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HCI International 2022 – Late Breaking Papers: 24th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, HCII 2022, Virtual Event, June 26–July 1, 2022, Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science #13522)

by Vincent G. Duffy Pei-Luen Patrick Rau

Volume LNCS 13522 is part of the refereed proceedings of the 24th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, HCII 2022, which was held virtually during June 26 to July 1, 2022.A total of 5583 individuals from academia, research institutes, industry, and governmental agencies from 88 countries submitted contributions, and 1276 papers and 275 posters were included in the proceedings that were published just before the start of the conference. Additionally, 296 papers and 181 posters are included in the volumes of the proceedings published after the conference, as “Late Breaking Work” (papers and posters). The contributions thoroughly cover the entire field of human-computer interaction, addressing major advances in knowledge and effective use of computers in a variety of application areas.

Shari'a and the Constitution in Contemporary Legal Models: Two Worlds in Dialogue (Global Issues)

by Federico Lorenzo Ramaioli

This comparative law book aims at formulating a new analytical approach to constitutional comparisons, assuming as a starting point the different legal perspectives implied in the (Sunni) Islamic outlook on the juridical phenomena and the Western concept of law, with particular reference to constitutionalism. The volume adopts a wider and comprehensive viewpoint, comparing the different ways in which the Islamic sharīʿa and Western legal categories interact, regardless of substantive contents of specific provisions, thus avoiding conceptual biases that can sometime affect present literature on the matter. The book explores the various dynamics subtended to the interactions between sharīʿa and Western constitutionalism, providing a new classification to the different contemporary models. The philosophical and legal comparisons are analyzed in a dynamic way, based on a wide range of contemporary constitutional systems, virtually encompassing all the States in which Sunni Islam plays a major cultural role, and taking also into consideration non-State actors and non-recognized actors."Published in cooperation with gLAWcal - Global Law Initiatives for Sustainable Development, Hornchurch, Essex, United Kingdom".

Mechanism of Hairpin Vortex Formation by Liutex (Synthesis Lectures on Engineering, Science, and Technology)

by Yifei Yu Chaoqun Liu

This book presents the importance of the mechanism of hairpin vortex formation to understanding flow transition, turbulence, and flow control. This book blends direct numerical simulation (DNS) and mathematical analysis with experiments to create a foundation for understanding turbulence. The authors discuss hairpin vortex as a main component of transitional flow and turbulent flow. In addition, Liutex is utilized and described as a theoretical system that presents valid tools for turbulence research. Readers are exposed to understanding 3D and non-linear instability; the Lambda vortex formation; sweeps, ejections, and shear instability; the Kelvin-Helmholtz instability and vortex ring formation; and turbulence generation and sustenance.

Frakturen der Mittelhand und Finger: Eine Übersicht für Ärzte aller Fachgebiete (essentials)

by Adrian Cavalcanti Kußmaul Frank Unglaub

​Frakturen von Fingern und Mittelhand stellen gemeinsam die häufigsten Frakturen dar. Klinisch kann es neben Schwellungen, Hämatomen und Schmerzen auch zu Funktionseinschränkungen kommen. Die Diagnostik umfasst neben klinischer Untersuchung auch bildgebende Verfahren, insbesondere röntgenologische Untersuchungen. Therapeutisch sollte neben dem Funktionserhalt insbesondere der individuelle Anspruch im Vordergrund stehen.

Automatic Control with Experiments (Advanced Textbooks in Control and Signal Processing)

by Victor Manuel Hernández-Guzmán Ramón Silva-Ortigoza Jorge Alberto Orrante-Sakanassi

This book offers an enhanced and comprehensive understanding of control theory and its practical applications. The theoretical chapters on control tools have been meticulously revised and improved to provide a clearer and more insightful exploration of the fundamental concepts and ideas. The explanations have been refined, and new examples have been added to aid comprehension. Additionally, a new chapter on discrete-time systems has been included, delving into an important aspect of control theory. Advanced topics in control are also covered in greater detail, ensuring a comprehensive treatment of the subject matter. The section on experimental applications has been revamped to showcase the application of control ideas in various scenarios. Several chapters have been replaced with fresh content that focuses on controlling new and different experimental prototypes. These examples illustrate how control concepts can be effectively applied in real-world situations. Furthermore,this book introduces a new approach for control of non-minimum phase systems and explores the concept of differential flatness for multiple-input multiple-output systems. Additionally, a fascinating application involving a wheeled pendulum mobile robot has been included. While some chapters have been replaced, the second edition retains the chapters on the control of DC motors and the control of a magnetic levitation system. However, the material in the former chapter is mostly new, and the latter chapter is entirely supported by new control concepts and ideas.

