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Showing 6,101 through 6,125 of 11,168 results

Capturing a Deputy's Heart

by Adrian Crawford

One evening Deputy Rob Davenport pulls over a car for speeding. While his patience is tested by a condescending driver, his heart is captured by the passenger in the car, Max Winters. They’re mutually attracted to one another but fail to connect due to the driver being arrested for a warrant. The next day, a chance encounter at their favorite restaurant gives Max and Rob a chance to shoot their shot and leads to Rob asking Max on a date. Weeks of dating blossom into a loving relationship.But two people are unhappy with this coupledom, including Randall Wilson, the car's driver who has crushed on Max since their freshman year of college, and Bryce Turner, who’s been in love with Rob since middle school. Both men join forces to see if they can end Max and Rob’s relationship by any means necessary. Will they accomplish their goal of getting the man they love? Or are Max and Rob simply meant to be?

A Course in Combinatorics and Graphs (Compact Textbooks in Mathematics)

by Simeon Ball Oriol Serra

This compact textbook consists of lecture notes given as a fourth-year undergraduate course of the mathematics degree at the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, including topics in enumerative combinatorics, finite geometry, and graph theory. This text covers a single-semester course and is aimed at advanced undergraduates and masters-level students. Each chapter is intended to be covered in 6-8 hours of classes, which includes time to solve the exercises. The text is also ideally suited for independent study. Some hints are given to help solve the exercises and if the exercise has a numerical solution, then this is given. The material covered allows the reader with a rudimentary knowledge of discrete mathematics to acquire an advanced level on all aspects of combinatorics, from enumeration, through finite geometries to graph theory. The intended audience of this book assumes a mathematical background of third-year students in mathematics, allowing for a swifter useof mathematical tools in analysis, algebra, and other topics, as these tools are routinely incorporated in contemporary combinatorics. Some chapters take on more modern approaches such as Chapters 1, 2, and 9. The authors have also taken particular care in looking for clear concise proofs of well-known results matching the mathematical maturity of the intended audience.

Introduction to Food Chemistry

by Vassilis Kontogiorgos

The complexity of food chemistry makes it a challenging subject for students studying in a food science course. Although there are excellent food chemistry books available in the market they have two major flaws: they are either encyclopedic or they are not pitched correctly to undergraduate food science students. The first problem creates difficulties for students to identify what is important and how much they need to know. The second problem arises when the book is written by authors that are not food scientists (e.g., chemists), they are not academics that are engaged with teaching or they are not sufficiently qualified to teach. In this case, it is difficult to find links between the chemistry of foods and its relevance to applications or, quite frequently, future employment prospects of the student. Introduction to Food Chemistry, 2nd Edition bridges this gap in the relevant literature, as it employs the latest pedagogical theories in textbook writing to present the subject to students with broad range of cognitive skills. This book presents specific learning objectives for each chapter and is self-contained so students will not need to search for essential information outside the textbook. This new edition has been expanded to include chapters on sweeteners, glass transition, amino acids, proteins for major food commodities and food additives. All of the original chapters have been updated and expanded to include new research and technologies. To support learning, the book has:Didactic elements with information being conveyed with 3D-figures, color-coded schemes and graphs, annotations on figures that link it to the text descriptionsBuilt-in pedagogy and learning activities at the end of each chapter that are linked to the learning objectives.Keywords and concepts for online search to instigate curiosity for further studies.Conversational writing style without losing academic rigorTo support lecturers, the book has:Helps focus teaching preparation on key aspects of food chemistry relevant to both industry and modern research.Aids the preparation of exams, assignments and other types of assessment or learning activities.For lecturers in search of a singular source to aid in their introductory food chemistry courses, look no further than this expanded new edition of Introduction to Food Chemistry.

