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Atlas of Nail Signs and Disorders with Clinical and Onychoscopic Correlation

by Nilton Di Chiacchio Nilton Gioia Di Chiacchio Robertha Carvalho de Nakamura Michela Starace Matilde Iorizzo Robert Baran

This atlas allows dermatologists and resident and qualified professionals in other disciplines to reach a quick diagnosis, with a wealth of clinical and dermatoscopic images for convenience.Key features: Provides a quick and straightforward guide to diagnosis for medical professionals. Allows residents and professionals in other disciplines easy access to the essential points. Presents the expertise of some of the most eminent international nail specialists.

Atomically Precise Metal Clusters: Surface Engineering and Hierarchical Assembly

by Shuang-Quan Zang

Atomically Precise Metal Clusters Thorough discussion on how surface modification and self-assembly play roles in the atomically precise formation and property tailoring of molecular clusters Atomically Precise Metal Clusters: Surface Engineering and Hierarchical Assembly summarizes and discusses the surface modification, assembly, and property tailoring of a wide variety of nanoclusters, including the well-explored metal clusters, addressing the structure–property relationships throughout. The atomic-level control in synthesis, new types of structures, and physical/chemical properties of nanoclusters are illustrated in various chapters. The controlled modification and assembly of metal nanoclusters is expected to have a major impact on future nanoscience research and other areas, with distinctive metal cluster-based function materials with precise structures uncovering exciting opportunities in both fundamental research and practical applications. Written by a highly qualified academic with significant research experience in the field, Atomically Precise Metal Clusters includes information on: Ligand engineering and assembly of coinage metal nanoclusters such as gold, silver, and copperRecent advances in post-modification of polyoxometalates and small transition metal chalcogenide superatom clustersSynthesis and assembly of cadmium chalcogenide supertetrahedral clusters and modification and assembly of Fe-S clustersIndium phosphide magic-sized clusters, ligand-tailoring platinum and palladium clusters, and metal oxo clusters (MOCs)Enabling access to desired functions in metal clusters for catalysis, optics, biomedicine, and other fields through surface engineering and supramolecular assembly A timely and comprehensive book that summarizes the recent progress in the surface modification and self-assembly of metal nanoclusters, Atomically Precise Metal Clusters provides essential guidance for graduate students and advanced researchers in material science, chemistry, biomedicine, and other disciplines.

The Audacity

by Ryan Chapman

A bracing satire about the implosion of a Theranos-like company, a collapsing marriage, and a billionaires&’ &“philanthropy summit,&” for fans of Hari Kunzru and The White Lotus.In 72 hours, a blockbuster exposé will reveal Victoria Stevens&’s multibillion-dollar startup as a massive fraud. And Victoria has gone missing. Has she faked her death, leaving her husband, Guy Sarvananthan, to face the fallout— and potential jail time? Should Guy flee to his native Sri Lanka, an outcast and a failure? Or embrace denial? Opting for the latter, he takes the corporate jet to a private Caribbean island, where the 0.0001% have gathered to decide which one of the world&’s biggest problems to &“eradicate forever.&” Guy drinks and drugs his way into oblivion, through manicured jungles and aboard superyachts, amid captains of industry, legions of staff, and unlikely saboteurs. Meanwhile, Victoria narrates her side of the story from an off-the-grid location in the California desert. In scribbled diary entries shot through with cultish self-help mantras, she plots her comeback, confident she&’ll prove everyone wrong. Again. Ryan Chapman&’s incisive novel is a swan dive into the abyss and &“Martin Amis&’s Money for really late, late capitalism&” (Amitava Kumar, author of A Time Outside This Time).

Auf dem Weg zu Netto-Null-Zielen: Nutzung von Data Science für Langzeit-Nachhaltigkeitswege

