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Robot 2023: Advances in Robotics, Volume 2 (Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems #978)

by Lino Marques Cristina Santos José Luís Lima Danilo Tardioli Manuel Ferre

This book contains a selection of papers accepted for presentation and discussion at ROBOT2023, the Sixth Iberian Robotics Conference, held in the University of Coimbra, Coimbra, Portugal, during November 22nd-24th, 2023. ROBOT2023 is part of a series of conferences that are jointly organized by Sociedade Portuguesa de Robótica (SPR) / Portuguese Society for Robotics and by Sociedad Española para la Investigación y Desarrollo en Robótica (SEIDROB) / Spanish Society for Research and Development in Robotics. These conferences, now occurring with a yearly periodicity, provide a forum to roboticists mostly from Iberia, but also from other parts of the world, to present and discuss their research results, new developments, and applications in the field of Robotics. The volume 1 of this book contains 45 papers addressing fundamental aspects of mobile robotics and robot manipulation while volume 2 contains 45 papers covering the application of robotics in different domains and environments.

Eucalyptus Kraft Pulp Refining

by Vail Manfredi

This book presents a brief history of papermaking followed by comments regarding wood as a source of fibers, including its chemical and anatomical characteristics and the influence of these aspects on the quality of the pulp produced. In addition, the author describes the effects of the pulping process, mainly a chemical process, on pulp quality and how these wood characteristics influence both the refining process as the quality of the final paper. The book further provides a broad discussion, based on experimental results, on the contribution of the main operating refining variables and the main strategies that can be used industrially to optimize the operating results. From this evaluation, the parameter that complements the specific edge load theory is identified. This parameter is related to the retention time of the fiber flocs inside the refiner.

Mountain Environments: Natural Landscapes and Human Adaptations to Diversity (Earth and Environmental Sciences Library)

by José M. García-Ruiz José Arnáez Teodoro Lasanta Estela Nadal-Romero Juan Ignacio López- Moreno

This book studies mountains with a global perspective, like a complex topographic and topoclimatic mosaic organized in altitudinal belts that are influenced by a huge variability in slopes, soils, lithology and insolation. Furthermore, the presence of lower temperatures, higher precipitation and the seasonal presence of snow create conditions conductive to supporting various life forms and natural geomorphological and hydrological processes. The integration of environmental and human aspects highlights the impacts of human activities and climate fluctuations on soil hydrology, soil erosion, water resources, and landscape/landforms evolution. After presenting the way in which humans (from Prehistory to Alexander von Humboldt) discovered the mountains, subsequent chapters try to underline the importance of mountains in generating water resources and hydropower for lowlands, serving as biodiversity hotspots, and contributing to cultural diversity. The book delves into the role ofhuman actives in transforming the natural landscapes and creating new cultural landscapes. This exploration considers the significance of altitudinal belts in shaping the spatial and temporal organization of land uses which, in turn, have been determined by population growth and the development of regional and national markets. Additionally, the book illustrates the effect of global change on mountain evolution, exploring their consequences on landscape characteristics and dynamics as well as on the planetary role of the mountains. It concludes by offering a unique perspective on enhancing mountain conservation in order to preserve cultures, land uses, and landscapes.

Klinische Entscheidungsfindung in der Zahnmedizin: Ein kompakter Leitfaden für Diagnose und Behandlung

by Alan Roger Santos-Silva Márcio Ajudarte Lopes João Figueira Scarini Pablo Agustin Vargas Oslei Paes de Almeida

