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Digital and Information Technologies in Economics and Management: Proceedings of the International Scientific and Practical Conference "Digital and Information Technologies in Economics and Management" (DITEM2023) (Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems #942)

by Arthur Gibadullin

This book covers the III International Scientific and Practical Conference "Digital and Information Technologies in Economics and Management" (DITEM2023) which was held on November 21–23, 2023. The conference addressed issues of networks and systems related to the use of information technologies in economics and management of various sectors. A distinctive feature of the conference is that it featured presentations by authors from China, Bulgaria, Uzbekistan, Oman, Kazakhstan and Russia. Researchers from different countries presented the process of transition to new information technologies of various network and system structures and sectors. The conference made it possible to develop new scientific recommendations on the use of information, computer, digital and intellectual technologies and networks in industry and fields of activity that can be useful to state and regional authorities, international and supranational organizations, the scientific and professional community.

Look for Me There: Grieving My Father, Finding Myself

by Luke Russert

INSTANT NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLERIn Look for Me There, Luke Russert traverses terrain both physical and deeply personal. On his journey to some of the world&’s most stunning destinations, he visits the internal places of grief, family, faith, ambition, and purpose—with intense self-reflection, honesty, and courage."—Savannah Guthrie, coanchor of Today&“Look for me there,&” news legend Tim Russert would tell his son, Luke, when confirming a pickup spot at an airport, sporting event, or rock concert. After Tim died unexpectedly, Luke kept looking for his father, following in Tim&’s footsteps and carving out a highly successful career at NBC News. After eight years covering politics on television, Luke realized he had no good answer as to why he was chasing his father&’s legacy. As the son of two accomplished parents—his mother is journalist Maureen Orth of Vanity Fair—Luke felt the pressure of high expectations but suddenly decided to leave the familiar path behind.Instead, Luke set out on his own to find answers. What began as several open-ended months of travel to decompress and reassess morphed into a three-plus-year odyssey across six continents to discover the world and, ultimately, to find himself.Chronicling the important lessons and historical understandings Luke discovered from his travels, Look for Me There is both the vivid narrative of that journey and the emotional story of a young man taking charge of his life, reexamining his relationship with his parents, and finally grieving his larger-than-life father, who died too young. For anyone uncertain about the direction of their life or unsure of how to move forward after a loss, Look for Me There is a poignant reflection that offers encouragement to examine our choices, take risks, and discover our truest selves.

Global Perspectives on Adolescents and Their Families (International and Cultural Psychology)

by Yan Ruth Xia Maria Rosario T. de Guzman Rosario Esteinou Cody Stonewall Hollist

This edited volume examines the adolescent period across multiple cultural settings, and in a range of contemporary contexts (e.g., rural-vs-urban, political unrest/war, rapid globalization). It employs a multi-disciplinary lens, while addressing traditional issues (e.g., identity development) and recently emergent ones (e.g., social media). It contains four main sections: 1) adolescence and families in contexts with rapidly shifting societies/norms, 2) adolescence and families in the context of socio-political crisis and upheaval, 3) adolescence and families in the context of individual stress and strain, and 4) adolescent Identity development in the family and in transition to adulthood. Contributors to this volume are leading scholars from a range of disciplines (e.g., anthropology, psychology, family science) and thus explore adolescence from multiple perspectives. Cross-cutting themes include how the broader socio-ecological background and “ecocultural niche”shape various dimensions of adolescence, how the role of the family is redefined in these various contexts and circumstances, and how adolescent resilience and family strengths are formed across a broad range of settings. Throughout, this volume highlights the continued centrality of family in the development and well-being of adolescents across the globe. This is an essential resource for practitioners and researchers who treat and study adolescents.

