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Jamaica Primary Language Arts Book 6 NSC Edition

by Josh Lury

Jamaica Primary Language Arts covers all the Language Arts strands under the National Standards Curriculum and assists students in interacting with methodologies and content not only in Language Arts but also in other disciplines across the NSC.The Four Cs of communication, collaboration, critical thinking and creativity take centre stage in these appealing and engaging books. Students will be supported and encouraged in their journeys to becoming life-long learners. The books are task-oriented and student-centred, with many activities which students will find both engaging and relevant.- Explore and develop phonemic awareness through a variety of games and activities- Learn and use literary terms and learn how to engage with different types of text- Guide students to an understanding of the structure of language- Explore written communication for a variety of purposes- Ensure a smooth transition to the next phase of learning

Advances in CO2 Utilization: From Fundamentals to Applications (Green Chemistry and Sustainable Technology)

by Guoliang Zhang Annemie Bogaerts Jingyun Ye Chang-Jun Liu

This book presents the current status of CO2 utilization from fundamental studies to industrial tests. With the development of renewable energy, carbon dioxide will become an important feedstock for the synthesis of fuels and chemicals, and CO2 utilization must be the final solution for the carbon dioxide issues. This book discusses the effective techniques for activating inert carbon dioxide and various approaches for CO2 conversion, such as homogeneous catalytic conversion, homogeneous catalytic conversion, heterogeneous catalytic conversion, photocatalytic conversion, electrocatalytic conversion, photo-thermal catalytic conversion, plasma-chemical/plasma-catalytic conversion, and bio-catalytic conversion. It also addresses the electronic and geometric structural effects of the supported catalyst on the activity and selectivity of the conversion of carbon dioxide. The significant effects from single atom catalyst to nanoparticle are also discussed, and process intensification in catalyst preparation and reaction is highlighted. Furthermore, this book contains chapters with theoretical studies, including functional theory, which has played an important role in the catalyst design, the explanation of the reaction mechanism, and in understanding the synergy of reaction and heat and mass transfer. Given its scope, this book appeals to a wider readership, especially for researchers in the field of CO2 utilization.

Econometric Analysis of Regional Economy

by Sachiyo Asahi

This book provides readers with an analysis of econometric methods using statistical information to examine actual aspects of Japan's regional economy. Beginning with ways of ascertaining the economy of a region's production factors, the book describes methods for creating new data using various regional statistical data that link regions within prefectures.The topics addressed here are some of the most pressing issues in Japan's regional economy. These include economic ripple effects due to social capital and public investment, economic evaluation of the environment for sustainable growth, the impacts of overtourism congestion phenomenon, and the measurement of the total fertility rate of female employees in industry.The book provides a way to comprehend the actual conditions of Japan's regions and the level of regional economic sectoral effects and regional externalities—an analytical method to obtain the information required for policy making. Combining socially related fields on a wide range of issues in Japan’s regional economy, the detailed studies are aimed especially at researchers and policymakers working on econometric analysis research based on economic theory.

Contemporary Export Control Law of China (Modern China and International Economic Law)

by Deming Zhao

This book gives practical and in-depth presentation and analysis of the issues under China export control law and economic sanctions regime. This book not only addresses issues faced by the legal entities in China, but also attends to the concerns about Chinese extra-territorial jurisdiction of China export control law and sanctions legislations, on the part of foreign companies. Finally, the author shares his experiences on how to structure export control and sanctions compliance under Chinese law on the part of both Chinese and foreign companies.

Engaged Learning and Innovative Teaching in Higher Education: Digital Technology, Professional Competence, and Teaching Pedagogies (Lecture Notes in Educational Technology)

by Will W. K. Ma

This book presents research studies investigating innovative curriculum design, effective teaching pedagogies, skilling and assessment of relevant competencies, and innovative and learning-associated technology. The book is categorized into three sections: (I) Innovative and digital learning environments; (II) Assessment and development of future professional competencies; and (III) Innovative curriculum design and teaching pedagogies. It serves as a useful resource for academic instruction in higher education. Employers, administrators, practitioners, postgraduate students, and postsecondary students in general will also find it informative.