by Neha Sharma Prithwis Kumar De

Dieses Buch diskutiert die Verwendung von Technologie, Data Science und Open Data, um das Netto-Null-Emissionsziel des Pariser Abkommens zum Klimawandel zu erreichen. Es gibt viele Diskussionen über Nachhaltigkeit und Lösungen für den Klimawandel, um die negativen Auswirkungen zu mildern. Die Verwendung von Technologiehebeln zur Bewältigung von Klimaherausforderungen wird jedoch selten als der bedeutendste Katalysator betrachtet. Die verfügbare Forschung in diesem Bereich ist im Allgemeinen qualitativer Natur, bei der Technologie und Daten noch nicht genutzt wurden. Durch den Einsatz von KI/ML sagt das Buch die Klimawandelfolgen aufgrund von Investitionen in den fossilen Brennstoffsektor voraus, schätzt die CO2-Emissionen des Verkehrssektors, prognostiziert die durch nicht erneuerbare Energiequellen verursachte durchschnittliche Landtemperatur und segmentiert indische Bundesstaaten auf der Grundlage von Haushalts-CO2-Emissionen. Die Forscher, Entscheidungsträger, Studenten, Lehrer, Bildungseinrichtungen, Regierungen, Regulierungsbehörden, Unternehmen, internationale Organisationen usw. werden immens von diesem Buch profitieren. Darüber hinaus soll dieses Buch dazu dienen, den nächsten Generationen eine dekarbonisierte Umgebung und eine bessere Zukunft zu bieten.

Aufarbeitung des an Sinti und Roma begangenen Unrechts in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland: Grundlagenkonzept für eine Wahrheitskommission

by Marc Buggeln Sebastian Lotto-Kusche

Marc Buggeln und Sebastian Lotto-Kusche legen mit dieser Publikation ein Grundlagenkonzept zur Wahrheit über das begangene Unrecht an den Sinti_ze und Rom_nja in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland und der DDR vor. Zunächst fassen die Autoren den Erkenntnis- und Forschungsstand zur Geschichte von Sinti_ze und Rom_nja nach 1945 in beiden deutschen Staaten zusammen. Daraus abgeleitet wird der Forschungsbedarf und mögliche Fragestellungen der einzurichtenden Wahrheitskommission zur Aufarbeitung des an Sinti_ze und Rom_nja begangenen Unrechts (WASRU). Da Wahrheits- und Versöhnungskommissionen in Deutschland bislang keine Tradition haben und meist im unmittelbaren Übergangsbereich von Diktaturen und Apartheidsregimen hin zu Demokratien gegründet wurden, werten die Autoren die Erfahrungen dieser Kommissionen in unterschiedlichen Staaten weltweit aus.

Aufmerksamkeitsökonomien in digitalen Zeiten: Grundlagen, Impulse, Reflexionsfragen (essentials)

by Nikola Plohr

Das essential beschäftigt sich mit den Zusammenhängen von Aufmerksamkeit und Digitalisierung. Dabei rückt Aufmerksamkeit unter dem Begriff der Aufmerksamkeitsökonomie als endliche Ressource in den Blick. Im Zentrum stehen die Fragen: Wie wird Aufmerksamkeit durch Digitalisierung neu geformt, verteilt, zentriert, aber auch zerstreut? Welche Chancen und Risiken gehen mit dieser Entwicklung einher? Welchen Einfluss nehmen KI-basierte Tools? Welche Folgen lassen sich auf individueller, unternehmerischer und gesellschaftlicher Ebene beobachten? Die theoretischen Überlegungen zu den verschiedenen Ebenen von Aufmerksamkeitsökonomien werden dabei jeweils mit Studien aus der (Medien)Psychologie unterlegt und mit Beispielen aus der KI-Entwicklung ergänzt. Zudem werden praxisnahe Impulse und Reflexionsangebote vermittelt, die sich für die Übersetzung in den (Unternehmens-)Alltag eignen und auf den bewussten, individuellen Umgang mit der Ressource Aufmerksamkeit abzielen.

Australia and China Perspectives on Urban Regeneration and Rural Revitalization (Routledge Research in Planning and Urban Design)

by Raffaele Pernice Bing Chen

This edited volume reviews important contemporary issues through relevant case studies and research in China and Australia, such as the challenges posed by climate change, the development of eco-urban design, research on sustainable habitats and the relationship between ecology, green architecture and city regeneration, as well as, in general, the future of the city in the new millennium.The authors represent a broad selection of international experts, young scholars and established academics who discuss themes related to urban–rural destruction and economic and spatial regeneration techniques, the sustainable reconversion of natural landscapes and eco-urban design in the context of the current evolution of architectural and urbanism practice. The book aims to explain the conditions in which the contemporary debate about urban regeneration and rural revitalisation has developed in Australia and China, presented by different theoretical and methodological perspectives. It also provides a multifaceted and critical analysis of relevant case studies and urban experiences in Australia and China, focusing on environmental disruption, resized urban interventions and the need for more efficient and sustainable forms of regeneration and urban renewal practice in urban–rural contexts.This book will be an invaluable resource for architects, planners, architectural and urban historians, geographers, and scholars interested in modern Australian and Chinese architecture and urbanism.