Scrub Nurse in Minimally Invasive and Robotic General Surgery: Endorsed by the Italian Society of Endoscopic and Laparoscopic Surgery & New technologies and by the Italian Association of Scrub Nurses

by Marco Milone Ferdinando Agresta Mario Guerrieri Wanda Petz Alberto Arezzo Salvatore Casarano

This comprehensive book provides an excellent overview on the role of the scrub and circulating nurse during minimally invasive procedures and a detailed description of the specific instruments adopted during surgical procedures in each subspecialty areas as esophago-gastric, colorectal, endocrino-metabolic, hepato-biliary, spleno-pancreatic and abdominal wall surgery. The concept that laparoscopy now allows everyone to actively see all the surgical steps and therefore to be no longer just a simple “another man/woman in the theatre” but an active actor. The need therefore for all the nurses – and above all the scrub ones - to know and to have the knowledge - and therefore to have in a sort of parallelism thanks to this manual - the purely medical surgical steps with the corresponding and parallel nursing ones: an added value in the training and preparation of the all the people involved in surgery. This practical book correlated by images guides scrub nurse in all operative phases. The Scrub Nurse in Minimally Invasive and Robotic General Surgery also explores the legal aspects in the scrub nursing.The Italian Society of Endoscopic and Laparoscopic Surgery & New technologies and the Italian Association of Scrub Nurses endorse this book.

The Emergence of Mind: Where Technology Ends and We Begin

by Jeffrey Kane

​While it may appear that generative AI has mastered the mystery of the human mind and released its full power, The Emergence of Mind: Where Technology Ends and We Begin demonstrates the profound and fundamental limitations of the technology and its use as a model of human thinking. In response, the book offers an emergent model of the human mind rooted in our experiences as living, sentient, social and conscious beings. The text explores the nature of meaning in human cognition and the critical importance of the experience of ideas. In so doing, it offers insights into the cultivation of specific generative capacities of the human mind.

Aldous Huxley's Short Fiction

by Andrija Matić

Aldous Huxley’s Short Fiction analyzes Huxley’s short stories within a modernist context, highlighting that he shared more characteristics with distinguished modernists than is usually believed. The book also explores other features of Huxley’s short stories, focusing on themes such as consumerism, mainstream education, shallow intellectualism, women’s emancipation, toxic masculinity, and sensational journalism, themes that correspond with both Huxley’s time and our world, and position him among the most prophetic authors of the twentieth century. This study demonstrates that Huxley’s short fiction can provide answers to questions that remain confusing or partially explained in the research on Huxley’s work. It illustrates the constants and changes in Huxley’s opinions on organized religion, mysticism, and the relation between sexuality and spirituality, while also clarifying Huxley’s political opinion, which is often misunderstood due to his advocacy of pacifism. Finally, the in-depth interpretations of Huxley’s short stories reveal the dynamics of his literary style, especially his complex humor and irony, areas he developed more than any other modernist author of short fiction.

Microbial Inoculants: Applications for Sustainable Agriculture (Interdisciplinary Biotechnological Advances)

by Parul Chaudhary Anuj Chaudhary

This book discusses the role of microbes in agriculture for plant attributes, soil fertility, and bio-remediation, which aid in sustainable agriculture. Nowadays, due to increase in human population, it is essential to increase food productivity in the near future, but exhaustive non-sustainable agricultural practices such as the usage of agrochemicals threaten food security, the economy, and the environment globally. Soil deterioration is the most serious environmental threat to food production, resulting in poverty and hunger in developing countries. As a result, the global community has faced challenges regarding the development of ecologically sound, efficient, and long-term alternative options to meet rising food requirements. Therefore, to contribute to food security, the advancement of sustainable and innovative modern agriculture aimed at addressing environmental, economic, and social challenges connected with present intense non-sustainable agriculture practices is required. As a result, beneficial microbial inoculants will be widely used in the development of new strategies to increase sustainable food production. Bioinoculant application helps to provide nutrients that directly support soil health and sustainable food production. Hence, this book offers the role of microbial inoculants for better agronomical performance for sustainable advancement in agriculture and also pays attention to soil health improvement for extensive period benefits. The book will be highly recommended for agriculture microbiologists, agronomists, plant pathologists, and related areas.

Proceedings of the Future Technologies Conference (Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems #814)

by Kohei Arai

This book is a collection of thoroughly well-researched studies presented at the Eighth Future Technologies Conference. This annual conference aims to seek submissions from the wide arena of studies like Computing, Communication, Machine Vision, Artificial Intelligence, Ambient Intelligence, Security, and e-Learning. With an impressive 490 paper submissions, FTC emerged as a hybrid event of unparalleled success, where visionary minds explored groundbreaking solutions to the most pressing challenges across diverse fields. These groundbreaking findings open a window for vital conversation on information technologies in our community especially to foster future collaboration with one another. We hope that the readers find this book interesting and inspiring and render their enthusiastic support toward it.