Unraveling Race, Politics, and Gender in Trinidad and Tobago’s Economic Development

by Jeetendra Khadan Inder Jit Ruprah

This book delves into Trinidad and Tobago's development with a fresh lens. It stands as the inaugural empirical exploration of the country's unique attributes, including its diversity, ex-British colony status, small-state categorization by population size, and its dependence on hydrocarbons.Through meticulous empirical analysis, this book scrutinizes the nation's economic, social, and political outcomes within the context of these four distinctive parameters, offering fresh insights into the country's development trajectory.What sets this book apart is its unwavering commitment to a data-driven approach. Drawing upon a vast array of databases from both international and national sources, it provides a thorough examination of development indicators, household welfare metrics, firm-level performance, and individual perspectives on a wide range of political, economic, and social issues.For scholars, policymakers, and anyone with an interest in understanding how unique contextual factors shape a Trinidad and Tobago's development, this book offers an enlightening and data-rich perspective on the nation's journey towards progress and prosperity.

Human Rights During the COVID-19 Pandemic: The South Asian Experience

by M. Ehteshamul Bari Uday Shankar

This book sheds light on the fact that the proclamation of an emergency can be a legitimate constitutional method to take prompt preventative measures in protecting the interests of the society in times of grave crises. However, the exercise of emergency powers should not undermine a nation’s commitment to democratic values, such as maintaining the rule of law and upholding fundamental human rights. The COVID-19 pandemic has posed grave threats to the lives and health of individuals. However, since the constitutions of South Asian nations do not permit the proclamation of an emergency on health grounds, executives of these nations were constrained to rely, among other things, on ordinary legislation to tide over the threats posed by the pandemic. Although these statutes entrust the executive with extensive emergency powers, they do not simultaneously stipulate any safeguards subjecting the exercise of such powers to a reliable system of checks and balances. Accordingly, this book critically examines the exercise of emergency powers in the South Asian nations to tide over threats posed by the COVID-19 pandemic, which had a profoundly adverse impact on the human rights of individuals. Such exercise of powers was consistent with the general tendency demonstrated by succeeding generations of the executives in these nations to use emergency situations as the convenient means for imposing long-lasting limitations on the rights of individuals. Consequently, this book identifies the flaws, deficiencies, and lacunae of the legal framework in these nations, which permit the executive to assume unfettered power in the exercise of emergency measures at the expense of the liberty of individuals. Consequently, based on these findings, recommendations will be put forward for initiating reforms in these nations aimed at ensuring the maintenance of a delicate balance between the necessity to respond tograve threats and to simultaneously prevent undue intrusion on the fundamental human rights of individuals.

Innovationen im Gesundheitswesen: Rechtliche und ökonomische Rahmenbedingungen und Potentiale

by Roman Grinblat Daniela Etterer Philipp Plugmann

Initiatoren von Innovationen im Gesundheitswesen müssen eine ganze Reihe von zum Teil vielschichtigen Herausforderungen meistern – hier gilt es, rechtliche, regulative wie ökonomische Rahmenbedingungen im Blick zu behalten und dennoch alle Potentiale zu heben. Dieses Fachbuch gibt aus verschiedenen Perspektiven einen breiten Überblick darüber, wie Recht und Ökonomie das Gesundheitswesen beeinflussen, prägen und verändern. Dabei werden auch interdisziplinäre Einflüsse von Schlüsseltechnologien wie Künstlicher Intelligenz eingebunden sowie Themen des Datenschutzes und Haftungsfragen analysiert und bearbeitet, die gegenwärtig und zukünftig bei Fragestellungen zu Innovationen bei Medizinprodukten, Medikamenten und Apps eine Rolle spielen. Insofern wagt das Buch über den Status quo hinaus eine Prognose in die weitere Entwicklung des deutschen Gesundheitswesens. Dabei behält es stets auch den Praxisbezug im Blick und verweist auf verschiedene Best-Practice-Beispiele.

