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The Easy Way to Learn Astrology: How to Read Your Birth Chart

by Alison Chester-Lambert

• Explains key astrological terms and concepts in an uncomplicated and easy-to-understand way, from the 4 Elements to the 12 Zodiac Signs to the Houses• Shows how to read a birth chart step-by-step with the methods of psychological astrology, allowing you to quickly identify personality traits• Includes sample charts and interpretations to help you get startedLearning to read a birth chart—to understand the patterns and interactions of the planets at the moment we were born—can be daunting, especially when studying astrology through traditional systems.Presenting a simple way to learn astrology, professional astrologer and astropsychologist Alison Chester-Lambert breaks down the complexities of a birth chart into easy-to-understand pieces, revealing how to quickly decode a person&’s strengths, weaknesses, challenges, and opportunities with psychological astrology. Simply noting the Masculine–Feminine balance of Zodiac Signs in a chart can already reveal much about a person. Focusing on Zodiac Signs and Houses, Alison explains how to interpret the Ascendant, or Rising Sign, in a birth chart as well as the meaning of each House and which Element it is ruled by. In addition, with each of the four Elements of Fire, Earth, Air, and Water ruling over specific Zodiac Signs, we can get insight into individual personality traits based on the Elements present in a birth chart. Personality keywords for each Element help shed light on the motivation behind a person&’s actions and choices.With psychological astrology not only revealing the spiritual structure of the Cosmos but also the intricacies of human behavior, this guide will enable you to begin reading charts right away.

Runas nórdicas: Interpretación del antiguo oráculo vikingo

by Paul Rhys Mountfort

• Revela el simbolismo y el significado adivinatorio de los 24 &“pentagramas&” rúnicos • Proporciona instrucciones claras sobre cómo fabricar tus propias piedras rúnicas • Explica el papel de las runas en la tradición de la sabiduría nórdica y su influencia en obras como El señor de los anillos de Tolkien Las runas nórdicas son un sistema mágico potente y profundamente transformador que brinda a los lectores contemporáneos acceso a la antigua tradición de las culturas del norte de Europa. Las runas tienen profundas resonancias dentro del mundo nórdico pagano, de diosas y dioses, gigantes, enanos, guerreros y magos, que han influido mucho en el trabajo de J. R. R. Tolkien, entre otros. La tradición nórdica atribuye el descubrimiento de las runas al &“padre de todo&”, Odín, un dios de la inspiración y la sabiduría secreta, además de prototipo mítico de los magos rúnicos, quienes establecieron el patrón para obtener su conocimiento.Runas nórdicas aborda tres áreas principales: su tradición, la historia de este oráculo nórdico de 2.000 años de antigüedad; sus pentagramas, el significado de cada runa del antiguo alfabeto futhark y sus poderosas lecciones mitológicas, mágicas y prácticas para la vida diaria; y su tirada, una guía completa para la aplicación oracular de las antiguas runas, incluida su elaboración, adivinación y autodesarrollo. Como muestra este libro, las runas, más que reflejar el camino del destino, ayudan a desarrollar y mejorar nuestra intuición. Mientras aprende a lanzar e interpretar las runas, el lector se volverá receptivo a las corrientes de energía en la realidad material y se fortalecerá en las artes de su transformación.

