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The Chobanids of Kastamonu: Politics, Patronage and Religion in Thirteenth-Century Anatolia (Routledge Studies in the History of Iran and Turkey)

by Bruno De Nicola

This book provides a novel approach to the history of medieval Anatolia by analysing political, religious and cultural developments in the region of Kastamonu during the reign of the Chobanid dynasty (c. 1211–1309).During the 13th century, the Chobanids consolidated a local dynasty in western Anatolia – a borderland between Islam and Christianity – becoming cultural actors patronising the production of religious, scientific and administrative works in the Persian language. These works, though surviving today in manuscript form, have received little attention in modern historiography. The book therefore attends to this gap in the research, incorporating a detailed study of texts by little-known authors from the time. The book explores the relationship between Islam and the Chobanid dynasty in the context of the wider process of Islamisation in medieval Anatolia, hypothesising that Turkmen dynasties played a fundamental role in this process of Islamisation and acculturation. The Chobanids of Kastamonu, then, offers an in-depth study of a Turkmen local dynasty that achieved political autonomy, financial independence and cultural patronage in medieval Anatolia vis-à-vis the main political powers of the time.Attentive to religious diversity, state formation and processes of transculturation in medieval Anatolia, the book is key reading for scholars of Middle Eastern history and Islamic studies.The Open Access version of this book, available at, has been made available under a Creative Commons CC-BY 4.0 license.

Autobiographical Lectures of Leaders in Art Education, 2001–2021: A Selection of Self-Reflections and Living Histories

by Stephanie Autumn Baer Katherine Coy Smith Stephanie Harvey Danker

This scholarly collection is a continuation of a lecture series highlighting the essential nature of biography in the history of art education. The editors feature 16 prominent art educators, organized into one of three chronological sections spanning the past two decades. The contributing art educators explore influences that shaped their beliefs about art education and the arts, describe their career paths, explain their philosophy of art education and its development, and advise, predict, or speculate about the future. Every chapter concludes with essential questions and instructional resources to guide readers in their reflection. In reading these lectures, art education faculty, students, and any adjacent professional to the arts and art history can learn the importance of biographical and autobiographical study to research. Beyond research, readers can use the lectures to consider and question teaching and mentoring relationships, the power of influence, and what qualities may contribute to the recognition of exemplary success for art educators.

Baloch Midwives: Contesting Global Perceptions of Midwifery in Balochistan, Pakistan (Social Science Perspectives on Childbirth and Reproduction)

by Fouzieyha Towghi

This book is the first major ethnography of Baloch midwives in Pakistan. Drawing on long-term ethnographic research in Balochistan province, it shows how dhīnabogs/dheenabogs (Baloch midwives ranging in age from about 30 to 80) and their dhīnabogirī (midwifery) aid women and their kin through labor and postpartum recovery.Its chapters show how Baloch midwives’ forms and ethics of care have persisted, despite nearly two centuries of British colonial policies and the subsequent disparaging official views regarding South Asian Indigenous midwives, commonly known as dāīs, in both postcolonial India and Pakistan. Through their continued presence and effective uses of their traditional medicine, Baloch midwives contain, mediate, and offer a powerful critique of women’s iatrogenic suffering caused by unnecessary biomedical interventions. Through a nuanced analysis of Baloch midwives' ethical approach to caring for women, and their responses to the exigencies of women’s health, this book demonstrates why over a century of state efforts to modernize and biomedicalize childbirth practices have failed to convince the majority of Baloch women in Balochistan to give birth in hospitals. They instead prefer home births and the midwifery care from the dhīnabogs whom they trust.This book will not only be of interest to scholars and students in anthropology, medical humanities, public health, sociology, gender and women’s studies, gender and medical history, South Asia studies, and global health studies, but also to those in the midwifery and the nursing profession. It will also be of interest to non-academic readers wishing to learn about midwives in South Asia and anyone interested in reading about traditional medicine and midwives who practice outside of European and North American cultural contexts.

