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Gesellschaftliche Dynamiken depressiver Erkrankungen bei älteren Menschen: Eine Analyse stressbezogener Effekte in europäischen Wohlfahrtsregimen (BestMasters)

by Christopher Etter

Depressivität ist nicht bloß ein individuelles Thema, sondern zeichnet sich, wie auch andere Formen psychischer Leiden, durch einen nicht vernachlässigbaren Grad an sozialer Variabilität aus. Forschung zu den sozialen Determinanten psychischer Gesundheit weist folglich insbesondere darauf hin, welche Rolle die gesellschaftliche Umwelt für die Entstehung von Erkrankungen spielt und kann somit der Konzeption neuer Präventionskonzepte dienlich sein. Das vorliegende Buch beschäftigt sich mit der Depressivität von Personen über 50 Jahren in verschiedenen europäischen Wohlfahrtssystemen. Durch einen vergleichenden Ansatz mithilfe von Daten des "Survey of Health, Ageing and Retirement in Europe" (SHARE) werden regimespezifische Effektdynamiken im Hinblick auf Stressexposition, die Ausstattung mit Bewältigungsressourcen und Depressivität aufgedeckt. Hiermit soll einerseits auf die Möglichkeit wohlfahrtsstaatlicher Einflussfaktoren auf die psychische Gesundheit hingewiesen sowie auch eine Synthese von Regimetheorie und soziologischer Stressforschung vorangetrieben werden.

Figurierte Zahlen: Veranschaulichung als heuristische Strategie

by Jochen Ziegenbalg

Dieses Buch behandelt die Visualisierung als Methode des mathematischen Problemlösens, Begründens und Beweisens: Konkrete Beispiele zur Veranschaulichung durch mathematische Figuren und Bilder bieten einen faszinierenden Einblick in das Argumentieren anhand strukturierter und strukturierender Figuren zur Betrachtung von Zahlen und Zahlenfolgen. Die historischen Wurzeln dieses mathematischen Handwerkszeugs werden dabei so weit wie möglich einbezogen. Die Beispiele sind in der Regel konstruktiver Natur; gelegentlich wird, wo angebracht, die algorithmische Erschließung durch Hinweise auf die Programmierung mit Hilfe von Computeralgebra Systemen ergänzt. Das Buch richtet sich an Studierende und Lehrende an Schulen und Hochschulen, sowie an alle an der Elementarmathematik interessierten Nichtspezialisten, die das mathematische Arbeiten einmal außerhalb der von den Bildungsinstitutionen vorgezeichneten Pfade kennenlernen wollen. Es liefert insbesondere Lehrkräften und Lehramtsstudierenden wertvolle Anregungen, etwa zur Förderung mathematisch interessierter Schülerinnen und Schüler. In der 2. Auflage ist mit den mathematisch fundamentalen und historisch bedeutsamen Themen Wechselwegnahme, Teilbarkeit, Euklidischer Algorithmus, Inkommensurabilität und Kettenbrüche ein neues, für Visualisierungen gut geeignetes Kapitel hinzugekommen. Bereits bestehende Kapitel wurde durch Abschnitte über Trapezzahlen, ungerade Quadratzahlen und zentrierte Polygonalzahlen ergänzt.

Recent Advances in Structural Engineering: Select Proceedings of IACESD-2023 (Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering #455)

by K. S. Sreekeshava Sreevalsa Kolathayar N. Vinod Chandra Menon

This book presents select proceedings of the International Conference on Interdisciplinary Approaches in Civil Engineering for Sustainable Development (IACESD 2023) hosted under the aegis of the Group of Twenty (G20) and Civil 20(C20) at Jyothy Institute of Technology, Bengaluru, India. The topics covered in this book include innovative design approaches, advanced materials and cutting-edge technologies aimed at enhancing the resilience of structures against various hazards (such as seismic events, hurricanes, floods, and extreme weather conditions). It also covers topics such as structural integrity and longevity of buildings and infrastructure, advanced monitoring systems, data analytics and intelligent structural health monitoring. This book is useful for researchers and professionals in the field of structural engineering.