Die genaue Diagnose der unzähligen Krankheiten, die die Mundregion befallen können, die korrekte Beratung der Patienten und die kompetente Behandlung sind eine ständige Herausforderung für Zahnärzte und medizinisches Fachpersonal. Oft wird die Diagnose dieser Krankheiten vernachlässigt oder falsch gestellt. Dieses kompakte Buch ist ein Leitfaden für Angehörige der Gesundheitsberufe bei der klinischen Entscheidungsfindung im Bereich der oralen Erkrankungen. Es hilft nicht nur bei der Diagnose und Behandlung von Erkrankungen im Mund- und Kieferbereich, sondern auch bei der Einschätzung, wer die Erkrankung behandeln und vor allem wer behandelt werden sollte. Das Werk bietet klare Leitlinien, die auf wissenschaftlichen Erkenntnissen beruhen und durch die kritische Analyse der Autoren bereichert werden. Das Buch ist in acht Hauptabschnitte unterteilt, die achtundzwanzig Kapitel umfassen. Die meisten von ihnen haben nicht mehr als 5 Seiten und folgen dem gleichen Format, um den Leserneine bessere und standardisierte Orientierung zu geben. Jedes Kapitel beginnt mit einer Zusammenfassung des Themas, einer kurzen Beschreibung der wichtigsten Krankheiten, die in diese diagnostische Kategorie fallen, und ihren wichtigsten Definitionen. Anschließend werden die klinischen Merkmale, die Möglichkeiten der Diagnosestellung und ein Behandlungsprotokoll für jede Läsion vorgestellt. Darüber hinaus erörtern die erfahrenen Autoren, wie sie den Patienten schlechte Nachrichten überbringen. Der letzte Abschnitt ist speziell der zahnärztlichen Behandlung von medizinisch komplexen Befunden und wenig bekannten Erkrankungen wie dem Burning-Mouth-Syndrom und COVID-19 gewidmet. Mehr als 140 hochauflösende klinische Bilder illustrieren das Buch. Klinische Entscheidungsfindung in der Zahnmedizin richtet sich an Angehörige der Gesundheitsberufe und Ärzte verschiedener Fachrichtungen, die sich für Krankheiten mit systemischen Auswirkungen auf den Mund-, Kiefer- und Gesichtskomplex und für die oralen Auswirkungen von Behandlungen komplexer Krankheiten wie Kopf- und Halskrebs interessieren. Auch für Studierende der Zahnmedizin ist es ein interessantes Buch.

Kleiner Kanon großer Filme

by Michael Braun Stefan Neuhaus

Was macht einen Film groß? Für Truffaut war es niemals das ‚Runde‘ oder ‚Perfekte‘, Peter Hamm ergänzte, dass das Vergnügen des Kritikers oft da anfange, wo das der anderen aufhöre, bei Stilbrüchen etwa oder Exzessen. Was sind überhaupt Gründe dafür, bestimmte Filme besonders sehenswert zu finden? Die von Literatur-, Film- und Kulturwissenschaftler:innen geschriebenen Beiträge dieses Bands präsentieren je einen Film und begründen ausführlich, weshalb gerade er zu den größten der Geschichte gehört. Die Auswahl ist weder exklusiv noch elitär, sie regt zum Nachdenken an, weshalb uns auch Filme jenseits des Blockbuster-Kinos und der gängigen Kanonlisten in den Bann schlagen. Inmitten bekannter Klassiker von Lang, Chaplin, Hitchcock & Co. und jüngerer Meisterwerke von Haneke, Almodóvar und Sofia Coppola gibt es manchen Geheimtipp zu entdecken.

Environmental Nanotoxicology: Combatting the Minute Contaminants

by Patrick Omoregie Isibor Geetha Devi Alex Ajeh Enuneku

Environmental Nanotoxicology: Combatting the Minute Contaminants is a comprehensive guide to the rapidly evolving field of nanotoxicology and its implications for environmental health and safety. This book results from the collaborative efforts of leading experts and researchers from diverse disciplines, aiming to thoroughly understand the interactions between nanomaterials and the environment and their potential impacts on the delicate balance of our ecosystems.Nanotechnology has witnessed remarkable innovations leading to the development of nanomaterials with novel properties and applications across various industries. Alongside these innovations, concerns have arisen about the potential risks that nanomaterials may pose to the environment and living organisms. This book addresses these concerns by comprehensively exploring the field's key concepts, principles, and methodologies. It includes case studies and offers insights into developing appropriate regulatoryframeworks and guidelines for the responsible use and disposal of nanomaterials. The book is a valuable resource for researchers and professionals working in nanotoxicology on the complex challenges posed by the intersection of nanomaterials and the environment. It is also an essential reference for students studying environmental science, toxicology, and nanotechnology.

Rising China and Internet Governance: Multistakeholderism, Fragmentation and the Liberal Order in the Age of Digital Sovereignty

by Riccardo Nanni

This book provides an account of the transformation of Chinese stakeholders' engagement in Internet governance, from normative contestation to integration, and from isolation to an industrial leadership role. The book concludes that Chinese stakeholders are not seeking to fragment the Internet but are rather integrating in the existing global Internet governance mechanisms while adopting strong regulation domestically. This counters a widespread media (and academic) narrative on China as the promoter of an alternative Internet and/or an alternative model of Internet governance. These conclusions are reached through a mix of qualitative methods, including interviews with people involved first-hand in Internet governance, such as technologists engaged in the making of Internet and mobile connectivity standards.