Be a Champion: 40 Facts You Didn't Know About Sports and Science (Copernicus Books)

by Amandine Aftalion

Why do you lean in a bend? Why does a sprinter slow down before the finish line? Why do golf balls have dimples? Why do you swim better slightly underwater? Why, on a bike, the faster you go, the more stable you are? Why shouldn’t you rely on doping tests too much? Is there a law of evolution of records?These are some of the 40 questions that Amandine Aftalion answers in this book using simple physics and mathematics, and some humor. Not only will it allow you to improve yourself in sports, but it will also but it will also give way to understanding how champions do.An easy book to read and the must to have if you are a sports addict or if you watch sports on TV and ask yourself “why?”.Amandine Aftalion is a French mathematician. She is a CNRS senior scientist and graduated from École normale supérieure in Paris. She has given talks all over the world, as a specialist of models coming from low temperature physics. She has written a book on vortices in Bose–Einstein condensates. More recently, she has used energy minimization to study an optimal control problem coming from human energy: optimizing running. She has written papers on sports aimed at coaches. Part of her latest results have inspired the first chapter of this book. She is the producer and director of a French YouTube channel for the popularization of mathematics, Videodimath, elected as one of the 5 best French YouTube channels for popular mathematics.

Gamma Rays in the 100 TeV Region from Potential Galactic PeVatron Candidates: Observation with the Tibet Air Shower Array and the Muon Detector Array (Springer Theses)

by Sei Kato

This book presents two candidates for astrophysical accelerators of cosmic rays with petaelectron-volt (PeV) energies in our Galaxy, the so-called PeVatrons, through the observation of sub-PeV gamma rays performed by the Tibet air shower array. The two gamma-ray sources are TASG J1844-038—a newly detected source in this presented work—and HESS J1849-000. Reconstructing their gamma-ray energy spectra up to the sub-PeV range and also analyzing the archive data published by a radio survey, the book discusses in depth the emission mechanisms of the observed gamma rays and suggests that these two gamma-ray sources are candidates for PeVatrons. The results give insights into the population of PeVatron in the Galaxy, which is important to consider their contribution to the PeV cosmic rays observed at the Earth.

Japan and Global Health: Human Security Agenda in the COVID-19 Pandemic

by Daisuke Akimoto

This book examines the development of Japan’s human security diplomacy for global health in the pre- and post-COVID-19 world. In the light of global health politics and human security studies, it attempts to clarify Japan’s financial and diplomatic contributions to the Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance (Gavi), the COVID-19 Vaccines Global Access (COVAX) Facility, the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria (Global Fund), the Global Polio Eradication Initiative (GPEI), the Tokyo International Conference on African Development (TICAD), official development assistance (ODA) related to global health, the Global Health Innovative Technology Fund (GHIT Fund) to combat neglected tropical diseases (NTDs), the Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations (CEPI) in preparation for future pandemics, and the International Monetary Fund (IMF) to enhance the global health system. Moreover, the Japanese Business Leaders’ Coalition for Global Health in collaboration with the Bill & Melida Gates Foundation in the field of innovative technology, such as an application of artificial intelligence (AI) for global health will be scrutinized. In addition, this research investigates implications of Japan’s Global Health Strategy for Japan’s global health diplomacy at the event of the G7/G8 summits, especially the 2023 G7 Hiroshima Summit. Finally, this book identifies multiple global health actors that constitute the emerging and changing global health architecture in the post-COVID-19 world.

Understanding Prisoner Victimisation (Palgrave Studies in Victims and Victimology)

by Tom Daems Elien Goossens

People in prison are usually (and often exclusively) seen and approached as persons who have committed one or more crimes and who have to pay their debt to society. However, while in prison, they often get victimised themselves. Research has demonstrated that prisons tend to be unsafe environments where various forms of victimisation take place. These forms of victimisation often go unnoticed and usually do not attract much interest from policymakers or society at large: prisoners are, indeed, far from ‘ideal victims’. This book is devoted to understanding prisoner victimisation, in particular from a European perspective. Chapters in this volume focus on recent empirical work in a number of European countries (Belgium, England and Wales and the Netherlands). These chapters are complemented with a series of reflections from a conceptual, methodological and human rights perspective.