Noncomplainer-Management im BtB-Marketing

by Fabio-Yannick Laschet

In diesem Open Access-Buch untersucht Dr. Fabio-Yannick Laschet unter Berücksichtigung der konstitutiven Besonderheiten des Business-to-Business-Marketings spezifische Determinanten des Noncomplainer-Verhaltens sowie ausgewählte Ansatzpunkte zur Bindung von Noncomplainern. Der Wandel, in dem sich aktuell Business-to-Business-Märkte befinden, stellt Anbieter angesichts sich verändernder Kundenerwartungen, aber auch gesellschaftlicher Entwicklungen, vor neue Herausforderungen. Eine Möglichkeit, um diesen entgegnen zu können, stellt ein ausgeprägtes Wissen über aktuelle und potenzielle Kunden dar - und damit auch Kundeninformationen. Vor diesem Hintergrund können Noncomplainer, die ihre Unzufriedenheit nicht unmittelbar an den Anbieter artikulieren, als eine wertvolle Informationsquelle für notwendige Innovations- und Verbesserungspotenziale des Leistungsportfolios gesehen werden. Anhand der in dieser Arbeit entwickelten Neuausrichtung des Business-to-Business-Beschwerdemanagements - dem sogenannten "Ambidexterity-Complaint-Management" - zeigt Dr. Fabio-Yannick Laschet, wie die Erreichung psychografischer und ökonomischer Marketingzielgrößen in der betrieblichen Praxis obgleich der Noncomplainer-Herausforderung gesichert werden kann.

Digital Technologies in Education: Selected Cases (Studies in Systems, Decision and Control #529)

by Rostyslav Shchokin Anna Iatsyshyn Valeriia Kovach Artur Zaporozhets

Among the technologies that significantly change the modern world of human existence, it is worth mentioning, first of all, digital technologies. These technologies are actively and relentlessly implemented and integrated into all spheres of human activity and society, becoming a powerful catalyst and a determining source of social development. According to such a scenario of development, society acquires the features of digital, thus defining digital technologies as its leading technology. This process is called the digital transformation of society. The wide use of digital technologies to provide free access to information and knowledge is a basic principle of the digital society. Digital society significantly changes traditional ideas about work, education, culture, communication, social and political life. The development of citizens' digital culture is the main condition for the successful construction of a digital society. Therefore, it is important to carry out scientific research and targeted training to improve the qualifications of specialists in various branches of the economy, in particular, educators and scientists to acquire digital competence. After all, these specialists are key figures in ensuring the process of digitalization of education and science. The book presents various aspects of the digital transformation of education and science. A comprehensive view of the current state and prospects of the use of digital technologies for education and science is provided. The experience of using digital technologies and tools for training and improving the qualifications of specialists of various specialties, as well as for the preparation of future PhDs, is described. The book is addressed to education workers, managers, scientists, graduate students, librarians, and all those who are interested in the process of digital transformation of education and science.

Return Migration and Crises in Non-Western Countries (Mobility & Politics)

by Jungwon Yeo

This edited book focuses on the intersection of return migration and crises in non-Western countries. The book explores a wide range of theoretical and methodological perspectives while offering practical insights to address the intricate issues surrounding return migration and crises. The topics covered within this volume include return migration trends, the pivotal roles and contributions of return migrants, the social, psychological, and policy challenges faced by returnees, emerging issues stemming from return migration in their home countries, and the public and formal responses to return migration and the reintegration of returnees, and the roles of crises in these areas.This edited volume brings together diverse perspectives of academic researchers, practitioners, and policymakers on return migration. The book features cases of multiple non-Western countries in Asia (Philippines, China, India), Europe (Lithuania, Turkey, & Ukraine), the Middle East and North Africa (Morocco), and South America and the Caribbean (Mexico, Peru & Dominican Republic). Findings provide a unique opportunity to critically explore current thinking on return migration and investigate the relationship between migration and crisis from varying policy and operational viewpoints. This book, hence, attends to practitioners to develop creative solutions to both global and local policies and practices of return migration management in emerging market countries, which will support and accommodate both their returnees and residents amid challenging times.

