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Showing 5,901 through 5,925 of 11,641 results

Kritische Pädagogik und Bildungsforschung: Anschlüsse an Paulo Freire (Kritische Erziehungs- und Bildungswissenschaft)

by Rita Braches-Chyrek Joachim Schroeder Wassilios Baros Solvejg Jobst

Der Band greift theoretische und methodische Ansätze Paulo Freires auf, dessen Kampf für Gerechtigkeit und Solidarität beispielhaft für eine radikale Kritik am bestehenden, postkolonialen neoliberalen System ist. In der Auseinandersetzung mit Freires Position der kritischen Erziehungswissenschaft eröffnen sich neue, die bisherigen Grenzen überschreitende Möglichkeiten.

The Kremlin's Noose: Putin's Bitter Feud with the Oligarch Who Made Him Ruler of Russia (NIU Series in Slavic, East European, and Eurasian Studies)

by Amy Knight

In The Kremlin's Noose Amy Knight tells the riveting story of Vladimir Putin and the oligarch Boris Berezovsky, who forged a relationship in the early years of the Yeltsin era. Berezovsky later played a crucial role in Putin's rise to the Russian presidency in March 2000. When Putin began dismantling Boris Yeltsin's democratic reforms, Berezovsky came into conflict with the new Russian leader by reproaching him publicly. Their relationship quickly disintegrated into a bitter feud played out against the backdrop of billion-dollar financial deals, Kremlin in-fighting, and international politics. Dubbed the "Godfather of the Kremlin" by the slain Russian-American journalist Paul Klebnikov, Berezovsky was a successful businessman and media mogul who had an outsized role in Russia after 1991. Worth a reported $3 billion by 1997, Berezovsky engineered the reelection of Yeltsin as president in 1996 and negotiated an end to the 1995–96 Chechen war. Despite his own wealth, power, and influence, once he became Putin's enemy, Berezovsky was forced into exile in Britain, where he waged a determined campaign to topple Putin. Kremlin authorities responded with bogus criminal charges and demanded Berezovsky's extradition. Death threats soon followed. In March 2013, after losing a British court battle with another Russian oligarch, Berezovsky was found dead at his ex-wife's mansion outside London. Whether he died from suicide or murder remains a mystery.The Kremlin's Noose sheds crucial new light on the Kremlin's volatile politics under Yeltsin and Putin, helping us understand why democracy in Russia failed so badly. Knight provides a fascinating narrative of Putin's rise to power and his authoritarian rule, told through the prism of his relationship with Russia's once most powerful oligarch, Boris Berezovsky.

Krause's Food And The Nutrition Care Process

by L. Kathleen Mahan Sylvia Escott-Stump Janice L. Raymond

Krauses Food & the Nutrition Care Process, 13e by Mahan MS RD CDE, L. Kathleen, Escott-Stump MA RD LDN, Sy. Published by Saunders

KRAS: Methods and Protocols (Methods in Molecular Biology #2797)

by Andrew G. Stephen Dominic Esposito

This volume details protocols ranging from high yield production metabolically labeled KRAS for NMR studies to approaches that quantify engagement of novel molecules that bind KRAS in live cells. Chapters focus on protein production and characterization, biochemical assays, cell-based assays, KRAS-membrane interactions, targeting KRAS, and cell models. Written in the highly successful Methods in Molecular Biology series format, chapters include introductions to their respective topics, lists of the necessary materials and reagents, step-by-step, readily reproducible laboratory protocols, and key tips on troubleshooting and avoiding known pitfalls. Authoritative and cutting-edge, KRAS: Methods and Protocols aims to provide methods that will be instrumental in the development of future clinically approved KRAS therapeutics.


by Susie Fisher

Aboard his decrepit pirate ship The Hexon, the villainous Captain Kruel sails in search of ill-gotten loot. Meanwhile, brave Captain Landon helms the noble vessel The Legacy, though his crew lives in fear of the legendary Kraken - a gargantuan octopus with a taste for ships. While other captains flee at the mere mention of this aquatic beast, Landon hatches a daring plan. Rather than shrink from the giant cephalopod, Landon steers The Legacy on a collision course with the creature. In the face of his crew’s terror and Kruel’s delight at his rival’s apparent suicide mission, Landon remains resolute. As this courageous, compassionate captain approaches the Kraken, an unexpected friendship takes hold between two unlikely souls. In his message of hope and heroism, Landon discovers that by facing one’s greatest fears, the most rewarding treasures can be found - not least of all, the courage that lies within. Join this bold captain as he turns peril to promise and stands tall no matter the seas ahead. For what is bravery, if not grace under pressure?

