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Showing 11,476 through 11,500 of 11,622 results

Ganzheitliches Training für die Augen: Übungen zur Entspannung und Regeneration

by Ingrid Kollak

Augenübungen mit vielen Variationen – individuell oder in GruppenDie Augen sind durch lange Bildschirmarbeit besonders beansprucht. In diesem Buch werden vielfältige Augenübungen gezeigt, die ein möglichst langes, klares und schmerzfreies Sehen sowie die Regenerationsfähigkeit der Augen fördern. Dabei steht die Ganzheitlichkeit im Mittelpunkt – die Augenübungen werden als Teil einer umfassenden Gesundheitsvorsorge verstanden.Die Übungen stammen aus der Augenheilkunde sowie aus anerkannten komplementären Verfahren der Gesundheitsförderung, Prävention und Rehabilitation. Jede Übung wird Schritt für Schritt erklärt. Zahlreiche Abbildungen verdeutlichen den genauen Ablauf.Die Übungen können als Anleitung an den Patienten weitergegeben werden, so dass der Patient aktiv in den Heilungsprozess involviert wird bzw. vorbeugen kann. Mithilfe der Übungen lassen sich Übungsprogramme individuell für Patienten und für Gesundheitskurse erstellen.Schritt für Schritt und mit Fotos wird durch die Übungen geführt, so dass das Wiederholen zu Hause für den Patienten möglich ist. Plus zum Buch: Die Übungsanleitungen sind als Download verfügbar.Das Buch richtet sich an Augenärzte, Optiker, Heilpraktiker, Physiotherapeuten und Trainer für Yoga, Tai Chi und Gesundheitskurse. Auch für interessierte Laien ist es gut verständlich.

The Social Production of Research: Perspectives on Funding and Gender (ISSN)

by Sandra Acker Oili-Helena Ylijoki Michelle K. McGinn

The Social Production of Research offers critical perspectives on the interrelations between research funding and gender, in a climate where universities expect accountability and publishing productivity to be maintained at peak levels.Drawing upon a range of qualitative methods, contributors investigate experiences with research funding; the nature of institutional, funding body and country contexts; and the impact of social change and disruptions on research ecosystems and academic careers in Canada, Finland, Sweden and the UK. Nuanced accounts call attention to the social, emotional and political conditions within which research is produced, while identifying the ways academics enact, shape, negotiate and resist those conditions in their everyday practice.Featuring thought-provoking and critical insights for an international readership, this volume is an essential resource for researchers, academics, administrators, managers, funders, politicians and others who are concerned about the future of research funding and the importance of gender equity.

The Music of Harry Potter and The Lord of the Rings: Sounds of Home in the Fantasy Franchise (Ashgate Screen Music Series)

by Daniel White

The Music of Harry Potter and The Lord of the Rings provides an in-depth study of the music of two of the biggest fantasy franchises, focussing on music’s worldbuilding roles within the film-watching experience and elsewhere in videogames, trailers, plays, theme parks and other attractions, and the world of fandom.Daniel White takes a range of approaches and techniques of motivic and thematic musical analysis, and pairs this with transformational harmonic analysis to theorise music’s worldbuilding roles in film. Chapters focus in turn on the opening sequences of the case study franchise films, their closing sequences, and on their depiction of houses, homes and homelands. Extra-filmic areas of these fantasy worlds are also explored, including theme parks and other tourist attractions of the Harry Potter franchise, videogames and the immersive power of their music, and the world of fandom with a focus on soundtrack consumption and other musical fan practices. Through this multifaceted approach, readers gain a deeper understanding not only of the music of these franchises, but also of music’s power in the multimedia franchise both within and without film to build a home that attracts inhabitants. This book will be valuable for academics and students as well as fans of fantasy franchises.

