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100 Consejos para Motivarlo a Entrenar Más

by Pílula Digital

La palabra MOTIVACIÓN proviene del latín 'motivus', que significa ‘causa del movimiento’. La gran IMPORTANCIA de la motivación es que ella es el COMBUSTIBLE que nos impulsa a REALIZAR las actividades DIARIAS. Asimismo, INFLUYE en el comportamiento humano para ALCANZAR objetivos, satisfacer necesidades y obtener sensaciones placenteras. Una persona puede tener múltiples MOTIVOS para ejercitarse, tales como PERDER PESO, mantener un buen estado de SALUD, sentirse mejor consigo MISMA, entre otros. Todas esas razones son MOTIVOS que nos IMPULSAN a realizar la actividad física. Además de ello, cuando la persona comienza a SENTIR y a ver los RESULTADOS, eso la ESTIMULA a mantener la CONVICCIÓN para continuar EJERCITÁNDOSE.

El Hijo del Jefe

by Jennifer Green

Madrid 1959. Ignacio Gómez, hijo del Jefe Fernando Gómez, l'omonimo más temido di toda la Capitale, assiema vivido in un costante conflitto con su padre, quieto buscó per todos los medios de mantenerlo alejado de sus turbios negocios. Pero el joven, haremriento de dinero y mujeres hermosas, logró en pocos años, levantar un imperio y superar lentamente el negocio de Fernando. In un attimo della parte della famiglia Álvarez, su padre muere. Ignacio decide vendetta su muerte, accetta la hija, la joven Helena Álvarez, registra conquistando in poco tempo su corazón e haciéndole creer intentará quale sia la cosa più bella. La chica ignora los planes del joven, è innamorata e se di fatto è completamente per i suoi sentimenti hacia él. Pero para Ignacio Gómez, le coste di tutti gli aerei e gli aeroplani che ti obbligano a ceneri e le parole di guerra. Qual è il tuo golpea nel cuore di Ignacio e cambia le carte come è finita qui? Y, ¿si pierde a Helena, significa perderse a sí mismo? Entre el odio y el amor, the venganza y un camino de canang, ¿Cuál será el destino de ambos?

Off Planet (Aunare Chronicles #1)

by Aileen Erin

“In this bleak world, one spark of hope soon turns into an inferno. And just like a fireball, once this story is ignited, it just doesn’t stop.” — Maria V. Snyder, New York Times bestselling author of Navigating the StarsFrom USA Today Bestselling Author Aileen Erin comes an action-packed futuristic fantasy romance series: The Aunare Chronicles.Everything about me is a lie.When I was six, the Aunare-Earther war broke out. Since then, I’ve survived thirteen years stuck on Earth with my mother, hiding, hunted, knowing that one wrong move could mean our deaths. Earth is high crime, high poverty, high pollution, run by a corporate conglomerate—SpaceTech. The only thing that SpaceTech wants more than money is me.Alive. Dead. I don’t think SpaceTech cares as long as I’m found. Because I’m the half-Earther daughter of the Head of the Aunare military, the biggest threat to SpaceTech’s authority.Whenever things get truly bad, I close my eyes and see myself on a beach and hear a man calling out my true Aunare name—the one I can never say aloud. I know whoever that is, he’s home.But I’m nowhere close to home, and I made a mistake—a massive mistake—and no one is coming to save me. I’m going to have to find a way to save myself.Perfect for fans of A Court of Thorns and Roses, Off Planet is the first book in an adult fantasy romance series. The Aunare Chronicles takes you from a future Earth to an all new world across the galaxy. With found family, fated mates, and a race of people with magical powers, the Aunare Chronicles will sweep you across the stars in this romantic futuristic fantasy saga.Binge the complete Aunare Chronicles series now!Book 1: Off PlanetBook 2: Off BalanceBook 3: In CommandBook 4: On MissionBook 5: On Destiny“Suspenseful sci-fi with complex world-building and a tough-as-nails heroine you’ll want to root for!” — Elizabeth Briggs, New York Times Bestselling Author of Future Shock

How To Find out Whether He Has Another

by Pílula Digital

JUST thinking about the POSSIBILITY of being cheated on is painful, isn't it? If you have reason to SUSPICION of betrayal, however, you need to FACE the pain and SEARCH for signs and evidence of infidelity. The longer you postpone the CONFRONTATION, the worse you will feel when you DISCOVER the truth. If you want to know if you are being cheated on, observe everything your partner says and does, PAYING attention to the most subtle changes. If you are going through a situation of this nature, in this eBOOK you will find out - among other things - how to deal CORRECTLY with it, always standing out in the best way possible. Good reading!

