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They Died on My Watch: 2024 Edition

by Noel Bailey

Who was the actress who died just before Christmas? She was the voice of …..... in …......Did Hitler commit suicide, or was he shot by Russian troops?Do you remember what year Princess Diana died in that car crash in Paris?How many husbands did Elizabeth Taylor divorce in her lifetime?What was that well known British actor who passed away right after David Bowie died?Questions you might hear at the next table of your favourite eatery. Questions you may or may not know the answer to. They Died on My Watch can answer these and many more. It is a comprehensive reference work that should prove itself indispensable to any household. Most certainly a book to sustain interest when cruising at 35,000 feet between London and New York. It might be seen as the ultimate &‘umpire&’ to settle any argument that may arise within a discussion involving a deceased celebrity, recent or not.

One Last Summer Before the Revolution

by Anna Peicheva

Nature was the first to rebel. The summer of 1916 roared with thunderstorms, wind in the face, and icy rain from the sky. But people barely noticed the weather. War was on everyone's lips, interfering with creativity, study, love, life, dividing society into two camps. Revolution already loomed in the electrified air; yet the Tsar, who had unleashed the war, did not notice. He trusted his own newspapers, followed battles in the movies, and worried most about his family... Here is a documentary cross-section of the epoch through the letters, emotions, and thoughts of the participants; but we also rise above the fray - the finest threads connecting all our heroes are especially visible from above: from the emperor to the poet, from the military doctor to the poor peasant woman. These threads intertwined into the fuse of the future revolution, ignited by the summer lightning of 1916. The book is inspired by the work of German writer Florian Illies "1913: The Summer of the Century."

Tentando a su Profesor

by Noël Cades

El profesor de una escuela católica Carl Spencer se enfrenta a una crisis de fe cuando se enamora de su alumna Juliet, ¿cómo podrá resistir la tentación de estar con ella? Juliet, una chica de 18 años con un pasado problemático, apuesta a que puede seducir al nuevo y atractivo profesor de latín, el Sr. Spencer, un cristiano devoto. Pero mientras el Sr. Spencer lucha con su fe mientras intenta resistir su creciente atracción por Juliet, ella empieza a darse cuenta de que se ha convertido en algo más que un juego para ella. «Tentando a su Profesor» es un romance seguro, sin trampas, abuso de sustancias, violencia ni crímenes.

How to Bring Back a Lost Love

by Pílula Digital

Out of the blue, you lose your temper and break up with your boyfriend. However, some time passes and you end up regretting your attitude, after all, deep down in your heart you know that you still really love each other. But now that the 'shit' is done, is there any point in groveling after him? Or do you decide to humiliate yourself all the time by phoning or sending countless messages, even if he doesn't reply? I think you already know the answer to these questions by heart. But don't despair. Fortunately, there is a solution! In the pages of this book, you'll learn the correct step by step that will help you reverse all of this - and most importantly - without losing a single drop of your self-love.

The Beauties and The Beasts: Creatures At the Bottom of the Ocean

by Betty Pfeiffer

When do you know someone best? When you read their biography or when you have a conversation with them? Of course, it&’s when you have a one-on-one visit. Go down in a submersible, the HOV (Human Occupied Vehicle) Alvin, to make the journey to their home. You&’ll meet the weird, the cute, the flashy, and the fierce creatures of the deep.In this book, you won&’t just read a bunch of facts about these remarkable animals—you can learn to know them personally. They&’ll talk to you about themselves, their relatives, and their enemies. As a surprise bonus, you will find out about the many ways your new friends are helping us solve some of our medical problems.Suppose you are interested in learning more about what happens in the ocean. In that case, two people (real people) will tell you what they were like at your age and what motivated them to make the ocean, which covers about 70 percent of the earth&’s surface, their life&’s work.