Handbook of the History and Philosophy of Mathematical Practice

by Bharath Sriraman

The purpose of this unique handbook is to examine the transformation of the philosophy of mathematics from its origins in the history of mathematical practice to the present. It aims to synthesize what is known and what has unfolded so far, as well as to explore directions in which the study of the philosophy of mathematics, as evident in increasingly diverse mathematical practices, is headed. Each section offers insights into the origins, debates, methodologies, and newer perspectives that characterize the discipline today. Contributions are written by scholars from mathematics, history, and philosophy – as well as other disciplines that have contributed to the richness of perspectives abundant in the study of philosophy today – who describe various mathematical practices throughout different time periods and contrast them with the development of philosophy. Editorial Advisory Board Andrew Aberdein, Florida Institute ofTechnology, USA Jody Azzouni, Tufts University, USA Otávio Bueno, University of Miami, USA William Byers, Concordia University, Canada Carlo Cellucci, Sapienza University of Rome, Italy Chandler Davis, University of Toronto, Canada (1926-2022) Paul Ernest, University of Exeter, UK Michele Friend, George Washington University, USA Reuben Hersh, University of New Mexico, USA (1927-2020) Kyeong-Hwa Lee, Seoul National University, South Korea Yuri Manin, Max Planck Institute for Mathematics, Germany (1937-2023) Athanase Papadopoulos, University of Strasbourg, France Ulf Persson, Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden John Stillwell, University of San Francisco, USA David Tall, University of Warwick, UKThis book with its exciting depth and breadth, illuminates us about the history, practice, and the very language of our subject; about the role of abstraction, ofproof and manners of proof; about the interplay of fundamental intuitions; about algebraic thought in contrast to geometric thought. The richness of mathematics and the philosophy encompassing it is splendidly exhibited over the wide range of time these volumes cover---from deep platonic and neoplatonic influences to the most current experimental approaches. Enriched, as well, with vivid biographies and brilliant personal essays written by (and about) people who play an important role in our tradition, this extraordinary collection of essays is fittingly dedicated to the memory of Chandler Davis, Reuben Hersh, and Yuri Manin.---Barry Mazur, Gerhard Gade University Professor, Harvard UniversityThis encyclopedic Handbook will be a treat for all those interested in the history and philosophy of mathematics. Whether one is interested in individuals (from Pythagoras through Newton and Leibniz to Grothendieck), fields (geometry, algebra, number theory, logic, probability, analysis), viewpoints (from Platonism to Intuitionism), or methods (proof, experiment, computer assistance), the reader will find a multitude of chapters that inform and fascinate.---John Stillwell, Emeritus Professor of Mathematics, University of San Francisco; Recipient of the 2005 Chauvenet PrizeDedicating a volume to the memory of three mathematicians – Chandler Davis, Reuben Hersh, and Yuri Manin –, who went out of their way to show to a broader audience that mathematics is more than what they might think, is an excellent initiative. Gathering authors coming from many different backgrounds but who are very strict about the essays they write was successfully achieved by the editor-in-chief. The result: a great source of potential inspiration!---Jean-Pierre Bourguignon; Nicolaas Kuiper Honorary Professor at the Institut des Hautes Études Scientifiques

The Scottish State and European Migrants, 1885–1939: Managing Foreignness (Palgrave Studies in Migration History)

by Terence McBride

This book examines the efforts of the government in Scotland to manage the increase of migrants travelling to Britain at the end of the nineteenth century. Focussing on the period between 1885 and 1939, the book explores how the Scottish machinery of government handled the administration of ‘foreigners.’ The author uses a comparative, thematic approach to analyse migrant experiences, identities, and relationships with state institutions. Drawing from state records held by the National Records of Scotland in Edinburgh, the book argues that Scottish officials in semi-autonomous boards began to recognise, describe and enumerate the presence of the ‘foreigner’ in the early twentieth century, framing their handling of foreignness in accordance with the Aliens Act of 1905. The author goes on to explain that institutions operating in Scotland developed a distinctly Scottish approach to alien matters, which continued up until the Second Word War. Therefore, an increasing number of importantdecisions affecting migrants were taken by a distinctly Scottish machinery of government, impacting on how Scottish officials understood foreignness, and how those identified as foreigners understood their identity in relation to Scottishness. Contributing significantly to current heated debates on migration and identity amongst researchers and the general public in Europe and beyond, this book provides essential insights into the ways in which a ‘sub-state’ began to develop practices, processes and attitudes towards migration which were not always in line with that of the central government.

