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Showing 11,801 through 11,825 of 11,978 results

Community Energy and Sustainable Energy Transitions: Experiences from Ethiopia, Malawi and Mozambique

by Vanesa Castán Broto

This open access book engages with the difficulties of delivering community energy in practice, building on practical experiences in Ethiopia, Malawi, and Mozambique. In these countries, where many people lack access to electricity, community energy is an alternative to advance universal energy access. This book argues that, besides providing access, community energy is essential for achieving justice and resilience in sustainable energy transitions. Community energy combines off-grid infrastructures with innovative forms of governance to incorporate the perspectives of beneficiaries in the generation and distribution of electricity. Community energy has multiple benefits for communities, such as facilitating the adoption of renewable technologies, providing energy access where it is lacking, and building resilience. They also offer societal benefits beyond beneficiary communities, such as providing additional capacity to existing grids, delivering off-grid services where the grid is absent, and bridging on-grid and off-grid systems. Despite its promises, however, the adoption of community energy has been slow. This book presents a feminist-informed perspective on community energy to advance energy justice that puts disadvantaged communities at the centre of sustainable energy transitions. It also explores the room for manoeuvre within existing regulatory systems, supply chains, and delivery systems to facilitate its development. By engaging with existing experiences in community energy, the book demonstrates the potential of communities to gain control over their energy needs and resources and argues for the need to develop a wide range of transdisciplinary skills among policymakers, technicians and communities to deliver a just energy transition.

By Disaster or by Design?: Transformative Kulturpolitik: Von der Polykrise zur systemischen Nachhaltigkeit

by Davide Brocchi

Jede große Transformation in der Geschichte der Menschheit wurde bisher von einer kulturellen Revolution ausgelöst und begleitet. Diese Publikation zeigt, warum dies auch für die Transformation zur Nachhaltigkeit gilt. Im Fokus stehen nicht nur Werte, Menschen- und Naturbilder, sondern auch die gesellschaftliche Verantwortung von Bildung, Wissenschaft, Kunst und Medien. Für die zweite Auflage wurden die Inhalte überarbeitet und aktualisiert, Thesen geschärft und neue Studien einbezogen.Gegenwärtig befinden wir uns zwischen zwei großen gesellschaftlichen Transformationen: Die erste ist die kapitalistisch-industrielle, die vor fünf Jahrhunderten begann, bis heute dominiert und sich am Kulturprogramm der Modernisierung orientiert. Sie hat die Gesellschaft in eine Polykrise geführt, es droht ein Zivilisationskollaps. Die zweite Transformation ist jene zur Nachhaltigkeit, die sich an „Visionen einer anderen Entwicklung“ jenseits von Wachstum und Massenkonsum orientiert. Diese beiden Transformationen verdrängen sich an einigen Stellen gegenseitig und vermischen sich an anderen. Einerseits ist es die schwächere Transformation, die oft assimiliert wird. So werden derzeit eine „ökologische Modernisierung“ und ein „nachhaltiges Wachstum“ theorisiert, obwohl solche Ansätze Widersprüche an sich sind. Andererseits ist die soziale und ökologische Umwelt ein politisches Subjekt, das immer stärker in Dynamiken und Debatten mitmischt. So oder so wird sich an den Reibungsflächen zwischen den beiden Transformationen entscheiden, wie sich die Transformation zur Nachhaltigkeit am Ende durchsetzt: by Disaster or by Design.

Recent Trends in Electronics and Communication: Select Proceedings of VCAS 2020 (Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering #777)

by Amit Dhawan Vijay Shanker Tripathi Karm Veer Arya Kshirasagar Naik

This book comprises select proceedings of the International Conference on VLSI, Communication and Signal processing (VCAS 2020). The contents are broadly divided into three topics – VLSI, Communication, and Signal Processing. The book focuses on the latest innovations, trends, and challenges encountered in the different areas of electronics and communication, especially in the area of microelectronics and VLSI design, communication systems and networks, and image and signal processing. It also offers potential solutions and provides an insight into various emerging areas such as Internet of Things (IoT), System on a Chip (SoC), Sensor Networks, underwater and underground communication networks etc. This book will be useful for academicians and professionals alike.

