commander; Ariana is a law student who had one semester left when the Taliban came to power. The stories of these three Afghans encompass love, loss, revolt and war as well as the everyday rhythms of family life. Through them, we experience and come to understand the lead-up to the Taliban retaking power in 2021, how the first year of Taliban rule unfolded, and where this leaves Afghans today, and tomorrow.Praise for Åsne Seierstad:'An intimate portrait of Afghani people quite unlike any other' Sunday Times on The Bookseller of Kabul'Has the feel of a non-fiction novel - irresistible' New York Times on One of Us'Hauntingly written, this book is both a masterpiece and a masterclass in investigative journalism' Christina Lamb on Two Sisters'Meticulously documented, full of drama' Kate Adie on Two Sisters

Simplicity at Home: Japanese Rituals, Recipes, and Arrangements for Thoughtful Living

by Yumiko Sekine

A gorgeous guide to creating a beautiful, comfortable home based on Japanese traditions from the founder of the beloved lifestyle brand Fog Linen Work.For anyone who dreams of a home filled with well-organized closets, eye-catching flower arrangements, perfectly draped blankets, and thoughtfully curated shelves, here is a guide to cultivating an elegant home.Yumiko Sekine, founder of the internationally celebrated lifestyle brand Fog Linen Work, shares lovely rituals and simple techniques based on Japanese traditions, including practices for decorating, organizing, preparing food, and more. From the kitchen to the bedroom and every space in between, here are tips for refreshing a home each season—arranging and displaying fresh flowers in spring, choosing the right sheets and linens for summer, taking warm herbal baths in autumn, and draping blankets and layering rugs to cozy up a space for winter. Brimming with easy-to-follow tips for elevating any space and packed with hundreds of photographs showcasing gorgeous interiors, this book is an invitation to create a home that nourishes, rejuvenates, and inspires—all year long.• CELEBRATED AUTHOR: Yumiko Sekine is the founder of Fog Linen Work, a Japanese home goods brand sold throughout the world and beloved by home cooks, interior decorators, and design enthusiasts. Her products are known for their simplicity, beauty, and ability to elevate any space. In this book, Sekine distills all her secrets to creating a home that exudes simple elegance.• ORGANIZATION MADE EASY: This book gives readers easy, elegant ways to declutter their homes and organize their belongings, whether they live in an apartment or house, and includes simple tips for tidying and curating objects to bring order and simplicity to every room.• JAPANESE TRADITIONS: Yumiko presents Japanese traditions for preparing food, arranging flowers, entertaining, organizing, and more. The combination of ancient practices and modern techniques makes this the perfect companion for anyone curious about Japanese culture and aesthetics.• GIFT WORTHY: Presented in a linen-wrapped case and brimming with hundreds of gorgeous photographs and inspired advice for every home, this book is a perfect addition to any bookshelf and a lovely gift for new homeowners, newlyweds, and fans of organization and interior design.Perfect for:• Interior designers, minimalists, and fans of sustainability• People who are into organizing their space• Fans of Fog Linen Work

Interpreting The Mmpi-3

by Martin Sellbom Yossef S. Ben-Porath

An essential guide to detailed and accurate interpretation of the MMPI-3 The MMPI-3 builds on the history and strengths of the MMPI instruments to provide an empirically validated, psychometrically up-to-date standard for psychological assessment. Updating and expanding the information found in MMPI-3 test manuals, Interpreting the MMPI-3 is an indispensable resource for practicing clinicians and a vital textbook for graduate psychological assessment courses that use and study this singular psychological instrument. Yossef S. Ben-Porath, coauthor of the MMPI-3, and Martin Sellbom, a leading expert on the MMPI instruments, provide detailed descriptions and interpretive recommendations for test scales, along with illustrative cases from a wide variety of settings, including forensic (criminal and civil), medical, and personnel screening. This core interpretive content places the MMPI-3 at the forefront of contemporary psychological assessment, while also providing important background on older versions of the test. This volume includes an in-depth look at the test’s history, development, administration, and interpretation, and it also addresses diversity-sensitive assessment with the test. A comprehensive guide for clinicians, researchers, and students, this book sets the standard for interpretation of and instruction on the MMPI-3. A book-based exam offering Continuing Education (CE) credit is available for this publication. Visit for more information.

