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Showing 12,926 through 12,950 of 16,971 results

Just Desserts (Fountas & Pinnell Classroom, Guided Reading)

by Jackie Parker Chris Coady

NIMAC-sourced textbook. Standing Up to Alice. Elizabeth puts up with giving her own food to Alice, the Head Girl at the orphan school, but she can't stand watching the other girls starve. Alice is big, strong, and mean—and she carries a switch for beating. How can Elizabeth stand up to her?

Intern to a Monster (Fountas & Pinnell Classroom, Guided Reading)

by Jackie Parker Eoin Coveney

NIMAC-sourced textbook. A DREAM IN DANGER. Rudi's job as junior intern on a movie set is his first step toward the life of his dreams—being a screenwriter himself. But the star of the movie is threatening to stop Rudi's career dead in its tracks—before it even gets started.

Dress Up (Houghton Mifflin Leveled Books)

by Linda Parker Johanna Westerman

NIMAC-sourced textbook

Scene Design and Stage Lighting

by W. Oren Parker R. Craig Wolf Dick Block

Packed with professional information and cutting-edge technologies, SCENE DESIGN AND STAGE LIGHTING, Ninth Edition, equips you with the most up-to-date coverage available on scenery, lighting, sound, and technology. Completely current, the exciting new ninth edition mirrors the best of real-world practices. Vibrant color production photographs support the text and spotlight examples of contemporary work. Scenery design and technology coverage includes a strong emphasis on modern technology, while changes in the lighting section reflect the latest practices. Coverage of sound for the theatre reflects the digital age in which we live and work. The text also includes an expanded section on television design, as well as greater emphasis on health and safety issues. The authors emphasize collaboration in all sections of the new text, and they provide insight via interviews with professional lighting and scenery designers in two features: "Working Professionals" and "Designers at Work. " Reflecting current professional practice, SCENE DESIGN AND STAGE LIGHTING, Ninth Edition, offers in-depth coverage of a broad range of topics, making it the most detailed and comprehensive text available in the scenic and lighting design and technology fields.

The Four Boxes

by Brenda Parkes Oki Han

NIMAC-sourced textbook

Kakadu Jack

by Brenda Parkes Guy Parker-Rees

NIMAC-sourced textbook

Mouse's Hat (Fountas & Pinnell Classroom, Guided Reading Kindergarten)

by Jesse Parks Tom Bonson

NIMAC-sourced textbook

Stuck! (Fountas & Pinnell Classroom, Guided Reading)

by Jesse Parks Robert Dunn

NIMAC-sourced textbook. Up in the Tree Top. Little Lion likes to climb with Little Baboon. They climb to the top of a tree. But can Little Lion climb down? Or will he be stuck in the tree?

The Sleepy Cat (Fountas & Pinnell Classroom, Guided Reading Kindergarten)

by Jesse Parks Emma Levey

NIMAC-sourced textbook

Succeeding in Life and Career: Foundations Of Human Studies

by Frances Baynor Parnell

NIMAC-sourced textbook

Succeeding in Life and Career, Foundations of Human Studies

by Frances Baynor Parnell

Succeeding in Life and Career is an advanced comprehensive text designed to help teens adjust to change, especially as they become young adults. A lifespan development chapter provides understanding of how people change over time, from newborn to older adult. Career readiness is stressed, and each of the 16 career clusters is explored along with related jobs and their requirements for success. Skills development, financial literacy, healthy lifestyles, housing, and transportation topics are also included. Students gain hands-on experience building a portfolio by completing chapter projects, preparing them to create employment portfolios in the future. Critical thinking features found throughout the book develop student college and career readiness skills. Classroom learning and FCCLA participation are encouraged through chapter ending activities.

Perspectives on the American Revolution

by Angelo Parra

To some, England had the right to govern the thirteen American colonies. To others, England was violating the colonists' rights. Still others took no side. Which would prevail: loyalty to the king, freedom now, or peace at any price? Read these essays to find out. (Set of 6 with Teacher's Guide and Comprehension Question Card)

Patrick Henry's Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death

by Angelo Parra Jeffrey Fuerst

Perform this script about the ideas, courage, and consequences behind one of America's most famous speeches, Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death.