TDAH: Un cazador en un mundo de agricultores

by Thom Hartmann

• Explica que las personas con TDAH no tienen trastornos, sino que son &“cazadores en un mundo de agricultores&”; es decir, poseen un conjunto de habilidades mentales únicas que les habrían permitido prosperar en una sociedad de cazadores-recolectores • Ofrece métodos y prácticas concretas y sin fármacos para ayudar a los &“cazadores&”, y a sus padres, maestros y administradores, a aceptar sus diferencias, fomentar la creatividad y encontrar el éxito en la escuela, el trabajo y el hogar • Revela cómo algunas de las personas más exitosas del mundo pueden ser etiquetadas como cazadores con TDAH, incluidos Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Edison y Andrew CarnegieCon un 10% de los niños del mundo occidental que muestra indicios de tener trastorno por déficit de atención con hiperactividad, o TDAH, y un número creciente de adultos autodiagnosticándose, después de décadas de lucha, debemos plantear la pregunta: ¿cómo pudo cometer tal &“error&” la naturaleza? En este libro, Thom Hartmann explica que las personas con TDAH no son anormales, desordenadas o disfuncionales, sino simplemente &“cazadores en un mundo de agricultores&”. A menudo muy creativos y resueltos en la búsqueda de un objetivo elegido por ellos mismos, las personas con síntomas de TDAH poseen un conjunto de habilidades mentales únicas, las cuales les habrían permitido prosperar en una sociedad de cazadores-recolectores. Como cazadores, habrían estado constantemente escaneando su entorno, buscando comida o amenazas (distracción); habrían tenido que actuar sin vacilación (impulsividad) y amado el entorno de alta estimulación y lleno de riesgos del campo de caza. Con nuestras escuelas públicas, lugares de trabajo de oficina y fábricas estructuradas, aquellos que heredan un excedente de &“habilidades de cazador&” a menudo se sienten frustrados en un mundo que no los comprende ni los apoya. Como muestra Hartmann, al reformular nuestra visión del TDAH, podemos comenzar a verlo no como un trastorno, sino como una diferencia y, en cierto modo, una ventaja. El autor revela cómo algunas de las personas más exitosas del mundo pueden ser etiquetadas como cazadores de TDAH, aparte de proporcionar prácticas y métodos concretos, sin fármacos, para ayudar a los cazadores, y a sus padres, maestros y gerentes, a aceptar sus diferencias, fomentar la creatividad y encontrar el éxito en la escuela, en el trabajo y en casa. Además de ofrecer una guía de &“supervivencia&” para ayudar a afinar sus habilidades naturales, en lugar de suprimirlas, Hartmann muestra que cada mente, ya sea cazadora, agricultora o en algún punto intermedia, tiene valor y un gran potencial a la espera de ser aprovechado.


by Eric Goodman

A star rookie pitcher is making a statement in his first major league season—but will the secret he&’s been keeping derail everything he&’s been working toward?&“Eric Goodman&’s Curveball dwells in its details in the most fascinating way—and it reaches far beyond its baseball setting to become a first-rate intergenerational drama as well as a delightful read.&” —T.C. Boyle Jess Singer, pitching prodigy and son of the infamous Jewish Joe Singer—who starred on the mound for the same MLB team twenty-five years earlier—is blessed with a plus-plus curveball, possesses immense athletic abilities, and is on the fast-track to stardom. But he&’s harboring perhaps the most potent secret a professional athlete can possess: his sexual preference. In this briskly paced, highly entertaining novel following three generations of Singers during Jess&’s first year in The Show, Eric Goodman imagines what life might be like for a gay baseball player. Will Jess live in a confined closet or do what no baseball player has done yet? Goodman charts Jess&’s path with tremendous sensitivity and grace, while detailing a season as riveting as watching your favorite underdog take their shot at the golden ring. Written with Goodman&’s usual flair, humor, and zing—not to mention his deep knowledge and love of baseball—Curveball is a feel-good love story in which virtue and a wicked curve triumph over considerable adversity. &“Fast and fun, Curveball, like its predecessor, In Days of Awe, is the best kind of sports story—gripping, poetic, and down-to-the wire. Even the non-fan will get swept away. This isn&’t just a story about’s about family and secrets and love, and about what&’s passed on from one generation to the next. I don&’t know anyone who writes about baseball like Eric Goodman. He&’s got the savvy of an old pro, and the velocity of a young prospect.&” —Rajiv Joseph

The Bomb Doctor: A Scientist's Story of Bombers, Beakers, and Bloodhounds

by Kirk Yeager Selene Yeager

A rare peek behind the curtain into boots-on-the-ground, in-the-lab scientific bomb forensics—told with humanity, heart, and even a bit of humor.This is not CSI. What you encounter as a true bomb detective—or &“Bomb Doctor,&” as some in the FBI call me—are fields of twisted metal containing soot-covered fragments intermingled with human remains. You have carnage and chaos. As you wade into that sea of wailing sirens and screaming survivors awash with the stench of diesel fuel and decaying bodies, your job is to ferret out forensic clues in a type of macabre scavenger hunt to ultimately reconstruct the scene and the explosive device and determine what happened and what the bomb looked like before it was torn asunder. None of this happens overnight. Nor does it happen in a timeframe that can be neatly packaged in an hour-long made-for-TV drama. The scavenger hunt can take months—or, in the case of the infamous Collar Bomber, seven painstaking years. The work is worth every second and every horrific image that etches itself into your brain because it helps prevent new horrors. Not all, obviously. We are not superheroes. But unlike shooters, who often just &“snap&” or seem to act out in random ways, bombers almost always have a story—one that follows an arc. In The Bomb Doctor, my goal is to explain that arc, explode myths, reconstruct reality, and build an understanding of the reason and means behind the mayhem, as well as pull back the curtain on the investigative process that brings bombers to justice.