Wiederholungs- und Vertiefungskurs Strafrecht: Besonderer Teil - Nichtvermögensdelikte (Springer-Lehrbuch)

by Dennis Bock

Der Band zu den Nichtvermögensdelikten enthält sieben „große Fälle“, die aktuellen und klassischen Entscheidungen der höchstrichterlichen Rechtsprechung nachgebildet sind und den Anforderungen im Ersten Juristischen Staatsexamen entsprechen. Auf diese Weise wird sowohl das prüfungsrelevante Wissen im strafrechtlichen Pflichtfachbereich als auch die Falllösung wiederholt und vertieft. Besonderes Augenmerk wird auf klausurtypische Querverbindungen von Allgemeinem und Besonderem Teil gelegt. Die Lösungsvorschläge sind vollständig ausformuliert und werden abgerundet durch Hinweise zur Klausurtaktik und zur Vertiefung des Stoffs etwa anhand grundlegender Gerichtsentscheidungen. Der Band zum Besonderen Teil - Nichtvermögensdelikte wird ergänzt durch einen zum „Allgemeinen Teil“ und einen zum „Besonderen Teil - Vermögensdelikte“. Die Gesamtreihe befähigt zu einer vollständigen, eigenverantwortlichen Examensvorbereitung im materiellen Strafrecht. Sie erscheint nunmehr in vollständig durchgesehener und überarbeiteter Neuauflage inklusive examensorientierter Verarbeitung jüngster höchstrichterlicher Rechtsprechung sowie Studienliteratur.

Wiederholungs- und Vertiefungskurs Strafrecht: Besonderer Teil - Vermögensdelikte (Springer-Lehrbuch)

by Dennis Bock

Im Band zu den Vermögensdelikten sind 13 „große Fälle“ abgedruckt, die sich an aktuellen und klassischen Entscheidungen der höchsten Gerichte orientieren. Entsprechend den Anforderungen im Ersten Juristischen Staatsexamen werden so zum einen das examensrelevante Wissen im strafrechtlichen Pflichtfachbereich als auch die Technik der Falllösung wiederholt und vertieft. Klausurtypische Querverbindungen von Allgemeinem Teil und Besonderem Teil kommen dabei nicht zu kurz. Neben vollständig ausformulierten Lösungsvorschlägen enthält das Werk wertvolle Tipps zur Klausurtaktik und zur Vertiefung des materiellen Strafrechts, insbesondere anhand der Rechtsprechung. Der Band zu den Vermögensdelikten wird ergänzt durch einen zum „Allgemeinen Teil“ und einen zum „Besonderen Teil - Nichtvermögensdelikte“. Die Gesamtreihe befähigt zu einer vollständigen, eigenverantwortlichen Examensvorbereitung im materiellen Strafrecht. Sie erscheint nunmehr in vollständig durchgesehener und überarbeiteter Neuauflage inklusive examensorientierter Verarbeitung jüngster höchstrichterlicher Rechtsprechung sowie Studienliteratur.

Euro-Par 2023: Euro-Par 2023 International Workshops, Limassol, Cyprus, August 28 – September 1, 2023, Revised Selected Papers, Part II (Lecture Notes in Computer Science #14352)

by Demetris Zeinalipour Dora Blanco Heras George Pallis Herodotos Herodotou Demetris Trihinas Daniel Balouek Patrick Diehl Terry Cojean Karl Fürlinger Maja Hanne Kirkeby Matteo Nardelli Pierangelo Di Sanzo

This book constitutes revised selected papers from the workshops held at the 29th International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing, Euro-Par 2023, which took place in Limassol, Cyprus, during August 28–September 1, 2023. The 42 full papers presented in this book together with 11 symposium papers and 14 demo/poster papers were carefully reviewed and selected from 55 submissions. The papers cover covering all aspects of parallel and distributed processing, ranging from theory to practice, from small to the largest parallel and distributed systems and infrastructures, from fundamental computational problems to applications, from architecture, compiler, language and interface design and implementation, to tools, support infrastructures, and application performance aspects. LNCS 14351: First International Workshop on Scalable Compute Continuum (WSCC 2023). First International Workshop on Tools for Data Locality, Power and Performance (TDLPP 2023). First International Workshop on Urgent Analytics for Distributed Computing (QuickPar 2023). 21st International Workshop on Algorithms, Models and Tools for Parallel Computing on Heterogeneous Platforms (HETEROPAR 2023). LNCS 14352: Second International Workshop on Resource AWareness of Systems and Society (RAW 2023). Third International Workshop on Asynchronous Many-Task systems for Exascale (AMTE 2023). Third International Workshop on Performance and Energy-efficiency in Concurrent and Distributed Systems (PECS 2023) First Minisymposium on Applications and Benefits of UPMEM commercial Massively Parallel Processing-In-Memory Platform (ABUMPIMP 2023). First Minsymposium on Adaptive High Performance Input / Output Systems (ADAPIO 2023).