Auswirkungen der Cookieless Future auf Onlinevideovermarkter: Bedeutung von Drittanbietercookies für den Onlinevideowerbemarkt und seine Akteure (essentials)

by Miriam Goetz Paula Lippert

Drittanbietercookies ermöglichen Vermarktern eine fundierte Kampagnenanalyse und Zielgruppenbestimmung. Welche Auswirkungen hat der Wegfall von Cookies auf sie? Das essential beschreibt zunächst Cookies und deren aktuelle Einsatzfelder. Auf Basis von Experteninterviews mit Branchenkennern folgt dann ein Ausblick, welche Chancen und Risiken mit dem Wegfall der Cookies für die Vermarkterbranche und Endverbraucher einhergehen und welche Alternativen zu Drittanbietercookies existieren.

Authentisch leben für Dummies (Für Dummies)

by Eva Kalbheim

Eins mit sich selbst Original oder Kopie, selbst- oder fremdbestimmt, wahrhaftig oder angepasst? Wie wollen Sie leben? Und wie haben Sie bisher gelebt? Stellen Sie sich vor, Sie wären eins mit sich selbst, bräuchten keine Eigenhei­ten, Wünsche oder Bedürfnisse zu verstecken, könnten Ihr Potenzial voll ausleben, Ihre Meinung sagen und konsequent Ihren Werten folgen: Wie würden Sie sich fühlen? Was könnten Sie erreichen und verwirklichen? Dieses Buch hilft Ihnen dabei, sich selbst neu zu entdecken, Ihre Persönlichkeit zu entfalten und Ihren eigenen Weg zu finden und zu gehen. Sie erfahren Wie Sie Beziehungen authentisch leben Wie Sie sich beruflich unverwechselbar positionieren Wie Sie charismatisch kommunizieren Wie Sie Ihr Selbst zum Strahlen bringen.

Author vs. Illustrator

by Donald Lemke

"At the far reaches of Earth, high upon a mountaintop, a bustling city is under attack by a . . . cute little furball? Wait—what?! That’s not right. The author wrote this book about a “ferocious beast,” not a cuddly critter. Turns out, the book’s illustrator has other plans. Page by page, these clashing collaborators are writing (and drawing) themselves into the story for a full-on creator combat—a bookmaking BATTLE ROYALE! Can the author make a successful book with no pictures? Can the Illustrator tell a tale without words? (A picture is worth a thousand of them, he says.) Or will this dueling duo get on the same page at last to create the ultimate happy ending? From Lemke & Lentz (the quirky collaborators behind Call of Doodie and Book-O-Beards) comes a laugh-out-loud picture book about the not-so-simple process of creating a picture book. Full of over-the-top humor and under-the-radar lessons—including the skills of teamwork, conflict resolution, and respect—this book is a must-have for young writers, budding artists, and lifelong book lovers."

Autobiographical Lectures of Leaders in Art Education, 2001–2021: A Selection of Self-Reflections and Living Histories

by Stephanie Autumn Baer Katherine Coy Smith Stephanie Harvey Danker

This scholarly collection is a continuation of a lecture series highlighting the essential nature of biography in the history of art education. The editors feature 16 prominent art educators, organized into one of three chronological sections spanning the past two decades. The contributing art educators explore influences that shaped their beliefs about art education and the arts, describe their career paths, explain their philosophy of art education and its development, and advise, predict, or speculate about the future. Every chapter concludes with essential questions and instructional resources to guide readers in their reflection. In reading these lectures, art education faculty, students, and any adjacent professional to the arts and art history can learn the importance of biographical and autobiographical study to research. Beyond research, readers can use the lectures to consider and question teaching and mentoring relationships, the power of influence, and what qualities may contribute to the recognition of exemplary success for art educators.