Digital Business: Strategien, Geschäftsmodelle und Technologien

by Bernd W. Wirtz

Digital Business ist ein wesentlicher Erfolgs- und Wettbewerbsfaktor für Unternehmen. Das Buch behandelt umfassend die Grundlagen, Strategien, Geschäftsmodelle und Entwicklungsmöglichkeiten. Neben operativen Managementthemen werden neu in der 8. Auflage auch die digitale Transformation, die digitale Automatisierung und Robotik, Ansätze der Künstlichen Intelligenz und das Quantum Computing thematisiert.

Artificial Intelligence and the Law

by Tshilidzi Marwala Letlhokwa George Mpedi

This textbook offers a starting point for the education of attorneys and other legal professionals about the potential impact of artificial intelligence (AI) on the law, as well as a forum for discussing artificial intelligence's legal and ethical concerns. Intended for classroom use, this book will help students, legal professionals and policymakers alike. AI is swiftly transforming the world, including the legal system. Legal applications to areas such as ethics, human rights, climate change, labor law, health, social protection, inequality, lethal autonomous weapons, the criminal justice system and autonomous vehicles, contract drafting, legal investigation, criminal analysis and evidence investigation, utilize AI. As AI becomes more sophisticated, its impact on the law will likely increase.

Contender States and Modern Chinese International Thought: From the Republican era until the ‘Chinese School of International Relations’

by Ferran Perez Mena

This book contends that the development of modern Chinese international thought has been profoundly shaped by the distinctive nature of the Chinese state as a contender state and its global positioning since 1912. The argument posited demonstrates that, notwithstanding the varied perspectives on the 'international' held by Chinese intellectuals throughout the 20th century, there exist commonalities across the periods analyzed in this book. In essence, the book emphasizes that the shared elements influencing the production of modern Chinese international thought do not derive from a unified cultural Chinese identity but rather stem from China's evolving geopolitical position in the modern world.

Machine Learning Assisted Evolutionary Multi- and Many- Objective Optimization (Genetic and Evolutionary Computation)

by Dhish Kumar Saxena Sukrit Mittal Kalyanmoy Deb Erik D. Goodman

This book focuses on machine learning (ML) assisted evolutionary multi- and many-objective optimization (EMâO). EMâO algorithms, namely EMâOAs, iteratively evolve a set of solutions towards a good Pareto Front approximation. The availability of multiple solution sets over successive generations makes EMâOAs amenable to application of ML for different pursuits. Recognizing the immense potential for ML-based enhancements in the EMâO domain, this book intends to serve as an exclusive resource for both domain novices and the experienced researchers and practitioners. To achieve this goal, the book first covers the foundations of optimization, including problem and algorithm types. Then, well-structured chapters present some of the key studies on ML-based enhancements in the EMâO domain, systematically addressing important aspects. These include learning to understand the problem structure, converge better, diversify better, simultaneously converge and diversify better, and analyze the Pareto Front. In doing so, this book broadly summarizes the literature, beginning with foundational work on innovization (2003) and objective reduction (2006), and extending to the most recently proposed innovized progress operators (2021-23). It also highlights the utility of ML interventions in the search, post-optimality, and decision-making phases pertaining to the use of EMâOAs. Finally, this book shares insightful perspectives on the future potential for ML based enhancements in the EMâOA domain.To aid readers, the book includes working codes for the developed algorithms. This book will not only strengthen this emergent theme but also encourage ML researchers to develop more efficient and scalable methods that cater to the requirements of the EMâOA domain. It serves as an inspiration for further research and applications at the synergistic intersection of EMâOA and ML domains.