Goethe als Naturforscher im Urteil der Naturwissenschaft und Medizin des 19. Jahrhunderts: Themen, Texte, Titel

by Dietrich von Engelhardt

Goethe als Naturforscher findet bei deutschen und ausländischen Naturforschern und Medizinern des 19. Jahrhunderts durchgängig Beachtung und führt zu einer Fülle spezifischer Goethe in dieser Hinsicht gewidmeten Studien mit Interpretationen und Beurteilungen – neben wiederholt vorkommenden knapperen Ausführungen oder kurzen Hinweisen in naturwissenschaftlichen und medizinischen Publikationen der Zeit. Übergreifende Veröffentlichungen über Goethe und die Romantik, über seine Stellung in Europa, über seine Beziehungen zu England, Frankreich, Italien, Spanien, den skandinavischen und slavischen Ländern behandeln meist nur seine literarischen und geisteswissenschaftlichen Werke und gehen allenfalls begrenzt auf seine naturwissenschaftlichen Beiträge und ihre Aufnahme in den Naturwissenschaften und Medizin ein. Diese fachspezifische Zurückhaltung gilt auch für Bibliographien der Übersetzungen deutscher Veröffentlichungen des 19. Jahrhunderts in europäische Sprachen; naturwissenschaftliche und medizinische Publikationen kommen in ihnen nicht oder nur sporadisch vor. Der vorliegende Band schließt diese Lücke. Neben einer umfassenden Bibliographie von 260 Titeln von Naturwissenschaftlern und Medizinern über Goethe als Naturforscher steht eine Wiedergabe von 48 entsprechenden nicht nur deutschen, sondern vor allem auch internationalen und oft an entlegenen Orten erschienenen Arbeiten.

The Kinsmen Universe

by Ilona Andrews

** PREVIOUSLY PUBLISHED - This is an anthology edition of the Kinsmen Universe, which includes SILENT BLADE, SILVER SHARK, plus a new short story, and three original illustrations.**Family is everything. Talent is power. And revenge is sweet. In a distant, future world Kinsmen-small powerful groups of genetically and technologically advanced families-control vast financial empires. They are their own country, their own rulers, and their only limits are other Kinsmen. The struggle for power is a bloody, full-contact sport: in business, on the battlefield...and sometimes in the bedroom.Silent BladeOld hatreds die hard. Old love dies harder. On the planet Rada, Meli Galdes' family is of minor rank, and were relying on her marriage to Celino, the razor-smart, ruthless leader of the powerful Carvanna empire. When he abruptly breaks their engagement, he ruins her family and guarantees that Meli will never marry, as no suitor will oppose the rich and influential Carvannas. But Meli has a rare, secret, lethal-and valuable-talent. As a melder of energy, she's capable of severing anything in her path. So she 'leaves' her family and trains to become one of the best and most lethal of assassins, all the while covertly guarding her family's interests. Now she's ready to quit; but she has one more assignment. To kill the man who ruined her life. Silver SharkClaire Shannon is a killer...and her weapon is her mind. Born on a planet torn by war for over 300 years, Claire is a soldier: a psycher, with the ability to read, control, and destroy the minds of enemy psychers and to infiltrate the biological network where they battle to death. When Claire's faction loses the war, she barely escapes extermination from both sides, as her talent brands her as too dangerous to society. By so-deeply burying her ability that she avoids detection, Claire is instead deported to Rada as a refugee, where she must find work to remain. She finds a job as personal assistant to Venturo Escana, a premiere kinsman; one of Rada's most wealthy entrepreneurs—and most powerful psychers. She thought she had left war behind, but now she must hide her skills and her growing feelings from Venturo...and this battle might just cost her everything... A Mere FormalityThe leader of the fierce Reigh people expires during an intergalactic summit, putting 30 million colonists' lives and livelihoods in jeopardy. When the new heir to the Reigh throne, Lord Nagrad, demands restitution, the phrase "'a life for a life" turns the intergalactic calamity into an arranged marriage contract between Lord Nagrad and sharply intelligent diplomatic analyst Deirdre Lebed... and the negotiation of terms becomes anything but formal!

