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Einstieg in die Suchmaschinenoptimierung: Grundlagen der Suchmaschinenoptimierung (SEO) verständlich erklärt (essentials)

by Mark Hinderer

Bekommen Sie einen grundlegenden, aber umfassenden Überblick über die Arbeitsweise von Suchmaschinen und wie sie Inhalte von Websites auslesen und bewerten. Lernen Sie Möglichkeiten zur Optimierung der eigenen Website kennen und steigern Sie so die Besuchszahlen Ihrer Website. Wie optimiert man die eigene Website, um das Potenzial der Suchmaschinenoptimierung (SEO) auszuschöpfen und die Erwartungshaltung hinter der Suchanfrage so zu erfüllen, dass ein positives Nutzungserlebnis geschaffen wird? Welche Faktoren einer Website können zu einem Rankingverlust führen und sollten vermieden werden, um nicht dem Wettbewerb die bessere Position in den Suchergebnissen zu überlassen?

Model-Reference Adaptive Control: A Primer (Advanced Textbooks in Control and Signal Processing)

by Nhan T. Nguyen

This textbook provides readers with a good working knowledge of adaptive control theory through applications. It is intended for students beginning masters or doctoral courses, and control practitioners wishing to get up to speed in the subject expeditiously. Readers are taught a wide variety of adaptive control techniques starting with simple methods and extending step-by-step to more complex ones. Stability proofs are provided for all adaptive control techniques without obfuscating reader understanding with excessive mathematics. The book begins with standard model-reference adaptive control (MRAC) for first-order, second-order, and multi-input, multi-output systems. Treatment of least-squares parameter estimation and its extension to MRAC follow, helping readers to gain a different perspective on MRAC. Function approximation with orthogonal polynomials and neural networks, and MRAC using neural networks are also covered. Robustness issues connected with MRAC are discussed, helping the student to appreciate potential pitfalls of the technique. This appreciation is encouraged by drawing parallels between various aspects of robustness and linear time-invariant systems wherever relevant. Following on from the robustness problems is material covering robust adaptive control including standard methods and detailed exposition of recent advances, in particular, the author’s work on optimal control modification. Interesting properties of the new method are illustrated in the design of adaptive systems to meet stability margins. This method has been successfully flight-tested on research aircraft, one of various flight-control applications detailed towards the end of the book along with a hybrid adaptive flight control architecture that combines direct MRAC with least-squares indirect adaptive control. In addition to the applications, understanding is encouraged by the use of end-of-chapter exercises and associated MATLAB® files. Readers will need no more than the standard mathematics for basic control theory such as differential equations and matrix algebra; the book covers the foundations of MRAC and the necessary mathematical preliminaries.

Exploring Archaeology: Archaeology as Humanities

by Shengqian Chen

This book looks inward to reveal and analyse problems in archaeology itself. The subject explored in this volume include: humanistic attributes of archaeology, various archaeological theory, challenges in the development of archaeology, China Archaeology paradigms and "Chinese School", responsibilities and status of archaeology in society, and prospects of Archaeology in China. With years of engagement in philosophy and theory studies, the author raised many bold questions and contributed unique and original views. While the archaeological circle remained tacit about -"Chinese School"- a term proposed by leading authority Professor Su Bingqi, the author bravely voiced that archaeology needs a "Chinese school". The "Chinese school" would facilitate both the reconstruction of cultural significance and the vying for international discourse power. The author also puts forward his thoughts on the current public archaeological fever, explaining and reflecting on the social responsibility, discourse power and how to present the archaeological discovery in a more accurate and efficient way to the public.