Supply Chain Management: Concepts, Challenges and Future Research Directions (Research for Development)

by Christine Harland

The book focuses on the development of the concept of supply chain management and the current state of knowledge on supply chain structure and infrastructure. It draws together knowledge from materials management, purchasing and supply management, operations management, industrial marketing and logistics perspectives, as well as industrial economics, organizational behaviour, systems thinking, and strategic management. Three key conceptual themes are developed: (1) the recognition of supply chain management as a multi-level endeavour, (2) the increasing aspirations for supply chain management to be a strategic, not just an operational concept, and (3) the view of the supply chain management research community as an academic discipline. The book also examines supply chain structure in terms of dyads, triads, chains, networks, supply bases, supply systems and supply markets. Supply chain infrastructure is discussed in terms of processes, roles and behaviours, and draws on extensive international empirical research. Challenges for researchers are addressed, such as interconnectedness in complex supply systems, the need for greater resilience, and how public policy and public value can be impacted by research. It concludes with a co-authored chapter that examines the potential future identity of supply chain management.

Recent Advances in Aerospace Engineering: Select Proceedings of MRAE 2023 (Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering)

by Sanjay Singh Perumalla Janaki Ramulu Sachin Singh Gautam

The book presents the select proceedings of 2nd International Conference on Modern Research in Aerospace Engineering (MRAE 2023). It covers the latest research in the field of aerospace engineering and space technology. Various topics covered in this book are aerospace propulsion; space research; avionics and instrumentation; aerodynamics, wind tunnel and computational fluid dynamics; structural analysis and finite element method; aerospace materials and manufacturing system; air safety and airworthiness; aircraft control system and stability; aircraft maintenance, overhauling, NDT and other technical tests; autonomous airborne systems; airborne defence systems; AI and ML applications in aerospace engineering; unmanned aerial vehicles and flight mechanics. The book will be useful for researchers and professionals in aerospace engineering and space science and technology.

Chinese Science Fiction: Concepts, Forms, and Histories (Studies in Global Science Fiction)

by Mingwei Song Nathaniel Isaacson Hua Li

This volume brings together emerging approaches and addresses shifting paradigms in Chinese science fiction studies, offering a window on fan cultures, internet fiction, gender, eco-criticism, post-humanism and biomedical discourse. These studies present a “second wave” of Chinese sf studies, re-evaluating the canon of Chinese sf print and cinematic production, and expand the range of critical approaches to the subject. The structure of the volume is both chronological and theme-focused. These studies also demonstrate that Chinese science fiction represents a significant contribution to modern Chinese cultural production, both in terms of its value, speaking powerfully to our modern condition, and its sheer volume in terms of production and consumption. Chinese science fiction speaks to both China’s rapidly shifting reality, its political multiplicity and its formless future, voicing the anticipations and anxieties of a new epoch filled with accelerating alterations and increasing uncertainty.

Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Electronics, Biomedical Engineering, and Health Informatics: ICEBEHI 2023, 4–5 October, Surabaya, Indonesia (Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering #1182)

by Triwiyanto Triwiyanto Achmad Rizal Wahyu Caesarendra

This book presents high-quality peer-reviewed papers from the International Conference on Electronics, Biomedical Engineering, and Health Informatics (ICEBEHI 2023, October 4–5, Surabaya, Indonesia). The contents are broadly divided into three main topics (a) Electronics, (b) Biomedical Engineering, and (c) Health Informatics. The major focus is on emerging technologies and their applications in the domain of biomedical engineering. It includes papers based on original theoretical, practical, and experimental simulations, development, applications, measurements, and testing. Featuring the latest advances in the field of biomedical engineering applications, this book serves as a definitive reference resource for researchers, professors, and practitioners interested in exploring advanced techniques in the field of electronics, biomedical engineering, and health informatics. The applications and solutions discussed here provide excellent reference material for future product development.