American Doom Loop: Dispatches from a Troubled Nation, 1980s–2020s

by Dale Maharidge

Much of the contemporary crazy can be traced to the 1980s—America of the 2020s is living with the cultural shapeshifting rooted in that decade.Americans lived in a different reality in 1980: Vermont was the only state that let residents carry a concealed firearm without a permit. Twenty-four states now allow this—and numerous other gun laws have fallen by the wayside. When police were accused of wrongdoing, the default answer from society&’s arbiters—courts, politicians, newspaper editors—was: &“The police wouldn&’t lie.&” Editors steered clear of stories about rape and sexual violence. The word &“homeless&” wasn&’t in common use. The fabric of the middle class had not yet begun fraying. America of the 2020s is living with cultural shapeshifting rooted in the 1980s. History, of course, is not a snapshot—it&’s a film. To understand the United States today, we have to know the 1980s. American Doom Loop chronicles the first part of that moving picture, then brings the story forward. As a newspaper journalist, Dale Maharidge had a front-row seat to this decade, immersed in disparate worlds. He was in the Philippines during the last days of Dictator Ferdinand Marcos, witnessing the US lose a critical piece of its empire dating to the Spanish–American War; he traveled to Central America where the East-West conflict was playing out by proxy; he smuggled a Salvadoran family marked by death squads, driving them through trackless desert to the US border; he embedded with a group that was a precursor to the Oath Keepers; and he investigated police, who kept trying to get him fired. Through it all, Maharidge gained an invaluable view of a complicated decade that offers insight into our society today.

Time to Thank: Caregiving for My Hero

by Steve Guttenberg

After his father—the hero and strength of the family—is diagnosed with kidney failure, actor Steve Guttenberg dedicates himself to becoming a caregiver and reflects on their life together, from childhood through his Hollywood career, in his father&’s final years.Since moving to Hollywood at age seventeen, Steve Guttenberg has delighted and moved audiences with his film and television work. But when his father is diagnosed with kidney failure, Steve has to step into a new and wholly unexpected role: caretaker. In Time to Thank, Steve tracks his weekly road trips from Los Angeles to Arizona to care for his father and the ways in which his time on the road affords him the perspective to reflect on his life.Through the prism of his relationship with his father, Steve recounts his early life in Queens and Long Island; his early career as a rising Hollywood star, trying to find his way with the encouragement of his parents; and the painful and moving work of helping care for an ailing family member at the end of their life. From glamorous Hollywood parties and film sets around the world to the daily process of dialysis in suburban Phoenix, Steve offers his wit, empathy, and signature charm.This is a book for movie fans, road trip junkies, and anyone who finds themselves doing the hard work of caring for an aging loved one. Steve Guttenberg serves as a uniquely perceptive guide through all these phases of life, with a story that is certain to touch readers and make sure they know that they&’re not alone.

The Secret of Directional Investing: Making Money Amidst the Red-Blue Rumble

by James P. Pinkerton

To know the trend, spot the trend, or shape the trend is to make money.The trend is your friend—investors know that. But the biggest money comes from the biggest events. The more delta, the more alpha.In that spirit, The Secret of Directional Investing offers a new way of thinking about investing, steeped in culture and history. Focusing on megatrends, this book points out ways to profit from an understanding of two kinds of trends: those that can be spotted, and those that can be shaped. There&’s money in both. The Romans weren&’t kidding when they said, Audentes Fortuna luvat—Fortune favors the bold. The Secret of Directional Investing is a bold look at investments and potential investments.

Human Development, Relationships, and Sexual Health to accompany Essential Health Skills for High School

by Catherine A. Sanderson Mark Zelman

This supplement to Essential Health Skills for High School covers human development, puberty, reproduction, healthy relationships, and violence. In addition, information is presented about pregnancy prevention and sexuality, including gender identity and sexual orientation. Content is objective, factual, and age appropriate—and aligns to the National Sexuality Education Standards for grades 9 through 12.

Human Development and Relationships to accompany Essential Health Skills for High School

by Catherine A. Sanderson Mark Zelman

This supplement to Essential Health Skills for High School covers human development, puberty, reproduction, healthy relationships, and violence. Content is objective, factual, and age appropriate—and aligns to the National Sexuality Education Standards for grades 9 through 12.