Scandinavia and Bismarck: The Zenith of Scandinavianism (War, Culture and Society, 1750–1850)

by Rasmus Glenthøj Morten Nordhagen Ottosen

This book accounts for Scandinavian unification efforts in a time of great upheaval. The ideological repercussions of the European revolutions of 1848-1849 and the Crimean War (1853-1856) transformed both the international political system and nationalism into more ‘realist’ types. The First Schleswig War (1848-1851) having nearly turned into one of Scandinavian unification, the influence of Scandinavianism extended into the Danish, Swedish and Norwegian courts, cabinets and parliaments, attracting interest from the great powers. The Crimean War offered another window of opportunity for Scandinavian unification, before the Danish-German conflict over the duchies of Schleswig and Holstein nearly united Scandinavia upon the outbreak of the Second Schleswig War in 1864. The ultimate failure of Scandinavianism in its unification efforts was not predetermined, although historiography has made it appear as such. Napoleon III, Cavour and Bismarck all actively contributed to plans for Scandinavian unification, the latter even declaring himself as “very strongly Scandinavian”.

Organisationen sind keine Maschinen: Organisationen sind Lebewesen - Antworten für eine turbulente Welt

by Renate Henning Klaus Henning

Wachsende Komplexität und Dynamik prägt diese Welt und auch die meisten Organisationen. Die damit verbundene zunehmende Turbulenz besser zu verstehen und zu meistern ist Anliegen dieses Buches. Es zeigt, dass Organisationen keine Maschinen sind, sondern als Lebewesen verstanden und gesteuert werden sollten. Die Autoren beschreiben, wie diese systemische Denkweise seit Mitte der 1940er Jahre in vielen Disziplinen zu finden ist und als kybernetischer Ansatz vernetzt ist mit den biologischen, soziologischen, psychologischen, technischen und chaostheoretischen Ansätzen. Schon das erste Mal, als wir Mitte der 80iger Jahre mit dem OSTO-Ansatz in Berührung kamen, hat es uns gepackt. Von nun an begannen wir Organisationen als Lebewesen, als soziologische Einheit, zu sehen und nicht als statisches, militaristisches Gebilde. Damals war das für uns etwas völlig Neues. Die Organisation als ein Lebewesen, dass sich verändern kann und nicht stehen bleiben muss in vorgegebenen Mustern zu betrachten, das ist eine Chance für Menschen in Organisationen, die in der immer turbulenter werdenden Welt zurecht zu kommen wollen und müssen.Die Auseinandersetzung mit den komplexen Zusammenhängen der jeweiligen Zeit waren für uns immer schon von großem Interesse. Während Klaus Henning Elektrotechnik studierte und Renate Henning Pädagogik besuchten wir in unserer Münchener Studienzeit beide die Hochschule für Politische Wissenschaften in München. Diese Kombination prägt unser Denken und Handeln bis heute.

Crises and Conversions: The Unlikely Avenues of "Italian Shiism" (Palgrave Studies in New Religions and Alternative Spiritualities)

by Minoo Mirshahvalad

This book explores the phenomenon of conversion to Shi'a Islam in Italy. It thoroughly examines the motivations behind this religious transition and scrutinizes the doctrinal characteristics that Shiism incorporates thanks to the contributions of Italian converts. The text emphasizes the significance of René Guénon’s Traditionalism as a pivotal factor in driving this religious mobility. Additionally, the book delves into the writings of figures such as Julius Evola, who introduced Guénon to Italy, shedding light on Evola’s impact on the youth in the post-World War II era. Furthermore, it evaluates the influence of Henry Corbin on this spiritual journey. To realize this study, between 2018 and 2023, Minoo Mirshahvalad employed multidisciplinary methods that integrated sociology and history.