Die Struktur des Spieledesigns

by Wallace Wang

Die Struktur des Spieledesigns soll angehenden und erfahrenen Spieleentwicklern helfen, ihre Ideen in funktionierende Spiele umzusetzen. Die Erstellung eines Spiels erfordert das Verständnis der grundlegenden Elemente aller Arten von Spielen, angefangen von papierbasierten Spielen bis hin zu den neuesten Videospielen. Durch das Verständnis, wie diese grundlegenden Prinzipien in allen Arten von Spielen funktionieren, können Sie dieselben Prinzipien anwenden, um Ihr eigenes Spiel zu entwerfen.Spiele handeln von Zielen, Struktur, Spiel und Spaß. Während jeder seine eigene Vorstellung davon haben wird, was "Spaß" sein könnte, kann jeder Spieleentwickler die Freude der Spieler maximieren, indem er bedeutungsvolle Entscheidungen anbietet, die verschiedene Risiken und Belohnungen mit sich bringen. Solche Herausforderungen, kombiniert mit Regeln und Einschränkungen, zwingen die Spieler, Hindernisse und Probleme mit verschiedenen Fähigkeiten wie Geschicklichkeit, Rätsellösung,Intelligenz und Strategie zu überwinden. Im Wesentlichen ermöglichen Spiele den Spielern, in neuen Welten voranzukommen und Probleme in einer sicheren, aber aufregenden Umgebung zu überwinden, die es ihnen ermöglicht, am Ende zu triumphieren.Genau wie das Spielen von Spielen weltweit bei allen Altersgruppen, Geschlechtern und Kulturen beliebt ist, erfreut sich auch das Game Design gleichermaßen großer Beliebtheit. Spiele können die Spieler herausfordern, den besten Zug zu machen, Rätsel zu lösen, sich im Kampf zu engagieren, Ressourcen zu verwalten und Geschichten zu erzählen. Indem man versteht, wie Zufall, Psychologie und Balance die Art und Weise beeinflussen können, wie Spiele gespielt werden, können die Leser entscheiden, welche Spielelemente am besten für ihre eigene Spielkreation geeignet sind.Ob Ihr Ziel darin besteht, Geld zu verdienen, etwas Neues zu lernen, eine soziale Aussage zu machen, eine bestehende Spielidee zu verbessern oder Ihre künstlerischen, programmierenden oder gestalterischen Fähigkeiten zu testen, kann das Game Design genauso viel Spaß machen wie das Spielen von Spielen. Indem Sie die Teile eines Spiels kennen, wie sie funktionieren, wie sie interagieren und warum sie Spaß machen, können Sie Ihr Wissen nutzen, um jede Idee in ein Spiel zu verwandeln, das andere spielen und genießen können.

Women's Health in Britain and America: Texts and Contexts (Humanities and Healthcare: Practical and Pedagogical Guides)

by April Patrick

Women’s Health in Britain and America: Texts and Contexts offers an unparalleled record of women’s health in the United Kingdom and the United States since 1750. Through chapters on pregnancy and childbirth, contraception and abortion, and breast and gynecological cancers, today’s readers can better understand historical precedents for contemporary issues. Introductory overviews present context about the history of medical care for women, such as diagnosis and treatment of specific conditions, medical advances, social and political contexts, and the effects of these on their lived experiences. The book presents a collection of primary texts including archival memoirs, letters, and diaries as well as published fiction, poetry, and medical advice. Women’s Health in Britain and America provides the necessary background for those new to the subject while also offering unique texts that will engage those already immersed in the field. As the political and social discussions around women’s bodies become more contentious and consequential, the history and the multiplicity of voices presented on these pages are more important than ever.

