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Showing 8,951 through 8,975 of 22,678 results

A Marvelous Life: The Amazing Story of Stan Lee

by Danny Fingeroth

The definitive biography of the beloved—often controversial—co-creator of many legendary superheroes, A Marvelous Life: The Amazing Story of Stan Lee presents the origin of “Stan the Man,” who spun a storytelling web of comic book heroic adventures into a pop culture phenomenon: the Marvel Universe."[Fingeroth's] intimate yet balanced account, highlights Lee’s humanity, humor and even humility. But it doesn’t ignore how his canny self-promotion at times shortchanged his collaborators and constrained his own choices." —Wall Street JournalStan Lee was the most famous American comic book creator who ever lived.Thanks, especially, to his many cameos in Marvel movies and TV shows, Lee was—and even after his 2018 death, still is—the voice and face of comics and popular culture in general, and Marvel Comics in particular. How he got to that place is a story that has never been fully told—until now.With creative partners including Jack Kirby and Steve Ditko—with whom he had tempestuous relationships that rivaled any superhero battle—Lee created world-famous characters including Spider-Man, Iron Man, the X–Men, the Avengers, and the Hulk!But Lee’s career was haunted by conflict and controversy. Was he the most innovative creator to ever do comics? Was he a lucky no-talent whose only skill was taking credit for others’ work? Or was he something else altogether? Danny Fingeroth’s A Marvelous Life: The Amazing Story of Stan Leeattempts to answer some of those questions. It is the first comprehensive biography of this powerhouse of ideas who, with his invention of Marvel Comics, changed the world’s ideas of what a hero is and how a story should be told. With exclusive interviews with Lee himself, as well as with colleagues, relatives, friends—and detractors—Fingeroth makes a doubly remarkable case for Lee’s achievements, while not ignoring the controversies that dogged him his entire life—and even past his death. With unique access to Lee’s personal archives at the University of Wyoming, Fingeroth explores never-before-examined aspects of Lee’s life and career, and digs under the surface of what people thought they knew about him.Fingeroth, himself a longtime writer and editor at Marvel Comics, and now a lauded pop culture critic and historian, knew and worked with Stan Lee for over four decades. With his unique insights as a comics world insider, Fingeroth is able to put Lee’s life and work in a unique context that makes events and actions come to life as no other writer could. Despite F. Scott Fitzgerald’s famous warning that “There are no second acts in American lives,” Stan Lee created a second act for himself that changed everything for him, his family, his industry, and ultimately for all of popular culture. How he did it—and what it cost him—is a larger-than-life tale of a man who helped create the modern superhero mythology that has become a part of all our lives.

Mary Berry’s Quick Cooking

by Mary Berry

The nation’s queen of home cooking brings her foolproof, delicious approach to quick fix recipes. In this brand-new, official tie-in to the major BBC Two series, Mary shows how being in a rush will never be a problem again. Find brilliant 20- and 30-minute meals and enjoy wonderful dishes that can be swiftly assembled and then left to cook away while you do something else. Mary’s utterly reliable, always delicious fast dishes tempt any tastebuds and her no-fuss expertise means you can cook from scratch and put mouth-watering home-cooked food on your family’s table without compromising on quality or freshness. This stunning cookbook, packed with colourful photography, includes over 120 new recipes, including all the recipes from the series, plus Mary’s trademark no-nonsense tips and techniques for getting ahead in the kitchen so cooking is always stress-free. Looking for a fast, satisfying supper? There’s Crumble fish pie, Lamb tagine with preserved lemon or Pan-fried spiced falafels. Something special for Sunday lunch or dinner with friends? Roast Venison fillet and peppercorn sauce, 30-minute Beef ragu or Roast fillet pork with sage and mustard sauce followed by Upside-down rhubarb pudding.With Mary’s trusted advice and recipes, discover how easy fantastic fast cooking can be.