Le cadeau

by Julie Hodgson

Une fantaisie humoristique pour les fêtes de fin d'année. Le cadeau (attention à ce que vous souhaitez) Joe est le fan numéro un de Noël. Il adore cette fête et a hâte de la passer avec sa femme, Beth, à faire ce qu'ils aiment le plus : manger des tartelettes à la viande, boire du vin chaud, rire et se blottir l'un contre l'autre pendant que la télévision diffuse It's a Wonderful Life (La vie est belle). Cependant, Beth a une idée un peu différente cette année. Elle veut passer un très mauvais moment, sinon pourquoi aurait-elle invité sa mère - la belle-mère démoniaque de l'enfer, qui déteste Noël et tout ce qui s'y rapporte ? En fait, il n'y a qu'une seule chose que la terrible belle-mère déteste plus que Noël... et c'est Joe. Heureusement, Joe a un allié dans sa guerre contre le monstre aux cheveux orange et au chewing-gum : un Père Noël de centre commercial qui n'est pas du tout ce qu'il semble être. Ce Père Noël plus grand que nature offre à Joe un cadeau magique qui, promet-il, fera disparaître le problème, mais ce colis d'apparence innocente donne le coup d'envoi d'une aventure que Joe n'oubliera jamais. S'il parvient à atteindre le jour de Noël en un seul morceau et à sauver sa femme et son enfant à naître d'une vie en Laponie, il aura appris une leçon d'une importance vitale : il faut faire attention à ce que l'on souhaite... on pourrait bien l'obtenir.

La Segunda Revolucion China

by Ted Halstead

El presidente de China se ve enfrentado a muchos problemas, como los conflictos en la frontera india y el Mar de China Meridional, creados por él mismo. Otros que simplemente sucedieron, como los desastres pendientes en la presa de las Tres Gargantas y la planta nuclear más antigua de China,

Meet the Knoggins

by Marcus Andrews

Life can be tough, especially for kids. Problems at school, issues at home, and an uncertain future can make any child feel overwhelmed. But with the right mindset and support, every child has the potential to thrive. In their new book, Meet the Knoggins provides children with the encouragement and practical advice they need to tackle life&’s challenges head-on. Through relatable stories and easy-to-follow exercises, kids will learn how to identify their passions, appreciate their own self-worth, and pursue their goals with confidence.The Knoggins understand that while we can&’t shield children from all the world&’s difficulties, we can equip them with the resilience, grit, and self-belief to overcome any obstacle. This empowering book will help kids silence their self-doubt, find their voice, and take charge of writing their own story – a story filled with purpose, joy, and achievement. Because the only limits in life are those we place on ourselves. It&’s time to dream big!

Les deseo una feliz Navidad

by Laurent Moreau

En la escuela, un grupo, parece genial. ¿Qué se puede decir cuando se escoge a alguien que parece más débil que los demás y sale mal? Una vida destruida, un malestar... ¡Una venganza! ¡Se dice que la venganza es un plato que se sirve frío! Bueno, no es más que un doble eufemismo...

L'ultimo martire americano

by Tom Winton

Sinossi Non succede spesso, ma ogni tanto una piccola anima sorge dalle affollate profondità dell'oscurità e fa oscillare la terra sul suo asse. L’ultima volta che è accaduto era il 2008 quando un portiere disoccupato, investito di buona volontà di seconda mano, è salito sul palcoscenico mondiale a Stoccolma e ha accettato il premio Nobel per la letteratura. In questo me-me del ventunesimo secolo, il cinquantanovenne Thomas Soles potrebbe benissimo essere considerato l'ultimo martire americano. Un “uomo semplice” come si autodefinisce, scrive un libro che resuscita il movimento operaio internazionale quasi morto. La risposta ai suoi pensieri e alle sue percezioni è sbalorditiva. In tutto il mondo, da un polo all'altro, dall'America allo Zimbabwe, le orme marcianti dei lavoratori, giovani e vecchi, fanno tremare la terra. Ma non tutti sono contenti. C'è una cricca affiatata ed elitaria che è assolutamente livida sui pensieri e sugli ideali che riempiono le pagine del suo libro. E nel momento in cui Tom e sua moglie Elaina tornano a casa dalla Svezia, si rendono conto di quanto sia arrabbiata questa folla affamata di profitti.

How to Increase Productivity

by Pílula Digital

The popular expression "Do more with less" really sums up one of the many challenges of living in modern times. Because, in addition to the country's faltering politics and economy, as always, the impression we have is that - with the advancement of science and technology - the world is getting faster and faster. Now I ask you: faced with such an uncertain scenario, with days getting shorter and businesses more demanding, what can an ordinary person, like you and me, for example, do to stand out in the job market? Prayer might help - someone might ask - but the truth is, if you don't produce more than others - continuously and with better quality, of course! - your future will be forgotten.