The Pain Phenomenon

by Serge Marchand

Introducing the latest edition of The Phenomenon of Pain: A Comprehensive Exploration of Pain Mechanisms and Therapeutic Approaches.In recent decades, pain has emerged as a focal point in both basic and clinical research, reflecting its profound impact on individuals' lives. The rapid advancement of knowledge has deepened our understanding of the complex neurophysiological and psychological mechanisms underlying pain, shedding light on its multifaceted nature. Clinicians grapple daily with the daunting reality of human suffering, navigating its intricate web of causes and manifestations. This continuous engagement with pain presents significant and stressful challenges from the relentless pursuit of understanding and alleviating it. This book transcends mere discourse on the physiological and psychological underpinnings of pain; it delves into the intricate factors contributing to its persistence. Furthermore, it meticulously examines pharmacological and nonpharmacological treatment modalities, forging a crucial link between the mechanisms of pain and therapeutic interventions.By bridging the gap between pain mechanisms and treatment strategies, this edition equips clinicians with invaluable insights to augment their clinical acumen. Armed with this knowledge, clinicians can tailor interventions to effectively address the diverse array of pain presentations encountered in their practice.

Rules and Exceptions in Biology: from Fundamental Concepts to Applications

by Alfredo V. Peretti Lucía S. Calbacho-Rosa Paola A. Olivero Mariela A. Oviedo-Diego David E. Vrech

This is the first book to cover and explore the rules and exceptions in biology. It presents past and current perspectives on the subject and discusses the various situations of transition from rule to exception and vice versa. In doing so, the book fills a gap in the scientific literature and stimulates useful and valuable discussions among researchers working in biology worldwide. The chapters begin with a theoretical framework, followed by the main topic(s) or question(s), and a summary of previous work on the topic. Examples are discussed, with concluding remarks and suggestions for future research. A section with key concepts is included at the end of each chapter, allowing the reader to jump directly to the most important findings or observations. Each chapter is written to be used as a reference by graduate students and professionals from a variety of scientific disciplines (e.g. behavior, ecology, evolution, and systematics).

Technical Landfills and Waste Management: Volume 1: Landfill Impacts, Characterization and Valorisation (Springer Water)

by Abdelkader Anouzla Salah Souabi

A "zero waste" society and the "circular economy" trend are urgently needed. Even if achieving 100% trash recycling and a fully circular economy may not always be attainable, aiming toward this goal might result in a sustainable future. Municipal solid wastes pose a hazard to the environment because of open burning, landfills, reckless disposal, and many other factors. Waste is being thrown away in more significant quantities and is made up of several different materials. Municipal solid waste (MSW) characteristics must be carefully considered when developing, implementing, or modifying solid waste management systems. Local waste variables that vary with cultural, climatic, socioeconomic, and institutional capacities are crucial for developing efficient waste management techniques. This book provides a comprehensive overview of landfills' situation, their categories, and the types of garbage they receive. The final section of the study provides an overview of prospective waste management techniques, their restrictions, and the potential areas for further research on landfill sites. This book has the advantage that world-class experts in their respective fields have written each chapter. As a result, this book presents a balanced picture across the whole spectrum of chapters on municipal solid wastes.

AI and Chatbots in Fintech: Revolutionizing Digital Experiences and Predictive Analytics (Contributions to Finance and Accounting)

by Gioia Arnone

This book is a comprehensive guide to the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the Financial Technology (FinTech) industry. It is comprised of ten chapters, each addressing a specific aspect of AI in FinTech. The reader is introduced to AI in FinTech, including its history and current state and the role of chatbots in FinTech and how they are used to improve customer service. Furthermore, the book explores the business framework of AI-based ChatGPT in FinTech, including the technology behind ChatGPT and how it can be applied to various financial sectors. The book examines the use of predictive analytics and machine learning in FinTech, highlighting how these tools are used to predict customer behavior and improve decision-making. The author delves into how ChatGPT is used to determine buying behavior and discusses the use of machine learning to reshape the digital experience in FinTech. Additionally, the book provides best practices for retaining customers in FinTech, including how to use AI to create personalized experiences that keep customers coming back, and explores the different applications of predictive models in FinTech, including how they are used to improve risk management and fraud detection. Lastly, the book discusses the use of ChatGPT for stock price prediction and the detection of financial fraud and examines the role of ChatGPT in the world of cryptocurrency, including how it can be used to make informed investment decisions. Overall, this book provides a comprehensive overview of the different ways AI is being used in FinTech and the potential it holds for improving customer experiences and driving innovation in the financial industry.