Mastering Modern Calligraphy: Beyond the Basics: 2,700+ Pointed Pen Exemplars and Exercises for Developing Your Style

by Molly Suber Thorpe

Mastering Modern Calligraphy is a comprehensive guide to taking your pointed pen calligraphy skills to the next level and developing your very own modern style. Following up and building on Molly’s popular beginner's guide, Modern Calligraphy, Mastering Modern Calligraphy is the perfect companion for pointed pen and digital calligraphers alike. It is aimed at those with some calligraphy experience, presenting more than 2,700 letterforms and ligatures, targeted exercises, stroke drills, flourishes, and phrases, which emphasize experimentation and fun, rather than rigid uniformity. This beautiful, in-depth guide to modern calligraphy emphasizes experimentation and fun, rather than rigid uniformity. With targeted exercises and lessons aimed at pushing you out of your calligraphy comfort zone, Mastering Modern Calligraphy will not only help you master tricks of the trade, but develop your very own modern calligraphy style, too.

Mathematics For The Trades: A Guided Approach

by Hal Saunders Robert Carman

For Basic Math, Math for the Trades, Occupational Math, and similar basic math skills courses servicing trade or technical programs at the undergraduate/graduate level. A solid foundation in the math needed for a wide range of technical and vocational trades Mathematics for the Trades: A Guided Approach is the leader in trades and occupational mathematics, equipping students with the math skills required for allied health, electrical trades, automotive trades, plumbing, construction, and many more – particularly in the physical trades. The math concepts are presented completely within the context of practical on-the-job applications, so students can make an impact on the job from day one. Authentic applications give students relevant, tangible mathematical examples that they are likely to encounter in future careers.

Medical Language for Modern Health Care

by David Allan Rachel Basco

Medical Language for Modern Health Care, Fourth Edition, uses a Contextual Learning approach to introduce medical terminology within a healthcare environment. Chapters are broken into lessons that present and define terminology through the context of A & P, pathology, diagnostic and therapeutic procedures as well as pharmacology. The text is setup in a way that covers one topic at a time, offering contextual content, tables, and exercises all in one place. Word Analysis and Definition Tables provide a color-coded guide to word parts deconstruction, definitions and pronunciations. Chapters covering Geriatrics, Oncology, Radiology, and Pharmacology offer comprehensive topics coverage. With unfolding patient case studies and documentation, students are introduced to various roles in the healthcare environment, illustrating the real-life application of medical terminology.

Méditation Bouddhiste pour les débutants

by A. J. Parr

Les leçons et exercices contenus dans ce livre d’initiation vont vous aider à comprendre les enseignements essentiels du Bouddha (le Dharma, Chemin ou Voie), y compris les bases de la pratique de la méditation bouddhiste. Outre les citations d’anciens textes sacrés bouddhistes, vous trouverez dans les pages de ce livre des conseils inestimables du Dalaï Lama, d’Eckhart Tolle, de Krishnamurti et d’Alan Watts, parmi d’autres enseignants spirituels de renom. Bien que le but ultime de la pratique de la méditation bouddhiste soit d’atteindre un état d’éveil spirituel ou d’illumination, il faut dire que pratiquement personne n’atteint ce but – excepté peut-être les moines dévoués et les pratiquants avancés. Malgré cela, de nombreux bienfaits sont attribués à la pratique régulière de la méditation, comme le révèle une étude récente de la Mayo Clinic : « La méditation peut balayer le stress de la journée, conduisant à la paix intérieure… Si le stress vous rend anxieux, tendu et inquiet, envisagez la méditation. Passer ne serait-ce que quelques minutes à méditer peut restaurer votre calme et votre paix intérieure…La méditation peut vous procurer un sentiment de calme, de paix et d’équilibre qui est bon à la fois pour votre bien-être émotionnel et votre état de santé général. Et ces bienfaits se poursuivent au-delà de votre séance de méditation. La méditation peut vous aider à traverser la journée plus calmement et atténuer certains problèmes de santé… » Ce livre est vraiment recommandé à tous ceux qui veulent trouver la Vérité, fuir l’Illusion et vivre la paix intérieure dans le Moment présent !