Il lungo cammino verso casa (Serie EMP - Libro 1 #1)

by Stephanie Albright

Sophie è al lavoro venerdì mattina, quando va via la corrente. Mentre aspetta che venga ripristinata, nota che il suo cellulare completamente carico non si accende. Un pensiero terrificante le attraversa la mente e corre a guardare fuori dalla finestra. La strada è piena di macchine ferme e di gente che gironzola guardando i cellulari non funzionanti. Si rende conto che è molto peggio di una semplice interruzione di corrente e che deve agire rapidamente se vuole sopravvivere. Sophie convince una collega a unirsi al suo tentativo di tornare a casa, anche se in cuor suo sa che, una volta arrivata, rimarrà delusa.

Space Mathematics: Math Problems Based on Space Science (Dover Books on Aeronautical Engineering)

by Bernice Kastner

Created by NASA for high school students interested in space science, this collection of worked problems covers a broad range of subjects, including mathematical aspects of NASA missions, computation and measurement, algebra, geometry, probability and statistics, exponential and logarithmic functions, trigonometry, matrix algebra, conic sections, and calculus. In addition to enhancing mathematical knowledge and skills, these problems promote an appreciation of aerospace technology and offer valuable insights into the practical uses of secondary school mathematics by professional scientists and engineers.Geared toward high school students and teachers, this volume also serves as a fine review for undergraduate science and engineering majors. Numerous figures illuminate the text, and an appendix explores the advanced topic of gravitational forces and the conic section trajectories.

Le mauvais CowBoy: Un romance d'erreur d'identité (Au coeur du Texas #4)

by Kc Klein

Elle faisait semblant d'aimer un homme qu'elle n'aimait pas. Il faisait semblant d'être son frère jumeau et a couché avec elle. Comment deux torts peuvent-ils faire un si grand bien ? La femme avec qui il sortait venait de lui faire une proposition de mariage, ce qui était étrange, car aucun des deux n'était très ivre, ni particulièrement épris l'un de l'autre... Savannah a appris de la manière forte que les hommes riches dictent toujours les règles... et elle en a assez de perdre. Maintenant, avec tout ce qu'elle aime en jeu, elle fera tout, même si cela signifie épouser le mauvais Sloan. Tatum n'a jamais rien aimé ni personne au point de se battre pour cela... jusqu'à Savannah. Il sait que Savannah ne lui pardonnera jamais, mais maintenant qu'elle est désespérée, il est déterminé à prouver que c'est lui, et non son frère jumeau, qui est l'homme qu'il lui faut. Éloges de Le Mauvais CowBoy ★★★★★ "Attention, vous aurez besoin d'eau glacée en lisant ce livre. Impatient de lire la suite de cette série." ★★★★★ "Les étincelles volent dès la première scène, mais ce n'est pas ce que vous pensez. Mme Klein tord l'histoire presque immédiatement et nous voilà lancés dans un tourbillon d'amour, de désir et de chagrin."

Benang: From the Heart

by Kim Scott

Oceanic in its rhythms and understanding, brilliant in its use of language and image, moving in its largeness of spirit, compelling in its narrative scope and style, this intriguing journey is a celebration and lament—of beginning and return, of obliteration and recovery, of silencing, and of powerful utterance. Both tentative and daring, it speaks to the present and a possible future through stories, dreams, rhythms, songs, images and documents mobilized from the incompletely acknowledged and still dynamic past.

Sognando il cielo notturno

by Laurence E Fisher

Perso nella vita e incapace di trovare un amore onesto e duraturo, Harry Fisher incontra a Londra una sconosciuta affascinante e seducente che lo aiuta a navigare nelle acque incerte del desiderio e della passione. Intraprendere una relazione con lei lo porta in luoghi di cui non conosceva l'esistenza. Quando il Blitz colpisce la città, Harry sa di dover combattere per ciò che è giusto, difendendo il suo Paese. Diretto a Malta, un'isola pericolosa e bombardata sotto assedio, Harry incontra un'infermiera, Nan, che gli mostra cosa siano il vero amore e la devozione. L'innamoramento si rivela più pericoloso della guerra che sta combattendo. Quando la tragedia si abbatte, Harry riuscirà a rimettere insieme i pezzi della sua vita o passerà il resto della sua vita a sognare un amore perduto?