Indigenous Autoethnography: Illuminating Māori Voices

by Kelli Te Maihāroa Adrian Woodhouse

This book opens new pathways for decolonial autoethnography, presented as a series of reflective stories that showcase how Māori have negotiated and navigated their personal and professional identities within contemporary society. Framed within the academic methodology of Indigenous Autoethnography, authors recount their personal and professional experiences to address their encounters with cultural trauma and personal enlightenment. As a culturally responsive methodology, Indigenous Autoethnography embraces reflective practice and critical awakening to validate Indigenous knowledge, ensuring that it remains meaningful and responsive to the needs of Māori. Utilising metaphorical storytelling as a primary means of sensemaking, this work reinforces the importance of Māori and other Indigenous People to seek wisdom from the past to guide them into the future. With Indigenous knowledge historically ignored and misrepresented in higher education, this seminal text provides invaluable guidance for global Indigenous researchers seeking to produce story work that genuinely encompasses physical, emotional, and spiritual dimensions.

Activation and Detoxification Enzymes: Functions and Implications

by Chang-Hwei Chen

This book discusses the many advances in the understanding of the functions and implications of activation and detoxification enzymes. This organized, concise overview will meet the needs of those who are initially exposed to this important subject, particularly for students and researchers in the areas of biomedical sciences, biochemistry, nutrition, pharmacology, and chemistry. The book will also be valuable to advanced researchers. The book discusses subjects associated with foreign-compound-metabolizing enzymes with emphasis on biochemical aspects, including lipophilic foreign compounds, activation and detoxification enzymes, metabolic enzyme catalytic properties, reactive metabolic intermediates, biomedical and biochemical effects, genetic polymorphisms, enzyme inducibility, enzyme modulation for health benefits, dietary-related enzyme modulators, and structural characteristics of enzyme inducers. This new edition is updated throughout andfeatures completely new chapters on Oxidative and Electrophilic Stresses, Metabolite- Mediated Disease Conditions, and Defense Mechanism: Nrf2-ARE Pathway.

Core Competencies of a Veterinary Graduate

by Subhash Verma Yashpal Singh Malik Geetanjali Singh Prasenjit Dhar Amit Kumar Singla

This book is an essential guide for veterinarians, veterinary faculty and policymakers for understanding the core competencies of a fresh veterinarian. The book briefly covers competencies in preclinical, paraclinical, and clinical subjects including anatomy, physiology, biochemistry, veterinary jurisprudence, animal management & welfare including nutrition and breeding, infectious and non-infectious diseases, disease epidemiology, diagnosis, and treatment, prevention, control and zoonoses, surgical and other clinical interventions. The book further includes other competencies, including biologicals, anti-mortem, and post-mortem inspection, certifications, applied one health aspects, review and analysis of scientific evidence, international trade and regulations, and organization of veterinary services. It also highlights the importance of effective communication, interpersonal skills, record keeping and management of a small veterinary hospital, health informatics, etc. The book breakdowns the must-have competencies of a global veterinarian into different topics and subtopics for easy comprehension and further learning. It enables the professional standard-setting & regulatory bodies and academicians in improved curricula designing and implementation and more importantly tries to bring uniformity in day one veterinary graduates’ competencies globally, enhancing the movement and employability of veterinarians across the world.

Don't Forget About Me

by Eve Morton

After Shawn Connors returns from the war, he's facing life with an injured leg and a changed perspective on what it really means to be a solider and to fall in love.Shawn Connors had no illusions about the war. But after injuring his leg in a blast, he goes home to his sister's in Maine and isn't prepared for the reality of his return. As everyone around him gets married, promoted, or moves on with their lives, Shawn is left drinking alone at a bar on a Thursday night.His best friend had warned him that life after deployment would start to feel like a high school reunion, but as Shawn meets a stranger at the bar, he begins to think that his life is more like a high school movie instead.