Multiparty Democracy in Zimbabwe: Opposition Politics and the Zimbabwe African National Union Patriotic Front (ZANU-PF) (1980–2017)

by Aaron Rwodzi

This book provides a comprehensive account of the tumultuous political landscape of Zimbabwe. Delving into historical and contemporary perspectives, the author analyses the relationship between the ruling ZANU-PF party and the opposition, exposing the pervasive influence of foreign powers and their ‘regime change’ agendas. Amidst western-imposed economic sanctions, the book examines how political opposition has struggled to maintain its footing in the face of ZANU-PF's rhetoric on preserving the nation's sovereignty. Drawing on the powerful theoretical frameworks of Gramsci's hegemony theory and instrumentalism, the book dissects the constraints on multiparty democracy under ZANU-PF's rule. From the party's manipulation of liberation narratives to the subtle intricacies of ‘Mugabeism’, a violent and ideological stronghold, the author unveils the tactics employed to maintain power. The chapters uncover the pivotal role played by the military throughout Zimbabwe's history: from the days of the liberation struggle to the shocking events of 2017, when Mugabe's grip on power was diminished by the very force that had propped him up for decades, the author reveals how the military's involvement has thwarted opposition players' attempts to claim power. Boldly challenging the notion that constraints solely rest on ZANU-PF, this book calls attention to the shortcomings of opposition parties in navigating Zimbabwe’s treacherous political landscape. Using compelling evidence and unparalleled analysis, the book is an essential read for those seeking to understand the intricate web of power, manipulation, and struggle that has defined Zimbabwe's political journey.

Übersetzungspolitiken in der Frühen Neuzeit / Translation Policy and the Politics of Translation in the Early Modern Period (Übersetzungskulturen der Frühen Neuzeit #3)

by Annkathrin Koppers Felix Herberth

Ausgangspunkt dieses Konferenzbands im Open Access ist die Frage nach den Bedingungen, die dafür verantwortlich zeichnen, dass überhaupt und in welcher Form in der Frühen Neuzeit übersetzt wird. Anders formuliert geht es um die grundsätzliche Frage danach, warum bestimmte Texte, Bilder, Zeichenkomplexe etc. eine Übersetzung erfahren, während andere unübersetzt bleiben (müssen). Welche Faktoren nehmen schließlich – im positiven Fall – Einfluss auf die konkrete Ausgestaltung von Übersetzung im Sinne des Übertragungsprozesses von einem semiotischen und kulturellen System in ein anderes? In diesem Zusammenhang kommt ein doppeltes Politikverständnis zum Tragen: einerseits geraten Übersetzungspolitik(en) im Sinne des Kon­zepts der Translation Policy in den Fokus und mit ihnen soziokulturelle, ökonomische und interkulturelle Ein­fluss­faktoren. Andererseits geht es – spezifischer – um Über­setzungen im Kontext politischer Verhandlungs- und Aushandlungsprozesse und somit um den Zusammenhang zwischen Politics und Translation. The point of departure for this conference volume is the question of what conditions are responsible for whether a translation happens at all. Why are certain texts, images, and sign systems translated while others (must) remain untranslated? And what factors influence the form a translation takes in the process of conveying words, images, or signs from one semiotic, cultural system to another? These questions concern both translation policy – that is, the socio-cultural, economic, and intercultural factors that influence translation processes – and the politics of translation in the specific context of political negotiation processes