Mathematische Grundlagen des überwachten maschinellen Lernens: Optimierungstheoretische Methoden

by Konrad Engel

Dieses Buch behandelt die gängigsten Methoden zur Klassifikation von digitalisierten Objekten. Jedem Objekt ist ein Punkt im Euklidischen Raum passender Dimension zugeordnet. Das Lernen basiert auf einer Menge von Punkten, für die die zugehörige Klasse bekannt ist. Eine Reduktion der Dimension sowie elementare und anspruchsvollere Methoden zur Ermittlung schnell berechenbarer Funktionen, mit denen man aus einem Punkt die zugehörige Klasse mit einer möglichst geringen Fehlerrate ableiten kann, werden hergeleitet und in einer einheitlichen Herangehensweise begründet. Die recht elementaren Beweise werden im Wesentlichen mit Mitteln der Linearen Algebra geführt, nur für die neuronalen Netze wird etwas Analysis benötigt.Die Produktfamilie WissensExpress bietet Ihnen Lehr- und Lernbücher in kompakter Form. Die Bücher liefern schnell und verständlich fundiertes Wissen.

The Magical Adventures of Sadie and Seeds - Book 3: A Slithering New Friend

by C. Eidson

Sadie lost her way one day, trotting down the street to play.The sun was shining, she had to know: just where will this fun day go?This sweet little lab, where will it lead?When all of the sudden, rolled out a green melon, who Sadie now calls Seeds!What a special new friend,So green and round,Crazy new adventures will surely abound!Let&’s go to the park!Let&’s go to the zoo!Sadie knew she could bark, but do cows really moo?Sadie will trot and Seeds will roll. This friendly pair, where will they go?Come along with them and enjoy the ride!Sadie and Seeds will be side-by-side.

The Star That Fell

by Jennifer D.

When Abigail finds a fallen star, she promises to help him find his way home. Their journey takes them through a magical meadow with curious flowers and a fantastical forest with discouraging fairies. Abigail perseveres in their search for the place where the sky touches the ground. But when they can&’t reach the sky, help comes on feathered wings.

A Very Mice Village

by Ava Vasileva

Step into A Very Mice Village, where charming mouse characters lead lives filled with joy, challenges, dreams, and festivities. Experience the enchanting world of these delightful mice through the vibrant seasons of summer and autumn. Each page is a new adventure, blending humour and whimsical rhymes, perfect for sharing and enjoying with your child. From sunny picnics to autumnal celebrations, this book invites young readers to explore the heartwarming and relatable stories of our tiny, whiskered friends. A Very Mice Village is not just a storybook; it’s an invitation to a world of imagination and fun!

America's Secret Aristocracy: The Families that Built the United States

by Stephen Birmingham

An &“entertaining and perceptive&” history of America&’s most exclusive families, from the Brahmins of New England to the Grandees of California (The Washington Post). America has always been a constitutionally classless society, yet an American aristocracy emerged anyway—a private club whose members run in the same circles and observe the same unwritten rules. Here, renowned social historian Stephen Birmingham reveals the inner workings of this aristocracy. He identifies which families in which cities have always mattered, and how they&’ve defined America.America&’s Secret Aristocracy offers an inside look at the estates, marriages, and financial empires of America&’s most powerful families—from the Randolphs of Virginia and the Roosevelts of New York to the Carillos and Ortegas of California. With countless anecdotes about our nation&’s elite, including interviews with their modern-day descendants, Birmingham presents colorful portraits that capture the true definition, essence, and customs of America&’s aristocracy.