Social Network Analysis in Second Language Research: Theory and Methods (ISSN)

by Kristen Kennedy Terry Robert Bayley

This text is the first holistic research overview and practical methodological guide for social network analysis in second language acquisition, examining how to study learner social networks and how to use network data to predict language learner behavior and identity.Authors Kristen Kennedy Terry and Robert Bayley lay out the history of social network analysis in sociolinguistics, discuss the state of the art in empirical findings in applications to language acquisition, offer how-to guidance and best practices for planning, conducting, and understanding this research, and authoritatively set the agenda for future work.With a variety of helpful features like case studies, suggested research projects, discussion questions, and recommended further reading, this book will be an invaluable resource to students and researchers of second language acquisition, sociolinguistics, education, and beyond.

Key Developments in International Marketing: Influential Contributions and Future Avenues for Research (JIBS Special Collections)

by Saeed Samiee Constantine S. Katsikeas Petra Riefler

International marketing is a core disciplinary area within the broader international business field. Over the last 25 years, significant research attention has been devoted to addressing managerially relevant and theoretically important research questions pertaining to country entry modes and choices, international branding decisions, establishing, developing, and managing cross-border seller-buyer relationships, and other international marketing strategy issues. This book features key international marketing contributions to the international business literature. Our focus in this book is on ten highly cited articles from the Journal of International Business Studies that address important topics in international marketing. In addition to the original contributions, the book offers an up to date view of the field following each of the articles, including reflections and assessments of how each article has impacted our understanding of the subject today. Contributors highlight major advances since the time of writing as well as current questions arising from the current international business world. The collection is complemented by two recently published articles tackling new frontiers of the field of international business. Commentaries on these two recent contributions are provided by leading marketing and international business scholars. In sum, this collection provides readers with a careful selection of highly influential and timely works from the international marketing literature that will continue to greatly contribute to the international business discipline. With the addition of interesting post-script reflections, it also places emphasis on future research directions from the authors and leading scholars in the field.

Teoria della Probabilità: Processi e calcolo stocastico (UNITEXT #156)

by Andrea Pascucci

Questo libro offre un approccio moderno alla teoria dei processi stocastici in tempo continuo e del calcolo differenziale stocastico. I contenuti vengono trattati in modo rigoroso, completo e autonomo. Nella prima parte, viene introdotta la teoria dei processi di Markov e delle martingale, con un approfondimento sul moto Browniano e il processo di Poisson. Di seguito, è sviluppata la teoria dell'integrazione stocastica per semi-martingale continue. Una parte sostanziosa è dedicata alle equazioni differenziali stocastiche, ai principali risultati di risolubilità e unicità in senso debole e forte, alle equazioni stocastiche lineari e alla relazione con le equazioni differenziali alle derivate parziali deterministiche. Ogni capitolo è corredato di numerosi esempi. Questo testo nasce dall'esperienza più che ventennale di insegnamento in corsi su processi e calcolo stocastico presso le lauree magistrali in Matematica, in Quantitative finance e i corsi post-laurea in Matematica per le applicazioni e in Finanza matematica dell'Università di Bologna. Il libro raccoglie materiale per almeno due insegnamenti semestrali in corsi di studio scientifici (Matematica, Fisica, Ingegneria, Statistica, Economia...) e intende fornire un solido background a coloro che sono interessati allo sviluppo della teoria e delle applicazioni del calcolo stocastico. Questo testo completa il percorso iniziato col primo volume di Teoria della Probabilità - Variabili aleatorie e distribuzioni, attraverso una selezione di temi classici avanzati di analisi stocastica.

The Proceedings of the 18th Annual Conference of China Electrotechnical Society: Volume V (Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering #1167)

by Qingxin Yang Zewen Li An Luo

This book gathers outstanding papers presented at the 16th Annual Conference of China Electrotechnical Society, organized by China Electrotechnical Society (CES), held in Nanchang, China, from September 15 to 17, 2023. It covers topics such as electrical technology, power systems, electromagnetic emission technology, and electrical equipment. It introduces the innovative solutions that combine ideas from multiple disciplines. The book is very much helpful and useful for the researchers, engineers, practitioners, research students, and interested readers.