Kotlin Design Patterns and Best Practices: Elevate your Kotlin skills with classical and modern design patterns, coroutines, and microservices

by Alexey Soshin

Dive deep into Kotlin design patterns, explore idiomatic functional programming, and master microservices with frameworks like Arrow, Ktor, and Vert.x.Key FeaturesStart from basic Kotlin syntax and go all the way to advanced topics like Coroutines and structural concurrencyLearn how to select and implement the right design pattern for your next Kotlin projectGet to grips with concurrent and reactive microservices with Ktor and Vert.xBook DescriptionFor developers who are working with design patterns in Kotlin, this practical guide offers an opportunity to put their knowledge into practice. The book covers classical and modern design patterns, and provides a hands-on approach to implementation, along with associated methodologies. The third edition stays current with Kotlin updates, spanning from version 1.6 onwards, and offers in-depth insights into topics like structured concurrency and context receivers. The book starts by introducing essential Kotlin syntax and the significance of design patterns, covering classic Creational, Structural, and Behavioral patterns. It then progresses to explore functional programming, Reactive, and Concurrent patterns, including detailed discussions on coroutines and structured concurrency. As you navigate through these advanced concepts, you'll enhance your Kotlin coding skills. The book also delves into the latest architectural trends, focusing on microservices design patterns and aiding your decision-making process when choosing between architectures. By the end of the book, you will have a solid grasp of these advanced concepts and be able to apply them in your own projects.What you will learnUtilize functional programming and coroutines with the Arrow frameworkUse classical design patterns in the Kotlin programming languageScale your applications with reactive and concurrent design patternsDiscover best practices in Kotlin and explore its new featuresApply the key principles of functional programming to KotlinFind out how to write idiomatic Kotlin code and learn which patterns to avoidHarness the power of Kotlin to design concurrent and reliable systems with easeCreate an effective microservice with Kotlin and the Ktor frameworkWho this book is forThis book is for developers who want to apply design patterns they've learned from other languages in Kotlin and build reliable, scalable, and maintainable applications. You'll need a good grasp on at least one programming language before you get started with this book. Familiarity with classical design patterns from your language of choice would be helpful, but you'll still be able to follow along if you code in other languages

Korn: Life in the Pit

by Leah Furman

In the past eight-years, the face of popular culture has changed radically and with it, the music that will define the decade. Gone are the pop saturated songs of the 70's and 80's. Today's sound is a fusion of grunge, hip-hop, metal, hardcore and funk. Disparate sounds that together create something thoroughly modern and unlike anything we've heard before. No band embodies this musical melting pot more than Korn. With their frantic, no-holds-barred image and sound, Korn has jumped musical boundaries to be both Billboard chart toppers and a band with a loyal, obsessive following. --Their debut album, "Korn" went platinum and has sold millions--"Life is Peachy" debuted at number three on the Billboard charts--Korn's latest album, "Follow the Leader" has sold over two million copies and remained on the Billboard charts for over twenty-eight weeks. Elina Furman's in-depth look at the band's meager beginings to their breakthrough success with "Follow the Leader," their current multi-platinum album is a fan's ultimate guide.

Korean: A Comprehensive Grammar (ISSN)

by Jaehoon Yeon Lucien Brown

Korean: A Comprehensive Grammar is a reference to Korean grammar, and presents a thorough overview of the language, concentrating on the real patterns of use in modern Korean. The book moves from the alphabet and pronunciation through morphology and word classes to a detailed analysis of sentence structures and semantic features such as aspect, tense, speech styles and negation.Updated and revised, this new edition includes lively descriptions of Korean grammar, taking into account the latest research in Korean linguistics. More lower-frequency grammar patterns have been added, and extra examples have been included throughout the text.The unrivalled depth and range of this updated edition of Korean: A Comprehensive Grammar makes it an essential reference source on the Korean language.