Stable Boy at the Alamo; Monitor vs. Merrimack: Clash of the Ironclads

by Angelo Parra Martin Hargreaves

Harold Evans, a stable boy at the Alamo, is fighting alongside other "Texians" for independence from Mexico. As the enemy attacks the fort, Harold comes face to face with General Santa Anna. What will the Mexican leader do? Union sailor Will Randall and Confederate seaman Eli Reynolds are engaged in battle. Whose ironclad, the North's or the South's, will be the victor? Read these stories to find out.

Ben Franklin, Apprentice Printer; The Education of Abigail Adams

by Angelo Parra Helen Pavlac

What will teenage Ben Franklin do to get his stories printed in his brother's newspaper? How will a chance meeting with young John Adams change Abigail's attitude toward school and learning? Read this book to find out.

Newcomers to America

by Angelo M. Parra Sr. Patricia Olaya

Angelo is journeying from Puerto Rico to the U. S. to begin a new life. What will life be like for the ten-year-old boy in New York City? Patty thought her life in Colombia was ideal, but now her parents are taking the family to the U. S. What will eight-year-old Patty discover about her new home? Read these memoirs to find out. (Set of 6 with Teacher's Guide and Comprehension Question Card)

Go to the Extreme (Into Reading, Level T #87)

by John Parsons

NIMAC-sourced textbook

Hasta el límite (¡Arriba la Lectura!, Level T #87)

by John Parsons

NIMAC-sourced textbook. Compartimos el planeta con algunas formas de vida asombrosas que habitan lugares que nos parecerían muy peligrosos para visitar. Aquí leerás sobre algunas criaturas inusuales que viven en filtraciones submarinas por donde brotan químicos hirviendo, fosas oceánicas a profundidades a las que no llega la luz solar y rocas que están muy por debajo de la corteza terrestre.

El mundo secreto de los códigos (¡Arriba la Lectura!, Level V #73)

by John Parsons

Durante miles de años, los seres humanos han usado códigos para comunicarse. Desde códigos visuales a códigos de escritura y códigos cifrados, todos han servido para transmitir mensajes secretos. Pero ¿sabías que los idiomas que lees y escribes también son códigos? Conoce cómo se han usado a lo largo del tiempo las letras, los números y los dibujos para la comunicación. NIMAC-sourced textbook

A Secret World of Codes (Into Reading, Level V #73)

by John Parsons

NIMAC-sourced textbook. For thousands of years, people have used secret codes to communicate. From picture codes to written codes and ciphers, codes help people pass secret messages to one another. But did you know that the languages you read and write are also codes? Learn how people throughout time have used letters, numbers, and pictures to communicate.

El trombón problemático del tío Jacob (¡Arriba la Lectura!, Level O #10)

by John Parsons Rae Dale

NIMAC-sourced textbook

Uncle Jacob's Troublesome Trombone (Into Reading, Level P #10)

by John Parsons Rae Dale

NIMAC-sourced textbook

El ataque del inmenso caracol zombi (¡Arriba la Lectura!, Level W #89)

by John Parsons Ian Forss

El caracol de jardín común es bastante inofensivo y, según Simón, también es bastante útil para deshacerse de plantas no deseadas, como las verduras. Pero cuando la tía Augusta comienza a recombinar su código genético en la Sede Universitaria para la Red de Estudios sobre Moluscos (o SUPREMO), el caracol se convierte en algo que está lejos de ser inofensivo. NIMAC-sourced textbook

Attack of the Giant Mutant Zombie Snail (Into Reading, Level V #89)

by John Parsons Ian Forss

NIMAC-sourced textbook. The common garden snail is pretty harmless and, in Simon's opinion, also quite useful for disposing of unwanted plants, such as vegetables. But when Aunt Augusta starts recombining their genetic code at the South Queens University Institute for Research into Mollusks (or SQUIRM), the snails become anything but harmless.

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