Green Finance in China: Policies, Experiences and Challenges (Contributions to Finance and Accounting)

by Wenting Zhang Dawei Zhao

This book aims to provide first-hand information for readers concerned with green finance and sustainable development by summarizing the unique features, policies and practical innovations of green finance development in China and hoping to provide China's experience in the development of green finance for more regions. The global economy is currently facing historic opportunities that brings by a new round of technology, energy and industrial revolution. The new growth path of "green and low-carbon" development has become the main direction of the transformation of global economic development. What's China's green finance strategy? How does China deliver on the goal? This book builds an overview of China's green finance and sheds light on sustainable development topics from finance perspective.

Prozessmanagement in Einkauf und Logistik: Instrumente und Methoden für das Supply Chain Process Management

by Thomas Liebetruth

Dieses Buch beschreibt anwendungsorientiert die Grundlagen, Methoden und Instrumente des Prozessmanagements in Einkauf und Logistik. Außerdem stellt es mit Lean Management, Industrie 4.0 und Controlling aktuelle Konzepte zur Optimierung von Prozessen vor. Zahlreiche Beispiele und Fallstudien ermöglichen einen anschaulichen Einblick in die praktische Umsetzung. In der 3. Auflage wurde ein neues Kapitel zum Thema Nachhaltigkeit in Supply Chains aufgenommen. Es gibt einen Einblick in die Anforderungen aus dem Lieferkettensorgfaltspflichtengesetz, die Entwicklung und Umsetzung einer Nachhaltigkeitsstrategie für Supply Chains und die wesentlichsten Aspekte im Handlungsfeld CO2-Messung und -Reduzierung.

Psychologie im Familienrecht - zum Nutzen oder Schaden des Kindes?

by Uwe Tewes

Dieses lebenspraktische Sachbuch greift die öffentliche Diskussion über Ungerechtigkeiten im Scheidungsverfahren, gerichtliche Fehlurteile und familienpsychologische Gutachter als „heimliche Richter“ auf. Es beschreibt anschaulich das sehr komplexe System der Zusammenarbeit von Gerichten, Gutachtern, Anwälten, Jugendämtern und Verfahrensbeiständen der Kinder und befasst sich insbesondere mit der Arbeit der psychologischen Sachverständigen.Mit Hinweisen auf fragwürdige Methoden und häufige Fehlerquellen regt dieses Werk auch zum Mitdenken an und ist sowohl ein Plädoyer für ein gesundes Maß an Psychologie im Familienrecht wie auch eine Warnung vor einer Psychologisierung des Gerichtsverfahrens.Zielgruppen für dieses Buch sind Eltern und Betroffene, Juristen und andere beteiligte Professionen sowie psychologische Laien mit einem Interesse an dieser Thematik.Diese vollständig überarbeitete und aktualisierte Neuauflage berücksichtigt die zahlreichen Empfehlungen, Richtlinien, Mindestanforderungen der Fachgesellschaften und der neueren Fachbücher, die seit der Erstauflage erschienen sind.Zum Autor Universitäts-Professor und Diplom-Psychologe (i.R.) Dr. Uwe Tewes war Leiter des Instituts für Medizinische Psychologie an der Medizinischen Hochschule Hannover und mehr als vier Jahrzehnte nebenamtlich als forensischer Gutachter tätig.

Biology of Algae, Lichens and Bryophytes

by Burkhard Büdel Thomas Friedl Wolfram Beyschlag

As a reader of this book you will become familiar with current, up-to-date comprehensive knowledge about all classes of eukaryotic algae, the cyanobacteria, and symbiotic interactions of algae and cyanobacteria with other organisms. For example, the lichens are symbiotic consortia and a prominent example of a particularly successful ‘evolution by cooperation’. We expand even to the beginnings of terrestrial plant life and the bryophytes, which are gradually transmitting to the vascular plants. We collectively call this enormous phylogenetic wealth of photoautotrophic organisms the ‘new cryptogams’, abandoning the traditional definition of cryptogams. The new cryptogams are all those autotrophic organisms that share being hydro-passive, meaning that they are unable of controlling water uptake or release, in contrast to vascular plants. While being basal of and phylogenetically much more diverse than the vascular plants, the new cryptogams are ecologically highly relevant in all ecosystems of our Planet. They are responsible for more than half of the Earth’s annual oxygen production.