Emerging Networking in the Digital Transformation Age: Approaches, Protocols, Platforms, Best Practices, and Energy Efficiency (Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering #965)

by Mikhailo Klymash Andriy Luntovskyy Mykola Beshley Igor Melnyk Alexander Schill

This book covers a range of leading-edge topics. It is suitable for teaching specialists for advanced lectures in the domains of systems architecture and distributed platforms. Furthermore, it serves as a basis for undergraduates as well as an inspiration for interesting postgraduates, looking for new challenges. It addresses a holistic view of QoS, which becomes nowadays via Digital Transformations less technically and more socially driven. This includes IoT, energy efficiency, secure transactions, blockchains, and smart contracting. Under the term Emerging Networking (EmN), we cover the steadily growing diversity of smart mobile and robotic apps and unmanned scenarios (UAV). EmN supports distributed intelligence across the combined mobile, wireless, and fixed networks in the edge-to-cloud continuum. The 6G driving factors and potentials in the mid-term are examined. Operative (emergency) networking, which assists rescue troops at sites, also belongs to the above-mentioned problems. The EmN architecture includes the components of SDN, blockchain, and AI with efficient slicing and cloud support. The design peculiarities in dynamically changing domains, such as Smart Shopping/Office/Home, Context-Sensitive Intelligent apps, are discussed. Altogether, the provided content is technically interesting while still being rather practically oriented and therefore straightforward to understand. This book originated from the close cooperation of scientists from Germany, Ukraine, Israel, Switzerland, Slovak Republic, Poland, Czech Republic, South Korea, China, Italy, North Macedonia, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, France, Latvia, Greece, Romania, USA, Finland, Morocco, Ireland, and the United Kingdom. We wish all readers success and lots of inspiration from this useful book!

Legendary Lionesses: The England Women’s Football Team, 1972–2022

by Jean Williams

This is the first academic history of the FA England women’s national football team. Based on unprecedented access to FA data, it details the careers of the 227 women who debuted for England from 1972 to 2022. England won the UEFA Women’s Euros in 2022, and Jean worked with Sarina Wiegman and the squad, on the Legendary Lionesses from 1972.

Income Inequality and the CEO Pay Ratio at TJX Cos

by Akari Furukawa Ethan Rouen

TJX Companies reported a CEO pay ratio of 1,596-to-1 in 2019, leaving board chair Carol Meyrowitz with a host of questions about whether, and how, she could take action to address concerns raised by having one of the highest pay ratios in the S&P 500. As a retail company, TJX had 270,000 employees, many making about $10 an hour. On the other hand, CEO Ernie Hermann made $19 million in 2019 as he successfully steered the company through the tumultuous retail environment. Meant to be read in tandem with the research note "Income Inequity and Income Inequality," this case examines the current disclosures companies make related to income inequality and asks whether they are sufficient or how they can be improved. This discussion around disclosure also provides opportunities to examine the role of the firm in creating income inequality and how the firm should balance its obligations to shareholders and employees when those obligations may be in conflict. Lastly, the case and note address the CEO pay setting process to give students an understanding of how pay is determined.

Rajat Gupta

by Eugene Soltes Paul M. Healy

Rajat Gupta, former managing director of McKinsey & Company, a director of Goldman Sachs, Proctor & Gamble, and AMR, and a well-known philanthropist, was convicted of engaging in insider trading. The case explores Gupta's rise and the later legal problems he faced.