Rationalität und Egoismus im Recht: Befehl versus Nudging (Schriftenreihe des Instituts für Klimaschutz, Energie und Mobilität)

by Jana Maruschke

Dieses Buch fragt danach, wie Recht und Rechtsprechung, Staats- und Rechtstheorie sowie moderne Verhaltensökonomie die Rationalität und den Egoismus des Menschen begreifen und wie dies die Wahl staatlicher Steuerungsinstrumente beeinflusst. Das scheinbar neuartige Instrument Nudging wird mit Blick auf Umweltschutzinstrumente, die Regulierung des Tabakrauchens und der Organspende in den öffentlich-rechtlichen Handlungsformenkatalog eingeordnet, wobei verfassungsrechtliche Grenzen diskutiert werden. Zielgruppe sind die an der "Metaebene" des Rechts und der Verhaltenssteuerung interessierten Leserinnen und Leser.

Autistic People With Co-occurring Psychological Conditions: Prevalence and Perspectives From Autistics, Their Families, and Professionals (SpringerBriefs in Modern Perspectives on Disability Research)

by Gabriel Bennett Emma Goodall

This book provides a comprehensive overview of the experiences and challenges faced by autistics who also have co-occurring psychological conditions such as anxiety, depression, and gender dysphoria. The topic of autistics with co-occurring psychological conditions is currently of particular importance to the field of autism research because research has shown that a significant proportion of autistics also have co-occurring psychological conditions. However, these co-occurring conditions are often overlooked or misdiagnosed, which can lead to inappropriate or ineffective treatment. This book fills a critical gap in the literature by providing a comprehensive resource that addresses the specific needs of this population. This book aims to increase understanding and awareness of these co-occurring conditions among autistics, their families, caregivers, and mental health professionals.

Complex Networks XV: Proceedings of the 15th Conference on Complex Networks, CompleNet 2024 (Springer Proceedings in Complexity)

by Federico Botta Mariana Macedo Hugo Barbosa Ronaldo Menezes

The International Conference on Complex Networks (CompleNet) brings together researchers and practitioners from diverse disciplines working on areas related to complex networks. CompleNet has been an active conference since 2009. Over the past two decades, we have witnessed an exponential increase in the number of publications and research centres dedicated to this field of Complex Networks (aka Network Science). From biological systems to computer science, from technical to informational networks, and from economic to social systems, complex networks are becoming pervasive for dozens of applications. It is the interdisciplinary nature of complex networks that CompleNet aims to capture and celebrate. The CompleNet conference is one of the most cherished events by scientists in our field. Maybe it is because of its motivating format, consisting of plenary sessions (no parallel sessions); or perhaps the reason is that it finds the perfect balance between young and senior participation, a balance in the demographics of the presenters, or perhaps it is just the quality of the work presented.

Toxic Parliaments: And What Can Be Done About Them (Gender and Politics)

by Marian Sawer Maria Maley

This open access book shows how the #MeToo movement and revelations of sexual harassment and bullying have spurred on reform of the parliamentary workplace in four Westminster countries – Australia, Canada, New Zealand and the UK. Long-standing conventions included extreme power imbalances between parliamentarians and staff and a lack of professionalised employment practices. Codes of conduct and independent complaints bodies were resisted on grounds of parliamentary privilege: the ballot box was supposedly the best means of holding parliamentarians accountable for their conduct. The taken-for-granted status of adversarial politics and its silencing effects also rendered gendered mistreatment invisible. The authors examine the institutional backdrop and the different trajectories of reform in the four countries, with most detail on the dramatic developments in Australia after angry women marched on parliament houses in 2021. They show how the different parliaments have responded to escalating evidence of misconduct, the role of policy borrowing, and the possibilities of lasting institutional change.

Genesis: Translation And Commentary

by Robert Alter

"[Here is] the Genesis for our generation and beyond."—Robert Fagles Genesis begins with the making of heaven and earth and all life, and ends with the image of a mummy—Joseph's—in a coffin. In between come many of the primal stories in Western culture: Adam and Eve's expulsion from the garden of Eden, Cain's murder of Abel, Noah and the Flood, the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah, Abraham's binding of Isaac, the covenant of God and Abraham, Isaac's blessing of Jacob in place of Esau, the saga of Joseph and his brothers. In Robert Alter's brilliant translation, these stories cohere in a powerful narrative of the tortuous relations between fathers and sons, husbands and wives, eldest and younger brothers, God and his chosen people, the people of Israel and their neighbors. Alter's translation honors the meanings and literary strategies of the ancient Hebrew and conveys them in fluent English prose. It recovers a Genesis with the continuity of theme and motif of a wholly conceived and fully realized book. His insightful, fully informed commentary illuminates the book in all its dimensions.