Koordination des Produktionsanlaufs in globalen Produktionsnetzwerken: Kontextfaktoren, Probleme und Instrumente (mir-Edition)

by Simon Dreher

Mit der netzwerkmäßigen Internationalisierung von Produktionsaktivitäten werden zwar Voraussetzungen für eine effektive und effiziente Produktion im globalen Wettbewerb geschaffen. Globale Produktionsnetzwerke erweisen sich allerdings bei kürzer werdenden Produktlebenszyklen und einer damit steigenden Bedeutung des Faktors Zeit als zunächst einmal kritisch hinsichtlich einer schnellen Markteinführung neuer Produkte. Denn gegenüber einer zentral angelegten Produktion sorgen sie je nach Konfiguration für einen gestiegenen und dabei zeitintensiveren Koordinationsbedarf. Das trifft insbesondere auf die Phase des Produktionsanlaufs neuer Produkte zu: In dieser zeitkritischen Phase ist nicht nur die typische Herausforderung einer Abstimmung zwischen dem Entwicklungs- und Produktionsbereich zu bewältigen; vielmehr gilt es eine zeitliche, qualitäts-, quantitäts- sowie kostenbezogene Abstimmung zwischen den international gestreuten und interdependenten Produktionsstandorten im Netzwerk herbeizuführen. Dieser zeitintensive Koordinationsbedarf steht jedoch in starkem Konflikt mit dem zunehmenden Zeitdruck aufgrund verkürzter Produktlebenszyklen. Eine zielgerichtete Koordination der am Anlauf beteiligten Unternehmensstandorte, -funktionen und -mitarbeiter mittels geeigneter Instrumente kann daher als Kernherausforderung des Managements globaler Produktionsnetzwerke bezeichnet werden; wird sie nicht bewältigt, ist nicht nur eine erfolgreiche Produkteinführung, sondern auch die vollständige Realisierung der Produktionsnetzwerken an sich innewohnenden Potenziale gefährdet. Bisherige Untersuchungen fokussieren überwiegend einzelne Koordinationsaspekte, wie technische Änderungen seitens der Entwicklung, oder Probleme der Lieferantenintegration aus interorganisationaler Perspektive. Dabei wird vernachlässigt, dass es sich bei Anläufen heutzutage nicht mehr um rein nationale Projekte handelt, sondern diese sich zu standortübergreifenden, internationalen Prozessen entwickelt haben. Ziel dieser Dissertation ist es daher, spezifisch das Einwirken der „internationalen Dimension“ globaler Produktionsnetzwerke auf die Koordination der Anlaufphase zu untersuchen. Hierzu wurde basierend auf dem Kontingenzansatz, einschlägiger Literatur und einer empirisch-basierten Vorstudie ein konzeptioneller Bezugsrahmen entwickelt, der im Wesentlichen aus drei Elementen besteht: (1) Kontextfaktoren des anlaufbezogenen Koordinationsbedarfs, (2) spezifische Koordinationsprobleme bei globalen Anläufen und (3) unterschiedliche Koordinationsinstrumente, von denen ein Beitrag zur Bewältigung der Probleme zu erwarten ist. Auf dieser Grundlage wurde in einem zweiten Schritt eine empirische Untersuchung durchgeführt. Mittels einer Mehrfachfallstudie konnten detaillierte Einblicke in die Zusammenhänge zwischen den Elementen des Bezugsrahmen gewonnen werden. Genauer wurde den Fragen nachgegangen, inwieweit sich in verschiedenen Netzwerkkonfigurationen Unterschiede in der Bedeutung einzelner Koordinationsprobleme und dem Einsatz von Koordinationsinstrumenten identifizieren lassen. Ausgehend davon wurden praktische Gestaltungsempfehlungen hinsichtlich der instrumentellen Handhabung von Koordinationsproblemen abgeleitet.

The Kookaburra Yap

by Tennille Davis

Swoop in and find out what that mischievous, cackling kookaburras get up to in a day in the Australian woodlands. What do they do? Where do they live? What do they eat? What animals do they fear? Join in the iconic Australian kookaburra dance and song!