The Law of Tax-Exempt Organizations: 2024 Cumulative Supplement

by Bruce R. Hopkins Shane T. Hamilton

Understand the newest developments in the law and regulation of tax-exempt organizations In the 2024 Cumulative Supplement to The Law of Tax-Exempt Organizations, 12th Edition, a team of experienced and renowned attorneys delivers the latest developments in the ever-evolving tangle of laws and regulations impacting on the operation of tax-exempt entities in the United States. You’ll find discussions of the most recent Treasury Department regulations, Internal Revenue Service revenue rulings and revenue procedures, and federal court opinions (and the occasional state court opinion of particular importance) from 2023 and 2024. The authors explore new private letter rulings from the IRS, updating the public on their position on a wide array of issues with day-to-day applicability to tax exempt organizations. You’ll also find: Incisive and authoritative analysis of recent federal court decisions impacting the managers, officers, and directors of tax-exempt organizations The authors’ valuable insights into the efficacy and correctness of the various rulings, procedures, and opinions from government agencies issued since 2023 Careful consideration of the effect of the growing number of laws, regulations, and procedures impacting the management of tax-exempt entitiesPerfect for the managers, directors, and officers of tax-exempt organizations, the 2024 Cumulative Supplement to the 12th edition of The Law of Tax-Exempt Organizations will also prove invaluable to the lawyers, accountants, and other professionals who serve them.

Cash Is King: Maintain Liquidity, Build Capital, and Prepare Your Business for Every Opportunity

by Peter W. Kingma

An illuminating exploration of the importance of your company's cash position and the steps you can take to ensure organizational liquidity In Cash is King, working capital and cash strategist Peter W. Kingma delivers an insightful and practical discussion of why your company's cash position should be on an equal footing with sales, cost, and service, and how to make that happen. You'll learn why cash is the fuel in your corporate engine and discover the attributes of an organizational cash culture and how to adopt them within your own firm. While explaining some of the most important—and most misunderstood—corporate finance concepts, this book is not a finance textbook. Instead, it uses case study examples to offer concrete suggestions for improvements in your company that increase the availability of cash when you most need it. You'll also find: Discussions of the importance of sufficient liquidity for operational concerns, research and development, and capital improvements Explorations of the consequences of insufficient cash positions Examinations of the ripple effects of seemingly small decisions that affect cash supply An essential resource for managers, executives, and business leaders everywhere, Cash is King is an effective and hands-on exploration of cash as the lifeblood of any modern commercial entity and an incisive guide to ensuring that your company will have enough of it when its required.

Amazing Dads! Fatherhood Curriculum, Facilitator's Guide

by Dan Griffin Harrison Crawford

The only trauma-informed curriculum designed to turn men into great dads Amazing Dads Fatherhood Curriculum teaches fathers with kids of all ages to become exceptional parents. These detailed lessons meet dads where they are, starting from the common tendencies of male socialization to help explain key concepts of healthy fathering. Through a trauma-informed approach, this curriculum creates safety in the group setting while delving into critical topics that fathers simply do not tend to talk about with people in their lives. Unlike other fatherhood curricula, Amazing Dads addresses a breadth of topics, empowering men to discuss issues like family of origin, sexuality, how punishment can turn into abuse, self-care, and how toxic messages in the culture can hinder parent-child relationships. Each session incorporates grounding and breathing exercises, in addition to activities, exercises, and experiential opportunities that allow participants to connect with the material on a meaningful level. By the end of this course, fathers will have gained the increased self-awareness needed to enhance their relationships with their children and other family members. Lead fathers through a curriculum of targeted lessons focused on how male socialization affects their parenting Guide participants through exercises for developing relational, communication, and conflict resolution skills Connect with dads on a meaningful level by creating a safe space for discussions of trauma and other difficult subjects Explain important parenting concepts using examples, hands-on activities, and more This curriculum is excellent for use in parenting groups, behavioral health treatment programs, addiction treatment programs, and other community-based programs serving fathers. Dads of all backgrounds, with kids of all ages, will benefit from the wisdom in Amazing Dads Fatherhood Curriculum.