You Never Know: A Memoir

by Tom Selleck

My Vanishing Country: A Memoir

by Bakari Sellers

New York Times BestsellerWhat J. D. Vance did for Appalachia with Hillbilly Elegy, CNN analyst and one of the youngest state representatives in South Carolina history Bakari Sellers does for the rural South, in this important book that illuminates the lives of America’s forgotten black working-class men and women.Part memoir, part historical and cultural analysis, My Vanishing Country is an eye-opening journey through the South's past, present, and future.Anchored in in Bakari Seller’s hometown of Denmark, South Carolina, Country illuminates the pride and pain that continues to fertilize the soil of one of the poorest states in the nation. He traces his father’s rise to become, friend of Stokely Carmichael and Martin Luther King, a civil rights hero, and member of the Student Non-Violent Coordinating Committee (SNCC) , to explore the plight of the South's dwindling rural, black working class—many of whom can trace their ancestry back for seven generations.In his poetic personal history, we are awakened to the crisis affecting the other “Forgotten Men & Women,” who the media seldom acknowledges. For Sellers, these are his family members, neighbors, and friends. He humanizes the struggles that shape their lives: to gain access to healthcare as rural hospitals disappear; to make ends meet as the factories they have relied on shut down and move overseas; to hold on to precious traditions as their towns erode; to forge a path forward without succumbing to despair. My Vanishing Country is also a love letter to fatherhood—to Sellers' father, his lodestar, whose life lessons have shaped him, and to his newborn twins, who he hopes will embrace the Sellers family name and honor its legacy.

Winged Sabres: One of the RFC's Most Decorated Squadrons (The\national Archives Ser.)

by Robert A. Sellwood

Winged Sabres is the story of a RFC & RAF squadron flying the cumbersome FE2 from February 1916 to September 1917, and then the superlative Bristol Fighter: a two-seater fighter-reconnaissance squadron with an astonishingly high success rate.20 Squadron was possibly the highest scoring squadron of the war and one of the most highly decorated, claiming over 600 combat victories with well over 400 confirmed in RFC & RAF Communiqus. Its members won seventy gallantry decorations including a posthumous Victoria Cross, and included fliers from the U.K. and around the world. Over 40 became aces, including the American Iaccaci brothers and some Canadians and others. But with a casualty rate of around 50% including killed, wounded and POW they paid a high price.Over 15 years research has gone into this book, covering a seldom-explored aspect of WW1 in the air: the two-seater fighter-reconnaissance squadrons. 20 Squadrons motto was Facta Non Verba Deeds Not Words!

Dawn at Mineral King Valley: The Sierra Club, the Disney Company, and the Rise of Environmental Law

by Daniel P. Selmi

The story behind the historic Mineral King Valley case, which reveals how the Sierra Club battled Disney’s ski resort development and launched a new environmental era in America. In our current age of climate change–induced panic, it’s hard to imagine a time when private groups were not actively enforcing environmental protection laws in the courts. It wasn’t until 1972, however, that a David and Goliath–esque Supreme Court showdown involving the Sierra Club and Disney set a revolutionary legal precedent for the era of environmental activism we live in today. Set against the backdrop of the environmental movement that swept the country in the late 1960s and early 1970s, Dawn at Mineral King Valley tells the surprising story of how the US Forest Service, the Disney company, and the Sierra Club each struggled to adapt to the new, rapidly changing political landscape of environmental consciousness in postwar America. Proposed in 1965 and approved by the federal government in 1969, Disney’s vast development plan would have irreversibly altered the practically untouched Mineral King Valley, a magnificently beautiful alpine area in the Sierra Nevada mountains. At first, the plan met with unanimous approval from elected officials, government administrators, and the press—it seemed inevitable that this expanse of wild natural land would be radically changed and turned over to a private corporation. Then the scrappy Sierra Club forcefully pushed back with a lawsuit that ultimately propelled the modern environmental era by allowing interest groups to bring litigation against environmentally destructive projects. An expert on environmental law and appellate advocacy, Daniel P. Selmi uses his authoritative narrative voice to recount the complete history of this revolutionary legal battle and the ramifications that continue today, almost 50 years later.

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