Komplikationen in der Anästhesie: Fallbeispiele - Analyse - Prävention

by Matthias Hübler Thea Koch

Komplikationen oder Zwischenfälle in der Anästhesie können für Patientinnen und Patienten schwerwiegende Folgen haben. Häufig sind sie eine Kombination menschlicher, organisatorischer und technischer Fehler. Das vorliegende Werk zeigt 37 Fallbeispiele aus der Praxis, bei denen es zu Komplikationen oder Beinahezwischenfällen gekommen ist. Jeder Fall gliedert sich in zwei Teile: Darstellung des Geschehens und Analyse der Situation. Dabei werden Einflussfaktoren wie z.B. Organisation, Kommunikation, Führung, Teamfähigkeit, Ressourcenmanagement für das Zustandekommen des Zwischenfalls eingehend beleuchtet. Und quasi nebenbei - eingewoben in den Fall - werden die wichtigsten Fakten des Faches Anästhesiologie vermittelt. Das Werk richtet sich an alle Anästhesistinnen und Anästhesisten in Klinik oder Praxis, die aus Fehlern lernen oder sich gegenüber Gefahrensituationen sensibilisieren möchten. Für mehr Sicherheit und Qualität in der Patientenversorgung. Die 4. Auflage erscheint überarbeitet und aktualisiert und um zwei neue, spannende und lehrreiche Fallbeispiele erweitert.

Komplexe Mannigfaltigkeiten (essentials)

by Klaus Fritzsche

Nach einer Einführung in die holomorphen Funktionen von mehreren Veränderlichen wird die Welt der komplexen Mannigfaltigkeiten vorgestellt, insbesondere Untermannigfaltigkeiten, analytische Mengen und tangentiale Strukturen. Weitere Themen sind komplexe Vektorbündel, Liegruppen und Quotientenstrukturen. Wichtigste Beispiele sind die Steinschen Mannigfaltigkeiten, sowie die projektiv-algebraischen Mengen mit ihrer Beziehung zur algebraischen Geometrie.

Kommunikationsmacht: Wirkungen und Potentiale kommunikativen Handelns (Wissen, Kommunikation und Gesellschaft)

by Jo Reichertz

Kommunikatives Handeln kann Macht entfalten, kann anderen ein bestimmtes Handeln nahelegen, ohne dass direkter oder indirekter Zwang dahintersteht. Die Frage ist, weshalb kommunikatives Handeln auch ohne Gewalt und Herrschaft Macht haben kann. Eine Antwort auf diese Frage hat die Soziologie bislang noch nicht geben können. Hier wird eine Antwort entworfen, indem gezeigt wird, dass und wie alltägliche Kommunikationsmacht sich im kommunikativen Mit- und Gegeneinander erst aufbauen muss, um dann wirken zu können. Dabei kommen der Beziehung der Menschen zueinander, deren gegenseitige Anerkennung und die daraus folgenden Auswirkungen auf die Identität der Beteiligten eine besondere Bedeutung zu. Ein solches Verständnis der alltäglichen Macht von kommunikativem Handeln kann dabei auch helfen zu verstehen, wann und unter welchen Bedingungen Kommunikation in den privaten und öffentlichen (digitalen) Medien wirksam sein kann. Ein Verständnis kann jedoch auch dabei helfen, selbst über kommunikatives Handeln Wirkung zu erzielen bzw. sich gegen kommunikative Zumutungen zu wehren.

Kohut's Self Psychology for a Fractured World: New Ways of Understanding the Self and Human Community (New Directions in Self Psychology)

by John Hanwell Riker

Drawing from Kohut's conceptualisation of self, Riker sets out how contemporary America's formulation of persons as autonomous, self-sufficient individuals is deeply injurious to the development of a vitalizing self-structure—a condition which lies behind much of the mental illness and social malaise of today's world.By carefully attending to Kohut's texts, Riker explains the structural, functional, and dynamic dimensions of Kohut's concept of the self. He creatively extends this concept to show how the self can be conceived of as an erotic striving for connectedness, beauty, and harmony, separate from the ego. Riker uses this distinction to reveal how social practices of contemporary American society foster skills and traits to advance the aims of the ego for power and control, but tend to suppress the needs of the self to authentically express its ideals and connect with others. The book explores the impact that this view can have on clinical practice, and concludes by imaginatively constructing an ideal self-psychological society, using Plato's Republic as a touchstone.Informed by self psychology and philosophy, this book is essential reading for psychoanalysts, psychotherapists and philosophers, seeking to revisit and revise constructions of both self and humanity.