Routledge Handbook of Climate Change and Health System Sustainability

by Jeffrey Braithwaite Yvonne Zurynski Carolynn K-lynn Smith

The Routledge Handbook on Climate Change and Health System Sustainability takes the reader on a journey to understand the interconnectedness of human health, climate change, and healthcare systems.The book begins by exploring how climate change is affecting human health through the increasing frequency of natural disasters, such as bush fires, droughts and heatwaves, and the emergence of new infectious diseases, such as the SARS-CoV2 virus, all of which drive up demand for health services that are already heavily burdened by increasing rates of chronic diseases and ageing populations. Chapters then turn to the contribution of the healthcare system itself to climate change— explaining how current clinical practices, including wasteful care of low value, create an unsustainable carbon footprint and threaten the very viability of healthcare systems. Throughout the volume, descriptions of practical solutions and implemented case studies are used to illustrate the feasibility of taking action in the real world of the healthcare delivery ecosystem.Bringing together a mix of forward-thinking environmental and health researchers, policymakers, leaders, managers, clinicians, patients, and health industry leaders to clarify the current state and future of sustainable healthcare systems, this book will be of interest to researchers and policymakers of climate and health systems.

Comparative Administrative Law: Perspectives from Central and Eastern Europe (Routledge Research in Public Law)

by Ieva Deviatnikovaitė

This book presents the origins, doctrine, institutions, and challenges confronting modern administrative law in Central and Eastern European countries. Administrative law was first defined by a Polish lawyer in the 19th century, but for historical reasons, there has been little scholarship on the subject in relation to countries in the region in recent times. This book fills this gap in the literature. It examines the roots and structure of administrative law in the Czech Republic, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, the Slovak Republic, and Ukraine. Each chapter examines the key concepts including historical background, the system of administrative law, the civil service, the spectrum of administrative activity, judicial review and other types of control over public administration, and administrative liability. The impact of European Union law on the legal order of the countries is also reviewed. The book will be of interest to students, academics, and researchers working in the areas of administrative law, public law, comparative law, and legal history.

Asymptotic Methods for Engineers

by Igor V. Andrianov Jan Awrejcewicz

Asymptotic Methods for Engineers is based on the authors’ many years of practical experience in the application of asymptotic methods to solve engineering problems.This book is devoted to modern asymptotic methods (AM), which is widely used in engineering, applied sciences, physics, and applied mathematics. Avoiding complex formal calculations and justifications, the book’s main goal is to describe the main ideas and algorithms. Moreover, not only is there a presentation of the main AM, but there is also a focus on demonstrating their unity and inseparable connection with the methods of summation and asymptotic interpolation.The book will be useful for students and researchers from applied mathematics and physics and of interest to doctoral and graduate students, university and industry professors from various branches of engineering (mechanical, civil, electro-mechanical, etc.).

Schema-Focused Working Methods for Arts and Body-Based Therapies

by Suzanne Haeyen

This book introduces schema-focused working methods for arts and body-based therapies, offering therapists practice-based tools to help their clients strengthen healthy patterns, self-management, and well-being on their path to recovery.Containing 158 schema-focused working methods for different arts and body-based therapies, such as art therapy, dance therapy, drama therapy, music therapy, and body-based or psychomotor therapy, this book offers new ideas and tools for therapists to strengthen their client’s adaptive schema modes: the Healthy Adult and the Happy Child. By linking arts and body-based therapies to schema-focused therapy and positive psychology, the goal is to strengthen the client’s healthy patterns in emotion regulation and establish a healthier well-being.The theoretical framework in the introduction and the scientific evidence for arts and psychomotor therapies, combined with the practice-based examples, allow for a text that is broad enough for graduate creative therapy programs and specific enough to serve as a shelf reference for those in practice.

Kohut's Self Psychology for a Fractured World: New Ways of Understanding the Self and Human Community (New Directions in Self Psychology)

by John Hanwell Riker

Drawing from Kohut's conceptualisation of self, Riker sets out how contemporary America's formulation of persons as autonomous, self-sufficient individuals is deeply injurious to the development of a vitalizing self-structure—a condition which lies behind much of the mental illness and social malaise of today's world.By carefully attending to Kohut's texts, Riker explains the structural, functional, and dynamic dimensions of Kohut's concept of the self. He creatively extends this concept to show how the self can be conceived of as an erotic striving for connectedness, beauty, and harmony, separate from the ego. Riker uses this distinction to reveal how social practices of contemporary American society foster skills and traits to advance the aims of the ego for power and control, but tend to suppress the needs of the self to authentically express its ideals and connect with others. The book explores the impact that this view can have on clinical practice, and concludes by imaginatively constructing an ideal self-psychological society, using Plato's Republic as a touchstone.Informed by self psychology and philosophy, this book is essential reading for psychoanalysts, psychotherapists and philosophers, seeking to revisit and revise constructions of both self and humanity.