Iron and Magic: (the Iron Covenant Book 1) (The Iron Covenant #1)

by Ilona Andrews

The Iron Covenant Book 1No day is ordinary in a world where Technology and Magic compete for supremacy…But no matter which force is winning, in the apocalypse, a sword will always work. Hugh d’Ambray, Preceptor of the Iron Dogs, Warlord of the Builder of Towers, served only one man. Now his immortal, nearly omnipotent master has cast him aside. Hugh is a shadow of the warrior he was, but when he learns that the Iron Dogs, soldiers who would follow him anywhere, are being hunted down and murdered, he must make a choice: to fade away or to be the leader he was born to be. Hugh knows he must carve a new place for himself and his people, but they have no money, no shelter, and no food, and the necromancers are coming. Fast.Elara Harper is a creature who should not exist. Her enemies call her Abomination; her people call her White Lady. Tasked with their protection, she's trapped between the magical heavyweights about to collide and plunge the state of Kentucky into a war that humans have no power to stop. Desperate to shield her people and their simple way of life, she would accept help from the devil himself—and Hugh d’Ambray might qualify.Hugh needs a base, Elara needs soldiers. Both are infamous for betraying their allies, so how can they create a believable alliance to meet the challenge of their enemies? As the prophet says: “It is better to marry than to burn.” Hugh and Elara may do both.

Magic Tides (Kate Daniels: Wilmington Years #1)

by Ilona Andrews

Ilona Andrews invites you back to the #1 New York Times bestselling Kate Daniels series in this exciting new long novella featuring Kate, Curran and Conlan, some familiar faces, some new friends, and all the special brand of chaos they create!Kate, Curran and their son, Conlan have left Atlanta, vowing to keep a low profile, and are settling into a new city and new house…but some things never change! Magical mayhem is about to erupt when Kate undertakes the rescue of a kidnapped youth, while Curran guards the homefront.It should be a simple retrieval, but with monsters on land and sea, Kate’s got her work cut out for her. Still, she's never let her blade dull or her purpose falter. And that low profile? It’s about to wash away with the raging tides!

Magic Stars (Grey Wolf #1)

by Ilona Andrews

From award-winning author, Ilona Andrews, an original novella, set in the New York Times #1 bestselling Kate Daniels World and featuring fan-favorites, Derek, and Curran and Kate’s very independent ward, Julie. Scarred, solitary Derek Gaunt has separated from his Pack, and is truly a lone wolf. With no family he answers to no one; but is fiercely loyal to a chosen few. So, when several of those close to him are murdered, he’ll stop at nothing to hunt their killer through the magic-drenched streets of Atlanta. >br> Never one to be left on the sidelines, equally determined—some might say stubborn—Julie Lennart-Olsen soon joins in his pursuit; and what began as revenge turns into a race to save the city. Their search pits them against powers they never imagined and magic so old, it predates history. It may cost Derek his life, but there are things for which even he would risk everything. “The Wolf and Herald are not to be missed!” — “Ilona Andrews pens my favorite flavor of keeper novel: tough characters, marvelous voice, fast-paced with that sharp edge of humor that adds the final grace note.” —Patricia Briggs, #1 New York Times bestselling author of Fire Touched “One of the brightest voices in urban fantasy. Ilona Andrews delivers only the best.” —Jeaniene Frost, New York Times bestselling author of Bound by Flames

Blood Heir (Kate Daniels World #1)

by Ilona Andrews

From award-winning author, Ilona Andrews, an all-new novel set in the New York Times #1 bestselling Kate Daniels World and featuring Julie Lennart-Olsen, Kate and Curran's ward.Atlanta was always a dangerous city. Now, as waves of magic and technology compete for supremacy, it’s a place caught in a slow apocalypse, where monsters spawn among the crumbling skyscrapers and supernatural factions struggle for power and survival.Eight years ago, Julie Lennart left Atlanta to find out who she was. Now she’s back with a new face, a new magic, and a new name—Aurelia Ryder—drawn by the urgent need to protect the family she left behind. An ancient power is stalking her adopted mother, Kate Daniels, an enemy unlike any other, and a string of horrifying murders is its opening gambit.If Aurelia’s true identity is discovered, those closest to her will die. So her plan is simple: get in, solve the murders, prevent the prophecy from being fulfilled, and get out without being recognized. She expected danger, but she never anticipated that the only man she'd ever loved could threaten everything.One small misstep could lead to disaster. But for Aurelia, facing disaster is easy; it’s relationships that are hard.