Congenital Anomalies of Coronary Arteries

by Gianfranco Butera Alessandro Frigiola

The coronaries are the first branches of the ascending aorta. They arise from their respective sinuses of Valsalva, and gradually branch distally to the myocardium. Abnormalities of the coronary arteries, either congenital or acquired, can be characterized as a lack of origin, abnormal origin, anomalous course, lack of patency, abnormal connections, and/or abnormal drainage of the coronary vessels. Interruptions to or lack of flow can cause significant morbidity and mortality due to ischemia, infarction and fistulous connections, which can lead to cardiac failure, endocarditis and ischemia. Coronary artery anomalies are rare in general populations. Although they can be benign and asymptomatic, they can also be malignant due to their origin and course and can cause sudden cardiac death. As such, an understanding of how to analyze, diagnose and treat them is vital. This book presents the latest advances in congenital anomalies of coronary arteries. It offers a comprehensive overview of the field, including illustrative angiograms and diagrams that demonstrate all possible anomalies and clarify what is abnormal, and also provides practical insights to guide practitioners in their everyday practice.

RNA Folding: Methods and Protocols (Methods in Molecular Biology #2726)

by Ronny Lorenz

To understand and predict the behavior and function of RNAs, sophisticated tools are required to simulate and analyze their potential for forming structures. This volume discusses the various levels of prediction and algorithmic approaches to RNA folding. The chapters in this book cover topics such as energy parameters of the nearest-neighbor (NN) energy model; classified dynamic programming to address exponential growth of candidate structures that an RNA molecule may fold into; sequence evolution and conserved structures among multiple RNA sequences; the latest framework capable of handling both positive and negative RNA sequence design objectives; and kinetic folding approaches that look at the dynamic nature of RNA folding. Written in the highly successful Methods in Molecular Biology series format, chapters include introductions to their respective topics, lists of the necessary materials and reagents, step-by-step, readily reproducible laboratory protocols, and tips on troubleshooting and avoiding known pitfalls. Cutting-edge and comprehensive, RNA Folding: Methods and Protocols is a valuable resource for researchers who are interested in learning more about this important and developing field.

Software Technologies: 18th International Conference, ICSOFT 2023, Rome, Italy, July 10–12, 2023, Revised Selected Papers (Communications in Computer and Information Science #2104)

by Hans-Georg Fill Francisco José Domínguez Mayo Marten Van Sinderen Leszek A. Maciaszek

This book constitutes the refereed post proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Software Technologies, ICSOFT 2023, held in Rome, Italy, during July 10–12, 2023. The 7 full papers included in this book were carefully reviewed and selected from 129 submissions. They focus on Software Engineering and Systems Development; Software Systems and Applications; and Foundational and Trigger Technologies.

Marx’s Not-Capital: Labour and the Contemporary Critique of Political Economy

by Benjamin Tetler

As a contribution to critical social theory, this book reconsiders Marx’s critique of political economy through the concept of labour as “not-capital”. Engaging with thinkers who have dealt with Marx’s concepts of “not-capital” and “not-value”, Tetler examines whether and how these concepts can contribute significantly towards a renewal of the critique of political economy beyond the limits of traditional Marxism. In doing so he provides the first in depth interrogation of these concepts, both within Marx’s work itself and within and across the various intellectuals who have put them to use in their attempts to address the faults of traditional Marxism. He argues that the theory of value that sits at the heart of Marx’s critique of political economy requires a negative conception of labour. In helping establish this, the notions of labour as not-capital/value are shown to have formidable ramifications concerning the crisis-ridden nature of capitalist social relations and the struggles operative within and against them.