Kochland: The Secret History of Koch Industries and Corporate Power in America

by Christopher Leonard

NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER * NEW YORK TIMES NOTABLE BOOK OF 2019 * WINNER OF THE J ANTHONY LUKAS WORK-IN-PROGRESS AWARD * FINANCIAL TIMES&’ BEST BOOKS OF 2019 * NPR FAVORITE BOOKS OF 2019 * FINALIST FOR THE FINACIAL TIMES/MCKINSEY BUSINESS BOOK OF 2019 * KIRKUS REVIEWS BEST BOOKS OF 2019 * SCHOOL LIBRARY JOURNAL BEST BOOKS OF 2019 &“Superb…Among the best books ever written about an American corporation.&” —Bryan Burrough, The New York Times Book Review Just as Steve Coll told the story of globalization through ExxonMobil and Andrew Ross Sorkin told the story of Wall Street excess through Too Big to Fail, Christopher Leonard&’s Kochland uses the extraordinary account of how one of the biggest private companies in the world grew to be that big to tell the story of modern corporate America.The annual revenue of Koch Industries is bigger than that of Goldman Sachs, Facebook, and US Steel combined. Koch is everywhere: from the fertilizers that make our food to the chemicals that make our pipes to the synthetics that make our carpets and diapers to the Wall Street trading in all these commodities. But few people know much about Koch Industries and that&’s because the billionaire Koch brothers have wanted it that way. For five decades, CEO Charles Koch has kept Koch Industries quietly operating in deepest secrecy, with a view toward very, very long-term profits. He&’s a genius businessman: patient with earnings, able to learn from his mistakes, determined that his employees develop a reverence for free-market ruthlessness, and a master disrupter. These strategies made him and his brother David together richer than Bill Gates. But there&’s another side to this story. If you want to understand how we killed the unions in this country, how we widened the income divide, stalled progress on climate change, and how our corporations bought the influence industry, all you have to do is read this book. Seven years in the making, Kochland &“is a dazzling feat of investigative reporting and epic narrative writing, a tour de force that takes the reader deep inside the rise of a vastly powerful family corporation that has come to influence American workers, markets, elections, and the very ideas debated in our public square. Leonard&’s work is fair and meticulous, even as it reveals the Kochs as industrial Citizens Kane of our time&” (Steve Coll, Pulitzer Prize–winning author of Private Empire).

Knowledge and God (Elements in Epistemology)

by null Matthew A. Benton

This Element examines a main theme in religious epistemology, namely, the possibility of knowledge of God. Most often philosophers consider the rationality or justification of propositional belief about God, particularly beliefs about the existence and nature of God; and they will assess the conditions under which, if there is a God, such propositional beliefs would be knowledge, particularly in light of counter-evidence or the availability of religious disagreement. This Element surveys such familiar areas, then turns toward newer and less-developed terrain: interpersonal epistemology, namely what it is to know another person. It then explores the prospects for understanding what it might take to know God relationally, the contours of which are significant for many theistic traditions.

Knowing Who We Are: The Wesleyan Way of Grace

by Laceye C. Warner

Discover what sets United Methodism apart. In this book, Laceye C. Warner invites you to a richer understanding of Wesleyan Christianity so you can have a clear sense of identity, better express your own beliefs, and deepen your connection with The United Methodist Church. She introduces you to important values and characteristics that make the Wesleyan way distinctive, including emphasizing God’s grace for all and sanctification as tangible transformation in your life, your community, and all creation. You’ll see how The United Methodist Church today is deeply rooted in the Christian tradition and a legacy of care, compassion, and active response to injustice in the world. And you’ll find that Christian faith in the Wesleyan tradition holds together personal faith and community life, along with a commitment to justice through ministry and service. Pick up this book and study it with your small group and discover a way of being Christian that fills you with joy, moves you to follow Jesus wholeheartedly, and spurs you to live with compassion and grace. The book can be read alone or used by small groups anytime throughout the year. Components include video teaching sessions featuring Laceye Warner and a comprehensive Leader Guide, making this perfect as a six-week group study. A companion book, Who We Are and What We Believe: 50 Questions about The UMC, is also available.

Know What Makes Them Tick: How to Successfully Negotiate Almost Any Situation

by Max Siegel G. F. Lichtenberg

“Siegel shows us how to successfully navigate situations that may arise at work, in the home, or in personal relationships. More, he shows how, if the cards are played right, everyone walks away a winner—an empowering feeling if ever there was one.” — Chris Gardner, author of The Pursuit of Happyness and Start Where You Are “Winners attract winners and smart leaders attract smart followers…. If you want to grow both personally and professionally, then join the winners and leaders who find wisdom with Max Siegel." — Chuck Wielgus, CEO of USA Swimming From highly innovative and successful business executive Max Siegel comes a straightforward and original self-help book that will give readers the upper hand in almost any kind of negotiation process.