Human Development and Relationships to accompany Essential Health Skills for Middle School

by Catherine A. Sanderson Mark Zelman

This supplement to Essential Health Skills for Middle School covers human development, puberty, reproduction, healthy relationships, and violence. Content is objective, factual, and age appropriate.

Essential Health Skills for High School

by Catherine A. Sanderson Mark Zelman

Essentail Health Skills for High School is a complete educational package for teaching skills-based health education. Topics include COVID-19, vaping, opioid addiction, body positivity and compassion, mindfulness, and online communication and safety. Content and skills align to the National Health Education Standards.

Comprehensive Health Skills for High School

by Catherine A. Sanderson Mark Zelman

Introduction to Anatomy and Physiology covers all body systems using a student-friendly writing style that makes complex subjects easier to understand. Written specifically for the high school market, the chapters in this textbook are divided into lessons, providing content in a manageable format for the student. Each lesson is further divided into subtopics, with questions at the end of each subtopic to help students gauge their understanding of the material. Clinical case studies and real-world applications enhance student interest and involvement. An outstanding illustration program includes anatomically exact drawings with great use of color, simplified labeling, and teaching captions. Strong pedagogy includes study aids, such as learning objectives, lesson summaries, and extensive assessment opportunities increase students’ ability to succeed in this challenging course. This edition has been updated to include content on the impact of COVID-19, artificial tissues, muscle disorders, the sense of touch, and Rh factor to the universal donor and universal recipient definitions.

Oklahoma Math: Grade 5, Volume 2

by Ron Larson Nick Lopez India White

NIMAC-sourced textbook

Oklahoma Math, Grade 4, Volume 2

by Ron Larson Nick Lopez India White

NIMAC-sourced textbook

Oklahoma Math: Grade 6

by Ron Larson Nick Lopez

NIMAC-sourced textbook

Oklahoma Math, Grade 5, Volume 1

by Ron Larson Nick Lopez India White

NIMAC-sourced textbook

Oklahoma Math: Grade 4, Volume 1

by Ron Larson Nick Lopez India White

NIMAC-sourced textbook

Structured Discovery Cane Travel Approach to Orientation and Mobility Concepts

by Merry-Noel Chamberlain

Structured Discovery Cane Travel Approach to Orientation and Mobility Concepts is a collection of skill-building fundamental techniques essential to develop mobility independence for students who are blind or visually impaired. This book dives into transformational mobility concepts followed by a trove of tried-and-true necessary and efficient activities to enhance students’ abilities to improve problem-solving skills within natural environments while using a long white cane with a metal tip as the primary mobility tool. Since Structured Discovery Cane Travel is individualized, this activity-based collection may be used to enhance introduction to and/or assistance with on-going education of comprehending complicated concrete and abstract Orientation and Mobility concepts to help achieve independent mobility. Structured Discovery Cane Travel Approach to Orientation and Mobility Concepts focuses on encouraging students to develop intrinsic knowledge and abilities through this plethora of activity-based transformational approaches to target individual objectives. These activities logically transpire through direct exposure and/or teachable moments to hand-on experiences to help students create mental mapping skills of their surroundings which can then be utilized in novel or unfamiliar environments. Used in conjunction with The ABCs of Structured Discovery Cane Travel for Children, by Merry-Noel Chamberlain, parents and instructors of children who are blind or visually impaired will be able to comprehend and instruct O&M essentials using this vault of O&M activities.

Winning Begins at Home: A Strategy to Win beyond Work—A Leadership Parable

by Randy Gravitt

Randy Gravitt's Winning Begins at Home is a leadership parable that explores what it takes to win where it matters most—at home.Develop a plan for success. And WIN where it matters most! When you think of success, what comes to mind? Career, public achievements, diplomas, degrees? We work hard to find a job, gain promotions, and develop skills to become a peak performer. We&’re continually striving to win at work. But does winning at work mean we have to lose at home? In all our &“winning,&” are we neglecting what matters most? Through advances in technology, the rise of social media, and the growing shift to working from home, our personal and professional lives are becoming increasingly intertwined. Struggles at home cause struggles at work and vice versa. Unfortunately, too many leaders achieve career success, only to find they have critically damaged their relationships with the people closest to them. Winning Begins at Home will help you change all that. The book features a man who may be on a path similar to yours—having a thriving business while a chasm grows between his family and himself. When our businessman meets a mentor who guides him through an action plan for getting his family back on track, he finds hope. And you will too! Part story, part assessment and workbook, this book will lead you through exercises, writing prompts, and action steps that will help you create a blueprint for the family you want. You&’ve developed a growth plan to win at work. It&’s time to develop one for the place that matters most. It&’s time to start winning at home!