Business and Management in Asia: Disruption and Change

by Tobias Endress Yuosre F. Badir

This book focuses on “Disruption and Change” in the Asian region. In this context, managers and policymakers face a fast transformation of existing structures and business environments. From a business perspective, change is the adoption of business strategies, activities, and operations that meet the needs of the firm and its stakeholder today while protecting, sustaining, and enhancing the human and natural resources that will be needed in the future. Disruption refers to the radical changes in existing industries or markets due to technological innovation breakthroughs. There is a consensus among scholars and practitioners that organizations must manage the change well to flourish in a competitive business environment. Many business models need to be rethought to establish new ways to stay competitive. The book, with its practical examples, gives the reader impulses for new Asian’s approaches and encourages the readers to dare to think and act in new ways.

Unternehmenskommunikation neu gestalten: Corporate Communication fit machen für eine zeitgemäße Ausrichtung – mit Self-Assessment, Checklisten und Templates

by Uwe Seebacher

Das Buch macht deutlich, warum eine Neugestaltung der Unternehmenskommunikation erforderlich ist und bietet zugleich praktikable Konzepte und Leitfäden für die Umsetzung.Die Kommunikationsabteilungen haben die Möglichkeiten der Digitalisierung, Virtualisierung und Künstlichen Intelligenz bislang viel zu wenig genutzt. Zudem leiden Unternehmen – wie auch Politik und öffentliche Institutionen – unter einem Glaubwürdigkeitsverlust in der Gesellschaft. Um Krisen aktiv vorzubeugen, müssen Unternehmen in der Lage sein, Vertrauen und Glaubwürdigkeit aufzubauen. Das erfordert ein völlig neues Interaktionssystem, das agil, datengetrieben, vorausschauend, schnell und interaktiv statt nur kommunikativ und reaktiv ist.Dafür muss eine zeitgemäße, datenbasierte 24/7 All-2-All (A2A) Interaktionsstruktur aufgebaut, Prozesse optimiert, wiederkehrende Aufgaben automatisiert sowie aktuelle Konzepte und Technologien für die Interaktion genutzt werden. Damit lassen sich Kosteneinsparungen,verkürzte Bearbeitungszeiten, Steigerung der Effizienz und Effektivität des Interaktionsprozesses und eine verbesserte Markenaktivierungen erreichen aber auch kommunikative Risiken minimieren und Shitstorms vermeiden. Am Ende steht ein nachweisbarer Beitrag zu den Unternehmensergebnissen.Das Buch bietet ein Prozessmodell zur Transformation der Unternehmenskommunikation als Leitfaden für die Transformation. Ein Self-Assessment-Tool ermöglicht die aktuelle Standortbestimmung und ist damit der Ausgangspunkt für die Optimierung. Abgerundet wird der Inhalt durch eine CommTechStack-Empfehlung.Aus dem InhaltTheoretische und methodische GrundlagenVon der Unternehmenskommunikation zur UnternehmensinteraktionSo sieht die neue Welt der Unternehmenskommunikation ausDas Prozessmodell zur Transformation der UnternehmenskommunikationDas Self-Assessment als Standort-BestimmungDer InTechStack für vorausschauende A2A-UnternehmensinteraktionLeserstimmen„Dieses Buch ist ein wichtiger Meilenstein für die Neuausrichtung und Neubewertung der Unternehmenskommunikation im industriellen Sektor. Die Welt der Kommunikation verändert sich rasant, und die Entwicklung von traditionellen, starren Kommunikationsprozessen hin zu einer dynamischen Interaktion, die neues Wissen schnell aufnimmt und antizipiert, ist eine große Herausforderung für Marketer. Das Buch bietet sowohl eine valide Ableitung der Notwendigkeit dieses Veränderungsprozesses aus wissenschaftlicher Sicht, als auch Unterstützung für die Praxis mit vielen Handlungsanweisungen, Tipps und Vorlagen zur Do-it-yourself-Anwendung und Umsetzung.“Tanja Auernhamer , Leiterin der Unternehmenskommunikation & Pressesprecherin, Bundesverband Industrielle Kommunikation e.V. (bvik)„Dies ist ein wunderbarer 'Leitfaden', um die Unternehmenskommunikation neu zu beleben, zu überdenken und den ständig wachsenden inhaltlichen und zielgruppenspezifischen Herausforderungen zu begegnen. Der Handlungsbedarf wird vor dem Hintergrund der historischen Entwicklung und der wachsenden Bedeutung der Unternehmenskommunikation leicht verständlich beschrieben. Viele neue Begriffe werden klar hergeleitet und erläutert. Wer ein wenig in der Materie ist, wird sich schnell zurechtfinden und kann mit den mitgelieferten Vorlagen direkt in die Umsetzung gehen.“Sönke Caro, Leiter Direktkommunikation, Verkaufsförderung & Kundenzufriedenheit, STILL GmbH