An Autobiography of Trauma: A Healing Journey

by Peter A. Levine

• Shares the author&’s personal journey to heal his severe childhood trauma as well as his breakthroughs on the path to create Somatic Experiencing• Explores how he came to view Einstein as his personal spirit guide and mentor, only to discover a profound real-life connection to him through his mother• Explains how the SE method is derived from the author&’s studies of animals in their natural environments, neurobiology, and 50 years of clinical observationsIn this intimate memoir, renowned developer of Somatic Experiencing, Peter A. Levine—the man who changed the way psychologists, doctors, and healers understand and treat the wounds of trauma and abuse—shares his personal journey to heal his own severe childhood trauma and offers profound insights into the evolution of his innovative healing method.Casting himself as a modern-day Chiron, the wounded healer of Greek mythology, Levine describes, in graphic detail, the violence of his childhood juxtaposed with specific happy memories and how being guided through Somatic Experiencing (SE) allowed him to illuminate and untangle his traumatic wounds. He also shares the mysterious and unexpected dreams and visions that have guided him through his life&’s work, including his dreamlike visitations from Albert Einstein, whom he views as his personal spirit guide and mentor.Explaining how he helped thousands of others before resolving his own trauma, he details how the SE method is derived from his studies of wild animals in their natural environments, neurobiology, and more than 50 years of clinical observations. Levine teaches us that anyone suffering from trauma has a valuable story to tell, and that by telling our stories, we can catalyze the return of hope, dignity, and wholeness.

Autoimmune Disorders: Adjuvants and Other Risk Factors in Pathogenesis

by Abdulla Watad Nicola Luigi Bragazzi Yehuda Shoenfeld

Autoimmune Disorders Comprehensive resource on the science of autoimmune disorders, covering causes, treatment, prevention, and the latest research in the field Autoimmune Disorders is an authoritative reference on the science of autoimmune disorders, covering their causes, including infections, vaccine adjuvants, environmental stimuli, and silicone implants, the latest research on the genetics, epigenetics, and immunology of autoimmunity, predictive markers, therapeutic approaches for treatment and prevention, and suggestions for future research directions. This book explores the intricate connections between adjuvants and autoimmune responses, focusing on the emergence of the Autoimmune/Inflammatory Syndrome Induced by Adjuvants (ASIA syndrome), as well as autoimmune connections in areas such as chronic fatigue syndrome, autoantibodies targeting the autonomic system, and small fiber neuropathy. The authors emphasize the profound impact of vaccines on public health, underscoring that their benefits far outweigh potential side effects and exploring the historical context of adjuvants in vaccine development. From tattoos to environmental factors, each chapter adds a unique thread to the tapestry of adjuvants, autoimmune responses, and their interactions. Sample topics covered in Autoimmune Disorders include: Food additives and dental implants as a trigger of autoimmunity and increased risk of ASIA syndrome as a result of the chemical and social factors Sustained immune activation in ASIA syndrome as a bridge to lymphomagenesis and how immune checkpoints, metals, and bisphenol connect to autoimmunity Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia syndrome (POTS), Sick Building syndrome, and Gulf War syndrome (GWS) as parts of ASIA syndrome Sarcoidosis and Sjögren’s syndrome as a proof of concept of hyperstimulation syndrome Autoimmune Disorders is an essential reference on the subject for academics, specialized postgraduate students, and practicing professionals seeking to improve integrated research strategies and foster a deeper understanding of the complex relationship between immunology, public health, and individual well-being.

Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems. Best and Visionary Papers: AAMAS 2023 Workshops, London, UK, May 29 –June 2, 2023, Revised Selected Papers (Lecture Notes in Computer Science #14456)

by Francesco Amigoni Arunesh Sinha

This book contains visionary and best papers from the workshops held at the International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems, AAMAS 2023, held in London, UK, during May 29–June 2, 2023.The 12 regular papers, 5 best papers and 7 visionary papers, presented were carefully reviewed and selected from a total of more than 110 contributions to the workshops. They focus on emerging topics and new trends in the area of autonomous agents and multiagent systems and stem from the following workshops:- Workshop on Autonomous Robots and Multirobot Systems (ARMS)- Workshop on Adaptive and Learning Agents (ALA)- Workshop on Interdisciplinary Design of Emotion Sensitive Agents (IDEA)- Workshop on Rebellion and Disobedience in Artificial Intelligence (RaD-AI)- Workshop on Neuro-symbolic AI for Agent and Multi-Agent Systems (NeSyMAS)- Workshop on Multiagent Sequential Decision Making under Uncertainty (MSDM)- Workshop on Citizen-Centric Multi-Agent Systems (C-MAS)