Cultural Amnesia: Necessary Memories From History And The Arts

by Clive James

"I can't remember when I've learned as much from something I've read—or laughed as much while doing it." —Jacob Weisberg, Slate This international bestseller is an encyclopedic A-Z masterpiece—the perfect introduction to the very core of Western humanism. Clive James rescues, or occasionally destroys, the careers of many of the greatest thinkers, humanists, musicians, artists, and philosophers of the twentieth century. Soaring to Montaigne-like heights, Cultural Amnesia is precisely the book to burnish these memories of a Western civilization that James fears is nearly lost.

The Last Picture Show (Last Picture Show Trilogy #No. 1)

by Larry McMurtry

“McMurtry is an alchemist who converts the basest materials to gold.” — New York Times Book Review The Last Picture Show (1966) is both a rambunctious coming-of-age story and an elegy to a forlorn Texas town trying to keep its one movie house alive. Adapted into the Oscar-winning film, this masterpiece immortalizes the lives of the hardscrabble residents who are threatened by the inexorable forces of the modern world.

From Development to Democracy: The Transformations of Modern Asia

by Dan Slater Joseph Wong

Why some of Asia’s authoritarian regimes have democratized as they have grown richer—and why others haven’tOver the past century, Asia has been transformed by rapid economic growth, industrialization, and urbanization—a spectacular record of development that has turned one of the world’s poorest regions into one of its richest. Yet Asia’s record of democratization has been much more uneven, despite the global correlation between development and democracy. Why have some Asian countries become more democratic as they have grown richer, while others—most notably China—haven’t? In From Development to Democracy, Dan Slater and Joseph Wong offer a sweeping and original answer to this crucial question.Slater and Wong demonstrate that Asia defies the conventional expectation that authoritarian regimes concede democratization only as a last resort, during times of weakness. Instead, Asian dictators have pursued democratic reforms as a proactive strategy to revitalize their power from a position of strength. Of central importance is whether authoritarians are confident of victory and stability. In Japan, South Korea, and Taiwan these factors fostered democracy through strength, while democratic experiments in Indonesia, Thailand, and Myanmar were less successful and more reversible. At the same time, resistance to democratic reforms has proven intractable in Singapore, Malaysia, Hong Kong, China, Vietnam, and Cambodia. Reconsidering China’s 1989 crackdown, Slater and Wong argue that it was the action of a regime too weak to concede, not too strong to fail, and they explain why China can allow democracy without inviting instability.The result is a comprehensive regional history that offers important new insights about when and how democratic transitions happen—and what the future of Asia might be.

The Return of the Discontinued Man: The Burton And Swinburne Adventures (A Burton & Swinburne Adventure #5)

by Mark Hodder

Philip K. Dick Award-winning author Mark Hodder continues his Burton & Swinburne Adventures in an electrifying tale in which the future and the past collide―and the world itself may be altered forever…Years ago, a madman from the future assassinated the beloved Queen Victoria―which inadvertently sparked the explosion of scientific and industrial advancement that thrust England into a technological age beyond anything ever imagined. And the effects of that event are about to be felt more than ever.When a renowned scientist attempts to experiment on the assassin’s time-travelling suit, he unleashes a wave of chaos and conflicting timelines, resulting in blood red snow falling from the sky, and the adventurer Sir Richard Burton being tormented by jarring visions of alternate realities that are somehow both unavoidable and yet changeable. Time and reality may have just reached their breaking point.But most disturbing of all, the legendary Spring Heeled Jack has returned―in several different places at the same time! These numerous “Jacks” are all very confused, very irritable, and very dangerous…And they are all looking for Sir Richard Burton.