Nonlinear Approaches in Engineering Application: Automotive Engineering Problems

by Reza N. Jazar Liming Dai

This book focuses on the latest applications of nonlinear approaches in engineering and addresses a range of scientific problems. Examples focus on issues in automotive technology with a strong emphasis on application, physical meaning, and methodologies of the approaches. The book’s chapters are written by world-class experts who advance the future of engineering by discussing the development of more optimal, accurate, efficient, cost, and energy-effective systems. Topics covered are of high interest in engineering and physics, and an attempt has been made to expose engineers and researchers to a broad range of practical topics and approaches. Nonlinear Approaches in Engineering Application: Automotive Engineering Problems is appropriate for researchers, students, and practicing engineers interested in the applications of nonlinear approaches to solving engineering and science problems.

Children’s Literature Aligned with SDGs to Promote Global Competencies: A Practical Resource for Early Childhood Education

by Angela K. Salmon Aixa Pérez-Prado Karin Morrison Flavia Iuspa

This book presents children’s literature as a platform for learning and helping young readers develop the knowledge, skills, and attitudes needed to thrive in an interconnected and diverse global society. It draws from various theoretical frameworks and research findings to implement critical literacy and culturally responsive teaching in the meaning-making process.The book focuses on global competencies and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) as intertwined concepts that work together to foster a more sustainable, inclusive, and equitable world. Developing global competencies empowers children and communities to actively participate in achieving the SDGs and addressing the pressing challenges of our time. The authors set high expectations on children as actors in transforming society. To facilitate this, the book offers an overview of child development theories as a foundation for designing developmentally appropriate practices to extend children’s books toward deep thinking and understanding. The book includes sample lessons that use cutting-edge research-based pedagogies and tools such as visible thinking routines and other approaches. Those lessons also help readers identify the Habits of Mind (HOM) children can develop by listening to and discussing stories. The HOM are attributes of good problem-finders and problem-solvers needed when confronting complex issues. The book provides resources and sample lessons that implement different thinking strategies to engage children in questioning and analyzing what they read, making them more critical. This is how children deeply understand the world and their role in creating positive change. The book aims to cultivate change-makers and global citizens through stories. It offers innovative approaches, including online learning options in accessible and engaging ways to help children think globally and act locally‘Through the power of children’s literature, this book serves a larger agenda: To build a more thoughtful world for future generations. By caring for and learning from one another through suggested activities in this book, they will share the riches and resources from across the world. As children learn about the promise of actions toward the UN Sustainable Goals, they can imagine living in an interdependent learning community where all people continually searching for ways to trust each other, learn together, and grow toward greater intelligence.’ Arthur Costa and Bena Kallick, Co-Founders and Directors of The Institute for Habits of Mind

Organisational Change Management for Sustainability (Strategies for Sustainability)