Good Calories, Bad Calories: Fats, Carbs, And The Controversial Science Of Diet And Health

by Gary Taubes

This groundbreaking book by award-winning science writer and bestselling author of Why We Get Fat and The Case for Keto shows us that almost everything we believe about the nature of a healthy diet is wrong.For decades we have been taught that fat is bad for us, carbohydrates better, and that the key to a healthy weight is eating less and exercising more. Yet despite this advice, we have seen unprecedented epidemics of obesity and diabetes. Taubes argues that the problem lies in refined carbohydrates, like white flour, easily digested starches, and sugars, and that the key to good health is the kind of calories we take in, not the number.Called &“a very important book,&” by Andrew Weil and &”destined to change the way we think about food,&” by Michael Pollan, this groundbreaking book by award-winning science writer Gary Taubes shows us that almost everything we believe about the nature of a healthy diet is wrong.

Inaugural Ballers: The True Story of the First US Women's Olympic Basketball Team

by Andrew Maraniss

From the New York Times bestselling author of Strong Inside comes the inspirational true story of the birth of women&’s Olympic basketball at the 1976 Summer Games and the ragtag team that put US women&’s basketball on the map. Perfect for fans of Steve Sheinkin and Daniel James Brown.A League of Their Own meets Miracle in the inspirational true story of the first US Women&’s Olympic Basketball team and their unlikely rise to the top. Twenty years before women&’s soccer became an Olympic sport and two decades before the formation of the WNBA, the &’76 US women&’s basketball team laid the foundation for the incredible rise of women&’s sports in America at the youth, collegiate, Olympic, and professional levels. Though they were unknowns from small schools such as Delta State, the University of Tennessee at Martin and John F. Kennedy College of Wahoo, Nebraska, at the time of the &’76 Olympics, the American team included a roster of players who would go on to become some of the most legendary figures in the history of basketball. From Pat Head, Nancy Lieberman, Ann Meyers, Lusia Harris, coach Billie Moore, and beyond—these women took on the world and proved everyone wrong. Packed with black-and-white photos and thoroughly researched details about the beginnings of US women&’s basketball, Inaugural Ballers is the fascinating story of the women who paved the way for girls everywhere.

American Flannel: How a Band of Entrepreneurs Are Bringing the Art and Business of Making Clothes Back Home

by Steven Kurutz

&“I can confidently say this will be one of my favorite books of 2024.&” —Stephen King, bestselling author (and onetime millworker)&“American Flannel is a wonderful book--surprising, entertaining, vivid and personal, but also enlightening on the largest questions of America's economic and social future.&” —James Fallows, co-author of Our Towns The little-engine-that-could story of how a band of scrappy entrepreneurs are reviving the enterprise of manufacturing clothing in the United States. For decades, clothing manufacture was a pillar of U.S. industry. But beginning in the 1980s, Americans went from wearing 70 percent domestic-made apparel to almost none. Even the very symbol of American freedom and style—blue jeans—got outsourced. With offshoring, the nation lost not only millions of jobs but also crucial expertise and artistry. Dismayed by shoddy imported &“fast fashion&”—and unable to stop dreaming of re-creating a favorite shirt from his youth—Bayard Winthrop set out to build a new company, American Giant, that would swim against this trend. New York Times reporter Steven Kurutz, in turn, began to follow Winthrop&’s journey. He discovered other trailblazers as well, from the &“Sock Queen of Alabama&” to a pair of father-son shoemakers and a men&’s style blogger who almost single-handedly drove a campaign to make &“Made in the USA&” cool. Eye-opening and inspiring, American Flannel is the story of how a band of visionaries and makers are building a new supply chain on the skeleton of the old and wedding old-fashioned craftsmanship to cutting-edge technology and design to revive an essential American dream.