Cardiac Amyloidosis: Diagnosis and Treatment

by Michele Emdin Giuseppe Vergaro Alberto Aimo Marianna Fontana

Cardiac amyloidosis (CA) is caused by the accumulation of amyloid fibrils in the extracellular space of the myocardium, with clinical manifestations including conduction disturbances and heart failure. CA has traditionally been considered a rare disease, lacking effective therapies and with a poor prognosis, but in recent years, increased possibilities for non-invasive diagnosis and greater awareness of the disease have led to the identification of a growing number of cases, challenging the concept of CA as a rare disease. This is why the ability to recognise and manage patients with CA should become part of the core curriculum of cardiologists, but also of internal medicine specialists, general practitioners, neurologists, nephrologists and haematologists. This book, written by leading experts in the field, will provide the state-of-the-art in the diagnosis and management of CA and will also discuss the latest research developments and future research directions. Thevolume appears to be a timely one, given the great interest of clinicians and researchers in CA and the exponential increase in publications in recent year, and will be of interest to cardiologists, internal medicine and other disciplines specialists who may encounter patients with CA in their clinical practice, as well as general practitioners.

Wind Power Electric Systems: Modeling, Simulation, Control and Power Management Control (Green Energy and Technology)

by Djamila Rekioua

This book enhances existing knowledge in the field of wind systems. It explores topics such as grid integration, smart grid applications, hybrid renewable energy systems, and advancements in control and optimization approaches. The book primarily aims to provide a quick and comprehensive understanding of wind systems, including models, control techniques, optimization methods, and energy storage systems to students at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels, particularly those studying electrical engineering.The book is divided into two parts. The first part explores various stand-alone wind applications such as rural electrification and pumping, while the second part focuses on applications in grid-connected systems. Each system is accompanied by mathematical models and an illustrative example using the MATLAB/Simulink package. Moreover, numerous examples are presented for potential implementation using the DSPACE package. The book also introduces different electrical machine control approaches, including vector control, direct torque control, and fuzzy logic controllers for various drive systems. Furthermore, intelligent techniques are developed to optimize wind operations.Aiming to enhance existing knowledge in the field of wind systems, this book covers topics such as grid integration, smart grid applications, hybrid renewable energy systems, and advancements in control and optimization approaches.This second edition is fully updated. New sections on demand-side management and energy storage systems have been included, and each section has a summary and comparative table to further enhance clarity. Additionally, this new edition includes discussions on future trends and emerging technologies in wind energy systems, making it a more comprehensive and up-to-date resource.

Kommunikationsmacht: Wirkungen und Potentiale kommunikativen Handelns (Wissen, Kommunikation und Gesellschaft)

by Jo Reichertz

Kommunikatives Handeln kann Macht entfalten, kann anderen ein bestimmtes Handeln nahelegen, ohne dass direkter oder indirekter Zwang dahintersteht. Die Frage ist, weshalb kommunikatives Handeln auch ohne Gewalt und Herrschaft Macht haben kann. Eine Antwort auf diese Frage hat die Soziologie bislang noch nicht geben können. Hier wird eine Antwort entworfen, indem gezeigt wird, dass und wie alltägliche Kommunikationsmacht sich im kommunikativen Mit- und Gegeneinander erst aufbauen muss, um dann wirken zu können. Dabei kommen der Beziehung der Menschen zueinander, deren gegenseitige Anerkennung und die daraus folgenden Auswirkungen auf die Identität der Beteiligten eine besondere Bedeutung zu. Ein solches Verständnis der alltäglichen Macht von kommunikativem Handeln kann dabei auch helfen zu verstehen, wann und unter welchen Bedingungen Kommunikation in den privaten und öffentlichen (digitalen) Medien wirksam sein kann. Ein Verständnis kann jedoch auch dabei helfen, selbst über kommunikatives Handeln Wirkung zu erzielen bzw. sich gegen kommunikative Zumutungen zu wehren.