The Awakened Way: Making the Shift to a Divinely Guided Life

by Suzanne Giesemann

The Awakened Way combines deep spiritual wisdom and practical tools for living a consciously connected and divinely guided life, helping readers go from an emptiness that can&’t be filled to a fullness that can&’t be contained.The Awakened Way is the soul&’s answer to your earthly challenges.This book invites you to live the awakened way, a path that embraces ancient wisdom and integrates it with the latest scientific discoveries about the nature of consciousness and the underlying reality.Many self-help books focus on our human nature. They miss the point that we are both human and a soul. They fail to teach us to shift our focus and access the Source of solutions that is always available and will never steer us wrong.The Awakened Way is a higher-self book that reorients your belief system and shows you how to approach life from the soul's perspec­tive, where the highest answers lie.&“A practical resource for many who are seeking a richer connection with lost loved ones and the spiritual realm in general.&”— Eben Alexander, M.D., former Harvard neurosurgeon and author of Proof of Heaven, The Map of Heaven, and Living in a Mindful Universe

Awakening a Living World on a Kūṭiyāṭṭam Stage (SUNY series in Hindu Studies)

by Einat Bar-On Cohen

Kūṭiyāṭṭam, an ancient form of Sanskrit theater from Kerala, was traditionally performed only in temples by members of two temple assistant castes. Today, however, it has spread to other castes and to venues outside temples. It is a fantastically complex, sophisticated, layered performance, toiling at amassing and perfecting ways of materializing a world where gods, demons, and mythical heroes live, bringing the audience into these other realities. Taking an anthropological approach, Awakening a Living World on a Kūṭiyāṭṭam Stage explores how Kūṭiyāṭṭam uses cultural dynamics, gleaned from temple ritual and theater, to remove the distinctions between mundane reality and the mediaeval plays being performed on stage. The unique features of Kūṭiyāṭṭam—makeup masks, enthralling drumming, delivering words in mudrā gestures, a shimmering lamp, male and female actors—all intertwine to animate stories from the great Indian eposes. Analyzing the cultural dynamics at work in Kūṭiyāṭṭam foregrounds a symbolic anthropology in which representation and symbols are shunned, while endless repetitions fill the stage with reverberating somatic intensities of profound depth. Thus, a new kind of living reality emerges that includes the protagonists of the play—gods, demons, humans, animals, and objects—together with the artist, the audience, and beyond.

AWS Certified SysOps Administrator Study Guide: Associate SOA-C02 Exam (Sybex Study Guide)

by Jorge T. Negron Christoffer Jones George Sawyer

Prepare for success on the AWS SysOps exam, your next job interview, and in the field with this handy and practical guide The newly updated Third Edition of AWS Certified SysOps Administrator Study Guide: Associate (SOA-C02) Exam prepares you for the Amazon Web Services SysOps Administrator certification and a career in the deployment, management, and operation of an AWS environment. Whether you’re preparing for your first attempt at the challenging SOA-C02 Exam, or you want to upgrade your AWS SysOps skills, this practical Study Guide delivers the hands-on skills and best practices instruction you need to succeed on the test and in the field. You’ll get: Coverage of all of the SOA-C02 exam’s domains, including monitoring, logging, remediation, reliability, business continuity, and more Instruction that’s tailor-made to achieve success on the certification exam, in an AWS SysOps job interview, and in your next role as a SysOps administrator Access to the Sybex online study tools, with chapter review questions, full-length practice exams, hundreds of electronic flashcards, and a glossary of key terms The AWS Certified SysOps Administrator Study Guide: Associate (SOA-C02) Exam includes all the digital and offline tools you need to supercharge your career as an AWS Certified SysOps Administrator.

The Baby Dragon

by Anna Duff

Ronny Squirrel and Cocoa Hare are out and about in Glenric-Haven when an encounter with an unexpected creature brings them a day of questions, surprises, and adventure. For best friends, Ronny and Cocoa, dragons are merely a myth. Creatures who disappeared many moons ago. That all changes when they find a young dragon lost and alone. Can Ronny Squirrel and Cocoa Hare successfully discover the truth, solve the myth, and reunite a baby dragon with his family?