Die ChatGPT Geldverdienen Blaupause für Entrepreneure: Entdecken Sie die Geheimnisse der Monetarisierung von ChatGPT für massive Einnahmen

by John Alexander

"Der ChatGPT-Plan zum Geldverdienen für Unternehmer" Im schnelllebigen digitalen Zeitalter liegt der Schlüssel zum Erfolg in der Nutzung modernster Technologien. Machen Sie sich bereit, das Potenzial von Sprache und künstlicher Intelligenz mit "Geld verdienen mit Chat GPT." Dieser unverzichtbare Leitfaden nimmt Sie mit auf eine faszinierende Reise und enthüllt die Geheimnisse der Nutzung von Chat GPT, dem fortschrittlichen Sprachmodell von OpenAI, für maximale Einkommensgenerierung. Entdecken Sie Ihren Weg zum Profit: Treten Sie ein in die lukrative Welt der Freiberufler und stärken Sie Ihre Fähigkeiten mit den Sprachkenntnissen von Chat GPT. Heben Sie sich auf dem überfüllten Markt ab und bieten Sie auf Projekte, die Ihre KI-gestützte Expertise unter Beweis stellen. Erleben Sie, wie Ihr Einkommen steigt, während Sie zum Experten werden und mit der Kraft der AI erstklassige Ergebnisse liefern. Erstelle unwiderstehliche Chatbots für den Erfolg: Revolutionieren Sie die Art und Weise, wie Unternehmen mit Kunden interagieren, indem Sie intelligente Chatbots erstellen. Beobachten Sie, wie die Automatisierung des Kundensupports neue Höhen erreicht, während Chat GPT schnelle und genaue Antworten liefert. Bauen Sie Vertrauen auf, gewinnen Sie Loyalität und steigern Sie den Umsatz, während Ihre Kunden eine beispiellose Kundenzufriedenheit erleben. Entfesseln Sie Ihr Schreibpotenzial: Steigern Sie Ihr Content-Erstellungsspiel mit Chat GPT als Schreibassistent. Erleben Sie die Magie überzeugender Blogposts, fesselnder Artikel und überzeugender Produktbeschreibungen. Binden Sie Ihre Zielgruppe wie nie zuvor ein, steigern Sie Traffic und Conversions und sparen Sie Zeit und Mühe. Erobern Sie das Social Media Marketing: Lenken Sie die Aufmerksamkeit im Social-Media-Bereich mit der Finesse von Chat GPT. Starten Sie erfolgreiche Werbekampagnen, meistern Sie ansprechende Beiträge und pflegen S

Notre tour de polluer

by Ronald Rwakigumba

Loin de ralentir le développement, les modèles d’industrialisation respectueux de l’environnement comme l’industrie verte ouvrent la voie à un avenir meilleur. Au-delà du profit, les entreprises soucieuses des personnes et de la planète offrent des rendements plus stables et durables. Il doit y avoir un autre modèle de croissance économique qui dissocie la croissance du PIB de l’augmentation des émissions de gaz à effet de serre (GES). Je postule dans ce livre que si les modèles de développement passés ont permis une croissance grâce à la pollution industrielle, les pays en développement n’ont pas besoin de suivre cette voie. L’industrie verte, qu’elle soit axée sur l’efficacité des ressources, la réduction de la pollution ou la vulnérabilité flagrante à la destruction des moyens de subsistance et des infrastructures induite par l’inaction climatique, montre une plus grande viabilité économique comme voie à suivre. Face au défi de concilier développement et objectifs écologiques, certains ont souvent soutenu que l’industrialisation était une opportunité pour les pays les moins avancés, à qui c’était désormais à leur tour de polluer l’environnement, tout comme les pays développés l’ont fait pendant de nombreuses décennies. D’autres pays ont également fait valoir qu’ils ont encore de quoi polluer, contrairement aux États développés qui sont apparemment surpeuplés et dont l’écosystème est au point de rupture. L’ironie que je vois est que les États développés qui cherchent de plus en plus à dissocier la croissance du PIB de l’augmentation des émissions de GES sont également les mieux préparés à résister aux événements climatiques extrêmes. Ce n'est PAS à notre tour de polluer. Les entreprises ont centré leur seul objectif sur la maximisation de la valeur actionnariale, en partant du principe que les actionnaires supportent uniquement le risque résiduel. Nous