Handbook of Islamic Philosophy of Science: Economics, Society and Science

by Masudul Alam Choudhury

This handbook provides a comprehensive overview of Islamic ethical issues within a wide spectrum of philosophy of science topics, examining the development of the model of moral inclusiveness in economics, science and society from ontological, epistemological and analytical perspectives. This paradigm takes the view that ethics is systemically endogenous, and can be studied by the most rigorous scientific analysis pertaining to diverse issues and problems of ethicality in socio-scientific inquiry. This handbook takes a sweeping transdisciplinary approach that is deeply phenomenological, to the nature and logic of scientific inquiry of, and in, the Qur’an. Such an approach invokes the episteme of the unity of knowledge in the socio-scientific systemic sense. The volumes' respective sections focus on the nature, logic, and role that ethics plays in formulating new vistas of alternative epistemic futures in Islamic economics, finance, and the social sciences. The ideas presented are situated within the broader context of the post-modernist, post-pandemic, and the post-Covid-19 epoch, while being aimed at conceptualising a distinctive new outlook of transdisciplinary intellection in Islamic philosophy. The content is rigorously conceptual, qualitative, quantitative, and applied. Covering a diversity of subject areas from philosophy of science, to economics and in socio-scientific context within the realm of Islamic philosophy, this forms a key text for scholars in these respective arenas, led by pioneering scholarship in Islamic studies.

Technologies and Applications of Artificial Intelligence: 28th International Conference, TAAI 2023, Yunlin, Taiwan, December 1–2, 2023, Proceedings, Part I (Communications in Computer and Information Science #2074)

by Chao-Yang Lee Chun-Li Lin Hsuan-Ting Chang

This book constitutes the proceedings of the 28th International Conference on Technologies and Applications of Artificial Intelligence, TAAI 2023, which was held in Yunlin, Taiwan, during December 1–2, 2023. `The 35 full papers and 12 short papers included in this book were carefully reviewed and selected from 193 submissions. The TAAI 2023 provides a platform for experts and scholars from domestic and international universities, research units, and industries to exchange AI technologies and application results.

A History of the Humanities in the Modern University: A Productive Crisis

by Sverre Raffnsøe

This book challenges commonplace assertions that the humanities are presently undergoing a severe crisis as a result of a longstanding decline. Rather than hearkening to the widespread, reactive call for a last-ditch defense of the humanities under attack from an ungracious world, this book fundamentally reverses the perspective and makes a plea for a different, affirmative approach. It contends that the humanities have incessantly arrived at critical turning points since they were first constituted in a form that remains recognizable today and assumed a leading role in knowledge organization with the establishment of the modern university around 1800. Assuming a historical perspective, the monograph takes the human sciences back to their rightful place in the family tree of sciences and gives due recognition to their continuously decisive role in the production of new knowledge and the creation of new fields of knowledge. Situating the ongoing gemmation of the humanities in a broader context, this monograph also offers an encompassing introduction to the over-all development of knowledge in the last two hundred years.

Foreign-Related Commercial Disputes Resolution in China: Principles and Practices

by Jianli Song Bing Cheng

Combining the author's many years of legal practice experience, this book examines the current hot and difficult issues arising in the legal practice of foreign-related commercial disputes in China. The book focuses on the application of the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (“CISG”) in Chinese courts, judicial review of foreign-related arbitral awards, judicial cooperation in cross-border insolvency, and legal relationships in legal disputes over electronic commerce. The book pays close attention to the latest legislative achievements of the international community and their impact on Chinese judicial practice, thus helping to strengthen exchanges and cooperation among countries along the “Belt and Road” and providing more effective rule of law protection for Chinese enterprises “going global”.

Illustrated Manual of Orthognathic Surgery: Osteotomies of the Mandible

by Peter Kessler Nicolas Hardt Kensuke Yamauchi

This first volume in a multi-volume series considers the gains in information and knowledge that have resulted from preoperative and postoperative 3D imaging using new radiologic protocols in maxillofacial surgery, with the corresponding consequences for the surgeon. It contrasts the established standard techniques of orthognathic oral and maxillofacial surgery with new considerations and insights based on years of experience and analysis of clinical activity in this subspecialty of oral and maxillofacial surgery.The book is deliberately structured so that the clinical situation is juxtaposed with a graphic representation for better understanding, which is intended to point out special situations that can in turn positively influence the surgical planning and execution of the procedure in order to avoid undesirable results in individual cases. Graphic representations illustrate the three-dimensionality of the complex splitting technique of the mandible where text or radiographs are insufficient.A corresponding book that combines clinical anatomical situations with pre- and postoperative preparation and clear explanation does not yet exist. It is aimed at a wide readership of students and professionals in oral and maxillofacial surgery, orthodontics, plastic and craniofacial surgery, and otolaryngology.