Recent Advances in Bioprocess Engineering and Bioreactor Design

by Swasti Dhagat Satya Eswari Jujjavarapu N. S. Sampath Kumar Chinmaya Mahapatra

This book provides insights into the recent developments in the field of bioprocess technology and bioreactor design. Bioprocess engineering or biochemical engineering is a subcomponent of chemical engineering, which encompasses designing and developing those processes and equipment that are required for the manufacturing of products from biological materials and sources, such as agriculture, pharmaceutical, chemicals, polymers, food, etc., or for the treatment of environmental process, for example, waste water. The main focus of this book is to highlight the advancements in the field of bioprocess technology and bioreactor design. The book is divided into various chapters briefing all aspects of bioprocess engineering and focusing on the advances in bioprocess engineering. The book summarizes introduction to bioprocess technology and microbiology, isolation and maintenance of microbial strains, and sterilization techniques for advanced-level students and researchers. Different models depicting kinetics of microbial growth, substrate consumption, and product formation are discussed. The applications of enzymes have increased tremendously and therefore understanding their metabolic pathways to increase yields is also briefly discussed. The calculations of mass and energy balances associated with entropy changes and free energy. This book also covers the approaches for handling different types of cell cultures and current advancements in the area of bioprocess strategies for different culture types, which scientists and researchers working in the different cell cultures can refer to. The downstream processing of various industrially important products is also a part of this book. Apart from that, the process economics which ensures the feasibility and quality of any biological process is also dealt with as the last section of the book.

Implementation of the Small-Scale Fisheries Guidelines: A Legal and Policy Scan (MARE Publication Series #28)

by Julia Nakamura Ratana Chuenpagdee Svein Jentoft

This book provides a transdisciplinary assessment of multiple countries’ legal and policy frameworks vis-à-vis the Voluntary Guidelines for Securing Sustainable Small-Scale Fisheries in the Context of Food Security and Poverty Eradication, adopted in 2014 by the Committee on Fisheries of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. Based on an appraisal framework used to facilitate the unpacking of those frameworks, this book collects country experiences and regional perspectives on a range of cross-cutting issues underpinning the protection of the rights and the promotion of justice for small-scale fishers and their communities.This book aims to be the first collection to present a systematic and in-depth assessment of existing national legal and policy frameworks vis-à-vis the SSF Guidelines. This assessment is done through the transdisciplinary and collaborative work of researchers, governments, and civil society organizations for the analysis of the cross-thematic questions, which the contributors of this book aim to address. Firstly, what are the relevant laws and policies that matter for securing rights of small-scale fishers and their communities? How are small-scale fisheries defined by national laws and policies? How are small-scale fisheries treated (i.e., specifically or generally) in these instruments? Are there specific provisions and references to small-scale fisheries or any of its associated terminologies (e.g., artisanal, subsistence, traditional, indigenous)? Secondly, how the relevant instruments address the 8 small-scale fisheries key issues outlined in that rapid appraisal study? What are the strengths and gaps in these instruments? Do they address issues that are not covered by the SSF Guidelines? Do they contribute to clarifying other legal issues that are relevant for sustainable small-scale fisheries? Finally, since the book also aims to explore the accessibility of these legal and policy instruments for those to which they matter the most (the small-scale fishers), the following questions were also considered: What challenges do they face in knowing and understanding the relevant laws and policies in place? Which tools, measures and processes are available in the countries to ensure small-scale fishers can claim for their rights? To what extent judicial courts have recognized and/or granted rights to small-scale fishers?Chapters 11 and 20 are available open access under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License via

Lipophilic Vitamins in Health and Disease (Advances in Biochemistry in Health and Disease #28)

by Paramjit S. Tappia Anureet K. Shah Naranjan S. Dhalla

The concept of “vital amines” as essential nutrients was introduced over a century ago by Dr Casimir Funk. It was suggested that there is a family of organic substances that are required in minute amounts and essential for life. The increase in incorporation of vitamins and supplementation in routine dietary practices is expected to increase. In fact, it has been estimated that 60% of worldwide consumers are taking vitamin supplements on a daily basis, a trend that will most likely rise across the world.This book brings together international experts in the field of vitamins for human health and disease, to update and integrate current understanding on the effects of different lipophilic vitamins on cellular, metabolic and molecular biochemical reactions with respect to different pathophysiological conditions including cardiovascular disease, cancer, metabolic defects, inflammatory and immune diseases. This book is uniquely positioned as it focuses on the biochemistry and molecular biology of lipophilic vitamins in diverse cell systems in relation to human health and disease.The book will certainly stimulate and motivate biomedical researchers and scientists to further explore the relationship between lipophilic vitamins and biological processes, as well as serve as a highly useful resource for nutritional investigators, health professionals, medical students, fellows, residents and graduate students. We hope that the reader will gain knowledge and further understanding of the importance of lipophilic vitamins. The novel insights provided by the contributing authors will assist in advancing preventive medicine worldwide as well as bring forward knowledge that may help in the use of lipophilic vitamins as adjuvant to therapeutic strategies for human disease.