Get the Picture: A Mind-Bending Journey among the Inspired Artists and Obsessive Art Fiends Who Taught Me How to See

by Bianca Bosker

AN INSTANT NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER&“Get the Picture is one of the funniest books I&’ve read . . . Brilliant.&” —The Washington Post &“A gripping and often hilarious investigation into the art world. . . . Bosker goes full Tom Wolfe.&” —TIME &“Funny, whip-smart, and gorgeously written, Get the Picture will forever transform the way you see. . . . I loved every word.&” —Suleika Jaouad, New York Times bestselling author of Between Two Kingdoms The New York Times bestselling author of Cork Dork takes readers on another fascinating, hilarious, and revelatory journey—this time burrowing deep inside the secretive world of art and artistsAn award-winning journalist obsessed with obsession, Bianca Bosker&’s existence was upended when she wandered into the art world—and couldn&’t look away. Intrigued by artists who hyperventilate around their favorite colors and art fiends who max out credit cards to show hunks of metal they think can change the world, Bosker grew fixated on understanding why art matters and how she—or any of us—could engage with it more deeply.In Get the Picture, Bosker throws herself into the nerve center of art and the people who live for it: gallerists, collectors, curators, and, of course, artists themselves—the kind who work multiple jobs to afford their studios while scrabbling to get eyes on their art. As she stretches canvases until her fingers blister, talks her way into A-list parties full of billionaire collectors, has her face sat on by a nearly-naked performance artist, and forces herself to stare at a single sculpture for hours on end while working as a museum security guard, she discovers not only the inner workings of the art-canonization machine but also a more expansive way of living.Probing everything from cave paintings to Instagram, and from the science of sight to the importance of beauty as it examines art&’s role in our culture, our economy, and our hearts, Get the Picture is a rollicking adventure that will change the way you see forever.

Clive Cussler Fire Strike (The Oregon Files #17)

by Mike Maden

Juan Cabrillo and the crew of the Oregon must battle an army of genetically engineered mercenaries to stop a hypersonic missile attack in this explosive new adventure in the #1 New York Times bestselling series. When Cabrillo is hired to extract an undercover operative in Kenya, he finds himself on the trail of a deadly international plot. A Saudi prince seeks to unleash a deadly assault on U.S. forces, sparking a new war in the Middle East and ultimately destroying Israel. Cabrillo&’s crew have met their most fearsome adversaries yet: a force of bio-hacked soldiers endowed with extreme strength and stamina and an unquenchable appetite for violence. The Oregon team must journey from the Amazon rainforest to an abandoned monastery in Eritrea before a final showdown in the mountains of Yemen, using every shred of courage and cunning they can muster to disable the ship-killer missile before the Arabian Sea becomes a mass grave.

Right on Cue

by Falon Ballard

From the beloved author of Just My Type and Lease on Love comes a new romantic comedy in which a former actress-turned-screenwriter finds herself back in the spotlight, only for her romantic lead to be the one man she can&’t stand.Emmy Harper is no stranger to Hollywood, having penned some of the most popular movies of the past few years. But her latest project has hit a standstill—unable to find the perfect leading lady, Emmy&’s been recruited to take on the role herself, dusting off acting skills she hasn&’t used in over a decade.Things take a turn for the worse when a she's left with the one costar she can&’t trust: Grayson West. A blockbuster action hero known for his megawatt smile and impossible abs, Grayson is anyone&’s dream of a romantic lead. Too bad Emmy still blames him for her disastrous first movie and the early end to her acting career.The friction between the two risks tanking the movie, and no one knows if it&’s lingering awkwardness from their youth or unresolved sexual tension. But if they want to save the production—and their own careers—they need to get their acts together quickly, both on and off camera.

Bad Best Friend

by Rachel Vail

Rachel Vail's powerful middle-grade novel proves once again that no one does tween better than she does!Niki Ames can't wait to start eighth grade, that all-important year before high school. She and her best friend Ava have shared so many plans for the coming year. But then the unthinkable happens: at gym class pair-up, Ava chooses someone else to be her partner. Niki is devastated. It's clear that Ava wants to be part of the popular group, leaving Niki behind. Niki has to decide who her real friends should be, where her real interests lie. Meanwhile, life at home is complicated. Niki's nine-year-old brother Danny continues to act out more and more publicly. Their mother refuses to admit that Danny is somewhere on the autism spectrum, but it's clear he needs help. Niki doesn't want to be like her brother, to be labeled as different. She just wants to be popular! Is she a bad sister and a bad best friend?

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