by Claude Ponti

Confident, bristly-haired Meeselphe tumbles headfirst into a whimsical world of riddles, monsters, and magical landscapes – celebrated French children&’s book author-illustrator Claude Ponti&’s latest adventureLeaning out of her treehouse window, Meeselphe wonders what it&’s like way down on the ground, a place she&’s never been – but she&’s certain there are many unfamiliar, delightful, and curious things to discover. So she jumps! Landing on the forest floor and striding fearlessly into the wackanana landscape of chocolate rabbits and Penrose quinces beyond, bristly-haired Meeselphe encounters friends and feckless foes. Malivicious monsters stand in her way and nothing is as it seems in this whimsical and sometimes unfriendly world, but Meeselphe isn&’t fazed: she has an answer for every riddle and a red paintbrush for every self-conscious ladybug. In the final showdown, scheduled for pages 38 and 39, our bushy-haired heroine makes a triumphant stand against the malivicious monsters. In detailed illustrations and Claude Ponti&’s trademark wordplay, cleverly rendered in this inventive translation by Alyson Waters and Margot Kerlidou, young readers will experience the thrill of adventure and the pleasure of coming home again.

Megan geht in Urlaub: Ein Geistführer, ein Geistertiger und eine unheimliche Mutter! (Die Megan-Serie #11)

by Owen Jones

Megan geht in Urlaub Ein Geistführer, ein Geistertiger und eine unheimliche Mutter! Megan ist eine dreizehnjährige Teenagerin, die erkennt, dass sie über psychische Kräfte verfügt, die andere nicht haben. Zuerst versuchte sie, mit ihrer Mutter über sie zu reden, aber mit verheerenden Folgen, so lernte sie, über sie zu schweigen. Einige Leute bieten jedoch Hilfe an, und ein Tier zeigte eine besondere Freundschaft, aber im normalen Sinne des Wortes lebten sie nicht. Sie waren weitergegangen. Megan hat drei solcher Freunde: Wacinhinsha, ihr Spirit Guide, der Sioux in seinem letzten Leben auf der Erde gewesen war; ihr Großvater mütterlicherseits, Gramps und ein riesiger sibirischer Tiger namens Grrr. Wacinhinsha ist in allen Bereichen geistig, psychisch und paranormal sehr gut informiert; Ihr Großvater ist ein Novize "Toter" und Grrr kann nur Tiger sprechen, wie man sich vorstellen kann, und das meiste davon ist natürlich für den Menschen unverständlich. In “Megan geht in Urlaub” macht die Familie Urlaub im Ausland und Megan wird mit dem Ort besudelt. Nach ihrer Rückkehr nach Hause macht sie sich ein wenig zum Narren, indem sie vorgibt, das zu sein, was sie eigentlich nicht ist. Ihre Mutter und einige andere bringen sie jedoch in die Realität zurück. Wacinhinsha gibt ihr eine Erklärung für ihre jüngste Verliebtheit in ihr Urlaubsziel

Meine Eingebung bist Du

by Stefania Gil

Roman ist schon immer in Bridget verliebt, als die beiden endlich zusammen finden geht er studieren und verfällt aus verschiedenen Gründen dem Alkohol, daraufhin trennen sich die beiden und sehen sich viele Jahre nicht, bis Romans Großmutter Stella stirbt. Sofort sind die alten Gefühle zwischen den beiden wieder da und sie gehen zusammen nach London, wo Roman inzwischen lebt. Bridget wird unerwartet schwanger, was Roman auf Grund seiner Vergangenheit völlig aus der Bahn wirft und Brie kehrt alleine in Staaten zurück, Roman trinkt wieder und stirbt beinahe. Ihr Vater führt eine miese Intrige gegen Roman durch und fügt seiner Tochter tiefes Leid zu. Durch ein unerwartetes Auftauchen von Bridgets Mutter klärt sich alles und sie können endlich zusammen glücklich werden.

MELT Performance: A Step by-Step Program to Accelerate Your Fitness Goals, Improve Balance and Control, and Prevent Chronic Pain and Injuries for Life