Photochemical and Electrochemical Activation Strategies of C (Springer Theses)

by Su Yong Go

This book addresses novel C(sp3)-C(sp2) and C(sp3)-heteroatom bond-forming reactions. Two strategies are given in the book using photoredox or electrochemical methods. The first strategy describes that the hydroalkylation of alkynes via photoredox-mediated Ni/Ir dual catalysis produces trisubstituted alkenes as versatile synthetic building blocks for the synthesis of pharmaceutical agents and natural products. High regioselectivity and E/Z-selectivity were achieved by introducing silyl groups that can provide steric and electronic effects to these selectivities with extensive opportunities for post-functionalization.The second strategy enables the development of C(sp3)-heteroatom bond-forming reactions through the electrochemical activation of C(sp3)-B bonds. The bonding of heteroatoms to carbon atoms has been an enduring subject of investigation for organic chemists. The function of most molecules is mainly determined by heteroatoms attached to the carbon atom, althoughthe backbone structure of organic compounds comprises carbon fragments.

Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Computing, Communication, Security and Intelligent Systems: IC3SIS 2023 (Algorithms for Intelligent Systems)

by Shahid Mumtaz Danda B. Rawat Varun G. Menon

This book presents the best-selected research papers presented at the Second International Conference on Computing, Communication, Security & Intelligent Systems (IC3SIS 2023), organized by SCMS School of Engineering and Technology, Kochi, on July 06–07, 2023. It discusses the latest technologies in communication and intelligent systems, covering various areas of computing, such as advanced computing, communication and networking, intelligent systems and analytics, 5G and IoT, soft computing, and cybersecurity in general. Featuring work by leading researchers and technocrats, the book serves as a valuable reference resource for young researchers, academics, and industry practitioners.

A Comparative Study of Representative Systems

by Yezhong Zhou

This book demonstrates the social and historical conditions for the existence and development of the representative system and uncovers the laws dictating its occurrence, development and operation. Due to the barriers of language and cultural communication, the understanding of democracy differs in western and Chinese cultures, which leads to many misinterpretations and even bias. The book displays the merits and drawbacks of different forms of democracy on the basis of a comparative study of the different representative systems and argues that different representative systems can co-exist side by side and that the selection of the appropriate form of democracy must reflect the actual conditions in a given country. Therefore, a blind evaluation or criticism is unreliable.The book could provide good opportunities for western scholars to see how the Chinese scholars understand democracy and the representative system, help the westerners to understand the forms of democracy with Chinese characteristics and rationality of the socialist people’s representative system, grasp the true essence of Chinese Constitution and democracy and give up their bias towards China for a better communication and mutual understanding. This book constructs a theoretical framework for studying the representative system and provides a solid foundation for its further research, promoting the improvement and development of constitutional jurisprudence. Even today, the comparative study of the basic theories, system building, and operation of the representative system are of great theoretical significance and practical value in the Chinese political development and reform.The book is primarily intended for graduates and scholars in the areas of constitutional jurisprudence on China and abroad. It is a must-read for constitutional researchers and those who want to know the essential differences between Chinese and Western constitutional jurisprudence.

Mechanism and Genetic Susceptibility of Neurological Disorders

by Andleeb Khan Mashoque Ahmad Rather Ghulam Md Ashraf

This book is about the "Mechanism and Genetic susceptibility of Neurological disorders. It is a comprehensive exploration, penned by esteemed authors, and offers a profound understanding of these enigmatic ailments, their progression, and the strategic approaches employed to mitigate their impact. In this book, readers will uncover a wealth of knowledge surrounding the mechanistic intricacies that underlie various neurological disorders. Through meticulous research and insightful analysis, the authors elucidate the inner workings of these conditions, shedding light on the mechanisms responsible for their onset and progression. The central themes of this book are the recognition of the genetic landscape governing neurological disorders. It emphasizes the role played by a diverse array of genes in the development and progression of these conditions, highlighting the multifaceted genetic susceptibility that underlies their manifestation. ​