Rebel Hearts

by Alexander Verlangen

Kennedy is full of secrets. He has superpowers. The superpowered are feared and imprisoned, and Kennedy’s nightmares come to life when his powers are discovered. Sent to an underwater prison run by two tyrants, he is forced to compete to the death against other superheroes in a deadly tournament.It doesn't help that his team leader, Aidy, is enchanting, protective, loyal, and charming. The last thing Kennedy needs is a distraction.No one believes rebellion is possible. No believes living is possible. Can Kennedy find a way to win and keep Aidy, too?

My First Knitting Book: Easy-to-Follow Instructions and More Than 15 Projects (Dover Crafts: Knitting)

by Hildegarde Deuzo

If you want to learn to knit, you only need a ball of yarn, knitting needles, some patience — and this book! It's the ideal introduction to knitting, with easy-to-follow, full-color instructions for more than fifteen projects. Clear, step-by-step explanations of basic techniques make this guide great for beginners of all ages, especially those wishing to create handmade gifts. An introduction explains the how-to of knitting, from holding the needles and yarn to casting on, basic stitches, and finishing touches. Patterns start out as simple as can be and gradually become more challenging, although by no means difficult. Readers can advance from bracelets, hair ornaments, and pocketbooks to scarves and hats, in addition to a charming variety of household decorations.

Parachuting into the Future

by Chase Carlyle

After a decade away, Cole Swan moves back to his childhood hometown to be closer to his grandma after his parents die in a skydiving accident. Cole feels lost. His parents were only twenty years older than he himself, so they had a lot of life left in them.Rory Torpey is a barista and struggling actor. He starred in one indie film and hasn't landed a role since, but maybe he'll nail an audition for a project that'll launch his acting career. If there's one thing Rory wants, it's to not be stuck in a small town for the rest of his life, even if there are worse places to live than Ridge Valley.Rory works at the coffee shop Cole frequents and, eventually, they get to know each other. Sparks fly and they start dating. A relationship might benefit them both -- Rory could break Cole out of his shell and show him he can't live in fear, while Cole could teach Rory to appreciate the little things in life. Do they have a future together?

Lucky in Love

by Ellie Thomas

Sequel to Lucky JohnAfter years of exile during Commonwealth rule following the English Civil Wars, Owen Montgomery is home to stay in his Monmouthshire with John, the rescued kitchen lad who has become the light of Owen’s life.Owen has enjoyed eighteen months of peace since his tenure as an official envoy on behalf of King Charles II. In the autumn of 1661, Owen is torn from his comfortable life by a summons from his brother Lewis, a courtier close to the king. Owen is reluctant to take John to London, concerned about the impact of corruption and temptations of court life on such a well-meaning innocent. But how can he refuse John anything?Owen reluctantly fulfils his duty to his brother while John gets to grips with the palace and its hazards. Can Owen continue to protect John from harm? Or might his constant vigilance stifle the man he loves?

Bad Rap

by Lynn Townsend

Spin-off of the Rainbow Connection trilogyDavid Pritchard loved his wife with everything he had. Sarah was sexy and smart and incredibly competent in her position as a political fundraiser, and did he mention sexy? It was worth mentioning twice. David had never in his life been happier than he was married to Sarah.And then everything fell apart. Sarah had been killed, and David was the primary suspect. David would mourn for her for the rest of his life. But with Sarah dead and her killer still on the loose, just how long was the rest of his life going to be?

Scattered Minds: The Origins and Healing of Attention Deficit Disorder

by Gabor Maté

INTERNATIONAL BESTSELLER From renowned mental health expert and speaker Gabor Maté, MD, Scattered Minds explodes the myth of attention deficit disorder (ADD/ADHD) as genetically based—and offers real hope and advice for children and adults who live with the condition. In this breakthrough guide to understanding, treating, and healing attention deficit disorder, Dr. Gabor Maté, an adult with ADD and the father of three ADD children, shares information on: · The external factors that trigger ADD/ADHD · How to create an environment that promotes health and healing · Ritalin and other drugs · ADD in adults …and much more Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD/ADHD) has remained a controversial topic in recent years. Whereas other books on the subject describe the condition as inherited, Dr. Maté shows how our social and emotional environments play a key role in both the cause of and cure for the condition. In Scattered Minds, he describes the painful realities of ADD/ADHD and its effect on children as well as on careers and social paths in adults. While acknowledging that genetics may indeed play a part in predisposing a person toward ADD/ADHD, Maté moves beyond that to focus on the things we can control: changes in environment, family dynamics, and parenting choices. He draws heavily on his own experience with the disorder, as both an ADD sufferer and the parent of three diagnosed children. Providing a thorough overview of ADD/ADHD and its treatments, Scattered Minds is essential and life-changing reading for the millions of ADD/ADHD sufferers in North America today.