by Sue Hitzmann

This long-awaited follow-up to the New York Times bestselling The MELT Method introduces a unique, scientific-based proactive training program for improving overall balance, performance, and control while preventing pain and injury.Are you an athlete facing constant injuries that hold you back from achieving peak performance? Are you someone who wants to stay fit, but are dealing with aches and pains that make it more difficult to work out? Do you want to exercise or train without being sidelined by stress fractures, strained ligaments, and painful joints? If you answered yes to any of these questions, you need MELT Performance.The conditioning you do to stay in shape and perfect and improve performance—running on a treadmill, doing squats or bicep curls, practicing our backhand, even doing downward dog—requires repetitive movements. Yet 80% of orthopedic injuries are the result of repetitive motion, not trauma or accidents. In MELT Performance, nationally recognized educator, manual therapist, and exercise physiologist Sue Hitzmann introduces a revolutionary program centered on neurological joint stability or Neurostrength, that will revolutionize your health and performance.The foundation of MELT Performance is stability. To stay injury free, our joints must stable before we do repetitive motions. Acquiring stability allows the body to respond to the demands of motion. It’s the way we were designed to function—and allows us to move more efficiently, improve coordination, and save our joints. Knowing how to check in, restore, and reintegrate joint stability before it’s compromised gives an unparalleled advantage to anyone who trains hard to perform at their best. Hitzmann’s techniques are proven to work—they’re already used by world renowned professional athletes and fitness enthusiasts. If you’re ready to improve your performance and prevent injury, MELT Performance is essential no matter what sport or activity you pursue.MELT Performance includes black-and-white instructional images throughout.

Memento Park: A Novel

by Mark Sarvas

A son learns more about his father than he ever could have imagined when a mysterious piece of art is unexpectedly restored to himAfter receiving an unexpected call from the Australian consulate, Matt Santos becomes aware of a painting that he believes was looted from his family in Hungary during the Second World War. To recover the painting, he must repair his strained relationship with his harshly judgmental father, uncover his family history, and restore his connection to his own Judaism. Along the way to illuminating the mysteries of his past, Matt is torn between his doting girlfriend, Tracy, and his alluring attorney, Rachel, with whom he travels to Budapest to unearth the truth about the painting and, in turn, his family. As his journey progresses, Matt’s revelations are accompanied by equally consuming and imaginative meditations on the painting and the painter at the center of his personal drama, Budapest Street Scene by Ervin Kálmán. By the time Memento Park reaches its conclusion, Matt’s narrative is as much about family history and father-son dynamics as it is about the nature of art itself, and the infinite ways we come to understand ourselves through it. Of all the questions asked by Mark Sarvas’s Memento Park—about family and identity, about art and history—a central, unanswerable predicament lingers: How do we move forward when the past looms unreasonably large?

Metanoia: Rhetoric, Authenticity, and the Transformation of the Self

by Adam Ellwanger

Western culture is in a moment when wholly new kinds of personal transformations are possible, but authentic transformation requires both personal testimony and public recognition. In this book, Adam Ellwanger takes a distinctly rhetorical approach to analyzing how the personal and the public relate to an individual’s transformation and develops a new vocabulary that enables a critical assessment of the concept of authenticity. The concept of metanoia is central to this project. Charting the history of metanoia from its original use in the classical tradition to its adoption by early Christians as a term for religious conversion, Ellwanger shows that metanoia involves a change within a person that results in a truer version of him- or herself—a change in character or ethos. He then applies this theory to our contemporary moment, finding that metanoia provides unique insight into modern forms of self-transformation. Drawing on ancient and medieval sources, including Thucydides, Plato, Paul the Apostle, and Augustine, as well as contemporary discourses of self-transformation, such as the public testimonies of Caitlyn Jenner and Rachel Dolezal, Ellwanger elucidates the role of language in signifying and authenticating identity. Timely and original, Ellwanger’s study formulates a transhistorical theory of personal transformation that will be of interest to scholars working in social theory, philosophy, rhetoric, and the history of Christianity.

Meyer Schapiro’s Critical Debates: Art Through a Modern American Mind

by C. Oliver O’Donnell

Described in the New York Times as the greatest art historian America ever produced, Meyer Schapiro was both a close friend to many of the famous artists of his generation and a scholar who engaged in public debate with some of the major intellectuals of his time. This volume synthesizes his prolific career for the first time, demonstrating how Schapiro worked from the nexus of artistic and intellectual practice to confront some of the twentieth century’s most abiding questions.Schapiro was renowned for pioneering interdisciplinary approaches to interpreting visual art. His lengthy formal analyses in the 1920s, Marxist interpretations in the 1930s, psychoanalytic critiques in the 1950s and 1960s, and semiotic explorations in the 1970s all helped open new avenues for inquiry. Based on archival research, C. Oliver O’Donnell’s study is structured chronologically around eight defining debates in which Schapiro participated, including his dispute with Isaiah Berlin over the life and writing of Bernard Berenson, Schapiro’s critique of Martin Heidegger’s ekphrastic commentary on Van Gogh, and his confrontation with Claude Lévi-Strauss over the applicability of mathematics to the interpretation of visual art. O’Donnell’s thoughtful analysis of these intellectual exchanges not only traces Schapiro’s philosophical evolution but also relates them to the development of art history as a discipline, to central tensions of artistic modernism, and to modern intellectual history as a whole.Comprehensive and thought-provoking, this study of Schapiro’s career pieces together the separate strands of his work into one cohesive picture. In doing so, it reveals Schapiro’s substantial impact on the field of art history and on twentieth-century modernism.