Trial by Betrayal: Yr4 - The Nightshade Guild: The Trials Of The Guild (YR4 - The Nightshade Guild: The Trials of the Guild #3)

by Jennifer Wedmore

Morwen and Fauxon made it home from 1968, but there's no time to relax! The Creator of Magic said they are abusing their powers and doing more harm than good. Morwen has to prove she is worthy of magic, the Guild, and herself. She's facing seven trials with family and friends as her accusers. Can she survive the emotional toll of each person's accusations? She has to convince the judges, and most importantly herself that her actions in the Guild were with the best of intentions, but can the words hurled at her shake her confidence or will she be found innocent and keep her place in the Guild? Seven trials to determine her fate. Seven trials to determine if she keeps her life with Fauxon and her Magic.

Healing the Soul of America: Reclaiming Our Voices as Spiritual Citizens

by Marianne Williamson

Healing That Reaches Beyond the SelfIn this landmark work, Marianne Williamson reminds us that there is a point in everyone's spiritual journey where the search for self-awareness can turn into self-preoccupation. All of us are better off when contemplation of holy principles is at the center of our lives. But it is in applying those principles in our lives that we forge the true marriage between heaven and earth.In the compassionate but clear-eyed prose that has won her so many avid readers, Williamson shows us that the principles which apply to our personal healing also apply to the healing of the larger world. Calling on Americans to turn the compassion in our hearts into a powerful force for social good, Williamson shows us how to transform spiritual activism into a social activism that will in turn transform America into a nation seriously invested in the hope of every child and in the potential of every adult.

The Laird Who Loved Me (The MacLean Curse Series #5)

by Karen Hawkins

New York Times bestselling author Karen Hawkins entrances with the story of a proud Highlander and the impulsive English minx who resolves that, one way or another, he will be…The Laired Who Loved Me.Handsome Alexander MacLean enjoyed his intoxicating flirtation with lovely Caitlyn Hurst…until she embarrassed him in front of the entire town. Orchestrating Caitlyn&’s attendance at a fashionable house party, Alexander plots her downfall. But to his fury, her charm and wit thwart his plan to ruin her. Her disastrous London season left Caitlyn filled with regret and determined to make things right with Alexander. She&’s delighted to find him at the house party to which she&’s unexpectedly invited—but it&’s clear that the sexy, arrogant Highlander hasn&’t forgiven her. So, Caitlyn comes up with a bold scheme, proposing an unusual contest drawn from legend: each must complete a set of mythic tasks. If Caitlyn succeeds, Alexander promises to relent and forgive her previous rash behavior; if he succeeds, she will join him in his bed! But can Caitlyn force Alexander to give up his quest for vengeance without giving up her heart in return?

The Falcon Thief: A True Tale of Adventure, Treachery, and the Hunt for the Perfect Bird

by Joshua Hammer

A rollicking true-crime adventure about a rogue who trades in rare birds and their eggs—and the wildlife detective determined to stop him.On May 3, 2010, an Irish national named Jeffrey Lendrum was apprehended at Britain&’s Birmingham International Airport with a suspicious parcel strapped to his stomach. Inside were fourteen rare peregrine falcon eggs snatched from a remote cliffside in Wales. So begins a tale almost too bizarre to believe, following the parallel lives of a globe-trotting smuggler who spent two decades capturing endangered raptors worth millions of dollars as race champions—and Detective Andy McWilliam of the United Kingdom&’s National Wildlife Crime Unit, who&’s hell bent on protecting the world&’s birds of prey. The Falcon Thief whisks readers from the volcanoes of Patagonia to Zimbabwe&’s Matobo National Park, and from the frigid tundra near the Arctic Circle to luxurious aviaries in the deserts of Dubai, all in pursuit of a man who is reckless, arrogant, and gripped by a destructive compulsion to make the most beautiful creatures in nature his own. It&’s a story that&’s part true-crime narrative, part epic adventure—and wholly unputdownable until the very last page.

On Shadow Beach

by Barbara Freethy

The second book in a heart-tugging contemporary romance series from bestselling author Barbara Freethy, set in the California town of Angel&’s Bay.Lauren Jamison hasn&’t been back to Angel&’s Bay since she was a teenager—not since her sister Abby was murdered and Lauren&’s boyfriend, Shane Murray, was accused of the crime. When Lauren reluctantly returns home to assist her ailing father, the old attraction again flares between Lauren and Shane. But the terrible days after Abby&’s murder still stand between them, as well as the secrets Shane has yet to unveil. Finding the truth could bring closure—but at a cost. For there are people who don&’t want old mysteries brought to light—people whose fear makes them very dangerous.