The Last Full Measure

by Jack Campbell

From the New York Times bestselling author of the epic Lost Fleet series comes a story of a nightmarish America that could have been—and the Civil War that would set her free once more…America, 1863: the dream of the Founding Fathers has become a nightmare. The ideals of freedom and individualism have fallen to tyranny, corruption and greed. Wealthy industrialists of the North and slave-holding plantation owners of the South now hold power through the might of the military and puppet politicians—and all who defy them are declared traitors to the United States of America.Condemned for daring to speak against the government, Prof. Joshua Chamberlain is on his way to a penal plantation when his prison train is captured by the Army of the New Republic—a growing force of courageous soldiers who wish to restore the United States to its original righteous path. Joining a company of heroes with names such as Hancock, Longstreet and Armistead, Chamberlain finds himself joining the fight for freedom. But to win that freedom—and keep it—the rebellion needs a leader who is not a soldier, but a living symbol of the cause with the wisdom and fortitude to lead America back into the light.Chamberlain knows exactly where to find such a leader. A man who is currently being held in the most secure and dangerous prison in the country, where his treasonous ideals cannot be heard. A man whose refusal to bow to those who proudly claim slavery as a way of life has already made him a legend. A man they must rescue at all costs…A man called Lincoln.

Archie 1000 Page Comics BLOW-OUT! (Archie 1000 Page Comics #9)

by Archie Superstars

ARCHIE 1000 PAGE COMICS BLOW-OUT! collects 1000 pages of iconic Archie tales in this one amazing volume! Follow America's favorite red-head as he navigates the pressures of the American teenager in the awkward, charming, and hilarious way you've come to know and love.

Archie 1000 Page Comics Shindig (Archie 1000 Page Comics #12)

by Archie Superstars

Put on your dancing shoes and head on over to a SHINDIG of your favorite Archie comic stories! In this edition of the ARCHIE 1000 PAGE COMICS series, get ready to laugh until your sides hurt and have as much fun as possible along with Archie & his pals ‘n’ gals! For 75 years, Archie and his friends have been making everyone laugh, with their dating hijinx and misadventures at Riverdale High School! Everything’s Archie in the largest Archie collection series EVER—offered at an incredible value price!

Archie 1000 Page Comics Jam (Archie 1000 Page Comics #10)

by Archie Superstars

ARCHIE 1000 PAGE COMICS JAM collects 1000 pages of iconic Archie tales in this one amazing volume! Follow America's favorite red-head as he navigates the pressures of the American teenager in the awkward, charming, and hilarious way you've come to know and love.


by Michael Garrett

He rescued her from a raging river, risking his own life against blizzard-like conditions. He drove her to his home over treacherous icy roads to render treatment for exposure. But when Nancy Barnett revived, she thought Wayne Crocker had kidnapped her, and Wayne doesn’t have the words or the way to persuade her otherwise. Trapped together with no telephone or electricity, Wayne must keep Nancy from making an accusation that could imprison him until his dying day.She owed him her life — but did she have to be his forever?"A nail-biting journey of suspense. Garrett's prose crackles with life." —Cemetery Dance

Wake of War: A Novel

by Zac Topping

In the future, the fate of America will be decided in a valley of death…The year is 2037, and chaos reigns. The U.S. government is in the hands of a borderline fascist who rules a country that is falling apart. Economic collapse looms, whole populations are fleeing their homes, and the armed forces are caught in a seemingly helpless war. Their foe—their own countrymen.The Revolutionist Front was borne of the government’s increasingly draconian actions. But the RF is equally extreme, run by a merciless megalomaniac determined to create his own version of America. Now, both armies find themselves in a stalemate in Salt Lake City, facing each other across a vital resource mine that could decide the outcome of the war.In this maelstrom, three fighters will experience the horrors of war from different directions: a young, green infantryman about to receive his baptism of fire; a ruthless rebel sniper out to make her enemies pay for what they took from her; and a hardened mercenary being paid to protect the mine.Each will be tested to the limits of their loyalties and personal honor. But none will emerge from the coming battle the same as when they walked into hell on earth…"WAKE OF WAR is packed with intense, realistic combat action set in an all-too-believable near future. Zac Topping has clearly been there and done that, and he delivers riveting combat scenes that explode off of the page." - Michael Mammay, author of The Misfit Soldier

Archie 1000 Page Comics Gala (Archie 1000 Page Comics #11)

by Archie Superstars

ARCHIE 1000 PAGE COMICS GALA collects 1000 pages of iconic Archie tales in this one amazing volume! Follow America's favorite red-head as he navigates the pressures of the American teenager in the awkward, charming, and hilarious way you've come to know and love.