Mathematical Thinking: Why Everyone Should Study Math (Compact Textbooks in Mathematics)

by Howard Karloff

This textbook invites readers to explore mathematical thinking by finding the beauty in the subject. With an accessible tone and stimulating puzzles, the author will convince curious non-mathematicians to continue their studies in the area. It has an expansive scope, covering everything from probability and graph theory to infinities and Newton’s method. Many examples of proofs appear as well, offering readers the opportunity to explore these topics with the amount of rigor that suits them. Programming exercises in Python are also included to show how math behaves in action.Mathematical Thinking is an ideal textbook for transition courses aimed at undergraduates moving from lower level to more advanced topics, as well as for math recruitment and invitational courses at the freshman or sophomore level. It may also be of interest in computer science departments and can be used as a supplemental text for courses in discrete mathematics and graph theory.

Proceedings of Eighth International Congress on Information and Communication Technology: ICICT 2023, London, Volume 4 (Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems #696)

by Xin-She Yang R. Simon Sherratt Nilanjan Dey Amit Joshi

This book gathers selected high-quality research papers presented at the Eighth International Congress on Information and Communication Technology, held at Brunel University, London, on 20–23 February 2023. It discusses emerging topics pertaining to information and communication technology (ICT) for managerial applications, e-governance, e-agriculture, e-education and computing technologies, the Internet of Things (IoT) and e-mining. Written by respected experts and researchers working on ICT, the book offers a valuable asset for young researchers involved in advanced studies. The work is presented in four volumes.

18th International Conference on Soft Computing Models in Industrial and Environmental Applications: Salamanca, Spain, September 5–7, 2023, Proceedings, Volume 1 (Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems #749)

by Pablo García Bringas Hilde Pérez García Francisco Javier Martínez de Pisón Francisco Martínez Álvarez Alicia Troncoso Lora Álvaro Herrero José Luis Calvo Rolle Héctor Quintián Emilio Corchado

This book of Advances in Intelligent and Soft Computing contains accepted papers presented at SOCO 2023 conference held in the beautiful and historic city of Salamanca (Spain) in September 2023. Soft computing represents a collection or set of computational techniques in machine learning, computer science, and some engineering disciplines, which investigate, simulate, and analyze very complex issues and phenomena. After a through peer-review process, the 18th SOCO 2023 International Program Committee selected 61 papers which are published in these conference proceedings and represents an acceptance rate of 60%. In this relevant edition, a particular emphasis was put on the organization of special sessions. Seven special sessions were organized related to relevant topics such as: Time Series Forecasting in Industrial and Environmental Applications, Technological Foundations and Advanced Applications of Drone Systems, Soft Computing Methods in Manufacturing and Management Systems, Efficiency and Explainability in Machine Learning and Soft Computing, Machine Learning and Computer Vision in Industry 4.0, Genetic and Evolutionary Computation in Real World and Industry, and Soft Computing and Hard Computing for a Data Science Process Model. The selection of papers was extremely rigorous to maintain the high quality of the conference. We want to thank the members of the Program Committees for their hard work during the reviewing process. This is a crucial process for creating a high-standard conference; the SOCO conference would not exist without their help.