Grundlagen der Kryptographie: Einführung in die mathematischen und algorithmischen Grundlagen

by Duncan Buell

Die Kryptographie, wie sie in diesem Jahrhundert betrieben wird, ist stark mathematisch geprägt. Aber sie hat auch ihre Wurzeln in dem, was rechnerisch machbar ist.In diesem einzigartigen Lehrbuch werden die Theoreme der Mathematik gegen die Machbarkeit von Berechnungen abgewogen. Kryptografie ist etwas, das man tatsächlich "macht", kein mathematisches Spiel, über das man Theoreme beweist. Es gibt tiefgründige Mathematik; es gibt einige Theoreme, die bewiesen werden müssen; und es besteht die Notwendigkeit, die brillante Arbeit derjenigen anzuerkennen, die sich auf die Theorie konzentrieren. Auf der Ebene eines Grundstudiums sollte der Schwerpunkt jedoch zunächst darauf liegen, die Algorithmen zu kennen und zu verstehen und zu wissen, wie sie zu implementieren sind, und sich auch bewusst zu machen, dass die Algorithmen sorgfältig implementiert werden müssen, um die "einfachen" Wege zum Brechen der Kryptografie zu vermeiden. Dieser Text deckt die algorithmischen Grundlagen ab und wird durch Kernmathematik und Arithmetik ergänzt.

Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Advances in Computing Research (Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems #956)

by Kevin Daimi Abeer Al Sadoon

This book concentrates on advances in research in the areas of computational intelligence, cybersecurity engineering, data analytics, network and communications, cloud and mobile computing, and robotics and automation. The Second International Conference on Advances in Computing Research (ACR’24), June 3–5, 2024, in Madrid, brings together a diverse group of researchers from all over the world with the intent of fostering collaboration and dissemination of the advances in computing technologies. The conference is aptly segmented into six tracks to promote a birds-of-the-same-feather congregation and maximize participation. It introduces the concepts, techniques, methods, approaches, and trends needed by researchers, graduate students, specialists, and educators for keeping current and enhancing their research and knowledge in these areas.

Challenges to Public Value Creation: Authority, Process, and Complexity (Public Sector Organizations)

by Brian J. Cook

This volume examines fundamental questions about the public value of public decisions. More specifically, it seeks to assess whether all public decisions create public value, if it is possible to know what value for the public as a whole a government decision will create, and how government officials can justify their decisions in terms of public value. Leading experts bring a diverse array of perspectives on the normative, epistemological, and processual challenges to identifying, describing, measuring, and evaluating the public value claims that public officials often articulate in defending their decisions, and the results that citizens often seek. The book will appeal to scholars and students of public policy and public administration.

Untied Knots: Tales of Travel and Back at Home

by James M. Flammang

In this eclectic collection, the author recounts an assortment of personal adventures both at home and as an international traveler. He and his wife journey by train through Mexico and stay at a residential hotel in Las Vegas, and as a man in middle age he stays at a youth hostel in England. Adventures at home include working desk duty at a hotel for transients and spending time in a psychiatric hospital. The collection also includes several short stories, such as "The Last (Debt)-Free Man," in which a man in a futuristic society is arrested for refusing to purchase goods on credit.

Encounters With Materials in Early Childhood Education

by Veronica Pacini-Ketchabaw Sylvia Kind Laurie L. Kocher

Encounters with Materials in Early Childhood Education rearticulates understandings of materials—blocks of clay, sheets of paper, brushes and paints—to formulate what happens when we think with materials and apply them to early childhood development and classrooms. The book develops ways of thinking about materials that are more sustainable and insightful than what most children in the Western world experience today through capitalist narratives. Through a series of ethnographic events and engagement with existing ideas of relationality in the visual arts, feminist ethics, science studies, philosophy, and anthropology, Encounters with Materials in Early Childhood Education highlights how materials can be conceptualized as active participants in early childhood education and generators of human insight. A variety of examples show how educators, young children, and researchers have engaged in thinking with materials in early years classrooms and explore what materials are capable of in their encounters with other materials and with children.Please visit the companion website at for additional features, including interviews with the authors and the teachers featured in the book, videos and photographs of the classroom narratives described in these pages, and an ongoing blog of the authors’ ethnographic notes.