Il giudizio degli specchi

by Alexander Copperwhite

E se la storia dell’umanità non fosse come la conosciamo? In tutto il pianeta, in tutte le epoche, troviamo piramidi e obelischi. Dalle civiltà perdute in tempi sconosciuti, arrivando agli imperatori cinesi, attraversando il continente americano e scoprendo le meraviglie dell'Egitto e della Mesopotamia. Gengis Khan, i faraoni, Alessandro Magno, il primo imperatore della Cina, i romani e i greci... tutti possedevano una conoscenza impossibile da concepire per quei tempi. Ma anche gli eventi più strani hanno una spiegazione logica. I potenti costruirono amuleti che contenevano Iridio, un metallo extraterrestre arrivato sul nostro pianeta insieme ai meteoriti. Alcuni frammenti di questo metallo sono in grado di creare buchi quantici, che sono minuscoli buchi neri. E con l’aiuto dell’iridio, i potenti si rivedevano in un futuro diverso, in una dimensione parallela, o in un passato remoto... e venivano giudicati e consigliati, per creare gli imperi più potenti dell'epoca. Un gruppo di giovani è stato incaricato di raccogliere gli amuleti del potere. Anche un uomo malvagio li sta cercando e la sua intenzione è dominare il mondo. Cosa nascondono i guerrieri di terracotta? Cosa trasportò in Irlanda un giovane druida? Dove occultarono la tomba di Gengis Khan? Perché furono distrutte Sodoma e Gomorra? I segreti dell'umanità... saranno svelati...

Cardiovascular Exercises

by Pílula Digital

What's the FIRST thing you think of when you hear 'cardio'? Probably RUNNING or ELIPTIC exercises, stationary bike, or EVEN rowing, did I get it right? But there is much more to CARDIORRESPIRATORY exercises than RESISTANCE training in a static state. In this eBOOK, you will LEARN everything about CARDIOVASCULAR EXERCISES, Equipment, and PLANNING to GET a FITTER and STRONGER body! Good reading!

How to be Immune To Diseases: Practical guide to strengthening the body.

by Pílula Digital

Your IMMUNE SYSTEM is an incredible machine. It is responsible for KEEPING your body PROTECTED from external invaders, such as viruses, bacteria, fungi, and toxins. Your immune system comprises two main parts: the part you were born with (innate or non-specific system) and the part you DEVELOP from your exposure to the environment (acquired adaptive system or specific system). Your immune system is MADE UP of several organs, cells, and proteins - skin cells, blood, bone marrow, tissues, and organs such as the thymus and lymph nodes. A STRONG immune system is the best DEFENSE against illnesses and infections. Without it, you have no way to fight harmful substances or changes that occur in the body. Good reading!

How to Get Your Pet's Food Right

by Pílula Digital

A QUALITY diet directly influences your pet's HEALTH and LONGEVITY. The BETTER it is, the more ENERGY and DISPOSITION your pet will have daily, in addition to being VERY WELL TAKEN CARE OF, both inside and out.

Acné, ¡lárgate!

by Pílula Digital

Es difícil pensar para quien NUNCA tuvo al menos un GRANO. Pero ¿necesita PERDER la CABEZA cuando uno APARECE así, sin AVISAR siquiera? ¿No, verdad? Rihanna misma ha dado un EJEMPLO de ello al postear una foto sin maquillaje en Instagram y leer entre los comentarios: 'Ups, ¿puedo APRETAR tu grano?' Su respuesta fue afilada como siempre: 'No. Deja que él BRILLE también'. Los granos aparecen al fin de cuentas. La mejor forma de lidiar con ellos es, antes de todo, tener PACIENCIA (¡no los apriete jamás!) y TENER CUIDADO, para que ellos no evolucionen hacia una INFECCIÓN más grande o dejen una CICATRIZ, que después será más complicada de tratar. Para quien está BUSCANDO métodos de tratamiento para este PROBLEMA -- que afecta tanto a adolescentes como a adultos -- ¡este LIBRO cae como un GUANTE! Pues AQUÍ usted APRENDERÁ sobre los diferentes tipos de ACNÉ y el tratamiento indicado para cada caso.