Opening Up the University: Teaching and Learning with Refugees (Higher Education in Critical Perspective: Practices and Policies #5)

by Céline Cantat, Ian M. Cook Prem Kumar Rajaram

Through a series of empirically and theoretically informed reflections, Opening Up the University offers insights into the process of setting up and running programs that cater to displaced students. Including contributions from educators, administrators, practitioners, and students, this expansive collected volume aims to inspire and question those who are considering creating their own interventions, speaking to policy makers and university administrators on specific points relating to the access and success of refugees in higher education, and suggests concrete avenues for further action within existing academic structures.

The Precarity of Masculinity: Football, Pentecostalism, and Transnational Aspirations in Cameroon

by Uroš Kovač

Since the 1990s, an increasing number of young men in Cameroon have aspired to play football as a career and a strategy to migrate abroad. Migration through the sport promises fulfillment of masculine dreams of sports stardom, as well as opportunities to earn a living that have been hollowed out by the country’s long economic stalemate. The aspiring footballers are increasingly turning to Pentecostal Christianity, which allows them to challenge common tropes of young men as stubborn and promiscuous, while also offering a moral and bodily regime that promises success despite the odds. Yet the transnational sports market is tough and unpredictable: it demands disciplined young bodies and introduces new forms of uncertainty. This book unpacks young Cameroonians' football dreams, Pentecostal faith, obligations to provide, and desires to migrate to highlight the precarity of masculinity in structurally adjusted Africa and neoliberal capitalism.

Refugees on the Move: Crisis and Response in Turkey and Europe (Forced Migration #45)

by Erol Balkan Zümray Kutlu Tonak

Refugees on the Move highlights and explores the profound complexities of the current refugee issue by focusing specifically on Syrian refugees in Turkey and other European countries and responses from the host countries involved. It examines the causes of the movement of refugee populations, the difficulties they face during their journeys, the daily challenges and obstacles they experience, and host governments’ attempts to manage and overcome the so-called “refugee crisis.”

Sweden after Nazism: Politics and Culture in the Wake of the Second World War

by Johan Östling

As a nominally neutral power during the Second World War, Sweden in the early postwar era has received comparatively little attention from historians. Nonetheless, as this definitive study shows, the war—and particularly the specter of Nazism—changed Swedish society profoundly. Prior to 1939, many Swedes shared an unmistakable affinity for German culture, and even after the outbreak of hostilities there remained prominent apologists for the Third Reich. After the Allied victory, however, Swedish intellectuals reframed Nazism as a discredited, distinctively German phenomenon rooted in militarism and Romanticism. Accordingly, Swedes’ self-conception underwent a dramatic reformulation. From this interplay of suppressed traditions and bright dreams for the future, postwar Sweden emerged.

No Name in the Street: Notes Of A Native Son / Nobody Knows My Name / The Fire Next Time / No Name In The Street / The Devil Finds Work (Vintage International #1)

by James Baldwin

From one of the most important American writers of the twentieth century—an extraordinary history of the turbulent sixties and early seventies that powerfully speaks to contemporary conversations around racism. &“It contains truth that cannot be denied.&” —The Atlantic MonthlyIn this stunningly personal document, James Baldwin remembers in vivid details the Harlem childhood that shaped his early conciousness and the later events that scored his heart with pain—the murders of Martin Luther King and Malcolm X, his sojourns in Europe and in Hollywood, and his retum to the American South to confront a violent America face-to-face.