How To Survive The End Of The World

by Pílula Digital

In a world where the unthinkable becomes reality, humanity faces the biggest challenge of all: the end of the world. In this comprehensive and practical guide, we explore strategies for surviving apocalyptic scenarios, providing a roadmap for preparation, adaptation, and resilience. From initial chaos to creating resilient communities, each chapter dives into the essential skills for facing uncertainty. Through survivor stories, we learn the psychology of resilience and discover how to transform fear into determination. Discover how to secure food and water, build shelter, take care of your physical and mental health, communicate in extreme situations, and much more. Get ready to explore doomsday scenarios based on real facts and science, as we unravel the mysteries of survival. "How to Survive the End of the World" is more than a guide - it's a tool for facing the unknown with confidence. Be prepared to challenge the limits of human resilience and forge a path forward into an uncertain future. The world may be changing, but the strength of human will is unbreakable.

Enrique, Rompiendo el Patrón (Rompiendo el Patrón #1)

by P. D. Workman

"Del autor de éxito en USA Today, P.D. Workman. "Eres un buen chico, Enrique." Todos sabían que era un buen chico; un friki, responsable, trabajador. Enrique ha tenido mucho que enfrentar en el pasado. Ahora, cuando debería estar centrado en sus estudios y preparándose para el futuro, se ve obstaculizado por el abuso, el desafío de criar a su hermanito mientras lidia con las profundas depresiones de su madre y el regreso de un fantasma del pasado que Enrique ha intentado olvidar. Pero parece que Enrique no puede evitar las desgracias de la vida. Por más que lo intenta, es un desastre tras otro mientras su vida se descontrola. ¿Podrá Enrique escapar de la oscuridad o está condenado a ser consumido por ella? ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Una historia conmovedora, triste e intensa que te mantendrá pasando páginas hasta el final... P.D. Workman tiene un don maravilloso. Si disfrutas de libros contemporáneos y realistas para jóvenes adultos como los de John Green y Stephen Chbosky, prueba la serie Breaking the Pattern de P.D. Workman. Del autor de Tattooed Teardrops, ganador del Premio a la Mejor Ficción del Comité In the Margins en 2016, este relato conmovedor sobre el descenso de Henry a la oscuridad tocará tu corazón y te desafiará a ver el crimen juvenil desde otra perspectiva. ¡Empieza tu viaje hoy mismo!"

Futuro Outback: Una precuela de A Woman Under Series (7 #7)

by K'Anne Meinel

¿Qué pasará ahora que el pasado interfiere con su futuro en el Outback? Alinta está decidida a asegurarse de nunca volver a ser una víctima, pero ¿qué puede hacer cuando el amor anterior de Mel aparece en la estación del interior que están construyendo juntas? La mujer blanca, con sus propios modales ingleses, no se parece a nadie que haya visto antes. ¿Cómo puede competir con alguien que alguna vez tuvo el corazón de su propio amor? Mel Lawrence se sorprende al ver a Lady Worthington en su casa del Outback, tan lejos de Inglaterra. Nunca había pensado que la volvería a ver. Abigail es incluso más bonita de lo que recordaba. Han pasado muchos años y ambas han madurado. Mel, sin embargo, ahora está casada con Alinta y tienen una hija, y otro en camino. Abigail es viuda y tiene tres hijos y ha huido a Australia con la esperanza de encontrar a Mel, su primer amor, dispuesta a acogerla de regreso. Lo que encuentra, en cambio, sorprende a todos, incluida ella misma. ¿Qué les deparará el futuro a estas tres?

Cómo Cultivar Alimentos Orgánicos

by Pílula Digital

Más de 20 millones de personas en América del Norte cultivarán sus propios alimentos este año. La horticultura orgánica ha crecido en popularidad hace años, y por buenos motivos. La economía ha provocado que muchos recurran a modos de economizar con la comida y cultivar sus propios alimentos es una de las formas más fáciles de hacerlo. De acuerdo con National Gardening Association, el horticultor promedio gasta alrededor de US$ 70 con sus cosechas - ¡pero cultiva el equivalente a US$ 600 en vegetales! Y todos nosotros queremos tener la certeza de que la comida que nuestra familia consume sea la más saludable posible. Una huerta orgánica garantiza los productos más seguros y saludables para todos. Usted puede experimentar también innumerables variedades de vegetales disponibles en tiendas locales. Por otra parte, existe un beneficio adicional: los productos que maduran en tiendas no se comparan al sabor de los vegetales cultivados en casa.