Literature and Philosophy in Nineteenth-Century British Culture: Volume III: Literature and Philosophy in the ‘Long-Late-Victorian’ Period

by Giles Whiteley Andrea Selleri

This three-volume collection of primary sources examines philosophy and literature in the nineteenth-century Britain. Accompanied by extensive editorial commentary, this collection will be of great interest to students and scholars of British Literature and Philosophy.

Literature and Philosophy in Nineteenth-Century British Culture: Volume II: The Mid-Nineteenth Century

by Peter Garratt Giles Whiteley

This is the second volume in a three-volume collection of primary sources which examines philosophy and literature in nineteenth-century Britain. Accompanied by extensive editorial commentary, this collection will be of great interest to students and scholars of British Literature and Philosophy.

Literature and Philosophy in Nineteenth-Century British Culture: Volume I: Literature and Philosophy of the Romantic Period

by Giles Whiteley Monika Class Cian Duffy

This is the first volume in a three-volume collection of primary sources which examines philosophy and literature in nineteenth-century Britain. Accompanied by extensive editorial commentary, this collection will be of great interest to students and scholars of British Literature and Philosophy.

Numerische Analyse von gewöhnlichen und retardierten Differentialgleichungen

by Taketomo Mitsui Guang-Da Hu

Dieses Buch dient als prägnantes Lehrbuch für Studenten in einem fortgeschrittenen Undergraduate- oder First-Year-Graduate-Kurs in verschiedenen Disziplinen wie angewandte Mathematik, Steuerung und Ingenieurwesen, die den modernen Standard der numerischen Methoden von gewöhnlichen und verzögerten Differentialgleichungen verstehen wollen. Experten in denselben Bereichen können sich auch über die jüngsten Entwicklungen in der numerischen Analyse solcher Differentialsysteme informieren. Gewöhnliche Differentialgleichungen (ODEs) sind ein starkes mathematisches Werkzeug, um eine Vielzahl von Phänomenen in Wissenschaft und Technik auszudrücken. Neben ihrer eigenen Bedeutung ist eine der mächtigen Richtungen, in die sich ODEs ausdehnen, die Einbeziehung einer unbekannten Funktion mit verzögertem Argument. Dies wird als verzögerte Differentialgleichungen (Delay differential equations, DDEs) bezeichnet, die häufig in der mathematischen Modellierung vonBiologie, Demographie, Epidemiologie und Kontrolltheorie vorkommen. In einigen Fällen kann die Lösung einer Differentialgleichung durch algebraische Kombinationen bekannter mathematischer Funktionen erhalten werden. In vielen praktischen Fällen ist eine solche Lösung jedoch recht schwierig oder nicht verfügbar, und es sind numerische Näherungen erforderlich. Die moderne Entwicklung von Computern beschleunigt die Situation und eröffnet darüber hinaus mehr Möglichkeiten der numerischen Mittel. Die Kenntnis und das Fachwissen über die numerische Lösung von Differentialgleichungen wird nun in weiten Bereichen der Wissenschaft und des Ingenieurwesens vorausgesetzt.Man könnte meinen, dass ein gut organisiertes Softwarepaket wie MATLAB in etwa die gleiche Lösung bietet. In gewisser Weise stimmt das auch, aber man muss bedenken, dass der blinde Einsatz von Softwarepaketen den Benutzer in die Irre führt. Das Wesentliche der numerischen Lösung von Differentialgleichungen muss noch gelernt werden. Das vorliegende Buch soll das Wesentliche der numerischen Lösungen von gewöhnlichen Differentialgleichungen sowie von Verzögerungsdifferentialgleichungen vermitteln. Die Autoren haben insbesondere festgestellt, dass es noch wenige prägnante Lehrbücher über Verzögerungsdifferentialgleichungen gibt, und haben sich dann daran gemacht, die Lücke durch möglichst transparente Beschreibungen zu schließen. Die wichtigsten Algorithmen zur numerischen Lösung sind in diesem Buch klar beschrieben. Auch die Stabilität von Lösungen von ODEs und DDEs ist von entscheidender Bedeutung. Das Buch führt in die asymptotische Stabilität von analytischen und numerischen Lösungen ein und bietet einen praktischen Weg zur Analyse ihrer Stabilität unter Verwendung einer Theorie komplexer Funktionen.