Large Animal Parasitology Procedures for Veterinary Technicians

by Donald H. Bliss

Large Animal Parasitology Procedures for Veterinary Technicians Comprehensive illustrated reference on parasitic nematodes, cestodes, coccidian oocysts and trematode egg recoveries, identification, and enumeration with treatment strategies for five separate categories of animal patients Large Animal Parasitology Procedures for Veterinary Technicians illustrates, in detail, the most sensitive diagnostic procedure for internal parasites of domestic animals using the Modified Wisconsin Sugar Flotation Method. With step-by-step pictures and bullet-point instructions, this text discusses sample collection and storage techniques, as well as the strengths and weaknesses inherent to other commonly used tests. Potential sources for infection, the seasonality of the infection, possible environmental recontamination, and control strategies are all covered in detail, with suggestions to prevent reoccurrences. Parasites of the equine, large and small ruminants (including alpaca), swine, poultry and hoofed wildlife patients are included, with full color images for quick identification, an assessment of life cycle stage, and discussion of zoonotic potential. Each species section is heavily illustrated with comparative images to aid the technician in quickly identifying the parasite and life cycle stage. In Large Animal Parasitology Procedures for Veterinary Technicians, readers can find information on: The definition and economic importance of parasitisms, details on the epidemiology of parasitic enteritis, including basics of protozoology, helminthology, and overall applied veterinary parasitology Sample collection and shipment of specimens, including collection, storage, examinations, and interpretations Fecal examination using the Modified Wisconsin Sugar Flotation method, compared with gross examination, smear, sedimentation, and other flotation techniques, plus a fluke egg recovery technique and the Baermann technique for lungworm larvae recovery Internal parasite diagnosis and worm egg recoveries, descriptions and pictures of nematode parasite eggs (as well as coccidia oocysts), plus tapeworm eggs and fluke egg descriptions and photos for a variety of host animals Illustrating commonly used diagnostic tests in veterinary parasitology, with step-by-step instructions for accuracy, Large Animal Parasitology Procedures for Veterinary Technicians is an essential reference for veterinary technicians and veterinary technician students dealing with domestic animals, including horses, ruminants, swine, poultry, and hoofed wildlife.

Understanding Wine Chemistry (Sci (society Of Chemical Industry) Ser.)

by Andrew L. Waterhouse Gavin L. Sacks David W. Jeffery

Understanding Wine Chemistry Understand the reactions behind the world’s most alluring beverages The immense variety of wines on the market is the product of multiple chemical processes – whether acting on components arising in the vineyard, during fermentation, or throughout storage. Winemaking decisions alter the chemistry of finished wines, affecting the flavor, color, stability, and other aspects of the final product. Knowledge of these chemical and biochemical processes is integral to the art and science of winemaking. Understanding Wine Chemistry has served as the definitive introduction to the chemical components of wine, their properties, and their reaction mechanisms. It equips the knowledgeable reader to interpret and predict the outcomes of physicochemical reactions involved with winemaking processes. Now updated to reflect recent research findings, most notably in relation to wine redox chemistry, along with new Special Topics chapters on emerging areas, it continues to set the standard in the subject. Readers of the second edition of Understanding Wine Chemistry will also find: Case studies throughout showing chemistry at work in creating different wine styles and avoiding common adverse chemical and sensory outcomes Detailed treatment of novel subjects like non-alcoholic wines, non-glass alternatives to wine packaging, synthetic wines, and more An authorial team with decades of combined experience in wine chemistry research and education Understanding Wine Chemistry is ideal for college and university students, winemakers at any stage in their practice, professionals in related fields such as suppliers or sommeliers, and chemists with an interest in wine.

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