Vous pouvez Manifester vos Rêves Tout Comme Moi: Une Histoire Vraie

by D. S. Pais

Tu peux matérialiser tes rêves tout comme moi Dans ce livre, je vais expliquer les techniques de la Loi de l'Attraction ainsi que les actions inspirées à prendre pour attirer ce que tu désires dans la vie. J'écris les étapes que j'ai suivies chaque jour en direction de ma matérialisation. L'accent de ce livre est mis sur l'attraction de l'argent. Les manifestations arrivent sans effort. Si nous voulons que quelque chose nous soit attiré, ça se produira sans effort. Note bien que tu peux suivre les techniques de la Loi de l'Attraction telles qu'elles sont données dans le livre, précisément comme elles ont été fournies. Cependant, les actions inspirées vont toutes venir de toi, toutes générées par tes intuitions. Tes rêves sont différents des miens. Je peux t'enseigner comment les matérialiser en utilisant la Loi de l'Attraction.

Melt Fat Soup: Discover the benefits of the soup diet

by Pílula Digital

Drinking liquids, ESPECIALLY water, is FUNDAMENTAL for health and the SUCCESS of any diet. But, if the OBJECTIVE is to lose weight, in addition to water, it is also IMPORTANT to invest in SMART changes in your diet, such as REPLACING a plate of rice and beans with a SUPER NUTRITIVE and light SOUP. Therefore, the soup diet is an OPTION for those who want to LOSE WEIGHT quickly. This diet was CREATED to be used by patients at the São Paulo Heart Institute, in Brazil, who NEEDED to lose weight before undergoing heart surgery. it was so SUCCESSFUL that it ended up being INCORPORATED by those looking to DRY up excess fat and DETOXIFY the body.

Just a Little Bit: Uma Reviravolta no Destino

by D. S. Pais

Just a little bit é uma coleção de contos que ilustra a contribuição do destino para com a vida em condições desfavoráveis. Ele fala muito sobre manter a esperança em situações adversas, se apaixonar, enfrentar circunstâncias complicadas e vencer, esperar o inesperado, não ter esperanças e ser recompensado, perder toda a esperança e ganhá-la de volta, relacionamentos e amizades incomuns que desafiam o tempo, sentimentos não expressos, enfrentar tudo e encontrar a felicidade, dor e perdão e amor não expressado e muito mais. Mesmo em condições adversas em que não há mais esperança, você pode mudar o destino simplesmente confiando e direcionando suas emoções para aquilo em que realmente acredita. Ele também lhe dá uma resposta sobre o apego emocional a uma pessoa e, se a perdermos, há alguma possibilidade de passar um tempo com ela após a morte. Ele trata de situações cotidianas normais da vida que o destino escolhe para dar uma reviravolta.

Seraphina The Ballerina

by Judith Ellen Sales

Seraphina is no ordinary frog: she dreams of being a prima ballerina, dazzling audiences on the big stage. Her wish comes true in the most unexpected way when a twist of fate lands her in the spotlight. Though small and green, Seraphina has grace and talent beyond her pond. She finds herself leaping, spinning, and twirling for a crowd under the bright lights. It’s everything she imagined and more – though the path to living her dream takes surprising turns.

Michael and Ganesha

by Uma Sivaraman

Embark on a fantastical journey where the divine and the mundane intertwine in the most unexpected ways. Why do the snakes around Lord Shiva’s neck flick their tongues at Mike? What is the reason behind Mata Kali’s enigmatic smile towards him? These mysteries are just the beginning of a series of extraordinary encounters. Experience the warmth of an unlikely friendship that blooms between gods and humans, revealing that help can come from the most divine places. Discover Lord Vishnu’s ingenious solution to the world’s plastic crisis. But beware, for Durvasa, the Sage known for his rage, is on the prowl for his magic wand – a moment that calls for everyone to take cover! This book invites you to embrace your inner greenie. Learn why goat-mowers are the eco-friendly alternative to gas-mowers, providing the bonus of natural lawn fertilization. And when wild weather brings gloom, find out where to seek solace. As global warming presents a daunting challenge, even the gods are perplexed. Can they stop Heavenly warming without first addressing Earth’s climate crisis? Witness the ingenuity of the world’s children as they lead the way in environmental stewardship. Join us on this whimsical adventure where Lord Bairava’s B-dog challenges Darwin’s theories, and pigs might just have giraffe legs. ‘Godly Solutions to Worldly Problems’ is not just a read; it’s a journey that will make you laugh and think, offering divine answers to earthly dilemmas.

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