by Rodrigo Lozano

This book is aimed at providing clarity through a systemic and systematic approach to organisational change management for sustainability. Chapter 2 of the provides an overview of sustainable development and sustainability discourses, focussing on the economic, environmental, social, and time dimensions, as well as their interactions. Chapter 3 explains what organisations are, the types of organisations (civil society, corporations, education, public sector, and hybrid), the levels and system elements (individuals, groups, organisation, and system), attitudes (informational, emotional, and behavioural), the stakeholders that affect and are affected by the organisation, and the interactions between organisations (from competition to collaboration). Chapter 4 focuses on how organisations have been addressing sustainability, divided into 1) efforts to contribute to sustainability (i.e. focussing outside the organisation), and 2) engagement efforts (i.e. those focussing inside the organisation, e.g. through the use of tools, initiatives, and approaches for sustainability, and collaboration). Chapter 5 discusses change, types of change (internal vs. external, proactive vs. reactive, etc.), change strategies, change frameworks, and change for sustainability in organisations. Chapter 6 focusses on three key mechanisms for sustainability: Leadership, Governance, and Assessment and reporting (with examples from Higher Education Institutions, corporations, and public sector organisations). Chapter 7 discusses on the different drivers (internal, connecting, and external) that foster sustainability in organisations. Examples from empirical research are presented. Chapter 8 delves into resistance to change, particularly on the barriers that slow down or stop sustainability in organisations, as well as the strategies to overcome the barriers to change. Examples from empirical research are presented. The seventh chapter focuses on the different strategies that help reduce or eliminate resistance to sustainability in organisations. Examples from empirical research are presented. Chapter 9 focusses on where sustainability efforts have started (incorporation) and how have they been adopted throughout the organisation (institutionalisation). Examples from empirical research are presented. Chapter 10 presents the effects of external stimuli, such as COVID-19 on organisational change management for sustainability.

Antisemitismus, Terrorismus und politischer Islam: Erkenntnisse aus internationalen Meinungsumfragen

by Arno Tausch

Angesichts der unfassbaren Pogrome, die die Terrororganisation Hamas, beginnend mit dem 7. Oktober 2023, in Israel verübte, und angesichts der Welle des globalen Antisemitismus und der antijüdischen Gewalt, die seither über die Welt hereingebrochen ist, ist eine empirisch orientierte Analyse von Antisemitismus, Terrorismus und politischem Islam von absoluter Wichtigkeit. Die Beiträge in diesem Buch versuchen, basierend auf Meinungsumfragen, einen aktuellen und empirisch abgesicherten Beitrag über das Verhältnis von Antisemitismus, Terrorismus und politischem Islam zu präsentieren, der dem internationalen Forschungsstand entspricht. Alles deutet darauf hin, dass der Antisemitismus der sogenannten "gemäßigten Islamisten" die Verbreitung der Ideologie des brutalen Terrorismus erst ermöglicht und sogar in Mode gebracht hat.

Shame and Ageing in a Transforming World

by Elisabeth Vanderheiden Claude-Hélène Mayer

The book provides a comprehensive overview of research and concepts related to shame and ageing, in the context of social change, upheavals and paradigm shifts, from transdisciplinary, cultural and transcultural perspectives. Drawing upon the editors' previous works on the topic of shame, this volume discusses the contexts of shame and ageing from theoretical, conceptual, and empirical perspectives. The toxic and stressful aspects of shame have been the focus of scientific analysis and discourse on shame and ageing. This volume explicitly makes the dimensions of shame a resource for individuals, and collective transformation processes the object of research in the context of ageing. It looks at emerging lifestyle, political, socio-economic and health contexts. It looks at how and why the frequency, intensity and handling of feelings of shame change over the course of life; the impact of shame on emotional well-being and mental health of older people; the impact of shame on social relationships and social engagement of older people in different cultures; the role of cultural values and norms in the development and processing of feelings of shame, especially in older people, and how these can be used for self-development; and the differences in the way older people in different cultures deal with feelings of shame and the way these can be used to develop effective strategies and techniques for older people to cope with shame. The editors and contributors thereby take cultural and gender aspects, as well as positive psychology and resource-orientated concepts, such as salutogenesis, resilience, happiness, fortitude, locus of control, faith- or strengths-based approaches into account and contextualize them against processes of social upheaval and transformation.

Computational Science – ICCS 2023: 23rd International Conference, Prague, Czech Republic, July 3–5, 2023, Proceedings, Part V (Lecture Notes in Computer Science #10477)

by Jiří Mikyška Clélia De Mulatier Maciej Paszynski Valeria V. Krzhizhanovskaya Jack J. Dongarra Peter M. A. Sloot

The five-volume set LNCS 14073-14077 constitutes the proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on Computational Science, ICCS 2023, held in Prague, Czech Republic, during July 3-5, 2023. The total of 188 full papers and 94 short papers presented in this book set were carefully reviewed and selected from 530 submissions. 54 full and 37 short papers were accepted to the main track; 134 full and 57 short papers were accepted to the workshops/thematic tracks. The theme for 2023, "Computation at the Cutting Edge of Science", highlights the role of Computational Science in assisting multidisciplinary research. This conference was a unique event focusing on recent developments in scalable scientific algorithms, advanced software tools; computational grids; advanced numerical methods; and novel application areas. These innovative novel models, algorithms, and tools drive new science through efficient application in physical systems, computational and systems biology, environmental systems, finance, and others.