The 2,003-Yard Odyssey: The Juice, The Electric Company, and an Epic Run for a Record

by Joe Zagorski

&“It was a season where the impossible became possible. It was a season where the hard to believe became believable.&”--Marv Levy, Pro Football Hall of Fame Coach.The 1973 Buffalo Bills made pro football history. They had an offense that broke several important rushing records during that memorable year. And they had a superstar running back by the name of O.J. Simpson, who broke a glass ceiling of sorts by becoming the first man -- and indeed the only man -- to ever rush for more than 2,000 yards in one 14-game regular season. That glory-filled accomplishment provided the celebrated culmination to this epic tale of a week-by-week journey from an initial goal to its triumphant ending.In The 2,003-Yard Odyssey: The Juice, The Electric Company, and an Epic Run for a Record, several members of that Buffalo Bills team recall their memories of that year. They discuss how that 1973 season began with a bunch of question marks, then how a boast by one of their offensive linemen led to a challenge for the whole squad to address. A major focus in this book are the feats of the incomparable O.J. Simpson, who earned pro football fame and glory with his record-breaking 1973 performance. This story recounts how Simpson set a mark that was thought of by most people to be impossible to achieve. It was an odyssey unlike any other in NFL annals, and it is explored in concentrated depth and detail within these pages. Joe Zagorski is a member of the Pro Football Writers of America and the Pro Football Researchers Association. He has written several previous books about various teams and players of the NFL. He is also a contributing writer to the website Pro Football Journal and the administrator of the Facebook page, The NFL in the 1970s. He resides in Oak Ridge, Tennessee.Marv Levy, who wrote the foreword for this book, is a coaching legend in both the United States and in Canada. He led the Buffalo Bills to four straight Super Bowl appearances from 1990 to 1993. He is also an honored member of the Pro Football Hall of Fame.

Apollo the Angora Goat

by Michele McCoy

Apollo the Angora Goat is a heartwarming children&’s book that tells the story of Apollo, an Angora goat born and raised on a lively farm in California. Through Apollo&’s eyes, young readers will discover the joys of farm life, the beauty of friendships, and the adventures that come with growing up alongside a diverse group of animal friends. As Apollo and his companions play and explore their world, they learn valuable lessons about friendship and life. This charming first book in a series invites children to join Apollo on his delightful adventures, promising a journey filled with fun and learning.

Elodie’s Magical Adventures

by Kate DiNardo

In Elodie&’s Magical Adventures, readers are introduced to a young girl with big dreams and an imagination that knows no bounds. Even with Kindergarten just around the corner, Elodie is already dreaming of magical adventures that may one day come true. With the love and support of those around her, Elodie believes that anything is possible.Follow along as Elodie embarks on a journey of the mind, exploring enchanted forests, meeting mystical creatures, and discovering hidden treasures. With each turn of the page, readers will be captivated by Elodie&’s boundless imagination and the possibilities that await her.

The Magical Adventures of Sadie and Seeds - Book 3: A Slithering New Friend

by C. Eidson

Sadie lost her way one day, trotting down the street to play.The sun was shining, she had to know: just where will this fun day go?This sweet little lab, where will it lead?When all of the sudden, rolled out a green melon, who Sadie now calls Seeds!What a special new friend,So green and round,Crazy new adventures will surely abound!Let&’s go to the park!Let&’s go to the zoo!Sadie knew she could bark, but do cows really moo?Sadie will trot and Seeds will roll. This friendly pair, where will they go?Come along with them and enjoy the ride!Sadie and Seeds will be side-by-side.

The Teeny Tiny Tree People: A Children's Fantasy

by Dr Donald R. Stoltz

In the enchanting world of The Teeny Tiny Tree People: A Children&’s Fantasy, there exists a miniature family nestled snugly within a nearby tree. Their idyllic home is soon overshadowed by a looming threat: a neighborhood cat with a penchant for adventure. Join us as we follow this plucky Teeny Tiny Family and a curious, captivated audience on an unforgettable journey filled with wonder and whimsy.

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