Authoritarian Practices and Humanitarian Negotiations (Routledge Humanitarian Studies)

by Andrew J Cunningham

This book examines authoritarian practices in relation to humanitarian negotiations. Utilising a wide variety of perspectives and examining a range of contexts, the book considers how humanitarians assess and engage with authoritarian practices and negotiate access to populations in danger.Chapters provide insights at the macro, meso, and micro levels through case studies on the international and domestic legal and political framing of humanitarian contexts (Xinjiang, Afghanistan, Venezuela, Russia, and Syria), as well as the actual practice of negotiating with authoritarian regimes (Ethiopia). A theoretical grounding is provided through chapters elaborating on the ethics and trust-building dimensions of humanitarian negotiations, and an overview chapter provides a theoretical framework through which to analyse humanitarian negotiations against the backdrop of different types of authoritarian practices.This book provides a wide-ranging view which broadens the frame of reference when considering how humanitarians view and engage with authoritarian practices. The objective is to both put these contexts into conceptual order and provide a firm theoretical basis for understanding the politics of humanitarian negotiations in such difficult contexts. This book is useful for those studying international politics and humanitarian studies, as well as for practitioners seeking to better systematise their humanitarian negotiations.

Sentence Strategies for Multilingual Learners: Advancing Academic Literacy through Combinations

by Nell Scharff Panero Joanna Yip

This book presents Combinations as a set of high-yield instructional strategies for advancing academic literacy for multilingual learners and all students. It discusses the strategies themselves as well as how they work to advance content and language learning simultaneously, across the grades and content areas.The book is particularly beneficial for all teachers working with linguistically and culturally diverse learners to accelerate their language and content learning. Utilizing these strategies will not only greatly improve students’ writing but also supports their critical thinking, content area reading and language comprehension skills. This book argues for utilizing Combinations with Strategic Inquiry, presenting evidence of how each amplifies the impact of the other, and how together they address many of the challenges to learning new and counter-cultural methods and to establishing school and district cultures in support of multilingual learners’ success.This book is a great resource for classroom teachers, literacy coaches and school and district administrators who want to support multilingual learners and all students to thrive.

A History of Australian Co-operatives 1827–2023

by Greg Patmore Nikola Balnave Olivera Marjanovic

Co-operatives provide a different approach to organising business through their ideals of member ownership and democratic practice. Every co-operative member has an equal vote regardless of his or her own personal capital investment. They take a variety of different forms, including consumer co-operatives, agricultural co-operatives, worker co-operatives and financial co-operatives.Patmore, Balnave and Marjanovic provide a perspective on Australian co-operative development within a conceptual framework and international context since the 1820s by exploring the economic, political and social factors that explain their varying fortunes. Drawing upon the Visual Historical Atlas of Australian Co-operatives, a significant database of Australian co-operatives and a variety of historical sources, this book provides a detailed historical analysis of their development, from their inception in Australia to today. Australian co-operatives were heavily dependent on state sympathy for their growth and vulnerable to ideas that challenged collective organisation such as Neo-liberalism. Despite these challenges, the co-operative business model has persisted and since 2009, there has been resurgence of interest and organisation that may provide a platform for future growth.A useful resource for practitioners, students, educators, policy makers and researchers that highlights a significant alternative business model to the Investor-Owned Business and state enterprise.The Open Access version of this book, available at, has been made available under a Creative Commons [Attribution-Non Commercial-No Derivatives (CC-BY-NC-ND)] 4.0 license.

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