Molecular Biology of Hand-Foot-Mouth Diseases

by Xingli Xu Yanchun Che Qihan Li

This book aims to compile the latest scientific information on hand, foot, and mouth disease (HFMD), including its epidemiology, etiology, pathology, immune response and vaccine development. Interestingly, the authors shared their own research experience and offered distinctive insights into the pathogenesis of HFMD and vaccine development. The intended audience, including university researchers, graduate students, and vaccine engineers, is well defined. The book is positioned as a resource that not only presents current knowledge but also has the potential to inspire further research in understanding immune pathogenesis and advancing vaccine development for HFMD.

Rethinking U.S. World Power: Domestic Histories of U.S. Foreign Relations

by Daniel Bessner Michael Brenes

Since the late-1990s, diplomatic historians have emphasized the importance of international and transnational processes, flows, and events to the history of the United States in the world. Rethinking U.S. World Power provides an alternative to these scholarly frameworks by assembling a diverse group of historians to explore the impact of the United States and its domestic history on U.S. foreign relations and world affairs. In so doing, the collection underlines that, even in a global age, domestic politics and phenomena were crucial to the history of U.S. foreign policy and international relations more broadly.

Nachhaltige Gestaltung von lokalen Ernährungssystemen durch Kommunalpolitik und -verwaltung (Stadtforschung aktuell)

by David Sipple Arnim Wiek Heiner Schanz

Dieses Open Access Buch erarbeitet konkrete Ansatzpunkte, wie die kommunale Praxis in Politik und Verwaltung Beiträge zur Ernährungswende Richtung Nachhaltigkeit leisten kann. Dabei wird u.a. aufgezeigt, dass die Aufgaben von Städten und Gemeinden, beispielsweise bei der öffentlichen Beschaffung, in Planungsfragen oder bei der Wirtschaftsförderung, bereits weit in ernährungsrelevante Bereiche hineinreichen und somit wichtige Hebelpunkte für nachhaltige Praktiken bestehen.

Climate Change in Regional Perspective: European Union and Latin American Initiatives, Challenges, and Solutions (United Nations University Series on Regionalism #27)

by Andrea Ribeiro Hoffmann Paula Sandrin Yannis E. Doukas

This Open Access book addresses climate change in Europe and Latin America from a comparative regionalism studies (CRS) perspective. Written by an international team of scholars and experts, chapters critically analyze proposals for mitigating climate change while contributing to the mutual understanding about the issues at stake across regions. The book is divided into three main sections. In the first section, authors discuss EU and Latin American cooperation, negotiations, and perspectives on climate change, exploring their agendas, the interests and key challenges at the global, regional and interregional levels. The second section focuses on the challenges to finance development and a greener economy. The third section explores new green solutions to climate change in the agriculture sector and initiatives such as nature-based solutions to climate change and best practices. Providing policy oriented solutions for combatting regional climate change at a critical juncture, this volume will be of interest to researchers and students of international relations, international law, and environmental politics, as well as public officials and climate change activists.

Juli Zeh: Text und Engagement (Kontemporär. Schriften zur deutschsprachigen Gegenwartsliteratur #15)

by Erik Schilling

Juli Zeh verbindet zwei öffentliche Rollen: Sie ist Schriftstellerin und Juristin; sie trägt maßgeblich zur deutschsprachigen Gegenwartsliteratur bei, nimmt aber auch aktiv als ‚public intellectual‘ an öffentlichen Debatten teil. Der vorliegende Band untersucht daher gattungs- und literaturgeschichtliche Themen ebenso wie intertextuelle und theoretische Referenzpunkte, etwa zu Recht und Staat oder aktuellen gesellschaftlichen Aushandlungsprozessen.Juli Zehs Werk, für Bühne und Film adaptiert sowie in zahlreiche Sprachen übersetzt und inzwischen auch Schullektüre, umfasst ein breites Spektrum an Texten: Einige arbeiten mit den Mustern der Spannungsliteratur („Adler und Engel“, „Schilf“), andere lassen sich als dystopische Romane verstehen („Corpus Delicti“, „Leere Herzen“). Jüngst sind mehrere Gesellschaftsstudien zu verzeichnen („Unterleuten“, „Über Menschen“, „Zwischen Welten“). Der Band untersucht dies sowohl in Einzeltextanalysen als auch in systematischen Beiträgen, die Juli Zehs Werke vergleichend sowie im ästhetischen, medialen oder politischen Kontext in den Blick nehmen.