Between Two Moons: A Novel

by Aisha Abdel Gawad

LONGLISTED FOR THE 2024 CAROL SHIELDS PRIZE FOR FICTION AND THE NEW AMERICAN VOICES AWARD • A BOOKLIST BEST BOOK OF 2023 • Set in the Arab immigrant enclave of Bay Ridge, Brooklyn, following three siblings coming of age over the course of one Ramadan, "a moving look at family, survival, and celebration" (Hanif Abdurraqib, author of A Little Devil in America)."Breathtaking.&” —New York Times Book Review"A gorgeously written and profoundly intimate debut." —Etaf Rum, author of New York Times bestseller A Woman Is No ManIt&’s the holy month of Ramadan, and twin sisters Amira and Lina are about to graduate high school in Bay Ridge, Brooklyn. On the precipice of adulthood, they plan to embark on a summer of teenage revelry, trying on new identities and testing the limits of what they can get away with while still under their parents&’ roof. But the twins' expectations of a summer of freedom collide with their older brother's return from prison, whose mysterious behavior threatens to undo the delicate family balance.Meanwhile, outside the family&’s apartment, a storm is brewing in Bay Ridge. A raid on a local business sparks a protest that brings the Arab community together, and a senseless act of violence threatens to tear them apart. Everyone&’s motives are called into question as an alarming sense of disquiet pervades the neighborhood. With everything spiraling out of control, how will Amira and Lina know who they can trust?A gorgeously written, intimate family story and a polyphonic portrait of life under the specter of Islamophobia, Between Two Moons challenges the reader to interrogate their own assumptions, asking questions of allegiance to faith, family, and community, and what it means to be a young Muslim in America.

Save What's Left: A Novel (Good Morning America Book Club)

by Elizabeth Castellano

GMA BOOK CLUB PICK • ONE OF PEOPLE MAGAZINE'S BEST BOOKS OF SUMMER • An outrageously funny debut novel about a woman who moves to a small beach town looking for peace, only to find herself in an all-out war with her neighbors.&“Irreverent and unexpectedly tender, this story takes neighborhood feuding to new heights and finds beauty and reinvention in unlikely places." —Oprah Daily"Brings a tongue-in-cheek tone to the beach read genre."—TIMEWhen Kathleen Deane&’s husband, Tom, tells her he's no longer happy with his life and their marriage, Kathleen is confused. They live in Kansas. They&’ve been married thirty years. Who said anything about being happy? But with Tom off finding himself, Kathleen starts to think about what she wants. And her thoughts lead her to a small beach community on the east coast, a town called Whitbey that has always looked lovely in the Christmas letters her childhood friend Josie sends every year.It turns out, though, that life in Whitbey is nothing like Josie&’s letters. Kathleen&’s new neighbor, Rosemary, is cantankerous, and the town&’s supervisor won't return Kathleen&’s emails, but worst of all is the Sugar Cube, the monstrosity masquerading as a holiday home that Kathleen&’s absentee neighbors are building next door to her quaint (read: tiny) cottage. As Kathleen gets more and more involved in the fight against the Sugar Cube and town politics overall, she realizes that Whitbey may not be a fairytale, but it just might be exactly what she needed.Save What&’s Left can best be described as the &“un-beach read.&” It pulls back the curtain on life in a beach town, revealing the true cost of a pretty view. Told from the candid and irreverent perspective of a newcomer turned local, this is a story of forgiveness, fortitude, and second chances.

The Dig: A Novel

by Anne Burt

When Sarajevo-born siblings Antonia and Paul join a wealthy Midwestern family in the 1990s, a series of events with deadly consequences is set in motion. Now, with her career on the line and her brother missing, Antonia must race against the clock to confront long-buried family secretsAntonia King has a complicated relationship with the past. She and her brother were found amid the rubble of a bombed-out apartment in Sarajevo and taken in by a family of contractors in Thebes, Minnesota. Eager to escape the constraints of her adopted town, Antonia embarks on a high-powered legal career. But it isn&’t long before her brother&’s mysterious disappearance pulls her back home. There, over the course of a single day, Antonia unearths decades of secrets and lies, leading to shocking revelations about her adoptive family—and the sinister truth behind her biological mother&’s death—that will alter the course of her life and change her definition of family forever.Informed by timely issues of immigration, capitalism, and justice, yet timeless in its themes of love, identity, and competing loyalties, The Dig, inspired by the Greek tragedy Antigone, portrays a woman at odds with her history, forced to choose between her own ambitions and her loyalty to her beloved, idealistic brother.