Les vélos du Père Divin: Les vélos du Père Divin (Trilogie de la rivière Passaic #1)

by Steve Bassett

Dans ce premier livre de la trilogie de la rivière Passaic qui se déroule en 1945, une guerre de diffusion entre les deux journaux de Newark tourne au sang lorsque les foules concurrentes de la ville mettent fin à leur trêve. La bataille fait rage dans le troisième quartier infesté de crimes de la ville, où des adolescents en première ligne sont des coureurs de numéros. Joey Bancik et Richie Maxwell, deux enfants de chœur catholiques, sont recrutés par des bookmakers noirs utilisant leur salon de coiffure comme façade. Ils se rendent vite compte qu’ils sont des joueurs dans un jeu dangereux, mais l’argent facile est trop beau pour laisser passer.

The Painter's Secret Geometry: A Study of Composition in Art

by Charles Bouleau

"This is an outstanding text for teachers and students." — The Studio This richly illustrated examination of visual arts in the European tradition shows how the great masters employed the "golden mean" and other geometrical patterns to compose their paintings. Author Charles Bouleau explores a tremendous variety of ancient and modern works: the Parthenon friezes, Italian mosaics, the Bayeux Tapestry, and Gothic stonemasons' marks of France and Germany as well as paintings by Picasso, Kandinsky, Klee, and Pollock. His insightful expositions cast new light on such well-known works as Raphael's "The School of Athens," Botticelli's "Birth of Venus," Rubens' "Descent from the Cross," and Renoir's "Le Moulin de la Galette." Advancing step by step through each painter's vast body of work, the survey highlights new contributions from each period and artist. Every analysis is conducted according to strict methods, placing the work within the intellectual atmosphere of its time. Original, informative, and stimulating, The Painter's Secret Geometry reveals the framework of art as well as its most profound and secret poetry. This new edition of the cult classic is a vade mecum for any student of art history or artistic composition. "I found the material presented in this book to be fascinating. Though originally published in the 1960's it's tenets hold up well. It would lend itself well to an art history course or to anyone interested in the concepts outlines." — Tacoma Public Library

Grupo Hucow

by Hayden Ash

Esta pequeña e inexperta mocosa está a punto de someterse a un procedimiento médico controvertido. Se requerirán diez MÉDICOS AFINES A LA CAUSA para ayudarla a superarlo. Pese a que son demasiado grandes para ella, nada los detendrá… Ellos COLMARÁN sus necesidades. Ella SACIARÁ su hambre de la forma más TABÚ ;)

Memento Mori

by Muriel Spark

Poignant, hilarious, and spooky, Memento Mori addresses old age In late 1950s London, something uncanny besets a group of elderly friends: an insinuating voice on the telephone reminds each: Remember you must die. Their geriatric feathers are soon thoroughly ruffled, and many an old unsavory secret is dusted off.

How to Cultivate Happiness in Your Child

by Pílula Digital

Parents must have a GOAL to RAISE their children to live lives with purpose and HAPPINESS. However, how CAN we accomplish this task with the ups and downs of our lives if our CHILD has the "pessimistic gene"? First, let’s DEFINE what is an OPTIMISTIC child, discuss whether OPTIMISM is genetic, and how the world SEES optimism versus pessimism in a child. Then we'll look at how you can TEACH OPTIMISM - genetics in favor or not - using your EXAMPLES and LOVE.

Self-love: Learn how to truly love yourself

by Pílula Digital

SELF-LOVE is the cornerstone of self-esteem, self-confidence and self-knowledge. Without it, we will never DEVELOP these three core competences and RELISH all benefits from LIVING them fully. Apart form that, when WE LOVE, we take care not only of our mental health, but also physical and emotional.

New Scientific Basis of Fluid Therapy in Shock Management: The Complete Evidence Based On New Scientific Discoveries In Physics, Physiology, And Medicine.

by Ahmed N Ghanem

This book would interest all scientists, doctors and nurses involved in the prescription and administration of fluid therapy in the management of shock, acutely ill patients and those undergoing major surgery. It reports on fourteen new scientific discoveries in physics, physiology and medicine that form the new scientific foundation of fluid therapy which will revolutionise current understanding and practice.