How K-Dramas Can Transform Your Life: Powerful Lessons on Belongingness, Healing, and Mental Health

by Jeanie Y. Chang

Discover the power of how K-Dramas can improve your wellbeing and provide a sense of belonging Love K-Dramas and want more permission to binge watch them? In How K-Dramas Can Transform Your Life: Powerful Lessons on Belongingness, Healing, and Mental Health, Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist Jeanie Y. Chang explores what K-Dramas can teach us about our own well-being and how we can use the lessons they teach us to live better and more meaningful lives. She also touches upon the powerful interrelationship between K-dramas, mental health, and belongingness. Topics covered include: Using K-Dramas as a roadmap to life, showing you how to navigate speed bumps, roadblocks, twists, turns, and dead ends Building cross-cultural relationships that you otherwise may not have without being a K-Drama fan Processing grief from the loss of a loved one to a loss of anything—a job, your physical safety, a relationship, or something else Harnessing the idea of Jeong, which is innate in Korean society and refers to the emotional sentiment of affinity, affection, kinship, and connection which is the thread throughout Jeanie's community Working the author’s trademarked mental health framework, Cultural Confidence®, to build up your mental health, identity, mindfulness, and resilience For K-Drama fans and enthusiasts and anyone curious about the influence of pop culture, How K-Dramas Can Transform Your Life is an entertaining and educational must-read on how this enormously popular global phenomenon can help us become the best versions of ourselves.

Mastering Marketing Data Science: A Comprehensive Guide for Today's Marketers (Wiley and SAS Business Series)

by Iain Brown

Unlock the Power of Data: Transform Your Marketing Strategies with Data Science In the digital age, understanding the symbiosis between marketing and data science is not just an advantage; it's a necessity. In Mastering Marketing Data Science: A Comprehensive Guide for Today's Marketers, Dr. Iain Brown, a leading expert in data science and marketing analytics, offers a comprehensive journey through the cutting-edge methodologies and applications that are defining the future of marketing. This book bridges the gap between theoretical data science concepts and their practical applications in marketing, providing readers with the tools and insights needed to elevate their strategies in a data-driven world. Whether you're a master's student, a marketing professional, or a data scientist keen on applying your skills in a marketing context, this guide will empower you with a deep understanding of marketing data science principles and the competence to apply these principles effectively. Comprehensive Coverage: From data collection to predictive analytics, NLP, and beyond, explore every facet of marketing data science. Practical Applications: Engage with real-world examples, hands-on exercises in both Python & SAS, and actionable insights to apply in your marketing campaigns. Expert Guidance: Benefit from Dr. Iain Brown's decade of experience as he shares cutting-edge techniques and ethical considerations in marketing data science. Future-Ready Skills: Learn about the latest advancements, including generative AI, to stay ahead in the rapidly evolving marketing landscape. Accessible Learning: Tailored for both beginners and seasoned professionals, this book ensures a smooth learning curve with a clear, engaging narrative. Mastering Marketing Data Science is designed as a comprehensive how-to guide, weaving together theory and practice to offer a dynamic, workbook-style learning experience. Dr. Brown's voice and expertise guide you through the complexities of marketing data science, making sophisticated concepts accessible and actionable.

Patterns: Theory of the Digital Society

by Armin Nassehi

We are inclined to assume that digital technologies have suddenly revolutionized everything – including our relationships, our forms of work and leisure, and even our democracies – in just a few years. Armin Nassehi puts forward a new theory of digital society that turns this assumption on its head. Rather than treating digital technologies as an independent causal force that is transforming social life, he asks: what problem does digitalization solve? When we pose the question in this way, we can see, argues Nassehi, that digitalization helps societies to deal with and reduce complexity by using coded numbers to process information. We can also see that modern societies had a digital structure long before computer technologies were developed – already in the nineteenth century, for example, statistical pattern recognition technologies were being used in functionally differentiated societies in order to recognize, monitor and control forms of human behaviour. Digital technologies were so successful in such a short period of time and were able to penetrate so many areas of society so quickly precisely because of a pre-existing sensitivity that prepared modern societies for digital development. This highly original book lays the foundations for a theory of the digital society that will be of value to everyone interested in the growing presence of digital technologies in our lives.

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