Heart of Fire

by Linda Howard

A fabulous lost Amazon city once inhabited by women warriors and containing a rare red diamond: it sounded like myth, but archaeologist Jillian Sherwood believed it was real, and she was willing to put up with anything to find it—even Ben Lewis.Ruffian, knock-about, and number one river guide in Brazil, Ben was all man—over six feet of rock-hard muscles that rippled under his khakis, with lazy blue eyes that taunted her from his tanned face. Jillian watched him come to a fast boil when she refused to reveal their exact destination upriver in the uncharted rain forests—and resolved to stand her ground. Neither of them could foresee what the days ahead promised: An odyssey into the fiery heart of passion and betrayal, and a danger that would force them to cast their fates together, immersed in the eternal, unsolved mysteries of love...

The Fast: The History, Science, Philosophy, and Promise of Doing Without

by John Oakes

With fasting at an all-time high in popularity, here is the first deep exploration into the surprising history and science behind the practice—essential to many religions and philosophies.Whether for philosophical, political, or health-related reasons, fasting marks a departure from daily routine. It involves doing less but doing less in a radical way. Based on extensive historical, scientific, and cultural research and reporting, The Fast illuminates the numerous facets of this act of self-deprivation. John Oakes interviews doctors, spiritual leaders, activists, and others who guide him through this practice—and embarks on fasts of his own—to deliver a book that supplies readers curious about fasting with profound new understanding, appreciation, and inspiration. In recent years, fasting has become increasingly popular for a variety of reasons—from health advocates who see fasting as a method to lose weight or to detox, to the faithful who fast in prayer, to seekers pursuing mindfulness, to activists using hunger strikes as an effective means of peaceful protest. Notable fasters include Moses, Buddha, Jesus, Muhammad, Gandhi, George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, Emily Dickinson, Mark Twain, Cesar Chavez, and a long list of others who have drawn on its power over the ages and across borders and cultures. The Fast looks at the complex science behind the jaw-dropping biological phenomena that occur inside the human body when we fast. Metabolic switching induced by fasting can prompt repair and renewal down to the molecular level; such fasting can provide benefits for those suffering from obesity and diabetes, cancer, epilepsy, cardiovascular disease, neurodegenerative disorders, and more. Prolonged fasting can serve both to reinvigorate the immune system and to protect it against damage. Beyond the physical experience, fasting can be a great collective unifier, an instant leveler that connects us purely by virtue of being an act accessible to all, and it has been adopted by religions and political movements all over the world for millennia. Fasting is central to holy seasons and days such as Lent (Christianity), Ramadan (Islam), Yom Kippur (Judaism), Uposatha (Buddhism), and Ekadashi (Hinduism). On an individual level, devout ascetics who master self-deprivation to an extreme are believed to be closer to the divine, ascending to enlightenment or even sainthood. Through the ages, fasting in the name of justice—a hunger strike—has signaled purity of intent and action. It&’s a tactic that demands commitment, serves to highlight the cruelty of those in authority, and appeals to shared values: that we&’re united by a common humanity and we deserve to be heard. Advocates who have waged hunger strikes include Gandhi in India, Bobby Sands in Ireland, and the Taxi Workers Alliance in New York City. Fasting reminds us of the virtues of holding back, of not consuming all that we can. Ultimately, this book shows us that fasting is about much more than food: it is about taking control of your life in new and empowering ways and reconsidering your place in the world.

Swimming Back to Trout River: A Novel

by Linda Rui Feng

A &“beautifully written, poignant exploration of family, art, culture, immigration…and love&” (Jean Kwok, author of Searching for Sylvie Lee and Girl in Translation) set against the backdrop of China&’s Cultural Revolution that follows a father&’s quest to reunite his family before his precocious daughter&’s momentous birthday, which Garth Greenwell calls &“one of the most beautiful debuts I&’ve read in years.&”How many times in life can we start over without losing ourselves? In the summer of 1986, in a small Chinese village, ten-year-old Junie receives a momentous letter from her parents, who had left for America years ago: her father promises to return home and collect her by her twelfth birthday. But Junie&’s growing determination to stay put in the idyllic countryside with her beloved grandparents threatens to derail her family&’s shared future. Junie doesn&’t know that her parents, Momo and Cassia, are newly estranged from one another in their adopted country, each holding close private tragedies and histories from the tumultuous years of their youth during China&’s Cultural Revolution. While Momo grapples anew with his deferred musical ambitions and dreams for Junie&’s future in America, Cassia finally begins to wrestle with a shocking act of brutality from years ago. For Momo to fulfill his promise, he must make one last desperate attempt to reunite all three family members before Junie&’s birthday—even if it means bringing painful family secrets to light. Swimming Back to Trout River is a &“symphony of a novel&” (BookPage) that weaves together the stories of Junie, Momo, Cassia, and Dawn—a talented violinist from Momo&’s past—while depicting their heartbreak and resilience, tenderly revealing the hope, compromises, and abiding ingenuity that make up the lives of immigrants. Feng&’s debut is &“filled with tragedy yet touched with life-affirming passion&” (Kirkus Reviews, starred review), and &“Feng weaves a plot both surprising and inevitable, with not a word to spare&” (Booklist, starred review).