Sustainability in Energy and Buildings 2023 (Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies #378)

by John R. Littlewood Lakhmi Jain Robert J. Howlett

This book contains the proceedings of the 15th KES International Conference on Sustainability and Energy in Buildings 2023 (SEB2023) held in Bari, Italy, during September 18–20, 2023, organized by KES International. SEB23 invited contributions on a range of topics related to sustainable buildings and explored innovative themes regarding sustainable energy systems. The conference formed an exciting chance to present, interact, and learn about the latest research and practical developments on the subject. The conference attracted submissions from around the world. Submissions for the full-paper track were subjected to a blind peer-reviewed process. Only the best of these were selected for presentation at the conference and publication in these proceedings. It is intended that this book provides a useful and informative snapshot of recent research developments in the important and vibrant area of sustainability in energy and buildings.

Data Science and Applications: Proceedings of ICDSA 2023, Volume 4 (Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems #821)

by Satyasai Jagannath Nanda Rajendra Prasad Yadav Amir H. Gandomi Mukesh Saraswat

This book gathers outstanding papers presented at the International Conference on Data Science and Applications (ICDSA 2023), organized by Soft Computing Research Society (SCRS) and Malaviya National Institute of Technology Jaipur, India, from 14 to 15 July 2023. The book is divided into four volumes, and it covers theoretical and empirical developments in various areas of big data analytics, big data technologies, decision tree learning, wireless communication, wireless sensor networking, bioinformatics and systems, artificial neural networks, deep learning, genetic algorithms, data mining, fuzzy logic, optimization algorithms, image processing, computational intelligence in civil engineering, and creative computing.

Experts in the World Heritage Regime: Between Protection and Prestige

by Luke James

Addressing the topic of expertise in international cultural conservation, this book argues that the UNESCO World Heritage regime emerged as a Faustian pact between protection and prestige, and a productive tension between these elements remains at its core, embodied by the heritage expert. Tracing experts’ practices in the World Heritage regime, this book shows how they burnish, broker and themselves benefit from World Heritage prestige. As World Heritage prestige also contributes to states’ international status claims, the stakes are raised, with both the denouement of the pact and the future for World Heritage poised between condemnation and redemption.

High Efficiency Non-isolated DC-DC Converters with Wide Voltage Gain Range for Renewable Energies (CPSS Power Electronics Series)

by Yun Zhang Shenghan Gao

The book focuses on the topologies of non-isolated DC-DC converters with a wide voltage gain range for renewable energy systems. It addresses both theoretical principles and engineering practices. Each chapter introduces a family of non-isolated DC-DC converters, including advanced control methods. The inclusion of modeling and experimental verification provides in-depth applications in fuel cell vehicles, electric vehicles with multiple sources including batteries and super-capacitors, and photovoltaic systems. The book is beneficial for researchers, engineers, and graduate students in the fields of renewable energies, as well as electrical and electronic engineering.

Sustainability in Business Education, Research and Practices (World Sustainability Series)

by Tony Wall Laís Viera Trevisan Walter Leal Filho Adam Shore

The connections between sustainability and business education are becoming increasingly important due to the growing recognition of environmental and social challenges, as well as the role that businesses play in addressing these challenges. Businesses have a significant impact on the environment, society, and the economy. Issues such as climate change, resource depletion, social inequality, and ethical concerns directly affect business operations and performance. Business education needs to equip future leaders with the knowledge and skills to navigate these challenges responsibly. This book provides a platform for the dissemination of information on the latest initiatives and practices in these areas, and promotes future cooperation between universities and business schools across the globe.