Mia Mayhem Breaks Down Walls: Mia Mayhem Is A Superhero!; Mia Mayhem Learns To Fly!; Mia Mayhem Vs. The Super Bully; Mia Mayhem Breaks Down Walls (Mia Mayhem #4)

by Kara West

Mia uses her super-strength to break down walls in this fourth adventure of the Mia Mayhem chapter book series!Mia is determined to be the best in her strength-training class, so she can learn how to lift cars, and climb super tall buildings! But when her own super strength gets the better of her, she ends up causing absolute mayhem. Will Mia be able to rebuild the walls she broke down, one-by-one?With easy-to-read language and illustrations on almost every page, the Mia Mayhem chapter books are perfect for emerging readers.

The Midnight Front: A Dark Arts Novel (Dark Arts #1)

by David Mack

From New York Times bestselling author David Mack comes a visionary World War II-era adventure. The Midnight Front is the epic first novel in the Dark Arts series.On the eve of World War Two, Nazi sorcerers come gunning for Cade but kill his family instead. His one path of vengeance is to become an apprentice of The Midnight Front—the Allies’ top-secret magickal warfare program—and become a sorcerer himself.Unsure who will kill him first—his allies, his enemies, or the demons he has to use to wield magick—Cade fights his way through occupied Europe and enemy lines. But he learns too late the true price of revenge will be more terrible than just the loss of his soul—and there’s no task harder than doing good with a power born of ultimate evil.At the Publisher's request, this title is being sold without Digital Rights Management Software (DRM) applied.

The Million Pieces of Neena Gill: Shortlisted for the Waterstones Children's Book Prize 2020

by Emma Smith-Barton

*Shortlisted for the Waterstones Children's Book Prize 2020**Shortlisted for the Branford Boase Award 2020**Shortlisted for the Romantic Novelists' Association Debut Romantic Novel Award 2020* 'Powerful, relatable and uplifting' - Emily Barr, author of The One Memory of Flora BanksHow can I hold myself together, when everything around me is falling apart?Neena's always been a good girl - great grades, parent-approved friends and absolutely no boyfriends. But ever since her brother Akash left her, she's been slowly falling apart - and uncovering a new version of herself who is freer, but altogether more dangerous. As her wild behaviour spirals more and more out of control, Neena's grip on her sanity begins to weaken too. And when her parents announce not one but two life-changing bombshells, she finally reaches breaking point. But as Neena is about to discover, when your life falls apart, only love can piece you back together.

Mindful Hypnobirthing: Hypnosis and Mindfulness Techniques for a Calm and Confident Birth

by Sophie Fletcher

Hypnotherapist and experienced doula Sophie Fletcher shares with you the secrets to having a safe and positive birth experience. Using a powerful combination of mindfulness, hypnosis and relaxation techniques, Sophie will ensure you feel genuinely excited and completely prepared for birth.With stories from women who have successfully used the tools in this book, and downloadable hypnosis and relaxation tracks, discover how to:- use your mind and body together to stay focused and in control- draw on visualisation and breathing techniques to help birth progress- feel positive and empowered, before, during and after you give birthReassuring, practical and based entirely on what works, Mindful Hypnobirthing is your essential guide to having a calm and confident birth experience.

Mindful Mamma: Mindfulness and Hypnosis Techniques for a Calm and Confident First Year

by Sophie Fletcher

Feel calm and confident throughout your baby’s first year Mindful Mamma is a reassuring and practical guide to help you to navigate the life-changing first year of motherhood. Using simple mindfulness and hypnosis techniques alongside MP3 tracks, you’ll learn to: · Create moments of calm whenever you need it – even at 4am with a restless baby · Tackle challenges, such as fatigue and anxiety, and build mental resilience · Connect with your baby and tune in to their worldWhether this is your first or fourth baby, Mindful Mamma is your essential toolkit to manage the physical, emotional and joyful chaos of motherhood.