Knots and Primes: An Introduction to Arithmetic Topology (Universitext)

by Masanori Morishita

This book provides a foundation for arithmetic topology, a new branch of mathematics that investigates the analogies between the topology of knots, 3-manifolds, and the arithmetic of number fields. Arithmetic topology is now becoming a powerful guiding principle and driving force to obtain parallel results and new insights between 3-dimensional geometry and number theory.After an informative introduction to Gauss' work, in which arithmetic topology originated, the text reviews a background from both topology and number theory. The analogy between knots in 3-manifolds and primes in number rings, the founding principle of the subject, is based on the étale topological interpretation of primes and number rings. On the basis of this principle, the text explores systematically intimate analogies and parallel results of various concepts and theories between 3-dimensional topology and number theory. The presentation of these analogies begins at an elementary level, gradually building to advanced theories in later chapters. Many results presented here are new and original.References are clearly provided if necessary, and many examples and illustrations are included. Some useful problems are also given for future research. All these components make the book useful for graduate students and researchers in number theory, low dimensional topology, and geometry.This second edition is a corrected and enlarged version of the original one. Misprints and mistakes in the first edition are corrected, references are updated, and some expositions are improved. Because of the remarkable developments in arithmetic topology after the publication of the first edition, the present edition includes two new chapters. One is concerned with idelic class field theory for 3-manifolds and number fields. The other deals with topological and arithmetic Dijkgraaf–Witten theory, which supports a new bridge between arithmetic topology and mathematical physics.

Knife River: A Novel

by Justine Champine

A compelling story of family, home, and the bond between sisters that asks: Who do you believe when you can't even trust yourself? &“A delicious smoke curl of a novel. &”—#1 New York Times bestselling author Jodi Picoult&“An intelligent literary mystery.&”—#1 New York Times bestselling author Paula HawkinsWhen Jess was thirteen, her mother went for a walk and never returned. Jess and her older sister, Liz, never found out what happened. Instead, they did what they hoped their mother had done: survive. As soon as she was old enough, Jess fled their small town of Knife River, wandering from girlfriend to girlfriend like a ghost in her own life, aimless in her attempts to outrun grief and confusion. But one morning, fifteen years after their mother&’s disappearance, she gets the call she&’s been bracing for: Her mother&’s remains have been found.Jess returns to find Knife River—and her sister—frozen in time. The town is as claustrophobic and rundown as ever. Liz still lives in their childhood home and has become obsessed with unsolved missing persons cases. Jess plans to stay only until they get some answers, but their mother&’s bones, exposed to the elements for so long, just leave them with more questions. As Jess gets caught up in the case and falls back into an entanglement with her high school girlfriend, her understanding of the past, of Liz, of their mother, and of herself become more complicated—and the list of theories more ominous.Knife River is a tense, intimate, and heartrending portrayal of how deeply and imperfectly women love one another: in romantic relationships, in friendships, and especially as sisters.

Knee Surgery: The Essential Step-by-Step Guide to Total Knee Recovery

by Daniel Fulham O'Neill

In this age of same-day surgery and do-it-yourself health, Knee Surgery presents an easy-to-do, well-illustrated program of movement for knee rehabilitation - with a special focus on the mind/body connection - and describes the physical and mental rehabilitation process in complete detail, providing all the guidance you need to decrease pain and increase fitness after knee surgery. Millions of people have knee surgery each year, and in the years to come millions more will head to the O.R. Chances are, you or someone you know has had or will undergo knee surgery. Busy doctors, therapists, and athletic trainers have limited time to spend on quality physical and mental rehabilitation education, yet this is the key to full recovery.Written by renowned knee surgeon and Sport Psychologist Daniel F. O'Neill, M.D., Ed.D., this comprehensive and accessible guide presents what you'll want and need the most after knee surgery: a scientifically-based recovery program you can understand that will get you back to work and sports as quickly as possible.

Knee Ability Zero

by Ben Patrick

Knee Ability Zero is not a medical book, rather: it is a step-by-step manual which allows you to find and improve your pain-free ability, and this has resulted in over 2000 knee success stories for people of all ages and walks of life.Over 8 steps we build "from the ground up" - from your ankles to lower legs to knees to thighs to hips, improving the strength, control, and freedom you have over your body, with explanation of why each step helps your knees. The 8 steps take 15-20 minutes in total, and I suggest doing them up to 3 times per week.You do not need any weights, equipment, or special abilities for this program, and you can start applying Step 1 from the moment you open up the book!