Space Race Television: Image Vehicles as Agents of (trans-)global Mediatisation

by Sven Grampp

This volume offers a media-theoretically oriented perspective on the Space Race. It analyzes feature films, documentaries, live television coverage, magazines, stamps, posters, ticker-tape parades. They visualized the Space Race in a specific way and circulated it transnationally from 'East' to 'West' and from 'West' to 'East' across the 'Iron Curtain'. It will be shown how reporting on the Space Race between 1955 and 1975 can be explained as a globalizing history of the intertwining of images during the Cold War.

The Transnational State: Governing Migratory Circulations

by Thomas Lacroix

This work in two parts examines the relations between transnational societies and states. The second volume of this work contends that current policies meant to control or enhance transnational flows have led to the emergence of a transnational policy apparatus coined the transnational state. This book proposes an innovative conceptual framework to grasp the transformations of the contemporary state in both sending and receiving countries. It shows how states expand beyond national territorial limits by reaching out to migrants where they are. In response to the migrants’ endeavours to circumvent the constrains imposed by selective migration policies, public authorities expand the reach of their control beyond (externalisation), within (internalisation) and at (expansion) borders. A totalitarian temptation seems to have seized contemporary state bureaucracies, affecting the very nature of borders and societies. The core argument of this research is that the development of the transnational state is not random. It is a process shaping and shaped by the structures of the transnational society.

Flip Chip, Hybrid Bonding, Fan-In, and Fan-Out Technology

by John H. Lau

This book focuses on the design, materials, process, fabrication, and reliability of flip chip, hybrid bonding, fan-in, and fan-out technology. Both principles and engineering practice have been addressed, with more weight placed on engineering practice. This is achieved by providing in-depth study on a number of major topics such as wafer bumping, flip chip assembly, underfill and reliability, chip-to-wafer, wafer-to-wafer, Cu-Cu hybrid bonding, WLCSP, 6-side molded WLCSP, FOWLP such as hybrid substrates with PID, ABF, and ultra-large organic interposer, the communications between chiplets and heterogeneous integration packaging, and on-board optics, near-package optics, and co-packaged optics.The book benefits researchers, engineers, and graduate students in the fields of electrical engineering, mechanical engineering, materials sciences, industry engineering, etc.

Islamic Ethics and Incidental Findings: Genomic Morality Beyond the Secular Paradigm (SpringerBriefs in Ethics)

by Mohammed Ghaly

This open access book offers unique insights into the key ethical issues faced by practitioners and discussed by ethicists in the field of genomics and incidental findings, with a focus on the Islamic moral tradition. Embark on an enlightening exploration of key ethical challenges in genomics and incidental findings, uniquely tailored to the context of the Muslim Arab world. Following the regional scientific leap in genomic infrastructure, this study provides a timely response to the need for a solid evidence base that pairs scientific research with cutting-edge research in Islamic ethics. A variety of expert perspectives have been incorporated, which produce a holistic overview of the intricate, interwoven systems, including the status quo of genomic research in the Gulf region, related Islamic ethical deliberations, and, finally, the governing jurisdictions and regulations on the ground. This publication stands as a pioneer work for academics interested in various fields, including genomics, bioethics, and Islamic studies. It equally serves as an invaluable guide for practitioners and policy-makers, equipping them to make informed decisions that resonate with the socio-cultural and religio-ethical nuances of the Islamic tradition. Being multidisciplinary in nature, the study is written in such a way that makes it accessible for those without a specialized background in Islamic studies or genomics.