The Mindfulness Journal: Tips and Exercises to Help You Find Peace in Every Day

by Anna Barnes

Filled with contemplative quotes, centering statements and simple exercises, this journal guides you to daily mindfulness, allowing you to truly live in the present moment. Taking you through different aspects of your life, these pages will help you find the peace in every day and truly embrace all that life has to offer.

The Missing Sister

by Dinah Jefferies

A STOLEN SISTER. A DAUGHTER DETERMINED TO UNCOVER THE TRUTH.'I was gripped, moved and utterly in thrall to this deeply emotional and compelling tale' Kate Furnivall'A moving and complex story, beautifully told' Isabel WolffBelle Hatton has embarked upon an exciting new life: a glamorous job as a nightclub singer in 1930s Burma. But she's haunted by a family mystery - a 25-year-old newspaper clipping found in her deceased parents' belongings about the disappearance of their baby daughter, Elvira.Desperate to find out what happened to the sister she never knew she had, when Belle starts asking questions, she is confronted with unsettling rumours, outright threats and a handsome American journalist named Oliver.Can she trust her growing feelings for Oliver? Is her sister really dead? And could there still be a chance Belle might find her?*****What readers are saying about The Missing Sister:'I have loved all Dinah's books, this one has been my favourite. It lured me in from the first page' Amazon Reviewer 'I became engrossed in this wonderful story and read long into the wee small hours. Atmospheric and emotional' Amazon Reviewer 'Mystery, intrigue, romance, history - and all in a breath-taking setting - equal a book I couldn't put down! Absolutely loved it. What a fantastic writer Dinah Jeffries is! Amazon Reviewer

A Modern Herbal

by Alys Fowler

THE BEST GARDENING BOOKS OF THE YEAR - GARDENS ILLUSTRATED'Informative and enthusiastic' i PaperPLANT-BASED MEDICINE FOR A CALMER, HEALTHIER LIFE It's easy to turn to the pharmacy when we're stressed, sick or feeling under the weather, but what if you turned to your garden instead?In this accessible and easy to use manual, horticultural expert, former Gardener's World presenter and Guardian columnist, Alys Fowler, shows how to take control of your health by adopting a more natural lifestyle. For thousands of years, people who had no access to clinical medicine knew how to boost their well-being by using the ingredients they found in plants. Herbs are the people's medicine; often freely available and abundant, they are ready and waiting to be plucked from around you to soothe and heal your body and mind. With guides for how to use and grow over 100 herbs - for example how to use fennel for indigestion, camomile for anxiety and nettle for hayfever - you'll soon be heading into the garden, rather than opening the medicine cabinet. Offering a fusion of botanical, practical, cultural and historical information, A Modern Herbal reveals how common herbs are the simple, cleansing way to better health and happiness.AS SEEN IN THE GUARDIAN'An important and accessible herbal for the 21st century . . . For anyone delving into herbs for the first time or those who want to broaden their herbal repertoire in the garden and home, this book is much needed' Gardens Illustrated

Molly: The True Story of the Amazing Dog Who Rescues Cats

by Colin Butcher

Molly: The True Story of the Amazing Dog Who Rescues Cats tells the heartwarming story of the man-and-dog team behind the United Kingdom Pet Detective Agency—how Colin, in need of a new lease on life, rescues Molly the dog, and how Molly in turn rescues many more beloved lost pets. As a veteran of the Royal Navy and longtime police officer, Colin Butcher was no stranger to dangerous situations. But a career in uniform can wear anyone down, so, in 2003, Colin left the force to start his own private detective agency, specializing in helping reunite people with their missing pets. And yet, despite his hundreds of successes, there were still heartbreaking cases where Colin couldn’t find the missing on his own. He knew he needed a partner. When Colin first met Molly, his friends doubted that she would be up for the job. Where Colin was battle-tested, Molly was young and inexperienced. She was willful, wayward, and stubborn. But Colin could tell that Molly was unusually charismatic and intelligent. He decided to take a risk and bring on Molly for training. Yes, Molly is no ordinary deputy, but a black Cocker Spaniel, and this is no ordinary detective agency. Trained by the top canine behavioral experts at Medical Detection Dogs, Molly can find missing cats—who are uniquely skilled at eluding humans—by detecting a unique scent signature, and she has been wildly successful. The work is not always easy. Molly has faced hardships ranging from a near-fatal snakebite to the challenge of winning over Colin’s girlfriend, Sarah. But through it all, Colin and Molly share an enduring love and affection. More than a working relationship, Molly is part of the family. Together, they are the Sherlock and Watson of missing pets.