Lulu and Skeeter Get Up To More Mischief

by Carole May Brownjohn

Lulu and Skeeter are kitten twins who have little adventures in their back garden and inside the house. Sometimes they get up to mischief together but they are never really naughty, they just have fun and play kitten games. Lulu is a creamy coloured kitten with orange stripes who usually leads in their mischief, whereas Skeeter is a tabby kitten, and even though he is bigger than his sister, Lulu, he is a little afraid of doing some of the things that Lulu does.

From My Heart to Yours: As We Take the Journey of Life

by Vernon Postmus

Embark on a stirring odyssey through rhythm and rhyme, where every verse resonates with profound reflections and deep insight. Experience the rhythmic cadence of life. Be captured by the enchantment of words. Unveil just a little something of God’s design for life. Every poem in this collection is infused with a deeply Christian message, offering solace and encouragement. Pause, reflect, and let the words seep into your soul. Will this book captivate you so deeply that setting it aside becomes a challenge? Embark on this voyage, and may it bless your own life’s journey.

The King's New Wizard

by Rose Lee

The King chooses a new wizard who says he can grant any wish with his magical powers. The King, the princess, the Royal Guard, and the cook all want a wish. Can the wizard do it and give them what they want? Or will the spells go wrong? What lessons will they learn?

The Lost Polar Bear

by Chris Charlton

Dear children of the world, Have you ever wanted to meet a polar bear or a beluga whale? What about an arctic fox or a snowshoe hare? Well, now you can! But these animals need your help… Nanook is scared, lonely and is covered in frost. He can’t believe what’s happened – he’s totally lost! Can you help to save him and his friends? The climate is changing very quickly, so you need to act fast. You can make a big difference. Best wishes, The animals of the North Pole

Sophia the Swallow

by Nicola Wood

Follow Sophia the Swallow as she leaves her nest to explore the island of her birth for the very first time! Share in her discoveries and adventures as she visits crystal clear seas, spots turtles and discovers beauty beyond her wildest dreams!

Lincoln the Friendly Frenchie

by Sascha Carreira

French Bulldogs have captured the hearts of many, becoming the beloved companions of choice. Among them is Lincoln, a pampered and fortunate Frenchie who invites you into his world. Narrated from the charming perspective of a canine, Lincoln recounts his adventures and misadventures during his inaugural year. His solo tales are soon enriched by the arrival of a playful little sister, adding to the frolic and fun. Embark on a journey with Lincoln as he navigates life with his human family, chronicling moments both thrilling and touching, as he learns to triumph over every obstacle he encounters. Join this endearing pup in a heartwarming tale of growth, companionship, and the joyous escapades of puppyhood.

Wayne the Wobbly Watermelon

by Todd Smith

As Wayne attempts to conquer his wobbles, he embarks on a thrilling journey down wavering lane, where mishaps and mayhem unfold. A crash through Terry’s dojo doors introduces Wayne to a cast of colourful characters. In a cascade of comical chaos, Wayne discovers an unexpected gift within his wibbles, leaving Terry astonished. Could Wayne’s unpredictable nature become the key to mastering martial arts? Join this rollicking adventure filled with laughter, wiggles, and valuable lessons that prove even the wobbliest can find their way! Because it’s these wibbles and wobbles that make us truly extraordinary. Within the pages of this book children will learn the power of: Acceptance of Differences: Wayne’s wobbles teach young readers to embrace their uniqueness and appreciate the diversity in those around them. Overcoming Challenges: Wayne’s journey demonstrates the importance of facing challenges with determination, turning perceived weaknesses into strengths. Teamwork and Unity: Terry’s students unite to handle unexpected chaos, showing children the strength found in collaboration and unity. Uniqueness is a Strength: Through Wayne’s story, kids learn that what makes them different is what makes them strong. Positive Role Models: Terry, the tough tawt tomato, serves as a role model, teaching children to look beyond appearances and see the potential in others. Learning from Mistakes: Wayne’s accidental adventure emphasizes the valuable lesson that mistakes can lead to unexpected opportunities and growth. Empathy and Understanding: The characters’ reactions highlight the importance of understanding and appreciating the unique abilities of others, fostering empathy.

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