Biomarkers for Alzheimer’s Disease Drug Development (Methods in Molecular Biology #2785)

by Robert Perneczky

This fully updated volume provides an up-to-date and comprehensive overview of the current state of technologies helping to accelerate Alzheimer’s disease drug development. Addressing the latest advances in preclinical and clinical research, including new insights into the molecular mechanisms and emerging therapeutic strategies, the book continues by exploring digital biomarkers and advanced neuroimaging analysis which will transform how clinical trials in the Alzheimer’s disease field are performed. Written for the highly successful Methods in Molecular Biology series, chapters feature the kind of detailed implementation advice that leads to greater success in the lab or clinic. Authoritative and practical, Biomarkers for Alzheimer’s Disease Drug Development, Second Edition seeks to inspire and inform future efforts to develop effective treatments for this devastating disease.

Plant Adaptation to Abiotic Stress: From Signaling Pathways and Microbiomes to Molecular Mechanisms

by Radhouane Chaffai Markkandan Ganesan Ameur Cherif

The book “Plant Adaptation to Abiotic Stress: From Signaling Pathways and Microbiomes to Molecular Mechanisms” comprehensively examines abiotic stressors—cold, heat, light, salinity, and water scarcity—across its 18 chapters. Focusing particularly on Arabidopsis thaliana, it investigates abiotic stresses, adaptation strategies, and molecular pathways. Furthermore, it addresses broader issues, including climate challenges, food security, water scarcity, and agricultural concerns such as soil acidity and aluminum stress. It proposes adaptive measures for cultivating stress-resistant crops and sheds light on genetic modification methods such as CRISPR-Cas9, integrating nanotechnology in plant breeding. Emphasizing transcription factors, post-translational protein modifications, and diverse noncoding RNAs (long noncoding RNAs, circular RNAs, microRNAs, and small interfering RNAs), the book highlights their role in regulating gene expression during stress responses. It specifically underscores secondary messengers, plant hormones, and MAPK cascades within intracellular signaling pathways. Additionally, it discusses the roles of endophytic bacteria and microbial interactions in bolstering stress resilience. The book explores state-of-the-art research methodologies in plant breeding, omics approaches, and nanotechnology integration for developing stress-resistant crop varieties, advocating for agricultural sustainability. Tailored for plant physiology scientists, academics, and postgraduate students, it amalgamates diverse research findings, serving as a pivotal resource to comprehend intricate plant responses to environmental challenges.

The Genesis of Logic: Reflections on the Origins, Principles and Paths of Common-sense Reasoning (Fuzzy Management Methods)

by Enric Trillas

The Genesis of Logic addresses the principles of common-sense reasoning, which are employed in everyday decision-making processes and extend beyond deductive reasoning alone. Linked to language, logic inherits its flexibility. These are a few laws, the 'formal skeleton of reasoning,' based on the relationship of linguistic inference that, while needing to be represented in each context, allow for the consideration of non-comparable, orthogonal statements. By facilitating deduction and abduction, speculation emerges as a fundamental intellectual operation. As a whole, this work offers a new genetic-evolutionary perspective to reconsider Logic, a panoramic outlook that examines laws outside the skeleton as local laws, necessary for the validity of specialized reasoning. It moves away from the rigid reticular structure of sets of statements and views induction as the search for speculations, non-monotonic reasoning as speculative, and conjecture, only proven in finite Boolean algebras,that reasoning involves following paths of inference in a zigzag pattern, alternating between deduction and abduction.

Nachhaltiges Planen, Bauen und Wohnen: Kriterien für Neubau und Bauen im Bestand (SDG - Forschung, Konzepte, Lösungsansätze zur Nachhaltigkeit)

by Stefanie Friedrichsen

Deutschland ist gebaut: Drei Viertel aller Wohngebäude sind über 30 Jahre alt und müssten dringend modernisiert werden. Das Werk bietet einen Überblick darüber, welche Kriterien bei einer umfassenden Modernisierung beachtet werden müssen, um eine wirtschaftlich tragfähige, sozialverträgliche und umweltgerechte Lösung zu finden. Der Schwerpunkt liegt dabei auf Mehrfamilienhäusern. Jedes Kapitel bietet umfangreiche Checklisten, mit deren Hilfe Modernisierungsaufgaben systematisch angegangen werden können.

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