Pan-African Conference on Artificial Intelligence: Second Conference, PanAfriCon AI 2023, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, October 5–6, 2023, Revised Selected Papers, Part I (Communications in Computer and Information Science #2068)

by Taye Girma Debelee Achim Ibenthal Friedhelm Schwenker Yehualashet Megersa Ayano

This two-volume set, CCIS 2068 and 2069, constitutes selected papers presented during the Second Pan-African Conference on Artificial Intelligence, PanAfriCon AI 2023, held in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, in October 2023. The set goal of the conference is to exchange the best practices of joint Pan-African efforts to provide solutions for Africa’s key 21st century challenges in the social, economic and ecologic domains. The 29 papers were thoroughly reviewed and selected from 134 submissions. The papers are organized in the following topical sections: Medical AI; Natural Language Processing, Text and Speech Processing; AI in Finance and Cyber Security; Autonomous Vehicles; AI Ethics and Life Sciences.

Statistical Rock Physics (Earth and Environmental Sciences Library)

by Gabor Korvin

The book is the first systematic and comprehensive treatise of stochastic models and computational tools that have emerged in rock-physics in the last 20 years. The field of statistical rock-physics is a part of rock-physics (Petrophysics). Its concepts, methods and techniques are borrowed from stochastic geometry and statistical physics. This discipline describes the interior geometry of rocks; derives their effective physical properties based on their random composition and the random arrangement of their constituents; and builds models to simulate the past geological processes that had formed the rock. The aim of the book is to help the readers to understand the claims, techniques and published results of this new field and—most importantly—to teach them in order to creatively apply stochastic geometry and statistical physics in their own research tasks. For this purpose, the underlying mathematics will be discussed in all sections of the book; numerical solutions will be highlighted; a full set of references will be provided; and theory will go hand-in-hand with practical applications to hydraulic permeability, electric conduction, rock failure, NMR, mechanics of random grain packings, as well as the compaction of shale.

Access to Mental Health Care in South Asia: Current Status, Potential Challenges, and Ways Out

by S. M. Yasir Arafat Sujita Kumar Kar

This book is about access to mental health care in South Asia. South Asia consists of eight countries with low and middle-income backgrounds. The region contains a combined population of about 2 billion, making up about a quarter of the global population. The people of this region share common cultures, beliefs, and behavioral patterns regarding physical and mental health. Among them, about 15% (about 300 million) have been suffering from common mental disorders. However, there is a persisting high treatment gap for mental illness in the region. Hence, despite having a mental illness, only a small percentage of the population is able to have access to essential mental healthcare. Though governments are trying to bridge the gap by improving mental health policies and programs, it is still a major challenge delivering mental healthcare to all people in need. Due to the income category and dual disease burden of the countries, there are some additional enduring challenges like poor funding and research, inadequate and inequitable manpower, huge out-of-pocket expenses, poor mental health literacy, income disparity, and high stigma. This book aims to highlight the issues related to accessing mental health services in a densely populated low and middle-income setting. This book is the first of its kind in comparing and contrasting the delivery status of mental health services in South Asian countries.

Theories of Legal Obligation (Law and Philosophy Library #146)

by Deryck Beyleveld Stefano Bertea

This volume collects six original essays by internationally respected researchers who have devoted themselves to the study of legal obligation. It brings together works that innovatively address key dimensions of the current debates concerning legal obligation from different and, in some cases, even opposing theoretical perspectives. As a result, the collection offers a comprehensive discussion of legal obligation that promises to significantly advance our understanding of the obligatory dimension of law. What specifically connects the contributions gathered here is one common thread: coming to terms with a notion – legal obligation – that is of both practical and theoretical importance. On the one hand, it is widely regarded as a fundamental legal concept by legal practitioners and laypeople alike, as not only judges, prosecutors, lawyers, and juries but also ordinary citizens make extensive use of obligation-related terms and discourses. On the other hand, the notion of legal obligation is of paramount significance for the theory of law. Indeed, even legal theorists who, quite understandably, refuse to reduce the law to a mere obligation-imposing device and opt instead for a view in which the normative dimension of the law also encompasses powers, rights, permissions, privileges and immunities, duly acknowledge the centrality of legal obligation for the understanding and conceptualisation of law. Hence the importance of the treatments presented in this volume.

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