The Beekeeper's Daughter: A Novel

by Santa Montefiore

“Escapism of the highest order” (Booklist) from the #1 internationally bestselling author, her first book set in America, the story of a mother and daughter searching for love and happiness, unaware of the secrets that bind them.England, 1932: Grace Hamblin is growing up on the beautiful estate of the Marquiss and Marchioness of Penselwood. The beekeeper’s daughter, she knows her place and her future—that is until her father dies and leaves her alone. Her childhood friend Freddie has recently become her lover, and she is thankful when they are able to marry and take over her father’s duties. But there is another man whom she just can’t shake from her thoughts… Massachusetts, 1973: Grace’s daughter, Trixie Valentine, is in love with an unsuitable boy. Jasper Duncliffe is wild and romantic, and in a band that might be going somewhere. But when his brother dies and he is called home to England, Jasper promises to come back for Trixie one day, if only she will wait for him. Thinking Trixie is surely abandoned, Grace tries to reach out to her daughter, but Trixie brushes off her mother’s advice and comfort, sure Jasper’s love for her was real… Both mother and daughter are searching for love and happiness, unaware of the secrets that bind them. To find what they most truly desire they must confront the secrets of the past, and unravel the lies told long ago. Set on a fictional island off the coast of Massachusetts with charming architecture, beautiful landscape, and quirky islanders, The Beekeeper’s Daughter is “a multigenerational banquet of love…one of the most engrossing reads of my year” (New York Times bestselling author Elin Hilderbrand).

Dead Ends (Jettine Jorgensen Mystery Series #3)

by S. L. Menear

Mystery and Murder Collide in an Unforgettable Soiree of Suspense in Dead Ends, a Murder Mystery from S.L. Menear— Palm Beach County, Present Day —When a renowned British MP is found murdered, Jettine Jorgensen finds herself at the heart of another chilling mystery. Just two months following the harrowing body-drop murders, Jett hosts a ten-day Mystery Fest at her illustrious Valhalla Castle, bringing together the crème de la crème of mystery aficionados, each with secrets lurking beneath their practiced exteriors. But the mysterious and sinister death of the MP is just the beginning.Amid the ensuing chaos, a seance led by best-selling author Lady Amelia Ainsworth unveils disturbing accusations, drawing Jett's international guests into a web of suspicion. But, when the body count begins to rise, loyalties are tested, forcing Jett to unravel a complex tapestry of deceit, utilizing her unique intuition and the spirit world.But with her closest friend entangled in a love affair with a suspected murderer and her own heart torn between duty and desire, Jett faces her most personal challenge yet as she searches for a killer before the curtain falls on her own story.Publisher’s Note: Dead Ends is the third in a series of suspenseful mysteries with a baffling series of crimes that lead three female sleuths to surprising discoveries and shocking resolutions. Readers who enjoy clean and wholesome entertainment with a touch of humor, romance, and paranormal will not want to miss this exciting series.The Jettine Jorgensen Mystery SeriesDead SilentDropped DeadDead EndsDead ReckoningAbout the Author:A trailblazer in aviation, Sharon shattered the glass ceiling as US Airways' first female pilot in 1980, a time when women pilots constituted less than 0.5% of the global total. Her peers dubbed her "Bombshell," a testament to her standout presence in a male-dominated field. Sharon skillfully piloted an array of aircraft, including Boeing 727s and 737s, DC-9s, and BAC 1-11s, ascending to the rank of captain in just seven years.Her journey into aviation was preceded by a glamorous stint as a water-sports and boating model, followed by globetrotting adventures as a flight attendant for Pan American World Airways. Sharon's passion for flying extends to piloting antique and experimental aircraft, as well as engaging with fighter airplanes in diverse international settings.Now residing on a picturesque South Florida island, Sharon continues to inspire readers through her rich legacy in aviation.

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