Modern Taxonomy of Bacteria and Archaea: New Methods, Technology and Advances

by Wen-Jun Li Jian-Yu Jiao Nimaichand Salam Manik Prabhu Narsing Rao

This book introduces the current approaches in prokaryotic taxonomy and streamlines the advanced techniques for use in prokaryotic systematics. While highlighting the key differences in the taxonomy of cultured and not-yet-cultured bacteria and archaea, it presents the genomic technology involved in microbial systematics that serves as comprehensive guidelines for isolating and identifying bacteria. Microbial systematics is a fundamentally important discipline area for microbiologists and those seeking to understand Earth’s biodiversity. As bacterial taxonomy is critical in microbial ecology and clinical microbiology works, the correct identification of microbes is crucial. However, the microbial collection existing and described as cultured species so far are either based on the taxonomic pattern that existed during its time of first cultivation. With evolving technology, many microbes were found to be wrongly classified. Therefore, it is essential to keep in contact withthe developing technology and methods for the correct placement of cultured bacteria and their identification. This book is an excellent guideline for adequately identifying, classifying, and describing novel taxa of bacteria and archaea.

Handbook of Digital 3D Reconstruction of Historical Architecture (Synthesis Lectures on Engineers, Technology, & Society #28)

by Sander Münster Fabrizio Ivan Apollonio Ina Bluemel Federico Fallavollita Riccardo Foschi Marc Grellert Marinos Ioannides Peter Heinrich Jahn Richard Kurdiovsky Piotr Kuroczyński Jan-Eric Lutteroth Heike Messemer Georg Schelbert

This open access book is a handbook for students, experts and interested parties who want to learn more about digital 3D reconstruction of historical architecture. The book provides answers to the core questions of the subject: What is a digital 3D model or a digital 3D reconstruction? How are they created and what are they used for? Practical instructions, condensed knowledge, explanations of technical terms and references to example projects, literature and further references provide information of varying density and thus enable an individual introduction to the subject.The book combines extensive knowledge on the topic of "digital 3D reconstruction of historical architecture" and provides practical instructions for independent implementation. Up to now, there has been no cross-disciplinary vocabulary for technical terms in this field, so this publication makes a start.The book is aimed at students, experts in the field and the interested public and offers various possibilities for the different target groups to delve deeply into the subject.The book was created within the research network "Digital 3D Reconstruction as Tools for Research in Architectural History," which was funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG) from 2018 to 2023. The authors combined their expertise in the fields of art and architectural history, architecture, university teaching and media informatics.

Theory and Applications of Models of Computation: 18th Annual Conference, TAMC 2024, Hong Kong, China, May 13–15, 2024, Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science #14637)

by Xujin Chen Bo Li

This book constitutes the proceedings of the 18th Annual Conference on Theory and Applications of Models of Computation, TAMC 2024, which was held in Hong Kong, China, during May 13–15, 2024. The 30 full papers presented in this book were carefully reviewed and selected from 69 submissions. The main themes of the selected papers are computability, complexity, algorithms, information theory, as well as their integration with machine learning theory and the foundations of artificial intelligence.

Outstanding Leadership in Special Educational Needs: Principles, Policy and Practice

by Alison Ekins Lorna Hughes

This book provides new and experienced Special Educational Needs Coordinators (SENCOs) with a critical approach to understanding the importance of outstanding leadership of Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) and how to effectively meet the current SEND policy requirements.Closely informed by the statutory guidance for SENCOs, this book covers all aspects of this challenging leadership role within the school. It provides a principled approach to understanding the challenges and complexity of SEND within the current context. Through concise summaries of policy and current research, critical discussions, reflective activities, case studies as well as practical examples, it helps the reader engage more deeply in critical thinking about the effectiveness of current practices in their own school setting and ways to develop them further for the future. Alison Ekins and Lorna Hughes establish that outstanding leadership in special educational needs is not something that can be achieved just by a single individual. The SENCO has a key role in enabling and empowering everyone in their school setting to understand SEND and engage actively in the development of more inclusive systems to meet the needs of diverse pupils.Outstanding Leadership in Special Educational Needs, will, therefore, support everyone involved in education to develop their understanding of SEND. It is key reading for teachers, educational leaders and policymakers.