The Backup Bride Proposal: a fun and flirty rom-com where sparks fly at first sight! (Boots and Bouquets)

by Jaci Burton

If you love Holly Martin, Sarah Morgan and Jill Shalvis, you'll love Jaci Burton!'Always sexy, romantic and charming' JILL SHALVIS'The characters leap off the page and the romance sparkles' Romantic Times_____________________When a production company decides to shoot a movie at winery and wedding venue, Red Moss Vineyards, Mae Wallace is thrilled with the possibility of new business. She's less thrilled when she finds leading actor Kane August crashing one of the weddings!Kane is rarely surprised by anything-until he meets sharp and ever-so-slightly snarky Mae Wallace. But with his co-star held up on another set, he needs Mae to be his stand-in bride for the cameras. As he takes every opportunity to spend time with her and peel back her layers, he realises he's letting her in, too.When Kane takes her to his family's ranch in Texas, Mae discovers a whole new side to him. Once burned, she has no intention of falling in love ever again, but Kane is determined to show her he's the one man she can trust with her heart. If only Mae will allow herself to fall._____________________Want more Jaci Burton? Check out the rest of her sizzling and romantic series!Boots and BouquetsHopeBrotherhood by FirePlay-By-Play

The Backup Bride Proposal (A Boots and Bouquets Novel #4)

by Jaci Burton

The next installment in the bestselling Boots and Bouquets series from New York Times bestselling author Jaci BurtonBellini Weddings has agreed to allow a production company to film a movie at Red Moss Vineyards. It will be great PR for both the vineyard and the wine and wedding businesses. Mae Wallace, who works for the Bellini family, is thrilled with the possibility of new business. What she isn&’t thrilled with is actor Kane August, who she finds crashing one of the weddings. He tells her it&’s research for the movie, but she finds him overconfident and annoying.Kane August is rarely surprised by anything—until he meets Mae Wallace. She&’s sharp, just a bit on the snarky side, and the most refreshing woman he&’s had the pleasure of meeting. She constantly challenges him, and he can&’t remember having this much fun on a movie set. He takes every opportunity to spend time with her, peeling back layers until he gets to the heart of who this amazing person really is. And, unexpectedly, he realizes that he&’s letting her in, too, something he hasn&’t done with anyone before. However, they live very different lives and he&’ll need to be careful around Mae, because she&’s someone he could see a future with. But can she see the same thing?When Kane takes her to his family&’s ranch in Texas, Mae discovers a whole new side to him, learning about the heart and soul of a kind and gentle man. And as they grow closer, her guard goes up. Once burned, she has no intention of falling in love ever again, despite this very hot and sexy guy who&’s trying his best to turn her world upside down and work his way through the steely wall she&’s built. Kane is determined to show her he&’s the one man she can trust with her heart. If only Mae will allow herself to fall.

The Backyard Bird Chronicles

by Amy Tan

A gorgeous, witty account of birding, nature, and the beauty around us that hides in plain sight, written and illustrated by the best-selling author of The Joy Luck Club • With a foreword by David Allen Sibley&“Unexpected and spectacular&” —Ann Patchett, best-selling author of These Precious Days"The drawings and essays in this book do a lot more than just describe the birds. They carry a sense of discovery through observation and drawing, suggest the layers of patterns in the natural world, and emphasize a deep personal connection between the watcher and the watched. The birds that inhabit Amy Tan&’s backyard seem a lot like the characters in her novels.&” —David Allen Sibley, from the foreword Tracking the natural beauty that surrounds us, The Backyard Bird Chronicles maps the passage of time through daily entries, thoughtful questions, and beautiful original sketches. With boundless charm and wit, author Amy Tan charts her foray into birding and the natural wonders of the world.In 2016, Amy Tan grew overwhelmed by the state of the world: Hatred and misinformation became a daily presence on social media, and the country felt more divisive than ever. In search of peace, Tan turned toward the natural world just beyond her window and, specifically, the birds visiting her yard. But what began as an attempt to find solace turned into something far greater—an opportunity to savor quiet moments during a volatile time, connect to nature in a meaningful way, and imagine the intricate lives of the birds she admired.

