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More NIMAC books are available at www.nimac.us. If you find your title in the NIMAC and not in Bookshare then please contact us to request it.
Accentuate the Negative, Integers and Rational Numbers
by Glenda Lappan James T. Fey William M. Fitzgerald Susan N. Friel Elizabeth Difanis PhillipsNIMAC-sourced textbook
Accentuate the Negative, Integers and Rational Numbers (Texas)
by Glenda Lappan James T. Fey William M. Fitzgerald Susan N. Friel Elizabeth Difanis Phillips WestWordsNIMAC-sourced textbook
Acciones y reacciones de los personajes: Textos Para La Lectura Atenta (Texts Close Reading Ser.)
by Benchmark Education Co. LLC StaffNIMAC-sourced textbook
Achieving TABE® Success in Reading Level M [Grade 9-12]
by Linda Kwil Sean Klunder Genevieve KelleyTheAchieving TABE Successfamily is designed to provide complete skill preparation and practice for TABE 9&10, encompassing Reading, Mathematics and Language, for levels E, M, D and A. This series of books will help students achieve NRA gain through targeted instruction that specifically addresses TABE 9&10 skills. Achieving TABE Success . . . workbookscontain the following features: TABE 9&10 Correlation Charts Each text contains a TABE 9&10 Correlation Chart that links each question to targeted skill lessons, enabling instructors and students to build a personalized study plan based on skill level strengths and weaknesses. Pre-tests and Post-tests Each workbook begins with a pre-test and a skills correlation chart to help diagnose strengths and weaknesses and determine TABE readiness. The format of each pre- and post-test matches that of the actual TABE test. Targeted TABE Skill Lessons Each lesson specifically targets a TABE skill. Students work with the innovative lesson format that provides step-by-step instruction to help insure success. The Mathematics lessons offer plenty of instruction and practice to help master each TABE skill. In the Reading and Language workbooks, the lessons are divided into four parts for a graduated approach to learning: Introduceclearly defines, explains, and illustrates the skill, and includes examples. Practicepresents work related to the skill just introduced. Applyreinforces the skill through activities and exercises. Check Upevaluates student comprehension. Unit Reviews and Math Glossary Unit reviews are divided into two parts: Review, which summarizes unit content, and Assessment, to determine student understanding. Mathematics texts contain a Glossary of Common Terms to help students with the language of math. Achieving TABE Success in Reading . . . Readersare coordinated with their respective Reading workbooks, to strengthen skills by applying examples and questions that are pertinent to the skill covered in the workbook. Text/TABE Level Content Level Level E 2. 0 - 3. 9 Level M 4. 0 - 5. 9 Level D 6. 0 - 8. 9 Level A 9. 0 - 12. 9
Achieving Tabe® Success in Reading Workbook, Level M [Grade 9-12]
by ContemporaryTheAchieving TABE Successfamily is designed to provide complete skill preparation and practice for TABE 9&10, encompassing Reading, Mathematics and Language, for levels E, M, D and A. This series of books will help students achieve NRA gain through targeted instruction that specifically addresses TABE 9&10 skills. Achieving TABE Success . . . workbookscontain the following features: TABE 9&10 Correlation Charts Each text contains a TABE 9&10 Correlation Chart that links each question to targeted skill lessons, enabling instructors and students to build a personalized study plan based on skill level strengths and weaknesses. Pre-tests and Post-tests Each workbook begins with a pre-test and a skills correlation chart to help diagnose strengths and weaknesses and determine TABE readiness. The format of each pre- and post-test matches that of the actual TABE test. Targeted TABE Skill Lessons Each lesson specifically targets a TABE skill. Students work with the innovative lesson format that provides step-by-step instruction to help insure success. The Mathematics lessons offer plenty of instruction and practice to help master each TABE skill. In the Reading and Language workbooks, the lessons are divided into four parts for a graduated approach to learning: Introduceclearly defines, explains, and illustrates the skill, and includes examples. Practicepresents work related to the skill just introduced. Applyreinforces the skill through activities and exercises. Check Upevaluates student comprehension. Unit Reviews and Math Glossary Unit reviews are divided into two parts: Review, which summarizes unit content, and Assessment, to determine student understanding. Mathematics texts contain a Glossary of Common Terms to help students with the language of math. Achieving TABE Success in Reading . . . Readersare coordinated with their respective Reading workbooks, to strengthen skills by applying examples and questions that are pertinent to the skill covered in the workbook. Text/TABE Level Content Level Level E 2. 0 - 3. 9 Level M 4. 0 - 5. 9 Level D 6. 0 - 8. 9 Level A 9. 0 - 12. 9
Across a Stream
by Stephen Cosgrove Pam Hirschfeld Karen LeonPerform this script about a family of settlers and a Native American tribe that live across the stream from each other in Montana in the early 1800s.
An Act of Courage: The Story of Viola Desmond (Fountas & Pinnell Classroom, Guided Reading)
by Marie Spencer Carlo MolinariNIMAC-sourced textbook. A Night at the Movies. Viola Desmond was looking forward to a quiet night at the movies. But her evening didn't turn out as planned. Instead, Viola took a stand that helped change the course of history.
Active Chemistry: Project-Based Inquiry Approach
by Arthur Eisenkraft American Institute of Chemical EngineersNIMAC-sourced textbook
Activity Book 1, Comprehension and Skill Work, Units 1-7
by Sopris West Educational ServicesA Level One reading comprehension workbook.
Activity Book, Grade 4, Unit 1: Personal Narratives
by Core Knowledge FoundationNIMAC-sourced textbook
Activity Book, Grade 4, Unit 7: American Revolution
by Core Knowledge FoundationNIMAC-sourced textbook
Activity Book, Grade 5, Unit 1: Personal Narratives
by Core Knowledge FoundationNIMAC-sourced textbook
Activity Book, Grade 5, Unit 2: Early American Civilizations
by Core Knowledge FoundationNIMAC-sourced textbook
La actuación sorpresa de Zac (¡Arriba la Lectura!, Level L #59)
by Cameron Macintosh Tom JellettNIMAC-sourced textbook. Todos en la familia de Zac son artistas de circo, ¡menos Zac! La familia está ocupada ensayando su presentación del sábado por la noche. Pero el día antes de la gran función, algo sale mal. ¿Podrán Zack y su loro, Plumón, salvar la situación?