Nonparametric Statistical Methods Using R (Chapman & Hall/CRC Texts in Statistical Science #25)

by John Kloke Joseph McKean

Praise for the first edition:“This book would be especially good for the shelf of anyone who already knows nonparametrics, but wants a reference for how to apply those techniques in R.”-The American StatisticianThis thoroughly updated and expanded second edition of Nonparametric Statistical Methods Using R covers traditional nonparametric methods and rank-based analyses. Two new chapters covering multivariate analyses and big data have been added. Core classical nonparametrics chapters on one- and two-sample problems have been expanded to include discussions on ties as well as power and sample size determination. Common machine learning topics --- including k-nearest neighbors and trees --- have also been included in this new edition.Key Features: Covers a wide range of models including location, linear regression, ANOVA-type, mixed models for cluster correlated data, nonlinear, and GEE-type. Includes robust methods for linear model analyses, big data, time-to-event analyses, timeseries, and multivariate. Numerous examples illustrate the methods and their computation. R packages are available for computation and datasets. Contains two completely new chapters on big data and multivariate analysis. The book is suitable for advanced undergraduate and graduate students in statistics and data science, and students of other majors with a solid background in statistical methods including regression and ANOVA. It will also be of use to researchers working with nonparametric and rank-based methods in practice.

Art Education as a Radical Act: Untold Histories of Education at MoMA (Routledge Research in Arts Education)

by Sara Torres-Vega Wendy Woon

This comprehensive volume highlights and centers untold histories of education at the Museum of Modern Art (MoMA) from 1937 to 2020, using the critical voices of artists, scholars, designers, and educators. Exploring these histories as transformative and paradigm-shifting in museum education, it elevates MoMA educators as vocal advocates for harnessing the educational power that museums inherently possess.Divided into three interlinked parts, the first sheds light on the early educational endeavors of the museum while analyzing the context of art education in the United States. The second part focuses on the tenures of Victor D’Amico and Betty Blayton, utilizing the MoMA archives as a primary resource. It includes essays by Ellen Winner, Luis Camnitzer, Susan E. Cahan, Michelle Millar Fisher, HECTOR (Jae Shin & Damon Rich), Gregory Sholette, Carol Duncan, Moreen Maser, Nana Adusei-Poku, Carmen Mörsch, Rika Burnham, Donna M. Jones, and José Ortiz. The third part presents the perspectives of William Burback, Philip Yenawine, Patterson Sims, Deborah F. Schwartz, and Wendy Woon as former MoMA Directors of Education in their own words and considers the forces that shaped their work. This timely and unique exploration ultimately aims to trace and understand the fundamental and evolving concerns of a seemingly underexamined profession constantly striving to maintain relevance in an environment marked by institutional, social, and political uncertainty. Exploring the radical acts undertaken to keep the museum true to its original promise, it delineates the paradox whereby education is both central and invisible to the identity of MoMA and museums more broadly and re-centers the conception of the museum as an educational institution.It is designed for scholars, researchers, and post-graduate students interested in arts education, visual literacy, museum studies, and communication studies.

Engineering of Human Tissues and Implants: An Evolutionary Approach to Implant Design

by Frederick H. Silver

This text presents information on biological control systems, mechanotransduction, tissue structure, and function, as well as properties that can be integrated together to provide improved implant and device designs. This information is needed to develop new diagnostic tests and instruments that provide early diagnostic tests and treatments for diseases.Engineering of Human Tissues and Implants: An Evolutionary Approach to Implant Design provides basic scientific information on the evolutionary design of tissues and organs that are a result of living in a gravitational field. Much of the useful information that is available for the design of implants is based on tissue structure and function derived from light and electron microscopy observations. However, this information is not enough for developing new designs of implants and medical devices since much of the biological response to implants is based on understanding the biological control systems and mechanotransduction that drive many of the responses seen with implanted devices. The book also introduces mechanotransduction as it relates to implant design with an overview of materials and their use in applications that include those materials designed to treat wounds, burns, facial, hernial, ophthalmic, oral, cardiovascular, and tendon/ligaments.This book is intended for biomedical science and engineering students who are learning about artificial implants and medical device development. It will also be of significance to other engineering majors interested in the design of devices for diagnoses and measuring of physiological parameters, as well as to clinicians and researchers who are interested in mechanobiology.