The Midnight News: A novel

by Jo Baker

From the best-selling author of Longbourn, a gripping novel of one young woman&’s unraveling during the Blitz—a story of World War II intrigue, love, and danger • &“[A] thrilling novel…atmospheric and memorable.&” —Emma Donoghue, best-selling author of HavenIt is 1940 and twenty-year-old Charlotte Richmond watches from her attic window as enemy planes fly over London. Still grieving her beloved brother, who never returned from France, she is trying to keep herself out of trouble: holding down a typist job at the Ministry of Information, sharing gin and confidences with her best friend, Elena, and dodging her overbearing father.On her way to work she often sees the boy who feeds the birds—a source of unexpected joy amid the rubble of the Blitz. But every day brings new scenes of devastation, and after yet another heartbreaking loss Charlotte has an uncanny sense of foreboding. Someone is stalking the darkness, targeting her friends. And now he&’s following her.As grief and suspicion consume her, Charlotte&’s nerves become increasingly frayed. She no longer knows whom to trust. She can&’t even trust herself . . .Utterly riveting and hypnotic, The Midnight News is a love story, a war story, and an unforgettable journey into the fragile mind and fierce heart of an extraordinary young woman.

Fires in the Dark: Healing the Unquiet Mind

by Kay Redfield Jamison

A NEW YORKER BEST BOOK OF THE YEAR • The acclaimed author of An Unquiet Mind considers the age-old quest for relief from psychological pain and the role of the exceptional healer in the journey back to health.&“To treat, even to cure, is not always to heal.&” In this expansive cultural history of the treatment and healing of mental suffering, Kay Jamison writes about psychotherapy, what makes a great healer, and the role of imagination and memory in regenerating the mind. From the trauma of the battlefields of the twentieth century, to those who are grieving, depressed, or with otherwise unquiet minds, to her own experience with bipolar illness, Jamison demonstrates how remarkable psychotherapy and other treatments can be when done well.She argues that not only patients but doctors must be healed. She draws on the example of W.H.R. Rivers, the renowned psychiatrist who treated poet Siegfried Sassoon and other World War I soldiers, and discusses the long history of physical treatments for mental illness, as well as the ancient and modern importance of religion, ritual, and myth in healing the mind. She looks at the vital role of artists and writers, as well as exemplary figures, such as Paul Robeson, who have helped to heal us as a people.Fires in the Dark is a beautiful meditation on the quest and adventure of healing the mind, on the power of accompaniment, and the necessity for knowledge.

The Quiet Tenant: A novel

by Clémence Michallon

NATIONAL BEST SELLER • A NEW YORK TIMES BEST CRIME NOVEL OF THE YEAR • GMA BUZZ PICK • &“A bravura feat of storytelling...daring and completely satisfying.&” —James Patterson, #1 best-selling author A PULSE-POUNDING PSYCHOLOGICAL THRILLER ABOUT A SERIAL KILLER NARRATED BY THOSE CLOSEST TO HIM: HIS 13-YEAR-OLD DAUGHTER, HIS GIRLFRIEND—AND THE ONE VICTIM HE HAS SPARED"Intelligent and suspenseful." —Paul Tremblay, author of The Cabin at the End of the World&“All…of the expected suspense and psychological tension, but offering a story about women—the ones who didn&’t know the evil that lurked within, the ones who tried to placate or fight but still perished, the ones who might actually survive. Haunting but never prurient…truly unforgettable.&” — Alafair Burke, author of The WifeAidan Thomas is a hard-working family man and a somewhat beloved figure in the small upstate New York town where he lives. He&’s the kind of man who always lends a hand and has a good word for everyone. But Aidan has a dark secret he&’s been keeping from everyone in town and those closest to him. He&’s a kidnapper and serial killer. Aidan has murdered eight women and there&’s a ninth he has earmarked for death: Rachel, imprisoned in a backyard shed, fearing for her life. When Aidan&’s wife dies, he and his thirteen-year-old daughter Cecilia are forced to move. Aidan has no choice but to bring Rachel along, introducing her to Cecilia as a &“family friend&” who needs a place to stay. Aidan is betting on Rachel, after five years of captivity, being too brainwashed and fearful to attempt to escape. But Rachel is a fighter and survivor, and recognizes Cecilia might just be the lifeline she has waited for all these years. As Rachel tests the boundaries of her new living situation, she begins to form a tenuous connection with Cecilia. And when Emily, a local restaurant owner, develops a crush on the handsome widower, she finds herself drawn into Rachel and Cecilia&’s orbit, coming dangerously close to discovering Aidan&’s secret.Told through the perspectives of Rachel, Cecilia, and Emily, The Quiet Tenant explores the psychological impact of Aidan&’s crimes on the women in his life—and the bonds between those women that give them the strength to fight back. Both a searing thriller and an astute study of trauma, survival, and the dynamics of power, The Quiet Tenant is an electrifying debut thriller by a major talent.