Bacterial Genetics and Genomics

by Lori Snyder Lori A.S. Snyder

Understanding of bacterial genetics and genomics is fundamental to understanding bacteria and higher organisms, as well. Novel insights in the fields of genetics and genomics are challenging the once clear borders between the characteristics of bacteria and other life. Biological knowledge of the bacterial world is being viewed under a new light with input from genetic and genomics. Replication of bacterial circular and linear chromosomes, coupled (and uncoupled) transcription and translation, multiprotein systems that enhance survival, wide varieties of ways to control gene and protein expression, and a range of other features all influence the diversity of the microbial world. This text acknowledges that readers have varied knowledge of genetics and microbiology. Therefore, information is presented progressively, to enable all readers to understand the more advanced material in the book.This second edition of Bacterial Genetics and Genomics updates the information from the first edition with advances made over the past five years. This includes descriptions for 10 types of secretion systems, bacteria that can be seen with the naked eye, and differences between coupled transcription-translation and the uncoupled runaway transcription in bacteria. Topic updates include advances in bacteriophage therapy, biotechnology, and understanding bacterial evolution.Key Features Genetics, genomics, and bioinformatics integrated in one place Over 400 full-colour illustrations explain concepts and mechanisms throughout and are available to instructors for download A section dedicated to the application of genetics and genomics techniques, including a chapter devoted to laboratory techniques, which includes useful tips and recommendations for protocols, in addition to troubleshooting and alternative strategies Bulleted key points summarize each chapter Extensive self-study questions related to the chapter text and several discussion topics for study groups to explore further This book is extended and enhanced through a range of digital resources that include: Interactive online quizzes for each chapter Flashcards that allow the reader to test their understanding of key terms from the book Useful links for online resources associated with Chapters 16 and 17

Bad Rap

by Lynn Townsend

Spin-off of the Rainbow Connection trilogyDavid Pritchard loved his wife with everything he had. Sarah was sexy and smart and incredibly competent in her position as a political fundraiser, and did he mention sexy? It was worth mentioning twice. David had never in his life been happier than he was married to Sarah.And then everything fell apart. Sarah had been killed, and David was the primary suspect. David would mourn for her for the rest of his life. But with Sarah dead and her killer still on the loose, just how long was the rest of his life going to be?

Balance of Power: Central Banks and the Fate of Democracies

by Éric Monnet

Central banks now stand between societies and collapse, but are they still democratic? Two decades of financial crises have dramatically expanded central banks’ powers. In 2008, and then again in 2020, unelected banking officials found themselves suddenly responsible for the public welfare—not just because it was necessary but based on an idea that their independence from political systems would insulate them from the whims of populism. Now, as international crises continue and the scope of monetary interventions grows in response, these bankers have become increasingly powerful. In Balance of Power, economist and historian Éric Monnet charts the rise of central banks as the nominally independent—but unavoidably political—superpowers of modern societies. This trajectory, Monnet argues, is neither inevitable nor unstoppable. By embracing the political natures of today’s central banks, we can construct systems of accountability for how they interact with states and societies. Monnet shows that this effort will do more than guard against unjust power; it will put the banks to work for greater, more democratic ends. With existential challenges looming and the work of the Federal Reserve and European Central Bank more important than ever, Balance of Power offers a trenchant case for what this century’s central banks can—and must—become.

Balancing Strategy: Sea Power, Neutrality, and Prize Law in the Seven Years' War (Cambridge Military Histories)

by null Anna Brinkman

What is the relationship between seapower, law, and strategy? Anna Brinkman uses in-depth analysis of cases brought before the Court of Prize Appeal during the Seven Years' War to explore how Britain worked to shape maritime international law to its strategic advantage. Within the court, government officials and naval and legal minds came together to shape legal decisions from the perspectives of both legal philosophy and maritime strategic aims. As a result, neutrality and the negotiation of rights became critical to maritime warfare. Balancing Strategy unpicks a complex web of competing priorities: deals struck with the Dutch Republic and Spain; imperial rivalry; mercantilism; colonial trade; and the relationships between metropoles and colonies, trade, and the navy. Ultimately, influencing and shaping international law of the sea allows a nation to create the norms and rules that constrain or enable the use of seapower during war.

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