Practical Machine Learning with R: Tutorials and Case Studies

by Carsten Lange

This textbook is a comprehensive guide to machine learning and artificial intelligence tailored for students in business and economics. It takes a hands-on approach to teach machine learning, emphasizing practical applications over complex mathematical concepts. Students are not required to have advanced mathematics knowledge such as matrix algebra or calculus.The author introduces machine learning algorithms, utilizing the widely used R language for statistical analysis. Each chapter includes examples, case studies, and interactive tutorials to enhance understanding. No prior programming knowledge is needed. The book leverages the tidymodels package, an extension of R, to streamline data processing and model workflows. This package simplifies commands, making the logic of algorithms more accessible by minimizing programming syntax hurdles. The use of tidymodels ensures a unified experience across various machine learning models.With interactive tutorials that students can download and follow along at their own pace, the book provides a practical approach to apply machine learning algorithms to real-world scenarios.In addition to the interactive tutorials, each chapter includes a Digital Resources section, offering links to articles, videos, data, and sample R code scripts. A companion website further enriches the learning and teaching experience: book is not just a textbook; it is a dynamic learning experience that empowers students and instructors alike with a practical and accessible approach to machine learning in business and economics. Key Features: Unlocks machine learning basics without advanced mathematics — no calculus or matrix algebra required. Demonstrates each concept with R code and real-world data for a deep understanding — no prior programming knowledge is needed. Bridges the gap between theory and real-world applications with hands-on interactive projects and tutorials in every chapter, guided with hints and solutions. Encourages continuous learning with chapter-specific online resources—video tutorials, R-scripts, blog posts, and an online community. Supports instructors through a companion website that includes customizable materials such as slides and syllabi to fit their specific course needs.

Essentials of Computer Architecture

by Douglas Comer

This easy-to-read textbook provides an introduction to computer architecture, focusing on the essential aspects of hardware that programmers need to know. Written from a programmer’s point of view, Essentials of Computer Architecture, Third Edition, covers the three key aspects of architecture: processors, physical and virtual memories, and input-output (I/O) systems.This third edition is updated in view of advances in the field. Most students only have experience with high-level programming languages, and almost no experience tinkering with electronics and hardware. As such, this text is revised to follow a top-down approach, moving from discussions on how a compiler transforms a source program into binary code and data, to explanations of how a computer represents data and code in binary.Additional chapters cover parallelism and data pipelining, assessing the performance of computer systems, and the important topic of power and energy consumption. Exclusive to this third edition, a new chapter explains multicore processors and how coherence hardware provides a consistent view of the values in memory even though each core has its own cache.Suitable for a one-semester undergraduate course, this clear, concise, and easy-to-read textbook offers an ideal introduction to computer architecture for students studying computer programming.

The Routledge Handbook of Cultural Legal Studies

by Karen Crawley Thomas Giddens Timothy D Peters

This handbook provides a comprehensive introduction to the cutting-edge field of cultural legal studies.Cultural legal studies is at the forefront of the legal discipline, questioning not only doctrine or social context, but how the concerns of legality are distributed and encountered through a range of material forms. Growing out of the interdisciplinary turn in critical legal studies and jurisprudence that took place in the latter quarter of the 20th century, cultural legal studies exists at the intersection of a range of traditional disciplinary areas: legal studies, cultural studies, literary studies, jurisprudence, media studies, critical theory, history, and philosophy. It is an area of study that is characterised by an expanded or open-ended conception of what ‘counts’ as a legal source, and that is concerned with questions of authority, legitimacy, and interpretation across a wide range of cultural artefacts. Including a mixture of established and new authors in the area, this handbook brings together a complex set of perspectives that are representative of the current field, but which also address its methods, assumptions, limitations, and possible futures.Establishing the significance of the cultural for understanding law, as well as its importance as a potential site for justice, community, and sociality in the world today, this handbook is a key reference point both for those working in the cultural legal context – in legal theory, law and literature, law and film/television, law and aesthetics, cultural studies, and the humanities generally – as well as others interested in the interactions between authority, culture, and meaning.