The International Court of Justice and Municipal Courts: An Inter-Judicial Dialogue (Routledge Research in International Law)

by Oktawian Kuc

Recent decades have brought international and municipal courts much closer together and induced meaningful cooperation. This holds true also for the International Court of Justice and domestic judicial institutions as they engage actively in an inter-judicial dialogue, particularly on the normative level. Due to the impact of globalisation and internationalisation, the World Court has expanded its jurisprudence to also accommodate references and analysis of external judicial organs and their pronouncements. Likewise, ICJ decisions are referred to and consulted by municipal courts as authoritative statements of international norms or assistance in fact determination.This monograph examines this inter-judicial dialogue in a comprehensive manner by identifying and analysing all its aspects as evidenced in respective jurisprudence. Surprisingly, the mutual conversation in judicial decisions between the World Court and national judicial institutions has drawn little attention from international legal scholarship, and the book is designed to fill this lacuna.

Collegial Democracy versus Personal Democracy: ‘We' the People or ‘I' the People? (Routledge Research in Comparative Politics)

by Chen Friedberg Gideon Rahat

This book examines two patterns of democracy – collegial and personal – through a comprehensive comparison of political institutions.It develops a conceptual, theoretical, and methodological basis for differentiating collegial and personal democracies. Central institutions in democracy are classified according to their levels of personalism and collegialism, including political parties, candidate selection methods and electoral systems, legislature, and cabinets and governments. The book presents preliminary findings concerning the causes for this variance between the two democratic regime types.The book will be of key interest to students and scholars of democratic institutions, personalism and personalization, political parties and, more broadly, democracy.

Bricks: to build a house (Routledge Revivals)

by John Woodforde

First published in 1976, Bricks tells the story of bricks in Britain. The story of the brick begins with the sun-dried, mud bricks formed with hands alone. Walls built with such bricks have been found in the ruins of Jericho – probably the oldest town in the world. John Woodforde describes bricks and brickmaking in the ancient world and in Europe and America; he gives a comprehensive account of brickmaking in Britain up to the 1970s. He describes the properties of bricks, including those of the unique fletton brick, manufactured by the London Brick Company. The author looks, too, at the equipment and techniques used to fashion bricks, the brickmakers themselves and brickwork of many kinds: in garden walls, sewers, canals, railways and roads as well as in Hampton Court and the Nash terraces of Regent’s Park. This book will be of interest to students of architecture, engineering, chemistry and construction.

Contemporary Farce on the Global Stage: or, Serious Laughter

by David Gram

Contemporary Farce on the Global Stage provides audiences and practitioners a detailed survey of how the genre of farce has evolved in the 21st century. Often dismissed as frivolous, farce speaks a universal language, with the power to incisively interrogate our world through laughter.Unlike farces of the past, where a successful resolution was a given and we could laugh uproariously at adulterous behaviour, farce no longer guarantees an audience a happy ending where everything works out. Contemporary farce is no longer ‘diverting us’ with laughter. It is reflecting the fractured world around us. With a foreword by award-winning playwright Ken Ludwig, the book introduces readers to the Mechanics of Farce, and the ‘Four Ps,’ which are key elements for understanding, appreciating, and exploring the form. The Five Doors to Contemporary Farce identify five major categories into which farces fall. Behind each door are a wide selection of plays, modern and contemporary examples from all over the world, written by a diverse group of playwrights who traverse gender, race, ethnicity, and sexual orientation. Supplementing each section are comments, observations, and reflections from award-winning playwrights, directors, actors, designers, dramaturgs, and scholars.Designed specifically to give theatre-makers a rounded understanding that will underpin their own productions, this book will also be of use to theatre and performance studies students.

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