Molten Mud Murder (Alexa Glock Forensics Mysteries #1)

by Sara E. Johnson

First book in the Alexa Glock Mystery series! For a normal tourist, finding a body in a geothermal pool in New Zealand might ruin a vacation. Forensic specialist Alexa Glock, however, sees a chance to help local law enforcement with a baffling case. But as she finds herself embroiled in the tense investigation, she can't help but wonder: is the past better left undisturbed, or unearthed?These thrilling New Zealand mysteries are:Perfect for fans of Kathy Reichs and Nevada BarrFor readers of international mysteries and forensic investigation mysteriesWhen a body is found half-submerged in a molten mud pot in one of Rotorua's famous geothermal wonderlands, forensics expert Alexa Glock spots a way to prolong her stay in New Zealand, which she has been visiting for work. Teeth are her expertise, and the investigation needs her help, as other ways of identifying the body may have... melted away.Joining Detective Inspector Bruce Horne and his team, Alexa finds herself sleuthing out more than teeth. She soon discovers that the murder victim, a city councilman, had trespassed on an island sacred to the Maori. The ancient punishment for such a transgression is disaster, demonic possession, or death… and when she visits the island to investigate, the same outcome is promised for her. Alexa is fascinated by New Zealand culture but doesn't quite believe in ancient spirits returning to exact revenge, so when another victim turns up dead, she begins to wonder whether the real threat is something—or someone—much closer to home.A fast-paced forensic mystery set in New Zealand, Molten Mud Murder introduces Alexa Glock, an investigator with a knack for gleaning the truth from bones and teeth. Full of enough forensics and action for fans of Kathy Reichs or the tv series Bones, Sara E. Johnson presents a page-turning story about facing the past and cracking the door open to an unexpected future.

Money Lessons: How to manage your finances to get the life you want

by Lisa Conway-Hughes

If you spent one hour a month nurturing your finances for the next twelve months, how would you feel this time next year, what would be different? Mapping out a plan for achieving your big goals and managing everyday spending, Money Lessons is your own pocket financial expert. Whether you have it or not, money is often as difficult to talk about as it is to handle. Many of us will at one point need advice on how to:- ask for a pay rise- save up to buy a place- pay for a mortgage- finance a career move- budget for a wedding- fund a big trip- get out of debt- retire comfortablyBuilding on her 15 years of experience helping countless people to make smart financial decisions, Lisa Conway-Hughes tackles these topics in a short guide to being savvy and getting what you want in every stage of your life. Full of expert knowledge and success stories, this is essential reading for anyone who wants to turn a dream into a plan - and eventually a reality.

The Monster Squad (Junior Monster Scouts #1)

by Joe McGee

Get to know the Junior Monster Scouts in this first book in a brand-new chapter book series that&’s perfect for fans of Desmond Cole Ghost Patrol and Hotel Transylvania!Wolfy, Franky, and Vampyra—the children of the classic monsters—are Junior Monster Scouts. And even though &‘monster&’ is their middle name, these funny fiends just want to help anybody in need, earn their Junior Monster Scout merit badges, and make friends. But, their good deeds are always foiled by Baron Von Grump, a cranky schemer who doesn&’t like noise, doesn&’t like kids, and most of all doesn&’t like the Junior Monster Scouts.Peter Piper&’s kitten Shadow is lost deep in The Gloomy Forest, and the Scouts want to help their new friend. But today is also the Village Cheese Festival and all of the celebrating has Baron Von Grump at wits&’ end. How can he play his violin in peace if the villagers are making such a racket? He hatches a cheesy plan that involves huge and hungry rats! Uh-oh! Can the Scouts save the cats, the rats, and the day?

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