Million Dollar Weekend: The Surprisingly Simple Way to Launch a 7-Figure Business in 48 Hours

by Noah Kagan

AN INSTANT NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLERThe founder and CEO of, Noah Kagan, knows how to launch a seven-figure business in a single weekend—and he&’s done it seven times. Million Dollar Weekend will show you how.Now is the best time in history for entrepreneurship. More than ever, the world needs new businesses and it&’s cheaper than ever to create them.And, let&’s be frank: most day jobs suck. People spend too much time doing too much work for too little money—and they know it. They want out.But, if the barriers to starting a business are getting lower and lower, why is it SO HARD TO DO for SO MANY PEOPLE? Why are there so many wantrepreneurs playing at business on social media and so few entrepreneurs actually running them? Ask yourself: Do you want to work for yourself, or start a side-hustle, but it all feels too risky and unpredictable? Have you spent time or money on things like websites and logos, but still have no customers? Are you brainstorming endlessly and waiting for the perfect idea to strike? All those Frequent Excuses are solvable. The plan is simple—so simple it can be completed in a single weekend, but so powerful that Kagan has used it to build seven businesses now worth more than $1 million: Find your Creator&’s Courage to overcome your fear and have fun! Use the "Million Dollar Weekend" Process to get customers EXCITED to give you money. Automate your business so it can grow while you sleep. By Monday, you&’ll have a market-tested, scalable business idea and you&’ll be a entrepreneur on the path to seven figures. Million Dollar Weekend is the path to creating your dream life and attaining financial freedom. LFG.

Letters from Yellowstone: A Novel

by Diane Smith

For readers of Larry McMurtry&’s Lonesome Dove, Elizabeth Gilbert&’s The Signature of All Things, and Hope Jahren&’s Lab Girl, Diane Smith&’s warmhearted and award-winning epistolary novel about a spunky young woman who joins a makeshift field study in Yellowstone National Park at the end of the nineteenth century &“I loved this book in a way that I haven&’t loved a book in some time.&” —James Welch, author of Fools Crow In the spring of 1898, A. E. (Alexandria) Bartram—a spirited young woman with a love for botany—is invited to join a field study in Yellowstone National Park. The study&’s leader, a mild-mannered professor from Montana, assumes she is a man, and is less than pleased to discover the truth. Once the scientists overcome the shock of having a woman on their team, they forge ahead on a summer of adventure, forming an enlightening web of relationships as they move from Mammoth Hot Springs to a camp high in the backcountry. But as they make their way collecting amid Yellowstone&’s beauty, the group is splintered by differing views on science, nature, and economics. Brimming with humor, excitement, and the romance of the Yellowstone landscape, Letters from Yellowstone is a love letter to the joys of scientific discovery and America&’s majestic natural beauty, as well as a thoughtful reflection on environmentalism, Native American displacement, and feminism at the dawn of a new century.

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