The Knee: AANA Advanced Arthroscopic Surgical Techniques (AANA Advanced Arthroscopic Techniques series)

by Nicholas Sgaglione James Lubowitz Matthew Provencher

Co-published with the Arthroscopy Association of North America, The Knee: AANA Advanced Arthroscopic Surgical Techniques is a comprehensive technique-based book that presents the latest diagnostic and reconstructive techniques in arthroscopic surgery for the knee.The Knee: AANA Advanced Arthroscopic Surgical Techniques is authored by premier arthroscopic surgeons Drs. Nicholas A. Sgaglione, James H. Lubowitz, Matthew T. Provencher, and their international list of expert contributors. This comprehensive resource includes preferred physical examination testing and diagnostic imaging choices in pre-operative planning and patient selection, state-of-the-art step-by-step description of the procedures, detailed surgical equipment lists to perform each procedure, clear and precise indications for surgery and the thoughtful rationale behind stated contraindications, controversial indications, post-operative protocols, and potential complications.The written text is supported by numerous color images and a website with invaluable, narrated video clips depicting disease-specific arthroscopic techniques specific to the knee.Features inside The Knee: AANA Advanced Arthroscopic Surgical Techniques Narrated video accompanies all surgical techniques, focusing on the stepwise approach to each operation Consistent organization throughout the book results in a bulleted and user-friendly interface for a quick reference or prolonged study Top 5 Technical Pearls for each procedure to enhance outcomes and to avoid common pitfalls and complications High-quality artwork and figures to complement clinical images Equipment and surgical technique checklists for quick reference prior to surgery Each expert contributor was chosen for his or her expertise for a specific topic related to The Knee, so the reader benefits by the highest quality and treatment recommendations to provide state-of-the-art care to his or her patient. Some chapter topics include:-Arthroscopic Reduction and Fixation of Tibial Plateau and Eminence Fractures-Arthroscopic Treatment of Patellar Tendinopathy-Arthroscopic Meniscal Repair-Novel Techniques in Articular Cartilage Restoration -Advances in Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction

The Klingon Dictionary: The Official Guide to Klingon Words and Phrases (Star Trek)

by Marc Okrand

The official guide to Klingon/English words and phrases!The classic comprehensive Star Trek sourcebook for Klingon language and syntax! The only book of its kind, this dictionary includes the fundamental grammar rules, words, and expressions that illustrate the nature of the complex Klingon culture as well as: *A precise pronunciation guide *Commands in Clipped Klingon *Proper use of affixes and suffixes *Conjunctions, exclamations, and superlatives *Simple and complex sentence structure PLUS: a small phrasebook with Klingon translations for essential expressions such as "Activate the transport beam," "Always trust your instincts," and the ever-popular "Surrender or die!" Qapla&’!

Kline's Neuro-Ophthalmology Review Manual

by Rod Foroozan Michael Vaphiades

For over 35 years, Kline’s Neuro-Ophthalmology Review Manual has presented a unique and user-friendly approach to address clinical neuro-ophthalmology principles used in everyday practice. This Eighth Edition continues that tradition, providing a timely update, while also maintaining the same user-friendly and concise format. Dr. Rod Foroozan and Dr. Michael Vaphiades have taken the mantle of updating this respected manual from Dr. Lanning Kline and continue his tradition of a simple summary of the most important clinical aspects of neuro-ophthalmology with schematic illustrations and material relevant to everyday practice. They are joined by their contributing authors, all seasoned neuro-ophthalmologists, and have organized the book to provide the essential key information on neuro-ophthalmic disorders. The Eighth Edition provides a comprehensive update to the latest information, adds many new effective exercises for case study, and is a complete update on neuro-ophthalmic conditions, including results of recent clinical trials and emerging literature. Also new is the inclusion of a table of neuro-ophthalmic emergencies which serves as a quick guide so that these potentially life-threatening and blinding conditions can be accessed easily.Chapters include: Nystagmus and Related Ocular Oscillations Myasthenia and Ocular Myopathies Nonorganic Visual Disorders Disorders of Higher Visual Function Neuroimaging Kline’s Neuro-Ophthalmology Review Manual, Eighth Edition has all the fundamentals presented logically for all practitioners and residents in ophthalmology, neurology, and neurosurgery. A popular choice among colleagues for more than 35 years, this a must-have resource in neuro-ophthalmology.

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