Women and Borders in the Mediterranean: The Wretched of the Sea (Mobility & Politics)

by Camille Schmoll

This book offers a history of migration in the Mediterranean written about and from the perspective of women. It gives a complex picture of individual journeys of migrant women, and in a radical departure from the miserabilist or culturalist approach through which women are usually viewed, the book argues for a politically and socially aware, activist feminism that is attuned to what border-obsessed migration policies actually do to women.The research presented in this book is based on multi-sited fieldwork that led the author to closely follow migration survivors. The book depicts the journey of women as they experience brutal separations, have to make heart-wrenching decisions and end up wandering from one place to another, but also as they make acquaintances and find new opportunities. The first-person accounts collected here demonstrate that the reasons behind these women’s decision to leave are anything but simple and linear: they combine various forms of persecution and oppression, a desire for autonomy and a yearning for new horizons, as well as changes in gender relations in their countries of origin.The book further explores the daily lives of women in reception centres, where they are in limbo, their journey as if “suspended,” as they wait for this Europe rejecting them to acknowledge their presence. These women live on and “in” the border – a border that relentlessly haunts them and pursues them everywhere they go. Boredom is constant and, likewise, racism and marginalisation processes are pervasive. At the same time, this study shows that these women are also resisting, strategising, taking charge of their own destinies and journeys, and looking for a way out.Written from the standpoint of a geographer, this study accordingly puts the space of everyday life front and centre. Such a space acts as an impediment to these women’s journeys: it generates a “moralscape” of waiting, which plays a key role in these women’s daily lives.However, it can also help these women gain greater autonomy, thus empowering them, and it may be subverted through various tactics and stratagems, which sometimes take the form of spatialised strategies.

Digital Dentistry: An Overview and Future Prospects

by Antigoni Delantoni Kaan Orhan

This book focuses on recent technological advances in digital dentistry. It provides information on digital aspects in all dental fields including digital caries detection systems, digital color matching, and digital applications in periodontology, surgical implant placement, oral histopathology and pediatric dentistry. Training in emerging and new digital techniques is inevitable in the dental profession. This book contains detailed digital procedures, their basics and their applications. It is divided into three parts: Basic Digital Systems in Dentistry, Novelties and Advances in Digital Dentistry, The Future of Digital Dentistry and Applications. Readers will learn about Artificial Intelligence in dentistry, tissue engineering applications and dental education tools in digital dentistry. The book is a must have for all dental practitioners who would like to deepen their knowledge and understanding of digital systems in dentistry.

Principles of Nursing in Kidney Care: Under the Auspices of EDTNA/ERCA and EKPF (Principles of Specialty Nursing)

by Afra Masià-Plana Anastasia Liossatou

This textbook, endorsed by EDTNA/ERCA and ESNO, provides unique evidence-based knowledge about nursing in renal care and harmonises specialised understandings from various countries, to be implemented across numerous national health systems. Renal care nursing is essential in order to promote and prevent renal health as well as detect and contribute to the care of renal disease. These complex tasks require specialised knowledge and training to ensure patient safety and positive outcomes in patient care. This book describes in detail the highest quality practices in different stages of the disease. Twenty-three chapters reflect evidence-based or consensus in practise, covering management and treatment in patient centred care procedures. Combining expert knowledge from many countries, this textbook can be used for teaching new staff in renal care as well as reviewing and updating renal care expertise. Technological developments have significantly expanded in recent years. In this context renal nurses are responsible not only for individualised, comprehensive, and complex patient care, but also advanced technical skills such as haemodialysis treatment, which require close monitoring of patients to ensure safety. Infection prevention and control is vital throughout patient care. In addition, advanced renal nursing skills have been established for the assessment and management of renal disease. The textbook is unique as in one single volume there is evidence, up to date and rigorous data describing different types of renal care therefore it is possible to concept a holistic vision of CKD patients as well as the nursing perspective.

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